Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1946, p. 8

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MI PAC ,Y EIGHT - - -l-- It is good forest practice to cut Canada's forests have one ma- mature timber stands. Such stands jor .enemy-bugs. There are iin- show littie new growth and dis- sect bugs and fire bugs. The lat- ease reduces the value of the ter destroy millions of dollars of timber. Canada's wealth. RBOWMANVILLE - PHONE 89E - AMR CONDTIONED starring Walter Huston Jack Haley -COOL SATURDAY, AUG. 17 "Ding Dong Williams" with Glen Vernon Marey McGuire plus "lThrow a Saddle On a Star" A Western packed with Action - Songs - Thrills MON, TUES, WED., AUG. 19-20«21 Wfhat Next, . Corporal Hargrove ? tEê3 it 's a 'howling comedy hit! ttarring Robert Walker - Keenan Wynn Plus NEWS 0F THE DAY ANNOUNCEMENT on Tuesdays A Representative of The Singer Sewing Machine Co. wUll be i Bowmanville to service ail makes of sewing machines. Expert Workmanship Guaranteed H i need of service write or phone before the above days. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. Phone 696 - Oshawa 17-tf - Jean Porter CARTOON Business Courses and Approved Rehabilitation Training Courses (including commercial) FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 3rd Write or phone for particulars and Syllabus of Courses. Early registration la advisable. Bowmanville Business School (Reg'd Trade School) 154 Ring St., East Phone 434 Bowmanville, Ont. Haydon Dr. and Mrs. M. Touzel, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mr. C. Droug, Mr. Harry Droug, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cox, Claremont, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Meek, Sandford, at Mr. J. Hanna 's. Mr. and Mrs. Brock Perry, To- ronto, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, with her parents. Mary Lou Ashton, Toronto, with her grandmother, Mrs. H. Ashton. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Missi Verna Trewin at Mr. Gordon Avery's, and Mr. George Avery's, Little Britain. Our pastor will be back from his holidays and church service will be held on Sunday at 3 p.m. Mr, Russell Aunger underwent an operation in Bowmanville Hospital on Friday and is doing fine. Through an accident with the binder Mr. Wm. Trewin is still un- der the doctor's care. OSHAWA Air Conditioiied Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS., FR1., SATURDAY AUGUST 15-16-17 WALLACE BEERY and MARGARET O'BRIEN in "The Bad Bascomb"y with Marjorie Main - J. Carrol Naish MONDAY - TUESDAY AUGUST 19-20 "The Seventh Veil" starring JAMES MASON - ANN TODD WBD. to iSATURDAY AUGUST 21-24 I"Two Sisters from Boston" with KATHRYN GRAYSON JUNE ALLYSON LAURITZ MELCHIOR I _____________________ * . * SF Ontario Cantaloupes priced lud. doz.23 -2pgs25 Red Malaga r.mnu-lh- peIT IrDW DG p DRY aw-i For Preservlng Several Brande Standard 20 Olîoç RUIlER RINGS WAX BEANS Quaîîty tiniU Cark's--Assorted MEAT SPREADS Monarch Baby CHEESE.. Wetst Str-(Salffd) MIXED NUTS.. For Preservlng METAL RINGS 2314~23ÇFor Preserving 1 lb.-37Ç UFT à 0 4 Oz 29ÇHeina tin. INFANT FOUDS 2 pkgs. 17Ç tins 23Ç doz. 29e ~ulrm q Bus , . ............... d-- -% New Crop Yamis, 2 Ibs. for .... 25e Sunkist - Size 300 Lemions, doz.....29e Sunkist - Size 344 Oranges, doz. .. .27c New "1948" P"ck C<o'e Pl20 o29d OANNED PEAS uUyKtisgç 08 Oz. Btle. 25Ç N"IAbi SHREDDED wHEAT2 pkg& 23Ç 24 oz.31 8 oz Mr. Sound, son. Starkville Dobson, Sr., of Parry with his son, Mr. Alf Dob- COOL THUR-FRI. AUGUST 15-16 "And Then There Were None"l with Barry Fltzgerald Solina ?lWr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis and Patsy, Mt. and Mrs. Jack Yellow- lees visited Mrs. Neil Yellowlees gt Brantford. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Avery, son Lloyd and grandson, Jimmie Lit- tle, Little Britain, at Frank West- lake's. Mrs. Eric Pearce and children, Toronto, at Harold Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, David and Catherine, Orland; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey, Arleen, Milton and Carl, Orono, at Albert Bal- son 's. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryder- man and family, Mr. Walter Cry- derman and Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe and family attend- ed the Cryderman-Ruse picnic at Hampton, Saturday. 1 Women's Institute met Thurs- day with Mrs. Isaac Hardy pre- siding, and Mrs. Bruce Montgom- ery and her group in charge of the program. Members were pri- vileged to have as guest speaker, Miss Aleen Aked, of Tyrone, who gave an educational address on "Hobbies," with a display of per- sonally designed and hand-worked articles to illustrate hier remarks. The "Solîna Sewing Sîsters" and their leader, Mrs. J. C. Smales, gave a skit and demonstration of their achievements in the Home Economnics Course "Cottons May Be Smart." The girls who form this 'club are Mary, Hazel and Jean Cryderman, Eunice Leask, Betty Smales, Jean Montgomery and Evelyn Taylor. Ruth Rob- bins, Zion, favored with a piano solo. Salad lunch was served by the group. Hampton Mrs. W. G. Doidge and Miss N. Horn, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Osh- awa. The W.A. of Lotus United Church held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy with a large attend- ance, Mrs. Mountjoy being a for- mer member of that society. Miss Doreen Wood and friend, Bowmanville, are spending a few days with ber grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Williams. Mr. C. Burrows and Mr. J. Bal- son are under physicians' care. Mrs. L. Sharp, Oshawa, was guest of Miss W. Leach. Master Ralph Peters, Toronto, is holidaying with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Salter. Mrs. Ida Trull was in Oshawa to see ber great grandson, Robert Douglas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor. Blackstock The Blackstock Women's In- stitute met at the home of Mrs. Hopley for the August meeting. Mrs. Werry, District President, was the guest speaker and ber subject was "WlI. work in the home community and country." The roll caîl was answered by naming a Durham industry. Mrs. R. Langmaîd, a past president was also present and spoke briefly. The meeting was helci on the lawn and lunch was served by Mrs. S. Van Camp's group. Forty-five were present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reader, Scugog witb Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Darcy. Misses Effa and Annie Wright, Oshawa, are with Mr. Jabez Wright, wbile Mrs. Wright is bol- idaying with the Wills of Detroit, and the News of Fenelon Falls, at Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Robert Bruce and Miss Mae King are visiting friends in Port Perry. Mrs. John McKee is visiting at Fenelon Falls. Mr. andi Mrs. Ed. Cane visiteci Mrs. John Forder. The choir of St. John's Angli- can church were entertained by the congregation to a supper on Friday evening at the Rectory. Mrs. Virginia Archer, organist, was presented with a gif t for ber faithful work. The annual Black Preceptory church service and walk was held on Sunday evening with the local fife and drumn band leading the procession. The cburch service was at St. John's Anglican cburch. Our health nurse bas arrived and is staying with Mrs. A. L. Bailey until ber own quarters are finished. WHEN THE FRUITS RIPEN Enjoy the season's luscious fruits in their cooling, fresh forma. Or can themn for next winter's desserts. Let the flour you might have used for pies and puddings mean more wheat shipped over- seas to provide bread for the hun- gry. We know from experience that our entire customer list will have. burned 6~0 per cent of their year 's fuel toward the end of January and if at that time we have a long list of people ail requiring additional fuel at once with road and general delivery conditions the way they have been the last two winters, we would only be able to service a small percentage of those people and a.t that time of the year no one is in a position to wait when they are in the middle of the burning season. We have lined up th.is year large quantities of two kinds of fuel which gave us the best reaction from the majority of ou.r customers, that is, By-Product nut coke and Alberta egg or lump coal. Give us shipping instruc- tions on your order requesting either of these two fuels and we feel we will ahl stay out of trouble this winter. SHEPPARD CAND Glad to report Mrs. Llew Hal- lowell is recovering nicely. Mrs. J. Wark has returned to Weston after visiting Miss Nor- ma Hallowell. Mr. Bill Trim, Port Hope, witb his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim. Sorry to report Mrs. M. Shutka is in Oshawa Hospital. Miss Eileen Farrow has com- pleted her summer course in To- ronto, and is at home. Mr. A. Minto, accompanied by his sister and her husband had a pleasant visit with friends at Noranda, Que. Mr. Jessup and bis mother, To- ronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hal- lowell. A number from here attended decoration services at Newton- ville on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Wragg and f amily, Glen Morris, at his father's. Mr. Albert Wragg's. Mre' C. Reid of Toronto, at Mrg. Wilfred Wood's. Mr. andi Mrs. Lorne Todd with Mr. andi Mrs. Don Stapleton, New- tonville. Miss Doreen Farrow and frienci visited in Toronto. Some from here attended dec- oration services at Port Hope. Mrs. W. E. Reidi and daughter visiting ber mother, Mrs. Weatb- eriît, Caesarea. Miss Eileen Farrow andi ber father in Oshawa. Kendal Mrs. Tbompson andi Mrs. Wilby vîsiting Mrs. M. Robinson.-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Patterson and Bill, Toronto spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMurray on the arrival of their daughter (Sharon Yvonne) at Bowmanville Hospi- tal, Friday, August 9. Mrs. Luxon andi Marion, John Thompson, Mrs. Little andi Alec andi friencis from Perrytown spent the weekend at Mrs. Luxon's cot- tage near Minden. Miss Georgina Darlington is home after taking a summer course. Mr. andi Mrs. Jack Glov- er and daugbter with Mrs. Dar- lington, Georgina and Bill. Mrs. Lofthouse andi family, Osh- awa, with Miss Katie Stewart. Superintendent Little of the Toronto Postal Division was in Kendal last Thursday cbanging the pôst office over from Wm. Mercer to Mrs. Margaret B. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grant, Mrs. Fred McKay and Miss Violet Mer- cer visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Mer- cer, Sunday. Violet remained for a holiday. Mr. andi Mrs. Archie Blue spent last week witb Mr. andi Mrs. Blake Alexander and calleci on other friencis. The Kendal bail teamn journey- ed to Orono Friday evening for another close game andi succeed- ed in winning by a 2 to 1 score. The tobacco farms being oper- ated by Mr. Bailey andi Mr.,Hut- nyk started picking the lower or sand leaves Saturday. For the convenience of those wishing their well water tested, Dr. Miller bas left a supply of bottles at Jobnson's store. He in- forms us that 20 per cent of the samples tested have shown water of inferior quality and unfit for buman consumption wîtbout pre- vious boiling or treatment with chlorine. Be on the safe side and have yours tested. Great plans are being made for Kendal Park Day on the Harvey Jackson Memorial Park, Wednesday, August 21. We are hoping to have a chance to see some good hard bail games. Zion Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster, Mrs. J. W. McMaster, Mr. and Mrs. Chàs. Naylor attended the Matheson-McKittrick wedding at Orangeville on Saturday.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Innîs, Faye and Carol, Mr. Wm. Innis, Sonya, at A. T. Stainton's.-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hulatt and Victor, Osh- awa, at Russell Perkins'.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Wm. Smith's, Whitby.-Mr. Oscar Pin- gle, Bowmanville, at A. T. Stain- ton's.-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Glenny, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robinson, Port Coîborne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson and Joe, Mrs. Milton Robinson, Osh- awa, at Henry Ball's.-Mr. Ivor Gerry, Toronto, at Mrs. F. B. Glaspel's.-Miss Marguerite Mar- tin has returned from ber trip to British Columbia and is with ber parents., Mr. and Mrs. T. Martin, for a couple of weeks.- Mr. and Mrs. Christian Stor and family, Toronto, at Hans Geiss- berger's.-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Killen, Delmer, Johnny and Mar- ie, at Toronto.-Miss Pearl Leach. Solina, at Norman Leach's.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robbins and Isobel at Mr. Hannam's, Brooklin.-Miss Lynda Cameron at Bert Hoskin's, Harmony.-Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Ormiston and family, Maple Grove, at Russell Robbins'.-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hoskin and Terry, Harmony, at Reford Cameron's.- Mrs. F. B. Glaspel, at Ralph Glaspel's, Tyrone.-Mr. and Mrs. Sam Lee and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lee, Mr. Wm. Crawford, Toronto, at Robt. Killen's.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis andi Betty, Toronto, Mrs. T. Harshaw, Miss Nancy Harshaw, Lansing, at Alex 4~cMaster's.-Mr. A. 'T. Stainton bas solci bis farm to Mr. Walter Pingle, Bowmanville. - Master Johnny Killen, Miss Patsy Killen, Toronto, at Robt. Killen's. Planning to Buili? PHONE 611 Bowmanville Sand and Gravel Supply H. H. lICE, Proprietor GRAVEL - SAND - CINDERS LOAM FILL - MANURE plus "George White's ScandaIs"l Joan Davis 152 KING ST. E. 1FLY TOX wtesPure Orange MARPAALADE. For PraerviDg CERTO .* *O 1I.MI 101. PHONE 525 New Sheil Premium gasoline is suPer- charged with 224 T.M.P. It's four ways biètter-(1) more power-(2) quicker starting-(3) faster pickup-(4) more mileage. Try it now-see for yourselfl ff. <fefffI C. A. DARTLETT Service Station THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th,.1946 . jjýrr. r-ANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 1 9 à

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