- -- v A , wDA iru7&ANVnX.. ONTARIO Kellogg's Bran, Flakes' are delicious. In a re- cent survey Canadian housewives voted Kellogg's 3 to 1 favour- ite over any other brand. SUVE TIME...SAVE FUEL ... SAVE FOOD.! BASKETS BERRY BOXES Malcolm Ainsie NEWCASTLE Agent for Canada Wood Products Ltd. PAGE FOUR income. "If their youngster buys a chocolate bar, he is taxed. If he buys a hottle of pop, he is taxed. When he turfs on the electrîc ight, he is taxed. If he uses the telephone, he is taxed. If he has a car, he is taxed. If he drive's anybody else's êar, he is taxed." Just, then, Ian Macken- Business Directory L EGA L Barrister - Solicitor - Nôtary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan - Phone 791 Bowrnanville, Ontario King Street W., Bowmnanville Phone: Office 688 Residence 553 W. F. WARD, B.A. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary 91/2 King Street E. Bowmanville - Ontario Phone: Office 825 House 409 MISS APHA 1. RODGINS Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Successor to M. G. V . Gouid Temperance St. - Bowmanviile Phone 351 DENTAL_ DRS. DEVITT & RUDELL Graduates of Royal Dental College, and Faculty of Dentistry, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Kin g Street, Bowrnanvilie Office, Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday Phone 790 - House phone 325 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Off ice in his home 100 Liberty St., N., Bowmanville Off ice Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Wednesday Closed Sunday 35 Phone 604235 Monuments The Rutter Granite ComPanY Phone 501 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ont. Monurnents, Gravemarkers, Engraving, Goldleafing 14-tf lI THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1940 Make this 30-day test! 1. If y@u're roally ill, ses your doctor! But if you just feel dul and head- achey, you may only be suffering frora incomplete elimination. Especiaily if you're over 35. Here's how one simple change of diet can help you keep fit! 2. Stan n@ow to eat Kellogg's Bran Flakes every morning. If you want to keep feeling fit the natural way, get more of the "bulk" your system needs by eating delicious, gently- laxative Keilogg's Bran Flakes With Other Parts 0f Wheat. 3. Just Ihirty days should prove to you how grand it is to feel alert, to have the energy for ail the extra things you'd like to do. You'il want to go on keepmng fit the Kellogg way! Brun Flakes, Pop, Corn Flakes, Ail- Bran, Rico Knispies, Krumbies and AiI-Wheat are ait made by Keiiogg's, the greatest name in cereais. WANTED Vour Eggs HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID What Are You Receiving For Your Eggs? Our Quotation Baturday, July 27th was G R A D E A L A R G E .......... .... . ............. Also -the Beat Market for Your Live PICKERING FARMS ,LIMITED WHITBY Phone 336 - Day' or Night NAJ HAMPERS Q THE CANAJJALN STA TI!;bbL1 * IN.i v* ter lunch was served fromn a beau- mayor, and was recorded by Geo. ken tifuly rragedlunheo tale.F. Ward, Deputy Registrar, Dur- the W OME IN USI ESSMrs Ivn Hbbsentrtanedcare it disposes of "Ail my lands, sel] Miss.DC. S. HALLMAN, OtheWhometenements, hereditaments and abiq r«S.C. . HLLMA, ONERof her mother, Mrs. W. Lonsberry, personal property, including 2 pre BOWMANVILLE GLOVE & lWITT CO. Wellingtonl St., on the night of cows, 2 horses, harness, plow, har- hail q- July 25 when a group of her girl row, wagons, hoes, dung fork, cor, A grndmthe wih a inkda toTheStatesman offices. It friends gathered to honor her pitch fork and ail household fur- the gradmoherwit a inkdor t h prior to her marriage. The bride- niture, etc., etc. comlexonan nliedface, wa ucae stebsns x to-be was presented with a lovely A life interest went to the wi- brown hair slightly graying, with panded and profits were turned table lamp. Mrs. Hobbs and Mrs. dow, Rachel, with provision for a competen.t, unhurried disposi- tion, is sole owner, manager and back to provide the best in power Newett served a tasty and de- daughters, Elizabeth and Jane, direc tor of business policy of the machines and good working con- llghtful lunch assisted by Mrs. the tenure later going to Drum- Bomnilclv n itC ditions. For the entire 31 years, Lonsberry. The party ended with mond Gordon Fletcher. Money Liwmaited oe Gote tan s Mito.~ said Mrs. Halîman, there have everyone wishing Dot every suc- distributed was in pounds, shil- stle inusftris he States-s been no labor disputes and no cess and happiness' lings and pence. Aside fromn the stablndusreprtes eg ats-o union. Women employees work Mrs. Lorne Allin's apartment at original 100 acres in the heart of man' enpoorre thsekigfcurrenr an average 40-hour week, the "The Kingsway" was the scene of the town, another 50, save for s ei "WoeninoBusiess" found men, 44 hours, with piecework as a knick-knackc shower for Miss some lots already disposed of was Meris C. S Halnus escribeud the general basis of pay. It has Dorothy Nichols on Tuesday ev- left to 7Archibald' Fletcher, a son, Mrs.C. . Hllma, dscrbedremained a family industry,- an ening. The evening was spent with entailment to his children. above, busy at a power sewing exmple of successful decentraliz- playing cards. Mrs. Allin served The residue was given, share and machne n hr fctoy at8-.0 a aton.a dainty lunch and everyofle ex- share alike to the two sons Drum- m. She was working side by side with women employees after com- Aside from problemns of secur- tended Dot their good wishes. mond and Archilald. pleting her morning household ing materials and labor, Mrs. Space does note permit quoting duties. She paused in her work HalîtTan finds that contininfg ~ u. the will in full. It is a master- just long enough to give the an- federal taxation at a high rate Copy of Ildtime Wili piece of diction and detail, with swers to a few leading questionls one of the main bars to turning Founder of Bow'ville some sentences running to more which form the basis for the fol- back profits into the business for than 300 words. As an historical lowing account of the business new machifiery and renovations. Iiiteresting History record it is worthy of being pre- she now directs. But she carnies on production in served, in municipal archives were Thityon yersag lat prlthe tradition of her late hushand Percy Greenfield, lifelong res- such created for public inspection th ltye y S. am a a rs and takes the lead persoflally, ident of Bgwmanville and great- and information. The original th ae .Halîmn am atnBwanville. fromn day to day, right in the great-grandson of Alexander' Flet- land long since was sold in lots ad es amse the Bowmanville factory. cher, one of the prominent, active on which the buildings of Bow- Glove and Mitt Co. Both born in The main point in this story is founders of the town, recently dis- manville now stand, all of which Kitchener they made their home that women can mrake good in covered and brought to the edîtor is a story in itself. We are in- there while Mr. Halîman learned competitiof with men in the bus- a copY *of the original will which deed indebted to Percy Greenfield the leather manufacturing bus- iness world. What is most not- disposed of the original Fletcher for preserving this record of the iness from the ground up. He la- able in this stor is that Mrs. Hall- property. The contents of the past. ter raveledfromcoat to coast, man raised a0framily of five «child- will and the story of the family is___________ a salesmaf in the trade and sav- ren,' did the housework, helped a bit of loca l histo rwichThe i ed up capital with his eye on his her husband if the factdry over Statesman is gla opitfri First Export Shipment own individual enterprise. He a period of three decades and to- brings to the young -people of to-OfCtl iAr started if Bowmanville with one day directs its affairs with exper- day the story of pioneer days andleb Ai man as a helper and from that ienced competence. 0f her sev- also revives the memnories of the Goes to Pluerto Rico point on he taxed himself liter- en grandchildren, the eldest is 17, older generation. ally night and day toward the the youngest two years of age. The Fletcher family and its des- The first export shipment of h galof ucessunil isdeahThe secret of how she keeps her cendants have lived in Bowman- Canadian cattle ever made by air March 13, 1944. perpetual youth may be summed ville continuoulc o 4 erlf atnarot erTrno Mrs Hlimn as ine crnedup in a single line: "An active a record parallel with the Mason on eugust îst for Cuba and Puer- on, . abl n asssdb sns anid nterest in a fine business and a family with its six generatiofs. to Rico. It consisted of eight pure- on, bly s xtensive war on- community that is proud of the Alexander Fletcher and his son bred Holstein bulîs, seven of them adatlghter. Etniewrcn success of one of its thriving in- John, came from the Niagara dis- purchased by the Cuban Minister theractwry capcit s aet and M utitt, the Bowmanville Glove trict to settle here in 1800. It was of Agriculture and the eighth by the actry apacty s txedto ad Mtt o."then the District of Newcastle. a private breeder in Puerto Rico. the limit on a flood of post-War__________ The deed to the property was The bulîs were ahi high-class in- oRuesel Hhmans,Hoardexertd granted by the Crown in 1805. dividuals around nine months old. Rase onmachineandpero- opuîar Bride-to-Be The 100 acres descnibed and be- The success of this fiight, which dcation anhrmahe, Lnnnpro-queathed in the wilI embracedreutdithbusbiniite ducionan he dugher LynHoniored atSjowers the home now known as "The Ro- rhantds of the new ownrste Mrs. Russell Oke, former cour- sary", on Queen Street, extended hanou fte thetae- offwns te teous and capable cashier at the At the home of Mrs. Eric Col- north to the present Public School husatrtetk-fpit h Bank of Montreal, looks after well, 43 Horsey St., on Wednes- and east to the town limits. way to the elimination of one of the accounting departmeft. day, July 3lst, an afternoof tea The elder Fletcher was a build- the bugaboos that has besetthe The principal product of the and presentatiof was given Miss er. In 1812 he set up a brick export trade in Canadian live- factory is workmen's gloves and Dorothy Nichols popular bride- works on the property and over stock with Latin* Amerîca. In- mîtts. The bulk of the output is to-be by Mrs. E. Colwell and Mrs. the years built many homes with stead of a long slow journey by sold wholesale and to 7 or 8 in- Jack Allen. Mrs. Colwell receiv- his soshlig Te rce ship through stifling tropical heat dustrial firms that take great ed the guests and as Dorothy and the house later known as the Los-tockthe armetyhd ornit or quantities for use among em- her mother, Mrs. Leslie Nichols, combe residence, now the Kîngs- redces treaing me to af ast - ployees. A retail department in entered, MisHlnMris pa- way property and the brick home ter of hours and ensures arnival the plant supplies local trade, in- ed "Here Comes the Bride." Miss for son John, now the property of i odsae ot r bu cluding particularly farmers who Morris also made the address ex- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Foster, Glenn- i odsae ot r bu value high grade, well made, en- pressing best wishes to Dorothy, Lamra, King St. East. They were the samie. On' the return fight the during goods. No finer product and little Linda Anne Colwell pre- splendid, enduring buildings. Al- ryaro piceal rits, etcr is found anywhere ini this coun- sented Dorothy with an electric exander Fletcher became a Mag- r rpclfutec try. At one time fancy dress Mix-Master, an electie percola- istrate and performed the first Hays Limited of Calgary and gloves were made but materials tor stove and a Wear-Ever deep marriage in town, Joseph Gerow Brampton are the firm experi- for these are now scarce and only frying pan and a lovely card sign- to Pamela Trull. 11e was one of menting with the air method of occasionally are personal orders ed by over 80 guests. The bride- the founders of local municipal shipmnft. The cargo line is op- accepted from customers who to-be gracîously expressed her 'govèrnment, a churchman, devot- erated by a group of ex-combat supply their own materials such thanks and appreciatiof. The ed to his family and community. pilots headed by Terry Goodwin, as deerskins. house was beautifully decorated Gordon D. Fletcher, 3rd gener- a veteran of 350 operational Raw materials are generally with gladioli, phlox and larkspur. ation, was born in 1830. His son fiights, who served in the Span- horsehide and sheepskif s with Mrs. Ross Stnike and Mrs. Wesley A. Herbert Fletcher was born in ish Civil War, the R.A.F. and the manufacturei'5 supplying split lea- Cawker poured tea and a dairiV 1871. Followif g on in succession R.C.A.F. S ther to order. Adequate present lunch was served by Mrs. Geo. came Almon T. Fletcher and his supplies are hard to get, which W. James, Mrs. C. J. Austin, Mrs. sons, Kenneth and Charles of the SPARKLES 0F HUMOR with shortage of labor often Jack Allin, Mrs. B. Cole, Mrs. 6th generation. Robert Green-____ leads to a backlog of unfilled or- Wally Braden, Miss Marion AllUn, fjeld who died some years ago if j ders. During the war much time Mrs. S. G. Preston, Miss Mary his 79th year, marnied Annie (Gordon Graydon, M.P., in was taken in training competent Aldred, Mrs. S. Murdoch, Mrs. Jane Fletcher,' daughter of Mr. Brampton Conservator) help but literally thousands of Ivan Hobbs, Miss Fay Fry and and Mrs. Gordon Fletcher. 0f Rev. Ernie Hanseli, the Social p pairs ,of gloves and mitts ordered Miss Marie Moise. their five sons, Percy remnains in Creditor fromn Macleod, Alberta, jby the government and for in- Mrs. Hudson Marshall and Mrs. Bowmanville. This briefly is a is heard with keen. interest and dustry were produced onýjime and Fred Gardiner entertained Miss record that brings us down to enjoyment every time he gets up U of a standard that passed inspec- Dorothy Nichols at the latter's date. to speak. H1e addresses the House 7 tion. Wartime employees num- home, Concession St., and pre- The wîll we set out to tell about in language so simple that even a L bered as high as eighteen. The sented her -with a beautiful ail was made by Alexander Fletcher child could follow his line of rea- average today is twelve. wool blanket in honor of her in 1845. It was witnessed by soning. But his sparkling, spon- The business is housed in the forthcomifg marriage. The ev- George Witheridge and James taneous humor is the most capti- Halman Block, King St., next ening was spent in games and la- McFeeters, Bowmanville'S first 'vating side of his parliamentary contributions. The other day dulrinq the discussion on income $14,OOO. in 30 Minutes Time During a recent month 81 new customers came to one of our Household Finance offices and received the money they desired in 30 minutes time. We feel this is a certain indication of the fact that at Household Finance you get the money you need when you need it. Perbaps thia is one of the reasons why Household is Canada'a largest and oldest Small Loans Company. Your boan of from $20 to $1000 c an be arranged simply and promptly at any one of our convenient offices. Teil us how much you need and how you want to repay. It's helpful to bring some identification with you. Tbere's lîttle el"e to do. Most tiines you can even arrange your boan by phone if you prefer. And remember, your boan gt Household Finance costs you less than at any other Small Loans Company in Canada. We'l ho pleased to help you at any tinie. Corne in.0 HOUSEHOLD»FNANCE BACKED BY 68 YEARS OFEPR IEC Canada's largest and oides t Smail Loans Company wilh 41 offices in 34 citses D. C.' Moore, Manager 15 Slmncoe St. So>uth (Over Kresge's) OSHAWA, ONT. Phone Oshawa 3601 "i n Houre 9 to 5 or by appointment - Loans mode tg formffl and rosidents of nearby fourni b -1 MC, Il tg former, and -,Id-,$ 01 -rby '0 WANTED ï 1 izie interrupted this "man of Starvation stalks in many lands. eclotli" to ask, "Is there a pul- If we in Canada buy and use less tax?" Quick as a flash, Han- bread, flour and other wheat pro- .rglied, "Yes, if my honour- ducts-if we cut our consumption le riend cornes to hear me of meat, eg s and cheese, the Do- each, despite the fact that he L netc si ils from the Highlands, he'll be mno oe~etcnsi mpelled to put something on abroad greater quantities of these ecollection plate." vital foods to thr. hungry. Loolt iat Thwen Plus Fetuni 0 SAMEY BONDS CORD Extra protection front blowouts. - * YINTLATmD TREAD Forý cool rnng and longer Ilfe;. . .....TREAD BLOCKS For long mileage and sofe stops. Ther Xafnoixer Tire Built Go F. JaanIOsOl Tractor Tire Ser'vice Depot PHONE 467 KING & SILVER MT. Complete Tire Service How 81 People Secured -7 1 » Lambs Chickens m Hoge Hens