Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1946, p. 9

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s. PAGE NUiE CT ANAIAN STATESMAN. BOWIMANVILLE. ONTARIO THU SDAY AUGST 1th, 946vice to our country are demanded ThewoidiokstoCaad fr ew asleYoUng La Guzzie brought a load of wood to WEED INSPBCTOR Col. Mecugmuul n of us by virtue of the fact that ThGordlok townanandfothencstlrank it up at the '___ eare Canadians and the dwind- pulp and paper products. These . ie d rs l son atd the top of the hili,)tor Gxors reth sngeite vrs n aon teandaosmahed a ltoe (Continued fron PgOn) ling survivors, of a great host exot r h argestsl e t away a vrna mse lt In his address Coi. McLaughlin which achîeved much and made em in our foreign iradje. Every A Boy on Prohibition glass wmndow, and nearly killed adi a lastecso fgetsciie.I ecnert- 1 forest fire cuts into Canada's a man who tried to stop him. But si twsawy h utr fgetsciie.I ecner weaith and diminishes world trade We are pieased to publish the they dîdn't prohibit the saloon.~ the 2nd to have a church parade ing ourselves to this, let' us seek ' botentiai.fooin adrsonheaoe Tebcuea ar ws on Sunday but the usual service the assistance of God, remember- subject delivered before Ennis- und inttecuclps was foregone due to the unavoid- ing thatihutHm earno kilien Sunday School by Master law that no fircakr hudb able absence of the Chaplain. He thing. C. H. TUCK Gerald Brown, Newcastle who let off on any street of the vil- otne:I ifuryaàl- Rpsginheceofu od was silver medalist in a recent lage. Now, I'd like to know how most to the moith since the 2nd friend Major Reifenstein, the cur- flegistered Optcmetrist competition conducted by the W. boys are going to show their loy- Battalion Association assembled ator of this Museum, oiqr Colours C..U atyifthy an't, let off fire- i this place. On that occasion, are a constant renunder to us that arn asked to tef thsmetn crc ersad ae arcs in July, 1942, we were gathered not until we ourselves have pass- 3-day serviee Iwha wedoys llthiabo tinPro-rackes on dmno a y.a am for the purpose of relinquishing ed from this scene wili our own 1 hibtoyeawcorCaad.Arrangementr roed ha teçustody of our Battalion Colours, tasks have been fuifilled. They hibgitoy afor fcanada. WellarnThey ner p re tat tersand turning them over for safe- remind us also of those friends of Byponmn:9.30 t.1 o iholnforit o crse . te al- and we ail know that there was a keeping to the Government of our the 2nd Battalion wvhose thought- od2.00 tO 5.00 pai.putnprhboy laws ofl big fight at that saloon on Doin- Country. These Colours, you wili fulness sustained us during the usabys, n ooyee s inDyadoemngthr. remember, had been cared for on years of the F'lrst Great War; and ~ISEY LDG, o . ~o. us oys an nood evr aks on ay ndonemangothur. ur behaîf by the congregation of high in the rol of these friends us whether we want them or not. And didn't old Far-up"ge StausChrhBo anie. tnd tenae ftegnt- * OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 We can't ride a wheel as we drunk at that saloon anden go S.alsCurh omavle watto osimnor skat- d fiatdh hend io' The ceremony in which the Go- standst honmwe o utRe gl- U Ni m OSA A N.ing, tor asigo or snowbaîîing, banet up are o a , toBut vforimustodyofte our ltymental C Walt 1reerandther V iL ILJL fE _____________________or anything, without danger of the saloon goes on ail the sanie. yfor cstaodwsaridouti the. oor o f r.CatasnaPerC Band, M.C.,r running up against a prohibitorY Then, didn't they prohibit us' er aowscare oti heo atanPre .Bndi.. law. swimming in the mil dl Who presence of Lady Byng of Vimy, of Toronto, a former tommand- A Now there is a steep hill on the wants ta be ail fixed up when they acn t s oftepast Armoured-is otwNthus,3weknowa nd fie el main street of our village, and go in swimming? And I know Oliver Roberts Regiment-whcoa the war- that hed is spirwit s right hn erear SH ErE A astwi ndthee a eandy lot of osanh rs o woar en' For the second successive year, time designation of the Governor ticipating in this service. 1 hthl a ieglass. Adterftesdiku alterOie oet sdigafine jbGnrlsFoguards-an te And sa, remembeiing all these didn't we boys have a jolly time moepttesaon n h as Weed Inspector for the Corpar- prince of Wales Rangers, the W ORK ta hlmwslieter athesarin.upAnd ther Olivert ou oheRoberts is doings a ode ou lve coasting down that hill?-until salosaren't'prohibited yet. ation of Bowmanville. He was nmaie aor te ept hng, s ltet s sor ad oule Bill Smth an ito woan ad gvenhigh praise by Mayor and uating regiment, the Peterborough drouas c sbiitizensof anad, who- sattered her twa baskets of eggs ' to a baby akMeanrnConi orhswr ls er Rangers. the help of God, it may be truly Glo uUWU s llover the hili. Billy didnl't it bb arriage that had TCouncil for his workth mea t d it bt e as cot-twns in it and tumbied it over, He asks co-operation of the pub- Tdy eaeaani h said of us that not only in war Asphait Shingles ing when she got right in his way didn't the council the very next lpaic in ttiws in.a nie Caital Cie of ur perouicatryen-dîd we play the part of men, but SFT O DDCR He shauted but before he could week prohibit anybody ridfing a aperninhsisu.is uni orgonI af aour peroticel re- that in peace we lived and serv- Etapoeto Roig - aetouh.g caîl out again an egg went into wheel on the sidewalk. Now, form courtesy and attention ta his particular date-August the 4th. wdaould hae wise s ta d." Roofng avesrouhin hismouh, ad aothr hi hi inJack didn't do it on purpose. The job is worthy o! public reciproCa- It is thirty-two years ago today ______ave_______us___do. the left eye. Now, the woman carniage was run right in front tion. ta h is ra a rk wasn't hurt much, and we boys of his wheel and he took an aw- Veteran o! the First Wonld War, out-August the 4th, 1914. HOW MUCH WATER chppd n ndbugt ersoefui tumbie trying not to do -it. Mr. Roberts has for many years We stand today in the presence DE O ED D AV IS & G RA NT corepediflafd bettr hn te And the babies weren't hurt much, been the andscape architect at o! ur Battalion Colurs ta pay DE O ED 1.n ones she îost. eas they were fat and the the C.P.R. local gardens. H*îs tribute ta the memory of those Veterinary authonities state that Scugog St. - Bowmanville Well, the next day there was a qnud was real soft. Only they services have been given free inl comrades of ours whose valour for the highest production ofSA TY REDBOK Phones: sign put up and it said: "Any boy couldn't tell one from the other planting shrubs, hedges and gar- and sacrifices are written into milk the importance o! a contin- Frln ieg Bu. 84 Rs.264 ound coasting on this hill wiil be until they were washed. dens, particularly at the grounlds the scroll o! aur Battie Honaurs.I uous supply of drinking water for Bs282Rs264 prosecuted." Of course, if it's right ta pro- o! his church, St. John's Anglican We remember that Reunions have the cows cannot b5e ove-estimat-' Nooi1 ee eoe o hibit ail the bad things, it can't and its rectory. Up earîy and for their purpose more than ed.Eprm tsiCadUn dsfe~P Nool ekbfrTmbe rgttm cne htmke l Mprmnt nCnaaln rigt t lcene hatmaes illate, Mr. Roberts has a wide cir- mierely getting together and en- ited States, Britain and other thians.Adweby a l ffrieds.He sa honor- joying the exchange of aid recol- countries have shown that milk ' :1 it isn't fair ta prohibit fighting and ary member o! "Wood's Senate." lections. One of their supremely production was hîgher fromn cat- swearîng and lots o! other things important and seriaus purposes tie with water available ta them HA P R B S E S while you license the sufta is found in a ceremony such as throughaut the day than from course, w boys and girls are in vein urClurreeeti nl nc rtwc ady favor o! a Prohibitary Law for viwn orClurrveetfonyoceo wceady 1E R Canada, now and forever. Recent visitors: and proudy conscius of what It is estimated that the ae- -dpe. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Vinson cance of ail that they embody. gallons of waten per day. High and Jimmie, Mrs. Elia Balsan, The design of the King's Col- producing cattie, such as those Home Grown Peaches Miss Edythe Baison, Mr. and Mrs. aur is the fiag o! the Union, and producing, say, 10 gallons of milk Frank Balson and Roy at Brice- comprises three crosses - St. Per day, may consume up ta 30 u tFrom Grocer' s Garden bridge and Limestone Lake. Mrs. George, St. Andrew and St. Pat- gallons o! water per day. Where M asC O ani jm 1flSa aalAofeweweeksd agohwerdescickedIt is wbllta take note of dry feed, such as hay or chaiffandNoFre TieB l a trip through the "banana beit ter Harry Baison, with their Christian worid the Cross is the cows wouîd take 10 ta 15 gallons tl r N EWCASTLE of Ontario" where we saw le- grandparents, Sam and Mrs. Vin- symbol of sacrifice, unselfishness of water as such. However, where monts, figs, dates on trees in a son.-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Balson and nobility of purpase. It was the cows are on pasture and quan- Agen forCanda W od Poduts Ld. ';ihaîlt have ta include Bow- MrsSawyer-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and faithfu to the principles ta be eaten, water would be takefln ~~~'e o 1 manville in the territory des- Matthews, Long Bnanch, with her which it expressed aur comrades in smaller amnounts. One hun- ~ *~ cibed. For we were invited ta brother, George Johnston.-Mr. suffered and died. dred and thirty pounds o! pas- see a peach tree loaded wîth large, George Blair, Toronto, with his Thsrcletnshudbig uewudpraiyoninbutratr ieSrieDe t uscaus rîpnedfrui inthe ardsistr, rs. nni Simson -r home ta us the fact that we have nine or ten gallons o! water. If KIG&BLE T.HN 6 w,-at the rear o! Harry Allin's gro- and Mns. Clarence McCulloch, c ni u g rs o iblte if w sla ee fd 5 p u d f Nom s Sholn s - Indiâsttial 'Ooninungwesonibiites f Dosnae.wrefedd5 pond o Jack Aluin said: "Camne here, Thompson.-Mr. and Mns. Doug- aur comnades. Service ta aur contain about 3% gallons o! wa-C mpee Tr S ric U eIIU "Ive something ta show you." And las Oke, Mn. and Mrs. Orley Ding- fellow-men and continuing ser- te.L SKInIIAA&a INSULATION . there stood the tree, 15 feet in man, Oshawa, at a cottage at Lit- height fromn which wene being tle Lake.-Mrs. H. Wagner and picked many baskets o! peaches daughter Jean, Schenectady, N.Y., witli that would make the Niagara and Lloyd McLean at Hanny Mc- CA N DAULUI E growers green with envy. Agni- Lean's.-Tab and Ennie Geaning C A N A 0 AU N L1M 1T E 0 cultural Representative Ed Sum- at Fenelon Falls, Mns. Tab. Gear- Rt O C K W O O L mers was there admiring the crop ing returning home with themn -and nonchalantly expressed the after a week with her parents, view that Durham County can Mn. and Mrs. Graham, Toront.- We use only the best miM.erials and, guarantee our work. produce aimost anything, given Mn. and Mrs. Kazak from the West Befre nvetin ge a ric diectfro th ower proper attention, are visiting their daughten, Mrs. Befre nvetin ge a ric diectfro th oWler This peach tree sprung fromn a Harry Hutton.-Mr. and Mrs. 1 ad save mofley. peach pit thrown out the back Frank Thompson, Taunton; Mn. doar some eight years ago. This and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Maxwells; is the first year it has produced Misses Lila and Auna Osborne and F. A.BRUCEan important crop. Without de- Frank Worden with Mn. and Mrs. F.PA.NBRUCE sign or forethought, here is an Blake Oke.-Anson Pickeli has PHO E 44 . instance where a local store can returned ta his home in Saskatch- 47 Queen Street Bowmaflville, Ontario suppiy customens with first quai- ewan.-Mr. and Mrs. Everton ity fruit grown right on the pre- White and his father with Esli -mises. The sample we enjoyed and Mrs. Oke.-Mns. A. J. Gay invited a retunn in the dank o! and Miss Margaret Pollock have the moon but we may tell any- returned after a visit with Miss one interested that the crop has Clare Wiiliamsan, Hastings.-Mr. now been harvested. and Mns. Bob Courtice have ne- AM OUCE Of turned fnam Bellevilie.-Mrs. L. Truil and son Bruce, have return- #MEVbVT/ 0* Hampton ed ta their home at Nanton, Sask. -Mrs. Ross Pearce, Mrs. L. Truli Çjfl/£S_ and Bruce, Misses Lila and Aura SA VS Mn an Mrs Lei Nidery To Osbrne A n nDick Jr., De- by driviug in regularly to have your mo- 1 -Mn. and Mrs. C. Smitn, Ainna at obnd and Jack, Oshawa, at Lewis _______________________ tor cleaned and adjusted. Modern eqip- Truîî's. UNTIL THE THIRTIES, the barren Because of this icvrteCnda oemeti ment-trained personnel. bleakness of the Arctic North Was beneficent mnstaosoforheCadnpopeW MEASURING ROD , à e Canada's unknown. Suddenly it radium have beenmd vial sdti ra e se Acorrespondent of the Chris leaped into the news. Out of the to increased thou( d fsie-bin smaual ls GIÀR 01d' GAR GE tan ciene Moitorwrot th lonely North there came word of npeleasu paper about certain comments dsoeyThsa chingppeich-ofcurative powers cudb sdfrw a aaaUlmtd mhn 66 Kn t E, Bwavle tad ewire bigrd tathe saturethe prospector richand oor like.Then too Phn 26 Kn S.E. owh.nimetatdwene bergrd ommonsttuy blende from the rugged face of the ihadpoî o! vaniaus public characters- TJO<NL<>7 rock. A new major source of material Canada, possessn uniis fAdjs s h itr o and Dewey. for Radium, for U-235, for Uranium, W mue faledn ogtduigtewrh The correspondent said, "It ùt" aL ct1 Plutonium, had been found. position in thedelo-angtthrhn Xmight be well for critics ta recali etoli h eeiso eeo tmce the quotation from Isaac Watts' < koI l mth e ow llter hc r 1'~6 o a upss pe,'reGetes which Nho" ,hew owe nWedsI sa tail ta reach the paie, t-el e. hd.. ý indicated but syt OeVsdt Bnsw odwl !uOr grasp the ocean with my unproved. a ain iefrteuiia span,prdedbOKfe I must be measuned by my soul, -.Tdv h icbetecainfhi h riso a The mind's the standard o! the . r Othanlvrthe dscvey n ) man.' deposits at Greti >a It's good ta know what the mat-*Lk eogt h iewrd ter is-even better to know what -:»'" 4/4 Y ______________ RADIO IN EVERV ROOM MOVINO WEST ~saaUhmtd ~ -~RtWtN upad bpHouethold F coiufe a- <*10AêY'J UWT aoiiau Pol w.to bMaaitob«4 Sm"ktcb- *waaAboeta, riditColumnbia and hte Caioei.WiO wlroepboneforrodued "Li?., P'wa blé0 Toma.SM., Toonoto. Kinendaix 1 o5A$P~, $' THE ICKOF IPETOB CCO J OUlUesPASSIM, £mFiriI sa" MSIE trust g. Tisely Lcan er to m urity ds we alped, gs, to ýnergy Ythe I pro- ;ion of iadia.n )etter, PAGE NM

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