PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN ~TATL~MAN ~flWIIANV1?.LU OWPA~Tfl Bowmavili. Tmes Port Hope In Inter Hockey Opener The Bowmanville Intermediate Pepsi Cola Hodkey team ran up against stiff competition in the firat lague game of the season played against Port Hope, Janu- ary 2nd at Port Hope. Traiiing most of the way, the Pepsis direw even in the closing minutes to win a 4-4 tie. In ten minutes of over- ie the tie remained unbroken. Both teams took the ice with new players and action was the order all the way. Port Hope had a team of young players well bal- aced with a couple of veterans. Don Gilhooley and McTavish were new men on the Pepsi lineup. Dàgger Dawley, Port Hope goalie, played a sensational game against the sharp sbooting Bowmianville WANTED Old Horses Hlghest Market Priaes Paid Truck your horse to us or Phone KNOX FUR FARM Orono - Phone 64r2 Formerly Doc Sherwin's Farm BLENDED JUICE GAPFIT PRUNES 80-90 - a CU"VYSALT 8YMINGTON'8 FIGS GENUINE -- LAYEREFIGS ôOCROWN a Th ply At nine minutes in the first period, Kip Douglas re- gistered, for the Ports. At 18 min- utes Bird evened for Pepsis. In the second period Douglas and Cane combined to beat Mutton. With two minutes to go Gilhooley scored to tie it Up. The third period was torrid hockey with the Ports kid line pressing. At 10 minutes Keeler tallied and Kip Douglas marked up bis third, four minutes later. Pepsis were down 4-2 witb six minutes to go. Piper and Bird drilled one home at 17:58 and with only 40 seconds to go Gil- booley tied the count. Pepsis had two in the smn-bmn in overtime but ragged successfully for a tie. Yourth and Gilhooley played brilliantly. Kip Douglas stood out for the Ports. Pepsis: Goal,' Muton; defence, Piper, McCullough; centre, Gil- hooléy; wings, Bird, Wiseman; al- ternates, Haliman, Ott, Yourth, McTavish. Ports: Goal, Dawley; defence, K. Douglas, B. Douglas; centre, Bradley; wings, Rowden, Asbby; subs., Dotzko, Keeler, Zealand, Freeman, Way, Cane. Referee, Morrison, Oshawa. Local Ski Fans HoId Thnilling Outing At Dorland Hilis Over the last weekend some 35 Bowmanville ski enthusiasts again trekked north to the Dor- land Hilîs for a thrilling outing. Each member of the party brought along lunch and refreshmçnts for the intermission between the fast flying slides. Naturally with many amateurs there were many spilîs but no casualties. Only one pair of skis were put out of action, 2 2-oz5. S17e 8V2-OZ' 18e Pkg. U Slb. 22g $Mal iOn Pl". 19 GEAPE.amvaaTEXAS MARSH for ~ UM FUT SEEDLESS 96's e5 As N~S B.C. DELICIOUS, Farscy . Doz. APlx and Extra Fancy 113's 4 DRUSSELS PIGUTSFresh Green GREN DANIDA -lb. s CAMOTS WASHED No. 1 3 lbs..10 WAXED No. 1i . .* . lb. CLFORNIA ICEBERG .ach CALIU.S.No. 1 48s 17 LETTU ~ LARGE ORIGINAL * ..h DEOCCOii BNH2 SPORT NEWS Bantam Hockey League Sponsored by Rotary Off to Rousing Start The Bowmanville Bantam Hockey League gets under way next week with doubleheader games played each Monday and Thursday evenings at Rotary Rink from 6 to 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Rotary Club Youth Ser- vice Committee and three btisi- ness firms, the four teams in the league are designated as follows: 1. Canadian Statesman team. 2. Edward's Motor Sales 3. Sheppard and Gill 4. Bowmanville Rotary For real high class excitement thepeople of Bowmanville will get hockey thrills rigbt at home at the times above mentioned. Ahl the boys must 'be undqî the age of 15 as of Nov. 1, 1946. Here's a chance to boost them along for the hockey teams of the future. Jack McNulty, proprietor of McNulty's Sport Shop, wbo organ- ized the league will be the coach for the season. The sponsors have provided uniforms, sweaters, sox, goal equipment for the col- orful games. Mr. McNulty asks that ahl boys in town in the age AigriPAGE OVIN FRUSH MILK BREAD WHITE WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT 2 24 oz.c 10avesi5 law qm-- ,q CUDSTOM GUOUND TO YOUR OWN METHOD) OF O RIWING, THERESY ASSURING YOU TRUE COFFEE FLAVOUR AND FRESHNESS BOKAR -Ao 1b39 8o'cLock lb 35C *TAN DARD ]PUAS « 2 23< - DI~ANS 20-az. 3 NORVALL'8 MALTED NILK - Tin 69e LI BBY'S NIUSTARD 2 Jar 15e BULK WHITE Is DEANS « e3 Im.23c - FRV'S 1<CGCOA a Slb. 31qt 1< CHOICE PRUNE PLUS - 2 Tins31< 5e CLARK'S IRISH §4 STEW - - 2 Tins35e 04 0-80-EZY LIQUID Bti. -.ý APENN MOTOR5 V GIL * Tinz87 CHOICE LAMB LEGS lb. 42c - M a ib. 31c - ILb25C - m a ib. 47c TENTH TMR , George Pingle Native of Bowmanville, who at the recent civie elections in Ot- tawa was elelted alderman of the Capital City hfr the tenth term. This speaks well for George's popularity, as well as recognition by his fellow citizens of his ex- ecutive ability in administering the affairs of a great city. The Statesman joins with his many friends back in the home town in extending. sincere congratulations and hoping it won't be long be- fore he will be relieving Mayor Lewis -of bis.oneroug duties. brackets specified, wbo wish to catch a place on the teams should report to him. From the above four teams an ail-star aggregation will be chos- en to be known as Bowmanville Bantam Ail-Stars and the team will be entered in the O.M.H.A. eligîble for the provincial cham- pionship playdowns. For ahl O.M.H.A. games, Mr. Found of Orono bas generously donated free use of Orono Rink. Mark your calendar now and be on band Monday, January l3th, at ,*Rotary Park, 6 to 8l p.m. for the opening doubleheader of the Ban- tam League. Six Team Int. O.H.A. Scheduled With Bowmanville Entry The Peterborough Legionnaires and the Petes-Omemee Combines will both play O.H.A. Intermed- iate "A" hockey this season in a grouping with Lindsay, also an "A" team, and Whitby, Bowman- ville and Port Hope as "B" en- tries. They will play a one-and-a- half schedule, ail but Bowman- ville (which club has no home ice) which will play a single schedule, the standing to be computed on a percentage basis on games won and lost. The two leading "A" teams, provided one finishes first in the schedule, will have a best- of-five playoff series, the winner to go into "A" playdowns. If no "A" team finîshes in front, none can go into playdowns. The two leading "B" teams, stage a best- in-three playoff, with the winner going into "B" playdowns. It was decided to have a lines- man at each game, with the home club supplying him. The Petes play home. games in Omemee, while Lakefield is home ice for Legion. Bowmanville play some "home" games in their opponents' town and the odd one in Port Hope as well. Top teams in group playoffs get first and odd games, though the gates are split evenly. The scheduled opened January 2nd with Bowmanville at Port Hope. Lindsay met the Petes- Omemee crew in Omemee the next night, whîle Legion doflot get into action until January 10, as they are waîting for the Lake- field rink to be put in shape for the hockey season. Whiie both "A" and "B" winners are suppos- ed to be declared by March lat, it was feit tbey might get a leeway of a week from the OHA., since aIl clubs in this group depcnd up- on natural ice. The schedule: January 2-Bowmanville at Port Hope 3-Lindsay at Petes 6-Port Hope at Whitby 7-Bowmanville at Lindsay 9-Petes at Port Hope 10-Whitby at Legion Bowmanville at Petes 13-Petes at Whitby 14-Port Hope at Legion 15-Legion at Bowmanviile 16-Lindsay at Port Hope 17-Legion at Lindsay Whitby at Petes 20-Lindsay at Whit'by 21-Bowmanville at Legion Whitby at Port Hope 23-Whitby at Bowmanville 24-Legion at Petes Port Hope at Lindsay 25-Lindsay at Bowmanville 27-Legion at Whitby 28-Port Hope at Bowmanville 31-Port Hope at Legion Petes at Lindsay February 3-Bowmanville at Whitby 4-Petes at Bowmanville Whitby at Legion 6-Legion at Port Hope 7-Lindsay at Legion Port Hope at Petes 10-Port Hope at Whitby 1 1-Legion at Petes Lindsay at Port Hope 14-Whitb'Y at Lindsay Petes at Legion 17-Petes at Whîtby 18-Legion at Lindsay 20-Petes at Port Hope Whitby at Lindsay 21-Lindsay at Fetes Men's hearts ought flot to be set against one another, but set with one another, and all against evil only.-Carlyle I TCHI O Money 840k FSr quk reUd f rom f 1d Sumd by' eoema, stalem Uoohm ecauorta .»d ucfoem Junior O.H.A. 'C" Schedule Drawn Up Includes Five Teams particulars of which may be learn- ed from Len Knight if he can be induced to talk. There were plenty of bruises re- corded which will also remain an anatom.ical secret unless visual evidence can be 'persuaded from the recipients. In spite of ail these niinor sore points a grand time was had and the gang was ready to wend homeWard at 4 p.m. ful of firm resolutions to return at the first opportunity. With weather permitting the ski club intends to return to the sanie ski run at an early 'date. An in- vitation is extended to new can- didates who are requested to bring their own equipment as well as their own lunch. For information as to the time of leaving please see or phone Jack Cameron at Breslin's Store or Art Hooper, proprietor of Hooper's Gift Shop. Juveniles Win Midgets Lose ln Hockey Openers Moe Breslin took bis Juvenile and Midget hockey teams to Or- ono, Thursday evening, January 2nd, to play the opening games in the Lakeshore League. Pitted against Port Hope teams made up of Port Hope and Cobourg play- ers the resuit was a win for Bow- manville Juveniies, 10-7, and a ioss for the Bowmanville Midgets 10-0. Both games were bard fought witb many penalties band- ed out. Juveniles had as many as three in the smn-bmn at one time or they would bave won by a wider tnargin. Midgetý, a comparatively new aggregation, sbowed flashes of good form but inexperience against heavier opponents found them outclassed. But, said Coach Moe, they've got the stuif and will corne along fine. As to the Juveniles, be declared that they were the best team on balance that he bas coached in the past ten years. Coming up from Mid- get ranks they have developed into c'hampionsbip form. Wbat with 27 goals registered in the two games and the many penalties banded out, little at- tempt was made to keep track of who scored. the goals. Stutt in goal for the Midgets was injur- ed during the game but returned to finish bis task amidst a bar- rage of shots. The two teams tangle with Orono-Newcastle, on Tuesday night at Orono. Juveniles: Goal, Rowe; defence, Tighe, Cattran; centre, Hooper; wings, Cowle, Sturrock; subs., Le- vitt, Dustan, Hamilton, Piper Gai- lagher, Perfect. Midgets: Goal, Stutt; defence, Breslin, Disley; centre, Kilpat- rick; wings, Lunney, Shaw; subs., Ricý, Hawes, Sellers, Dilling, Masters. Kendal Mrs. Tremaine, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. M. Robinson. Mrs. Norman Patton in Peter- boro. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny have re- turnecl from Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Low, Shir- ley and brothers, Toronto, witb Mr. and Mrs. Art Low. Mr. and Mrs. Aylward. Little and Alec, Toronto, With Mrs. Ne- va Little. Miss Mary Mercer, Mr. Barney Watters and, Miss Juanita Mercer with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mer- cer. Juanita spent the week home with ber mother who bas been on the sick list but is feeling bet- ter now. Miss Georgina Darlington, Ajax, 4NORTHERN ELECTRIC Mantle Radios A smart, 5-tube radio ln attractive 'plastic cabinets DARK MODELS $30. 25 WRITE MODELS $31.35 IEDIATE DELIIVERY MURPHY'S [phone Sil 57 King St. W.1 OnL 1~ The following is the hockey schedule for the -Junior O.H.A. "C" League, comprised of Ux- bridge, Wjliitby, Port Perry, Port Hope and Orono: It la a long schedule, with eacb team playing 16 games: January: 1-Uxbridge at Whitby. 3-Whitby at Port Perry Uxbridge at Orono 6-Orono at Port Hope 7-Port Hope at Uxbridge 8-Port Perry at Whitby 10-Whitby at Orono Uxbridge at Port Hope 14-Whitby at Uxbridge Port Perry at Orono 15-Port Hope at Wbîtby 17-Port Hope at Port Perry 20-Wbitby at Port Hope Orono at Port Perry 21-Port Perry at Uxbridge 22-Orono at Wbitby 24-Whitby at Port Perry Port Hope at Orono 27-Port Perry at Port Hope 28-Orono at Uxbridge 29-Uxbridge at Whitby 31-Uxbridge at Orono .Port Hope at Port Perry Februdry: 3-Orono at Port Hope 4-Whitby at Uxbridge 5-Port Hope at Whitby 7-Whitby at Orono Uxbridge at Port Perry lO-Orono at Port Perry il-Port Hope at 12-Port Hope at Whitby 14-Uxhridge at Port Hope Port Perry at Orono 17-Port Peri-y at Port Hope 18-Orono at Uxbridge 19-Orono at Whitby 20-Whitby at Port Hope Uxbridge at Port Perry 21-Port Hope at Orono Port Perry at Uxbridge Cut out this scbedule and bang it up in a prominent place where it will flot be destroyed. e The prettiest and most adorable cotton frocks you 've ever seen, Best of ail, they 're sturdily made for long wear and specially designed for your comfort and ease as you work about home or go a marketing, Choose from our grand new assortment, choose the colors and styles you favour. Housecoats REG. $2.98 and $3.98 SPECIAL .49and z9 0 Colorful cotton print Housecoats that stand up to " tubbin.g. " Plenty of fullness for wrap around. Broken size and color, ranges' priced to clear at Haîf Price. Shop early for these. OUR CORS9T DEPARTMINT TAKES PLEASURE IN PRESENTINO Th BRAS by FLEXEES FLEXAIRE BANDEAUX Ieautifully design.d for Averoue, Full Boso. nd Junior fleur, types, uplift.d, divid.d, 'aoturoi" contours. Dalnty batiste and satin . . .. $1.23 7ddt4e4 cÇto4 i - k0 PHONE 451 spent the holidays at home. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mavin, Bowmanville, on the arrivai of a daughter, Dec. 26; also to Mr. and, Mrs. Milton Lowes (n&e Marjory Patton), Pe- terboro, on the arrivai of a son, Dec. 25. Several carioads of hockey en- tbusiasts attended. the Orono-Ux- Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for OII-O-Maglc OUIlBurners Installed in Any Type of Purnaco Jack Drough Phoneon 2384Ring st.W. THE MODERN STORE bridge hockey game in Orono on Friday evening and report an exciting, close game in favor of Uxbridge. A social evening was helci in the Sunday School roomn Dec. 30. Rev. Bunt presented a lectUre and pictures on mission life in China, followed by a fine programn by the pupils of McLean's and a few pupils of Kendal scbools. Lunch and social haîf-hour finisbed off the evening. A very pleasant and instructive evening was spent at the hoxrie of Mrs. Chas. Thompson and Ar- thur, Friday, when Miss Annie Thompson gave an interesting report to the members of the lo- cal Farm Forum. Miss Thomp- son attended the short course on Public Speaking and Recreation held at Kingston by the Federa- tion of Agriculture and brougbt back many interesting ideas. In spite of bad road6 and. very cold night a large crowd gather- ed in Kendal Orange hall on New Year's eve to celebrate the arriv- al of Mrs. Leonard Buckler, an English war bride fromn Sunder- land, England. Mr. and Mrs. Buckler are at present making their home with Mr. and Mrs. John Patton. Mr. and' Mrs. Buck- 1er were escorted to the plat- form by Roy Patton and the ad- dress of welcome was read by Ar- thur Thompson. Tbe happy cqu- pie were presented with an ocèa- sional cbair, a lovely pair of woollen blankets,' a amoke stand and a card table. Leonard very BOWMANVILLIE fittingly replied and took the oc- casion to thank the W.I. and the community, per Mrs. M. Rob- inson, for the parcels and cigar- ettes sent to hlm wbile overseas. Following the singing of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" speeches were made by the chair- man, Hartweli Lowery and-John Patton, Jas. Swarbrick and Al- bert Mavin expressing pleasure at seeing Leonardý again and, bop- ing that Mrs. 13uckler will like her new home in Canada. The rest of the evening was spent in dancing. After noisily ushering in the New Year, everyone en- joyed a hearty lunch. MEDACIES BIinding pain, con- stant thebbing can unake ni1e a ..ry. Many hesadme may be casedbthfil re of the. kidasys ta duy Of ltering PO& - seaou vastes and exoeaa adda fhm the bIod If kidayg fan and=faearu"mah the. systen .hadaches, bcahoi. h ma&i pains, dithunberegt may oit.. hi low. Deddas Kidney PM&la llp your l12=y acids a. hha yen I..! butur-rat bote- mitk boite. Gel Dgdd'ahd.y.i 0 SAI DINES BRUNSWICK eeeeTin 7 CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES (AT LEAST TWO OF THESE SIZES IN EACH STORE) 288's 252's 220's doz. 21ic doz. 2 3 c doz. 33 c FRONTS lb. 27c CHICKENSMlk Fd Grade A & B lb. 41C RSH SUGGESTIONS SALMON, SULVERBRIGHT by the piece ib. 28c FILLETS lb. 37c SMOKED FILLETS m m -a mib. 32c I 1 pet ------------------------------- - ý - 1 « - -M 1 L IVINt 1 1 -, 1 * ALL COLORiS * L MSI , * PRINTS * STRIPES *MANY STYLES *ALL WASHIABLE I M COD FILLETS, (NONCE SMOKED KIPPERS MELTS OF SOLE P*G£ BIGHT rymrTTIDolrAXF VAILT dui. THE CAMADIM STATISMAN. BOWMANVILLIC. OhwÉAPAO 1849