Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1946, p. 4

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PAGE POUR Guo~~ For the Money You Need When You Need It See HOUSEHOLD FINANCE how much you can horrow at Household and how long you can take to repay. 1~ Number Find here the Cash Loan you need ... then S of choose a Monthly Payment Plan Monthly_______________ paymients $50 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $700 $1000 24 ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .........$34.95 $ 49.92 S 20........ . ..... ...... $7.47 $23.30 $29.12 40.77 58.25 15 ... $ 7.49 $1499 22.48 29.98 37.47 52.46 74.94 12 $ 4.58 9.17 18.34 27.50 36.67 45.84 64.18 91.68 6 8.78 17.55 35.11 52.66 70.21 87.76 122.871 175.53 These payments include ail costs if payments are ma de according ta schedule Just phone us. Or, corne iu if you prefer. Your m oney is ready quickly, usually the same day you apply Church's Great Now Is To Be in tE ir And remember, 1-ouseholci .Finance iuau CWratesnd eliio Iowest of any Small Loans Company in Canada. They thoghtofdRitinit consisting only o! "Thou shait UflhlcUflI rI ME~IE'not's," she discovereci andi she HUU EUVL INANCEIR~F found they were very critical of professing Christians who wr BACKEO BY 68 YEARS 0F. EXPERIENCE I unneighborly and inconsistent. Candas lrgsiandoles SmllLons oman wih 1 ffiesin34 ileiThat God had a purpose for their Candd lrgsi ndoles SaLLLonsCopav wth41ofics a 3 Ctis ives was an unfamiliar thought to most o! the girls, she said. D. C. Maore, Manager ~ In her contacts with the girls in te C.W.A.C., she founch they hac 15 Simncee St. South (Over Kresge'S) itie consciousness o! wrong-doing OSHAWA, ONT. Phone Oshawa 3601 Much o! the biame for this shE How 9to5 r b apontentLonsmoe t frmrsandroidnt ofnerb tvMlaid upon the schools where "Any- Hows9 e o b apanf'e'-Loa, aod t frmrsan rzien, f eabyfoni~ thing you get away with is ai. ]right." - ~~I~3 ..~ - ~ ~The drinking habit among th( E M-MMS m girls she explainedi partly in thiý way: They didn't feel sociaily a ease at a party, they took a drin] and then had a wonderful time. Many girls in the services cam( from communities with high stan dards and these girls at home * Miss Thomas said, didn't do cer tain things because they didn' want to be talkecl about. In thi army, they carried over the fee] irig they should do the same a y À the rest o! their community andis they feil in with the customs o the majority. Girls As Individuals FARE AND ONE-QUARTER FOR THE ROUND TRIP Turning to work among girls a tm'a fro 1200 non Fidu, No, rthe present time, the speaker dE Go: Any tqefo 20 oi ieMv clared that a leader shoulci knoý Sîh, until 2:00 p.m. Mondai', Nov. 11th. the members of her group ndi RETURN: Leave deslinatbon up 10 12:00 id- viduaily through their Sunda night, Tuesday Nov. 121h, 1946. andi weekday activities. It is i Fui#infomatin fom oy agnt.such groups that Christian deci. ions are made, she asserted. toi Women must stress the Chri! tian education program o!ftû Church. Young people, she hz found, are interestedi in religic but not in the Church. In tû army, girls had to give up the freedom andi throtùgh this saci fice they felt they belongedi to group makiing a big effort. In t] That's why this bright secretary drinks plenty of mil.k. She knows it'S the perfect energy food . . healthy, nourishing and so delicious. Keep on your toes - mentally and physically by drinking mllk - eating milk products. Glen Rae Dairy Ph.'.e 44 Dowmanviile1 THURSDAY NOV. 7th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIO Answer: Use 2 2-3 tablespoons cocoa plus 1 teaspoon shortening to substitute for 1 square choco- late. Mr. N. L. asks: How to remnove peach stain fromn blue tie. Answer: Soak immediately in sweet milk. Mrs. M. W. asks: How to soften paint brushes. Answer: Simmer in vinegar. Mrs. C. G. asks: Do cooked pea- nut huils harma a childi? Answer;, Peanuts shouldi be giv- en to children in small quantities as they may cause indigestion. Hulîs are remnoved by rubbîng on a board with a damp cloth. Mrs. B. A. says: Haîf a cup o! fruit juice poured over pork chops baked in the oven makes thema de- licious. Ann Allan invites you to write to her in care o! The Canadian Statesman. Send in your sugges- tion on homnemaking problemns and watch this column for replies. CHECKED UTC Hor Mon.>' Bock For qulck relief f rom f tchiaig caueed by eczemm. athetes foot. ecabiesl, Pim ples and atheritchina =oditoneueePurqcolfflg. medfcated. lîquld . bD. 0. RPTION. Greaeleu a nd @WmlIess. Sootds. comforts and quiekly calme IntomseItch, . Doai't suif et. Ack your druggat 'idsS for 0. D. D. 008ESCIPTON. When your SAC K ACHES... "iea*heeftm nued h ay&de aU. WL.. kWà dne mig eo f orde mues &"ds md poiseasresain l in &uyatm. ilio baàkahe, huàdcl hemoma& pain, dla. turb egdui at 'tired eut'feeing may »w n oIlew. Té hdp keep ymoU&ry wking prd oel-uedoddaF& i heW "IRED HEAD DUCKS" by T. M. Slrortt, Ornithologist. The above illustration shows red head ducks in their natural Canadian habitat. -- - - -- - - THE HUNTER-a Conserva tionist The hunter, tao, hecomes a canservationist if he adiieres rigidly ta bag limita, kilia destructive animaie and birds whenever possible and re- upects the broust laws regarding camp ires, etc. whir-r-r .. . heralds their coming. 'RED HEADS', twin syxnbols of brilliance and grace, sweep overhead - are gone. But conservation measures will ensure their return, year after year, in increasiflg numnbers. *2Sanctuaries have been established, many of them being marshy lakes which restore former breeding and resting places ... By assisting the agencies whose efforts are directed towards conservation everyone of us can have a part in the preservation of Canada's water-fowl." *An ezoerpt f rom-CONSERVATION and CANADA'5 MIGRATORY WATEB VrOWL by 1. L. Baillis Ir., one in a sertes of pamphlets publlahed by Th;. Carling Conservation Club. CARL ING7S THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED t> 'v.' t< D303 i --.~ THURSDAY NOV. 7th, 1946 tcopyRIGHT Dy CARLit4a.s. 1 61 in the program of rehabilitatiofi, declared Miss Wîlna -£homas, Yrouth Secretary o! the Dominion Board o! the W.M.S., at a well at- tended mass meeting for women n King Street United Church, Oshawa, October 29. The Church's part she explaiiied, is to be friend- ly toward the returned service mnen and women. "If we miss the opportuflity o! the next two or three months, we shall lose them for a long time," she said. Another challenge s7ne threw out to her audience was to establish girls' and children's work comittees in every congre- gation, and to dedicate themselves to the -youth o! their communi- ties. Mrs. W. P. Rogers, president of the Oshawa Presbyterial o! the W.M.S., presîded and introduced the two representatives from the Dominion W.A. Council, Mrs. W. C. Sturtridige and Mrs. George Paul, both of 'roronto. She also introduced the two missionaries in the audience, Mrs. A. R. Gra- ham o! Central India and~ Mrs. Ralph Wilson of Angola, Africa. Panel Discussions Six members o! the Bowmafl- ville Auxîhiaries conducted. an in- teresting panel discussion on "Wo- men, the Church, and Today's Needs." They were Mrs. L. W. Dippeli, Mrs. C. A. Wight. Mrs. Arthur Baker, Mrs. R. T. Hoskifl, Mrs. C. W. Slemon and Mrs. Howard Jeffrey. Mrs. Sturtridge Dominion W.A. Council secretary conducted a service o! dedicatior to the Church and to the King- dom and Mrs. Arthur Drummonc o! Orono sang two solos. Mrs Robert Holden, Sr., was accomp. anist and organist. Miss Thomas, who had servec as a chaplain's assistant in the C W.A.C., told in her address oi "Youth in the Fellowship of thi Church" o! her impressions of thi young people o! today. The vas majorîty o! the girls in the C.W A.C., she remarked, had attendei Sunday School but knew little o .the essentials o! the Christian re ligion._ Opprtu ity ts Most Successful le Explalned by Tea-Bazaar in History Minister of Health Fr e d yThe annual Bowmanville Wo- Education requirements appear -: Friendly she ers InStitute bazaar, heId in to be the reason why nurses frm 2k ' u f St._ohn'_______Hll,_n__________________l hav been barred* Church, the speakerreaed 31, was. the most successful hsfo securing the degree of Rg -jerseif has found fellowshipno tPu Of hrough a common dedication to group of women have sponsored. istered Nurse, rather than preju- oe cause. The idea of a bazaar and tea to dice arising from larger centres,MM In addition to her exhortation be held annually on the last according to Minister of Health, Wiulterizing Yaur Car to he hurh t befriendly to Thursday in October was origin- Hon. Russell T. Kelley who e young people, she issued a cal ated fifteen years ago when, 0W- cently spoke on the matter. for more teachers and ledrh ing to the depression, financing 0f Mr. Kelley declared that any- *.. - the Church. She urged that t he this organization became a prob- one could try the examinations M~. . . . .. organization of young married em. couples' groups be encouraged' in This annual levent is becoming who fulfilîs the government reg- a churches. A very definite way 0f better each year and so well pa- ulations. Included in the latter : showing interest in girls' work tronized that ahl tables were sold are junior matriculation, training M wasilusratd n er W~exerout by 4:45 and the draw for the in paediatrics, mental cases anda ience of women in a church in quilt cnutd Mrs. Harry Dad-ohesilacassofitr- othr Sakth anin th son, Liberty St. was winner of tesilacassofntr- years of drought. They entertain- this beautift4l quilt which was do- tion. He claimed that in most ed the C.G.I.T. groups in, their nated by Mrs. J. H. Jury, who is a cases the only nurses who receiv- a homes as the local congregation friend and patron of the Women's ed such training were those in* could not afford t heat the Institute. thM Me opias churchfo such meetings. Mrs. A. L. Nichols with a fewthlagrosias remnicet rmaksregrdng "The whole point now, " Mr. Is your car in shape f or the cold season WmnsIsiue*raiainKelley explained, is that there isitr.pr oen's thnstitute o rga nizaton ahead? Make sure of perfect wntM pr " oend h bzar.Ms.Nihosa very strong agitation in some of coplt and Mrs. Frank Jackman have tesalrcnrs uha i formance by stopping in for a cmlt tedistinction o! long term mem- tesalrcnrs uha i bership in the Women's Institute, agara Falls, Walkerton, Petrolia, winteriziiig job. We have every f acility both being members since 19W. Midland, Clinton, to change the for quick, sure service. Put your winter * gPresident Mrs. L. S. Dumas was regulations so that junior matric- a driin ares and worries aside by bringin asitdas hostess by Mrs. Jack- uato iîntb eesayfr*rvn assistd Ms Chris. Robinson lto wi n bnesarfr your car in now. wh, also has a fine record o! Wo- nurses entering training and for M men' Insitut serice.the registered nurse s degree. a HYDRO Mrs C. Johns, convefler of the Some suggest that three years M HOME ECONOMIST tea room, had a bevy of younger high school training should be lvw- members assisting her and Mrs. sufficient, instead of junior ma- m Fred Baker, a past President, rclto*hc sal olw ARTON' Hello, Homemakers! Actions pouring tea. fe oryas hg coî n vent toGrntan erafeourryers feelings,,-CA T NýS AR G must give vn oorMelns rs S aeltob oGratuland hernother demand, Mr. Kelley said, spurring us on to live happily to- a in e to be congrameuat o is that nursing courses be reduc-: gether. Happiness in the home is bread, buns and other products pe torefrsiea o the re Phone 2666 Kin t . omnil refiected throughout a commun- of the culinary art, in this dcay of can be obtained." ity. And helping one another is ratîoning and shortages._________________________________ ori o te os unelis wysof Canned fruit and pickles and a Cites Example oan o! th e m stue lfsaso variety o! garden and farm pro- "We had ope case this year," aitiigpec.duce interspersed with bouquets Mr. Kelley explained. "The sup- fflz.- ~<** . As aptin ! te huseold weof ýbeautiful flowers were off ered erintendent of oneoftesaer >:',;* suggest.a few ways andimeans byy Mrs. L. Kirktonan her hospitals came to see me about - which ybôu can make home well- gop one young lady who had been un- ~~/'~t. remembered. Mrs. J. Levett and assistants su'ccessful in getting her matric- 1. Your next-door neighbor pos- had a varied and practical assort- ulation examination because she., 40' sibly couldi use an extra basket of ment o! aprons which was excep- had failed in the one subject o!f ~ ~ 'ç. frut r egeabe hic yu aytional, owing to the shortage o! trigonometry, and yet it was con- have in abundance. The oldi say- cotton materials. sidered' she had every other qual- iing, "waste not ,want not," should A new '-touch and take" pre- ification for making a very fine*»'. be a forethought. sîdedi over by Mrs. C. Mason and nurse. It does seem too bad that 2. That jar of sour cream or group was sold out early. this young woman could not be- - any the prouctwhic yo do Mrs. J. Thickson, in the un- come a trained nurse because of not use may be valuable to some- avoidable absence of Mrs. Ross this one subject which it %wouId one else. Phone your friends. Grant, convened. the fancy and seem could have no bearing in her 7 3. Before you become too tired needile work and a fine display of future work as a nurse." tto think during the busy week knitted, and handworked' articles Mr. Kelley said: "The nursing a* * *y o mcie o e aahead consider where you have was soon disposed of. shortage is a very big question," '@ e to m ko nny fbeen losing ienergyan time. Let The hall and tables were nice- and he admittedi that the newEecrcyanmoe mcheraetie IllfA Ethings go-by-the-board until you ly decorated with Hallowe'en mo- nursin-g aides cgurse which has Elcrctyadmdrnmciey r ie ,have readjusted your work. It motifs and seasonal flowers. been inaugurated' will be "only a savers and money-makers. The Bof M is %MYD 11 rmay be that you require a basket The executive wish to express drop in the bucket" for makîng ready to Iend you mnoney to help you mnake WAIN11109 N tto holdi all the cîeaning equipment their appreciation to all the mem- up the shortage. These nursing more money. Ask or write for our folder for the upstairs work-andi there bers for their splendid co-opera- aides will, after receiving a nine 'Quiz for a Go-ahead Farmer." Better stil4 JjJJ rshould be one around at this sea- tion and to the public for their months' course, be able to make see your Bof M manager today. d son. It may be that your kitchen patronage and generosity in mak- $4 a day, whereas a registered AB ytable is too low and causes you to ing a substantial contribution to nurse charges $7 a day, the minis- le stoop. This can be remedied with Women's Institute funds. ter pointed out. AI.readiy 150 L ,_ heavy castors which should be Mrs. L. S. Dumas will represent young women are taking the new B N F MN R A Il noted on your shopping list. One this Institute at the Area conven- nursing aide course and these will 1ri-1ýufiCmda 1 1,l (IiiwuIi could write down many "wants" tion at the Royal York Hotel, To- be available in nine months whiie ,e bt lttlethigs d, hlp.ronto, on November 11, 12 and a second 150 should be ready in- is 4. Create a beauty spot in your 13. sd 5mnh. k or evergreen. . ........ 5. One of the best amusementsU tIf YA PM SA efor childiren on a rainy4ayis15 .1 ..f T 11.1 .....Nl l - showing them how to make ýtheir ff 4f4 3 Li m <~ ...............W W eown story book using scissors, ~w.'7 U W ~ UU IU AK~~ r- paste pot and old magazines. l u l t 6. During the busy summer you ie did not have time to read. INow - is the time to devote a littie while S every day to this pleasure. o3 7. Store materials separately. )f Summer wool sweaters must not be wrapped with rayon fabrics. ' And according to research, the best method is to place garments 92~'- ain a bag or box s0 that they wil dust without making the bag or- .y 8. Initiais on your belongings .n wiii solve a problem if you are ' ýtaking laundry over to put in ~j~'I v . with mother's, or the neighbor's. 9. Do not dependi upon poor 1 ý e îight when you are doing close ,a work. Leading authorities agree n thtiaeutnigtn a as

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