Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Sep 1946, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN BOW?~ANVILLE, ONTA~IO THURSDAY, SEPT. 26T~H, 1946 Dlackstock fair. Attracis Mlany Local Ejihibitors Prize List Horses Light and Heavy Dnaught on Halter, Bnood Mare: 1, Elmer Lee; 2, Eanl Donreil & Sons. 2-year Colt: 1, V. Baker; 2, T. R . Hall; 3, Fonder Bros. 1-year Colt: 1, Al- lan ý,Iann. Foal by side: 1, E. Dornell; 2, B. Lee. Commercial, Percheron on Bel- gian on Halten: Brood Mare, foal by side: 1, Alan Mann; 2, Lloyd McKee. 2-yean Colt: 1, L. McKee; 2, R. Sadier; 3, W. H. Lindsay. 1-year Colt: 1, R. Cochrane; 2, N. Cochrane. Foal by side: 1, L. Mc- Kee; 2, A. Mann. Road and Carniage on Halter, Brood -Mare: 1, R. Cochrane. 2- year Colt: 1, A. Mann; 2, D. Tin- ney; 3, R. Cochrane. 1-year Colt: 1, R. Cochrane; 2, A. Mann; 3, D. Tinney Foal by side: R. Cochrane. Hanness Class: Heavy Draught Team: 1, H. Dcwn; 2, T. R. Hall. Light Draught Team: 1, H. Down; 2, T. R. Hall; 3, V. Baker. Per- cheron or Belgian Team: 1, V. Baker; 2, N. Cochrane. Commer- cial Team: 1, L. Cochrane; 2, E. Lee; 3, E. Harris. Roadster Team: 1, I. Cochrane; 2, W. H. Lindsay; 3, W. J. Watson. Carniage Team: 1, R. Sadler; 2, A. -Mann. Road- ster, single, under 151/2 hands: 1, W. J. Watson; 2, I.Cochrane. Roadster, single, oven 151/2 hands, 1, 3, I. Cochrane; 2, W. H. Lindsay. ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will be in Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workrnanship Guaranteed lf In need of service write or phone before the aboyé day.. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf Nomes Carniage, single, under 151/2 hands 1, R. Sadier; 2, A. Mann; 3, Don Tinney. Carniage, single, over L15 % hands: 1, R. Sadier; 2, A. Mann; 3, S. Staples. Commercial, single: 1, L. Cochrane; 2, E. Lee; 3, E. Harris. Gentleman's Turn- out: 1, 1. Cochrane; 2, W. J. Wat- son; 3, R. Sadier. Lady Driver: 1, Patsy Staples; 2, Nora Staples; 1, Ralph Sadier; 2, Don Tinney. Single, 3-year-old in Harness: 1, D. Tinney; 2, A. Mann. Single in Harness, speed 50%, quahity 50 %, twice round track: 1, 1. Cochrane; 2, W. J. Watson. Roadster Team, speed 50%, quality 50%, twice round track: 1, 1. Cochrane; 2, W. H. Lindsay; 3, W. J. Watson. Sin- gle Horse on rein, Percheron Light or Heavy Draught: 1, T. R. Hall. Saddle Horses: 1, 2, 3, Sam Staples; 4, Stuart Dorreil. -Agri- cultural Team: H. Down. Pony Class: Single in harness: 1, 2, 1. Cochrane; 3, S. Staples; 4, W. R. Leggette. Single saddle: 1, 2, 3, S. Staples; 4, W. R. Leggette. Pony Race, 12 hands and over: 1, 2, W. R. Leggette. Pony Race, un- der 12 hands: 1, 3, B. Sargent; 2, S. Stapies. Wallace Special, Best Road Horse: W. J. Watson. Best Pony: I. Cochran 'e. Cattie Shorthorn: Bull, 2-year and up- wards: 1, R. Flitt; 2, N. Taylor & Sons. Bull, 1-year: 1, N. Taylor & Sons. Cow giving milk: 1, R. Flitt; SHEET METAL WORK Gilson Furnaces 1Roofing Eavestroughing1 Have your heating system checked, cleaned and repair- ed before winter. DAVIS & GRANT Scugog St. - Bowmanville Phones: 1 Bus. 2842 m Schools Res. 2674 m Industrial SEALTITE INSULATION with ROCK WOOL We use only the best matperials and, guarantee our work. Before investing get a price direct from the aviner and save money. F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen Street PHONE 494 Bowmanville, Ontario WANTED Your Eggs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What Are You Receiving For Your Eggs? Our Quotation Saturday, Aug. l7th was GRAD E A LARGE ........... ... ........................... 47c Also the Best Market for tlou.r Live Hogs -Lambs Chickens m m Calves Hens PICKERING FARMS LIMITED WHITBY Phone 336 - Day or Nlght ONTARIO 2, Taylor & Sons; 3, Bill Fergu- son. Efeifer, 2-year: R. Flitt; 2, N. Taylor & Sons; Heifer, 1-year: .1, 2, R. Flitt; 3, Taylor & Sons. Heif- er Caîf, 1, 2, R. Flitt; 3, Taylor & Sons. Bull under 1-year: 1, 2, R. Flitt; 3, Taylor & Sons. Champ- ion Bull, R. Flitt. Hereford: Bull 1-year: 1, R. Duckworth; 2, E. A. Rosevear. Cow giving milk: 1, 2, R. Duckworth; 3, R. Junkin. Heifer 2-year: 1, R. Duckworth; 2, R. Junkin; 3, E. A. Rosevear. Heifer 1-year: 1, Ron Duckworth; 2, R. Junkin; 3, E. A. Rosevear. Bull Caif. 1, R. Junkin; 2, E. A. Rosevear; 3, R. Duck- worth. Heifer Caîf: 1, R. Duck- worth; 2,,3, Junkin. Shorthorn Grades: Cow giving milk: 1, P. VanCamp; 2, S. Van- Camp. Heifer 2-year: 1, 2, P. Van- Camp. Heifer 1-year: 1, 2, 3, P. Van Camp. Heifer Caîf: 1, W. Fer- guson; 2, P. VanCamp; 3, E. Lar- mer. Aberdeen Angus: Bull 2-year and upwards: 1, M. Bailey. Bull 1-year: 1, M. Bailey. Cow .giving milk: 1, M. Bailey; 2,.L. Suggett. Heifer 2-year: 1, M. Bailey. Heifer 1-year: 1, 3, M. Bailey; 2, C. G. Bowman. Heifer Caîf: 1, 2, M. Bailey; 3, C. G. Bowman. Bull Caîf: 1, L. Suggitt; 2, M. Bailey. Best Herd: 1, M. Bailey; 2, Ron Duckworth; 3, R. Flitt. Best Baby Beef: M. Bailey. Holstein: Banl Dorrell & Sons awarded ahl prizes. Sheep Leicester: Aged Ram: 1, Jack Greén. Shearling Ram: 1, Fonder Bros.; 2, J. Green. Ram Lamb: 1, Forder Bros.; 2, J. Green. Aged Ewe: 1, Forder Bros.; 2, J. Green. Shearling Ewe: 1, Forder Bros.; 2, J. Green. Shropshire: Harold Skinner awarded ahi pnîzes. Southdown: A. Ayre awarded ail prizes. Oxford Downs: Aged Ram: 1, G. H. Mark & Sons; 2, M. J. Fisher. Shearling Ram: 1, M. J. Fisher; 2, F. Trewin. Ram Lamb: 1, G. H. Mark; 2, F. Trewin. Aged Ewe: 1, M. J. Fisher; 2, G. H. Mark. Shearling Ewe: 1, M. J. Fisher; 2, G. H. Mark. Ewe Lamb, 1, 2, G. H. Mark. Hampshire: Aged Ram: 1, M. J. Fisher. Sheariing Ram: 1, 2, M. J. Fisher. Ram Lamb: 1, M. J. Fisher; 2, R. B. Glaspeil. Aged Ewe: 1, 2, M. J. Fisher. Shearling Ewe: 1, M. J. Fisher; 2, R. B. Glaspehi. Ewe Lamb: 1, 2, M. J. Fisher. Market Lamb and breed, open: 1, A. Ayre. Market Lamb and breed, boy under 10, Cartwright only: 1, Delton Fisher; 2, Barry Fisher. Swine Berkshire: G. H. Mark & Son awarded ail prizes. Yorkshire: Boar: 1, D. Dorreli; 2, Forder Bros. Sow Mature: 1, 2, D. Dorreil. Boar, over 3 and under 7 months: 1, L. Coombes & Sons; 2, D. Dorreil. Sow, over 3 and under 7 months: 1, E. Larmer; 2, D. Dorrell. Tamworth: Boar: 1, F. Trewin; 2, N. Taylor. Sow Mature: 1, F. Trewin; 2, N. Taylor. Boar, over 3 and under 7 months: 1, F. Irre- win; 2, N. Taylor. Sow, over 3 and under 7 months: 1, N. (Taylor; 2, F. Trewin. Three Bacon Hogs (Massey- Harris Speciai): Dalton Dorrehl. Poultry Plymouth Rock: Cock: 1, A. Mann. Hen, 1, 2, N. Mountjoy. Cockerel: 1, S. VanCamp. Puilet: 1, S. VanCamp; 2, N. Mountjoy. Minorca, Black: Alian Mann, al prizes New Hampshire: Cock: 1, A. Mann. Cockerei: 1, A. Mann. Pul- let: 1, N. Mountjoy; 2, A. Mann. Leghorn, White: Cock: 1, Ed. Harris. Hen: 1, J. Green; 2, Ed. Harris. Cockerei: 1, J. Green. Pul- let: 1, J. Green. Light Sussex: Cock: 1, Doris Hamilton. ien: 1, Doris Hamilton; 2, E. Harris. Cockerel: 1, A. Mann. Pullet: 1, A. Mann. Rhode Island Red: Alian Mann ail prizes. Gander: 1, Mrs. N. Taylor; 2, A. * 2, ivrs. Baird; 3, F. .rewin. k'ota- ICleanliu Made IÊdsy 1 By Sending Us Your1 aDRAPES CU RTAINS aCUSHION COVERS aSLIP COVERS .BLANKETS .PILLOWS QUILTS We have a Laundryor Cleaning Service to Take Care of Ail Your Requirements. Our COLD STORAGE FACILITUES wilI proteet your winter clothes during the summer months. OS11HAWA LAUNDRY& DRY CLEANMING COMPANY LTD. Phone: Zenith 13000 Collections and Deliveries Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Rats That Help the Farmer Painleffl examination of this and hundreds of other white rats disclose whether animal feeding oils and fortified whole milk powder contain as much Vitamin A as advertised. Here, a technician in the Vitamin Assay laboratory of the Division of Chemistry, Science Service, Dominion Departifent of Agriculture, prepares to weigh a rat to sce if it is gaining on a diet suppoeed ta be ricliin Vitamin A. Farmers' organixations and feed maiwfacturers welcome this testing of animal feeds. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Webster. Buffet Set: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mns. Boundey. Button Holes: 1, Mrs. Ruttie; 2, Mrs. Baird. Centne-piece, Bmbroi- dered, 'white or cyster linen: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Boundey. Car- digan Wool, Knit: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Noreen Malcolm. Centrepiece, Crochet: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Mrs. Ruttie. Cetitrepiece, Knit: Mrs. Boundey. Chesterfield Set: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Comfort- er, Wocl, filled: 1, Mns. Lowe; 2, Noreen Malcolm. Cross Stitch: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Boundey. Cus- hion Boudoir: 1, Mrs. Bcundey; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Cushion Crochet, Wool: 1, Mrs. Ruttle; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Cushion, Fancy, Silk: 1, Mrs. Web- ster; 2, Mrs. Ruttie. Cut Work Bm- broidery: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Boundey. Floor Mat Braided Cot- ton: 1, Mrs. Baird; 2, Viola But- son. Gloves, Lady's Crochet or Knit Wool: 1, Mrs. Ruttie; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Hot Water Bottle Cover, Knit Wocl: 1, Viola Butson; 2, Mrs. Lowe. House Coat, Lady's, Cotton: 1, Mrs. Ruttle; 2, Mrs. Moore. House Dress, Print: 1, Mrs. Moore; 2, Mrs. Webster. Labor Saving Device, Homemade: 1, Mrs. Boundey; 2, Mrs. Baird. Luncheon Cloth and Serviettes: 1, Viola But- son; 2, Mrs. Baird. Mitts, Men's, Knit: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, V. Butson. Needlepoint: Noreen Malcolm. 011 Cioth Novelties: Mrs. Baird. Pil- low Cases, Embroidered: 1, Noreen Malcolm; 2, Viola Butson. Pillow Cases, Lace Trimmed: 1, Mrs. G. Baird; 2, Mns. Lowe. Pillow Cases. Cut Work Bmbroidered: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mns. Baird. Plain Patch- méýý ing: 1, Mns. Baird; 2, Mrs. Boun- dey. Pyjamas, Lady's: Viola But- son; 2, Mrs. Baird. Quiît, Appli- que: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Moore. Quilt, Pieced Cotton: 1, Mrs. I. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Baird. Men's Py- jamas: 1, Viola Butson; 2, Mrs. Baird. Rompers, Child's: 1, Viola Butson; 2, Mrs. Ruttle. Rug Hock- ed Yarn: Viola Butson. Scarf, Cap and Mitt Set, Child's: Mrs. Lowe. Sockees: 1, Mns. C. Wright; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Socks, Coarse, Men's: 1, Mrs. Ruttie; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Suit, Wool Knit: 1, Mrs. Ruttle; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Sweater Pullover, Wool Knit: 1, Noreen Malcolm; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Swedish Bmbroideny on Towel: 1, V. Butson; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Work Shirt, Men's: 1, Mrs. Baird; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Table Runner, White: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Reg. Boundey. Table Runner, Brown: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Mrs. Ruttle. Tatting: 1, Noreen Malcolm; 2, Mrs. Ruttle. Towel Bath, Trim- med: 1, V. Butson; 2, Mrs. Web- ster. Toweh Bedroom, Crochet Trimmed: 1, Mrs. Ruttie; 2, Mrs. Webster. Towel Bedroom, Cut Work, Bedrccm Embroidered: 1, Mrs. Baird; 2, Mrs. Webster. Tea Towels: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Viola Butson. Towel Guest: 1, Mrs. I. Lowe, 2, Mrs. Webster. Tea Cosy, Wool Knit: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Baird. Vanit7y Set: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Viola Butson. Card Table Cover: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Mrs. Lowe. Coll. Fancy Work: 1, Mrs. Lowe; 2, Mrs. Moore. Girls Under 20 Years Article made fromn Flour Sack: 1, Dorothy Wright; 2, Doris Ham- ilton. Cardigan, Wool Knit: Don- othy Wright. Gloves, Wool Knit: Dorothy Wright. House Dress: D. Wright. Puliover: D. Wright. Tea Towels: D. Wright. Fancy Apron: D. Wright. Dressed Doll: 1, Doris Hamilton; 2, Beryl Larmer. Boys Under 18 Vears Bird House: 1, Jimmie Baird; 2, Keith VanCamp. Flowvers Asters: 1, Bruce Taylor; 2, Mar- garet Hocken. Salapiglossis: 1, D. Dorreli; 2, Mrs. Moore. Giadiolus: Beryl Larmer. Ccli. Flowers: 1, M. Hocken; 2, Mrs. Boundey. Best Arranged Basket: 1, M. Hocken; 2, Mrs. Boundey. Phlox: 1, Mrs. Boundey; 2, Mrs. C. Wright. Snap- dragons: 1, M. Hocken; 2, Mrs. R. Boundey. Zinnias: 1, C. Bickle; 2, Mrs. Moore. Petunias: 1, D. Dor- reil; 2, B. Larmer. Bouquet: 1, Mrs. Webster; 2, Mrs. Moore. Mari- gohds, African: 1, C. Bickle; 2, B. Taylor. Marigolds, French: 1, D. Dorreil; 2, Mrs. Moore. Cosmos: 1, Mrs. Boundey; 2, D. Hamilton. toes, late: 1, Mns. Lowe, 2, N. Mountjoy; 3, F. Tnewin. Turnips (Feed): 1, W. Ferguson; 2, F. Tne- win. Turnips (Table): 1, W. Fer- guson; 2, Mrs. Baird; 3, C. Bickle. Cannots (Table): 1, B. Donneil; 2, W. Fenguson. Cabbage, Winter: 1, P. VanCamp; 2, C. Bickle; 3, Mrs. Baird. Hubband Squash: 1, Chas. Bickie; 2, B. Taylor; 3, W. Fergu- son. Pumpkins: 1, W. Fenguson; 2, Mrs. Lowe; 3, P. VanCamp. Table Beets: 1, Noreen Malcolm; 2, P. VanCamp; 3, E. Dorrell. Onions, Yeliow: 1, Beryl Larmer. Man- golds, Red: 1, C. Bickhe; 2, F. Tre- win; 3, W. Fenguson. Mangolds, any variety: 1, F. Trewin; 2, Mrs. Baird; 3, W. Ferguson. Maniýolds. White: 1, F. Trewin; 2, Mrs. Baird. Tomatoes: 1, C. Bickle; 2, B. Lar- mer; 3, Mrs. Baird. Citrons: 1, Mrs. Baird. Yellow Table Corn: h. C. Bickhe; 2, W. Ferguson; 3, P. Van- Camp. Ensilage Corn: 1, B. Lar- mer; 2, F. Tnewin; 3, E. Dorreli. Collection Vegetables: 1, B. Lan- mer; 2, Doris Hamilton; 3, New- ton Taylor. Cabbage, Faîl: 1, W. Ferguson; 2, B. Taylor; 3, Mns. G. Baird. Parsnips: 1, C. Bickle. Fruits Northern Spies: 1, C. Bickle; 2, B. Taylor. Golden Russets: 1, C. Bickle; 2, Mrs. Baird. Snow: 1, C. Bickle; 2, D. Dorreli. Baldwins: 1, C. B ickle. Delicicus: 1, C. Bic- kie; 2, Mrs. Baird. Melba: 1, C. Bickie; Taiman Sweets: 1, Chas. Bickle; 2, B. Taylor; 3, Mrs. G. Baird. Starks: 1, C. Bickle. King: 1, C. Bickhe. Weaithies: 1, Chas. Bickle; 2, B. Taylor; 3, 'Mrs. G. Baird. St. Lawrence: 1, P. Van- Camp; 2, C.. Bickle; 3, Mrs. Baird. Alexanders: 1, C. Bickie; 2, P. VanCamp. Wolfe Rivers: 1, Chas. Bickle; Rhode Island Greenings: 1, B. Taylor; 2, C. Bickle. McIn- tosh: 1, C. Bickle. Fail Pears: 1, C. Bickle. Winter Pears: 1,. Chas. Bickie. Collection Fruits: 1, C. Bickle. Dairy Pýroduets and Domestic Science 10 hbs. Butter in pnint: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, Mrs. N. Green. 5 Ibs. Butter in print: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, Mrs. N. Green; 3, Mrs. S. Moore. White Bread: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, Mrs. Eani Dorreli; 3, Mrs. G. Baird. Buns: 1, Mrs. E. DorrQil; 2, Mrs. G. Baird; 3, Mrs. W. J. Webster. Biscuits, plain: 1, Mrs. G. Bowers; 2, Mrs. N. Green; 3, Mrs. S. Moore. Choc- olate Cake: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, N. Malcolm; 3, Mrs. D. Dorrehi. Light Layer Cake: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, Mrs. R. Boundey; 3, N. Malcolm. Apple Pie: 1, Mrs. N. Green; 2, N. Malcolm; 3, Mrs. S. Moore. Pumpkin Pie: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, Mrs. N. Green; 3, Mrs. S. Moore. Raisin Pie: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, N. Malcolm; 3, Mrs. N. Green; Oatmeal Cookies: 1, Mrs. G. Baird; 2, Mrs. Moore; 3, Mrs. W. J. Webster. Jeily Roll: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, Mns. W. J. Webster. Brown Bread: 1, Mrs. E. Dorrell. Cookies: 1, Mrs. R. Boun- dey; 2, Mrs. G. Baird. Ginger, Snaps: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, Mrs. S. Moore; 3, Mrs. G. Baird. Gems, Graham Flour: 1, Mrs. S. Moore; 2, Mrs. N. Green; 3, Mrs. W. J. Webster. Coll. Canned Fruits: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 3, Mrs. G. Bowers. Coil. Pickles: 1, Mrs. S. Moore; 2, Mrs. G. Baird; 3, Mrs. R. Boundey. Honey: 1, Mrs. I. Lowe; 2, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 3, Mrs. N. Green. Maple Syrup: 1, N. Malcolm; 2, Mrs. S. Malcolm; 3, Mrs. N. Green. Lemon Pie: 1, Mrs. W. J. Webster; 2, Mns. S. Moore; 3, Mrs. R. Boun- dey. Canned Pears: 1, Mrs. Reg. Boundey. Butter Tarts: 1, Mrs. S. Moore; 2, N. Malcolm; 3, Mrs. N. Green. Salad Plate: 1, Mrs. R. Boundey; 2, N. Malcolm. White Eggs: 1, Mrs. N. Green; 2, Mrs. G. Bowers. Brown Eggs: 1, W. Fer- guson; 2, Mrs. P. VanCamp. Larg- est Hen Egg: Doris Hamilton. Homemade Bread: Mrs. W. J. Webster. Sponge Cake: Mrs. S. Moore. Applie Pie: N. Malcolm. Oatmeai Cookies: Mrs. G. Baird. Tea Biscuits: Mrs. G. Bowers. ED FROM THE FAR CORNERS of the Empire they came-bronzed striplings from the Antipodes, pink-cheeked youths from Eng- land, lads from India and from the Indies-to train for the greatest battie of ail time under the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. Over Canadian prairies, forests and Pansies: 1, N. Malcolmn; 2, Mrs. S. Moore. Sweet Peas: 1, Mrs. Boun- dey; 2, Mrs. Malcolm. Special Attractions Bicycle Race, boys, under 20 yrs.: 1, Ron Middleton; 2, Bob Middleton; 3, Harold Hamilton. Old Time Fiddlers: 1, Herman Wilson; 2, Mns. Dave Wilson; Step Dancing: 1, Dave McMullen; 2, Gerald Stinson. Singing, girls under 20: 1, Gertrude Finlayson; 2, Marion Taylor. Singing, boys under 20: Donald Taylor. Best Decorated Farm Float Tractor: 1, Maurice Sameils; 2, Benyl Lanm- er. Wallace Special Bicycle Race: Ron Middleton. Special Prizes Bank cf Commerce Silver Tray, Best Baby Beef: Malcolm Bailey; T. Baton Co. Rose Bowl, Best Agricultural Team: Heber Down; R. Simpson Co., Best Collection Fancy Work, Silver Casserol: Mrs. Ira Lowe. Horn Bros. Pair Blan- kets, Shearling Bwe Lamb: For- der Bros. Any corrections or omissions phease advise at once, Henry Thompsorî, Sec.-Treas., Nestie- ton. LETTER TO EDITOR towns they won their wings, and with them flew the youth of Canada, closely integrated ini a new unity of purpose and a new understanding. Their courage, and the skill they learned in Canadian skies, held the enemy at bay during the dark years of the war and provided a flashing spearhead for the final victory . . . We shahl be forever indebted to them. The training of 225,000 men for air foroe duty was a major Canad.ian One or a0 depicting the g Canada as a produced by( on the occasiol lOOth annlvc lu1 get materials ta finish houses long since started. There seems so much prionity that the little fellow can't even get -a bag of cernent or a two-by-four, but some get it. If you hpkve the* money you can't go ahead and build because you can't get a prionity. Let's get at some of the facts. Tom Lymer. Editor's Note:- Any ratepayer can get a copy of the annual fin- ancial statement of the townb applying to the Town Clerk. ThisW report also contains debentur:r debts of the municipality. States-( man publishes each month reports of council meetings. Mr. àmer will have to ask the $64 qù.éstion as to securing building materia to some other person than M , edito. IV Dear Editor: Could I ask you if you wouid publish a financial account of the Town of Bowmanville. I would like to ask you what the debt still is on the Hg School, the Public School and S Sewer works. What is the con- tract price and any extras with the Toronto Construction Co., and does anyone know if the sewer and water started 30 years ago is paid for yet. There's a lot of things ratepayers know little about. Also when can we expect to TO SAVE YOU WORRY IF you are worrying about management of propertya, planning the disposition cf your estate, the building or purchase cf a home, or similar problems, perhaps we can relieve you cf some cf your worries and belp you decide some cf the perplexing points about your future pian. We offer a complete trust service, some phase cf which may be a real help .to you. May we discuss your problems witli you? No obligation, cf course. THE STERLING * TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 1 35 yoars in Busin'ess .CW7)f + + 4' contribution towards the win- ning of th-e waâr, but equally important, it was a portent of future greatness, for out of such unified and far-reaching efforts will corne the Canada of tomorrow-Canada Unlimited. To each of us whose savinge went into Victory Bonds to contribute to [6 this great achievement, Sthere remains the con- ï, tiuingchallenge o )n of hold those Bonds as our investments in a glow- I 6 ing future. .... ......... . . . C0MP AN Y.I III ........ .....W..... 'igation Fight"-After a painting by Donald Anderson, Off ial' t.. + 4. CN AD0A liN LmI1T THE cANADiAN sTATr!.smAN,, BOWMANVILLE, ONTKbO THURSDAY, SEPT. 26TJI, 1946 1 117mVnaeve - 1 PAGE TEN h(e

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