Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1946, p. 6

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~JA - - I i - -' T IE S D A , D C th Very Best of Everything Christmas is a wonderful tirne-because if remmnds us that no matter liow busy we are, no maffer how great our respon- sililities, we ean always find time fo be generous fo and considerate of others. And therein lies our own greafest hap- piness. BowmanvilIle Motor Sales DODYGE - DE SOTO DEALER 166 King St. E.1 Phc Luake Shore, Clarke uns. W. Holmes in Oshawa vis- iting her sister Who is returning to England. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pollard and famlily wîth Mr. and Mrs. W. Hfolines. Bil Rowland attended the Con- servative Convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Mins E. Holines with Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowland. Mr. T. MeNeil with Mr. an d Mrs. G. Martin for Christmas. Miss Joyce Martin in Bowman- ville with her aunt, Mrs. Hallo- well and attended St. John's An- To everyone of you, from each of us- sincerest wishes for the Merriest Christ- mas ever. And may the New Year bring you more of the things you desire than you have ever had before. Edmondstone's Marlket Phone 375 Harvey Joint, Proprietor 29 King St., E. t DST 1Wi sH U _____il__1__a_3S -- - - - - - - - - - - - - Long Sault glican Church where Mrs. Hallo- well unveiled a Memorial win- dow. Miss Hazel PoPwell spent a few days in Toronto. Mrs. A. Hotson received word of the passing of her brother-rn- law, Mr. Geo. Hotson, Evanston, inI. Messrs. Chas. and Bob Alldred and faxnilies attended a family Christmnas party in Oshawa, Sat- urday night and while there the five brothers and sisters telephon- ed Christmaý greetings to a bro- ther at Redvers, Sask., each one having a one-minute conversa- tion. CHURCHES EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday i1 a.m.-Beiievers' Meeting 7:30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday 8 p.m.-Prayer ST. JOHN'S ANGLIICAN CHURCH Rector, Rev. J. dePencier Wright Sunday After Christmas il a.m.-Morning Prayer. Preacher: Rev. Thomas Dustan (Farewell sermon before leav- ing for India). Nursery-2 years and over 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School and Bible Class. '~p.m.-Evening Prayer and Christmas Music. Subject: A Prosperous New Year. l'o every hlome in our towmi, we ex- fend our wishes for a Merry Christinas -a Happy Year. onE New HA RR Y S U TTO0N BARBER King St. E. Bowmanville te 585 Celebrated Golden Wedding Suaday NEW LOW PRICES BLENDED JUICE, Orange and Grapefruit , 2 20-oz. tins ....25 -ALL BRANDS ALL BRANDS- -ORANGE GRAPEFRUIT- JUICE C 25cC JUlCEz.tins --------------------- 2 2 20-oz. tins -------------------- 2 5 -ALL BRANDS ALL BRANDS É APPLE TMT -JUICE 25C JUICE 19 - 2 20-oz. tins ----- ----------------- 2 20-oz. tins -c -1 F Long Sault School, S.S. No. 13, Darlington, which had been closed for two years, re-opened in September with an attendance of six pupils. Mrs. A. W. Pres- cott, who had taukht here 21 years ago, was in chairge. Another pupil, Steve Shred, joined our ranks on Dec. Mt. Report on Christmas examina- tions: Grade VIII, Muriel Burgess 80 per cent. Steve Shred (entered too late for examinations). Grade VII, Bobbie Burgess, 70 per cent. Grade VI Rose Marie Pres- cott, 80 per cent, Betty Burgess, 78 per cent. GradeV Lorne Burgess, 67 per cent.# Grade II Dorothy Burgess, 81 per cent. On Wednesday evening Dec. l8th, a very successful Chris- tmas concert was heid. The school was filied to capacity and a program of recitations, dia- logues, drills, pantomine and tab- leaux was put on by the pupîls. Misses Edith and Joyce Woodley favoured with several loveiy vocal duets, accompanied by Mrs. C. Woodiey, who was organist for the school music and the carol singing. Mrs. Geo. Moffat ably assisted behind the scenes, and Miss Gail Moffat, aged three years, deiighted ail bfy heýping in several numbers as weil as giving a recitation. Otto Virtue and Stuart Hooey, with Gordon Baker at the organ, delighted everyone with their violin selec- tions. Good old Santa Claus appeared to help unioad the tree. Pro- ceeds $13.65.* The teacher and pupils wish to thank ail who helped in any way to make the evening a success. Tyrone Miss Edith White, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ton White. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Alldread, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Bragg and family, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Park. R. McCullough's blacksmith shop, which was partly destroyed by fire about a month ago is nearing completion and will soon be open again. Friday night pupils of the pub- lic school presented their Christ- mas concert in the community hall which was splendidly given. The program consisted of chor- uses, drills, dialogues, solos and recitations. At the close Santa appeared and helped distribute the gifts. Mrs. Philp was assisted by Mrs. R. Virtue as pianist, in getting up the program. Rev. Cresswell delivered a splendid Christmas message on Sunday morning. The choir fur- nished suitable music. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hatherly received word on Sunday of the death of their sister-in-law, Mrs. John Hatherly of Millbrbok. Cy Barlow had a sale, Saturday,i and is moving to Toronto. Mr. Alvin Boyd, Enniskillen, has pur- chaped the farm. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sproule, Oshawa, Mr. Stuart McRoberts, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam with Mrs. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, and also attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. Sidney King, of Tor- onto, who was buried in McAdoo cemetery. Mr. Byam was in Miilbrook on Monday owing to the death of his cousin, Mr. Jesse Byam. Mr. Herb Yeo, Love, Sask., with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Yeo. Mr. Yeo is still in a very ser- ious conditions. Mr. Charles Bigelow has re- turned from the hospital but is not much improved. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Tabb at- tended the funeral of Mr. Arthur Brisbin at Lindsay. Norman Collacutt had a success- fashioned Christmias-is the best wish we know. Good cheer, good health f0 you and yours. -NEWTONVILLE MILL PHONE CLARKE 8 'I Eyes Examined Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Dill- ing were at home to their friends at their home on Queen St., Bow- manville on Sunday Dec. 22, the occasion being their fiftieth wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. Diiling was formerly Alberta May Han- cock and they were married in Bowmanville by Rev. Mr. Palmer, Methodist Minister, and have lived here ail their lives. Mrs. Harry Allun, Bowmanville, a sister of Mr. Dillings, was the only guest on Sunday, who was also a guest flfty years ago. Mr. Diliing has not enjoyed very good health in recent months as he was involved in an accident with a car, while he was riding his bicycle to work last summer and he has not fuily re- covered from the injuries he received then. However, he is steadily improving and he was able to be in the reception room on Sunday and receive greetings and congratulations from his many friends. Mrs. Dilling, wearîng a mauve crepe dress with a corsage of gold lame and 'mums gracefully greeted their friends in her customary cheerful manner. Beautiful bouquets of golden $mums were displayed artistically throughout the rooms. Tea was served from a table graced with a lace cth and silver bowi of \Ve extend to oit and yours the joys and gooci wishies of thie season! Infantine & Cancilla's BOWLING ALLEYS golden 'mums and golden tapers. Mrs. F. A. Dilling greeted the guests at the door in the after- noon and Mr. Ray Dilling in the evening. Catherine Dilling and Joyce Aluin, granddaughters, had charge of the guest book. Mrs. J. M. Burns (Lena) Peterbor- ough, younger daughter, assisted her father and mother in re- ceiving the guests. Mrs. Harry C. Allun (Nina), Oakviile, eider daughter, Miss Barbara Allun and Miss Novelda Berry were the assistants in the tea room. Mrs. Harry Aluin, Bowmanville, and Mrs. G. B. Dilling poured tea. Their five childfen were al present for the anniversary. They are Lloyd, Toronto, Coun- cilior Ray, Bowmanville, Forrest of the Goodyear Staff, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Harry Allin( Nina), Oakville, and Mrs. J. M. Burns .(Lena), Peterborough. There are also eleven grandchildren and one great grandchild who were ail present to extend felicitations on this auspicious occasion. Several telegrams and long distance phone cails of best wish- es were received and also many lovely cards and gifts. Solina Mr. and Mrs. Jack Morris, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bel- lamy, Carievale, Sask., at J. R. Kivell's. Jerry Milîson is home from University of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy at Alan McKenzie's, Co- lumbus. Miss Fanny Smales, Toronto, at home. Miss Velma Gilbert, T'oronto, at home. The Community Christ ma s concert achieved its happy pur- pose Friday evening by bringing pupils from Bradley's, Baker's and Solina schools together with the Sunday Sehool classes and Young People's Union at the Church in a joyous entertain- ment, culminating in the arrivai of Santa Claus. Wee members of the Beginner's Sunday School class received special applause for their songs and recitations. Wes Yellowiees was chaýrman and great credit is due members of the Y. P. U. who sponsored the concert. The Christmas theme brought a large congregation f0 Church on Sunday to hear Rev. Lin- stead's Christmas message. The choir sang an appropriate selec- tion and led in the Carol singing, assisted by Miss L. E. Taylor who sang "Jesu Bambino." W.l Glasses Fitted from us to you along with our sincere thanks for your pâtronage this past year. We ext end our best wishes for a Merry Christ mas - a Happy New Year. OSDORNE' Service Station YOUR IXPgRIAL OIL Agaiin this year we wish yo oie, we wish youail the joys and pleasures of a happy Christmas lholiday- sea son. Sealtite Insulation y. A. BRUCE Phone 494Bowmanvile To Ail Citizens of Durham County 4 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Dilling We Wish, You Ail the John T. McCreery Optometrist Thursday - 2 p.m. ta 8 p.mj. Optical Repairs COWLING'S DRUG STORE Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers ]PHROM 520 mmmmw 1 TRE CANADIAN STÀT ESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAIUO ---- . -- --- -... -1 1 A Merry Christmas and a Hlappy New Year May you enjoy to the fullest a truly old Phone 494 CHARLIE SmljEPHENSON9 M.P. Em"

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