Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1947, p. 12

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'j PAGE TWELVE -~ -----.--, - .v v ~. ~THkI1SDAY, JAN.2d BIRTH ELLICOTT-Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eflicott,' (nee Jéssie Yeflowlees) Wish to annýounce the birth of their daughter Sandra Lenore, on Dec. 17, 1948, at Peterboro Civie Hos- pital. 1-1* EMERSON-Mr. and Mrs. Edgar mron (nee Anne Griffith) are happy to announce the birth of 4heir son, Ian Paul, on Saturday, Dec. 28, 1946, at Women's Coflege Vospital, Toronto. Both doing well. - HENDRY-lCIr. and' Mrs. Alex Hendry (nee Charlotte Gray), of Newcastle, announce the birth of their son, Robert George, at Bowmanville Hospital, December 28, 1946. 1-l* PA TERSON-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Paterson (nee Alice Bennett) 121 Harcourt Ave., Toronto, are delighted to announce the birth of their daughter, Arlene Alice, on Saturday, December 2lst, 1946, at Grace Hospital, Toronto. 1-1 DEATil BELL-At bis residence, Base Line, Damington, on Dec. 31, 1946, Joseph James Bell, beloved bus- band of Leah Plafford, in bis j'4th yeam. Resting at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bawmanville, for service on Thursday, Jan. 2nd, 1947, at 2:30 p.m. Interment in Bawmanville cemetery. CLOUGH-Suddenly, at his res- idence, 116A Kings'ton Rd., Tom- onta, Dec. 31, 1946, Harry Wilson Clougb, age 75 years (Reg. Num- ber 805665, i36th Battalion), be- loved busband of Mary Ellen Mc- Gmath, dear father of Frances (Mrs. L. Healy), Atberly, Ont.; Marion (Mrs. H. Rowley), Tom- onto; Beth (Mrs. J. S. Hill), New Liskeard; Nora and John Clough of Toronto. Resting at the Wm. Sherrin Funerai Home, 873 King- ston Rd. Funeral on Friday mor- ning at 8:30 a.m. ta St. John's Cburch, Kingston Rd., for mass at 9 a.m. Interment Mount Hope cemetery. BOWEN-In Clarke on January 2nd, 1947, Katie J. Holmes, be- loved wife of Henry C. Bowen, in ber 89th year. The funeral will take place from her late residence' Lot 33, Third Concession, Clarke, on Saturday, Jan. 4th, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Orono cemetery. forQUCK RELIE F WHeaclaches, Neuralgia &d WOther Cold DiscomortsU A-SA-REX (Por merlyASA) TABLETS Bottle of Jury C& Lovel BOWMANVILLE JOHNS-At Port Hope, Dec. 28, 1946, Williami Henry Johns, be- loved husband of Mary Ethel Ker- nan, in bis 79th year. Brother of Mrs. Sid Little, Bowmanville. MASON-At Bowmanville, Dec. 29, 1946, Ellen Elizabeth Masoi wife of the late Samuel W. Masbn and dear mother of Mildred (Mrs. S. M. Scott), George and Clarence, ini ber 93rd yeam. POWERS-Suddenly in Orono on Wednesday, Jan. 1, 1947, Cecil L. Powers, dealy beloved husband' of Evelyn M. Clemence and fath- er of Roy and James L. Powems. Resting at the Momris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Fni- day noan; thence ta Orono Un- ited Cburch for service at 2:30 p.m. Interment Orono cemetemy. 1-1 SMYTH-At ber home in Marris- bumg, December 26, 1946, Mrs. Florence Smyth. The funemal service was held at ber late es- idence an Sunday, December 29. 1-1 THOMPSON-In Wingham Hos- pital, on Dec. 27, 1946, David Mat- thew Thompson, beloved husband of Isabella Jane MacKenzie, and dear father of Gardon of Leth- bridge, Alta.; William F. of Tor- onto; Andrew of Bowmanville; and Dr. Kenneth of Chicago. IN MEMORIAM ARMSTRONG-In loving mcm- amy of a dear mother and grand- mother, Margaret Rosanna Arm- strong, wbo passed away Decem- ber 25, 1942. "Four years have passed away Since one we loved s0 weli Was taken from aur home on eartb With Jesus Christ ta dwell. The flowems we place upon ber grave May wither and decay, But the love for yau, dear Mother, Shahl neyer fade away." -Ever rcmcmbercd by ber daughter Marguerite and granddaughter Shirley. 1-1 BIRD-In loving memary of aur darling son, Lawrence John James Bird, who passed away January 1, 1944. "O blessed little sunbeam, O child of love and prayer, We give thee ta the keeping 0f the tender Shepberd's care. -Ever remembered by Mother, Father, Sister and Brother. KERR-In loving memory of a dear wife and mother, Sarah Jane Kerr, who passed.away Jan. 4tb, 1939. "What we keep in mcmory Is ours unchanged forever, Yct tho' thy smilc be lost ta sight To mcmory thou art dear." -Husband Wes and Family. 1-l'< TREWIN-In loving memory of aur dear daughter and sister Anne, wha passed away Jan. lst, 1942. -Sadly missed by Mother, Fath- *er, Sisters and Brothers. 1-1* Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank my many friends of Newtonville and dis- trict for the cards and gifts I me- ceived at Christmas time. -Wilbur Stacey, Ward N. Room 2, Weston Hospital, Ont. 1-1 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Diii- ing, Qucen Street, acknowledge with sincere thanks the many gifts, flowers, cards and telegrams of congratulations from their many friends and neighbors on their Golden Weddîng Annivers- ary. l1-i* To the Electors: I wish ta thank the voters wha supported me in aur recent elec- tion for council. Although de- feated I stili will do my part in the future interests of aur town. Wisbing one and ahl a very prosperous New Year. 1-1 "Bill" W. C. Kilpatrick For Rent SINGER portable elecfric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- raia St., Oshawa, phane 696. 10-tf j Artiles For Sale IHIVE of -bees; also skates. Ph 647.1 CHEVROLET Coupe, '31, g condition, 4 practically new'ti D. Cunninghami, Newcastle. DODGE Sedan, '36, 3 new ti heater, fog light. Phone B manville 2809.1 QUANTITY of loose hay, Spanish and cooking onions. G. Allison, phone 2880. 1 MARCO4'If battery operated mr tel radio, good condition. Phi 2255. AUTOMATIC heat contrai el tric irons, $7.95. The Radio Si 88 King St. East, phone 573. OSHAWA'S new furniture star Everything in modern. Chest field, bedroom and dining ro suites, and studios. Bedding floor coverings a specialty. Qu ity merchandise at competil prices. Before buying visît Bri ley's New Fumniture Store, Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. Pets For Sale CATTLE Collies frorn good hE ing stock. Taking orders now February delivery. Blake Jo: son, Pontypool, R.R. 3. 1. ONE dog, good watchdog, Col and Spaniel. To be given away exchange for good home for d in country. Apply 49 Horsey Livestock For Sale ONE hog pig,weighing about 4ý Apply 0. J. Hyland, Burket( phone Port Perry 111 r 5. i- NINE pigs eight weeks c Ralph Simpson, Bowmanvil phone 2437. . 1- FIVE Yorkshire pigs, seven wee old. Apply Blake Short, h 2479. 1 SIX pigs, six weeks old. Rai] Glaspeli, R.R. 4, Bowmanvi] phone 2664.1 TWO calves for vealing. Aust Wood, R.R. 4, Bowmanville, pho, 2388. 1 REGISTERED Holstein ýbull, months old, with extended pec grec. One work horse. W. Allison, phone 2880. 1- HOLSTEIN and Jersey cow, di Jan. 15, seven years old, good si and good milker. Apply Hilt( Tink, phone 2283.'1 GUERNSEY bull, 18 months oh al'so several Holstein cows, sor fresh. Walter Frank, R.R. Bowmanville, phone 2403. 1-1 ELEVEN extra good yaung York shire pigs, well startcd. A.E Billctt, phone 2537, Hampton. 1-1 HOLSTEIN cows and heifer springing and fresh. Two sow due in January; 60 young pigs a] feeding well. Ralph Davis, phai 2413. 1-1 SHORTHORNS - Young bul] young caws, club caives. Als rcgistered Guernseys. Bake Farms, Hampton. Phone 2180. 51-t REGISTERED Jerseys and Gradg Jerseys, bred Holstein heifer some springing shortiy. App]3 H. Oke, first stone cottage east o Ebenezer Cburch.1- FRESH Holstein and beifer calf fresh Jersey anid beifer caif; si) springer cows, in good shape. AI s0 one colt, rising 2. I. Bernstein Pontypoal. 1-1 THREE young registered Here fard bulîs, fram 8 ta 13 month) aid; 35 yaung pigs, 10 weeks ta months aid. Apply D. E. Whit ney, Longacres Farm, 2 miles eas of Newfonvilic on No. 2 Highway Phone Clark, 3112. 5-3' POULTRYKEEPERS - save tiME - get started Bray pullets noxw grawîng ta be in productiar next July-August ta catch expoi markets. Some for immediate de- livcry, aiso non-sexed. Ordei February-March chicks now. Ag- ent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 1-1 .one ood ;res. ires, 0ow- also W. ian- ane bec- hop, 1-tf ;ter- >)om and ual- ive ad- 156 5-tf eel- for lin- iin dog St. 00. ýon, le, eks ne Iph ILe, ýtin ne 8 di- G. 3* lue .ze ýon -1 .ne r 5, t E. t 1* 1 - e ýrs t] ffse 111 - Ls so -tf pi le- ýr, j* If. ix 'I- às 4 st- Y. V, r NEWCASTLE Berry's Bookatore - - J. W. Jewell D. G. Walton- J. S. Dyer Drug Store Jury & Lovoil - W. J. Bagneil - and 'làPTON -- G. A. Barron & Son The Statesman Office ENNISKILLEN-- T. K Siomon à Son BLÂCKBTOOK- - - H. T. Saywell PONTYPOOL - - J. Orowioy ORONO NE8TLETON - Tyrreil 's Drug Store - J. G. Thompson NEWTONVILLE - - W. C. Lane à Co. TYRONE - Y . L. 'Byam Wanted ro Buy OLD horses for fox meat. High- est prices paid. Phone Orono 77 r 4 collect, or write P. C. Boultbee, Orono. 50-tf LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. WANTED-300 live borses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur 7arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bawmanville 2679. 35-tf OLD horses for fur famm, $1.00 per hundred, appraximate weight, delivered here.- For slightby less we will bumanely destroy your horses an your own famm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bawmanville 2888. 38-tf FARM on highway between Bow- manville and Oshawa, from 5 to 20 acres, buildings not necessary. Write John Peterson, R.R. 2, Cot- tam, Ont. 51-.5* Wanted WILL anyone who can translate the Fricsland language ta Eng- lîsýh please phone 2297. 11 VETERAN (Goodyear employee) requires loan of $3,000 ta enable hlm ta bu'y house on Veterans Ave. Will repay in monthly instalments of $24.42 (ta include interest at 51/ per cent) which will repay full amount in 15 ycars. Write. Box 815 Statesman Office. 1-1<C Lost HOUND pup, white and black, female. Phone 629.11" BROW7N wallet, containing regis- tration card, iost in restaurant or on street. Finder please phone 2891 "Bob." 1-1 Radio Service THE Radio Shop, Bowmanville, ofiers honest charges, latcst type equipment and traincd person- nel. Our two radio technicians botb hold Government Certificates of Proficiency in Radio. Phone 573. 1-tf Personal HYGIENIC Supplies (rubber gaods) mai]ed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail -Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. Notice To the Ratepayers of Village of Newcastle: "The general tax rate bas been reduced by anc miii by reason of he Provincial subsidy ta muni- ipalities and the rates icvied for chool purpases have been reduc- d by an amount equal in total ao $8,337.39, ta be received by the respective school boards from the Provincial Government towards ducationa1 costs ta be used for the relief of taxation on real state." 1-1 Strayed TRAYED anfo Lot 23, Con. 8, )arlington, anc Steer weighing ibout 700 lbs. Owner may have ;ae by praving praperty and aying expenses. K. Butson, phone 823. 52-3 - TENDERS TENDERS wanted for caretaker, aduit, for School Section No. 2, Clarke, duties to commence in- mediately. Lowest or any tender flot necessarfly accepted. Apply C. T. Alldread, Sec.-Treas. R.R. 3, Newcastle. 1-1w Work Wanted FURNITURE reflnished. I arn devoting the winter months ta mre- flnishing fumniture. Now is the time ta bave your furniture me- newed. Stains memoved, cigamette burns taken out, and. complete me- finishing. No jobs fao small or too large. Womk guaranfeed. Free estimates given, 35 Tempemance Sf., phone 642. 1-2* Ilelp Wanted' MIDDLE aged lady or elderly girl as domestic heip-village home. Phone 2428. 1-2* SINGLE girls, 20-25 years, for steady cmployment. Apply Simp- kmn Cabinet Ca., Bowmanville, 160 Churcb St. 1-1* MAN wanted for Rawlcigh busi- ness. Seli ta 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write taday. Rawlcigh's Dept. ML-A-i40-S, Montreal. 6 1-5 YOUNG man 18-20, willing ta leamn cabinet making trade, must be reliable, steady employment. Appiy Simpkin Cabinet Ca., Bow- manville, 160 Church St. 11 MARRIED man for modern dairy farm, bouse and hydro; work the ycar around; commence work at once. Write, stating wages ta Box 818, Statesman Office. 1-1 OPPORTUNITY knacks but once. Dealers required ta bandle aur complete line. If interested ap- ply Famous Products Corporation, Dept. 0-B-1, 370 Guy Street, Montreal, Que. 1-4 Real Estate For Sale SEVEN-roomed frame bouse with bath and garage. Apply Mr. E. Passant, 122 Duke St. 1-if FIVE-room brick bungalow in Oshawa, modemn convenie!\ccs. New ail burner and garage. Smallj dawn payment, balance as ment. Immediate possession. Phone J. HI. McEwcn, Oshawa, 4353W after 6 p.m. 1-2* Winding Up Estate Anyone knowing the where- abouts of any of the three child- ren of anc William Hill formcrly of Bawmanville and of Oshawa and the 'brother of Emily Webb,E leceased, late of Dawlish, Devon, iingland, please communicate witb Messrs. Grierson, Creightan and Fraser, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. 1-1 Citizenship Week Observed Jan. 5 . 11 By virtue of a national procla- mation, the week of Jan. 5-11 is ta be observed as Canadian Citizen- ship Week. At the last session of ,parliament a bill deflnîng Cana- dian citizenship became law with the concurrence of all parties in the House. It cornes into effect Jan. 1, 1947. In proclaming a Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton and Gale, Toronto, at A. T. Stainton's. Miss Ada Pascoe, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Archie Keith, Oshawa, Mr. and, Mrs. Arthur Moore and Keith, Enniskillen, at Frank Pas- coe's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton and sons, Bowmanville, at Fred Cam- erns. Mr. Alex McMastem, Mrs. J. W. McMaster at Jas. McMaster's, To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Perkins and Margaret at Walter Hulatt's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robinson and Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Robinson, Mr. and Mrà.,.Wm. Robinson and Joe, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. ClifTord Robinson and baby, Mr. Dick Hickin's, Hamp- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robin- son, Port Coîborne, at Henry Ball's. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rabbins and Ruth at Wm. Hawkins, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isobel at Russell Down's, Kedron. Miss Marguerite Martin, Mr. Fred Martin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilroy, Oshawa, at Thos. Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. John Kivell, Miss Pearl Leach, Solina, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Flett and family, Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Youngman and Alan, Tyrone, at Norman Leach's. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissbemger and family at August Geissberg- er's, Harmony. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and family at Harold Jebson's, Colum- bus. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Moffatt and Paul, Oshawa, at Percy David- son 's. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton and Gale, Miss Eilecn Stainton at Ross Lee's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron, Jack and Joyce at Stanley Cav- erly's, Ebenezer. Miss Lois Hamlyn, Oshawa, at Percy Davidson's. Mr. Thomas Wray, Hampton, at Russell Perkins'. Miss Diane Lee, Master Brian Lee, Kedron, at A. T. Stainton's. Mrs. Alex McMastem at the Sewing Club, Oshawa.j Mrs. Russell Perkins and Mar- garet at Fred Ashton's, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron en- tertained some neighbors to a party on Friday night. A photographer offers ta make ife-size enlargements, from the riegatives of amateurs. We must hunt up anc of aur old elephant naps.--Punch i Marking a ncw era in hotel York (inset) is the first in Canada quarter bcd. The unit also bouses comfort, ultra-modemn "day- ta put in the new-styie equipment.' a writing desk, wbicb becomes a nigh" prla-bedoom hae ben Sawnabae asa prlo by day emssing fable when the top is nigh" prlo-bedoom hae ben Sownaboe a a prlo bydayliffed, starage space for lounge intraduced at the Royal York the and a bedroom by nigbt, the cushions and bedding, a side table Canadian Paciflc's 1200-room ho- ooms have alang anc wall a lux- and radio. Pleasingly compact, tel in Taronto. Largest hotel in uriaus chestemfield unit whicb can the rooms are perfect for enter- the British Empire, the Rayal be tumned down inta a thmee- taining. week of obseeance the govern- ment bas the support of the churches of Canada and other or- ganizations intemested in promot- ing unity and a national con- sciousness. The new status gives ali lse and crecds across the county a feeling that they belong, aniong those claiming citizenship by birthright, to a united family with a clear designation of riti- zenship democmatically approved. Many centres plan some kind of special recognition of this new status during the coming week. L- e s Et Hello, Homemaker! If your airm is ta be both a gmacious and a patriotie hostess, you will want ta serve a cup of tea with a "sweet" when friends drap in ta express seasan's greetings. We bad sucb informal occa- sions in mid when we tested this quick fruit bread recipe the other day. This bread is mixed in a jiffy, keeps well for several days and is just the appropriate snack ta serve with a bot beverage. It is sweet enough ta take the place of cake and mare easily served.1 You simply cut the bread in thin. slices ta serve, or 'make it into small sandwiches put together with cream cheese. Quick Fruit Bread 1 egg (beaten), 1/4 cup white sugâr, 3/ cup milk, 2 tbsps. melt- cd k)utter or shortening, 21/2 cups sifted pastry flour, 1/2 tsp. saît, 21/2 tsps. baking powder, 1 cup raisins. To beaten cgg add sugar. Beat together. Add milk and melted shortening. Mix and sif t dry in- gredients. Add fruits, then liquid. Mix just cnough ta blend. Pour into wcll-greascd and fioured loaf pan. Bake in electric aven (350 degs.) 50 ta 60 minutes. Quick Oatmeal Cookies 1/4 cup shortening, 1/4 cup but- ter, % cup of brown sugar, 1/ tsp. baking soda, 2 tbsps. hot water, 1 cup rolled oats, 1 cup sifted pas try flour, '2 tsp. van-illa, /4 tsp. nutmeg. Cream sbortening and butter. Add sugar. Cream together well. Mix soda with hot water. Add rolled oats, flour, vanilla and nut- mcg. Mix together wcll. Mixture should be quite tbick. Place smail teaspoons of mixture about 1- inch apart on well grcased baking sheet. Pçcss down with fork. Bake for 5 ta 6 minutes in elcc- trie aven (375 ta 400 degs.) Yield: 3 dozen. Jam Squares M2 cup shortcning, /2 tsp. ai- mond cxtract, /2 tsp. vanilla ex- tract, 1-3 ta 1/2 -cup fine granula- ted sugar, U4 cup cold watcr, 1,/4 cups siftcd pastry flour, 1 tsp. baking powder, /2 tsp. Sait, '/ tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 tsp. ground claves, 1 egg, well beaten, 3/4 cup raspberry jam. Cream sbortening wcll. Add extracts, sugar and water. Cream together flour, baking powder, saît, cinnamon and claves. Add ta shortening and sugar mixture. Beat egg and add, blending well. Spread haîf the batter in bottom of greased and floured baking pan (8"x8"). Spread jam over the batter within 1/2 inch of the edges. Drap the remaining batter in spoonfuls over the top of the jam and spread aver so that jam is covercd. Bake in moderatcly bot aven (400 degs. F.) 25 ta 30 minutes. Cool slightly. Sprinkle lightly with icing sugar and when completely cool cut in squares. Yicld: 2 ta 2/2 dozen squares. Take a Tip Winter wouldn't be winter without sausage and then there's scrapple, too. Bath are startingly good dipped in egg and crumbs and fried as crisp as a frosty leaf. Grilled chickcn livers with rurried rice and strips of broiled bacon make a supper dish that's a real treat. Fry a slice of ham ta a dark brown colour. Take it out of Pan and leave 2 tbsps. of fat ta rnake a gravy. Add 2 cups of xiilk, scason, add 2 tbsps. flour stîr until smooth. Serve with bak- ed patatoes, pickles and scalloped tomataes. Spamcribs placed aver sauer- kraut may be bakcd and stili re- main maist. Serve with sweetJ 85 King St. E. Phone 5801 i. 1~ 'J Ski Equipment Complete Line of Sking Equipment now in stock Fittings Put on and Adjusted EXPERBT OIXIING See aur Hocke 4~uipment for Your Needs Badminton Supplies Bowling Shoes HOW IS VOUR BIKE? Now is a good time for that long due overhaul. Avoid the Spring rush. KEYS DUPLICATED MeNu lty' s Sports Shop Bowmanville - Ontario What! a Jewellery Ad Without a Cut*! This ad is not intended ta seli you anything. Hence the usual Watch, Diamond Ring and Cther cuts are omitted. Na salesman expects ta make a sale every time ho calîs. Sometimes he merely "visits" his customer or prospect. Ba this is just a friendly visit. In making this " cal" we hope that we will find many of aur old custamers "in," and that we wiI meet and make a f ew new friends. Many of aur most valuable custamers have not spent a dollar with us for months; they have flot had occasion ta purchase any jewellery. But they are canstantly send- ing their frienda to us, and when they do need samething in aur line, we can caunt an them. We realize people dan't buy diamands, watchez, silverware and other things we seil every day i the year. When they 're ready ta buy we want them to think of us. îâo this "cail" is mereIy ta request your funt4, patronage. Jewellery. & H OOPER'S CitSo " WB LFAD - OTRU FOLLOW " 28 King St. W. Phono 747 ' r' 1 DAY-NIGHT ROOMS AT ROYAL YORK FIOTEL The Canadian Statesman A COPY Effective Starting the Issue of January 9th, 1947 In keepixig with the increased subscriptian rate the price for single copies of The Canadian Statesman wi11 be increased from 5c ta 6c. Copies of. The Statesman Mlay Se Obtained in: Amr BOWL rý 'l Radio Refresher Course If your radio is beginning to lapse - let us put it through a short refresher course. At a modest price we'l1 sce that At is put in top-notch order. Cali today. Complete Stock of BATTERIES For Every Need Roy W. Nleads Hallicrafter Radios Crosley Radios Records - Itecord Players Amateur Supplies and sour beets and fresh whoIe' ý wheat bread. Put an orange rind lni the cookie jar. Cookies take on a pleasant delicate flaveur. "Snow Cap" Tomate .JelIy 1 Envelope gelatine, U cup cold tomato juice, 1%' cups, hot tomato julce, Lilbsp1empn~jie Y tsp. Saltibbc opped ves : 'tsp. celery Qkt, 1 cup cottage cheese,- 2 th"a Aminced celery, 2 tbsps. choppe* tuffed olives. Anne Allan int'ites you to write to her in care of The Canadian Statesman. Just send ini your questions on homemaking prob'. lems and watch this littie cornet of the column for replies. VR CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVnlýR- nWT*lRlrn

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