PAGE FUVE THURSDAY, AUGUST lst, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO bWen you pull into your Sheli dealer's and say '<Fill'er Up," Wet set for a new driving experience. You will find this new Shel Premium gasoline is four ways better - (1) more power- (2) quicker starting-(3) faster pickup-(4) more mileage. Try it today and see for yourself 1 C. A. ARTLETT Service Station BLEMDIES 2 pkgs. lSc QUAKER M1JFFETS 2 pkgs. 17e C. & B. Marmielde i 2oz. jar 23c PRETZEL STIX Hlygrade pkg. 19c HEINZ ASPARAGUS SOUP ....2 tins 25C HEINZ ASSORTED DADY FOODS 5 tins 39c CROW N SEALERS quart doz. 99c BUY EXTRA FOR THE HOLIDAY ANN PAGE MILK DREAD OVEN FRESH 2 24 oz. loaves 15C SEvE NFEHN ICED a& S DOKRm 35 152 KING ST. E. NEW SHELL PREMIUM gasoline supercharged with SIRLOIN ib. 49c PORTERROUSE lb. 55c FRESH KILLED FOWL mm alb. 35c CUT UP CHICKENq LEGS THIGHS & DREASTS ib. 79c WINGS lb. 369 DACKS & NECKS IL 21s CORGE SALMON STEAKS lb. 35c FILLETS of SOLE fresh i, b. 49c SMOKED FILLETS . a *ib. 33C FRESH WRHITE FISH .a.. b. 33C LIMITED SUPPLY - WHILE THEY LAST GRAPEFRUIT JIJICE 20 oz. tin 13c BRUNSWICK SARDINES .. tin 7c FANCV BLACK UNPITTED CHERRIES HARVEST 20 oz. tun 27cl CALIFORNIA VALENCIA 344'o ORANGES duL 25c BURLINGTON 2e lbo.33g STAKED No. ~ELEIT aauaameHand S.I.ct.d 80 SWET cma ELIOW --. 6for 2ss POTE TSE CANADA No. 1 lb..29 M 224 Our bird whistled to Mns. Da- vid Barr when she turned at the cross-roads. on a shopping trip to town last week. As she jump- ed from hen wheel he said, "Give us the news o! Betty, all hen friends keep asking me about her." In spite o! hen usual reti- cence, she chatted with him for a few minutes. Betty is zig-zag- ging ail through the British Isies, France, Switzenland and Italy with her husband Mn. Howard Hunson who has business with the expont depantments o! textile and potteny firms. Her fine sense o! history, art, architecture and lit- enatune make her lettens more charming and intimate than most "best-sellers.' ýCastles, cathed- rals, art gallenies, bomnbed hospi- tals and the necent victony -pan- ade cnowd the pages o! lettens hen mothen neceives twice a week -letters that are passed on to Gnandfathen Lambert, making him homesick for England. Klnd old bird, he made hen pro- mise to read her lettens to hen friends at an aftennoon tea before the season is over. As she wheeled away he turn- ed and said, "The othen night I fiew into that feathery weeping willow tree you can see behind that soft brown cream-trimmed cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie were sitting under it reading 'Destiny' and discussing world conditions in the light o! Biblical prophecy. Managing to interrupt them I ask- ed permission for a 'Statesman' friend o! mine to see their newly nenovated cottage. You had bet- ter step along now before they get off on thein sunset drive." Sure enough they asked me in, and what a cottage o! com!orl and intenest it is! Thene in the enclosed venanda is a splendid paintinig by Mn. Leslie himself with honses looking as if they would prance right out of the frame. From the opposite wall Winston Churchill smiles his ap- proval and at the side o! the in- nen entrance door is a poern clipped fnom the last Chapel cal- endan. In the living noom thE wooden walls and na!tens posi- tively shine with cneam paint Billy and Gany's room looks toc good for husky little boys-bul nothing is too good for the grand- childnen. And fnom thein dining noom what a view of sunsets thenE is oven the Second Marsh. If yoi want ideas tunn in at the sigr "Leslie's 129." :1 At the 'Cottages Mn. and Mrs. James Black anc son Birkett Black, Montreal, wit] Mn. and Mns. Nash at "Clovei Cabin." Miss Bertha Fox, Toronto, for short holiday at "Daisy Dell." Mn. and Mrs. J. Dove and Mr .-nd Mrs. Rundie were entertain ed by Mn. and Mrs. Leslie. Mn. and Mns. Stephen Bowei and sons, Leonard and Bobby Montreal, Miss Nell Brinkley .Miss D. Pitt, Hamilton, and Mn,ý H. Howell, Pont Hope, with Mi and Mns. Elmen Ott at "EI-Ti-D. Sa." Mn. Leonard Washington, Tor onto, with Mn. and Mrs. Vaughai at "The Newk." Mn. and Mns. W. S. McCart ney have netunned fnom a trip t Lake Simcoe and Muskoka Lake Sheila and Don "batched" durin thein parents 'absence. Rev. de Pencien Wright enjoy ed a suppen o!fnesh caught Lal4 Ontario herning with Mn. and Mn Russell Whatmough, Friday, fresco style at "Windnows." Mn. and Mns. John Ilugh L3 ons, Pont Credit, and C. P. Roi mns, Provincial Highways Dept spent the weekend at Cove Co- tage. The Chapel-on-the-Hil1 The Carlton S.S. had the Ian, est roll caîl o! the season Sunda: The childnen are ail aient gettir ready for the annual open sessic next week. They carnied honr attractive invitations to their pa: ents and friends. Mrs. Carlton is being most al ly assisted by Joyce Currie, W: MMU News From flou EAST SIDE NEWS Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Synes and son, Jack, Leskard, Miss Jean Synes, Oshawa, spent Sunday withi Mn. and Mns. E. E. Patterson. Jim Patterson, son o! Mn. and iMrs. E. E. Patterson, is senving his apprenticeship in Tynnell's Dnug Store, Orono. Mn. and Mns. Douglas Black- well, Toronto, wene weekend guests with Mr. and Mns. C. J. Follett. Mn. and Mrs. Jerry Owen, and Miss Vicky Kerstead, Toronto, are spending holidays with Mn. and Mrs. W. A. Young, "Lake- view." Mn. and Mrs. C. Robinson, Ruth and Ralph, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. Pienson, "Hy-Vu." Mn. Ritchie Scott, Toronto, is spending a few days with Mrs. Hugh Ritchie, "Doune.' Mrs. D. Bailes and family have returned to Oshawa and Mn. and Mrs. Tom McDonald and sons, Oshawa, are occupying thein cot- tage. Mrs. W. Greenaway, Hampton, was guest of Mn. and Mrs. Fred Payne. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Dickens, Winnipeg, spent thein holidays with the former 's brother Mn. Ernie Dickens and Mns. Dickens. Master Jerry Gorham, Toronto, is holidaying with his gnandmo- then, Mrs. P. Gorham, "Cottage 2."l Mn. and Mrs. Carl Tennant, Joyce Tennant, Audrey Billings, Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Merle Cor- nin, Boyd Valleau, Claire Dainty, Oshawa, were Sunday visitons of Mn. and Mns. L. A. Danch "Chet- wyn Villa." .Mn. and Mrs. John M. James, and John Jr. have moved into the cottage necently vacated by Mrs. J. E. Hawes. Mn. and Mns. Geo. C. Wood and son, Jack, have returned to Det- 1 rinanville Beach roit and Mn. and Mrs. Sid Char- tran have moved into the cottage. Mn. and Mns. Venn Pixley, Don and Joyce, Mrs. M. Pixley, Roch- ester, Mich., Mn. and Mns. P. BY- ens, Courtice, Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Pilkey, Bnooklin, Mn. and Mrs. Otto Virtue, Tynone, Mrs. T. Cle- land, Mns. A. Glover, Mns. Ida Jackson, Mn. and Mns. Fred Cle- land, Mn. Art Palmateer, Mn. and Mrs. F. Cashmone, Mr. and Mns. W. Gilroy, Toronto, Mn. Wm. Vintue, Tynone, Mn. and Mns. Les Virtue, Oshawa, wene guests with Mn. and Mns. N. Byers,' and Mn. and Mns. G. Wilson, "Idelbye." Mn. and Mns. Floyd Bnadd have netunned fnom visiting friends in Bobcaygeon. Mn. Dyson, Miss MacDonald, Miss Rose Stepanka, Miss Ruth Stolaryk, Mn. and Mns. Bannatyne and sons, Mrs. Hay, Miss Don- othy Harding and friend, and Mn. and Mns. Budd, are holidaying with Mns. Blake Short, "Lake- side Cottage Fanm." Mn. and Mns. Alec Lyle are occupying Depew's "Honeymoon Cottage." persons at the later service indi- cates the craving for spiritual refreshment by even so-called pleasure loving people, and Mn. George Harrap's talk on "The Pause That Reireshes" made them awane that even the greatest o! men wene in the habit o! with- drawîng to commune with the Di- vine Spirit when feeling the need o! direction or o! sustaining pow- er. His thought stemmed fnom the accounts o! Christ's withdraw- als to the mountain to pray and o! His Disciples' continuous and united prayer in time o! trouble. Mrs. H. W. Simpson, by special nequest o! old and young, sang, "Master the Tempest is Raging" with congregation and a mixed quartet joining in the chorus. This quartet, ahl expenience choir singers, was made up o! Mrs. Simpson, soprano; Mns. Bert Alt- weil, contralto; Mn. John Hugh Lyons, lyric tenon; Mr. Attwell, Sr., basso profundo. They also sang for the hushed audience "Peace, Perfect Peace." Letters o! appreciation o! the sympathy shown them by the Chapel wene received fnom the Fleming family who lost thein father last winter and fnom Mn. and Mrs. J. McCullagh whose son was dnowned on July 12. WEST SIDE NEWS M I The Quality Tea 1 Wedding RICE-GRAY. Pink and'white carnations de- coxzated the altar with the same color seheme being carried out in the flowers banking the chan- cel steps in St. George's Anglican Church, Newcastle, on Saturday afternoon, July 27th, for th'e mar- niage of Jean Kenneath Gray, on- ly daughter o! Mrs. Luella Gray and the late Mr. Kenneth Gray to Mr. Charles Lewis Rice, young- est son of Mns. Rice and the late Mn. Charles F. Rice of Bowman- ville. The rector, Rev. Douglas Dewdney, officiated. Mrs. John Garrod, church organist, played the wedding music and Miss Ella Millar, Toronto, sang "Thnough the Yeans" during the signing of the negisten Mr. Ross Rice, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Fred Ross and Mn. Bud Rice, both of Toronto.' SThe bride given in manniage by hier brother Mr. Robert A. Gnay, was a vision of girlish loveliness in a gown of white silk net over white satin, the fitted bodice be- ing of French lace with insents o! PHONE 525 The weekly euchne was held in "Wene-Verful," when Mns. Wm. Street was hostess to 40 guests and friends !rom the beach and town. Winners were Mns. E. Large, Town, with a score of 82. Mn. R. Oke was second and Mns. Matthews "Tacoma," was third. On a draw the consolation pnize was taken by Mrs. J. W. Noble of "'The Betten 'OIe." This week's euchne will be held in Russell Hallman's, Cottage 23. Mns. P. Hayes and !amily, Taun- ton, Mn. and Mns. W. J. Sevens, Jr., and Donald, Oshawa, with their sister, Mrs. F. Cole at "Gary's Panadise." Mn. and Mrs. Blaine Elliott, Mn. and Mns. Mcîlveen and fam- ilies, Town, in "Good-E-Nuff." Mn. and Mrs. Bert Hutchinson and Judy, Toronto, Miss Vera Pyke and Gordon, and Mrs. Bake- well at the West Beach Store. Miss G. Lee and Wilma, Ton- onto, are staying at the Sandlands guest home whiie renewing friendships on the Beach. Miss F. McLean and Miss M. McPhee holidaying with Mrs. B. C. Latimer. Miss Nancy Vancoe, "Rest-a- While," with hen grandmothen in Peterboro. Mn. and Mns. Chas. Cattran and sons, Town, are stayîng in the Goddard Cottage. Mn. William Thompson, Clane- mont, lVfr. and Mrs. M. K. Lawson and Miss Doris Lawson with Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Dunn in "Rusty Nook." Mn. and Mrs. Ronnie Shaw, To- ronto, and Master Eddie Murray, >visiting with Mrs. Dorney at "Cy- lant 'hore." Mrs. W. J. Reynolds and fam- ily, Hampton, visiting in "Linger Longer." Misses Val Channie, Mang West- lake, Margaret Doyle visiting at "Sandhurst." Miss M. Jennings visiting with 1Mrs. Frank Williams and Mrs. Mundoif at "Williams Cottage." 1 Mn. and Mrs. Brown, Barrie, 1visiting at "Twillingate." The social highlight o! the sea- >son to date was the birthday par- ity held in honon o! Donny Gneen's fi!th birthday when over 20 little guests wene entertained to a huge bonfine. The little host present- 7ed his guests with gi!ts which ad- -ded greatly to their pleasure. Sing isong and games were enjoyed. Lunch and birthday cake wene senved by Misses Catherine Dill- ting, Donna Dilling, Donothy Anr LCunnie and Barbara Goddard. I "Many Happy Returns Donny'" f Sea Scout Captain J. Wadding- yton and his two Sea Scout ship: ecalled at oun harboun oven the 1 weekend on thein annual trip - around the lake. They are on - their way to Pnesq'ile Point and cpoints in the U.S.A. where the: - will visit before neturning to e thein base in Toronto. Capt. Wad- Sdington is the son o! Mn. and Mns. t.Waddington, Cedar Cnest. 0 it CEDAR CREST Dr. and Mrs. Miller and !am- e ily, town, are holidaying al u "Princeton." -n Mn. and Mns. A. Turner at their cottage. Mn. and Mns. J. Waddingtor d have retunned toToronto, for twc h weeks. ýr a Wedding MeEWEN-BURLEY A quiet but pretty wedding wa! ýn solemnized in the Newtonvill] Y, United Church pansonage, Jul3 Y, 27th, when Florence Evelyn Bur 's ley, eldest daughten o! Mn. an( r.Mrs. Cecil G. Bunley, Newtonville was united in manniage with Earli McEwen, second son o! Mn. an( r - Mns. Ponter McEwen, Smith nr Falls. Rev. H. A. Bunt officiated The bride wore a street lengi] tdress o! pale blue crepe wil] o sleeves and peplum o! silven nel ýs white hat and gloves, and a cor Ioël 4ORPORkTio ~ * M *HUE FUR SALE Tow gosn rMc xlie yteNio Th fis f1Mossbigbit ne ieto fteTw Coni srpdynaigcmlto. h nieri hreçpcsti Mos ob ed o cuac ntowek iewt te ossfloig u Mocmlto eky ti mhszdta hs ýue r o ae n Milntb vial o etfo.teCroain Town Husing Pre oectEpl edb teM! mdwTh firs of 14 ousbigbltudr ieto fteTw *~3 hoSuoready for occupfany in twoeeks etiewfth oteasr ouestolloin- 0 to is eprtssedwthat thoes hos e esorale an will flot be aas ibleFr refi fom theuClrporainpon. wteMow al o 0 i refrene aneai pose assistn wll e hgives no Vt eans r » wilsl t h 40 heel ousescnb eetdan eevdwt prsntw lomet sd Vthelnerpan w b e fiasaplcast ios atre E* mae ihourservation.metbsmet iig-om ithn w MM g 3. Suconplus hoses, i n, widlbesadvetisfrtsae castaractate nl be M e o xiin oshowthi expvataers sow these homes o e ntheetyale ior * permanentf housbing i Canadatoy aditrse atisaerqetdt S disuss pRase with F. Pattmso ndBuildg nsetan or, a ed TonHal o M0 d Thie qean at ised cst on t hesehse anot edtefr mined unTihefwissuits arecompt ed nit knwtyhat eoach house and blt howllseliandatrte $40evaetl Hosess an es eedanre servead th fa present downe plasent andthe dbaan pybeenh final otisardetr- bedroos and aith apl cle sace.-40 P5lhumbing, lheing nd wiring a owruntcs hahoue has futcere ont basem entiirm, k tc hen, toe 70instale antruhioenthe houe ae inja in rsientadeignbl, the afros, trf In thork contines tocoPltin, andevoss etintsfthecotrtofmn wîrll b i stlofho upMusngibil odiay aems nxosta ltebidn MI s buial r herouthGoernmentCspnsorediplnssaconervtil eastimartes. tossbe irohe1burditng-2 oss han anyforthe compartivehousingvalle. as a l houesCoreBrednt, orto ue orpteort he MsM * Maor ad Conci hav recive appfrval fonr efning forhese 14l ORANGE PEKOE A& P STOREg CLOSED MONDAY AUG. 51h California 300's LEMONS doz. 39C CM ESCALIFORNIA RED MALAGA lb. 35e ARIZONA VINE RIPENED EONEDEW JUMBO 0&AE SIZE 9' 45 PEIAHES South Caroln Elb.rtj. Ibo. CANTEOUPES PEAU IFON Salmon FIosh, Jumbo 36% BARTLETT TONATOES 5 for 25e French lace in the bouffant skirt. A coronet of white velvet leaves and fiowers held her floor length veil and she carried a showen bou- quet o! red roses and bouvardia. Mrs. William Banchard was ma-* tron o! honor wearing a floon length gown o! blue taffeta with matching halo hat and carrying pink gladioli. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Robent A. Gray, sister-in-law o! the bride, wone à floon length gown o! pink sheer with matching halo hat and carried blue gladioli. The reception was held at the home of the bride's aunt and uncle Mn. and Mrs. Chnis Law, where Mns. Gray received weaning a gown o! romance blue crepe with white accesspnies and corsage o! pink roses. She was assisted in received by the groom's mother wearing a gown o! gray silk mesh, blue hat and gloves and corsage o! white roses. The couple left to catch the plane to fly to New York whene the honeymoon will be spent. The bride travelled in a white silk jersey dness with pale pink flan- nel top coat and littie calot hat to match, white accessonies and corsage o! pink and white roses. what strength boldness and noused by the are doing our -Scott. It is wondenful o! purpose and energy o! will are assurance that we duty. Two honored guests at the wred- ding wene the bride's two grand- mothens, Mrs. Robent Gray wear- ing a gown of black chiffon with.. black hat with touches o! violet, and Mrs. Alex Adain in gown of leaf green crepe *with white hat, and accessonies and corsage of roses. Out o! town guests were pres- ent fnom Hamilton, Torontq, Kingston, Oshawa and Bowman.- ville. The bride was much entertain- ed pnior to her wedding. Two showers and presentations were given in her honor by the resi- dents o! Bracebridge where pre- vious to hen marniage she had been on the teaching staff o! the public school. Mns. Bud Rice, To- ronto, ententained in her honor at a shower, and two showers wene given for her in Newcastle when Mrs. Chris Law and Mrs.. Morley Sallows wene the hostess- es.