T~T M ~r AFWRMN. BWMAVULE ONTBIOPAGE SEME J.r.A ~,LtMM3J AESU .BWMNMis NAI TRUIRSDAY, SEPT 5tlf' 1946 1841 ROGERS BROS. Conodao's Finest Silverpiate JEWELLERY Oshawa Alexandra Park - SEPT. 9,v EXHI1DITS Livestoek Vegetables Horticulture Art Baking Needle-Craft Industrial ISOCIAL ANU Iphone Mrs. W. G. D. MacMillan, Corn- wall, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Benyl Oliver. Mrs. J. N. Greenaway, Port Hope, visited her cousin, Mrs. Giddus Jones. Mrs. Fred Pattinsonu is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Gerald Murdoif, Brighton. Mrs. M. Furber has returned after' visiting friends at Lindsay and Peterboro. Mn. Clarence Hall was in Ton- onto ast week-visiting his daugh- ter, Mrs. Eric Coombes. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Spencer, Toronto, are on a two weeks' mo- ton trip to Richmond, Va. Mrs. Reta Dudley spent the hol- iday weekend with Mn. and Mns. Raymond Cole, Kitchene&, Ont. . Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston have retunned from holidaying at Wasaga Beach and Collingwood. Miss Jean Bell, Tilisonbung, spent the holiday weekend with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. M. Bell. Misses Eileen Couch, Pat Dus- tan, and Jean Pattinson have been holidaying in the Haliburton dis- trict. Mrs. John Preston and daugh- ters, Toronto, spent the weekend with her cousins the Misses Wiil- mott. Miss Marjorie Peacey and Miss Helen Gunn, Toronto, wene holi- day guests of Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Gunn.HaodFruoanMs Mrs. Hrl egsnadMs Reta Dudley attended the school for leaders at O.L.C., Whitby, las' week. Mn. and Mns. W. C. Tait speni the weekend in Toronto and wit- nessed the great Labor Day pan- 'ade, Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Thos. Palmer hav< retunned from a delightful moto. trip thnough Michigan and Non. thern Ontario. Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M. F.C.C.M., will resume her class iî piano, organ, voice and theory Septemben 9th. Fair . Oshawa, Ont. B IG 10-11ilDAYS Grandstand Spectacle TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - 8 P.m. T-irials of Speed TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY - 2 p.ni. BABY PONY1 BAND) SHOW j RACES I CONCERT Mayors' Wood Chopping Contest Model Midway Shows Gates Open Daily 9 a.m. to Midnight believes he is related to the Ri dies of this district and hopes tind out on a later visit. We are indebted to Harny Sp cer, Toronto, for sending u. clipping from the Richmond 0 ginia) Times-Dispatch, show Editor Joe A. Osborne (nativE Tyrone), and a friend scanr an oid. issue of The Williamsb Gazette which is 210 years Mr. Osborne has recently ci pleted a chronicle of the new, per's life, covering the pei back to pre-Revolution days. quite remarkable to think thî Durham Oid Boy, now well his 80's is editing one of the est newspapers on this contir Mr. and Mrs. Morley Mel: gali, Calgary, Alta., are vis: with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. H Hampton. Mrs. McDougall former Miss Louise Robbins, kard, is a cousin of Mrs. E Mr. McDougall, a son of Dr.« McDougali, noted churchmai Western Canada, has retirede 45 years' service wîth the C Passenger Department. His% Sas a conductor included me, many notable visitors to Ca from ail parts of the world. editor was pleased to recel cail from Mn. McDougall who many highlights of his expie ces in the live-wire manner TRe CalgarWian. sta was well givena by ail. Mn. ' en- Toronto, gave , is a tween acts, acc Vin- sister, Mns. Hom ving e of niz C HU R 1 ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. J. dePencien Wright, rector Sept. 8, lZth Sunday after Trinity 8:00 a.m.-Holy Cbmmunion 11:00 im.-Morning Prayer abject: Is Life Just? 2:311 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class 7:00 p.m.-Evensong Subject: Why Should I Read the Bible? EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLEI Pastor: H. W. O'Brien Sunday il a.m.-Believers' Meeting 7:.30 p.m.-Evangelistic Meeting Wednesday Minds grow, keener hen they grow cleaner. The atom bomb won't end this old world-IF we buihd a new one first. I PERSONAL Dorothy and Virginia, Buff alo, N.Y, wreweekend guests of Mrs. T. H. Knight. Miss Marilyn Rundie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rundle, Ebenezer, is clerking in McGre- gor's Drug Store. Miss Harriet Warder, Roches- ter, N.Y., has returned home after visiting hen aunts the Misses Will- mott, Church St. LAW. Eileen Jones, Trenton, has returned to duties after spen- ding the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Giddus Jones. Mrs. William Maynard and lier daughter, Mrs. Stan Kitchen, and Randy, Oshawa, spent Sundayl with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coverly, Sylvia and Sheila, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dobson, Jane and Billie, Toronto. Miss Evelyn Ailin, Newcastle, and Miss Helen Hooper, Ajax, were guests for a week at "~Al- pine Inn." Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mns. Harley Percy, Mrs. Will Percy and daughter Ruth, Tononto, were recent guests of the Misses Percy and Mr. Wes- ley Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bauman, Cleveland, Ohio, and Dr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Toronto, were Sun- Sday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John James at Bowmanville Beach. Miss Helen Tait who spent the summer at Bala, Muskoka, has re- turned home pnior to going on tc take a special educational course tprovided for returned army per- sonnel. tMrs. H. Heliberg, Sait Lake City, Utah, after an absence of 21 years, is spending a holiday wit1h her sister, Mrs. R. M. Cale and ehen brother Mr. Clarence Hall, of SBowmanville. rMiss Sylvia Coverly, receivec two teiegramS fromn Peterboro, Tuesday, fromn her Gramma and and Grampa and Auntie Jean anc nUncie Charles greeting her or ý1hen eighth birthday. !s Mr. Frank Pascoe, Taunton having read in The Statesman oi -the local peach crop, reports tha, he gathered three baskets of rip( peaches from a tree on his far Monday. It just goes to shov what Durham County can pro duce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cator, Mr and Mns. Walter Smith, Windsor Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cator and faîr ily, Mrs. Hobbs and daughte Sandnia, Toronto, were weekeni guests of their mother, Mrs. F Cator and brother Edgar, Mar vers Road. Mrs. Annie Bradley, Mr. an, Mrs. Wm. Sutherland, MargarE and Marion Sutherland, Mr. an Mrs. Frank Foran, Bond Heac Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lymer, vi. ited Bill and Ray Lymer, Osi. awa, Mns. Mina Colwell and M: and Mrs. Bert Colwell. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cartwrig] have returned fromn a holiday« Hastings. Tom reports gooël fis] ing in the Trent river. His dail catch he gave away to tourisý fnomn the U.S.A. He has reSUME collection of paper which was ni glected by a pseudo-foreman wl talked much, did nothing. 1 Nonm Bagneli, pitcher for A: -lington softball team, Toronto, h the headlines again last week 1 - registering a 7-0 shutout in t] city senior playoff s. The w. marks a record for Bagneil of. innings without a score again him. He is a nephew of Mr. ai Mrs. W. J. Bagneil, town. Miss Gwendoiyn Brooks, daug] ter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brool Providence, having successful completed Normal School, has a cepted a position on the Oroi Public School teaching staff. Du ing the summer she attended sur mer school in Toronto and o A number of friei tives gathered at "N tage at Bownîan August 28, the sumr Mn. and Mrs. Ernest They gathered froin Kendal, Orono,1 Pinkham, Sask. Evi oughly enjoyed the Congratulations wer( Mr. Patterson whoN ing his birthday and Mrs. Wesley Elliott m ebrating their 45th niversary. A sumpi was enjoyed. A vo was tendered to the h ess aften which ah ji ing "For They Are Fehlos. Mrs. L. S. Duma pnesided at the W( tute meeting Thursd held in St. John's Program includedt vocal solos by Mrs. and two well ne: selections by Miss Jeffney. Editor Gec, The Statesman wh speaker spoke on tl weekly newspapen munity. It was ai the Institute had ma of $75 towand instal îng fountain at t] Park. Enniski Mission Band mer ed to bring pictures day, Sept. 8th. Mrs. H. J. Wern1 after a pleasant hol nephew Prof. Franl stgh She enjoy, truhthe Thousa Mn. and Mrs. Rus accompanîed by K~' miston, visited Mn.' McLaren, Unionvil., Mn. and Mns. G SLloyd and June, Mi ny, Miss Audrey M( ronto, with Mn. a: Ashton, Haydon. d Mn. .-and Mrs. N~ dFenelon Falls, at J. n Mn. and Mns. A] Judy, Lindsay, Mi jMaster Jackie Hew )fMn. and Mis. R.1 it Adele McComb,' ,e Jessie, Hogarth, Ha LA. H. Shanp's. V Mn. and Mrs. W. turned from a twc Niagara Falls. r. Mn. and Mrs. r, Mrs. Verna Wooda LJean Robbins, Mn. nTordnto, at Miss Ld lan's, Beaverton. Mrs. T. Mountjc: 'and Mrs. Hanry ME Montreal, at Mn. ai id Neil's. et Mn. and Mns. d London, Lieut. d, Clinton, with Wer: Is Mn. H. McGîll. h- Miss Mary Vi Ir with fniends. Sevenai from lh rit 75th annivensary at enjoyed a fine senr h-mer Enniskillen i ly Sanderson, Toront ts Mn. and Mns.' d Wallace, Reginald' ,e- Mn. and Mrs. Wa:' ho Tottenham. Do: home with them. r- Mr. and Mrs. J. lit an enjoyable fai by Wednesday when 11e cluded Mn. and IV rin Mrs. H. F. Werr, 35 cnd Mrs. S. Chas. Ist Mn. and Mrs. S. rid and Mns. A. L. P Rev. Milton ar, ,r -son and family, l ks B. Kay and Bill ly Toonto, with Mn tc- Mns. Harny Gr( nohave retunned ta r-C., after a mont. in hier parents, Mr. b- Sharp. Hen fathE al with hen and, sp GIN PILLS 39C-69C 'ou can be assured of ;tudied ana accurately in this work. When ons to us PHONE 792 [VER IT PROMPTLY. HA~Y FEVER -$1.00O-$2.50 îne ..... $1.0 èreys Canadian Nasal Spray --- $1.001 Lantigen "E" --- $6.00 Idaphedrin -------950c Frosst's Allersol $1.00 Vick's Vatronol --43c Vick's Inhalers ---39e Estivin----------- $1.19 Quamine Inhalers 65e I 2 or 3 drop>s p« *- Keeps your mouth Iç.sh, breath sweet. LARGE 33Ç 9 MEDIUM 9 SIZE SIZE & *-E ()n the air-"Shara the W.alhh" ever? Saturday Night.. Lots off bit cash Prises. SiCanadien tatio)n$-C.B.Ç. Se. your radio listing for time and station. Palm Beach White Shue Cleaner ---------25e Nivea Skin Ol --------50e - $1.00 WEEK-END SPECIALS $2.25 Lactogen ---$1.59 39c A.S.A. Tablets 19c Ephedrine Inhalent 49e J OHNS N4) I.D.A. 011 Wintergreen -------- 19eBA Y P W E I.D.A. Calamine A Y P W E[ Lotion, Reg. 25c ----8e I.DA. NSMALL 2810 LAS!559 Blondex Shampoo ---23ecPWE Jea.nette Taleum --- 15e I.D.A. Cocoanut 011 Shampoo ---4-oz. 19c Jar Rings -------------------5---------- e Parawax -------------------------1--- 2e Fruit-kepe------------------------ 25e Certo Fruit Peetin ------------- 25c ALEX LAURA SECORDCADE Quinsana Powder 59e Alka Seltzer 29e-57c 'lit" Shoe Cleaner -----15c-25c Shelltox - 24e-43e-73c Fly Coilis--- 2 for 5e Minora Blades lOe-25c Flrst Aid Kits ---- 85c-98c-$2.00 Black Leaf "40". ...33c-95c-$2.15 Noxzema Cream ---17c-39e-59c from a Femou$ Old inellésformule. per cake & for 75o PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McOREOOR DRUOS PHONE M» - WE DELIR flowers which were donated and R A 1 L W A Y We talk about reconstruction nsadrl N w afeplaced there with the usual TIE TBE in the world. The real job is re- Malvern Cot- TABLESnesofMs.Mtte creation. tville Beach, Miss Ruth Bonathan, Toronto, Brown. (Al trains run on Standard Time) mehoeO thrhm.A lot of excitement was pre- Canadian Pacifie Railway- m .Pter n home ofna erhme. Ei osadvalent in th~e village oht Tuesday Esbud Diy 1:6am E. ParttHers, r n rs cTm n when it was learned that the Esbud Diy 1:6am i PrtHoedaughter, Jean, Belleville, visited post Office had been broken into Toronto to Montreal Berownle , Mor . nr.Hw os sometime after midnight on Mon- Westbound Daily 5:30 a.m. reronealthor- Mr. and Mrs. D. Griffiths and day. The robbers pried open the Montreal to Toronto .e in order to son Joey, Hamilton, with Mr. and safe with a crowbar and section Daily xcpý Sunday 6 a.m. was celebrat- Mrs. H. S. Britton who returned tools which were stolen from a Ottawa to Toronto O ýd to Mr. and to Hamilton with them for a few C.N.R. section tool house. Consid- Canadian National RailwaY who were cel- days. erable money and stamps were Eastbound Daily 10:29 a.m. M R wedding an- Miss Minnie Pearce, Toronto, taken. Postmaster George Jamie- D'ly ex. Sun. 1:50 p.m. tuous supper wîth her mother, Mrs. H. R. son discovered the robbery when D'ly ex. Sun. 10:03 p.m. TAN ote of thanks Pearce.. he opened the Post Office on Sunday oniy 10:42 p.m. host and host- MisBraaBnta a e usday mhorning. . Westbound Daily 5:12 a.m. oiedinsigturned from holidaying in Hailey- It is with sorrow that citizens E Vy 423 .m ý oiy n iGo bury, Hamilton and Toronto. learned of the sudden death in D'ly ex.3 Sat. e Jll God Mrs. Cecil Ferguson accompan- Toronto on August 28th of Mrs lye.ad Say :4 pm Las, president, ied by her sister, Mrs. L. Headley, Milton Long. Mrs. Long had been Sunday only 8:02 p.m. REJPLACEXENT valu e s omen's Insti- Toronto, has returned from Mont- a summer resident at hier cottage __________ day afternoon real where lthey were guests of Mr. at the Lake for a number of years of buildings and contents ;Parish hall. and Mrs. Milton Payne. and had just returned to Toronto WHAT PRICE PROSPERITY? aegigU.Hv o two beautiful 'Mr. and Mrs. S. Even, Kingston, in August after spending three are______ Hveyo Alex Coîville visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ward months at the cottage. Her grac- (S.CtaieSanrd cesdth amu o ýndered pianoo also had as their guest Mr. iou and kindly manner endeared (S.CtansSadr) neae teamuto sMarie AntI Harold Forsythe, Kingston. hier to ail who came in contact Ail Canadians want to see their orisanecodng ). W. James of Rev. and Mxs. Lorne 'Tomas, with her and she numbered a country prosperous, their heirs yurisaneacrn- ho as uet Smith Falls, were guests of Mr. great many friends among the re- and assigns, as weil as themselves îy? the wlasces n Mrs. Fred Thomas. sidents of the village. Her pass- enjoying a competence from the hplcofa Miss Louise Trenwith was in ing is deeply regretted and she resources of this Dominion. I n Ifynhv ydol in the com- Toronto. will be greatly missed from among ail the ages past, thrift, foresight I o aeaydu~ nnounced thiat Miss Margaret Wright, Mr. and us.an nutyinfchrdwk ab tteaeq c o ade a donation Mrs. Roy Wright, Toronto, were Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Rjckard hand inutyei factrhladiw o aou th adqay f hein Memrial- guests of Mrs. A. Wetherail. and George accompanied Mr. and contentment. There is a negation Your insurance - better thMeoil br. and Mrs. J. H. Smith spent Mrs. Walter Rickard, Bowman- of most of that today. make sure! Ask this ag- the weekend in Lancaster with ville, to spend the weekend with The Financial Post concludes an Mr. and Mrs. John Burbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Buxton, To- editorial with this grim remind- ency to check you.r poli- Miss Mary Chaplin, Wilming- ronto.i er: illen ton, Delaware, is with hier mother, Frank Hoar, Toronto, with his "Strikes, threats and other cies NOW. Just cal Mrs. Wm. Chaplin. mother, Mrs. Ed. Hoar. forms of intimidation, even if suc- mbes ae ak- Miss Olive Thorne, who has Rally Day Service wiil be heldcesuanoladtprpriy 3of India, Sun- spent the past two years in Ar- at United Church Sunday School Only an increased flow of real lington, California, with her niece, on Sunday, Sept. 8th, at 10. a.m. goods can do that. Neyer hasf y' has returned Mrs. Larry Hamm, is guest of her Miss Frances Toms, Montreal, Canadian industry faced. such anS u r R a e )lida withliersister, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. with lier mother, Mrs. Harold opruiyfreano.Th St rtR J m s àliday igher Mrs. J. H. McDonald, London, Toms. wop ornity fo r anfor g Th Knox, Kîng-e accompanied by hier two daugh- and eager to give a permanent NUAC-RELSTT ad asl rudse ters with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Scesrt .3 ao o zndIsans. Smith. The principal men who stand mnarket to any country produc- Scesrt .J ao o Lssell Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton McLean out today are those who stand out ing them.'" Phones: Office 681 - House 493 liss Verna Or- and daughter, Linda, Toronto, for principle. In brief, as long as the present King St. Bowmauviile .and Mrs. Jas. were guests of Miss Ethel Lock- "Discipline" cornes from the turmoil continues, Canada is miss- le. hart. word "disciple." Think that one ing the boat. Let it be hoped 7ordon Werry, Miss Beatrix Mclntosh was in over. that it will not be permanent. iss E. M. Wer- Coiborne, guest of Mr. and Mrs. .cLaughlin, To- Samuel Sutton. ýnd Mrs. Lloyd Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wynn are L . edatMisses Naomi and Audrey Hor- Com ing Soon .R. Ormiston's. rocks were in Toronto Saturday len Henry and attending the marriage of their r. King Kent, nephew, Mr. John Anderson and witt, Brantford, Miss Katharine Binney. R. Byers, Miss Mrs. Ida Stinson and Miss Toronto, Miss Francis Stinson, who have been ampton, at Mn. spending the summer months atD IL_ 7. . Morere-thein cottage at the Lake, have 14 '. . Morene-returned to Toronto, where Miss cweeks' trip to Francis Stinson is on the staff of S.R ehcJarvis St. Collegiate.CO PEEN W RPRT FINE RADIO ENTERTAINMENT S.R ehc, Rev. Douglas and Mrs. Dewd- O PE NW RP RT and Nancy, Miss ney motoned to Toronto Saturday .Floyd Pethick, and wene present at Convocation Annie McMil- Hall, Trinity College, when the Degree of Doctor of Divinity was Y, Haydon, Mr. conferned on the Archbîshop of ills and Patricia, Canterbuy. nd Mrs. R. Mc- Newcastle schools opened 'Ikies- CD oinday morning for the fail termi with W. H.Roig a full attendance in every room. D9 Ernest Smart, Mn.F. McMullen, Miss Hattie Ma- a nor rny families and son a nd Mrs. W. Jones are again ____ assuming their teaching duties in __________________________________________________ irtue, Toronto, the Public School, with R. W. ~ --' "~ F D RA N NA I COUNTIES Goheen, B.A., and T. A. Venner, TE V IE O UH M N NA I re attended the B.A. composing the staff of the at Tyrone and High School. A bright and wel- ,mon from a for- coming touch to the school on oy, Rev. Milton Tuesday morning were the five to. large baskets of gladioli and mîxed1 Russell Gniff in, 1and Mary with llace Abernethy, ýnaida returned rA. Werry held mily panty on P E C ITOS ithein guests in- PE CI T O MrIs. R. J. Luke, y, Kdron -ADUII Y AND ACCURATrELY COMPOUNDED 1 AMAZING NEW E. Wenny, Mn. Pascoe, Solina. id Mrs. Sander- Mn. and Mrs. D. 1, Dr. W. Code, rs. C. Sandenson. egg and Donald )Washington, D. ;h's holiday with rand Mrs. A. ker motored back ent a few days. Gnegg are mov- uio, Texas, whene ith the Anmy Air .J. Bonnowdale, r. and Mrs. J. A. O . R. Pethick, [owand Buscumb, )ins, Mrs. Verna 1Pethîck, Toron- Pethick's. Gardon Hudson, )y Hudson, Peter- .M. Griff in and ig and son, Black- Mrs. R. Dodd's, Mrs. M. Moore id Mrs. D. Moore ,nn, Bowmanville, Mrs. R. McNeih. Jack Potts and Mns. H. Bungess, Cliff ord Pethick's. school pupils are owmanville High us. ,en by the Solina "Eyes of Love" and much enjoyed Wallace Stainton, violin music be- aompanied by his ward Stevens. t C HES 1 When you bring your prescriptions to usy the finest possible resuits. Each one is careftilly st filled with the purest ingredients. We specialize ý sickness prevents you from bringing your prescriptii WE SHALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT AND DELII QUUCK RELIEF FROM Allergitabs ........... Anti-Pollen Vacci Razmah Capsules ...... Reds, Browns, Gi sop rvetSad Irm t ives 2 5 Ç