Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jan 1947, p. 11

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1~ THURSDAY, JAN. 2nd, 1947 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. ONTA#1O PAGE ELEVEN Newtonville Wene',day evening, Dec. l8th Cre pblic sool held their Chitmas concert in the Cam- mnun.tty Hall. Many had ta stand Rnhance the beauty of your home with smart venetian blindi. In aluminum or steel. 75 sq PT ONE WEEK'S DELIVERY Cqto4eJ e2d. When you* lhear xid- night strike out, ringing in 1947, remember that wherever you are our goôd *ishes go with yoit for a year of content- muent. Je W, JEWELL PHONF, 556 94BIG 2010 RtOYAL BOWMANVILLE throughout the evening. The per- formance began on turne, was var- ied and fast moving. Whether in recitation, play, comedy or relig- iaus pageant the pupils appeared at home an the stage and were weli trained. The school orches- tra gave. several selections. A few years af music and public speaking classes has brought the pupils af this school a long way fromn the mumbling, scared per- farmers of 15 years ago. Mr. Stew- art and pupils are ta be cangrat- ulated on the enjayable evening of entertainment. Receipts $5 1.- 50. Mr. 'Bruce Stewart is haliday- ing with his parents at Mount Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox Vasey, Port McNichol, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Leuty, Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Harve Brit- ton, Newcastle, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Redknap and Douglas, Oshawa, with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen, Peterborough, with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Stapleton and family with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Smith, Starkville.# Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hutchin- son with their son Garfieid in Toronto. Stanley Thompson and Miss Jenny Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. Morton, Kendal. Mrs. Mabel Langstaff with her son, Wilbert Langstaff, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Buriey, af Stoneham, Que.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley and children, Osh- awa, with Spencer Burley's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott vis- ited their son John and family, Newcastle. Mrs. Jahn Lancaster with her daughter, Mrs. Ivison Munday, Maple Grave.1 Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert and famiiy with friends in Toronto. Miss Mary Denault with Mr. and Mrs. Berry, Orono. A few ignored the stormy wea- ther ta attend the hockey games in Orono. The annual sclbool meeting was heid Thursday afternoon in the school house with Wm. Laing- act- ing as chairman and Melville Jones, secretary. Reports were studied and adopted by the five women and ten men present. New seats which have been a subject for discussion for some years came up again for review but owing ta shortages was shelved. Electric lights were~ discussed and the meeting was in favor 13 ta 1 ta have trustee board instail electric iights as soon as can reasonably be done. The trustee board for 1947 is Stan Rowe, Geo. Staple- ton and Clinton Brown, the last1 mentioned is the new member. The retiring trustee is Wm. Sta- pleton who bas given 17 years ai continuous service in this' capac- ity. The trustee board ai this schooi with its secretary-treasur- er, Melville Jones, holds a meet- ing once a month for whicb they are ta be commended. Starkville Mrs. W. J. Bell, Antler, Sask., wîth her sister, Mrs. Gea. Smith. Mr. Alex Filipowski at bis home in Toronto. Mr. Carman Hamilton spent Sunday the guest af Alex Filipow- ski at Geo. Smith's. Christmas visitors at Mr. and Mrs. George Smith's were Mr. nd Mrs. Cecil Glass and Ray, Mr. and Mrý. Gea. Stapleton and fa- mily, Mrs. W. J. Bell, Antier, Sas- katchewan, and Mr. and Mrs. Kessler. Mrs. W. J. Bell and Mrs. Gea. Smith spent Friday in Oshawa. TREAT - PHONE 589 TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT THURSDAY, FR1DAY - JANUARY 2 - 3 ""THE VIRGINIAN" IN TECHNICOLOR TECHNICOLOR CARTOON SHORT SATURDAY - JANUARY 4TH ROY*ROGERS A HEART-TUGGING TRIG GERROMANCE "It Happened in New Orleans" May Charles Robson Butterworth IB'~WIAI~0J,~S ,,Bobby Breen The Hall Johnson Choir CARTOON IN COLOR MON. TUES. -WED.- jAN. r .7 -8 MRONONEfWS Mr. Jas. Richards has been con- fined to the hause for ten days but is flow up part of the time. Visitors: The Misses Tourjee, Toronto, with Mrs. McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Jones and family, Newtonvîlle, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond and Alex with Mr. Drummond's parents in Toronto. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn f ell an the ice Friday and broke her arm. She was taken to Oshawa Hos- pital and from there to her daugh- ter's, Mrs. R. Vanhorne, Whitby. Friends of Mrs. Giddus Jones, Bowmanville, a former resident of Orono, are very sorry to learn of her unfortunate accident. More Orono news on page 9. (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Jas. Richards was in Ham- ilton attending the funeral of her cousin, Mrs. J. A. Sheppard. Mr. Aif. Astridge, baker at Dean's Bakery, has given up his work because of iii health and is now living in Barrie. Mrs. M. Ledrew with friends near Buffalo, N.Y. Mrs. Ivison Tamblyn entertain- ed a number of ladies at her home, north of Orono, on Thursday af- ternoon. Metallic Arts have been com- pelled to lay off a number of em- ployees because of shortage of materials. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lycett upon the arrival of baby boys in Bowmanville Hos- pital; also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron on the arrivai of a son in Toronto General Hospital. Mr. J. F. Lorriman left on Tues- day for South Porcupine to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs. R. C. Ellis. Mrs. Hazel Flintoif and family have moved to their new home on Mill St., purchased from the es- tate of Mrs. Jas. Moff att. Mr. E. R. Woodyard and Mr. R. E. Logan were at Apsley for a few days last week. If the cold weather continues the skating shouid be in ful swing for the holidays. Dane Found,,manager of Orono hockey clubs, has been working very hard, making a number of im- provements to the facilities of the rink. There will be reserved seats this year, aiso an extra rpom where spectators may get warm. The Girl Guides, under the dir- ection of Mrs. W. E. Armstrong, will have an evening when in- struction will be given in figure skating. There are some splen- did skaters among the girls and with a few lessons, they are going to put on some reai entertain- ment for the public.. Orono Am- ateur Athletic Society has mapped out the program for the season, entering a Junior C hockey teamn in the O.H.A. and a Midget C team in the O.M.H.A. A local league for boys 16 years and un- der will be formed, made up of teams from Orono, Newcastle, Newtonviile and possibly Ponty- pool. Mr. Kenneth Tamblyn paid a short visit to his mother, Mrs. Fred Tamblyn and other relatives, but has returned to Texas. Mr. J. E. Smith has purchased a bouse in Cobourg and will be moving bis family there soon. He has a position with the Cobourg Lumber Co. Orono Badminton Club held a social evening with about 25 pres- ent. A dainty lunch was served at close of tournament. Women's Christian Temperanc' Union met Dec. l7th. Mrs. S. Lit- tlewood led the worship service taking as her theme "Let Us Now Go," from the Christmas story. Mrs. J. D. Brown gave a fine read- ing entitled "Christmas Belis." Mrs. R. M. Seymour of Enniskillen gave a splendid talk on "Ye Shall Find the Babe," suggesting that each one present, take stock of ber own life to see what she might find there. Little June Wood sang a iovely Christmas solo. Mr. and Mrs. Gien Hancock haive moved to) Pete-rborougLh fiv'e* cildre;n .present. -Mrs. P. Vancamp and Mrs. Dorreli gave reports on the annual area con- vention held in Toronto. Miss Evelyn Sanderson favored with a delightful piano solo. Ladies sang carols and answered roll cal with first line oi a carol. It was decided to wait until next year ta make a donation ta Port Perry Memorial Hospital. Next- meet- ing is January 15th at the home af Mrs. W. Archer. Miss Vera Farder returned ta Toronta after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. John Fard- er. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hooey visited friends in Toranto and Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. O. Wright With their daughter, Mrs. G. Faint. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toronta, with her mather, Mrs. Jas. Henry. Miss Gwenyth Marlow and Mr. Jack Marlow, Taranto, with their parents. Miss Lucile Farder with her mother, Mrs. Jas. Forder. Mr. Harold Farder bas returh- ed from visiting friends, in Mon- treal. Miss Margaret Finlayson, Mr. and Mrs. Grabam Finlaysan, Ta- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. George Finlayson. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Trewin, Oshawa, wîth Trewin brothers. Mrs. Fred Bailey, has gone ta Windsor ta, spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. W. Dawson. Mr. Fergusan, Mr. and Mrs. C. Venning and family wîth Mr. and Mrs. G. Sameils. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Booker, Trenton, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Devitt. Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris and famiiy with Mrs. J. E. Fiett, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Chap- man and Beth with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoaper. Mrs. Fowier with her daugbter Mrs. G. Rutherford. On Sunday, Mr. and' Mrs. E. Burke, Oshawa, celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter, Mrs. How- ard Sayweil. Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Larry Henry and Michael, Buffalo, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bartan, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baiiey held a Christmas gathering at their home. Thase present were Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry and family, Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Say- well and Margaret, Oshawa, Mrs. W. A. VanCamp and Jack, Miss Rita Swain, Aima Coliege, St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Suggitt and famiiy, Mr. Duncan Heasiip, Mr. Wilson Heaslip, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McGill, Janetville, at Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamps. Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith and Jack wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. Van Camp. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin, and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baiiey and Mr. Howard Forder with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. Mr and Mrs. R. Curtis and fa- mily, Cobourg, Mrs. Robert Bruce and Miss M. King with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Strong. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Wright and Mr and Mrs. Fred Trewin at Mr. and Mrs. Sid Trewin 's. A very iovely pageant, put on by the members of the League of Loyaity was presented at St. John's Anglican Church on Christ- mas Sunday. The church was beautifully decorated. Christmas Service at the Un- ited Cburch took the form of a sang service assisted by the Sun- day School children. Miss Burma Morlock, Health Nurse, is at her home in London. Haydon Christmas Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family, Mrs. T. Cowling and Vi- vian at Mr. Farewell Biackburn's, Salem. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mauntjoy, Mil- ton, Lloyd and Gardon Siemon at Mr. Russell Gilbert's, Sauna. Mr. and Mrs. Wiibert Smith and famiiy, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn, Enniskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ash- ton and famiiy, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. Read and family at Mr. H. Ashton's. Mrs. R. Crossman, Mr. Gea. Cowling at Mr. John Graham's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy at Mr. W. Challis', Bowmanviiie. Mr. and Mrs. Art Moore and family, Wbitby, Miss Helen Moore, Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore and baby, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stevens, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane, Brady, at Mr. Frank Moore's. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, To- ronto, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham and Rena at Mr. W. Rahm's, Ennis- kilien andc.Mr. L. Graham's. Miss Lillian Michaud, Jaques Laporte, Montreal, at Mr. Wm. St. Germain's. Miss Grace Trewin, Toronto, af the weather. Miss Shirley Garrard has re- turned ta Oshawa after spending a few days with her parents. Mr. James Hanna spent Christ- mas at Dr. M. Tauzel's, Toronto. Don Touzel returned with hirn for the remainder ai the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson and Beverly, Taronto, at Mrs. T. Caw- iing's. Nestileton The Christmas service in the United Church was well attend- ed. Sympathy is extended ta, Mrs. Jas. Dickey and family in Mr. Dickey's death. He was in bis 80th year and buried at Nestleton an Friday. Miss Evelyn Campbell, nurse- in-training, Lindsay, with ber ChucheI'sCoats BROK~ IZE M"D COLOUR IRANGE Ohildrenes 3-Piece Coat Sets atarerkles- ing. Sizes 3 to 6%. $69 Njavy Blue chinchilla - Regular$69 laimuarY $13 Sale A11-Wol FleeCe- Regular $17.95 lauaty . Sale Gîis' Coats Smart style s , u s utriuuxed and f ur-trimnh coats.AIl woal Fleecea'tsy es a nd Tweeds. The seasc eS tye adcalaurs. Sizes S ta 14%. newst t«ve$ ndRegUlar $29 lanuatY 6 Special p.egu.lar $19-95 JanuazY$13 Special infants and Chi14leiL S Wý Regular 39C ta $2.95 iucluded in this grouP aretsse, Soes5u Coatees, Baby Comf arters, t. ai countersoiled. Sale 1~ to $9 Blouses! Haîf Price Regular $2.98 ta $4.95 A wide range of tailored or dressy blouses in rayon crepes, spuns and sheers. Pastels, all whites and prints. Sizes 12 to 20. January$14 to $298 Sale Hiaif Price! Housecoats Regular $4.95 ta $12.95 Broken 3ýze and Colour Ranges! wrap around styles in spun rayan rayon crepes. Sizes 14 ta 20. Zippered and and flowered ISale 2-9 to $6.48 Pontypool The concert spansored by the Sunday School, held Dec. 23rd, in the Orange bail, was an outstand- ing success. The hall was nearly filhed when the chairman Rev. T. E. Hancock, opened the program in bis usual jovial manner. A programn consisting af short plays, folk dances, recitations, carols, musical numbers and a very beau- tiful rose drill was presented. Music was supplied by Mrs. J. Richardson at the piano, and Mr. Harry Roulston gave several sel- ections on bis guitar. Aiter the concert Santa, true ta lufe, ap- peared and deligbted the hearts af e very little boy and girl. Mean- time a buffet luncheon was in pragress, and everyone enjoyed themsehves ta the full. Too much credit cannot be given ta Mrs. Hancack who warked sa bhard ta train the children. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Colin Richardson on tbe birtb af One-Third to One-Haif 0f: Mlisses' and Women'i Wrnter Coats Regular $35.00 ta $59.50 Clear3n.3423 $3961 Braken size and calaur ranges! But what gri values. Borne untrinuned and casuals, others wi luxurious fur-trim on collars and cuffs. Ail-w( Fabrics. Blacks, browns, light blues, greens,e Junior Misses', Misses', Women 's and Worn' Half Sizes. oued on!s 0 Better Dresses ýeax GOWILS9 AhghtlY Haif Price Regular $8.95 to $16.95 January $4.48 to $8.48' Sale Braken Size and Color Ranges! Exceptional val in the newest styles. The season's favourite h: shades and black or brown in sheer wool or rai crepes. Some with sequin and nail head trim. Sizes Il ta 20 and 181/2 to 241/2 in the group Misses' Dresses Regular $4.95 January$2.48 Sale Broken Size and Colour Ranges! Rayon Orepes and Spuns in soft pastels and black or navy. Excepr tional value. Sizes 12 to 20. Dargaîn Table Savings for everyone, everything from underwear and pyjamas to chenille spreada and renants of dress goods, cottons, ourtain and drapery fabrics. Reductions up to HALF Price eùn»Utece Phone 451 mather, Mrs. Wesley Campbell. Miss Margaret Steele, London, with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mrs. Wallace Armstrong, Mrs. Frank Playfaot and Bryce, Lind- say, with Miss Ethel Thampsan. Mrs. Leonard Joblin with ber nephew, Mr. Victor Malcalm. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen, Mr. and Mrs. Howard MeMullen, Marion and Betb, Lotus, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele. Mr. Wilfard Jackson attended service in the United Church at Part Perry. and played in the band. Mr. A. H. Veale visited Mrs. Jae Veale, Part Perry. Mr. Harold Wheeler and fam- ily were in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Kerr, Grace and Bernice, Yelvertan, with Mr. and Mrs. Victar Mal- colmn. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emerson and Mrs. Ralph Emersan placed flowers in the church in memary of Ralph. Bowmianvl a baby boy, 8½ lbs. Bath motb- er and baby are doing well. Miss Phyllis Stewart succeeds Miss Ena Burke as teacher ai Drum schoal. Miss Agnes Haney, teacher ai Pontypoal senior room is holiday- ing in Toronto. Dr. McNeil toak time aff from bis heavy duties ta spend the Christmas week with bis sister, Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Owen Sound. Mrs. Roy McGill and Arnold witb friends in Toronto. Holiday Visitors Misses Jean and Vera Fallis with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Fallis. Mr. and Mrs. Murray McCul- iough and three children with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McCullough. Mr. Nick Kessier witb Mr. and Mrs. A. Hickey. Don Monk and Miss Brown, R. N., Toronta, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mank. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Strang, Be- thany, with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Best. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Nicholson, Leskard, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Richardson. Mr. J. E. Leggitt, station agent, witb bis daughter, Mrs. Blizzard, Leaside. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Gray and Ro- nald at Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Webb's, Peterbaraugb. Miss Margaret McCulaugb spent Christmas week at Peter- boraugh. Rev. T. E. and Mrs. Hancock with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McCallum, Iana Station. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown with friends and relatives at Nestuetan. Mrs. James Crowley, Ajax, Miss Shirley Northcatt, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. ,Crowley. Mr. Dave Sexsmith and bis mother with bis sister, Mrn. Hughes, Peterborough. On Dec. 20th a very deligbtful birtbday party was given Mns. Donald Patterson at the borne af ber uncle, Dave Sexsmith, aur local restaurant owner. s' CLOSED Ail Day Thursday, JaIýry2nd for Sti6ck-Taking THE MODERN STORE mmýý m In ig im d l -. -1-4 *JaM" c9"ýr

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