946 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TUSA,ÂGS 2d [CANAD±~IAN NAT,±~IONALIV' Th jý UStl ry (on t a r rBrewinng Industry ý0-ntorW Starkville M. and D. Shutka were in Osh- awa and were glad ta flnd Mrs. Shutka improving. Mrs. Fox, Toronto, at Mr. Bert Trim's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dobson, Mary Lou, Mr. Dobson, Sr., at Mr. Ed. Ruthven's, Zion. Mr. Reg. Baulton, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Smith's. Master Grant Lowery, Toronto, with his aunt, Mrs. A. Dabsan. Misses Amy and Helen Carson with Mrs. John Scott, Newcastle. Miss Catherine Minta, R.N., Oshawa, with Mr. A. Minta. Mrs. Dan Shutka has arrived here from Ireland, ta join her husband, Dan. We welcome her. Mrs. R. Boughen at Mr. Art McKay's. Brown's Visitars: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gimblett, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Part Granby, at Mr. Robt. Graham's. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moff at and family, Dundas, at Mr. George Stephenson's. Mr. Ray Brown, Forest, with his mother, Mrs. Cliffard Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Burrus, Prestonvale, at Mr. Clarence Tur- ner's. Mrs. Archie Brown entertained a few friends on the occasion of Mr. Brown's birthday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bain, Mr. and Mrs. J. Macklin and family, Tor- onto, are holidaying at Mr. True- man Clarke's. Pontyp .ool The last of the local Decoration and Memorial Services was held at the Pontypool cemetery Sun- day afternoon last. As usual a large number gathered ta decor- ate the graves and join in the ser- vice conducted by the local min- ister. On Monday morning, bright and early, four boys from the lo- cal Trail Ranger group, Larry Bradley, Walter Fisher, Tommy Bredin and Kenny Adams lef t for Camp Wakonda (At Y's Men's Camp,) on Clear Lake, near War- saw for nine days of camp.ing. This camp is conducted by the Ontario Boys' Work Board for the rural boys of the Peterbor- ough district from August 19th to 28th. The mentor of the local Trail Ranger Camp, Mr. Hancock, will act as director of the camp this year. This is the flrst year that Pontypool has been repre- sented at this camp. Mr. and Mrs. George McEwen and family have left for their new home at Deseronto, where Mr. McEwen will commence his duties as principal of the Public school in September. The services on the Pontypool Circuit of the United Church will be conducted next Sunday, in the absence of the minister by a vis- iting team from "Camp Wakonda" (Peterboro Y's Men's Camp). We are happy ta welcome to aur cammunity the bride of Ro- bert Brown, farmerly Alice Eve- lyn Staples of Nestîcton, HOS PITAL -Fifty dollars cheerfully given. Next Sunday Rev. J. de Pen- cier Wright, St. John's Church, Bowmanville, will hold the ser- vice under the direction of Mr. Russell Whatmought of "Wind- rows." Note the change of hour 12 noon. Cowanville Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogden, To- ronta, visited at Mrs. B. Milison 's. Margaret Edwards is recover- ing nicely from a tansil operatian. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Stringer vis- ited Mr. Roy Burley's. Mr. Carl Stringer and twa daughter, Kirkland, visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Bandy and Harry, visited in Hermon, Ont. WE NEED MONEY Objective - $209000-00 WILL YOU H-ELP US? A Canvasser will cail on you - Or Cheques may be mailed to C. C. Jeffrey, Treas., Port Perry MAINTAINS GOO UDDER HEALTHa md gentie action of the De Lavai Magnetic- Speedway MiIker helps maintairs ound. h.alehy udders. Thiis is especialiy eru. when le I. used with te.De Lavai Speeclway M.ehod of Faut Mllldng. Je.good effect om ndd.ir health in another very important rea- son for te ouusending success of te De Lavai Mmgnetic Speedway ln providing mp maliing performance amd ronale. IDE LAVAL CREAM 5EPARATORS ...fontt in 187,9 mmd s00 6rag today in akimming pet- foeoemac., long »Miae, igb qutalty crem production sud lowe, coge pe ymu of use. A a&le and style for vry need and puwse-hmnd or sue- tor drives. High or Iow stands. DE LAVA-MIL WR OF CHAMPIONS Another De Laval Milked Cham-. pon..Abegwel Milady. owned 9Hon. iS. Wmlgr joues,Charlotte. town, P.IEL. *la World's Cham- pion over sil mgem«d ctasiiSce tnon, 305-day division. Junior 4. yemr.old. Records 10853Ab.@4d 24.939 Ibo. milL DE LAVAL SERING MIUKR ...provides De Ltvlqualiey milking at lower Cost. Simple, iad end de; enda .. Seln ulageor bas only two movln¶ parts. Wonderfui wiMig performance. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm Machlnery - Firestone Tii4 DeLaval Milkers and Separators Beatty Bros. Stable Equipment 91 King St. W. Phot Order your nulk and dairy products from us. you're giving your family the finest. Phone now. GLEN RAE DAIRY PHONE 444 c Wes one 497 Then you know KING ST. WEST COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Port Perry, Ontario Sponsors Townships of SCUGOG REACH CARTWRIGHT Village of PORT PERRY MAIN FACTS (1) PUBLIC HOSPITAL (2) RATES MODERATE (3) EXCELLENT NURÂSING (4) SPEGIAL ATTEN4TION TO MSET (5) EQUIPMENT FOR ALL OPERATIONB (6) UNDER GOVERNMR&T SUPERVISION