THURSDAY, MARCH 27th, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMIANvILLE. ONTARIO) Oshawa Presbyterial W.M.S.' Hold Oshawa Presbytermal wood, Orono; president, Mrs. W. Exceeds Allocation P. Rogers, Bowmanville; lst vice- president, Mrs. T. Norton, Locust Delegates r rentîn mm Hill; 2nd. vice-president, Mrs. L. bership of SAprseinog aizaion W. Dippell, Bowmanville; record- in~ ~ É the Osa' rg aeiao theing secretary, Mrs. Roy Cornîsh, Womnan's Missionary Society of Port Perry; secretary, Mrs. Elton the United Church of Canada met Werry, Ebenezer; treasurer, Mrs. March 18th i Simcoe Street Un- Albert Wilson, Oshawa; secretary, ited Church, Oshawa, for their Christian Stewardship and Fin- 19th annual meeting. The 1,500 ance, Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Or- members laSt year contributed ov- ono; secretary of Mission Cîrcles, er $2,35 athogh teirallca-Mrs. P. L. Jull, Brooklin; secre- erion 37 w asolthouh1tir57. c- tary of Affiliated C.G.I.T. groups, Then aleae was Misy$s0257 Miss Jean Battie, Oshawa; secre- A h pca pakrwsMs tary of Mission Bands, Mrs. Lloyd Adelaidie Harrison, United Church Ashton, Bowmanville; secretary missionary from West China, who of Baby Bands, Mrs. Stephen Say- returned to Canada in 1938 to re- weîî, Oshawa; Associate memi- tire but went back to China for bers' secretary, Mrs. Claude Ives, another termi owing to the short- Whitby; supply secretary, Mrs. age of missionaries and at the ur- N.* J. White, Brooklin; commun- gent. request of the West China ity friendship secretary, Miss Nora Mission. Werry, Kedron; literature secre- The president, Mrs. W. P. Rog- tary, Mrs. Bruce Harrison, Black- ers, Bownanvîîîe, presided and stock; Missionary Monthly and receivedwreborts, among them that World Friends secretary, Miss Ma- of the nominating committee bel Davey, Orono; secretary for which was accepted. Mrs. Rog- temperance and Christian citi- ers is one of the many officers zenship, Mrs. C. W. Siemon, Bow- re-elected for 1947. manville; press secretary, Mrs. E. * Siate of Officers A.,- Henley, Oshawa; secretary of Past presîdent, Mrs. S. Little- affiliated societies, Mrs. J. V. Mc- Sprlng is Rere f Now is the time to have the roof that has to be opened Insulated, or side-walls done. Don 't wait for the hot weather or the rush of fal business, you pay more then. Sealtîte Home Insulation WITH ROCK WOOL 47 Queen Street F. A. BRUCE Bowinanville, Ontario Hebecourt Prospecting & Mlining Syndicate A PROMISING GOLD PROSPECT 15 clainia comprising 600 acres in the Lightning River Area on the Destor Porcupine Break. Units arInow available at $3.00 per unit exchangeable for 50 sares of vendors' stock per unit in a company to be formed at an early date. For Further Information Apply Room 312 m 67 Yonge St., Toronto JOHN C. COX, Syndicate Manager. Delegates Appointed tTo Conference Branch The Oshawa Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society Lof the United Church appointed delegates to the School for Lead- ers and to the Conference Branch meeting. To the School for Leaders Miss Loreen White of Maple Grove was appointed delegate from the Western Section of the Presbyter- ial. The appointment of one from the Eastern Section was postpon- ed. Delegates to the Conference Branch meeting in Port Hope, on April 22-25, are: Mrs. W. P. Rog- ers, Bowmanville; Mrs. Thomas Norton, Locust Hill; Mrs. L. W. Dippell, Bowmanville; Mrs. Elton Werry, Ebenezer; Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Orono; Mrs. Roy Cor- nish, *Mrs. Bruce Harrison, .Black- stock; Miss Nora Werry, Kedron; Mrs. E. A. Henley, Oshawa; Mrs. Richard Hoskin, Bowmanville, and Mrs. N. F. Kirkland, Oshawa. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Mission Band Secretary, presentedý awards to the following Mission Bands which had achieved the standard of recognition: Greenwood, Hamp- ton, Newcastle, St. 'Andrew's, of Oshawa, Brooklin and Enniskil- len. A ljarge and- interesting exhîbit of missionary literature was on display and invited inspection at the noon hour, at least by those delegates who did not attend the treasurers' conference, conducted by the Presbyterial treasurer, Mrs. A. R. Wilson, Oshawa. Facts and Figures About Prembyterial Because the meeting of Oshawa Presbyterial of the Woman's Mis- sonary Society of the United Churcb was an annual one, there badý to be reports, but that does not imply they were duil, for they were not. Figures tell a great deal and here are a few selected -from the "Story of the Year" com- piled by Mrs. Milton Werry, cor- responding secretary. The depart- ment secretaries supplemented Mrs. Werry's story. Oshawa Preslbyterial contains 23 Auxiliaries (often called W.M. S.) with a total membership of me 1,016; ten Evening Auxiliaries WC rwith a membership of 332; and las seven Affiliated Societies with Of 146 members. This makes a at:i grand total of 1,494 members, an Un increase of 146 over 1945. hal The Auxiliaries contri'buted last a n year $8,2'81.55; Evening Auxiliar- Gei ies $2,732.30; and Affiliated So- Chi cieties, $143,97. In addition to these groups there are in the Presbyterial three Mission Circles, 16 affiliated C.G . I.T. groups, 26 Mission Bands and 25 Baby Bands. The Baby Bands have 935 members (wouldri't you M~ like to see them ail together?) and they (or their mothers) contirib- uted $215.48. Supply Department with 35 sec- retaries sent bales valued at $408 to North Frontenac. Practise Friendliness The Cammunity Friendship secretaries reported, that 7,300 calîs had been made last year, an increase of 393. Sixteen Auxiliaries reported they followed a reading course. The bighest average of mission- ary books read by a member was six. The Missionary Morithly is sub-~ scribed for by 794 persons in the ' Presbyterial while 54,1 are report-. ed getting World Friends. Press Department annaunced that 249 regular meetings had been reported and 55 special cnes. Seven Auxiliaries made scrap books which were judged and, a W prize was awarded to Auxiliary of the Simcoe Street Cburch, Osbawa. the Total amount sent by Presby of th terial to Conference Branch trea- awa. surer was $12,375, which was $2,- West 118 in exc'ess of the allocation and as a also $640 more than the contribu- yean tion in 1945. page Neely, Oshawa; Candidate secre- tary, Mrs. M. F. Kirkland, Osh- awa. The following members of the finance committee were elected: Mrs. A. A. Drummond, Orono; Mrs. Albert Wilson, Oshawa; Mrs. W. P. Fletcher, Oshawa; Mrs. T. M. Slemon, Enniskillen and Mrs. A. W. Richardson, Whitby. Mrs. Elton Werry presented an informative "Story of the Year" sketching briefly the work of each secretary's department and then the secretary, herself, made a stili briefer statement. Because of a shortage of paper in Britain today, Shakespeare is difficult ta get and there is a scarc- itv nf RJ.Ih1pç. Town Hall gates were reminded of their res- Mrs. Agnes Shepard of Caesarea. W. C. Vincent and Mrs. R. Phil- ponsibilities.1 The house was beautifully dec- lips. The time was épent in plea- s 9 h n u a ee i g of the Courtesy Comjmittee, mov.. ips and other spring flerDur- rerniniscences of the pas:. _________________________________________________ Ms. .a J Lormro n bans e wh i orte wîtroesanfd is, ul- sant alk f crrentevent and HEADS PRESBYTERY W.A. Speaker Urges W.A. had helped make the meeting of some 75 relatives and friends cail- lovely gifts and nearly one hun- the Preshyterial a success. ed to congratulate and wish her dred letters and cards from friends Members Assume Adopt Resolutions many happy returns of the day. in various parts of Canada and Responsibilitues bys AtW Richardson ofWhit..Ccl lio tea, United States. She is active and by resntei fomtheresluton an sadwihes cokis ad brt- halty adthoroughly enjoyed "The best contribution church committee, several strong recom- day cake were served to the the celebration. We wish her people can make is to enter for mendations. The women were re- guests by Mrs. W. A. Jackson, Mrs. many more such occasions. Christ into every sphere of life," quested to refrain from us'ing - declared Mrs. I,,. J. Halpenny, of cocktails and also from serving Toronto, vice-pfesiderit of the Do- them in their homes. In view of minion Woman's Association the many fatal burnings when- Council, addressing the annual children are left at home alone, meeting of Oshawa Presby-tery parents were reminded, of their M 5 KING ST., WEST W oman ep n ii ty's Association. The speak- e po sb-iy t wad t ei=a 5 2 g er urged the 64 registered dele- ilies. Parents were also exhortedM gates and the other W.A. mem- te make every effort to instil aM bers present to assume - their res- love of good literature in their ponsibility although the reward children and to encourage temp- is only more responsibility. erance education. OIIRD I Mrs. Halpenny based ber talk Attendance at questionable pic-- ïe-on "Esther, the Patriot." The al ture shows was deprecated in an- ternative to be faced today is ed- other resolution and parents were 1 Given Better Service .. ucation or extermination, she urged te substitute other enjoy- pointed out. ment for their children. The del-W Mie o ete evc One-haîf of the 3,0000 o egates were asked to pledge spe- men in Canada are members ofca esna efotoicrseW nRe iedB U. women's organizations.Ifteegvns Incneio with Sab women were challenged with a bath observance, family attend- _______________ Mrs. Clayton Lee dynamic program instead of beng ance at church was urged and alsoM offered an afternoon of entertain- every effort to keep Sunday as a Who is the president of the ment, much she said, might 'be day of rest and meditation. Oshawa Presbytery Woman's As- P ITN accomplished. Mrs. Kenneth Werry extended P ITN PAPERING ? M ociation which «held its first an- nual meeting in Oshawa Jast week. Not Easy to Follow an invitation on behaîf of St. Paul's United Church, Bowman-UESAF'!UESTELN S Couage dvoton stckto-t-ville, te the Presbyterial te holdÉ GUEST SPEAKER îveness and faith are four quali- its next annual meeting in that à' ties needed. It takes some capa- church. The invitation was ac-= For a better, more igh naty apae bilities to be followers, she added. cepted. ecnomcahM Quain dapesen "Don't criticize anyone whose of- ________________ paint job. -any plaig eim fice and, responsibility you are un- willing to take.""O e Hos" eIi Mrs. Halpenny defended the A use of the singular noun, woman 'S, For Mrs. A.3hepard __~T ciaton a d W m an's Mi ssnary 9 Oth B irth d ay E cin theo nameWoman's Assonr F e C e____ mu Society. The singular form was A happy gathering met at the = chosen intentionally in order to home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ab- 21=~ Stesindividual responsibility, ram, 28 Alcina Ave., TontnE- PHONE - ~ - she revealed. 2 7 March l9th we21oe7hus"4 The speaker pleaded for Chris- was held afternoon and, evening *tion witness in the home and in honor of the 9Oth birthday of pointed out its good effect upon th e ch ild ren . T h e W .A . sh ou ld _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ explore avenues of service to young people's groups and Vaca- tien Bible Schools and also to the people of Europe thi'ough the Save te Childiren Fund and Parcels for Biihfamilies. The W.A. be- .. longs te a world-wide as well as to a local fellowship, she said. At the morning session. The worship service was conducted by Mrs. J. L. Halpenny Mrs. Robert Fursey, assisted by Who addressed the *first annual Mrs. Frank James. Mrs. Fursey Leeting of the Oshawa Presbytery took as her topic, "The Waste of roman's Association in Oshawa Sin," as suggested. by the Parable at Walker's you wil tind the very Iatest in style st week. She is vice-president of the Prodigal Son. adfasio. Eeyhn htge oc m l ion Council, chairman' of the treasurer, reported $65,40 in the your outfit: Blouses ... Gloves . . . l-and- nited Church Committee on Re- treasury. ibilitation fohh rsd n h olwn omteswr ags . . Scarves . .. e ler . . . rnember of the Exqputive of the elected: Parsonage, Mrs. Mcmn- owr ...Hadecif Ltu hepy l d iurch of Canada, son, Port Perry; Mrs. Clifford the Easter Parade.. . MISSIONARY SPEAKER Naylor, Columbus; Mrs. H. Fer- gson, BOwmnl;a nd;.J Mr.m.TabAn Hroo;Mears. Eveshaett Mouno,C A M N Keron; And. rs. Pogue, A. l- tondseeOmiatingMrs. Clr.ncS.y Disn, Cohawa; Mrs. Hengeldy Broklsi Mr. Lld Peggfm, o Greenwoodl; cMrzs. D R.AlreadW. Bowanv WileandMrs. J. Ahom- er, OBastc;Mrs. . TC. Ives sernta r . Fi st n i po tan e i o r ast r C at * Me rs. W.a F. Ma r l P gu ,-Al-rs.Il*hli hts f r S rng ae r se t d Hao d Boyso f Whti tbete ci he e xct g ne f sh.s.TS.o e an okinvitationLtoyhePesbyery . n rsyco atso TihgrdS o er BA. to hold is. WemI-annuaFor. sngly ite or y ad e meeWtiginWhitby, ctobliera9tIuolaedo >1itantinviwasiaccete.Pprnecllrlss ii al hene Spigshades. Sizes 12 to 20. MissAdeaideHaris- -Pes.wt-r-a . W*. .S,%P Hold Next Meeting St. Paul's, Bowmanville The afternoon session of the l9tb annual meeting of the Osh- awa Presbyterial of the Woman's Missîonary Society of the United Church of Canada, held' in Sim- coe Street United Church, Osh- awa, was fittingly prefaced by a 15-minute organ recital by Mr. R. G. Geen. The opening prayers were led by Mrs. G. C: Quigley, Bowman- ville, who prayed for Unity in the Home; by Mrs. Charles Mal- colm, Whitby, who prayed for Unity in the Church, and Mrs. Rowe Seymour, Enniskillen, for Unity iný the World. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, con- ducted an open forum on the theme, "The Crusade Continues." She was assisted by Mrs. Vernon Osborne, Oshawa; Mrs. A. E. Bul- lett, Hampton; Mrs. Richard Hos- kin, Bowmanville; Miss Kay Hor- nick, Oshawa, and* Miss Alice 01- ver, Brooklin. Keen interest was shown in Mrs. Osborne's account of the organiz- ation and activities of the Hap- py Doubles' Club in King Street United Churcb, Oshawa. One point stressed was that through this club memnbers are secured for the Officiai Board of the local cburch and teachers for the Sunday Tho was the special speaker at the Oshawa Presbyterial of Woman's Missionary Society ,he United Cburch held in Osh- aShe returned recently from t China where she bas served a missionary for more than 30 rs. Her address appears on e 16 of this issue. Ladies' Auxiliary To Legion Entertain Cobourg Ladies Here Ladies' Auxiliary of Canadian Legion entertained the Cobourg Branch of Ladies' Auxiliary at a St. Patrick's Party on Marcb l7th. Miss Betty Flaxman, R.N., was the special guest of the evening. Forty Cobourg ladies and seventy Bowmanville ladies made up a very sociable and happy gather- ing. Guests were enetertained by piano solos by Shirley Bate; three popular sangs by Don Spence, and Mrs. G. Page, Cobourg, re- cited -nn aId favourite "'The Bishop and the Caterpîllar." Mrs. Gatchel favoured with "Burlington Bert- le;" Mrs. T. Wright and Mrs. E. Large received loud applause dressed as -Pat and Mike" in plug hats, canes, pipes and bows of shamrock green. The remainder of the evening was spent in games. sing-song and dancing. Lunch was served by Mrs. Kennedy and ber committee. Bowmnanville FRIDAY, APRIL' llth, 1947 VaudWlle includes: SCOTTY McGREGOR, Scottish Piper and Dancer DAFOE, Magician and Escape Artist BETTY GREER, Soprano TWQ AND ONE HALY HOURS OF FUN Curtain at 8:15 p.m. ADMISSION - -50 Five-Pbiece Orchestra=ZE 3R PROCEEDS FOR BOWMRANILLE LEGION BUILDING PUNI) Tickets may be secured from Legion Members or The Radio Shop - J MiIOIIII ~ ini 1 Extends Welcome Community efforts to welcome back returned men and to wel- came their overseas' brides were given in interesting detail. At Hampton, each of the 40 returned men was presented witb a beau- tifully bcund Bible. Mrs. Charles Wight, Bowman- ville, had charge of the open for- umn on "Christian Stewardship." Associated witb her were Mrs. Cameron Quigley, Mrs. Stuart James and Mrs. Lucas Nicholîs, ail of Bowmanviîîe; Mrs. H. F. Osborne, Courtice, and Mrs. Ar- thur Blanchardl, Hampton. Vis- itation evangelism was stressed in this discussion. The Cburch, declared Mrs. Wight, shauld go ta the people. ,Mrs. A. A. Crowle sang "A Lit- tle Bit of Love," accompanied- at the piano by Mrs. Cecil Worden. Rev. George Telford, conduct- ed an impressive installation ser- vice in which the new officers cf the Presbyterial and the dele- JUNIOR MISS SPRING COATS For Now and Later Coats with ail the casual tailoring cf big sister's. Coats with simply every- thing... Stýy1e! Dash! Newness! Neat boxY styles in soft polo coh ~ . C'hoose yours today. Sizes 8 to 14x. Small Sized Fashions FOR BOYS AND GIRLS COATS They'I1 look as cute as Baster bunnies, ail dressed up on Easter Sunday. Tog them in one cf these coats . . . for the wee lady . . . fine wocl coats. Some with bonnets, some with- ont. For the very small man an aIl-wool velour coat with match- ing Eaton eap. Sizes 3 te 6x. $ 12*95 00 $14*95 4004tI Phone 451 THIE MODERN STORE Bowmanvlle COBOURG LEGION CONCERT PARTY PR:ESENTB CEId Time IIick Face 4UIsT-uLL SIM-ICW PAGE TMMTEM Li Phone 494 1 MI L 10 U 1 D c-r PAST IE 1 $29*50 $15*95