w - g an4bn tait "Durham County's Gireat Family Journal") lbrxrA ,T«XTTT Ir . N 1 'TTFqDlAV. DECEMBER 24th. 1946 NUMBER 52 ÇVO0LUME 92 BOUVW MAiN V "'iie 14 L - Four L hristmas Message atRotary (En,~e $ r iM, Qhrist î4t 'usinesmen leoue ïha11enge to Recapture Faith T 11Oe oni et Delivered by Rev. J. -Griffith Th-Iit ecnoeCs Members of the Rotary Club f @d"' -*inlthe14 CuclofteCrpriwonmntinmeinswr at Fruday's luncheon, which in Dinner in Honor of at.o reurefo eueB(omlt ail its aspets carred, out the Parents' Birthday . t of Bwavle the reutsit.Attefrs etigth theme of Chrstmas. Tables ____ which were dcoratuons ~ ~~~~~~~~23rd, was awifoasatofbstoCunîlrrceed cc- weelaid with spotless linen on On Saturday evening 25 guests iese whe eearranged decoai were entertained at dinner at the . insenhowreetdinhemin.Tesçndoiain of seasonal significance and home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest A. 51 .C Crsmscarols were the order, Dîig hrhS. nhnro Chrloitma followristmorder:-Geo. W.,James resu.tedninothe above5election. folwngara Crsma i-the golden wedding anniversary :51,LT.haoe52 . .Jne hecmleeCuni or14 ner including English pu u fhispns Mr. and Mrs. Her- J support in teflo îgodr .o rcdne ding provided by the most ex- bert H. Diîîing. The guests were Tedfae addtsde ihcuclossoni re cellent catering of Mr. and Mrs. the children and grandchildren 4'*1J ib C. . J.rreGibblmor245, W. o J.ehChallicuple,76, evMayorKilS Btthe real significance of the J. de Pencier Wright who pro- ett Christmas season was ruh posed a toast. Bonnie Dilling, bruheae5.mnAlsn onilrT ing message delivcred by Rotar- child made the presentation of OfwhihrEprsne vr3 e aeL .Msn .O oe IaRe.Jack Griffith. He di- 50 golden mums from the grand- feu uigthe dywihkp sOl rected the thoughts of his fellow children, and Barbara Allun, old- members to the high importance est granddaughter on behalf of -of recapturing spiritual values, the grandchildrcn prcsented her wihwere inherent in evcry grand parents with $50.00 rep- herin the tenets of Rotary as resenting one dollar for cach 30 19 54 35 27 il 17 well as the Alni Charter, but year since their marriage. For-Gib which too often were forgotten un rest A. Dilling, youngest son, the present stress and pace Of presented a substantial cheque J a 1 2 15 1 6 3 3 daily living. from the sons and daughters.iJae Attend Church Both Mr. and Mrs. Dilling, Humpes7 6 5 5 1 1 5 Spealdng wJonesasio83 65ti gl121pes98 56ir th32s i455r forceRev.saidthatonlyand appreciation to everyone for Ptesn7 7 17 9 6 3 2 bocy e .Grfih sid t a nyMason 198 3 0 03 2 lema of thi r a andthe histchallnge ter g o ih s a d fr heP tr ligion could we solve the prob- lovely fowers and gifts. was that faithful attendance at gations. The symbol of gifts at church was the surest source of Christmas embraced sacrifice for BossEnetis I s aioG o p reclaiming the moral energy s0 it was this giving to others whichOnriaevigatheBlfir needful at this very hour. The was personal expression of the mrlHtl aqe a ed Atrteecletdne speaker pictured the scene of the spirit of service. In the broad aOtnde age yMrrn Msi. .J Nativity as the source of -spirit- field of living we can find- our mrlH ideal of service in unselfish att~&~ .» emberso h tf mlydb resdpesr o h oa sacrifice. It gocs beyond the. Fre rucBwavl edo praino h e fteog living, personal obligation o h In the truc spirit of Christmas address. Thanks of the Schon Mary; the three Shepherds, Jack. Seaitite I:slto o hscnrliainadawloet h idvda.great throngs gathered Sunday famiiy was expressed to the people Tait, Keith Wood and Stewart Ontarioditc.Th baqewvs Heded aeral Worship was held to be anadModyeeig ofhecmutyortefîn Ferguson; Gregory Friend asintued ehayocsonwnhed obligation of the individual, for Hn Mnall towitnesiStJosf the Ntvlyecptiontyfhave xpriencd Joseph and Miss Mary Southey asannw inherent in the minds of men was Parish Hl owtesheNivlycpontd b *hf ve to ie Gabriel. Absent is Miss June Ail- by Mr. Brc1sagttgte heusere uigtey the hunger to worship God. ity Play which was presened y since coming from Europe tpîecasure a t Thgel. ta tsma is . Thbefdsrcoeve ySatt Acknowlcdge it or not, the hung- members of the church under the here. manger Insulatihn extends from Barrie er was there for it so often felt direction of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. In the scene at the mne privileged to reproduce this scene, Islto in times of grief. We f ail to Schon, Bowmanviile. The signif- shown above, rcading from left taken by the staff photographer. and NewmketoPerroad rityunaSholsoi satisfy that hunger when we fail icance of the portrayal and the to rii5ht are: Miss Jean Living, as IL is unique in that it bring3 out Cobourg adteslssafadejydaCrsmsetra faithfuliy to attend church. The oii fteNtvt lywsoeo the Angels; Mrs. Byron the significance of Christmas operators rmteepit eemetFiacih hc Fathers came to these western of the Ba;oa oeFia v o oreavstfo a shrsi re oworshîp God ening, Dec 0 twsahpya-Cas -4--ome & School Club camne, let it be noted, with the idea of "Not" worshipping God. Lions Club Bolds Chr it asI. ]arty7 That significance was hîghly noteworthy. Concluding on a note of high New quarters were occupued manner and handed out the moral fervor the speaker observed by the Bowmaflvilie Lions Club, mutual gifts which connoted he hd lft ot mny oint heMonay eenig, ec. 3, hensentiment rather than any great S whe hd lt outany pobinthe Mnayeenn, et2,whnmaterial value. Not ýorgotten C Rev.J. . Grffih wishebdinto emphie b";he left members assembled for their first also were the coterie of beautiful E Rev J.E. rifiththi abdin thugh: "hatcandinner in their Beech Ave, home. young ladies who have so faith- 1 give to Him?'" To be a true Having purchased the property, fully ateddiphesrieo ualre-eneatin ad dciaedRotarian, to be a humble. earncst, known as the Senkier estate. two the Carter Famiiy, the capable for a return of our thoughts to good citizen, the suggestion was: years ago, the club had continued caterers for the club. The Chiris- Bethlehem whose star and iight -Let us ail attend laithfully at to meet in the Sons of England tmas dinner and decorations were still shone as a beacon of hope cnurch, and there, each in his Hall while the Boys Training most excellent.e in a troubled worid. own minci make this resolv-I Schooi was temporariiy quarter-c Member Precepts ,ive to Him my hcart." eci in the Beech Ave. residence. Fun andi froiic followed, in- A preface to the remarks of thc President's Thanks Vacated a few weeks ago, the ciuding unique and fascinating1 speaker centercd about two Ro- Cy Siemnon expressed the vote Lions have been busy mean- games andi the distribution ofa tarians whose words wcrc wovefl of thanks for a most impressive whiie in securing furnishings and prizes won in the Turkey Draw.c into the text of Service andi Sacri- message. President Forbes Hey- equipment to complete the pro- It is hopeci to hold a formai fice. Dave Morrison, when land in adding his -sincere ap- ject as a Youth Centre and a opening night in January, prob- initiating a new mnember last preciation, took occasion to thank permanent meeting place for the abiy a Tcen-Town dance for the week suggestcd the Rotary ethic, ail his colleagues for their co-clb young people of the community. "1not to exploit social or busi- operation since he assumed the ctwslxeceubht.o Rs A number of new members will ness intercsts which defeateci chair, and wished each and all, sIlT. Kselle, Ministr o eauth be initiated at the first meeting innr dvelpmet." Geoge ncudig teirfamlie, te cm-for Ontario, would be the speak- un January. President Ross thank- James in a recent editorial, had piiments of the season. er, but he could not come 50 ed ail his colleagues for their co- stresseci: "The grcatest present Visitors present were George the evening was given over as operation during the ycar andi of ali-is Your Presence." "These McCrea, Toronto, and Rev. H. C. a Christmas gathering, whcre expressed Merry Christmas and a themes were seized upon to urge Linstcad, Ebenezer Circuit. Three gifts wcre exchanged, carois Happy New Ycar for them as "Your Presence" at your church olr o hita ukywr ugac eea icsinweil as ail the people of the com- notasanocasonl utasa Doc Rundle, Blain Eiliott andi took place on the work still to be munity. Owing to the municipal regular attendant. Fred Vanstone. Walt DeGeer done to transform the property election rcturns, which coin- Sacrifice and Worship told that the Wheelers Basket- into the various uses planncd for cidcd with the meeting, this re- There werc two great hungers bail tcam had overcome, their entertainment of the youth of the port appears grcatiy abridged. in the humnan heart which traceci nemesis, Peterboro, by beating community. back to the admonition, ,Let us them, 60 42. Gearge James, President Ross Stevens, as go now to Bethlehem." Inter- chairman of attendance, present- host and chairman, introduceà MISS Lillian Osborne, Peterboro locked and inseparabie they were ed pins for perfect attendance to Santa Claus, whose rotund pro- Normal School, is spending the "Sacrifice andi Worship." TVie Len Elliott for 18 ycars, Wes portions greatly resembleci one Christmas holidays with her par- sum of human socicty was organ- Cawker for three ycars andi of thc weli known members. Oid ents, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Os- ized about these two moral obli-, Walter DeGeer for one year. Kriss did his stuif in traditionai borne., War Brides Entertained by Women's Institute On Friday afternoon the 16 lunch and welcomed ta Bowman- man and Margaret, Mis. Walker Dorken, Mrs. Don. Allun, Mis. war brides and their children pic- ville. They are from lef t to right: Henderson and Barbara, Mis. Vern Harry Conners, Mrs. Ken McQuar- tured above were guests 0f the Front Row, Mis. R. D. Macdosald Ellilson and David, Mis. John Hon- rie, Mis. Harold McKnight, Mis. Bowmanville Women's Institute aî Giliain, Mis. J. H. Kennedy eyman. Back Row, Mis. Bob Lawrence Connais, Mis. Cari Dev- where they were given a deliciaus and George, Mrs. Byron Cryder- Hayes, Mis. Ed. Hooper, Mis. Fred itt and Mis. James Knox. Program Provided A Musical Treat The Bowmanville Home and School Club, which sponsored the Ontario Panorama held at the -Iigh School Friday night, also provided a musical treat that de- serves special mention and proved .o be the leading attraction as the gathering waited for the broac{- cast and continueci after its con- clusion. The audience was welcomed by President Mrs. A. J. Frank who asked Walter DeGeer, President of the Chamber of Commerce, to act as chairman for the evening in view of thc fact that one of the objectives was to publicize Bow- manvîlle. The High School Orchestra pro- vided instrumentais and chorus under direction of W. E. C. Work- man and special numbers includ- ed the following: Mouth organ solos, Ross Metcalf; . Highland Fling dance, Christina Campbell; piano solos, Ray Dudley, and Cowboy songs with guitar by Padi- dy Welsh. Mrs. Herbert Godidard delightcd ail with a humorous rcading. An intcresting interlude was the song test conducted by C. A. Jarrett, accomplished pianist andi proprietor of the Balmoral Hotel. The wunners were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery, who were rcward- cd with a Christmas dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett at tlhe Balmoral. The finale was an interpreta- tive play, "Christmas Star for Olga" performed by a group of Home and School mothers. The programn was greatly cnjoyed and thanks were extended to the radio interlocutor, Gordon Sinclair, for his present of a $50 check. Ad- mission rccipts will be used for Home and School activities and the $50 chequc,will be turncd over to, the Bowmanvillc Community Council. ir to s- ýar ss. rs 6ras nd rta Haydon â Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenzie and Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Fontaine , Toronto, at E. A.f McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ashton and family, Toronto, at A. Read's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osmond and Connie, Newcastle, at Mrs W. Thompson's. Mrs. Thompsofl rc turned home with thcm. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr ana Carolyn, Enniskillen, at A. BCharls.Downey, Bowmanvile, -~"- ' George Kersiake, Hampton, at Don Cameron's. Af ter a steady three wecks of ChritmLas holidays only a fie large dlock which stands at three Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moole andi day and night struggle to kecp the hours before this picture was o'clock in the morning, the latest Bîll, atArtEMoresWi ty.ea floor and tables clear enough to taen. You can sec him in action the staff had worked this year up William Trewin's. take the next pile of mail coming atkupper left. In addition, hclp- until Friday night. The lower Miss June Anderson is spcnding in, the Postal Staff in Bowman- crs included Mrs. Ivan Hobbs, photo shows Assistant, Postmna8ter the holidays with her parents in ville will soon be able ta relax Ken Crawford and John Cattran, John Kent at left, Robt. Kent in Mor.on Cmeaohsha. and return ta more or iess nor- not hon Upper right Miss Ida the background, Mis. Robt. Kent, dia installed. mal civilized if e. To take care Hoskin, Miss Ruth Hooper and Miss Frances Rawe, Miss Ilooper of the rush several volunteers Mrs. Robert Kent are' shown put-1 andi Jim Papoe a volunteer from Rev an Mr. Tos.Dusan rewere enlisted amnong themPb ting mail in the boxes. In the the Goodyear, Tire & Rubber Co. visiting his mother, Mrs. T. Dus- lic School Principal AndrewM.cnrPotaerK t is sort- Postmnaster Kent's back may be tan. Thompson who had started his ing mail and pointing to. the seen in the background. 1-. 1 ,qwmm.m.op qquop, Weary Postal Staff Says Merry Christmas