Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1947, p. 8

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PAGE MOR C'I AM.ATITAT M Anrt.nr.DA.. Tv - - - The Newcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 UUUmmum MDUMU M-- UUl UUZUu j .wAa.a.LOW CT.rILJNS OF with lis mother, Mrs. William NEWCASTLE: Buckley. On JanuarY 7 you wiIl be given Misses Lida and Muriel Lake, anl OpportunitY to show that New- Bank af Commerce, Toronto, with Icaate iS "No Mean City." their mother, Mrs. Frank Gibson. The Bowmianville Hospital Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, nheds our help. We have been home far Christmas. utUlxng fta facilities for quite a Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowther num2ber of years and at no ex- have returned from visiting their pense ta this municipality as a son and dauglter-in-law, Mr. and Whole. IDurig ail that tine the Mrs. Robert Crowther, Toronto. "weleome" sigu lias 'been at its Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber door. and baby, Toronto, with the lat- N'ow, however, that a number ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert of anSurance organizations are Duck. guaranteeing hospitalization ta its Miss Margaret Gryce, is spend- patrons and these opportunities ing Christmas and New Year's are being subscribed ta more and witl her sister, Mrs. Rowden, of mare each year, these hospital fa- Part Hope. cilities may 'be called upan ta a Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Gray and straining Paint. The new hospital daugîter Susan are spending the will overcome that possi'bility, holiday season witl Mrs. Gray's give us the same free access as parents in Leamington. previausly, and as mnedical men Miss Frances Toms, Montreal, we need not hesitate ta apply for Que., is visiting her mother, Mrs. accommodation for aur patients. Harold Toms. A number of years ago when I Messrs. Harold Hoar, Toronto, liad the honor of a seat at your Ted Hoar and Miss Lenore Colla- council table, niy platform was cutt, Maple Grave, with Mrs. E. that the expense of a project that C. Hoar. would benefit the whole village Mrs. Gardon Ash and daugh- sliould be met by the village as a ters Margaret and Helen are spen- whole and not 'by subscription. ding a few days in Toronto. The enthusiast could subseribe as Mrs. A. Wetlerell is visiting weil should 1lie sa desire. But, her daughter, Mrs. Bessie Wright, Ladies and Gentlemen, wlen you in, Toronto. vote "Yes" ta this hospital dona- Christmas services were held in tion you will be able and proud, Mill St. United ClurcI on Sun- that you have througli yaur taxes, day, Dec. 22nd. At the morning given the apportunity of first service the choir rendered special class haspitalization ta a neighbor music "The First Christmas who may be not quite as iucky as Morn" and the "Birthday of a you are. King," the solo part being taken Be sure ta vote and vote "ýYes.,, by Mr. Glenn Allun. Mr. J. S. Yours sincereîy, Dyer sang the solo "Star of Beth- J. Ainley Butler: M.D. lehem." Rev. W. W. Patterson spoke on "What's in a Name." The evening service was mainly carol Miss Mary Dewdney, Bishop singing with Rev. Patterson tak- Strachan School, Toronto, is ing as lis tapie "Giving." spending Christmas vacation with Mrs. Benjamin Moise who is lier parents, Rev. and Mrs. Doug- suffering from a broken hp is las Dewdney. a patient in Ward C, Toronto Mr. George Buckiey, Graven- Western Hospital. hurst, was homne for Christmas, Mrs. George Gray wlo recently The NEWCASTLE wish to extend to ail their patrons and friends a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year. We specialize in good food, teas, banquets and social affairs. J. TAYLOR, Prop. '0 0i YOUR TOV This lurner was the flrst to be i,,l Ëadranteed by imaker 1o4 Wo have bofl mokinsil 011 burners ln Canada i for 16 Years- -'4- mmlI EWW affi w- < fob. - _______ FOR SALE AT C. .artlett phone 525 BRULL SEVICE STATIN 152 Ring St. E. 1pT V %rà-mlwm% -- NEWCASTLE RINK ASSOCIATION Regular Schedule Monday: Skating open 2:30 - Hockey 7:00 - Tuesday: Skating 2:30 - Public School Hockey 4:15 - Skating 730 - Wednesday: Skating 2:30 - Town Hockey League 7:00 - Thursday: Skating 2:30 - Public School Hockey 4:15 - Hockey 7:00 - Friday: Skating 2:30 - Skating 7:30 - Saturday: . Public Sch'l Hockey 10:00 - Town Hockey League 1:30 - Skating 3:30OTOEAIV OIA Skating. 7:30 - Ni 5: 10: 4: 5: 10: 5: 10: 4: 5:ý 10: 5:: 10:ý 12:1 3:. 5:ý iOT OERATVE HOID0Y (Clip out, keep for reference) Wesleyvlle e i:30 ti :15 r ::15 TI :30 :15 e a: :30v '15 r( 15 SI 30 15 b ai :3 B 15 C t hismce.oga' Th nlChristmas rogram ofCuTe nnistSnays rora ofs Courtice nie Sndy heo wra enecember 2nd. TheJ pogramWoped by singing "Jory ta% MteWrldReyfold.Lited by r- er "y Murs. Reynold. Lîsttlor- atnyBr.C.wedcmdor visitors andhrismss.C.AdamtreadBithe ChrisTasloryfromahe' ible.n Do bn ylorgeacredian mtbiners sang a chorus wth otions,"Wie, wanies fthe Oceaa." Theranaanires fom Osaw a, ntertiaand ilmotl togn andTvePl and vilisngc "tas.uThesPrîmry Classosng" "anta Cls. sCPnoming tad the, aesnd Mr C Penoukn n ea te lsso.frthy, HnockGirlson be- haîf So the,pJusnior Girundr Mr.erie, 8.0pfresterBar-in berd his 8.0 or ey Bu id FhrudghieSalmofe waiste tirolsad.The lsofangult Her gi rlmad.Thels sn:g"Shrk Tte Haerad Ans ing." vhleylo tae ifavoys sait, andvoal olo thuer gaeybes angiatnd Rbet taues ave as retoAt themclose ad a gvntI :00 :30 :30 :15 's (Intended for Last Week) There was a good attendance at dhurch Sunday morning ta hear Dr. Oke's Christmas message. Mrs. Carroll Nicholîs sang a very fine Christmas carol. Mr. and Mrs. B. Eden and Pat, wîth Mr. and Mrs. B. Binsted. Several from the community at- tended the beautiful Candieligît Service at Part Hope United Churcl an Sunday evening. Miss Hodgins is spending the Christmas vacation at 1er home in Prescott. Misses Mildred and Pauline Peters with Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Payne. Mrs. L. Dunbar, Toronto, witl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Beigîton. Among Sunday visitors witl Mr. and Mrs. William Payne were Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Payne, Joyce and Maureen, Miss Pauline Peters and Messrs. Carlton and 'Howard Payne.9 We are sorry ta report the iii- ness of Mrs. J. Woolacott, mother of Mrs. Arnold Austin, who un- derwent an operation in Part Hope Hospital on Saturday. Messrs. Murray and Howard Payne attended the Orono Con- tinuation School dance on Friday evening.c Kendal Mrs. T. Hilditch las returned from Toronto. oO Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson lave gone ta Kirby ta spend the winter witl Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Miss Annie Thompson is spend- ing Christmas holidays with 1er mother, Mrs. C. Thampson. Mr. Samn Seanl is spending the winter with bis daughter, Mrs. E. J. Willîamson, London. Roy Sleep is holidaying in To- ronto. Master Carl Langstaff feli and cut lis wrist, necessitating six stitches. Argus Curtis las purchased a truck and is gaing inta the truck- ing business. Miss Margaret Jackson who las been staying with her aunt, Mrs. Wm. Honey, Milliken, going ta High School, is home for holidays. Parents and pupils of S.S. No. 13 enjoyed the pragram and Christmas Tree held Thursday afternoon. A Candlelight Service was held Sunday evening in the Sunday School room, Mrs. Norman Pat- ton, Mrs. Kenny, Mrs. Stoker and Mrs. Reg Elliatt represented four women from India while Miss Annie Tlompson, Mrs. Gardon Martinell, Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Mrs. Mary Luxon represented Canadian women. The candle light represented the ligt of Clistianity shining on Canada and India. Farewell Service We are glad ta report Revý. H. Linstead recavered nicely from his recent illness. He gave lis farewell message Sunday, at the evening service, which combined with Maple Grave, Highway andi Ebenezer. The dhurcI was filled ta capacity. Witl fitting holiday decorations, the White Gift service in the mor- ning was observed, the different classes marching ta the front and making their many offerings. The choir contri'buted suitable music, and Mrs. Harold Muir favored with a vocal sala. During the evening service the C.G.I.T., witl their leader, Mrs. Glen Pickeil, presented the can- dlelighting service, whicl was very effective and, the affiliation of C.G.I.T. witl the Women's Missionary Society was carried out. Witl Mrs. Ken Summerford and Mr. Laird representing Maple Grave, and Mrs. Clarence Pen- found and Mrs. Heron represent- ing the Highway Sunday School and congregation and Messrs. K. E. Courage and Ralph Found, the u h à May health, happiness and prosperity fi your every day of the won- derful New Year to coine. R.W. Bail & sois General Kerchants Taunton - Ontarlo j, BWMYAN~V±LIS, UONTARIJO THURSDAY, JAN. 2nd, 194 Ebenezer appointment, short ad dresses and presentations weri made ta, the Linstead famiiy. EIl Down represented the Young Peo ple's Union. Fitting reply w: made by Rev. H. Linstead. On behalf of Ebenezer congre gation K. E. Courtice alsom pre. sented a well-earned gift ta Mrs Chas. Found, who las acted w organist for gome time. 1 d- re la 0- as 'S 1 sic Ithi jeci M. Cc ncil. --J ~ r TO THE RATEPAYERS VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE We again eail your attention to the vote being taken on Tuesday, Jan. 7th, 1947, for a grant of $2,400 from the Village of Newcastle towards the cost of building a new Mernorial Hlospital in Bowrnanville. We ask you to supportthe grant which is a modest one in view of the need of a larger hospital and the use made of it by the residents of the village of Newcastle. Over 8 per cent of the patients adrnitted to the Bow- manville Hospital during the past years have corne from your village. Bowmanville with less than 50 per cent of the patients to the hospital has made a grant of 100,000 to- wards the new building. Your share on this basis would be over $1 6,000; we are only asking you for the rnodest sum of $2,400. We feel sure that the residents'of the Village of New- castle will appreciate their duty and support the by-law. We al understand that while the present building is large enough to accommodate the Bowmanville residents, it is not nearly large enough to give the proper service to the whole district. The need of the new hospital is great. Give it YOUR support. We urge you not only to get out and vote for the by-law but see that your neighbour gets out to support it also. (JInferted bY Bowmanville HosPital Board ) I underwent a major operation i Oshawa General Hospital is get- ting along nicely. Mrs. Matthew Brown who.-suf- fered a severe stroke the latter part of Octaber is naw able ta sit up for a few haurs each day. Mr. Carl Fisher, Toronto, was home with his mother, Mrs. Earl Fisher for Christmas. Mrs. Joseph Coulson is spend- ing the holiday season in Toronto with her daugliter, Mrs. Reginald Lovekin. Mr. and Mrs. Friedlander and chldren, Toronto, spent Christ- mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeLine. Mr. Harold DeLine, Toronto, was home for Christmas. Mr..George Bonathan, Bank of Commerce, Toronto, was home for Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Sam Bonathan. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, Osh- awa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alec Adair. Mr. and Mrs. D. Griffiths and Joey, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton. Miss Patterson, Garden Hill, with her brother, Rev. W. W. Patterson. Miss Kathleen Roushorn at her home in Queensboro. Mr. Goheen, principal, N.H.S., with his family in Fenelon Falls. Mr. Tracey Manes, Mrs. Emb- ley, Tracey and Ross, and Miss Oldfield with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Gray, Pshawa. Holiday visitors with Mrs. Geo. Richard were Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto; Miss Patricia Pearce, R. N., Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin and David, Ajax, 'Miss Doris Allin, Toronto, Miss Fran- ces Toms, Montreal, Mrs. Harry McBain, Ida, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Allin, Glenn and Ross, Miss Betty Allin, Bob and Morley AI- lin, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Allin, No. 9, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce and children, Mrs. Harry Pearce, Mrs. Joli, Mrs. Mark Allun and Eve- lyn, town. Miss Barbara Bonathan is vis- iting friends in Oakville. Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, Miss Patricia Pearce, R.N., Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin and David, Ajax, with Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mrs. Foster is with Mr. and Mrs. John Sandham. il CouriceS Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Osborn and Lynda, Nobel, with H. F. ani Mrs. Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Courtice wit] relatives at Belleville. Mr. -and Mrs. Ralph Ormistoi and children, Maple Grave, Gor don and Mrs. Osborne. and Lynde Nobel, with Bert and Mrs. WiUu iris and Ormie and Mrs. Robert son. Many Christmas gatheringi were held among which were a the fallowing homes: Cecil Ad am's, Mrs. Ella Balson's, Blakg Oke's, Gardon Trevaul's, anc many others. And one pleasan- p~art was ta welcotne so many a: the boys wha have returned homi during the past year, ta the fes. tive board, which surely diè mean a merry Christmas ta s' many. Mr. and Mrs. Will Young, Aud- ley, with the former's sister, Mrs A. J. Oke, and in company witl Mrs. Oke and Wesley enjoyed Christmas at Peterbora, with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Renaud., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Young. Mr. and Mrs. Will Biekie, Jack and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bickle with Herb and Mrs. Nich- ols, Providence. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worden en- tertained at a family gathering or Christmas Day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barber and Mr. and Mrs. Porter were among the guests at the Ontario Motor Sales banquet. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Symons and son wîth Mr. and Mrs. Baird, af Greenbank. % Mr. andI Mrs. George Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Tubb and son, Gary, with Harry and Mrs. Wil- cox, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Warburton and children with Mr. and Mrs. War- burton, Whitby, and also Christ- mas guests with the latter's bro- ther, at Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Down were host and hostess to their many rela'tives, on Christmas Eve, when a most enjoyable time was spent with Santa Claus unloading the Christmas tree. Their many friends, hope for speedy recovery ta Mrs. W. R. Piekeli, who sustained a broken wvrist, which necessitated her stay at Bowmanville Hospital, and to L~loyd and Mrs. Down, who receiv- ed. many bruises, but baby Down and W. R. Pickell were lucky en- ough to escape. They were re- urning from Cobourg Friday night and due to icy roads their car took to the ditch at Port Hope. The car was quite badly smashed. Miss Louise Pearce has return- ed home from Nanton, Alberta, .fter a pleasant holiday spent vith Mrs. Louis TrulI. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peaker, To- ronto, with W. H. and Mrs. Mar- shall. Messrs. Don Courtice, Peter- oro, and L. J. Courtice, with Ted and Mrs. Rose, Oshawa, also Mrs. Blake Courtice, Miss Florence 'ourtice, Reg.N., and Doug Cour- ne th Dn gs Lt ce Df ie id 30 i- 'S. à TO THE RATÉPAYERS 0F THE VILLAD.E 0F n "J Ennisldllen Edinif ield OF THE 'Ja- 4-IfflfWIAN b-EATF-'-YfiffAlýit TEW TRAINING EMMISSIONER Appointment of Ernest F. Milis fWinnipeg as Commissioner for Iaining on the Dominion Head- uarters staff of the Boy Scouts ssociation is announced byi laj-Gen. D. C. Spry, C.M.G.I .S.O., Chief Executive Commis- >ner.. Mr. Milis has been active, out leader since 1910 and for ie past 20 years has been Ex-! (Intended for Last Week) Your correspondent takes this opportunity ta wish everyone the season's greetings. Mr. and Mrs. L. Griffin with Mrs. M. Griffin. Mrs. J. Kennedy witl her daughter, Mrs. T. Ashton, Toron- ta. Miss Eleanor Hart, Oshiawa, Misses Elsie and Ada Rahm, Bow- manville, at Mr. Cecil Rahm's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke at Mr. John Oke's, Maple Grave. Mrs. E. Workman at Mrs. W. Rahm's. Christmas Visitors: Miss Verna Ormiston at H. Smnith's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, Mar- ilyn and Keith, Greenbank, at E. Prescott's.- Mr. A. J. Tam-blyn, Miss Myrtie Tamblyn, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bowman, Blackstock, at W. Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. T. Willier, Mr. and Mrs. R. Stinson, Miss Vera Stinson, Toronto, Mrs. Norman Stinson and Annie with Mrs. H. Stinson and Norman. Miss Merle Ormiston, Orono, at home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beaton and, Ian, Mrs. L. Pascoe, Miss Bessie Pascoe, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pascoe and family at G. Bow- man's. Mrs. W. J. Ormiston with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stark. Mr. and Mrs. A. W Prescott and family, Mr. Alymer Prescott wîtl Mr. and Mrs. J. Eddyvean, Rich- mond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. M. Samis at F. Abernethy's, Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. F. Samis and Don- na at R. Griffin's, Union. Sympatly is extended ta Mrs. J. Parr in the deatl of her father, Mr. D. Hall, Burketon. Mrs. J. Stark, Mrs. N. Stinson and Anne with Mrs. J. J. Ormis- ton, Raglan, who isý ill. Mr.' and Mrs. H. Smith at E. Ormiston's, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman and family at J. Tamblyn's, Orono. The Christmnas concert was very successful. The children shawed wvell-trained talent in the varied program. The crowd was larger than usual, and Santa a littie liv- lier than usual, ta the deligît of :he yaungsters. Flght Lieut. and Mrs. Norman 3ray and son Bobby, Trenton, Miss Betty Bray, nurse-mn- train- ing, Oshawa Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. J. Bray, Gwen and M'ary. Miss Irene Bray, Toronto,, witl Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray andi MIr. Fred Bray at Braeside for' Christmas. NE CC of T: D.E 1~ m m iý 1 onto, at Rev. R. M. Seymour's. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke who were mar- ried 34 years Dec. 2lst. Glad ta see a goodly number out to clurch ta join in the carois and hear the splendid Christmas message by Rev. R. M. Seymour. The choir sang two Christmas an- thems. The public school lield its an- nual Christmas party Friday niglit with carol singing, 'brightly decorated tree and jolly aid Santa C4a.s. Mr. Harvey McGi1l acted as chairman. Several recitations were given by the smail childreip, also an upside down drill and a I wish ta take this oppartunity ta express my views on the question of whether you are in favour of giving a grant of $2,400 for the new Nemorial Hospital at Bowmanviile. I feel that it wil be of great service ta aur conununity, as I can assure you this new hospital wiil have every canvenience and aur citizens will receive the best of care. I wish ta congratulate the Town of Bowmanville for the spirit of good will shown by them in extending ta us this oppartunity ta help share in the cost of building this new hospital. I ask every ratepayer of Newcastle ta retu.rn the spirit af good will and friendship by going ta the poils on Tuesday, January 7th, 1947, and vote "YU8" for this most worthy cause. Wishing yau one and ail a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. ýl 1 m N EWCASTLE m m 1 ---- GEO. A. WALTON take; Uncle Hiron's Cold; Auntie Christmas; Dickens's Christmas Carols. Miss Dorothy Stainton and Doreen Ralim played piano duets. Mr. E. Workman played several carols on the musical chimes, which everyone enjoyed. Mrs. Workman very ably played for some of the carols. Santals arrivai causedgreatàjnerriment and each chi Id receff a gittas well- as nuts and caked~. Mr. C. Pethick auctianed se*rai boxes, Mrs. H. McGill's gori the high- est, proceeds $310O Loose living starts the marriage knot slipping. 47 '/ ýW.Y4livL4Lo LUI- 01

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