Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1946, p. 1

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t rnubi~rn "Durham County's Gireat Family Journal" VOLUM.E 92 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1946 NME Judge Camero Rubber Worke Examines 7-Pc Hon. Humphrey Mitchell, Min- ister of Labour, lias appointed Judge J. C. A. Cameron, Belle- ville, to act as an Industrial Dis- putes Inquiry Commissioner ta investigate and endeavour to ef- fect a settlement of issues in a dis- pute between the various rubber manufacturing companies of On- tario and thpir employees repre- sented by the, United Rubber Workers of America. A total of 10 companies are involved. 1In making the announicement, the Minister stated that the ap- pointmnent was made following consultations with the Ontario Minister of Labour and is an ef- fort to avoid an interruption ir the production of rubber whicl is essential to the effective transition to a peacetime economy in Can- ada. The United Rubber WorkerE of Amnerica have declared thal there will be a strike in the rub- ber manufacturing industry ir Ontario on May 27, unless som( settlement of the dispute is readli ed before that date. The oubber workers are askini for increased wage rate, a forty. hour week, payment for ovetîm( work, payment for statutory lioli. days, premium for nigît-shif work, and various individual ad justments in wage rates. In the event that the commissio: is unable to bing about a settie ment of the dispute, a report wil be made to the Minister withîi 30 days giving recommendation -as to how the dispute may bi solved. Upon receipt of the communica tion the Union Committee me May 23rd and passed the follow~ ing resolution: L"In, view of the fact that a corr W'missioner lias been appointed ii Tthe rubber dispute, strike actioi f~shall be postponed. However a] -Ylocal unions are instmucted to hli themselves in readiness for stril< action on a day-to-day basis, de pending on the course of negotia tions." Judge Cameron met represeni atives of the Union on May 29ti Present at the meeting were M Buckmaster, General Presidentc U.R.W.A., Akron, Ohio; Attorne Cqpuncil Patterson, Ohio, and Ar cdy Bruin, Toronto lawyer. Th * Unioti presented their 7-poir progmam and reasons for requesi ing eadli point. Today (Tliursday) the RubbE Companies are meeting wîl Judge Cameron and it is hope that aftem these individual meeý ings there will be a joint meetir between management and laboi. early next week. Meetings are being held in t. Fedemal Building, 45 Ridlimor St., West, Toronto. Chamber of Coirnerci Mernbership Grows This past week applications f( membemship to the Bowmanvil. Clamber of Commerce have beE pouring in far better than the o: ganization committee anticipateý Applications will be received u until Fiday and the ballots wi be opened Saturday morning. Ti ten men elected will be informE and an executive meeting calle After the executive meetir next week the %,arious office wiil be announced. A list of t] business organizations and inc viduals supporting the Chambý of Commerce wilhé-be puhisletd A ¶roving. rmpathy is extended to Iý ï1~er McCulloch in the death il is brother, Dr. W. G. MC l och, 0rono. Dr. McCulloch SPE ahis boyhood days in this commu ity. The men have put a new me roof on thec durch. Congratulations to Herbert Cc son of Mr. and Mms. Jack Cole, passing lis 4t1 yeam exams architecture at the University Toronto. n Investigates A¶:iesaryevicesLions International Night m nsAt EldadChurch FeaturedWith Splendid Address i ,r Argume ts Visitors __CI._ Mm. and Mrs. R.R. Stevens, of Past Presîdent, Past District a Dj~,iuimMaple Grove; Mm. and Mms. Gor- Govemnor and International onL oint r g a don Scott, Whitby, at B. G. Ste- cillor Emmons Crawford, wa vens'.-Mr. and Mms. Burney Hoo- chairman of the Lions Club meet- Th a K S o ey and Barbara, Mr. Roy Hooey igModyevnCi hl Pei RETURNS TO CANADA Burketon, Mr. Charles Scott, Del- dent and District Governor Char- f hi, at R. C. Scott's.-Mm. and Mrs. les Carter, Jr., sat with the guests a_______________ Maurice Baker, Janice, Grant and of the evening who came to joinE Mary, Georgetown; Mrs. Howard in the programme whidli was in A DAY TO REMEMBERv Couch, Marjorie and Eileen, Bow- the nature of International Niglit. o th yuaecmley manville; Mm. and Mrs. Charles Central figure among the visitors No tatyu rec peey Johnson, Peterboro; Mm. and Mrs. and guest speaker was Intemnà- settled dlown and recovemed fmom e Jery SgatreBelevile;y~tional Director, Walter Fisher, of the big day last Fiday, what did and rrys. oedwBnlleillon, Mpl Queenston, Ont., lately retumned you think of it? Everyone with t Grove, at Jack and Tom Bakem's. from the International Convention r ~-Mr. and Mms. Russell Robbins at Havana, Cuba. With Mm. Fisher whom we've talked considered it t anfuI in;M.adMs were Bruce Malcolm, District the. best day in the history of I Harvey Hardy and Russell, Mms. Secretary; Bill Cooper, District Bowmanville. Everything went e Geo. White, Bowmanville, at Treasumer and Ernie Hougliton, along on schedule without a hitch a Isaac Hardy's.-Mr. and Mrs. Past District Govemnor, Toronto. which could be noticed by other e e ~Frank Bray and Elgin, Enfield; Guests than committee members. From2 SMm. and Mms. Leonard Baîl and The meeting was also featumed early in the morning when Bow- family, Taunton, at Walter Par- with reports of sevemal Lions Club manville Band opened proceed- r ri inder's.-Mr. and Mms. L. Truli committees. Other guests present ings by playing at the four cor- d S and Franklin, Hampton; Mm. and included Deputy-Reeve A. W. ners until late at niglit when the E Mms. Wallace Munday, Mrs. J. H. Nortlicutt, who welcomed the out fireworks- lad finisled and the 1 Munday, Mm. Sam Snowden, Ma- of town Lion guests in behaîf of dancers were trampling eacl ple Grove; Mm. and Mms. Charles thie Mayor, Walter DeGeer e- othem's feet, it was a perfect wel- tJohins, Dorothy, Anna and Fmayne, pesenting the Chamber of Comn- corne home to the eturned men Mm. Bar McDonald, Mrs. Luther merce and Don Allun, just home and women and a fitting memor- Pascoe, Ruth and Loran, Bowmnan- from overseas. It can be said at ial to thiose who lad fallen. Even t e ville, at Lloyd Boome's.-Mm. once that the address of MVIr. Fish- the ain leld off until it was time t and Mrs. Norman Leachi, Taunton; er was pobably the most eloquent, for most people to be in bed. Mm. and Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees, virile and stimulating message*** g Rt. Hon. Vincent Masscy, C.H. Hampton; Mm. and Mrs. Frank heard by Lions for many a yeam. There were a few small - Wright, Grant and Bevemly, Ma- What le said deserves far greater items which added much to ýe Higli Commissioner for Canada ple Grove; Mm. Donald Yellow- intepretation than can be given the day for those who ivit- - in Great Britain all during tlie lees, Toronto, at Ernest Hocka- in the limited space available in ncssed them or kncw about Etwar yeams, Rt. Hon. Vincent day's.-Mr. and Mms. Clarence this issue of The Statesmnan. thcm. Did you sec the young -Massey lately resigned lis post Tink, Kathleen, Margaret and Briefly it was a powemful appeal lad ail dressed up in a sailor and arrived home in Canada this- Marion; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dew- to maintain human values and suit and a drum? When the ýn xveek. Prior to lis departure le dll, Mm. and Mrs. Joe Chapman, higli ideals, accepting all peoples Salvation Army band was >_was received by His Majesty at Hampton; Mm. and Mms. Hilton in a universal bmotliemlood. playing in the morning, he ilBuckinghiam Palace who invested Tink and family, Base Line; Miss The Speaker ivas standing on the steps ýnhim witli the Order of Honour, Ruby Dewell, Toronto; Mrs. R. J. Charlie Carter sketdhed the in- alongside the platform beat- ns (C.H.) which ranks higli in pre- McKessock, Mr. and Mrs. Bryce estn proaltry fM. ighsdumnprectm, )e cedence on the Honours Roll. Brown, Oshawa, at Bruce Tink's. FtserestnBoprsnalostomy of r. ie hisacruem in perettimane, Present at the investiture was -Mm. and Mms. Bert Montgomery,sadWoBmcsMnuett toarrn. udnyaite Prime Minister Mackenzie King, Ian ,Donna *sand MiriamMoumnta t er rMm. andya itl ~-who led the cheemîng for Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson, Betty and Queenston in the year 1906, young bacdocmevrtoh, et lVqs. Massey as tliey departed Donald, Mr. and Mms. Bill Gilroy, Fisher went on to graduate fmom he stoppcd bis playing and Sfrom Waterloo Station, London. Oshawa, at Bruce Montgomery , . Ontario Agricultural College and knelt down to pat it a few Membemship in the Order of Hon- -m n m.HryJs n to return to the family farm times before going on with bis T .i our is limitad to 50 men or women Douglas, Newcastle; Miss Luella faou frfritcltre weeie m sie Jimmfon, telyar T in wlo lave rendemed outstanding Hepburn, Mrs. Arthurm lur, as emained save for travels here thtbSstimy he-er )nnational service. Ja and Mury epbun Mis and theme abroad. Three children old son of Major and Mrs. e ll It is anticipatcd tliat Mm. and Ruth Reynolds, Hampton; Miss now follow lis footsteps and look James Cooper of the local Sal- t Ld Mrs. Massey, both seeking a rest Muriel Tink, Ebenezer, at Clar- quite confidently to the Lioïme. vation Army and is an old ne e aftem years of very licavy respon- ence Vice's.-Mm. and Mrs. Ce- International Convention at Phil- band with the drum sticks. TI e- tibilities overseas, will spend part plias Mountjoy, Islington; Mrs j. adelphia, wliere, in July, accord- Early this week, bis fun was a- of the summer montîs at their E. Elliott, Miss Annie Mountjoy, ing to Mm. Carter, this cloquent intcrrupted by a tonsil oper- an icountry estate at Canton, near Bowmanville; Mrs. Gordon Mc- fruit fammer will be clevated to a ation, but he's doing fine and vi t- or Hoe.Tliy illbewecom cn Urie, a rVice - Presidency, International will be back for the next big el 1-Pr oe hywl ewl -LeaUbridgeMr.ad Ms affair. h. cd home to Durham County. Hoski&,Smth and family, Enficld: Lions. ýr. Mme1¶tOn Iemnad ly Mr. Fisher congatulated Bow- s ofHayd1MonMs elmandilod,Tm-manville Lions in that ticir clubM Obituary on MtiRsclmGibrT- witlin a single decade lad been A ÈOOST FROM THE POST s n-O iu r nta uelGilbemt's.-Misses honored with election of thre Frtcps e ots th i-Isabelle Westley and Lauma Gan-Foth a fwmnshi .,ie dolfo, Toronto, at Jack Yeîîow- District Govemnors and iad corne coîumn las been telling you just da nt ALFRED McKENZIE NICHOLS lees'.-Mm. and Mrs, Roy McGill,to be known widely as a live, how important thc weekly news- A barber in Whitby for the past Keith and Reva, Enniskillen; Mr. progressive organization. He sin- paper is in theIchleme of tiings. re 25 yeams, Alfred McKenzie Niciols and Mrs. Foster Snowden, Joe, glcd out J. J. Brown, Emmons Possibly you believed it and pos- th er psse awy i th Oshwa en-Bil an Ann Mr an Mr. PreyCrawford and Charlie Carter as sibly you didn't, but this week we themal Hospital on May 21st, follow- Mountjoy, Mm. and Mrs. Everctt tîreDsrc Govemnors, wlose are proud to announce that that Ti eding a seious illness of about four Mountjoy, Kedmon; Mm. and Mrs. friendship lie greatly valued. He ebteemed dhild of tic late Benja- hi months. He lad been in poor Arthur Langmaid and Evelyn, went on to tell of thie inspiration min Franklin, Thie Satumday Ev- ig lealtI for the past two years. Oshawa; Miss Helen Camemon, dvda in hc aehmata nodsyewel es eie mascainwt n ening Post, lias seen fit to por- ci um Born in Courtice 56 yeams ago, Zion, at Roy Langmaid's. dgreda iftn ls womk avan Intrape ant, u-snte edium ofs- heMm. Nichols was the son of Thos. Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Cossman, national Director, pamticulamly in aNormantRockw ellmdbush of e ied and Mary Ann Niclols and lived Taunton; Mm. and Mrs. Fred Rob- fomeign countries.NomnRkwl' rs.e iin Bowmanville in his youthful bins and Isobel, Mm. and Mrs. Cuba Convention Tearitbaaaghih years wlcrc lie was mamried in Chiarles Naylom and Janet at C. h ritbscuh h February, 1919, to Alice Edgar. D. Pascoe's.-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Recently back from Cuba and atmospbcre of the wcekly per- fE He had lived in Wliîtby for 25 Smales, Oshawa, at J. Smales'.- side tours as far soutl as' Texas fectly and both the story ac- s e years and was a memnber Of Mm. and Mrs. Lomne Hoskin, Mur and as far nomtli as Dakota, Mr. companying the pictures and R Whitby United Churci. ray and Allan, Tyrone; Mm. an Fisher told in striking ternis some ýsketches and the editorial C He leaves besides lis wife one Mms. Glen Hoskin and Darleen, of thc lessons le lad leamned comment at the rear of the ei o r daugliter, Fern, at home; one Mm. and Mrs. J. E. H. Davis, Osh- througli lis association witl Lion magazine pay bigh tribute j; le sister, Mrs. William Spry of Bow- awa; Mm. and Mms. Jim Reynolds, delgates from Latin Amendca. His wbich will be appreciated by W en manville and tîrce brothers, David and John, Hampton; Mr. message was one that portmayed everyone who bas known or S r- William and Leslie of Bowman- and Mms. Walter Davis and June, vividly how little wc in Canada rcad a Homctown weekly. The ti *d.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ viladLterfClbge ern tRîl ai.M eally know about our neighbors editorial is very intcresting up Ont. and Mms. Neil Yellowlecs, Carol in tliis hemisphere. In lis mess- as it depicts the country paper c: ili The funeral conducted by Rev. and Donna, Tymone, at Wes. Yel- age le singled out four men, all as the "Symbol of Dcmoc- Et rie C. G. Park, was licld fmom the lowlces'.-Mr. and Mms.R. Holdenlholding liîgî positions in Lions racy."1 ed Lukc-Mclntosh Funemal Home, Oshiawa; Miss Mary Dyem, MmrW International, all Latin speaking si* d. Oshawa, with interment in Bow- .DyW'olmus r ad a~r nd eadli prominent in Pan-Amer- manvill CemeteyD.Ruselmbins;an icn.afaîs.dIc eadr a.n We ike to pride ourselves on IV ng mavill Cemtery Russll Prkin andMargaret, ithem as.LionslInternationalbeing a littie more up-to-date c rs Bearers were Messrs. Johnson, Zion; Mm. and Mrs. Harvey Harris Pres w a iConeratoofalthcnte toacct on uwhîac he Heard, Davidson, Burden, Whit- and Billy at F. Gilbert's.-Mr. and Peiet aioClao fi oe oacpigwt lc li- by: Tliomas, Oshawa, and Wmn. Mrs. Norman Wright, Maple Havana, Cuba. mty tic nîce tîîngs thc Post says i )erSpy, owanill. roe; is Magurie WigtLatin Ideals about our occupation or profes-b erin ,Bwavlc rv;Ms agert mgt hs esi m ihr sion, we "lap" it up. We'd lovea in ~~~~~~~St. Catharines; Mr. and Mms. Geo.1 truly lad a world outlook and t ern I ril n h vl.- is os a~Wi m.aaBlackstock, Miss Lena Taylor, of5 o f Mms. Leo Moffatt and Paul, Osi-BwanilatE .Talrs u- awa, at Percy Davidson's..... r. ay Cleam E.R. ad Inez, ýunt Miss Helen Camenon at Roy Lang- Zin madMrs. J.y W. Balsod nz en- maid's, Solina.. . . Mrs. Chas. an eaHapon; M . and Mrs. .Blo Ntlatnior heoeandMr. . castemHarold Balson and Gene, Mm. and 'taiattndc tI Hom an ScoolMrs. Russell Balson and Carolyn, Club meeting at Hampton... Bowmanville, at A. J. Balson's. Mîr. and Mrs. A. T. Stainton at M.anMs.JW.Yloes Bnaccbidge.. . andMr. Mr. and Mrs. J.W.Yloes ole. McMaster and Ashton, Toronto, at and Gladys attended the Moses- Maj.-Gcn. C. B. Pnice, CB, USO, election by the former Dominion on Alex McMaster's. . . . Mm. and Tiompson weddîng. at Tyrone DCM, of Montreal (lcft) the new- President, Mr. Alex Walker, CBE, in Mrs. Geo.SA.lL. anascoc isofattendingayt24.ly elccted Dominion President of of Ottawa. The hiti biennial con- of Toronto., at Fred Cameron's. . . . A . so satnigtethc Canadian Legion, is shown Vention of Tic Canadian Legion Mr. Jack Stainton at Toronto. (Continued on Page Twelve) above being congratulated on bis was held in Qucbec City. $1 rend of the Tirnes Slaps Us in the Face By The Rack Shop 'Reporter The trend of the times caught up with us this week and slapped us right in the face. We badl big ideas of showing the world how Bow- nanville put across its Wel- come Home to veterans with full width pictures taking Up about half of the front page. Everything wva s included without regard t9ý expense. rhere were photos of the liuge crowd, the over 400 vet- crans, the two hardball teams, the Mayor placing a wreath on the Cenotaph and also throwing the first bail and many others too varied and numerous to detail. We rush- ed the films for development and sent them to, the Toronto engravers in plenty of time. Acknoîvledgement of the large order ivas received and ship- ment was to be made Wednes- day so they would reach here early Thursday in time for publication. And here we are on publication day, sitting like bumps on a log, looking as gloomy as bullfrogs, because we've just completed a caîl to the engravers and learn that the rush of work has de- layed our sbipment which won't be completed until to- night. There wasn't much we could say because the poor fellow sounded weary ja blazes and we could syMpa- thize îvith him in trying to meet delivery dates because now and then we have the same difficulty. Such is life, but we tried hard and will keep on trying. See next week's paper. It should be a dandy. Newcastle Mr. and Mms. RalpI Bradley, oronto, weekend gucsts of Mns. ;tella Anderson. Mrs. Oscar Mihis, Oshawa, en- ,rtained 20 fricnds at an aftcr- oon tea at "Two Elms" or liursday afternoon, May 23rd. Major and Mrs. E. H. McLean, ind daugliter, Linda, Toronto, veme weckend guests of Miss EtI. il Lockhamt. Mm. and Mms. H. Rinliardt anc ;n, Hanover, spent Sunday with Wiss Locklardt. Mn. Rinliardi orne yeams ago was on the staff oi rie former Royal Bank of New- ýastie. Mns. Martin Edsall and dhuld- ren, Toronto, are visiting lier mo. ther, Mrs. D. B. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Howard I7oronto, spent the weekend witi his motier, Mrs. Scott Howard. Our genial postmnaster anc liairman of Newcastle Hydm( Commission, Mr. George Jamie on and Mms. Jamieson, celebrat ed their 25th wedding annivers Lmy on May l8th. On Monday May 27t1 at a happy ceremony hi fellow members of the Commis ion, H. S. Britton, Ernest Rinci Reeve George Walton and Cci Carveth wlio as Reeve lad semv ed on the commission with Mi ramieson, extendcd their bes wishes and felicitations and pre sented him with a vcry liandsorn nri-lite floor lamp. It was an ac knowlcdgment and desenved hom or to one who lias served faitr fully and done so mucli for th wvork of the Newcastle Hydri since it was formed 9 years agc 4Mr. Jamieson lias nesided in New castle for almost 50 ycars ani ias been postmastcr for about 2 years and is one of Newcastle' rnost estcemed citizens and th best wislics of ail tic communit are extended to him and is brid of 25 years ago, tic former Mis Elva Rickamd, daugliter of the lai Mdr. and Mns. Sarnuel Rickar( and who is a lifclong residentc the cornmunity. Mm. and Mrs. Josephi Irwin an farnily, Toronto, arc again occu pying the "Glen" at Newcastle o thc Lake. Professor and Mns. E. Ardagl Toronto, spent the weekcnd their summer homne in Newcastli The annual field day of th scliools of Newcastle and Clark Township will be held at Nev castie Park on June 5th, con mencing at 9:30 a.m. In case( main it will be hcld on Frida: June 7th. The sciool winnir the highest number of pointsi the various events will receive Silver Cup to be held by the whi ners for one year. Tic champic girl and boy in the senior, inte: mediate and junior entries wi ecdli eceive a bronze medal.1 tic afternoon thc final games . softball will be played. Thei will also be a game of footba bctween tcams of north and sou' Clarke. The whole day's ever are open to the public, free charge. Thc prelirninary softbE game bctwecn Newcastle and C ono Public Sclools was playedi Monday afternoon, score 19-8. The first game of the N.O.: Girls' Softball League was pla cd between Newcastle and Néý tonville teams on. Monday eve (Continued on Page Twqlve) LT. JUNE. i SI ýre and family, and Miss Mary Mut- the grounds. ll ton, Toronto, spent the weekend The general parade marched as Lt with their parents, Mm. and Mrs. follows: Bowmanville Band; Town Its Neil Mutton. Council1% Veterans; S.A. Band; of P.O. BiII Raymond, D.F.C., Of Legion; Fire Brigade; Guides and ll Woodstock, N.B., spent the week- Brownies; Scouts and Cubs, witli r- end with Murray Grant, who was the Cobourg Kilties following on on a member of lis crew for 37 op- with Scottish tunes. erations over the continent. O d ro e vc N. Miss HElen Jones, St. Joseph's Th Omrder ofServices nl d Y- Academy, Lindsay, and ,Miss Pa- Thiprsveevcsinud w- tricia Gannon, Peterboroughi, ed the Invocation followed by the nspent the weekend with the for- hymn, "0 Worship the King." imer' s father. Mr. Gilbert Jones. (Continued on Page Seven) tait $UPPORT THE NAVY LEAQUE TAO DAY ~22 1 1 Welcome Home to Soldiers Draws Unprecedented Crowd Big Ovation Given Veterans Between 4,000 and 5,000 peo- pie of Bowmanville and district alcame together on Friday, May 24, to take part in the grand "Wel- ESocia:land Personal corne Home" to the Bowmnanville Ymen and women, more than 400, who volunteered for service in the late war and to accord solemn Mrs. C. G. Kerr is visiting Mrs. honor to the memory of the 30 of Robt. VanPatter, R.R. 8, St. Tho- their number who paid the su- mas. preme sacrifice. The central idea Mrans. Osa .misn of the day, which was proclaimed Mr. nd rs.Oscr Jmieona civic holiday by Mayor C. G. Bob and Allun, Peterborough, vis- Morris, was to pause at the Cen-. ited Mrs. H. Jamieson. otaph to lay a wreath to the fallen Mrs. A. W. Skuce and Mr. Hen- and then to go on to the High ry Skuce, Lindsay, were guests School stadium to extend the of- of Mrs. J. E. Flett. ficial welcome home and to pre- Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicks spent sent to each veteran a ring in- the holiday and weekend in Niag- scribed with the Bowmanville ara and Buffalo, N.Y. Coat of Arms as a token of grati- Corne and hear the Osborne tude from the entire community. maie quartette at Salem concert Fine Weather Monday, night, June 3. The day broke clear and cool, Miss Marion Scott, Perth, spent with a slight threat of ramn but it the weekend with lier parents, held off tîli late in the evening Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott. which permitted the main pro- Mrs. K. M. Lewis, Beamsville, gram to be run off with the pre- is visiting Mrm. Hartley Lewis, cision planned by the various Mary Ellen and Hartley. committees which had worked Mrs. Selena Lee is visiting hier faithfully for several weeks on daughter, Miss Alice Lee, and the many details necessary for the other friends in Toronto. occasion. The general plan of the day was made known in several Mr. H. Edgerton, Orangeville, previous issues of The Statesman spent the holiday weekend with and hence only a general picture his daughter, Mrs. J. Living. of thlb parade and ceremonies is Mrs. Gordon McLean, Ux.- here set forth as a matter of local bridge, visited lier aunts, Mr, J. history of a most notable occasion. E. Elliot and Miss Mountjoy. The program of sports will be Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, found on an inside page. Islington, visited his sisters, Mrs. u eT rn J. E. Elliot and Miss Mountjoy.Huehrn Mrs. J. Berthia Finney and Mrs. Shortly after noon the crowd Martha Louchel, Akron, Ohio, vis- began to assemble along flag- ited Mrs. Hooper, Carlisle Ave. decked streets and at the Public Miss Grace A. Hall, Hamilton, School grounds where the parade is visiting lier brother, Mr. Clar- formed up. By 1:30 p.m., the un- >ence Hall, and sister, Mrs. R. M. its designated for their respective Cale. markers were ready to mardi. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hughes and The main section was made ui, of -Jimmie, Toronto, were weekend the Token Force and veterans of guests with Mrs. Geo. E. Pritch- the late war commanded by lead- ard. ers whose namnes appeared in the Mr. Jim Southey, Hamilton, press, May 23. At the command Visited lis parents, Mr. and Mrs. of parade marshal, Major Joe E. C. Southey over the holiday O'Neill, M.C., the assembly moved weekend. off led by the Bowmianville Band. IMiss Lena Haddy returned to Haîf way along came the Silver iToronto after spending a few Band, Dovercourt Salvation Army, [t days with lier aunt, Mrs. Harry Toronto, and at the rear, the Co- f Foster. bourg Kilties in martial array. - Miss Yvonne Boyd and Miss Passing through cheering, dense- Eleanor Johnston, Toronto, were ly packed people, the parade hal- -guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ted at the Cenotapli. -Johnston. At the Cenotaph Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hutch- The ceremony at this point, iinson and Joan, Toronto, spent the with the veterans facing the gran- hholiday with lis mother, Mrs. M. ite shrine at attention, and the SJ. Hutchinson. people massed about, was a short Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Paterson, prayer by Major W. Cooper, Sal- d Toronto, were holiday visitors vationArmy, with its band play- .0 with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. ing music for the hymn. Mayor Thos. Bennett. Morris placed the wreath with Mrs. K. Davies, niece of Mrs. J. Padre dePencier Wright and Ma- Living, recently arrived from jor Cooper at lis side. It was the TLondon, England, is visiting rela- very appropriate municipal ex- 'S tions in Orangeville. pression to the memory of the Mrs. K. Reade and Miss Glenna fallen observed with one minute SReade, Toronto, were guests of of silence. LMr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin over With the local police and sev- the Sunday vîitos ithMr.an eral special constables clearing the t. Ms.na iios t Mere n way, the parade moved on to the andrs Charles Carter, Sr., wr Mr- Higli Sclool grounds and took po- a-adMrs. Ernie Houghton and Mr. sitions in close order before the e and Mrs. Arthur Hall, Toronto. stand erected for the occasion, C_ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Casbourn, while thousands of citizens found LToronto, Sergt.-Major Irerle Cas- places on the stands and grounds Sbour, C.W.A.C., Long ranch, thereabouts. Grouped about the e with Mr. and Mrs. H. Casbourn. Mayor on the platform were the OMiss Gladys Miller, Weston, Mr. members of Ministerial Associa- . and Mrs. Roger AlIchin, Lee and tion, the token representation of v- Andrea, Port Hope, were weekend Silver Star Mothers, members of id guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ail- the town council and Col. J. C. Z5 dmi. Gamey, Orono, former command- ' ,Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Vanstone, er of the lst Midland Battalion. le Nancy, John and Alice, Kitchener, A teto y spent the weekend with his par- A teto le ents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Van- Wlen the parade was finally ss stone. assembled on the grounds under . .-A

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