Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Aug 1946, p. 9

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Pep Bran Flakes with other parts of Canadian whole wheat are delicious, extra crisp, extra thick. Your whOle family will enjoy greaetnaine in oereals! M eogsrF greaest., Somne 23 visiting American ed- itors, representatives of three On- mmu~ **I ~tario provincial departments and S AVE TIME... AVE FUEL .. ELFOODa two members of the Canadian Wveekly Newspapers Association %DD CI-ARM to YOUR ROOMS WITII V enetia n Blinds Made-To-Order te STEIEL SLATS Here are the blinda you have been waiting for - " made to your order,"1 steel Venetian Blinds, your choice of white or ivory siats with six colou.red tapes to choose from. Com- plete with Valance Board and ail fittings. Approximately 3 Weeks Delivery ORDERI YOURS TODAY! 7<1l& Phone 451 THE MODERN STORE 'Fa ir %% 0 c1 Cl Mi p v a t e Mt E tc Bowmavill w o 'I Min PURINA COW CHOW Furmer Milk is i dmand - it's both patriotic and profit- able to get every possible pou.nd of milk from you.r cows. Cows must be fed on pasture or they lose flesh and you lose milk; 18 Guernsey cows fed on pasture at the Purina Experimental Farm produced 1750 pounds more milk per c0W during their lacta- tion as compared to 18 cows not fed on pastu.re. THINK WHÀT THIS MMANS TO -YOUR COWS. HERE'S THE FEED FOR EXTRA MILK YOUR MILKING COWS 0 MARLOW'S 16 PER CENT PUR INA CHOWM;IX VOl R CALVES e e Bave labour, save milk, savo money andl rais e btter calves. Every bag of Caif Startena replaces 350 pounds of milk, and no milk is f ed after your cal! is one month old. TO DO A BETTER JOB FEED MARLOW'S CHOWMUX PURINA PIG STARTER $... 2.60 cwt. MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA LAYING MASH $.. 2.85 cit. ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODÂY WHILE WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK ON RAND Miarlow Transport T1fr.IPRONi - PORT PERRY 106 - R - 2 BLAOK8TOCK ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE-, ONTARIO PG StOPat BwmanilletheC paty was joined by TOM C. American Newspapermnef Make Brief SoatBw nvleMc all, Deputy Miflister of the Rfr.ao and Pubir tyArtensh f ets rel t fr n r t Want an idea that wiil help you save tinie and work-and at the sanie tine keep meals more interesting for your family? Thousands featu.re Kellogg's not orily for breakfast but for quick snacks anytime of day! Pep, Corn Flakes, Al-Bran, Pdoe Krispies, Bran Flakes, Kruxnbles and Al-Wheat are ail made by Kellogg's, the CIUAST-TO-COAST KELLOGG'S ARE CANADA'S choilce f orea q(y -e cnYime! 4 i .4,é,wa4 aw~ TUNE IN CFRB ,,Ontario Holiday" go.3so p.m., Thur., Fr1., Soi. J PUBLISHED IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST BY JOHN LABATT LIMITED adea biefvîît o Bwmal-Fergus, Elora, Owen Sound, tigod will tour the American lie on Saturday, June 22. The Manitoulîn Island, Sudbury, North preiss atrersnofgnw ýatwhjch included the editor BaýV, Sundridge, Huntsviile, i papers in seven states, was the îrty, guest of the Ontaro Departmeflt 1The Statesman, had been on a gonquin Park, Pemboke, Ottawa, o rvladPbiiy h a 000-mile nine -day tour of On- Smiths Falis, Kingston, Belleville, adian Weekiy NewspaperS Asso- ,ario, which started at Niagara Trenton, Peterboro, Toronto, ciation and the Hotel Association als and made cails at Hamilton, Brampton and Buriington. On. of the Province of Ontario. à manent training base. Group GoodWil To r ofOntrio senting the Air Officer Command- ing, Air Vice Marshal E. E. Mid- tYdieton, C.B.E., greeted the news- men. Refreshmeflts were served With American Press Partya 'eeto edi h eu tifully appointed mess. Passing, through Peterborough, a IDescribed by Local Editor thriving industrial city stae in the heart of the Kawartha - Lake District, the press bus con- Second Installulent heart of the Rideau Lake country, tinued to South Beach Hotel on Continuiflg our American Press where a luncheon was tendered Clear Lake, nearby, where a stop- Party Good-Wlll Tour we arrived by the Smiths Falls Chamber of over was made for the night. n Ottawa, Canada's capital, Commerce. Among those who re- A dinner was served with the where the bus was met on the ceived the guests were H. D. Cal- compliments of the Peterborough utsirt ofthecit b a Royal lan, president of the Chamber, Chamber of Commerce, an d Canadian Mounted Police and Ot- J. A. Wood, secretary, Mayor amofl hs owhmteget tawa motorcycle police escort. George Robb and A. E. Dobbie, were introduced were J. E. Weir, Gerald Geldert, who represented publisher of the Smiths Falls Re- chairman, J. J. Dorris, secretary the City of Ottawa, pointed out cord-News, with whose compi- of the Chamber of Commerce, places of interest as the bus ments refreshments were served. Mayor William Ovens and H. L. wound through the boulevards En route to Kingston, a brief Garner, Publisher of the Peter- and parks of Ottawa to the pala- stop was made at Jim Simmons' borough Examiner. Here we had tial residence of Hon. Ray Ath- fishing resort at Chaffey's Locks. the pleasure of renewing acquain- erton, United States ambassador Here, in the centre of an ideal tance with Major H. Dodds who to Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Ath- fishing area, refreshments and served in the same units with the erton were hosts to the visitors at sandwiches were served by Mr. writer in the last war and is now their home, situated on hill over- and Mrs. Simmons after the news- an alderman and an off icial in the __ looking the Ottawa river. Mem- men had comrpleted a short trip Customs and Excise Dept. An- bers of the ct council including aboard motor launches around other dinner companion was Max city erg rnlnaietolae ery Swanston, a former catcher with AldemenGeoge ninlenatie to lkesneaby.Peterboro basebail teams back in of Bowmanville, were present to Kingston, one of Ontario's old- the old days of the Midland Base- welcome our party as guests Of est and most historic military c- bail League. the American ambassador. ties, .was reached by nightfall. Departing from Clear Lake Following, this reception, the After a bief tour of the city, next morning our party passed party proceeded to the Chateau during whîch histonic Fort Hen- through Peterborough, caught a Laurier Hotel, one of Canada's ry, the Royal Military College, few glimpses of the famed lift finest hoteiries in downtown Ot- the Kingston Penitentiary and locks and Trent Canal systemi and tawa, where a dinner was ten- other landmarks were vîewed, as- headed south for Bowmanville, dered by the Industrial and Pub- sisted by a running commentary where a bief visit was paid to licity Committee of the City of by e-Mayor J. M. Hughes, vet- The Statesman office. Ottawa and where the Statesman eran secretary of the Kingston Toronto was the next port of editor again had the pleasure of Chamber of Commerce, the party cail. Our bus approached the chatting with his old school pal, arrived at suburban Kingston's city via the Lansing road, Yonge George Pningle. Cataraqui Golf Club, site of one Street and Avenue Road. Upper D. Leo Dolan, chief of the Can- of the Dominion's most beautiful Canada Coilege, University of adian Government Travel Bureau, golf courses. The newsmen were Toronto, and the Ontario Parlia- was principal speaker. He out- guests of the Kingston Chamber ment Buildings were among the iined the development of the in- of Commerce for dinner and a points of interest en route to the dustry of tourismn in Canada and delightful prograrn. of entertain- King Edward Hotel, where the poined ut te avantgesen-ment at the club house at which group stayed overnight. poined outtheriad vntgesen President Jock Eider made an At noon, oun party went to the icoming to the Dominion fbr their ideal chairman and he captivated Royal York Hotel, where refresh- 1vacation. A civic weîcome was his guests with Scotch songs and ments and a buffet luncheon were iextended by Mayor W. Stanley stories. Jock kindly consented served. Luncheon host was the iLewis. Foilowing thie dinner to come to Bowmanviiie in the Toronto Convention and Tourist pnoram thouh te tougt-near future and address our Ro- Association. fulness of Alderman Pringle, ra-tayCu.Erynthafennm - dios were brought to the dining After an overnight stay at the bers of the party went shopping, room and the group heard a LaSalie Hotel, Kingston, several and later attended a reception at broadcast of the Louis-Conn mnembers of the press party went the Toronto Men's Press Club, kfight. golfing at the Cataraqui Golf where about 400 feet of colon film i Later in the evening, some of Club, whie others made a shop- depicting the places visited on It he more adventurous newsmen ping tour of the downtown area. tbe tour, were shown. The guests were taken across and down the Leaving Kingston at 11a.mi., oun were gneeted by the club presi- Iriver . . . to the pulp and paper bus skirted the beautiful Bay Of dent, John Fitzgerald of the Ev- 0manufacturing centre of Huill Quinte until reaching Glenora, ening Telegramn. aQue. There they had a brief where they lef t the bus and boar- In the evening, the newsmen 0 limpse of the great pulp mils ethferfoQuneIln.weges fteOtaiHtl Iwhich produce millions of tons of * Known as one of Canada's Association at a reception and Iwood and paper products for most beautiful garden areas, dinner. Chairman was Dalton ICanadian ar'd U.S. consumption. Prince Edward County has num- Casweil, president of the associ- The next morning a visit to the enuliycans gfom2to 33 per Ch-aiesateeyOnaro Mine palatial estate of Canada's Gov- erus lycaningfac2tories, pedran- arlen, ateyspeariowaston ernor-General, Viscount Alexan - cent of Caniad a's fruit and veg- of Labor, who represented the dewstefrt0on fcl e etabie "pack."' Chief community_ Ontario government in the ab- fodre l ei t ptaa. H enew on this Lake Ontario island is sence of Premier George Drew. 0 saw the park and colorful fiow- Pco.A ovnr fteocso h ering gardens and visited a num- 9ne of the Dominion's most am- association presented leather bill- ber of the largen rooms of the azîng geological connundrums is folds to the visitors. richly furnished residence, in- "Lake on the Mountain," a good- At titis stage of our tour Mrs. ciuding the ballroom used for di- sized body of water, some 500 James joined the press party and plomnatic functions and the love- feet in depth which is îiteraiiy her much-travelled husband and l y Chinese room. Viscount Alex- perched atop a plateau at Glen- accompanied us, along with Mrs. ander, one of the leading militany ora. Even expert geologists are George Lake of Timmins and Ustrategists of the Allied Armnies puzzled by its presence in this Mns. C. V. Charters of Brampton, 0during the war, was recently ap- location and its source of water on the balance of oun trip. fpointed to his new post. Aiready supply. Led by Editor L. B. Cal- Following breakfast, served in lihe and his charming family are nan of the Picton Gazette, and the Elizabethan Room of the King exceptionally popular with the chairman of the Prince Edward Edward Hotel as guests of H. A. CaainpolCut TuitAscain Peters, Jr., manager, the party Canaian elette ne Coty Tdeouncs tAsocitio n, a embussed for the final lap of the ï n edn hnanucdmtraeo asto h es tour. Over the bnoad Queen Eliz- othat an audience had been arnang- aemnonatu f-h sad abeth Highway, the party travel- fl ed with William Lyon Macken- The lake and a nearby observa- led to Brampton, an area in which o ieKigth Pim Mnist;ýer of tion post from whilch a fine vie-w some of the most beautiful flow- Go Fe Jamiepofi Tractor Tire Service Depot PHONE~ 467 KING & SILVER BTS3. THUIISDAY, AUGUST lst, 1946 senved on the roof of the General R P R Brock Hotel, with William Stead, manager, as host. It was a wanm,- sunny day, and again the camera Commercial - ]Domest4o enthusiasts were given an oppon- tunity to photograph the Falls ANY M&xz fnom this ideal vantage point. Shontly befone the panty disband- H. ed, Mr. McCaUl gave a bnief fane- * OWYOI well address on behaîf of the hosts, and a nesponse was made Phone: Oshawa 244 by Read Clarke, of The Record,________________ Penny, N.Y. WE OFFER YOU NEW DOMINION ROYAL IR[1nS FOR EVERY TYPE Of SERVICE M M M M * j M M M E M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 1~ 1< 1< io I O ilo 1*10 L 1~ s THIERE ARE NO FINER TIRES BUIL T m

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