Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1946, p. 8

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I PAGESI1!TW THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMA NVILLE. ONTARIO THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1946 Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples, son Barry, Bethany, visîted at Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Trimble's, Mn. and Mrs. Lau Hockin and other rel- atives. Mr. H. R. Foley left Sunday for London to joîn his brathen-in-law, Mr. Everett Hall and other friends who left Monday an a motar trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Twist, vis- ited his brather's, Mr. Fred Twist, Whitby. Miss Eileen Twist re- turned with them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright, daughters, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright, Miss Marguer- ite Wright, St. Catharines, Mr. Jimmy Martin, Town, were Sun- day visitors at.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright's. Mrs. J. D. Stevens has return- ed after a pleasant visit with her daughter, Mrs. Charles White, West Oshawa. Masters Rannie, Kennie Brooks, Paige, Max Lycett, return home this week after spending 12 days at Saint Christopher Camp, Caes. area. Mr. Otis Pritchard, Manotir,.k, spent week-end at Mrs. L. C. Snawden's. Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Misses W. Deliver for: Mildred and Betty Snowden, Mr. Otis Pritchard, Manotick, were supper guests on Saturday at the former's sister's, Mrs. Sam Dew- ell, Hampton. Miss Muriel Stevens has re- turned home after a pleasant hol- iday with her cousin, Miss Donna Snowden, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will Coolidge, GuIl Lake, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Wiil Jordan, Whitby, spent Thurs- day with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Foley. Miss Louise Foley, R.N., Osh- awa, spent Tuesday at home. Mrs. C. H. Snowden, spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Brown, Hamilton. Nestieton Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Tiîabel Stowe visited at Mr. and Mrs. Wm. R. Lamb's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lang and Barry with Mr. anci Mrs. Her- man Samelîs. 1Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hetz, Fairview, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Whitney, Conneaut, Ohio, at Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson's. Miss Eunice Wilson with friends in Clarkson. BOWMANVI LLE PARCEL DELIVERY The J.&S. Parcel Delivery is at your service Bowmanville Beach Delivery IVe now deliver to Bowmanville Beach East Side and two deliveries to the West Side. Deliveries made on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Deliveries are picked up each mornmng at Il a.m. and in the afternoon at 3 pan. F. Stannard Phone 664 HARRY ALLIN'S, DOMINION STORES, MeGREGORS HARDWARE, STE WART'S SEEDS and ROY NEADS RADIO. Harry Allin "The Corner Grocery"y Announces The same courteous attention enjoyed by our town trade is extended to our customers from Bowmanville Beach. THIREE DEIVERIES EAOH WFEK - TUES., THURS. AND SAT. Delivery by J. & S. Parcel Delivery Order Early for Larger Variety of Goods Planning to Build? PHONE 611 Bowmanville Sand and Gravel Supply I H. H. FICE, Proprietor I GRAVEL - SAN~D - CINDERS 1I LOAM FILL - MANURE r w m wuw f w www W MW M w ww Glen Rae Dairy Ph.~444 - ~ ~ - .d Clarke Union Harvest is well advanced and some farmers are through cut- ting. Miss Agnes Fenguson who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Alex Watson has returned ta her home in Rochester. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon -Power and family visited his mother, Mrs. Power at Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Faster and sister called at S. D. Souch's. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kent and f a- mihy, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Bailey and Wayne, spent Sun- day at H. J. Souch's. Starkville Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hailowell and Jack with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. White, Eiizabethville. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka and Danny with friends in Oshawa. Mr. Art McKay, with Mrs. R. Boughen. Miss Helen Hallowell, Cowan- ville, with Miss Norma Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. R. Lowery and fa- mily, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. 'Ed. Ruthven, Zion, at Mr. Alf D ob s on 's Miss Beulah Hallawell and Master Maurice Hallowell in Tor- onto. Mr. E. White, Elizabethville, with Mr. Ross Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson in Oshawa. Mr. A. Minto in Toronto. Mr. Will Henry, Newcastle, and Mn. and Mrs. Smith, Toronto, with Miss Norma Hallawell. Miss Clara Hearn, Toronto, with her niece, Mrs. Llew Hallawell. Miss Eileen Farrow, Toronto, at home. Miss Mary Hallowell is visiting Miss Joan Wark, Toronto. Miss Mary Lau Dabson has re- turned from Toronto. Visitors at Mrs. Jake Hallo- well's were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howse and Mrs. Howse, Sr., Tor- onto, and friend from Chicago, and Mrs. M. Bennett and Joan, Toronto. George Smith has sald his farm. Mrs. Lamne Paeden visited Mrs. Tone Langstaff. A goodly number attended Shi- hoh on Sunday. Rev. H. A. Bunt is vacationing for the month of August. Services will be me- sumed upon his return. Correction in hast week's items. It should have read! Mrs. Isaac Laidlaw, Gaît, at Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunn's. S.S. No. 9, Clarke No. 9 children who were pu- puls of Miss Virginia Cooke when she taught No. 9 sehool gathered at Mrs. Austin Turner's Wednes- day afternoon ta honour her and ta wish her every happiness in her coming marriage. They pre- sented her with a lovely card table. Miss Cooke was taken by surprise and a very happy time was enjoyed. On Thursday evening No. 9 ladies joined their Newcastle friends in a gathering at Mrs. John Rickard's, ta extend ta Miss Cooke aur hearty good wishes and a souvenir in the form of a love- iy chair. Miss Shirley Macpherson ac- companied by Betty Gibson is visîting relatives in Toronto. Helen Turner has her littie friend Caralyn Jones staying with her. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Stockdale were guests of her sister, Mrs. Fred Bowen an Saturday en route home after a three weeks' vaca- tion near Rice Lake. Mrs. A. Barchard has returned from a lake trip ta Fort William. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barchard spent the weekend at Lake Sim- coe. Wm. Bowen, son of Howard Bowen, was visiting his uncle while on vacation from Rehab. school. *w ww w ww ffwww w inilk in your picnic food that makes a . that adds body- lus deliciousness to xeW.anville - p p p p p p---------------------------- Enniskillen Those who were not ouf ta Sunday School Sunday morning missed a treat when Master Ger- alid Brown of Newcastle gave his Silver Medal taik "A Boy on Prohibition," at the Temperance programme at the close of the lesson. He started out by asking "Are we boys in favor of prohibi- tory iaws?" and with sound rea- soning ail the way through gave his listeners a good deal of food for thaught. Mrs. James Brown delighted ail with a very beauti- fui solo. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, Earl, Gerald and Merrili, New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ashton, Ross, Marie, and Ronald, Haydon, Miss Verna Ormiston and Miss Audrey McLaughlin, Toronto, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ormiston's. On July 30th forty attended the Mission Band party at the church. Mrs. R. Seymour led in games. President Clark Werry apened the meeting by hymn, aimn and purpose. Ail repeated the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. John Siemon gave an interesting chapter of aur stu- dy book in a pleasing manner. Piano solo by ElginHeard. Slides of aur special abject in Angola were enjoyed. Offering $2.00. Ice cream and eskimo pies were served toalal. Miss Olive Rankine, radio sol- oist, Toronto, will sing at the ev- ening service, August 3rd. Miss Erma Werry, Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. Russell Ormiston and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Miss Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, Mr. F. Spry, Roches- ter, N.Y., Mr. R. Spry, Bawman- ville, at Mr. Edgar Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and family at Mr. Fred Wright's, Ma- pIe Grave. Wesleyvilie Sunday School at 11:00 a.m. and a very good attendance with al teachers present, and Supt. Wil- fred Bee in charge. Mrs. Frank Cowland, Ajax, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Milîs. Miss Dayle Hoskin, Welcome, visited her grandmother Mrs. George Dinner. Mrs. J. DeMille and family, Part Hope, are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hale. Mr. Spencer Burley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bur- LIE eau e"çi &*Mud '0 Our MW"g-y huons. NÉ, o,- peine ha& taugit us te d& Mr MAkViii lus %it Tii Jars ahead should yield the. treatest ccompislu.eits, the. usai eiipyuent and happinest. Th"y cm., tee, if va aveid the. kidney MWMdmddndisorders.inch as Bock- ache, Heodache, Rhouimtic Pains, 1assde, Lou of SWep admmd nnvw"c -ot. m t thseareSnd 4. Fr wS 6Mita cuuiwy Dedd'a Kiàney Plis have hm..6@6l»àmm e Mmd vus.te keep huibsys mai Mouin rdnde. If y.. ne n.ng 400, t Wmnem-Dedis KdyPMs Idql i2 Blackstock St. John's W.A. met July 25th at Mrs. John Carter's, Burketon, with a good attendance. Mrs. J. A. McArthur read the Bible Les- son and devotianal was taken by Mrs. McKibbon. Reading was given by Mrs. Tom Smith and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp sang a solo. There was a discussion about having a supper ta entertain the members of the chair. Rev. John McKibban took the service at the Anglican Church in Part Perry Sunday marning. Mr. Fred Hamilton took charge of the service at the local church in his absence, assisted by Mrs. Ha- milton. Visit ors: Mr. and Mrs. Howard SaYwell and Bannie are holîdaying at Lake Couchiching.-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Avery, Windsor, have return- ed home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jahnstan.-Mrs. Fred Riding and Barbara, Montreal, visited Mrs. Arthur Van Camp and Mrs. A. L. Baîley. Several from here attended the Fergusan family picnic at Hamp- ton on Saturday. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Finlayson (nee Mol- iy Klatt of Manitoba), who were married at St. John's Anglican Church, July 27. Mrs. Sutherland and Joan, Bancroft, with Mrs. Joseph Fard- er. Mr. Russell Riches and Ken- neth, Peterbara, visited Mrs. Rich-. ard Hoaper. Giad ta see Mrs. John Nesbitt back at the store after her illness. Miss Phyllis Strong, Purpie Hill, with her grandmother, Mrs. Robt. Bruce. Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, visited her mother, Mrs. Henry Mountjoy.-Miss Verena Graham, Toronto, visited Miss Alma Gra- ham. Threshing machines started out thîs week on their faîl work. Miss Beth Oliver, the coach for Girls' Club wark in Ontario, Vic- toria, Durham and Northumber- land counties, judged the gardens of the Girls' Garden Brigade last week. On July 'l9th the annual Achievement Day was held at Millbrook for those who have completed the unit "Cottons May be Smart." There were 40 mem- bers and 10 received certificates of achievement having success- fully completed twa club units. Mrs. Sandy Moore, Purpie Hill, is the leader of the Blackstock graup. The girls have chosen "Sleeping Garments'.' for their next club project. Miss Lucille Farder, Bowman- ville was home. Many from here attended the shower, for Mr. and Mrs. Roy Phayre at Devitt's Hall on Sat- urday evening. T HArte. ind of milking you want for your herd-the kicnd that gets de.best esults... pays highese profits and saves the most ime. There is only one «magnetic" milier--ehe SDe Lavai Magnetic Speedway--ehat assues absolutely uni! orm mnilkdng e ail trnes- You must have unit orm niing action for bea4 fastest milk- ing. Asic us for te.f acto. DE LAVAL SEARATORS ..first in 1878 end stiit lit«uîoday inskbs.- min; Pefrlomace.long service, 6bisqueliey creusaproduction end loveat ionu pet ye of use A size and style for every need end purse- or nmotos' drloemmd6b os'c loy stands. el King st. W. ley. Due ta unfavorable weather there was flot a very large crowd at the Welcome Circuit Sunday Schoal Picnic an Wednesday af- ternoon. Mrs. George Jones, Part Hope, Mr. and Mrs. James Payne, Tor- onto, had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Mrs. Vierhile, Rochester, N.Y., and her sister, Mrs. H. Meeking, Part Hope, visited their brother Mr. Victor Thorndyke. Mr. and Mrs. Judge and daugh- ter, Toronto, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickerson. Miss Olive Mason spent the weekend at Trenton with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carr and Ruth. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tharndyke and Carol, Mrs. Vierhile, Mrs. Meeking, and Mr. Victor Thorn- dyke spent Sunday at Fenelon Falls with Mr. and Mrs. Gren- ville Flett. A number from here attended a splendid band concert given by Cobourg Kilties' Band at Port Hope, Sunday evening. Haydon Mr. and Mrs. Allin Brooking and baby Margaret, Part Brîtain, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Mountjoy at Mr. C. Slemon's.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family motared ta Niagara Falls.-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton and Brad spent a few days at Apsley.-Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Toronto, holi- daying at Mr. E. A. McNeil's.- Mrs. Charles Garrard and Shirley accompanied Mr. and Mrs. H. Gay, Oshawa, an a motor trip ta Niagara Falls.-Mrs. Louis Ash- ton and family halidaying with Mrs. Fred Ashton.-Mrs. M. Tou- zel, Toronto, spent a few days at Mr. James Hanna's.-Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Hilîsan, Miss Phyllis Chapman, Toronto; Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trewin, Mr. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Bowmanville, at Mr. W. Trewin's.-Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Shirley, Cliff, and Dorathy, Oshawa, Mr. Claude Smith, Mrs. Parker, and Carol,! Enniskillen, at Mr. A. Beech's.- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. Russell Ormiston's, Enniskillen.-Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Smith and Sally, Kingston, Mr. Fred Ross, Miss Mabel Silîs, Tor- onto, Mrs. Wallace Roîston, Hag- ersville, Mrs. Chas. Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Short, Mr. Terry Dus- tan, Bowmanville, at Mr. Dan Cameron's.-Mr. and Mrs. C. Av- ery at Mr. Clarence Avery's, at Burketon.-Mr. Ross Ashton at- tended the Y.P.U. camp at Oak Lake.-Mr. and Mrs. Don Camer- on attended the Rice-Gray wed- ding at Newcastle an Saturday.- Leslie Graham, James Graham, George Cowling went an a fishing trip ta Jack Lake and Fenelon Falls. (Intended for Last Week) A Sunday School meeting was held on Thursday ta finish up the business of aur anniversary. Plans were made ta have aur com- munity picnic on August 3nd at Orono Park. Sunday School has been withdrawn until Sept. 1. Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton and family attended the Werry pic- nic at Hampton Park. Roy Graham is building a gar- age on the Graham vacant lot in our village. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gay and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Cass Lar- mer and Robert, Oshawa, Dor- othy Bail, Millbrook, at Mr. C. Garrard's.-Mr. and Mrs. Clark Wilson, Beverly and Russell, Bow- manville, at Mr. Don Cameran's. -Mr. and Mrs. A. Beech at Ca- bourg.-Mrs. Henry Danekas and son, Mr. Arden Danekas, Big Creek, Cahif., with her brother, Mr. A. Read.-Mrs. Meek, Mrs. M. Touzel, Toronto, at Mr. J. Hanna's.-Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery at Mr. Cochrane's, McRaes. Mr. and Mrs. A. Michaud and Margot and Ralande, Montreal, spent a few days with his sister, DE LAVAL-MILKCER 0F CHAMPIONS Meadowood Abbekerk Ras' Apple trou the Mesdowood Farm cr J. E. Chandler, Hudson Helghtà. Que. This two-year-old beiler recenli brought top price. et$5100 at the ail-Canadien bred catt.ie en aikviIe. Mr. Chandier in au entbualaole De Lavai biLeruer. DE LAVAL STERING MILICER ...provides De Loval quality mlking et lower cont. Simple, rusped and dependable. Sterhmgz Put- sator bua ony two mov- img parus. Woodedfut mitk- mng pWrormance obtains top resutit. Phone 497 COURTICE Congratulations to Miss Mar- garet Macgregor on obtaining Ist * * DALTS class honours and highest stand- OAG E ing in her Grade III piano exam- ination. Also to Miss Muriel Taite wha passed her Grade 11 4 piano examination successfully. Bath are pupils of Mrs. R. Dud- ley. Newtonville There was a fair attendance at Sunday School Sunday morning and only one teacher absent. Sunday evening the pastar bas- ed his sermon an the -Healing of the man which was sick of the palsy." Fortunate is the man who has friends strong in faith. Bob Werry assisted in the choir. It appeared as if the junior chair was giving the aider members a holi- day. However the yaungsters can give a good accaunt of them- selves every time. Rev. and Mrs. Bunt are leaving for their cottage at Tower Farm, Rice Lake, on Tuesday for Aug- ust. Congratulations ta Mr. Sidney Stacey and Miss Joyce Gibbs, Part Hope, who were married at the parsonage an Saturday afternoon. Joyce, who has been a member of the Girls' softball team this season, had the entire team as guests at the receptian held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Jones. They presented her with a beautiful gift of cooking uten- suls. The yaung couple will stili reside in aur midst having taken up rooms in the home of Mr. Jones. Our deputy reeve, Melville Jones and his bride have return- ed after a,motar trip ta Alberta. Crooked Creek senior bahl team won over the local team last week. Mrs. John Anderson has resign- ed as cartetaker of the United Church awing ta the passing of her husband and her awn poar health. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were faithful and canscientiaus and we as a cangregatian appre- ciated their labor. The church is now being cared for by Mr. Chas. Bunt who is living at the parsan- age with his brother the pastor, and his wife. We welcome him, tao, inta aur midst. Decanation Day will be held as usual on August 11, at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley spent the weekend with his par- ents. There is no service in the Un- ited Church next Sunday even- ing. There will be Sunday Schoal at il a.m. Our sister church has services in the afternoon. Miss Minnie Randal, primary class teacher, held a party for the class in the school yard, July l9th. A thunder storm sent them scur- rying ta the church kitchen for lunch. However with the assis- tance of Mary Burley and Mr. Chas. Bunt they put in an enjay- able time. There were 13 pres- ent. Mr. and Mrs. Willîs Jones, Bud and Fae, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Merrill, Warkwarth. Fae remained for a two weeks' holiday. Mrs. Carl Paeden, John and Judy, Halifax, N.S., Miss Rase- mary Bastock, Orono, Mrs. G. Williams, Toranto, are visiting Mrs. J. Paeden. Presentation Thursday afternoan, Ju]aj 25th a deiightful surprise Party took place when fifty neighbars and friends gathered an the lawn of Mr. adfd Mrs. Ronald Burley ta do honar ta his sister, Miss Flor- ence Burley, bride-elect. Mrs, Willis Jones was mistress of cer- emonies and Mrs. Frank Gilmer had charge af the contests which were enjayed by ail. Florence was presented with a beautîful bridge set, bridge table caver, silex coff ee maker, vase and a wall plaque. Although taken completely by surprise she was able ta graciously thank her friends for their gifts and kind wishes making the remark that it felt good ta know the ittie home town remembered yau. A dainty lunch brought this happy and infarmal gathering toaa close. Cotton is the fibre of utility, waol the fibre of comfort and lin- s '1~ Ladies' DRESSES Sizes 12 to 50 ATTRACTIVELY PRICED COME IN AND SEE THEM AT Ha In TOMS General Merchant NEWCASTLE h1 Dowmanville Legion Popularity Contest FIRST PRUZE $100.00 IN CASH The final twenty-five have been chosen to run in the Popularity Oontest. Now is the time to get out and pull for your favorite. Tickets may be obtained from any member of the Bowmanville Brandi of the Canadian Legion. Remember every ticket you buy also entities you to a chance to win one of the TWO FREE RADIOS Given Away the Nights of the Carnival Beau ty Contest A large number of entries have already been re- ceived for the Legion Beauty Oontest. There are stili quite a f ew who have signified their intention to run but have not officiafly entered. Eliminations the first night of the carnival, finals the last night. Enter now and be eligible to win $100 in Cash Plus $200 in bMerchandise Ladies-inmWaiting $25 Each Mammoth Two-Ni«ght Carnival Thursday -FrIday AUgUst 22ui4 *23r41 Homes m Schools m Industrial SEALTITE INSULATION wilth1 RtOCK WOOL We use only the best materials and, guarantee our work. Before investing get a price direct from the owner and save money. F. A. BRUCE PHONE 494 c7 Que.n street Bowmanville, Ontario and have our truck pick up your order at any store or place and deliver It. W. H. BROWN DEALER FOR Case Farm PMehlnery - ' Firestone Tires DeLaval Milers and Separators Beatty Bron. Stable Equlpment ir- &'&%Xrj IAUGUST CLEARANCL< ýýv L

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