Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE BIRTHS BRESLIN-To Mr. andi Mrs. M. Breslin, at Wellesley I~ita1, To- ronto, on Novem6'e-r,746, a son. A littie brother for Edward and Pearl. 46-1 ROBINSON-Mr. and Mrs. Clif- tord Robinson (nee Vera Gibson) are happy to announce the birth of a cLughter, Diane Bernice, in Bowmanville Hospital, Nov. 12, 1946. 46-1 ROSS-Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ross (nee Viola Bradley) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daugliter, Mary Françes, on Thurs- day, Nov. 7th, 1946, at Women's College Hospital, Toronto. 46-1 DEATEl BLAIR-In Ottawa, Nov. 11, 1946, Winnifred Isabel Beith, widow of Charles P. Blair and daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Beith, Bowmanville, in her 74th year. Interment in Ottawa cem- etery. 46-1 CRYDERMAN-On. Nov. 3rd, ag- ed 73 years, Manley Ruben Crydl- erman of 11135 63 St., Edmronton, Alta. He is survivedi by his wife, three daugliters, Mrs. A. V. Noakes of Magna Bay, B.C., Mrs. James Bly of Belleville, Ont., Mrs. A. B. Clark of Edmonton; three sisters, Mrs. Cynthia Bracken and Miss Mamie Cryderman both of Butte, Montana, Mrs. Harry Talbot of Edmonton; also 8 grandchilcLren. Interment in Edmonton cemetery. 46-1 HALL-In Toronto on Wednes- dey, November l3th, 1946, Eliza- beth Maud Hall, beloved wife of the late John Hall. Resting at Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowman- ville, for service on Friday, No- vember lSth at 2:30 p.m. Inter- ment Orono cemetery. 46-1 ENGAGEM ENTS Mm. and Mms. William Hanna, Corbett's Point, Whitby, announce the engagement of their daughter, Jean Muriel, to Peter Ross Dun- canson, son of Mm. and Mrs. Peter Duncanson, Vancouver, B.C. The wedding will take place at Van- couver in December. 46-1* FEATURING TIIESE TOP HITS hy Parry Como witl, the Salis fiers ud Ruts Ques.und his Orchestra A GARDEN IN THE RAIN YOIJ MUST HAVE BEEN #à BEAUTIFUL BABY BLUE SKIES GIRtL.0F MY DREAMS UMTE MAN YOU'VE HAS A B*JSY DAY KENTUCKY BAN AMKEN Appliance ýShop . NEWCASTLE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMAUNVILLp. ONTAMVO IN MEMORIAM MARTIN-In lovng-mmnory o! a dear wife andi mother, Jean Mc- Nauglit Martin, wbo passed away November 17, 1945. "Nothing can ever take away The love our bearts liold dear, Fond memoriesy linger every day, Remembrance keeps lier near." -Everremembered by lier bus- 'band John, and daugliter and son-in-iaw, Vivian and Howard. 46-1* COMING EVENTS Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday, November 15. Ruthi Wilson and lier 6-piece Variety Band. 46-1 Round and square dancing at Enniskillen Hall this Saturday night. Ah Fletcher and lis or- chestra. 43-tf Plan to attend the Foresters Dance at Newcastle Community Hall, November lStli at 9 p.m. Russ Creighton's orchestra. 43-2 Reserve Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Nov. 27, 28, 29, for the Bowmanville High School Com- mencement. 44-5 Reserve Dec. l3th from 3 to 6 for a sale of work, home cooking and aftemnoon tea in St. Paul's lecture room under auspices of Group 4 W.A. 46r1* St. Andrew's Ladies' Auxiiiary are having a Bazaar and Tea in the S.S. room on Tbumsday, Dec. 5. Reserve the date. Tea 25c. 46-2* Corne to St. Joseph's Church annual bazaar on Friday, Nov. 22nd, at 99 King St., starting at 2 p.m. Fancy work, homemade cooking, and draw. 46-2* St. Paui's W.A. extends a cor- dial invitation to alh friends and adherents of the church to an "Evening of Friendship," Thurs- day, Nov. 2lst, 8 p.m. 46-1* Come to the "Alabami Mins- treis" in Tymone Hall on Tuesday, nd4ov. 19, at 8 p.m., presented by Kedron Young People under aus- pices of Tyrone Jr. Young Peo- ple. Proceeds in aid of Missions. Admission 35c and 20c. 46-1 Corne and see "A Pair of Coun,- try Kids" a 3-act comedy by Eb- enezer Young People at Maple Grove United Church, Friday, Nov. 22, at 8:30 p.m. Tickets may be secured from members of the Y.P.U. 46-1 Blackstock Continuation School Commencement Exercises wiil be held November 21 and 22. Admis- sion Thursday, aduits 35c, children 20c. Friday, with dance, admis- sion adults 50c. children 25c. 46-1 Lest SAND colored cocker spaniel an- swering to the naine of Sandy. Anyone knowing the whereabouts please phone 753 or cali at 139 King St. E. 46-1* LOST-Two yearling steers, reds, no horns. Strayed from Lot 10, Con. 6, approximately August 1. Reward for information leading to their recovery. L. Thompson, Tymone. Phone 2302. 46-1* SPARE tire, 32-6, and wheel. Lost on Manvers moad between Bow- manvîlie and Salem corner Satur- day night, Nov. 9, between 5:30 and 6. Finder kindly phone Wes Taylor, 2806. 46-1* Be just and fear not; let ahl the ends thou aimest at, be thy country's thy God's and truth's.- Shakespeare. A new substance said to be 4,- 000 times sweeter than sugar is being manufactured in the Net'h- erlands. WANTED HORSES FOR. FOX MEAT Phone or Write F. C. BOULTBEE ORONO 77-r-4 Auction Sales Having offered lis farm for sale H. Egerton Hancock and Sons, Lot 23, Con. 4, Clarke, will sel by public auction their entire farm stock and implements con- sisting of a large herd of pure bred Yorkshire swine and some registered Holstein cattie. Sale at 12 o'clock, Thursday, Nov. 21, 1946. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 46-1 * WOOD Sale-I have been au- thorized to seli by public auction for Carl Bradfley, south haîf of Lot 22, Con. 4, Darlington (2 miles north of Sheil gas station at Ma- pie Grove, and west), on Satur- day, Nov. 16, 5 acres, more or less, of standing timber, ash, maple, and some cedar (some excellent ash trees) to be sold in quarter- acre lots, more or less. Purchas- er will be given until April 1, 1948, to remove timber. Good road for trucks. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 45-2 Having sold bis farm, Mr. Lloyd Taylor, Lot 22, Concession 10, in Clarke Township, haîf mile south of McCrea's Church, will seli by public auction on Saturday, Nov. l6th at 1 p.m., all bis farm stock, implements, hay, grain, poultry and some furniture. For furtber particulars see buis. Terms cash, positively no reserve. Jack Payne, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-1 Furniture Sale-Theë undersign- ed bas received instructions from the executors of the Estate of the late Mrs. James Moffatt to sel by Public Auction on Saturday, November 23rd, to be held in Or- ono Skating Rink, ber entire household effects. This sale wili include modern and antique fur- niture, bedding, linen, silverware, dishes, a quantity of wood and coal. For further particulars see bis. Terms cash. , Jack Reid, auctioneer. 46-2 FARM SOLD Auction sale of purebred Short- homn cattle and a fulll une of near- ly new farm macbinery, the pro- perty of Mr. J. W. Aikens LOT 26, CON. 9, HOPE TWP. (1 Concession north of Elizabeth- ville and hall mile east) To seil by public auction on WED., NOV. 2Oth AT 12 O'CLOCK SHARP ail bis farm stock, implements, bay grain and poultry. For fur- ther particulars see bis. Terms cash, positively no reserve. Auctioneer's Remarks: This is one of the finest herds of Short- horn cattie and farm machinery that I have had the priviiege of siling this season and would ap- preciate your attendance at this sale. Willard Lord, Cierk Jack Reid, Auctioneer 46-1 Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Sidney Garfield Chartran Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of Sidney Gar- field Chartran, late of the Town of Bowmanville, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of Sep- tember, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to W. Ross Strike, K.C., solicitor for the Administratrix, Bowmanville, Ontario, on or be- fore the l6th day of November, 1946, full particulars of their dlaims. Immediately after the said 16th day of November, 1946, the assets of the said deceased will be dis- tributed amongst the parties enk- titled thereto, liaving regard only to dlaims of which the said 'solic- itor for the Administratrix shahl then have notice. Dated at Bowmanville, this 28th day of October, 1946. W. Ross Strike, K.C., Solicitor for the Administratrix, Bowmanville, Ontario. 44-3 FARM SOLD I have been authorized by M. 0. 1Tindalil To seli by public auction on LOT 22, CON. 7, DARLINGTON Township M1 4 miles south of Enniskiilen, 1 mile west), on WEDU, NOV. 2Oth The following live stock, impie- ments, etc.: HORSES Black gmey gelding, 4 yeams; black gmey gelding, 3 yeams; Per- cheron matched team, weigbt 2,- 700 lbs.; black gelding, Percher- on, 4 years, weight 1500 lbs.; grey bmood mare in foal; bay colt, 1 ym. G.P.; black colt, 4 months. CATTLE Black cow, S years, due Dec. 20; mcd cow, S years, due Dec. 20; red cow, 2 years, dual pumpose, caif at side; Holstein cow, 3 years, caîf at side; Holstein cow, 8 years, bred in August; Holstein cow, S years, bmed in May; Holstein cow, S yms., bmed in May; brindle cow, S yeams, due in Dec.; Durham cow, 3 yrs. due in Dec.; Durham heifer, 2 yrs. due in Jan.; Holstein heifer, 2 yrs. due in Feb.; 4 Holstein heifers, 2 years due in Dec.; Holstein beifer, 2 years, due; 2 Holstein beifers, 1 ',2 yeams, open; 2 Holstein bulîs, 1 year; 5 sping calves.. Dog, ex- cellent farm CohUie, black and white, good cattle dog. IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H., 6-ft. cut; mowem, F. & W., new knife; bay rake, M.- H., 10 ft.; bay ake, 8 It.; cultiva- tom, Cockshutt, neamly new; drill, Cockshutt; barmows, 3 sections; 2-f urrow riding plow, M.-H.; sin- gle plow, Cockshutt; scuffler; farm wagon; sping wagon; 2 cutting boxes; buggy; grindstone; cutter; 2 beavy robes; set of bob sleighs; fanning mill, complete;. set of scales; hay rack; 20 rods of chick- en wire, new; 25 cedar posts; a quantity of oak tongues, and bardwood lumber; womk bench and vice; sling ropes and attach- ment; hay fork; quantity of bags; electric fence, battery, neamhy new; 2 sets of team harness and many other articles. GRAIN AND FEED *300 bushels of mixed grain; 100 bushels of oats; 150 bushels of buckwheat; 20 tons bay,, timothy and alfalfa; 250 ýbushels turnips; 150 bushels mangels; 20 stooks corn; 7 bags fertihizer. SWINE Two sows due Dec. 1; s0w bred Nov. 2; service boar, 1 year; 9 young pigs 75 hbs. each; 4 pigs, 8 weeks old. FOWVL 300 Barmed Rock pullets, 5 mon- ths; 300 Barred Rock Cockereis, S months; Buckeye brooder stove (oul bumner); feed troughs; 3 drinking fountains. FURNITURE Two beds; 1 Marshall spring mýattress, new; bmass bed, full size; dresser and stand; 2 draw-out cou- ches; brown velour chestemfield suite (bcd attachment); set of window drapes; 2 extension tables; walnut maroon velour covered chair; 2 leather covemed chairs; solid oak sideboard,; 2 small ta- bles; Coleman gas hamp; 6 kiteli- en chairs; quantity of sealers, al sizes; Gumney range, coal or wood; linoleum; Victrola, 146 records; quantity of lines; Congoieum rug, cream and mcd; annex stove; cook- ing utensils; compiete set of silver- ware and dishes. Other articles too numerous to mention. SALE AT 12 O'CLOCK TERMS CASH FURNITURE SALE AT 2:30 THERON MOUNTJOY, CIeri ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 46-1 Radio Service THE RADIO SHO?. Bowman- ville, offers honest charges, latest type equipment. and trained per- sonnel. Our two radio techni- cians both hlod Goverrnment Cer- tificates of Proficiency i Radio. Phone 573. 33-tf Notice Re Increased Charge- For Statesman Classified Adlets Because of greatly increased costs of pub- lication, a slightly upward revision in The Statesman's classified advertising rates lias been found necessary. Commenciiig ith issue of Thursday, November 2Oth, 1946, the rates for classified adiets wiIl be as follows: CASH RATE: 2 cents a word (minimum 35c) Must be paid before insertion. IF CHARGED: 3 cents a word (minimum 50c) 25 cents extra for box numbers or replies directed to this office. Additional insertions same rates. When mailing adiets to Th'e Statesman enclose cash, stamps or money order. It is simple to figure the cost - just two cents each word and figure, with minimum of 35c. Add 25c if you want a box number. But remember to get this kow cash rate, you must send along the money. PHONED ADLETS ÎMUST BE PAID BEFORE THE STATESMAN GOES TO. PRESS, flot later than noon Wednesday. If the adiets are charged the higher rate is necessary because of the great deal of bookkeeping involved. It takes just as much time and work to book a small adiet as a full page ad. Newsprint has gone froni $69.00 to $119.00 a ton. That makes a 70% increase in six years. Materials, wages and al factors in publishing are much costiier. As a matter of fact, a perusual of dozens of weekly newspapers across Canada shows that The Statesman's increase of only 10c for cash adiets is lower than many weekly papers, where the minimum is 50e and in many cases 75c. Furthe rmore, The Statesman with it's more than 3,000 ABC circulation has an estimated readership of over 12,000 prospective customers each week. Imagine getting your message to such a large audience at such low cost of two cents a word (cash). MAN'S leather windbreaker, neariy new, size 36, $10. Apply 77 Ontario St., or phone 891. 46-1* RANGE-Renfrew Cookrite, with coal and wood grates, good con- dition, warming cioset and reser- voir. Also parsnips. Phone Port Permy 172-12. 46-1*, MARCONI battery radio, in good condition. Moved to town and we have no further use for it. George Allin, Albert St., Bowman- PAIR of C.C.M. speed skates and boots, leather Iined, ladies' size 5, too small for owner, in good con- dition. Mrs. F. Bradt, phone 404. 46-1 HEINTZMAN piano cabinet grand Aiso 25 hens, year-old hybrids- Rock and Hampshire. i-femb E. Rundie, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 2623. 46-1 DOLL'S clothes: For that littie girl on your Christmas list. Or- ders taken and samples on displa, at Mms. Mitchel's, 23 Silver St. Phone 2558. 46-1* THREE-piece chesterfleld suite, wine, repp coveming, 1 green chair good condition; man's winter ov- ercoat, navy 38-40. Aiso child's coat size 4 navy. Phone 447. 46-1 * QUEBEC heater, large size; Gur- ney heater, nearly new; Clame Jewel range cookstove; brass bed and springs. W. L:*Bamton, phone 2379. 46-11 NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available. electrics and trea- dies! For f urther information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf PONTIAC de luxe coach, 1940, Serial No. O 251100397, radio, heater, defroster, tires practically new, in good shape ail around. Ap- ply Fred Dorken, 17 Liberty St. N. Phone 719 after 6 p.m. 46-1* INTERNATIONAL il/, h.p. gas engine; Lister 61/2 h.p. gas en- gine, both in good running condi- tion. Apply Ken Gilbank, R.R. 3, Burketon. Phone Port Perry 78- il. 46-1* TIRE 650-16, also tire 600-16 and tubes. All in good condition. Also kindling wood-wili deliver. Ap- ply Ivan Mountjoy, R.R. 3, Burk- eton, phone Port Perry 78 r 13. 46-1* DINING room suite; china cabinet and secretary; hall rack; single bed, spring and mattress; toilet set; ail in first class condition, mea- sonable. Mm. Hamblyn, 84 On- tario St. 46-1* RENFREW Cookrite cookstove, polished steel top, warming oven, reservoir, water front, excellent condition; wash stand; odd chairs; oul lamp; childIs crib; settee; side-. board. A. Larmer, 66 Scugog St. Phone 2153. 46-1 NEW Fleury Bisseil tractor plows, 2-furrow with rolling coulters and skimmers. Sec these plows at Burketon Station. Secure your plow before prices advance. T. S. Mountjoy, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, phone 2503. 46-1 OSHAWA'S new furnIture store- Everything in modern. Chester- field, bedroom and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverlngs a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buylng viskt Brad- ley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Pets For §ale FOX liound maie pups for sale, parents registered. Apply Eric Courtice, Courtice. 45-2* ,Art1cies For Sale q, PRAM, good as new. Phone 707. 46-i » CAR radio. Apply G. Purdy, 68 Church St., Bowmanville. 46-1 STOVE, medium size Quebec hea- ter, nearly new. Apply 114 Elgin St. 46-1* QUANTITY of turnips and man- gels. Apply G. C. Keetch, R.R. 1, Bowmanville. 46-1* FORD tractor, 1946, new in Au- gust with plow and cultivator, Morley Burgess, phone 2386. 46-1* PAIR drapes, good condition, like new, $1.50. Apply Mrs. Fuller, il Duke St., Bowmanville. 46-1 MIXED cordwood $10.50; sawed mixed cordwood $12.50, F.O.B. our yard. Delivery extra. Phone Clarke'4020. 45-tf METAL churn, in good condition, with ladle, 'butter bowl, butter print. Ail for $2.50. O. Friend, Tyrone. Phone 2523. 46-1 COCKSHUTT rid-ing. plow, two- furrow, foot lit. Also one aged mare. Appiy John Jacks, Hamp- ton. 46-1* McCLARY Crown cookstove, white enamel finish. Mrs. E. Bar- chard, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 4413. 46-1 GAS stove, four burner, in good condition. Boy's winter coat, size 12. Apply R. Davies, 144 Scugog St. 46-1* SIZE 16, black seal coat, good lin- ing, recentiy French-cieanedi. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 2817. 46-1* CHOICE carrots, 100 bushels, smalier size 50c bushel; table tur- nips 75e bushel. For delivery phone 2381. Lloyd Snowden. 46-1 * FITTED fur coat, grey Chinese kidskin, size 16, just like new. A bargain for slim young girl about 5' 6" taîl. Phone 2683. 46-1* LATE model enamel cook stove, sheif and water front or reservoir. F. McMullen, Newcastle, phone Clarke 44SL. 46-1 GOOD dlean 6-qt. baskets. Will pay 35c per dozen. Deliver at 55 Liberty St. N. 44-~4* LIVE poultry and feathers, top prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 r 13. 37-tf WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We will pay top market prices. Margwill Fur r:arm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanv4le 2679. 35--tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. I 2-tf FARM, 100 acres, good land and buildings, preferabiy near Bow- manville. Apply George Benetin, 467 Ritson Rd., S., Oshawa. 46-2le OLD horses for fur farm, $1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, delivered here. For slightly less we wiil humanely destroy your horses on your own farm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phonc Bowmanville 2888. 38-tf llelp Wanted REGISTERED nurse for Ontario Training School for Boys, Bow- manville. Age 25-40. Apply to Superintendent Qf above. 46-1 GIRLS for light factory work; steady employment. Apply Paul H. Sîmpkin Cabinet Co., 160 Church St. 46-1 COOK general for modemn coun- try home, near Oshawa. Write Box 785 Statesman Office, Bow- manville. 44.-3* WANTED immnediately, one wo- man to work in kitchen; aiso a girl for dining room work, iive in. Ap- puy Dietitian, Ontario Ladies' Col- lege, Whitby, Ont. 44-3 BOY, 14 to 16 years old, wanted to work with pouitry, Satumday fore- noon and three hours a week af- ter school, good pay to honest, Willing boy. Mrs. Mason, 325 High Street, phone 723. 45-2* FARM help-Married man for modemn dairy and apple farm, on main highway. Separate bouse, with hydro. Write Box 784 Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. - 44-3* EXCELLENT earnings-big pro- fits-financial independence for keen, ambitîous salesmen. For further information apply Famous Produets Corporation, Dept. O.B.l 370 Guy Street, Montreal, P.Q. 45-4* AN OPPORTUNITY-Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of youm own. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 45-4 Christmas Enlargement Specials For a time43 Christmas gift, have your favourite negative enlarged, coioured and framed in either walnut, gilt or blend maple. Compiete size 8 x 10 iches ----------- $1.85 Photographic Calendars Simply send us your favour- RLe negative and we shall make snapshots and mount them on these calendars. Complete - ---- 2 for 25e Common Cold Vaccines Lantigen "A"..........----- 6.00 Common Cold Vaccine B4D . H .----------- Vitavax Capsules - 83.25 $2.50 TT~1TTW~rIAV ?'ITUW IA+h 1OAR Livestock For Sale YOUNG calf for vealing. A. W. Martin, phone 2594, 46-1* CALF for vealing. E. Adamson, phone 2490. 46-1* EIGHT Yorkshire pigs, 8 weeks old. A. G. Perrin, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3912. 46-1 APPFiOXIMATELY 100 Leghorn hens, one year old. Orville Os- borne. Phone 2480. 46-1 THIRTY pure bred Rock pullets, 5 months old, Brooks breeding. Phone 86 r 19, Orono. 46-1* YORKSHIRE pigs (24), six weeks old. Frank Bray, R.R. 2, Oshawa. Phone Brooklin 54 r 14. 46-1 HEREFORD bull, 6 months old,. Apply Norman Mountjoy, R.R. 3, Burketon, phone Port Perry 78 r 13. 46-1* NINE Yorkshire white pigs, 8 weeks old. F. Aldsworth, Cour- tice. Phone 491 J 2, Oshawa. 46-1 * TWELVE Yorkshire pigs. Dur- ham cow, 3 years old. Apply Raymond Bottreli, Newcastle. 46-1* REGISTERED Polled Hereford buils from 7 montbs to service- able age. Priced to seli. Apply George J. Stapleton, Newtonville, phone Clarke A3611. 46-1* JERSEY heifers, 9 to 20 months, registered, accredited, vaccinat- ed. Some due to freshen this winter and sprinig. Wm. C. Par- sons, phone 2315. 46-1 SIXTY White Leghorn hens 1 year old, $1 each; 2 Yorkshire sows due about Dec. 24; aiso some feeder cattle. Appiy Earl Trewin, Enniskiiien, phone 2351. 46-l* TWO purebred Yorkshire sows, each with 8 pigs, 6 weeks old, sec- ond litters; one open gilt; 16 pure bred Shropshire. ewes up to 4 years of age. Bill Rowland, New- castle. Phone Clarke 1902. 46-1* Real Estate For Sale ONE building lot on Liberty St. N. Apply .88 Liberty St. N., or phone 2807. 46-1 CHOICE single lot, 70xl38, on Loyers' Lane. Apply 69 Conces- sion St. 46-1* $3,000-8-room bouse, insulated, newly decorated, ail biinds and electric fixtures, barn, garage. On 7A bighway in Nestieton, buses stop at doo.r. Apply T. Langfeld, Nestieton P.O. 46-2* Wanted to Rent IMMEDIATELY-From three to five rooms, for adults. Write Box 795 Statesman Office. 46-4* Wanted 1'o Buy day, November 11, 1946. Hair- dut adults 40c, children 30c. Shave TOWN,0F BOWMANVILLE 20c. 46-1* Notice is hereby -given that the first sitting of the Court of ile- Wihl the person who took Bar- vision for the Town of Bown~IN- red Rock laying lien from Mrs. ville will be held in the Cow Marjoram's hen bouse please re- Room in the said Town on ThuruL C turn it, as I know the boum taken day, November 28th, 1946, at 7:30 >,. but heing blind I couid not get p.m., to hear and determine the out. 46-1 several complaints of errors and omissions in the Assessment Roll TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON of the said Municipality for tlie ADJOURNED SALE year 1947. And further take notice that al 0F LANDS FOR TAXES ratepayers who deemn themselves Notice is hereby givený that the ovemcharged, or otherwise impro- adjourned sale of lands which perly assessed, may notify the weme offemed for sale on the 5th Cherk of the Municipality in writ- day of November, 1946, will be ing of such overcharge or, impro- heid on Thursday the 2lst day of per assessment on or before the November, 1946, at the Township 28th day of November, 1946, and hall in Hampton, by public auc- your complaint shaîl be tried by tion at which time the said lands the said Court of Revision. or such of them as shaîl not bave Ahi persons having business at been redeemed in the meantime, the Court are requested to attend will be offered for sale pursuant as aforesaid. to the provisions of Section 157 of A. J. Lyle, the Assessment Act. The war- Clerk of the Town rant authorizing such sale for of Bowmanvilhe. taxes was produced at the sale Dated this 4tb day of upon the 5th day of November and November, 1946. 45-2 was published in the Ontario Ga- zette, August 3rd, September 7th and October 5th, 1946, and in The Court of Revision Canadian Statesman once a week And AppeaU for 13 weeks. A list of tbe lands to be offered for sale may be seen and furthem TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON information required may be ob- Notice is hereby given that the tained at the off ice of the under- first sittings of the Court of Re- signed. vision for the Township of Dam- J. D. HOGARTHI, Treasurer lington wilh be held in the Town Nov. 12, 1946. Hampton, Ont. Hall, in the village of Hampton, 46-1 on Fmi., Nov. 15, 1946, at the hour \NotIce Newcastle cider press now op- erating. Malcolm Ainslie, New- castle. 37-tf I no longer keep a hog for pub- lic service. Reford Cameron, R. R. 1, Hampton. 45-2* Dr. H. B. Rundle's office will be closeci untîl Saturday, November 23. 46-2 Bowmanville Barbers announce Notice to Creditors Ail persons having dlaims against the Estate of William Co- vert, late of the Town of Bowman- ville, County of Durham, bache- lom, deceased, who died on or about October 23rd, 1946, are re- quired to file tbeir dlaims with the undersîgned before December 2nd 1946, after which date assets of the Estate will be distributed, the Estate having regard only to the dlaims of which they shah tbhen have had notice and to the exclu- sion of ail others. Dated at Bowmanville, Ont. this lStb day of November, 1946. NINA E. NEADS, Adninistratrix, 91/2 King St. E.;~ Bowmanville, 46-3 Ontario For Rent SINGER portable electric in your own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Trucking SCREENED sand, gravel, loam,' fill, cinders, mnanure. We have it, you name it. We will deliver it. H. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, phone 2255. 33-tf Personai LADIES, your weaknesses and hidden desimes reveahed. Know the future. Just send a sample of your handwiting with $ 1.00. Don't deiay. Paddington Hart, Greenwood, Ont. 45-2* HYGIENIC Supplies (mubbem goods) maiied postpaîd in plain, seaied envelope with price list. Six samples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 45-8 of 1:30 p.m., to bear and &ter- raine the several complaints and omissions in the Assessment Rol for the said Municipality for the year 1947. Ahl persons havîng business at the Court are requested to attend. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk of the Twp. of Darlington Dated at Hampton this 2nd day-of Nov., 1946. 45-2 Voters' List Posted Clerk's Notice of First Postmng of Voters' List. Voters' List, 1946, Municipallity of Bowmanvilie, County of Dur- ham. Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up in my office at Bowmanville on the 4th day of November, 1946, the list of a persons entitled to vote in Mh said Municipality at Municipal El- ections, and that such list remains t.here for inspection. And I hereby cail upon ail vot- ers to take immediate proceeds to have any errors or omissions cor- rected accomding to law, the last day of appeai being Monday the l8th day of November, 1946. A. J. LYLE Clemk of the Town of Bowmanville Dated this 4th day of November, 1946. 45-.2 CHIROPRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC 146 Sfimcoe St. N. - Oshawa Drugless Treatment including chiropractic Electro - therapy, minerai vapor baths. Practising 24 Years. PHONE 224 $2.25 $2.45 $1.75 $2.25 $4.50 75e $1.10 $2.50 Adrienne Gift Sets Bath Powder and Bath Beads ------------ Bath Powder and Cologne ------ -------- Taicum, Face Powder and Flnishlng Cream ------ Perfume, Face Powder and Soap -------- ---------- Glamour Pin, Cologne and Face Powder.------ Gift Soap, 3 cakes - ---- Cologne Compact Gifts for Mon Yardley Shaving Bowls $1.25 Yardley Talc. and After Shaving Lotion ---------8 1.85 Yardfey Shaving Soap and After Shavlng Lotion ---82.35 Seaforth: Shavlng Lotion --------- ---81* Shaving Bowl,------------- $1.50 Talcum-------------------- --8'1.5.0 y Wanted MID~LE aedi couple, free rent, tohP1jyeonvalescent ladyr. epply 10 Anne St., Bowmanville. 46-1 .Piano Tunlng LOU Tapson will 'be in town next week. Phone 2257 for appoint- ment. 46-1 Court of Revision And AppeaU eCosmetic Ggi Jury & Lovell's LADIES!a!l Why Carry Your Parcels? wu11 LLIVI Ail Ordèrs Over $1.00 Just Dial 677 for a Complets Lino of Groceries Real Fresh Fruit and Vegetables CAWKER'S GROCERY. 23 King St. E. Phone 67 7 JURY ULOVELL YOUE FAVOURITE DRUG STORE 1 THURSDAY. NOV. 14th. 1946 e --------------------- ----------------------

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