Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1946, p. 3

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a TIIURSDAY, NOV. 7th, 1946 Local Breedems Buy Hoisteins at Cedar Dale Dispersal Sale Severai lo-cal breeders were amnong the buyers at the dispersai sale o! the Cedar Dale herdi of Master Breeder M. J. Tamblyn held October 29 at Orono. Dr. W. W. Sherwin, Orono, purchaseti the five-year-oît cow, Cedar Dale Ella May, at $520, andi a Yearling gran<jon of montvic Tole Floora, Laid by Expert Setters FIEE ESTIMATES Cholce of Colours gpeciaIize THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Bonheur Pietje Posch, son o! the noted $2 1,000 Montvic Bonheur Pietie B., at $425. I. J. McCon- rýel1, Port Hope, paid; $450 for a five-year-old; J. E. Austin, $410 for a six-year-old; Wm. T. Lightle, Port Hope, $385 for an 11-months- old bull caîf; J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle, $240 for a baby heifer calf. Ail these animais are sired by "Pietje Posch." Alex Hendry, Newcastle, paiti $200 for a 14- year-old cow in cal! to "Pietie Posch." The 39 head sold in this Dis- persaI Sale brought $25,800 for a general average of $661. High- est price was $3,100 4,aid for the Senior herd sire, Montvic Hiemke Pietie Posch, a son o! the noted $21,000 Montvic Bonheur Pietje B. Heifer calves sold for $1,800, $1,600 and $1,075 while a milking three-year-old brought $ 1,100 andi a bull cal! $1,025. The seven Hon. John Bracken Real Farm Worker A few weeks ago a party from Maple Grove district motored to Manotîck, near Ottawa, on a vis- it which included a side visit to the farm of Hon. John Bracken, National Leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, who heads the official opposition in the House o! Commons. The account b5rought back throws a sidelight on how Mr. Bracken dons olti farm clothes between sessions and actually works with his hantis in developîng his farm which he purchaseti since con-iing to Ottawa after 21 yearsý as Premier of Man- Kitchn an Batrooms 1 insfo oa averageci $810;'18 mulk- The motor party consisted of Kitcen ni athoom in feales $533; 7 bred heifers Mr. Thomas Snowden, Mrs. L. C. I$510; 2 open yearlings $462 and 5 Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Harry PHONE 653 heifer calves $1,065. Freeman. Mr. Snowden, age 87, I B OML Y &SON Roal intr Firwished tovisit his graldd-augh- I ylWntrFi mer Betty Snowden, who now re- ________________Reopens Next Tuesday sicles w.ith her husband on their 4At Coliseum, Toronto has -stable accommodation for more than 100 dairy cattie. Af- ANNOUNCEMENT Few even.ts on the agricultural ter a pleasant reunion the party front during the past seven years went across the Rideau River to haehldmr ntrs frtevisit neighbors Mr. and Mrs. John 01,as aehldmr itrs frteBracken. Tuesiayslivestock breeders of Ontario, and They were graciously welcom- A Representative of farmers in general for that matter, ed by Mrs. Bracken who showed TheSinerSewn~ than the reopening of the Royal them over their farmn home 'buit TheSinerSeiinl Wnte Far.FrGnalacut ove r 100 years ago and which they Machine Cone.Fî. ro i acu are remodelling, leaving the oak- there will be literally hundreds beamed ceilings as they were or- wii be ln Bowman'vl.1le te from Durham County taking in iginally constructed. The men service ail makes of sewing the event which lasts from Tues- were busy elsewhere so Mrs. Exprtchins ip dey, November 12 to Wednesd.ay, Bracken took them to the barns Expet Wokmanhipto show the splendid herd of Jer- Guaranteed Novem'ber 20. Special rail fares sey cattie that forms the main If ln need of service write or have been arranged for those who source of revenue of the farm. Phone before the above day.. go by train. She was quite familiar with SIN ERSEWNGLocal interest in the Royal cen- namnes, pedigrees and production. The Party discovered Mr. SING R SE INC treý about the thousands of ie Bracken in work clothes busy on MACHINE CO. stock that will be shown, partic- work about the place. He broke Phone 696 Oshawa ularly cattle, sheep and horses. off to tell more of their plans in 17-ti Entries indicate that it will be developing a first class farm that the________________inthe________ had been in decline for som e ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ the gre tes by fa in the hisory tim e. He pointed out a beautiful of the Royal. Ed summers will stone walk built of fiat stones be there with his Junior Farmer taken from along the river bank. Judging Team. Jack Baker wiil It was piacecl and morticedi by be manager of the beef cattle himself and his younger son and section and Bill Dryden, Brook- adds much to the attractiveness lin; is General Manager of the around house and barn. He ap- entire show. Many entries wiîî peared to be a man who delighted be on hand fromn this part of On- to work with his hands. tario, including hore nd Short- *Mr. Bracken paraded his prîzç horns. ossawinning herd sire and taiked of A feature of the horse.show wiîî farrn problems before the party be the î .ayanýmsca ie repaî red to the house for tea. The mnîhchetry sad bmusicides hosts also calied attention to the ed fromn as far distant as Mexico demrso th ha-ew and Peru. Other features include logs and rafters of a century ago. The Brackens have added a sun a deg show and a cat show and in roomn to the home andi Mrs. the flower section will appear Bracken, a coilector of paintings* more than 6,000 rose blooms ex- ha ayondslyintevr .......hibited by members of the Rose ious ros. lyinte a . .......... Association of Ontario. ia Thimrson rugtoe The ventwi..tak.on..so by this visiting party was that aspect as well as an international teBakn r ipyjs one Ho. Ry AheronUnied folks" who love the land and States Ambassador to Canada, wil formaily open the Fair andi both sedeeymmn osbeo the ovenor eneal o Caadatheir eastern farmn when they can and teLetnn oenro escape the social and administra- Onteario owill beo tive duties imposed by the public ithth.fct.reen.toacor.psition that claimsmuch of their . .. .. .. ..... ...wih tefc that it is in reality P Royl Sow.time. Should Mr. Bracken be' successful at the next election he . .. zed in 1922 its charter was given PieMnse ntehsoyo Sthe distinction "Royal" by Hîs Canada. Mai esty King George V, and, hence _________ the Governor and Lieut. Gover- . .. .. . . ..C.. or are usuaily in attendance. HOUSEHOLD STORAGE When war broke out, Septem- FRUITS, VEGETABLES ber, 1939, the directors of the_____ ........... ...............Royal immediately turned over Household storage of fruits and IA P Sthe entire plant and buildings to vegetables is not a difficuit matter ....... . he government for war purposes. if a few simple rules are carefully SSo for seven years farmers have followed. These rules, with much had no chance for seeing a general additional information on storage * £ assembly of some of the finest will be found in two publications CANADIANlivestock in the world. The edi- of the Dominion Department of Coe tor of The Statesman and several Agriculture, namely, No. 632, of the staff hope to join with far- "Household Storage of Fruits and mers of this district in taking in Vegetables" ýby the Fruit and Veg- the Royal. etable Division, Marketing Service - and No. 743, ',Construction and Operation of a Home Storage for Fruits and Vegetables" 'by W. T. m'a Phillips, Division of Horticulture. T O SAVE YOU WORRY Ail fruits and vegetables select- ed for winter storage should be IF well grown, fully mature, and free IFyou are worrying about management of from d.amage caused .by insects, property, planning the disposition of your disease, rough handling, mechan- estate, the building or purchase of a home, ical înjury, -freezrng andi chilling. Great care must 'be exercised in or similar problenis, perbaps we can relieve grading and sorting the produce you of some of your worries and help you in order to eliminate decayed or decide some of the perplexing pointa about partly decayed, specimens. It is es- your future plns sential that ail specimens be thor- oughly dry and dlean, because We offer a complete trust service, some phase moisture allowed to remain on of which may be a real help to you. May the produce induces decay. Dur- we discuss your problenis with you? No ing the storage period, all the obligation, of course, fruits and vegetables shouldi be soited regularly andi defective specimens completely removed THE from the storage rooin. Refuse STERLNG TUSTSowed to remainin storage CORPOATIONstock. CORPOATIONFor those who desire a more Sterling Tower, Toronto ambitjous seheme for storage than a fenced,-in corner of the 35 yeaa's in Business cellar, plans for a more detailed storage equipment will be found ______________________________ in pbictonN.T-743ý. A-o o C. H. TUCK Registered Optometrist 3-Day Service Speclal Arrangement By appointment: 9.34 te 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OPP P.O. OFFCE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. the S e e .et 1 s a i/Vow as for leseuvyar More peoPle ride on OMv :pE AR.,oe s thanon ny other kiendl IMPORTANT:' in ail present-day tires, regardiess aï' make CORRECT inflation is essenialfor maximum mileage and servoe. Consuit your Goodyer dealer for zproper pressure, 4< i ERiirs t est! '-'s I Nd h j s; -I J -s PAGE THIIEN 2mem SNI PAGE TIUM

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