Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1946, p. 3

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TRflRSDAY, SEPT. 26TH, .946 a . Let us serve instead of rule, It's foolish for short-tempered knock instead of push at the door men to long for peace. of hurnan hearts, and allow to It is the old lesson-a worthy each and every one the same purpose, patient energy for its rights and privileges that we accomplishmeflt, a resoluteness claim for ourselves.-Mary Baker undaunted by difficulties, and Eddy-. then success.-Punshon. js WE HAVE THE ANS'WER FOR YOUR WIRING46 PRODRLEMS Yes, we are proud to be able to answer ail you.r questions when> it, concerns wiring, either the house or your barn. Not only will we answer your questions blit we wil give you a free esti- mate of how much it will take to do the job. If you want the best in w iring youwill consuit us. We guarant ' e the best olworkmanship and best of materials. Your General Electric Appiance Dealer Riggon Electric PHONE 438 42 KING ST., E. Hello, Homemakens! When the sun sets low over the garden and thene is that azure-blue haze- it's September. Summer is mak- ing her exit . . . time to garnen late fruits. It is also time to pre- pare for frosty nights. The foi- lowing hints about fali duties are apt to go unheéded-but the neighbons told rue so. Small quantities of root crops, such as beets, carnots, turnips and salsify should be stored in a root cellan or dark basement in moîst sand, eithen in piles or in boxes. If you put in alternate layers of vegetables and sand, the moots will not shrivel. When they are gathered, the tops shouid be cut off. Cabbages may be wrapped in newspaper and stored in a dry box. Green tomatoes should be wrapped iri- two thicknesses of papen and put in shallow boxes. Proper ventilation of the stor- age room is essential. A window should be constructed for easy ad- justment during very eold wea- ther. Onions au gratin: Green on- ions, stems and ail, are washed, spiit and trimmed of bulb skin. Boil them in very littie water; serve on toast with a thick white sauce. Sprinkie with' grated You too- Can Make, More Money Wi*th* Mlarlow'1s Chowmix Hog Rations We can now supply you with Marlow's Chowmix Sow and Pig Feed which will enable your sows to farrow LARGER litters of H-EAVIER pigs, which means HIGHER LIVEABILITY and SFIORTER TIME0 to market. Marlow's Chowmix Pig Starter makes the littie fellows forget ail about the discomforts of weaning. Keep them growing and finish them on Marlow's Chowmix llog Rations. You wiIl save pigs and save feed by using Purina Chek-R-Pigtabs. They are easy to give and really knock the worms out. We know you will be pleased and your profits will be greater if you follow this definite plan of producing pork. MARLOW.'u TRANSPORT- 4Telephone: Port Perry 106-R-2 Ontario Blackstock 'I PAGE THEZE THE CXXADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILâLE. ONTAIO cheese. Veal with Green Peppers: Dip veal ctiets in milk then in flour to whieh sait and pepper has been added. Brown in a littie fat in hot fnying pan. Remove to cas- serole; add 2 cups diced toma- toes, % cup broken spaghetti, côver with trimmed scalded green pepper sections. Bake in electric oven of 350 degs. for 40 minutes. Sauted Summer Squash: Pare summer squash and cut into sli- ces about an inch thick. Dust pieces with sait, pepper and a pinch of mustard, dip in beaten egg, then in fine crumbs, and brown in a greased frying pan. Turn and cover; let cook 12 min- utes. Chieken Burger Sauce: Heat to- gethen 1/2 eup fresh catsup, 1 ta- blespoon vinegar, 1 tablespoon small chives or minced onion, dash of chili powder, few grains cayenne, 2 teaspoons Worcester- shire sauce, sait to taste. Serve with diced chieken between split buns. Plum Whip F. J..Lyle, O.B.E. 1 A;PODMD DMECTOIL 1 tablespoon plain gelatine, 3/ Trade and Industrial Commis- Mrs.Yung and daughter and ar up lu juce i urcooedsioner at Ontario House, London, Mrs. Leonard, Peterboro, with Mrs. lumn pulp, 2 tablespoons brown who has been appointed Direetor Mrs. C. Wood. uga, eg wits (eaen tîf-of the Trade and Industry Branch Mr. Fred Byers, Toronto, wth rs. ly), 2 tablespoons cold water, 1/4 of the Ontario Department Of Mr. Fred Sisson. Ln cup sugar, 1/s teaspoon of sait, Planning and .Development. Mr. Mr. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ln /4 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 table- Lyle was born in B.antford. Slater, Toronto, and Mr- John Sel poons lemon juice. evOhw, it Mr.H opn Soak the gelatine in the cold Delve, saat Mrs. H ev . open vater for five minutes. Add it to pe___________ he hot plum juice, sugar and sait 1O0 urisan MrNe.w.seie. peri Lnd stir until dissolved. Add the Per plums which have been mashed Congratulations to Enid Lor- k'ontypooi O and mixed with the brown sugar, raine Middleton, daughter of Mr.____ Stud: cinnamon and lemon juice. Chill and Mrs. Jas Mîddleton, and B. In addition to the improvements F. C until partly thickened, then fold R. Tennant, son of Mr. and Mrs. noted last week arQund~ Ponty- book~ n the beaten egg whites. Pour Arthur Tennant, who were mar- pool, John Crowley is another writt nto a mould, chill until firm, rie d in Orono, Saturday, by Rev. merehant who is beautifying his one then unmould and serve with S. Littiewood. resîdence and place of business ionai cream. Five to six servings. Blueberry Upside-Down Cake Orono Fair is over for another by a fresh coat of paint, white ation 11/2 cups blueberries, 1-3 cu year and in spite of rainy wea- with green trim. tiage brown sugar, 1/4 teaspoon cloves, ther on Saturday, was well at- We have entered the season of dia 1 tablespoon butter, 1/4 Cuip water, tended. Exhibits were splendid in autumn anniversaries. The ser- and 1/4 cup shortening, 1/4 cup milk, every line, the dance on Friday vices at Lotus were conducted of Il 1/ teaspoon vanilla, 1/ cup sugar, evening in Newcastle and the Sunday by Rev. R. B. Harrison, mue] 1 1ýeaten egg, 3/ cup enriched concert in Orono Hall were both Blackstock, when a representa- The flour, 1/4 teaspoon sait, :1/_½ tea- well patronized and much enjoy- tive congregation was inspired .by of L spoons baking powder. ed. his message. Music was supplied of1 Combine blueberries, 1-3 eup Mrs. Paul Snodgross, Rochester,' by visiting Biackstock artists. of brown sugar, cloves, butter N.Y., is visiting her mother, Mrs. Next Sunday there wiii be two and water. Simmer 5 minutes. R. Rainey., special services on the Pontypool Pour into greased 8-inch square Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Normart, Circuit. At 3 p.m. Rev. A. E. Cress- cake pan. Thoroughly eream Marcus Hook, Penn., have been well, Tyrone, will speak at Mc- shortening, vanilla, and haif cup visiting Prof. and Mrs. C. 13. Creas Chureh with Tyrone Choir granulated sugar. Add egg and Sissons. providing music and in the ev- beat well. Sift flour, sailt, and Mrs. M. Crane, who has been ening Rev. E. W. Rowland, form- baking powder; add alternately in St. Michael's Hospital, Toron- eriy of Mark Street United with milk. This is a hpavy bat- to, is now staying with relatives Church, Peterboro, and now re- ter. Spoon over bernies; spread in the city. tired, a former Manvers boy, will evenly. Bake in moderate e]eýc- Misses Anna Staples and Mar- preach at the Manvers Church at trie oven (350 deg.) 40 minutes. jorie McLaren left Saturday to 7.30 p.m., Bethany choir will as- Peach Parfait enter Victoria University. sist with music. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Walker The community is iooking for- Pudding: Beat 2 egg yolks, 1 (formerly Audrey Cooper), To- ward to a special service to be whole egg, and '/, cup sugar un- ronto, have a new baby girl, born conducted by the Salvation Army, in 2eo eus elded. milk. Cook in in Belleville Hospital. in connection with their current in 2cupsscaded ilk Coo in Miss Mary Littlewood, Toronto, Homne Front Drive, Sunday'even- do ubtle bixte srngonstant- has been guest at the parsonage. ing, October 6th, in Pontypool lyuilymixture coaspoon. Cool At the Sunday morning service United Church. Special music quîa;cl.Ad 1teponv- she gave the story of her if e and and speakers will be present from Peaeh Layer: Combine 1 pint told of her future plans for Mis- Bowmanvilie and Oshawa. of crushed peaches and haîf cup sionary work in Africa. Mr. Edwin Hancoek, Student sua.'Chili in eleetrie refriger- The funeral service for Mrs. Minister of the Pontypool charge, sugr. Pery F. Chapman was hed in I-ras returned this week to con- Meringue: Graduaily add 3 #a Park St. United Church on Fn- tinue his studies at Emmanuel blespoons sugar to 2 beaten egg day and eonducted by Rev. S. Coilege, Victoria University in the whites; etutlmrnufo s Littiewood. Mrs. A. A.* Drum- University of Toronto. baltentierpingeaorm mond sang by request "Safe in the The "Pontypool Rangers" Traii peas. ent udn n Arms of Jesus." Ranger Camp which was formed berns Top each parfait with a Mr Ross B. Wood, Oshawa, shortiy after Easter conelude erine s wil d a6cer. formery of Orono, son of Mr. F. their season's regular meetings Seres6.Wood and the late Mrs. Wood, this Thursday evening. The group to her c/o Canadian Statesnrbn. Olive Barton of that place. Mr. leader returns from Toronto in Send in your suggestion on home- and Mrs. Orley Chapman, Kirby, the spring. making problems and watch this attended the wedding, but were Mr. and Mrs. Addison, Toronto, eolumn for replies. called home last week because of were weekend guests of Mr. and the death of Mrs. P. F. Chapman. Mrs. John Crowley. Orono wiil go on Standard Time The rest of the coiumn will be again next weekend. turned over to a youthfui reporter Neteo Mr. Walter Rundie Countice, from the Public Sehool. The fol- and Mr. J' J. Mellon, Orono, ne- lowing was written as part of an Nestieton W.A. met at the home presented the Durham County Engiish exercise in regular sehool of Mrs. M. Emerson, Thursday, Federation of Agriculture at a session. Sept. i9th. Meeting in charge Farm Forum and. Aduit Educa- of Mrs. John Grieves' group, op- tion Discussion Group meeting in Pontypool School News ened with hymn "O God of Bethel Belleville, Thursday. by Whose Hand." The Lord's Mrs. J. D. Brown entertained Written By Wm. Pewar, Prayer repeated in unison; scrip- members of Orono and Hampton Grade VII ture reading and devotional was Women's Christian Temperance taken by Mrs. Wiford Jackson; Union and their friends at her Sept. 13th we had a Junior Red hymn "Just As I Arn" was sung; lovely home, Sept. i7th. Miss Cross programme.* There were readings by Mrs. R. W. Marlow Katerson, Hampton, led a devo- jokes, riddles, short stories and and Mrs. L. Joblin. Contest put tional period,' ancr Mrs. H. Walsh, singing.----- On Sunday, Sept. 15 on by Mns. .W Jackson. Mrs. W. President of Orono Union, con- a well-known Pontypool lady, - Steele and Mrs. Harvey Henry to ducted the meeting. Treasurer, Mrs. George Wilder, died. A large .decorate the church for Thanks- Mrs. W. Stutt, reported $23.25 numnber attended the funeral from giving Sunday. There were 12 raised in the Mile of Quarters her home Sept. 17t4. The many ladies, Rev. Harrison and some Campaign. Mrs. Ormniston, of flowers showed how much she ehildren present. Mr. Harrison Hamnpton, gave a Temperance was liked by the community very kindiy invitèd us to the reading; Miss Stella 'Best, a vocal whene she used to help in the parsonage. for the October meet- solo. Mrs. R. M. Seymour, En- Sunday Sehool, church, Woman's ing. A dainty- lunch was served niskillen, Provincial Correspond- Association, Red Cross and other by the group in charge and Mrs. ing Secretary for the W.C.T.U. community activities. She was Emerson and group were given a gave a very inspiring address on buried in Pontypool Cemnetery. - hearty vote of thanks. Next "What it Means to be a Christ- --On the same day Mrs. Edwarcl meeting in charge of Mrs. Allan ian." Mrs. Seymour is a very Porter died in Ballyduff and was Suggitt's group. forceful speaker and gave every- buried at Ballyduff Cemetery, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler, one present much food for Sept. l7th----Mr. Rittenberg, To- Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin visited thought. ronto, has finished building his Mr. and Mrs. George Johns. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen and new house just north Of the Mrs. John Williams entertained Henry visited Mr. Leamen's par- school. The terrace will look very some of her friends and neighbors ents in Oakvilie on Sunday, who nice when he gets it finished. He to a quilting and lovely supper to were ceiebrating their 58th wed- has planted grass seed and is also cele1brate her birthday. ding anniversary. going to have flower gardens,'-- Mn. Allan Suggitt visited his Miss Shirley Myles is teaching Thos. White had a sale of rus sisten, iMiss Norma Suggitt in in Antioch Sehool while Mrs. Mc- farm Sept. l3th. He sold his Chatham. She has been quite siek Laren is convalescîng after her machinery, cows and other things. for a tîme. recent operation. ----- One of our Junior Red Cross Mn. and Mrs. Wilford Jackson, Mrs. L. Reid had a very fine Programme Committee Audrey Marlyn and Clifford, Mr. and dispiay of handicraft and other Woodruff, has been sickt- Lav- Mns. L. Joblin visited Mr. and novelties from her "Gift Shop" at ern Chapman is building a new Mrs. Fred Todd, Newtonville. the Fair and Mns. J. Richardson, garage at Ballyduff. He is mak- Mis NraGin nd is Nn-anAngranbbtin nacage, which ing the garage from cement of a young son in Port Penny and two boys, Toronto, with Mr. Countice, befone returning to duty. Hospital. and Mrs. T. Cowan. Mn. and Mrs. George Wright, Mn. and Mrs. N. J. Wonnacott, Mrs. Mlcllroy, Peterboro, with Oshawa, with thein daughter, Seattle, Wash., with their niece, Mn. and Mrs. D. Hooper. Mrs. Oke and Douglas. SMrs. David Johns. Miss Carol Stapies, Toronto, at Mrs. Norman Ciemens and Miss sug y r. .P.AGEis.Meet ýharge of the program and .DeCoe and Mrs. Fisher. eh was served. ýptember meeting oz W.M.S. ed wîth prayer by Presîdent sLouise Osborne. Worship od was in charge of Mrs. R. cee, who also offered prayer. .Harold Muir favoured with )cal solo "Lead Kindly Light." ly was conducted by Mrs. H. )sborne, who introduced our k"India At the Threshold," ten by Dr. Winnifned Bryce, of oun United Chunch miss- iries. Some iriteresting inform- ,n coneerning the race 's, lang- e, climate and beauty of In- was given by Mrs. Linstead Mns. E. Werry. The people [ndià in their worship, spend ch time in quiet meditation. Shymn "Prayer To A Heant Lowly Love," written by one India's chnistian saints was OrngbreMrs. GH . ancockMeet Mrs. Charles Found. 4 y 1ýl But the right kind of service - and a really sincere smile. We don 't go for tooth-showiflg grim8,ces and greasy rags smearing your wind- shield. What we do is a clean job - ,an efficient job, whether it's a gallon of gas in your tank, or an extensive lubricating job. GARTON'S GARAGE r Orono Fair. Mrs. McHolmh, Morrish, with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Jones. Miss Audrey Billings, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings. Misses Dawn Moffat and Joan Harness, Toronto Normal School, at their homes. Mr. Elliott, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Mr. Chas. Wood, Kitchener, at his home. Miss Mabel Davy with Mr. and Mrs. K. Fralick, Toronto. Miss Mary Waddell, Toronto, at home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allun with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Win- ter, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane with Mr. and Mrs. John Kearie, Scar- boro. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond with relatives in Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fisk with their daughter at Baptiste Lake. Mrs. L. Baldwin with her dau- ghter in Oshawa. Mrs. W. Hoskin, Burketofl, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- 1 qrr Wood.1r~r I..-.- How 81 People Secured $14,000 in 30 Miniutes lime During a recent month 81 new customers came to one of our Household Finance offices and received the money they desired in 30 minutes tixna. We feel this is a certain indication of the fact that at Household Finance you get the money you nbeed when you need it. Perbape this is one of the reasons why Household is Canadas largest and olest Sm-all Immn Company. Your loan of from $20 to $1000 can b. arranged sinply and promptly at any one of our convenient offices. Tell us bow much you need and how you want ta repay. It's helpful to bring some identification with you. There'. littie else to do. Most times you. can even arrange your loan by phone if you prefar. And remember, your boan at Household Finance coats you lms than at any other Small Loana Company in Canada. We'1l b. pleased ta belp you at any time, Corne in. HoU SEHOLD'FJ NANCE Conada" loigest and oldest Small Loans Company wiU. 41 offices in 34 C*f.s D. C. Moore, Manager 25 Slnm. St. So>uth (Over Kreige's) OSHAWA, ONT. Phone Oshawm 3M0 Ne.ws 9 lu 5 orby appokhsw l-Loom uMa&,#0 famndruu's mi uiowof -a by us on Friday, and helped celebrate her mother's birthday. Mn. and Mns. Stevens, Oshawa, have punchased and moved into the TooJey homestead. Ladies of Evening Auxiliary held a corn roast in Phair's woods. Friends of Mrs. Frank Wonden wili be pleased to know hen eye operation, at Western Hospital, was quite successful. She is now convalescing at the home of hen brother, Orville Piekeli and Mrs. Piekeil at Ajax. The Woman's Association of the Highway, met at Mns. Bob Ban- ber's with an attehidance of over twenty. President, Mrs. Johnston, opened the meeting followed with prayer by Mns. Ceeul Adams; bible lesson was given by Mrs. Geo. Barber. The topie "Blessings" was given by Mns. Haroldà Scor- gie. Discussion negarding the baz- aar was heard. A meeting will be heid at Mrs. Luther Barrabaii's Oct. 2nd, to arrange funther plans. Mr-co ergie and Mrs. ooieywr DUNIS FOR cuemoth bre .thing. tis tlehtes lcks treatment thatgoe towork instautty.. Ati %terb gmooaIdVIMk VapRU o troatchest n 'D9k Then watch its PMfEI1ATUI STMUaTG action bring reUde It =!ERAE ta uper bi'eat ng p asa Sw th Booth nu mledicifa vapors. It STIMMAM~ chest adbacI...ace5 11kG warning. comflortlfl r p hilG and it keeps nwokfg o0hus *von wbiIo you .101>- to easO coughing spasll,:relleve muscu larsornes ad tightne-Bl rBrig ad coinforti Try It to- night ... Vlcks VaPORub. able that lots of women wear nxothing else." -Ad in Los An- geles paper. r"mýi i Phone 2666 King St. E., Bowmanville

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