PAGEJir TAATNSAEMN OWAVLE NAI HRSAAGS t,14 W.C.T.U. will meet at Miss Trenwith's August 15. Special speaker, Mrs. S. Seymour, former president W.C.T.U. Miss Mary Northgnaves, Lon- don, visited Mr. and Mns. C. Rut- land. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wade, New- castle, and Mr. and Mns. Marlow Hancock, Netwonville, spent Civic Holiday in Rochester, N.Y. Miss Tucker Couch, Toronto, was in the village last week, a guest at Elrnhurst Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent Civic Holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Atkinson, Stouffville. Miss Jean Holmes, returned to Toronto on Monday after spend- ing her vacation with hen par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Holmes, who also had as recent gueCs, Mr. and Mns. A. E. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Walken, Tononto, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Poilard and family, Brampton, Jimmy Pollard remaining at the farm. Miss Cora Butlen and Miss Hat- tie Mason have been holidaying The Newcastle Independent arn.....-------------Clarkem=U3314 returned-Mondiay from Oak Lake, where for nine days they off iciat- in Niagara Falls, wherdthey were guests at the General Brock Ho- tel. Mr. Herb Brown was brought home fÉom Oshawa Hospital last week. He stili is far from re- covered from his serious accident and is stîll confined to bed. Mr. and Mrs. George Dawber and baby son, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick. Miss Lida Lake, Toronto, visit- ed her mother, Mrs. Frank Gib- son. Miss Elsie Rowe has returned from holidaying at Symons "Lakeview Lodge," west of Bow- manvilie. A large crowd attended the Civîc IHoliday basebaîl tourna- ment when Newcastle defeated Bowmanville, 10-9, Reeve George Walton stealing a home run and scorîng the winning run. Orono defeated Kendal 6-4. The dance in the Community hall in the ev- ening was also well attended and altogether the Newcastle Basebal Club had a very successful Civic Holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ketchum, Toronto, spent the weekend at Miss Cora Butler's cottage at the lake. Rev. and Mrs. Douglas Dewd- ney and famîly are spending their vacation at Lake Rosseau, Mus- koka. Rev. John Bonathan, of Longueil, Que., will take the mor- ning service at St. George's Church, on Sunday morning, Au- gust llth. Miss Dot tonathan, Toronto, was guest of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Sallows. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rice (the former Miss Jean Gray), have re- turned from their honeymoon and were guests of Mrs. Luella Gray. Miss Lois Martin, Toronto, has been visiting at her home. On the eve of her marriage Mrs. Harold Harvey Carr (the former Miss Reita Virginia Cooke), was hostess at a dinnec party for her bridal attendants when she pre- sented them with her wedding day gifts of very lovely Dresden floral pins. Miss Ruth Bonathan spent the holiday weekend at home. Ex-Warden and Mrs. Cecil Car- veth have returned after spend- ing the past two months vacation- ing in the Peace River district. Miss Kathleen Toms is on va- cation and Mrs. Gordon Garrod is substituting for lier at H. S. Britton's store. Out o! town guests attending the Carr-Cooke wedding on Aug- ust 5th were Misses Isobel and Margaret Carr, Miss Elizabeth Cooke, Miss Elsie Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilson and Miss Helen Wilson, Miss Mabel Herrl, Mr. Harvey Bossford, Mr. G. A. Cormack, Mr. Reginald Reed and Misses Grace and Beatrice Reed, Mr. Stafford Reed, Mrs. Delor Sandy, Mr. Lawrence Sandy, Mr. and Mrs. Abernethy, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Por- ter, Toronto; Mrs. H. A. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. S. Monroe, Dr. and Mrs. S. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Black, Mr. and Mrs. G. Genge, Mrs. C. Genge, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wright, Port Credit, Mrs. A. Carr, Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert, Mr. Ross Hubbert, Barrie- Mr. and Mrs. S. Stinson and Miss Blanche Stinson, Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. P. Wells, Port Hope; Mrs. Lawr- ence Morton, Lansing; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ratcliffe, Brooklyn; Mrs. Ada Greenaway and Miss Bessie Greenaway, Regina, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Rickard, Mill- brook. Mr. and Mrs. George Meadows have returned from a motor trip in Eastern Ontario. Miss Gretchen Hinds, Toronto, was guest o! Miss Ethel Lockhart. Mr. Roy Douglas and daughter Patsy, Haileybury, are guests o! his brother and sister, Mrs. H. Ra- gen and Mr. Walter Douglas, who have also had as guests Mr. H. Goss, Buffalo, Mr. Paul Brady, o! New rk %r-City. Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. H. Butters, Lan- sing, Mr. and Mrs. R. Sampson, Dennis and Steve, Mona Road, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater, Mr. and Mrs. L. Leadbeater, Mr. and Mns. B. Oscar, Mr. and Mns. O. Beaumont, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater and Mr. Geo. Reid. Mrs. Beaumont remained with lier sister. Mrs. E. Strutt at Hanwood, Rice Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Graham, Mr. Ronald Rahm at Hall's Lake, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. Glad to welcome Mrs. Cameron Oke to oun community. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Clem and Doreen have returned home fnom a holiday at Hall's Lake. A miscellaneous shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Norman Av- ery in the hall, August 5tli. Gordon Stevens in Carleton Place and Smiths Falls.-Be±li Tnavell neturried home from a holiday at Mr. O. C. Ashton's.- Miss June Ashton with Mrs. W. J. Bragg, Providence.-Miss Cot- treil and Mrs. Kennedy's grar i. children, Marjorie and Joan, To- ronto, with Mrs. Kennedy.-Mrs. Wm. Whittaker, Mn. and Mns. An- Chignon of Curis for You Because vou wanlt to L)e carefree this sumi- mer, go bathing, and lead the ga3y life, vou want a hair-do eooi, becoming aind easy to mniage. By ietting uls permanent your hair inito an tip-sveep ( that reverts t o shonider- iength later ou) you'Il accomplish ail this- and beauty, too. RABY'S BEAUTY SALON PLIONE 455 ed, as Dean ald Dean of Women, respectîvely, in the.*Young Peo- ple's Executive Leadership School for the Bay of Quinte Conference. A very successful school is re- ported with approximately 100 students in attendance, 25 of whom came from Oshawa Pres- bytery. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson succeed in off ice the Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Park, Whitby, now of Chatham. Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Patteràon and family will be on vacation for the balance of August. They are on a motor trip to Belleville, Madoc, Bancroft, North Bay and points north. GIRLS WIN SMITH CUP On July 26, Newcastle girls' softball team defeated Orono girls 10-3, thus winning the J. Ander- son Smith Cup in three straîght games. Ruby Brunt pitched good bail and received air-tight sup- port from her team mates. Ann Rickard and Gwen Harris the dynamite twins exploded in the fourth înnir.g each getting a hom- er. Newcastle girls scored two runs in the first inning, three runs in the second, four in the fifth and one run in the sixth. Orono did their scoring in the second and seventh. It is expected that New- castle girls will play Whitby in Newcastle on August l4th at 7:15. Tyrone Mr. and Mrs. John Dobson and Mr. and Mrs. Will Dobson, Tor- onto, with Mrs. Mina Hughson, Mr. and Mrs. Will Dobson re- maining for a visit.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller and Marshal, Hal- iburton, with Mrs. Addie Miller. Dawn returnîng home.-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barber, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Macdon- aid, Mr. Morrison returning to Toronto with them.-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatherly and child- ren, Lakeview, and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Williamson, Pontypool with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hatherly.-Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Philp and child- ren, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Philp.-Mr. and Mrs. Les Brooks and Glen, Bowmanville, Mr. Arthur and Mr. Charles Brooks, St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. George Brooks.-Mrs. I. H. Mutton, Bowmanville with Mrs. P. Hayward and Mr. A. Hawkey's.-Miss K. Macdonald, Oshawa, at home.-Mrs. R. Ha- therly has returned home from Dixie.-Miss Marion Hamm, of Bowmanville, with Miss Yvonne Byam. Miss Aima Madill, Port Arthur, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Annis.-Mrs. Jas. Storie 's sale was well attended last Wednes- day.-The Jr. Young People en- joyed a weiner roast last Wed- nesday evening at Mr. C. W. Woodley's.-Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hooper, Gwen and Allan, and Mr. ï, Tanner lef t last Thursday for their home at Regina by motor. The Tyrone Sr. Young People are having their picnic on Sat- urday, August lOth, at Orono Park. Please try and be there by five o'clock. Last Sunday the program was in charge of the Temperance Superintendent, Mr. Douglas Cole. Ve].ma Collacutt gave Scrip- ture reading. Beth Miller a read- ing; Mrs. Ross Pooley, piano solo; and Doris Park, a reading. There will be no church ser- vice tili the l8th of August. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bradley and daughter Lorna, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy and Rus- sell, Bowmanville, with Mr. andf Mrs. George Alldread. C. R. Knox Phone 64r2 Orono EVERY Friday - Saturday Boyd Valleau and His Orchestra Vocals - Walter Scott ICOMING Thursday, Aug. 15 MART KENNEY and the Western Gentlem*en Norma Locke- Roy Roberts Tickets -$1.00 Now on Sale at KINLOCH'S, OSHAWA JUBILE PAVILION -OSHAWA - We .Cure Radio Ils Radios are like people. If they're iii they don't sound right - look right - or work right. We cure sick radios by doctoring them so thoroughly- so accurately-and so inexpen- sively that they have a longer, more useful life. Cail us today. F. C." CROWE 52 Kint St. W. - Phone 2174 *thur Redknapp, New t9ville, Mr. and Mrs. P. V. ,Irad1ey, Miss Jean Robbins, Miss Lillian Mor- rison, Mr. Homer Lacey, M.. Verna Wood, Mr. Oswald and Floyd Pethick, Toronto, at Mr. S. R. Pethick's.-Miss Lorna San- ders, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Slemon.-Mr. Albert Allun, Miss Annie Allun, Mrs. J. E. Allun, Mrs. Albert Cole, Bowmanville, Mrs. Ken Caverley, Hampton, Mrs. W. J. Trenouth, Napanee, with Miss Eva Souch.-Mrs. M. Griffin at Mr. L. Griffin's, Purpie Hill. .A good number attended the Sunday school picnic at Orono and report a splendid time. Mr. G. E. Bradley, Burwash, at .Mrs. M. Garîffin's. Mrs. Bradley and children relurning home with him to Toronto. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hallo- well, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hailowell.-Mrs. Bert Trim with friends.-Mr. and Mrs. Ross Halloweii and Jack were in Port Hope.-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wark and Joan, Weston, with Miss Nor- ma Hallowell.-Flt. Lt. Shutkg in Oshawa.-Roy McKay, Bronte, with his brother Art McKay.- Mrs. M. Bennett and Joan have returned to Toronto.-Mr. and Mrsé'!'A. Dobson attended the weddîng of their nephew, at West- port.-Misses H. Dechart and E. Farrow, Toronto, at Mr. How- ard Farrow's.-Mr. Jas. Robinson, at one time resident here, passed away at his home in Port Hope last week.-Mr. Laverne Stone, Bronte, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone.=Mr. Art McKay at Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson' s.- Miss Jo Trim, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Trim.-.Mrs. Llew Hallowell is undergoiiig a tonsil- ectomy at Bowmanville Hospital. An interesting ceremony was heid August 6, at the home of the grandparents,ý Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Church St., when Rev. W. F. Banister baptized Ri- chard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Osborne, Detroit, and Mary Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Osborne, town. RONIEY Will be on sale at Honey House, on THURSDAY AND SATURDAY EVENINGS from 7 to 9 p.m. Otherwise by Appointment (1 Coupon per 4 lbs.) Rotary Club (Continued from Page One) ing along with perfumes and beauty aicis, down the ages. From ail this lias come the im- mense industry of modemn beau- ty culture, a business in which cosmetic sales alone yield almost one third of our sales tax; a bus- iness in which millions are in- vested and in which income tax contributes 50 gneatly to our con- solidated revenue fund. The money for ahl this comes through 'the patronage of women o! ahl ages, sub-deb to gray haired grandmother, in ail walks o! life. Who foots the bis? That was left for open consideration. Dealing with the teclinical as- pects o! the business, Mn. Bickle explained the difference in the permanent wave and the cold wave,-both too intricate adequate- ly to be described by an unschool- ed scribe. He pnoduced a few gadgets, clamps and chemical pads, from which in a few mo- ments, wisps o! steam arose and listeners winced when told that as many as 30 of these were ap- plied to a normal feminine head for a haîf hour to shape and set the tresses under treatment. Me- thods today were far in advance o! a few years ago and less ex- pensive. The art today was al- most a special science and old time-consuming methods have given way to comfont and con- venience, the atmosphere mucli in the nature of a social centre. Styling also has become impor- tant. In the modemn shop the beauty operaton fashions hair ar- rangement to conform with phys- ical contours just as do stylists in clothes. It becomes a harmony, almost poetny given the grace o! a reflned walking deportment or the, panlor poise of the schooled hostess. But some have othen ideas like the sub-deb brînging photos of movie stars to ask an exact duplication whether thin, fat, tali, short. Then the opera- tor is called upon discneetly to exencise another accomplishment, that o! diplomacy. It is by no means ail mechanical. Other beauty aids, attentive men were astounded to learn, in- cluded eyebrow arching, depila- tory treatments, manicuring and o! ail things, tinting. The nature of tinting was treated by the speaker as an "off -the-record" subject for, as lie said, it is hard to compete against nature itself, but art can provide -some amaz- ing resuits. In conclusio n Mr. Bickle said he hoped he had con- veyed a slight picture o! what women go through strictly for the admiration and approval o! men who would not wish them to forego that which has come to be an accepted and agreeable part o! existence, dating indeed fnom the dawn o! time. As to the future, the speaker had no predictions save that new methods, new styles could be ex- pected just as they are paralleled in the design of moton cars and many othen fields o! industry. Mayor C. G. Morris in extend- ing the vote o! thanks drew at- tention that his Rotary classifica- tion was, curiously, the same as Mr. Bickle's. He assured the speaker that he had added to the standard of speaking within the club and had conveyed a reai, in- formative message. President Forbes Heyland wel- comed Jabez Vanstone o! Water- loo as the sole visitor of the day. He named Rotarians Bill James, Jack Allun and John James, to- gether witli thein wives as a com- mittee to judge the floats and other entrants in the Lions Club Para de, August 10. A commUtee from the club wiil attend the public meeting in the Town Hall, August 8, called to discuss . plans for the proposed new nînk. Cecil Canveth was welcomed back aften two months' holiday in the Peace River coun- Burketon We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. David Archer on the passing of her mother, Mrs. C. Whittaker, wife of Rev. Dr. C. Whittaker. Visitors: Mrs. J. Gatcheil and Christina in Bowmanville.-Bill Hoskin in Niagara Falls. -Mfs: Florence and Alber~t Stevenson in Toronto with Mrs. Rilda Stevenson.- Johnny Bates with Mrs. Harry Grace.--Miss Jean McLaughlinI with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- lin.-Mr. Andrew Irwin, Peter- boro, with Mrs. George Carter.- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Slingerland and Lynda, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. B. -Hubbard.-Mrs. Tom Bailey and Ruby at their home here.-Mrs. C. Gatchell and Stanley with Mrs. J. Gatchel.- Mr. and Mrs. Archie Aldred and family at Caesarea. Many from here .attended the dance and shower held at Ennis- killen hall, Monday, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Avery re- cently returned from overseas. Mr. Howard Carnochan, Joan andi Allun, Myrtle, Mr. Fred Car- nochan, Jimmie and George, and Mr. McMellon, Port Perry, with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Carnochan. -Miss Ruth Carnochan has re- turned from Oshawa.-,-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown and Dianne, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gatchell. Regular to $3.94 . .........-.......ON SALE $.2m66 Regular to $8.95 -................. ON SALE Regular to $16.95 . ... ...... .ON $3m66 SALE $5366 WASHABLE BLOUSES Eyelet Embroidery in soft, pastel shades Regular $3.98 ............... .......ONU SALE $1899 Cool Cotton Lace, in White Regular $2.69........-............... ON SALE $1349 A BEACH -WEAR Agrand selection of Bathing iguits, Shorts, Playsuits, Short Sets, etc. Regular to $3.98 .................. ON SALE $199 R e g u la r to $ 5 .9 5 ...... ........... O N S A L E $ 3 n2 7 SUMMER PURSES White, Washable Plastics and Plain or Figured Fabrics Regular to $4.37-................. ON SALE $2349 7t/dae4 /Inet Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville ... now she thrills to the first words of her grandchild I W HEN deafness first treatened te blight this modern grand- mother's life -... when she began to miss much that was sait!1 and feit herseif straining to hear ... she was inclined to accept it as inevitable. After afl, she was getting on in years. . . The thought of wearing a heavy, cumbersome hearing aid-of being <fwired for soumd", as she put it- repelled her. Then, in near despair, sbe attended a demonstration of a different hearing aid. It was the Acousticon "Super-Power" Unipac , world's emallest, lightest, most power- fui hearing aid. She wears an Acousticon now. And lives the rich, normal, active life she thought she had lost-ýwithout embarrassment, discomnfort or even being con8CiOus of the ligbt, slim, compact Acousticon that made it possible. ON THURSDAY, AUG. 15 From 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. AT BALMVORAL HOTEL, BOWMANVILLE Home Demonstrations By Appointment Attend this FREE Demnonstration See the Acousticofl "Super.Power" Unipac* Hearing Aid. Try it- without obligation. You'iI thrill to the relazed, pleasant hearing this hearing instrument promises you. IPwered by the world's emallest battery combination-no bigger than a book of mat che-t he Acousticon "SuprPowver" -Unipac* weigbs 7Y2 oz. onl. Hrdl hal te wîgt,al the size, that the batteries alone used to Pe. Convenient terme-generous trade-in allowance. AGOUSTICON WorId's Firet and Oldesi Manufacturer of Electrical -Hearlng Aids SPat. applied for. ID dlnst Pn... AUGUSI Stiil need some extras to finish out the iguminer? Here is your opportu.nity to pick up those extras at Smiart Savings SUMMER DRESSES Choose from Spuns, Chambrays, SeersuckerS, etc AlilWashable M MN LONGCER MOTOR LIFE TrHAT'S exactly why Peerless Motor Oit, ic A"It's Alloyed", is more than a GOOD lubricant. It's the BEST! Developed after intensive war research, this reniarkable ««alloyingpp process builds up the resistance of this superior lubricant to heat and pressure. This means it stays oil longer, giving extra protection. TRURSDAY, AUGUST M, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO à