Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Oct 1946, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE BIRHSENGAGEMENTS COMING EVENTS CARTER-Mr. and Mrs. T. H. The engagement is announced Dance at Tyrone Hall, Friday, Carter are happy to announce the of Clara Kathleen Ashlee, daugh- October 18. Ruth Wilson and her birth of their daughter, Patricia ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Allan 6-piece variety band. 42-1 Alice -Lee, in Bowmanville Hos- Ashlee, to Mr. Charles Arthur pital, Saturday, October 12, 1946. Brint, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Round and square dancing at 42-1 Brint. The marriage will take Enniskillen Hall, Saturday, Oct. place on Saturday, November 2, 19. AI Fletcher and his orches- LEDDY-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Led- at 3 p.m. in St. Chad's Anglican tra. 42-1* dy (nee Audy McCausland) an- Chùirch, Toronto. 42-1 nounce the birth of their son, Dance at Enniskillen Hall, Fni- M4ichael Patrick, at Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Young, day, October 25, with Ruth Wilson Hospital on Wednesday, Otober Bowmanville, wish to announce and her orchestra. Under auspi- 9, 1946. 42-1* the engagement of their eldest ces of the service club. Admis- daughter, Dorothy Augusta, to sion 35c. 42-2 REID-Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Reid, John Richard Rundie, son of M r. Th oe'Cadin lu Newtonvilie, are happy to an- and Mrs. Herbert Rundie, Bow- Tilhe omanoensmCaeain Clubn nounce the birth of their son, in manville. The wedding will takewilhdanoemetgonM- Bowmanville Hospital on Satur- place early in November. 42-1* day, October 21. Speaker will be day, Oct. 12, 1946. Mother and Nancy Piper on the topic "My baby both doing well. 42-1 IN MEMORIAM Trip Overseas." Tea served by ______________________the executive. 42-1 SCOTT-At Bowmanville Hospi- FLINT-In ioving memory of our tai on Monday, October 7, 1946, dear father, Frank James Flint, Kendal United Church Thank- to Mn. and Mrs. Trewin E. Scott, who died October 7, 1939 *offering services Sunday, October a son. (Stillborn). 42-l1* 'We cannot clasp your hand 20, t il a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Ser- father dear, viceà will be condueted by Rev., Your face we cannot see; H. A. Bunt, B.A. Kirby choir at DEATIl But let this littie token both services. 42-1 CAVRLYOn ctber12,at er Tell that we stili remember Burketon United Church Thank- CAVERLYOn Octber 12,at her thee. ofrn evcswl ehl late residence, New Toronto, Is- -Lovingly remembered by ofrn evcswl ehl Sun- abella Shearer, beloved wife of daughter Hazel, and son-in-îaw, day, October 20, at 2:30 and 7:30 Lewis S. Caverly, in hier 7th year Alfred. 42-1* p.m. Both services will be con- and mother of Mrs. E. Fenneil, the____ ducted by Rev. E. S. Linstead of Queensway, Etobicoke; K. A. Ca- Hampton and music will be sup- veriy, Hampton, and H. M. Cav- GARROD-In ioving memnory of a plied by the local choir. 42-1 enly, Petrborough.dear husband and father, John ____ _____etrbrogh William Garrod, who passed COMING TO BOWMANVILLEt a way October 18, 1942.t CHAPLIN-At St. Joseph's Hos- Memories of us ail together By many requests a studio will pital, Hamilton, October 11, Wil- Wili linger in our hearts open soon teaching Popular liam R. Chaplin, 36 Sherman Ave. Till we meet again. piano playing, age 14 and up (no S. (formenly of Bowmanville), -Always lovingly rememnbered childnen please). For further in-i and fat heran of NoranGordson by wife and.family. 42-1 formation write Ragnar Steen, and_____oNrmnGodo Whitby. 40-tf and Donald. i # PERFECT-In loving memory of Reserve Thursday, October 24,1 GALLAGHER-At St. Michael's our dean niece and cousin, MVary for Order of the Eastern Star ba- - Hospital, To15onto, 'Oct. 11, PAtrick Perfect, who passed away October zaar to be he]d in Trinity SundayC Gaiiagher, beloved husband of the il, 1945. ' Sehool room from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m.e late Annie Shannon, dear father "In our home she is fondly re- There will be booths of home of Mollie (Mrs. B. W. Edmonds), membered, made cooking, aprons, touch and 1: Russell, Raymond of Toronto and Sweet memonies dling to lier take and country store, also after- - Vernon of Bowmanville. name. noon tea. The public are cord- _____Those who loved her in life sin- ially invited. 42-1 GOOD-I Bowmnvill, on c- stcerely____ GOO -InBowanill, o Oè Siii love her in death just the Toronto Men Teacher's Choir tober 16, 1946, Mary Good, be- same." assisted by 2 boy soprano soloists loved wife of Joseph Good, aged -Lovingîy remembered by Uncle CdacnerIins wl rsn 79 years. Resting at Northcutt Alf, Aunt Hazel and cousins an a concert iNwcst l Commun- and Smith's Funeral Chapel until Beverley and Barbara. 42-1* ity hall on Wednesday evening, Friday, October 18, at 7:30 a.m., ______3__ 'rusics f ew then to St. Joseph's Church, Bow-Ocoe23udrasisofew- manvilie, for Mass at 8 a.m. In- SOMERSCALE-In ioving mem- castie Unitedi Church W.A. Ad, S terment Bowmanvilie cemetery. ory of a dear husband and father, mission 50e. Reserved seats 75C. 2. George Somerscales, who was Reserved seat plan opens Satur- A RICHARDS - At Bowmanville kilied in a highway accident,, Oct. day morning, October 12 at Wal- nr Hospital, October 15, 1946, Thom- 14, 1941. ton's store. 41-2 - as Richards, beloved husband of "This world may change from F Rachel Allun, aged 78 years-Rest- year to year, A Remembrance Day Service 3. ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel. And friends from day to day, wili be held at Ebenezer on Sun- b, Service in the chapel on Thurs- But neyer shall the one we ioved, day, October 2th at 2:30 p.m. day, October l7th, at 3:00 p.m. From memory, pass away." under the auspices of the Ceme-F Interment Bowmanville cerne- -Ever remembered by wife and tery Committee when Dr. C. C. e tery. family. 42-1 Oke of Welcome wili give the ad_-ae ter. ______dress. Special music by combin- aý SOMERSCALES-In ioving me- ed choirs and Mrs. A. Murdoch of 2 mory of a dear son and brother, Toronto will be the special soloist F Pte. Charles Somerscales, killed for the afternoon. Ail are invited. ig Plumbingin action in France, October 14, Come early. Leo. F. Courtice,N 1944. secretary-treas r er. 41-1. "Deep in our heants you are fond- lUo W te ly remembered, Notice E Roi aierSweet, happy memories ding Nwateede rs o Pl ' round your name;Necsleirpes o o- He ti gTrue hearts that ioved you wîth erating. Malcolmn Ainslie, New- ei Ig a i gdeepest affection castle. 3-fpl Aiways will love you in death the MnJW.ileBrrwssH same." M.J .MleBrewse Repairs-Ever remembened by Mother, to notify his customers that he is b, sisters and brothers. 42-1 eontinuing in business at his res- YE idence 103 King St. East, Bow- hil Agent for Carda of Thanks manville. 42-2 81 O)iI-0-Magie L Mns. Russell Luke wishes to NEW GARBAGE COLLECTOR E, 011 Burners thank Dr. W. H. Birks, the nurses I wish to notify the citizens of pr of Bowmanvilhe Hospital for their Bowmanville I have purchased a fu Installed ini Any Type kindness. Also neighbors and truck and am prepaned to coleet TE of Furxiace friends who sent fiowers and cards garbage negulanly and carefully - during her recent illness. 42-1* for a limited number of custom- S' ens. Will also do general truck- ci. Mn. and Mrs. Nonval Wotten and ing. Contact me direct. Howard w; family wish to thank their many Burgess. 41-2* Ai J c r u h finsand neighbors for their B3 JKckgBrough kindness in their recent bereave- TEN ER Phone 2384 3 mntadmortegeatfutfo-.EN ES.0 ens sent, with special thanks to mý ____________________Dr. Slemon, Misses Lizzie and RA SAEC Rilda Hockaday and Mrs. SamREL ST EC Dewell. 42-1* The premises in the Township C: -of Manvers listed below are of- cc W ANTED Accommodation fered for sale by tender to the de highest.bidder but subject to re- mý Mto reject any tender. Six M*W. R. STRIKE, K.C Ma * Nationally known trade marks are featured in 40 King Street, West, ber M* Bowmanville, Ontario. * every department throughout the store. They 40-3 - * represent the finest, the best, the most depend- *TESRRSSL FLN able merchandise there is. And back of these FOR AXE * . Township of Darlington typ, names you will find oui own name and the County of Durham son * ciar * reputation we've built over the years. Shop : To Wit- tific * hre ithcofidnce * By virtue of a warrant issued Phc *er *hcnfdne by the Reeve of the Township of * M Darlington under his hand and M ___________________________the seal of the said corporation__ *bearing date the 4th day of May, SC: M*Msale 'of lands in arrears of taxes fin, El ~A I O n win the Township of Danington, yo mw~.~m.mm.will be held at my office at the H.:1 M noon on the Sth day of Novemben, *1946, unless the taxes and costs * HARDWARE - SPORTING GOODS - FRIGIDAIRE: are sooner paid. Notice is hereby B LECTRICAL APPLIANOMF - FINDIIAY STOVES * given that the list of lands for 0 B-H EGLISHPAINT - STROMBERG-CARLSON M sale for arnears of taxes was pub- fori * BH NGIS Mlished in the Ontario Gazette on a ANDMARONIRADOSthe 3rd day o! August 1946, and si * M that copies of the said list may be * Phone 408- King Street East had at my office. Treasurer's Office, this SN i M6th day of August, 1946. SIn nJ. D. HOGARTH, er.: 32-13 Treasurer taric THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCT. l7th, 1946 Articles For Sale COMBINATION gas and wood range. Phone 2379 or 833. 42-1 MAN'S leather windbreaker, size 36. Phone 2183. 42-1 SPANISH onions. CARROTS-Robent Hetherington, phone 2337. 42-1 LADY'S coon fur coat, size 18 or 20. Apply 133 Church St., or phone 762. 42-1* TWO ovencoats. One tweed, size 36, one choth, size 34, in good con- dition. Apply 64 Church St. 42-1* PIANO. Also 85 Rock hens, one year oid. F. McLaughlin. Phone 2297. 42-1* SIZE 16, black seal coat, good lin- ing, recently Fnench-cheaned. Phone 2817. 42-1* QUEBEC heater in good condi- tion. Phone 788 or apphy 44 Chureh St., Bowmanville. 42-i GUITAR, Spanish or Hawaiian, can be phayed either way. Apply 57 Centre St.- 42-1* QUEBEC heater, in good condi- tion. Apphy Mrs. Lewars, Cour- tice. 41-2* QUANTITY sweet Spanish on- ions; good finm stock; also eook- ing onions. Phone 2391. 42-1 THOR washing machine, med- ium size, good condi tion. Write Box î74, Statesman Office . 42-11: CHEVROLE T, 1936 halfton pan- el truck. Serial No. 615020 3992. Wili trade for coach or sedan. Phone 642. 42-1 Roy Van F'OLDING baby canniage and Karri-cot (English). Apply 67 King St. E., after 6 evenings. 42-i * GIRL'S size 2, conal, hat, coat and leggings, white fur trim; black pa- tent Packard shoes size 7!,2, like new. Phone 447. 42-1* SPANISH onions, ist grade $3.50; 2nd grade $2.00, in 50 lb. bags. Apply Bert Budai, R.R. 3, Bow- rianville. Phone 2810. 42-1* !URNITURE-China cabinet and -piece seetional bookease. May be seen at 107 Liberty St., North. 42-1* 'URNOLA Furnacette, used, in xehlent condition. May be seen t Barron's Store, Hampton, phone FORDSON tractor, good, Model A lnition. Clarence Niehols R.R. 3, Newcastle, phone Clarke 2830. 42-1 * :LECTRIC motor, 220 volt, 3- hase, 3/ horse power, electnie notor, fully enclosed $45. Meagh- ýrs', 92 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa, )hone 4600. 42-1 ïI-HEAT 011 Burners, 61/2" Dou- 1er $39.50 plus installation. 5- rear guanantee. Immediate de- ivery 57 King St. West. Phone Il. 42-1* ,ADY'S muskrat coat, size 12. Pxcellent condition. Moderate nice for immediate sale. Ample ur for any desined altenations. 7elephone 856. 42-1* ;TOVE, radio, joist 15' long, doors ,pboard, glass case and 40 gal. vaten tank. Ahl in good condition. pply-Mr. W. Wileox, Queen St., 3owmanville. 41-2* ýUANTITY of sweet Spanish on- ns. Apply Ralph Campbell, 1 aile east of Cneam of Barhey 'amp. 41-2* 'HOICE hardwood, $18.50 per ord. Cut in stove iengths and elivered. Write Box 734 States- an Office, or phone 481 Oshawa. IEW Singer Sewing Machines are ow availabie, electnies and trea- les! For funther information ite or phone Singer Sewing Ma- mie Company, 16 Ontario St., shawa. Phone 696. 4-tf SHAWA'S new furniture store- verything in modern. Chester- id. bedroom and dining room ites, and studios. Bedding and )or eovenings a specialty. Qual- y merchandise at competitive [ces. Before buying visit Brad- r's New Furniture Store, 156 neoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Personai 'LDER'S Stomeeh Powder- îeck relief from digestive ail- en ts, acid stomach, heartýburn. lasant, economical. 50c and at ail druggists. 42-1 YGIENIC supphies (rubber ýds) mailed postpaid in plain, aled envelope with pnice list. xsamples 25c; 24 samples $1.00. ail Order Dept. T-38 Nov-Rub- ýCo., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 36-9 Radio Service îE RADIO SHOP, Bowman- [e, offers honest charges, iatest 'e equipment and trained per- Lneh. Our two radio techni- ins both hold Government Cen- iates o! Proficiency in Radio. one 573. 33-tf Trucking ,REENED sand, gravel, loam, .cînders, manure. We have it, u name it. We wili deliver it. B. Evans, R.R. 3, Bowmanville, one 2255. 33-t! Room and Board )OM and board accommodation two gentlemen willing to share ne noom. Phone 2809. 42-1 For Rent qGER portable electric in your n home. $5 per month. Sing- .Sewing Machine Co., 16 On- io St., Oshawa, phone 696.. 1O-ti Livestock For Sale VEAL calf. R. Stenger, Ennis- kihien. Phone 2824. 142-1 MARE, between 10 and 11. Phone 2849. Roy Wilkins. 42-1* REGISTERED Hoisteins a n d Guernseys. Walter Frank, phone 2403, Bowmanviile. 42-1* PULLETS-130 S.C. Leghorn pul- lets, laying about 40 per cent. Phone 800, Bowmanville. 42-i PIGS-10 Yorkshire pigs, 6 weeks old. Fred R. Stevens. Phone 2234. 42-1* PIGS-20 Yorkshire pigs, 7 weeks old. Phone 2214, Bowmýýnville. 44-1* HEREFORD bull, 11/2 yeans old. Roy McLaughlin, Nestieton. Phone Port Penny 104 r 3. 42-1 PIGS-Yorkshire s0w due to far- row in 2 weeks; also 2 fattening hogs. Ken Butson, Enniskiilen, phone 2823. 42-1 TEN Yorkshire pigs 8 weeks old. Apphy W. G. Werny, phone 22'53. 42-1* SIX Yorkshire pigs 7 weeks pld; Durham cow 5 years ohd, bred 2 months. Apply Harold Alhin, Hampton, phone 2825. 42-1 HENS-25 hens, 1 year old, $1.50 eeeh. Also girl's bicycle, pre- war. Apply Mrs. James Allen, across from Enniskillen Hall. 42-i HENS-100 White Leghorn year- old hens $1.00 each; 9 Grade Lei- cester ewes (young). Apply Gor- don Stnong, Bunketon, phone Pont Penny 165-3. 42-1 GEESE, ducks and Plymouth Rock hens, ail parent stock, neasonable in pnice. Evenings only. Mrs. Alma Emerton, Nestieton, Ont. Auction Sales Auction sale on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd, accredited, blood tested dual purpose Shorthorns, 27 head; 3 honses; hay; grain; turnips; im- plements; furniture; eolony house. Pnoperty of James Mitchell, 1 mile south and i mile west o! Man- chester. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 42-1 Auction sale, Saturday, Oct. 26 at 12:30 p.m., 10 Springers; 30 Durham and Hereford stockers; 2 sovIs, due Novemben; 9 shoats; 5 good work horses; quantity of dry wood, eut 12"; 5 acres standfing timber. Lot 7, Con. 3, East Whit- by. F. J. Clemens. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneen. 42-1 Mn. R. J. Morton, Lot 10, Con. 6, Cavan township, 2 miles north o! Millbrook, has sold his farm and wihl seli by public auction on Tuesday, Oct. 22nd et 1 p.m., ahi his farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. For funther particu- hans see bills. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41-2 Mr. James Bail, Lot 33, Con. 7, Clarke township is giving up fan- ming and will seli by publice ue-. tion on Friday, October 18th et 1 p.m., ahl his farm stock, impie- ments, hay, grain, and poultry. For funther particulens see bills. Terms cash. A. E. Morton, elerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 41-2 Fred Gibson, Lot 9, Con. 4, Clarke Twp., et Crooked Cneek, is giving up fanming end will seil by publie auction on Friday, October 2Sth, et 1 p.m. sharp, ail his fanm stock, impiements, feed, poultry, apples, vegetables and furniture. For funther particulans see bills. Tenms cash. Positively no ne- serve. Jack Reid, auctioneer. I have been authorized to seli by publie auction for J. H. Me- Ewen, Lot 25, Con. 4, Darlington, on Wednesday, Oct. 23, ail his ferm stock, implements, pigs, han- ness and household effeets, in- chuding Beatty electnie washer and other electrical equipment. Sale et 1 p.m. Theron Mountjay, eherk. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 42-1 I have been authonized to seli by public auction for Sidney Won- den, Lots 33 and 34, Con. 1, Dan- lington (11/4 miles south o! Pres- tonvale on No. 2 Highway) on Friday, October 18, his farm stock, impiements and some househohd effects. Terms cash.- Sale et 1 p.m. Gordon Gifford, Clerk. Elmer Wilbun, Auction- eer. 42-1 The undersigned hes reeeived instructions from Byron Farrell, 2 miles north o! Tyrone on the Long Sault Road, Lot 6, Con. 8, to sell by publie auction ahi his farm stock and implements and some household effeets on Wed- nesday, October 30. Mn. Farrell is givirig up farming and every- thing will be sohd. No reserve. Plan to attend the auction sale. See bills for list o! articles. Sale at 12:30 sharp. Terms cash. Theron Mountjoy, clenk. Clif- fond Pethick, auctioneen. 42-2 EXCLUSIVE FURNITURE SALE -Mn. Van Wyngaarden, Front St., Orono, wihl sell by publie auction on Saturday, October l9th at 1 p.m. sharp. This sale will in- clude three-piece chesterfield suite in wine velour,' 2 Axminster rugs, davenport, six-piece breakfast room suite, wahnut bednoom suite in Waterfall design, cabinet ra- dio, 5 sets o! drapes. This is only a few o! the many pieces to be of- fered for sale. For funther par- tieulars see bills. The above fur- niture is ahi nearhy new and in perfect condition. Terms cash. Positively no reserve. Jack Reid, autioneer.41-2 Real Estate, For Sale FARM-80 acres, choice dlay loan'i soul, fair buildings and good waten supply. Close to town. Write Box 778 Statesman Office. 42-1 TWO houses, solid brikcm plete with furnace and wired for heavy electric stove, also gas. Ap- ply 10 Liberty St. N. 41-3* Wanted roBuy BILLY goat. Send panticulars. E. Launie, R.R. 2, Bowmanville.41-2* ABOUT 80 or 100 puhiets, prefer- abhy Leghorns. 0. Friend, Tyr- one. Phone 2523. 42-1 GOOD used high chair, prefer- ably with ahuminum tray. Mrs. Stan Aluin, Orono. Phone 4 r 5. 42-1 HOUSE for wrecking; also smal gas engine. Give full particuhars. C. J. Mitchell, R.R. 1, Port Hope, phone Clarke 3122. 42-1* TRACTION steam engine in good condition. Canada Tobacco Plan- tations, Newcastle. 42-2* FIFTY tons good baled hay; also barnyard manure. Canada To- bacco Plantations, Newcastle. 42-2* GARDEN tractor, 3 h.p., with phow and scuffler. Phone 2448. 42-2 LIVE pouitny and feathers, top prices paid. M. Fhatt, R.R. 1, Bethany, phone Bethany 7 n 13. WANTED-300 live horses for mink and fox food. We wihh pay top market pnices. Mangwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tynone. Phone Bowmanvilhe 2679. 35-tf PIANOS-Cash wîll be paid for small and medium sized pianos; must be in good condition. Tele- phone F. J. Mitchehl, 492 Bow- manvihie. 31-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf FEATHERS and feather beds of ahi descriptions. Hîghest prices paid. Write particuhars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., OLD horses for fur farm, $ 1.00 per hundred, approximate weight, deiivered here. For slightly less we will humanely destroy your horses on your own fanm. Ran- kine Mink Ranch, Haydon. Phone Bowmanvihle 2888. 38-tf Hlp Wanted ELDERLY lady to help look after yean-old child. Write Box 777, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 42-1 * GIRL or middle aged woman wanted in Toronto home. Must be found o! children. Pnivate room and bath. Write Miss B. Kaye, Ponty-pool. 40-4 WANTED-A matron for smalh chihd-earing institution. Prevîous expenience needed. Suitable pos- ition for man and wife. Send full partieuhars to Box 776, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 42-1 MALE-Established company has opening for salesman. Big pro- fits and success assuned, applicant who can meet requirements. Fa- mous Prodiiets Corporation, Dept. 0-B-1, 370 Guy St., Montreal, P. Q. 41-4* AN opportunity-Established rur- al Watkins district available. If you are aggres.ýive, and between the ages o! 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is youn opportunity to get establish- ed in a profitable business of your own. For full partieuhars write today to the J. R. Watkins Com- pany, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 40-5 Work Wanted PLOWING gardens. Phone 496. 42-3* HOUSEWORK wanted by middle aged lady. In home where thene are no ehildren. Wanted by third week of November. Write Box 775, Statesman Office. 42-1* TRACTOR eustom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing, combin- ing. I also have John Deere trac- ton repair parts. F. S. Allen, 44 Concession St., phone 594. 26tf HOUSEHOLD and Farm Wining our specialty. Free estimates. If you need. anything done in the way of eleetnical wiring cahl Hig- gon Electrie, phone 438, 42 King St. E., Bowmanville. 41-tf *No diplomat is Unele Hemen- way, who, observing his wife's new hat, said he didn't realize Hallowe'en was so close at hand. And if one. ikes a particular television drama, is one supn)osed to all up the studio and applaud? OSHAWA THURS. - FRI. - SAT. October 17 - 18 19 Margaret O'Brien- Lionel Barrymore in "Three Wise Fools" wlth Edward Arnbold - Lewis -Stone MONDAY - TUESDAY October 21 - 22 'The Garden of Allah' Starrlng Marlene Dietrich - Charles Boyer * In Technicolor WED. - THURS. - FRI. - SeT. October 23 - 26 *Claudette Colbert - Orson Welles - George Brent lu 'Tomorrow is Forever' Wanted ABOUT 18 head of cattle to feed for the winter months. Apply George Webber, R.R. 1, Orono. 42-1 * WANTED-I can take cane of 30 head of catthe for the winter mon- ths, as I have plenty of hay and silo of ensilage, dlean arrd warm stable. Write Box 773 Statesman Office, Bowimanville. 42-1 Lost HOUND. Large black and white, male. A. L. Darch, Bâwmanvilhe. Phone 2890. 42-1* YEARLING Holstein heifer, near- hy ahi white, fromn the vicinity of Tyrone, sînce June lst. Anyone knowing whereabouts kindly not- ify Percy Mountjoy, Oshawa R.R. 2, phone 1827j2. 40-6 POLICE dog, dank brown with sand feet. Answens to name "Lightning." Jumped from truck at Maple Grove, Sunday, October 6. Reward. Phease write Mrs. Florence Stevens, R.R. 4, Mal- horytown, Ont. 42-1* Health Unit (Continued from Page One) ed a local eommittee to take charge o! the arrangements. The Women's Institutes have promis- ed to do the eanvass in the rural Sanitation During the month 43 inspections o! restaurants were earried out, 46 bacteniological tests were done on dishes and utensils, and 50 pas- teurized milk samples were col- lectedt for analysis. Communicable Disease A total o! 68 new cases o! com- municable' disease was reported during Septemýben,. 24 o! these being cases o! ehiekenpox. Dur- ing the month 1 case o! poliomy- ehitis oecurned in an eduit from Manvers Township but no paraly- sis occurred and recovery was un- event!ui and the patient has been discherged from hospital. There were four casee o! seanlet fever, 3 primary cases in separate local- ities and one secondary case de- vehoping in the home. An out- break o! whooping eough local- ized to one area had graduahy de- veloped before sehool opened but as the cases did not deveiop typ- ical symptoms early, they were not reeognized by the parents. One schooh was elosed for a short per- iod and the outbreak did not spread beyond this anea. One student nurse from the Un- iversity o! Western Ontario was attached to the Unit for one week o! field work. Visitons diuring the month ineluded Miss E. Squires, Supervisor o! Public Health Nurs- ing, Preseott-Russell Health Un- it, and Miss M. Lowrey, fonmerly Supervison o! Public Health Nur- sing, Eastern Counties Heahth Un- it, Dr. O. S. Puffer, Acting Chief Medical Officer o! Heahth, Ontario Department o! Heaith, and Dr. W. Gordon Brown, Acting Director, Division o! Venereal Disease Con- troh, Ontario Department o! Health. Dr. A. E. Berry, Director Seni- tary Engineering Division, Ontar- io Depantment o! Heehth, made e brie! inspection o! the Cobourg sewerage'systemi and attendedt a meeting o! the Cobourg Town CounMi on 23nd September. Dr. Berry recommended th'at the Town Coun4cil engage the services o! a consuiting engineer to bning in a report on the sewerage sys- tem. THE STATESMAN NOW SOLD AT THESE STORES Newcastle: J. S. Dyer rgS D. G. Walton. Dugt~ Hampton: G. A. Barron & Son.> Ennîskillen-T. M. Shemon & Son. Bunketon: Harold Gili. Blackstock: H. T. Saywell. Nestieton: J. G. Thompson. Orono: Tyrrehl's Drug Store. Newtonville: W. C. Lane & Co. Tynone: F. L. Byam. Bowpianvidle: W. J. Berry, J. W. Jewell, Jury & Loveli, W. J. Bagnehi, Statesman Office. I have hearned silence from the taîkative, toleration from the in- toienant, and kindness fnom. the unkind.-Kahlih Gibran. A house is infinitehy communi- cative, and tells many things be- sides the figure of its master's in- come-Robent William Chapman. CHIROPRACTIC STECKLEY HEALTH CLINIC 146 Simncoe St. N. - Oshawa Drugless Treatment including chiropractie Electro - therapy, minerai vapor baths. Practising 24 Vears. PHONE 224 A CHECK It takes just one delicate part out of order to mar radio enjoyment. Let us check your radio and elim- mnate those trouble-spots. Cail us today. Fe Ce CROWE PHONE 2174 King iSt. W. Bowmanville ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 589 TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT TNURSDAY - FRIDAY - OCTOBER 17 -18 TWO GREAT PICTURES ý"THREE STRANGERS"1 A TENSE, THRIELLING MELODRAMA SYDNEY GREENSTREET JOAN LESLIE A Lovely Way to Spend an Evening ""CINDERELLA JONES"I SATURDAY - OCTOBER 19 "1PARDONBMY IRHYTHMà" BING CROSBY AND HIS ORCHESTRA - PLUS - "SAGE DRUSH FAMILY TRAILS WEST"r GERALD FITZGERALD ROBERT ALDA BOBBY CLARK CARTOON MON. -TUES - WED. - OCT. 21-22 -23 Featuring 13-year-old Worlds Champion CARTOON IN COLOR FOX LATE NEWS. Starring PETER LORRE - AND - $4 - - - - - - - - - - - - àm Free Parking Phone 1011

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