Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1946, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TECNDA TTSABWAVLE NAI no0w 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 j O pEfR /9 Phone 852 For Appointments Ail Branches of Beauty Culture: Machineless - Machine - Cold Wave and The New Elasti-Curi Permanents. VA LUE L EADERS Girls' Winter Coats Corne early for theset .«*-"{ new Winter Coats. A. grand array of styles, in ail wool fabrics, warmlyl lined. New Fall shades of blue, green, scarlet, brown and navy. Sizes 8 to 14x. Specially Priced Women' s Plastice MILLER'S Beauty Salon 1 03 King St., East n 1bou Puises The newest thing in plastic purses. They look just like genuine leather. A fine as- sortment of styles and f in- ishes in brown and black. $368 Tax Jncluded Chamoi"sette Gloves From England Two Bowmanville Men Married in Toronto on Saturday Newcastle Mr. Wm. Foley, Kipgston, was Sunday guest -of his aunt, Mrs. Stella Anderson.' Mr. Charles Bonathan spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton and Neil spent Monday in Toronto. Mr. Joseph Hocken is attending University at Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber and son, Toronto, were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Dack. Mrs. Don Eurdich and son, David, Toronto, visited Mr. H. T. Ma nes. Y.P.U. held their initial meet- ing Monday evening, Sept. 23rd. President Evelyn Aluin had charge of the devotional period. Rev. J. E. Griffith, Bowmanville, spoke to the Young people. Mrs. Mor- ley Sallows conducted a sing- song. Donald Jose conducted the recreational period. Among the Newcastle passen- gers in the Collacutt Bus accident at Kurv Inn on Monday evening were Miss Margaret Ash and Mrs. W. Kemfick and Edgar Kemfick. C.G.I.T. meeting was held at the home of Miss Kay Toms, leader o! the group. Meeting opened with C.G.I.T. hymn and pledge. It was followed by a short business and devotional period. Marjorie Toms was elect- ed President. After recreation the meeting adjourned with "Taps." Next meeting at Miss Claire Allin's. Three officials of the Newcastle Hydro Commission, George Jam- ieson, H. S. Britton and Reeve George Walton, were in Kingston on Sept..19th, attending the an- nual meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association. The fourth member of the Com- mission, Mr. Ernest Rinch. was unable to attend. All citizens who are interested in the coming season of the New- castle Rink are asked to attend a meeting in the Council Chambers, Thursday, Oct. 3rd, at 8 p.m. The sympathy of the community is extended to Fred W. Anderson and Miss Eleanor Anderson of Windsor, Hubert M. Anderson, Toronto, in the death of their father, William H. B. Anderson, in Windsor, on Sept. 2th. Mr. Anderson was a former promin- ent Newcastle resident and drug- gist and bis passing is much re- gretted. Miss Muriel Lake, Toronto, wbo is convalescing from an attack of Pnuemonia bas been visiting ber mother, Mrs. Frank Gibsoni. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Dyer have taken an apartmnent with Mrs. W. H. Coke. Mr. Dyer has pur- chased the drug store from Mr. A. E. Mellow. The community extends to Mr. and Mrs. Dyer a very cordial welcome to the vil- lage. Prof. and Mrs. E. G. Ardagb, Toronto, who have been spending the summer montbs at their home in Newcastle, returned to the city last week. Guests with Mrs. H. Ragen and Mr. Walter Douglas were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Douglas and daughter, Patsy, Haileybury, Mr. Tom B. Douglas, Indian Head, Sask., Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto Mrs. Stanley Brown and Bobby have lef t to spend a month with ber-parents at Port Elgin, Rev. John Bonathan, Longveil, Que., visited his mother, Mrs. S. Bonathan. Mr. Harold Allun, Toronto, wbo has been in the village desposing o! his household furniture by auction sale has returned to the City. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tamblyn have moved into their new home on Emily St. Miss Pearl Abar, Toronto, was guest of her mother, Mrs. Ed- mund Thackray. The Lions Club acknowledges with thanks the courtesy of the Men's Club of Newcastle United Church in postponing the appear- ance in Newcastle of the Men's Teachers Choir of Toronto to a later date. The home o! Mrs. W. H. Cooke was the scene o! a happy gather- ing on Tbursday evening, Sept. 19, wben friends o! Miss Ruth Honey gathered to extend best wisbes on tbe eve o! ber marriage to Mr. Clarence Sims, Fenelon Falls. On the arrivai o! tbe guest o! hon- our who was completely taken by surprise, Miss Claire Allin pre- sented ber with a lovely cor- sage of flowers, wbile Miss Joyce Martin performed the same happy office for the bride's mother, Mrs. George Honey. Mrs. W. H. Cooke, a life-long !riend o! tbe bride, conveyed to ber in a charming and eloquent verbal address the best wishes o! ber many friends, and asked ber to accept tangible expression of their esteem, wbere- upon Mrs. Ross Dickenson pre- sented Ruth with a handsome tri-lite floor lamp. Ruth charm- ingly expressed ber appreciation and thanks. A splendid programn followed consisting o! piano solos by Misses Claire Allin and Joyce Martin and * two well-rendered vocal solos by Mr. J. S. Dyer. Mrs. Morley Sallows conducted tbe sing-song and Miss Marion Allin had charge of a mirth pro- voking contest "Advice to the Bride," winners in the contest were: 1, Mrs. Jim Brown; 2, Mrs. J. S. Dyer and Miss Evelyn Allin. Re!reshments were served by the committee in charge, wbo were Mrs. W. H. Cooke, Mrs. Irwin,' ColwilI, and Miss Marion Allin. Obituary Wm. H. B. ANDERSON It was with deep regret that the residents o! Newcastle heard o! the death o! William .B B URNING RANGES Church, Toronto, on Saturday, Sept. 2lst. The groom served with Lincoln and Welland Regiment.' Centennial United- Church, Dov- ercourt Road, Toronto, was the setting for the wedding ceremony Anderson in Windsor, Sept. 2th. In the passing o! Mr. Anderson, Newcastle loses à former highly esteemed resident and druggist o! 40 years' standing. He was son of the late Dr. Wm. Anderson and Margaret Seaman, who were also former residents of the village, where his father conducted a medical practice. 'He married Wilhelmina Eleanor Barrett of Windsor, who predeceased him. Mr. Anderson was a member of many years standing of the Mas- onic Order, Durham Lodge, No. 66. He was a staunch Conservative and a member of the Anglican Church. Due to ill healtb he re- tired and sold his drug store in 1943, when he moved to Toronto and entered hospital f5r treat- ment. Ten months ago he was moved to a hospital in Windsor where bis death took place. The funeral took place on Sept. 2lst, !rom St. Paul's Anglican Church, Windsor, with the Rev. B. A. Silcox, offîciating. Inter- ment was in Green Lawn Mem- orial Cemetery. Left to mourn tbe loss o! a loving and devoted father are two sons, Fred W. Anderson, em- ployed by tbe Canada Customs, Windsor; Hubert M., employed in Toronto, and one daughter, Miss Eleanor N. Anderson, on staff o! tbe Victoria Avenue Scbool, Windsor. He is also survived by one brother, John o! Toronto, and one sister, Mrs. T. B. Neale o! Pandash, Ont. Sta rkville Miss Williams, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. Fred Todd. Misses Dorotby, Doreen and Betty Farrow in Toronto. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd upon the bîrtb o! a son. Mr. Tom Shortridge, Tbornhill, Man., and Mr. Chas. Sbortridge, Solina, visited Mrs. Richard Hal- lowell. Mr. and Mrs. L. Meir and sons, Little Britain, visited at Mr. A. Dobson's and Mr. Lorne Todd's. Mr. and Mrs. S. Brownlee, To- ronto, witb Mr. M. Shutka. Miss Alice Hallowell, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Farrow and daughter, Toronto, with Mrs. Roy Farrow. Miss Hazel Reid, Toronto, with ber sister, Mrs. Wilfred Woods. .Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid and daughter visited ber mother, Mrs. Widdis, Millbrook. Mrs. Frank Howse, Mrs. M. Bennett and Joan, and Miss Ber- .tha Hallowell, Toronto, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hal- lowell. Miss Eileen Farrow, Bradley's, at ber home. Mr. Dobson and Mr. A. Dobson in Port Hope. Burketon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Breck, Kingston, witb Mr. and Mrs. E. Adams. Mrs. H. Gill and Donald visited Mrs. Brock, Coiborne. Mr. T. Gatcheli, Bowmanville, with Mrs. J. Gatcbell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ashton, Mar- jorie, Jean and Jim, Miss Lottie Catrel and Mrs. T. Hopley with Mrs. C. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. Herb McLaugh- lin, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. James MeLaughlin. Timie Table Changes Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. 29, 1946 and other specltic dates. Full Information from Agents CANADIAN NATIONALI '1'XZTTD~Y~ A ~7 ~U'WIi nomY tft~* s~EeZ.L. éUL[1~ AU~! manville. Miss Isabel Carter visited with her sister in Enniskillen. This may be the darkest hour of history. H-ave you any light for it? When you don't feel particularly fond of your wife, see where you have been too fond of yourself. If we don't change conditions in the world they are going to change US. There is no real leadership in those *ho would rather lead than serve. Proclamatiofr 1 hereby request ail citizens to observe the end of Daylight Saving Time on SUNDAY, SEPT. 29 EASTERN STANDARD TIME will commence at 12.01 a.m., Sunday, September 29th, 1946. Ai citizens are requested to turn their dlocks and watches back one hour at this time. Signed C. G. MORRIS% Mayor. Town of Bowmanville. of Audrey Lorene Mason, daugh- ter o! Mr. and Mrs. John G. Mason, and Alan Maurice Mahood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ma- hood, o! Bowmanville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Breck, wbo were married Sept. 14th at All Saints Church, Westboro, Ottawa. The bride is the former Josephine Elizabeth Throop o! Renfrew, Bill is a fromer resident of Burketon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Breck, Mary and Albert Adams were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Coch- rane, Nestîcton. Mrs. Florence Caugbill in Roch- ester, N.Y. Miss Jeanne Coulter bas resum- ed ber piano class, having ber former music pupils from Devitt's school and, in addition, many new ones from Burketon and district. Misses Isabel Carter and Helen Glennie are attending Bowman- ville High Scbool. Mr. and Mrs. Hantborn and family visited friends in Gilert. Miss Ruby Bailey, Osbawa, with Miss Betty Moffat. Mr. Henry Trick visited in To- ronto with bis wife wbo is ill. Mrs. B. Hubbard visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland, Bow- PEAS STANDARD 2 2-z 23e Case .7 DEANS CHOCE20- . Case$31 WAX Tins 3 cf 24$.1 TOM. JUICEFANCY 220-oz.19 f4$8 TOUTES CHOICE 28 .Oz- 140 TMNATO SOUP CAM PBELL'S 10-,o-- 9< CAMPBELL's ME. SJU U IRISE STEW CLARK'S - 3 Tins 4 Tokons - ~f~f - GOD SAVE TH-E KING OWNEO ANDO ONIAED 8y b.O.,ATLANTIC&£ PAC IFIC :..u OVALTINE Case < l of 48$5w~.4~ 19< TSSUE Springvale 3 Rolse 169 CLEANSER Swift's 2 for 259 GRANGESCALIFORNIA - - dL2<A N P G GRuAFUIT CALIFORNIA MARsH 4 27<XMPAGE GRAESCALIFORN IA l19< mread CR E FNYTOKAY .- .- . lb.19 CAULILOWERWEXTA LARGE 2 for 19< 2 24 oz. loaves 1.5c SPIACENATIVE, FRESH - LI13 SPUIÀ%m rRFIPN N. 1. 2b. I% UO I ACI .8 YAMdS1 3 lbs. for 25e NO D.S ACA go.8 CABhOTSGRON o.1 * .. 4 11 GLDUTHCI.n. 019e ONIONS No. 1 ELLOW --3 j,14< SNACK SACKS - 0< CELEY STALKS WH ITE Ne. i 2 for 19D4CEESE b.33< r j Just unpacked.- These gloves have that «"English" look. Fine quality chamoisette. . . Outsewn seams, "Pull on" style, ,with long euffs. Black, beige, white, cham- ois and broWn. k/d/ae4 S144e~, 2i#ndec~ THE MODERK STORE BowmanvMle I See the New OIL BURNING R#NGES now on display. The latest word in fast, easy, safe, economical cooking. Just Arrived the new Case Hammermilli . . DeLaval Sterling and Magnetic Milkers .. Three Models of Cream Separators Beatty Bras. Electric Grain Grinders W. H. DROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tires DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment Phone 497 TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective SUNDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1946 Ful Information from Agentsj PEACHES'1 No.a 1 Peaches at the Lowest Prices arriving daily. STEAKS or ROASTI c m VLA S Grade A I I MiIk Fed I I " 42C. PORTEREOUSE. SIDISOIN OR W11NG - - - Tb. 49e DGNELESS ROUND - lb. 45o ERISKNET lb. 149 PIRIM RIEFIRST 5 RIBS lb. 35< SHORT RIB,- lb. 29< BLADE ROAST BLADE AND BACK STRAP REMOVED lb. 27< LAME. LEGSZ FRESH KILLED ILb. 45< FRONTS « lb. 25& FISH SUGGESTIONS. SALMON FILLETS COI-bE lb. 49< IPPER CHOICE lb. 25< HADDOCK FILLETS lb. 35<9 SI-MMI FILLETS lb. 32e - '.'/.- r-I Miss Ella Millar, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus C. Millar, and Mr. Ross Frederic Rice, son of Mrs. and the late Mr. Charles F. Rice, Bowmanville, were marr- ied in Calvin Presbyterian Phone 451 A & P DOlAR coFFEEib. 35c REALLY FRESH 91 King st. W. 1 - -- 1 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO IWTTR.QnAv QV-I" 9APM lûAft le dNi lir $12-95 10 RED&BLUEBRAHD- $1,39

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