Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1946, p. 7

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ESbLÀ&N, BOWIMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 ut t - a .icy t c nowledge the splendid One-W hite, tube ---------- aid given by those who sre with me, Clvîrics Carter, Sr., Mel- _____________________boumne Wight, Joe O'Neill, Jack SPECIAL ALL SIZES ___________ Griffith, Frank Jamieson, Mrs. Ted Large of the Women's Leg- ion, Councillor Norman Allison. WIfl1Mu~ Dcputy Reeve A. W. Northcutt, A RR SA~ CouncillorS Baker, Gibbs and Dil- IIUIiIling and notably the gencral pub- f romIVD lic which, altogether joined in anZi LLAILLERY occasion of great success and high A O Il ~~honor. Sde ite $ wwKing St., W. Bowmanville Sde ite $4 951 22-1 Reeve and Chairmnan ________________ HAMPERS - BASKETS MEN'S lATS BRR Th aetin men's headwear styled by VanKirk. IfBE R BOXES you want a good hat corne in and see ou.r latest. Malcolmu Ainslie Couch, iohnston & Crydermian NECSLMet ld PERONE su6 BOWMUANVILL Agent for Canada Wood Products Lt. 25 for $10 TLhU1SJAY, MAY 30tfl, 1946 Henry. During her visit she Âat- col _______________________________tended the performance of tije ris show "Stop and Go" at the Royal ke: Alexandra Theatre. Afterwards ies SO ILAND PERSONAL t Margaret and her aunt were con- the IZS CIA Qducted back stage by a member pr Phone 663 of the cast and saw how the on show wvas put on. the AIl service personnel. who were W Mr. Edgar Cator, met with a eration and is a well-informed presented with rings at the May da painful accidente when a bullet and interesting speaker. We in- 24th ceremony that do not fit, are went through his foot causing vite the public to corne and hear requested to drop them in at Give Useful ehm oprso arsJwlryM Mrs. F. Cator is still at ber daugh- Judge J. C. A. Cameo h SSosfrsiigvfti ol emdclatni. Hsmohrhm.oprsor ar' JweeyM ter's in Orono. appointed industrial disputes in- done as soon as possible it would fo: The SS Lady Nelson, docking quiry commissioner to explore the hîlp the jewellers in sizing and th Electrical Presents at Halifax, June 2nd, brings 100 difficulties between the rubber speed up their return. Any rings Cc but the passenger list shows none senting the emnployees is a bro- be obtained from Alex Lyle at fa destined for Bowmanville and ther of Mr. A. R. Cameron, bar- the Town Clerk's Office. b We Suggest:- district. rister, Belleville, who was a "Third Freedom," is the title of vi Beui.ul. .EicticDistinctive and artistic is the member of the Bowmanville High the film to be shown in the Town ec Beauifui. . Eletricnew neon sign erected, Wednes- School teaching staff back around Hall, tomorrow night, May 31st, ar TABLE LAMPS IRONS- day, at 41 King St. East. Brought 1910. at 8 p.m. This is a free show, se BODOR AMS OATESout in white and blue light are Miss Mary C. McCulloch, daugb- sponsored by Bowmanville Lions jo BOUDOR LAM S TOATERSthe words: Morris Funeral Ser- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mc- Club. It is a remarkable film d BED LAMPS HOT PLATES vice, Chapel. Culloch, R.R. 2, Oshawa, was that reveals how men wounded in fc PINUPLAMP Ca.FE AKRSMrs. S. Davey, Flint, Mich., among the graduates of Toronto the late war are getting re-estab- fa PIN-U LAM S COFEZ M KERS Mrs. W. Merrick, Detroit, Mich., General Hospital who received lished iii civil life. It is hoped d WALL DECORATIONS Mrs. A. Newson, North Chicago, their diplomas on May 23. Miss that the public will take full ad- ___________________________________________ Ill1., and Mrs. Mort Murdoif, Lind- McCulloch is a graduate of her vantage of- this opportunity to If tsElctrcal - We di t!say, were holiday guests of Mr. local public school and of the learn the problems of those who If Is Elctrîal W Sel It!and Mrs. Robt. Nicholson. Oshawa Collegiate and Vocation- now suffer disabilities due to war e If t' Eecrial W R par t!Mr. Harry Grigg, Dr. and Mrs. ai Institute from which she grad- servIce. S IfI' lcrcl W earI!Ireland, Johnnie and Patricia, uated in 1942. Ote of the largest classes in 25 & Toronto, were weekend guests of Roving canines are again caus- years assembled Sunday morning iv Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westaway. ing concern among pedestriansfrcofrmto a:St oh' Also :- Battery Radios - Batteries - Flashlights Miss Nell Rundle, Montreal, Several people have been b TtOen officn hucae. Reportof er- adRdoBbsoAiTye.was guest of Mrs. E. McNulty for and local doctors state that they T wnofcae.Rpr fsr Flashlight ahedweReniohaveleen cofed uonTtotrsatvice is on another page. Those 'n Bowm nvile' Elctrial eaduarersMrs. R. Coombes and Carol, haîf a dozen people in recent coHnfied arey folows: Marga Bow anile' Eecricl eaqurtrS Guelph, spent a week with her weeks. Mrs. B. Bridges, walking et H ennng, Roau~e un EvasN- a 1mother Mrs. L. Hilderley (who is along Manvers Road, Sunday, was el Syn ene, Roarg Ev an Noan-t] recovering from an operation). seV'erely bitten by a dog, owner cySfteiMrae usaJa Mr. Coombes joined themn for the unknown. She was attended by Lewins, Marie Lewins, Mary Sou- S T R t D O S R Pwelcome home soldiers' day, and Dr. C. W. Slemon. they, Mary Humphrey, Nancy EXPERT RADIO REPAIRS took part in the celebration. Miss Margaret Henry spento Vao, AJakMo ate, Jac ut-e, The Bicycle Safety Club, with few days in Toronto last week astosaAanMfatPulVe William Ovary, Barry Mason,1 38 King St. E. Phone 573 Bowmanviile President John Cattran in the guest of hier aunt, Miss DorothY George Heath, Thomas Annis, chair, met for routine business in Lwec hnCclKrBa the Town Hall, Saturday rmorn- Lwec hnCclKrBa ing. Lion Aubrey Smith was in C H U R C H E S trice Quinney, Helen Large, Bet- chare o trffi cout. he lubty Nichols, Jean Grace, Elsie Ged- will meet again Saturday morn- EVANGELISTIC TABERNACLE des, Muriel Rogers, Stella Lewis, igas usual. in charge of Mr. O'Brien Mrs. Chas. Bettles, Mrs. Cully. Traffic was halted and re-routed June 2, 1946 __________________ at the west bridge Sunday after- 11 a.mn.-"Seek Ye First" noon when a heavy transport 7 p.m.-"Blood Atonement." NEWCASTLE broke down squarely on the ____ M L A T 'sbridge. Little damage was done. TRINITY UNITED CHURCHI Miss Jean Gray, Bracebridge. Chief of Police Sidney Venton Rev. J. E. Griffith, B.A., Minister and bier fiancee, Mr. Jack Rice. took charge of traffic while re- Sunday, June 2nd, 1946 Bowmanville, were weekend pairs took place. il a.m.-Rev. H. B. Burwell, get fMs ulaGaEm Wednesday afternoon the editor Trotogurstsotelr. ulaG yEm of The Statesman with his farm il a.m.-Junior Church. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Gaines, Plus and garden reporter, took in the 12:30 p.m..-Sunday School. OhwM.adMs onC Clydesdale show on teEmcLaughlin,00p.mn.-lHighlights of Confer- OGaaie, Lyndaand M Jieorn-C Farms of R. Ray MLuhi,*ence," the Minister. Gto , pen te end it Torn FR I S a d G O E I S - Oshawa. It was a splendid show, to____theeed ih r FR IT a d RO ER ESa report of which we hope to have ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN and Mrs. George Gaines. in next week's issue. Rector: Rev. J. dePencier Wright W lo eH m at ~Mrs. George Herringer (Alma Sunday after Ascension WloeHm James), Maple Creek, Sask., bas 11 a.m.-Holy Communion and____ been in Toronto attending the sermon. (Continued from Page One) Ed o d to e s M a k twedding of lier son Capt. James Nursery-age 2 to 7." Father S. J. Coffey, Captain and E dm ondstone's M aiketingr an Helen Phyllis Te- 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. Pde fee h edn Ltu be :00 p.m.-Evern5ong and sermon.no priefmumn'Rv.J ite be aut, rs.Edwrd ow- COMNO VEN S E. Griffith pronounced,the pray- When you want the best of food and meats drop itdugher , John Oed ara, vis- VE Tes n are e. ..deece inoorsoe etaepiei en al oofryn er, Oshawa. _________W________ rghnd Padrehev. . 'eP fene intoourstor. W tak prde li bing bleto ofer~OU Alderman T. A. Garton bas just Corne to the piano and organ Wih edtenmso h the best of meats, groceries, fruit and vegetables. received the first new commercial recital by Miss Phyllis Challis fallen . The hymn, "God of Our truck since 1942, a handsome, red- and lier pupils at Trinity United Fathers" preceded the off icial wel- cab, one and a haîf ton Stude- Church, Friday, June 7, at 8 p.m. - -u FutDipa baker chassis. While awaiting in- Sponsored by Trinity Y.P.U. Ad- Items left out due to lack of terested buyers hie is trying it out mission 25c - 15c. 22-1 space include Blackstock News, over town streets over which he Lins______reorsashw presides as Chairman of Roads Starr and Co. are presenting er and two obituaries and one ]Edmoimdstofnls bMarket andr% ts Con Sun movies with modemn R.C.A. sudwdig dA, Jue l2ind Rev. H.oB.une-equîpment at Blackstock every HareyJont Popieorda, un 2d ev H B BrwllTuesday. A double feature, June _________ Harey oitPro rieorof Toronto will be the guest 4, Jimmy Wakely in "Lonsome speaker in the 7 o'clock service- Trail" and Edmund Lo\ýe in "The Phone 375 Bowrnanville, Ont. Rev. Burweli is representative Strange Mr. Gregory." 22-1* of the Ontario Temperance Fed-____ Salem Sunday School anniver- sary will be held Sunday, June 2, services 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. D.S.T. Guest speaker Rev. W. W. Pat-- terson, Newcastle, in the after- CARI noon, and Rev. B. S. Morwood, Oshawa, in the evening. Special When music assisted by St. Paul's quar- * w S finest tet, Bowmanville. Monday night, L W S filledi June 3, at 8 p.m., D.S.T., a variety PRICES sicknes CT O S program of vocal and instrumen- WE SI tal music including the Osborne quartette, monologues, and three 66 one-act comedies will be present- i loln Ê11y .cd. Admission 25c and 15c. 22-1 THE CANADIAN STATIE 'RESCRIPTIONS- EFULLY AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED you bring your prescriptions to us yau can. be assured of the possible resuits. Each one is carefully studied and accurately with the purest ingredients. We specialize ini this work. When ss prevents you from bringing your prescriptions ta us PHONE 792 HALL CALL FOR IT, FILL IT, AND DELIVER IT PROMPTLY. - FOR FOOT COMFORT i Nu-Feet Insoles ................ 25c 25c I.D.A. Corn Remover......... 19 TIRED FEET Olympene - 50c-$1.00 ti.,V ô Zam-Buk ------ 47c Se J jmqSchool's Carn ivet. V pPads ----------- 35e 8Freezo ie --------- 32e Cress Carn Salve 50e Schall's Foot 1 ~Absorbmne Jr. 98c-1.95 Putnam's Corn jEs - . M Extractor --------- 7 SPECIAL Black and white en- largement 8" x 0" i special 10"x12" leath- erette frame with glass face, campletet $1.79 We feature "Radiant Phatos" by Mercury. Bring your filmns to us. 750SHEITR 5 iou.S FRt27Ç AIEJ LAURA SECORD CANI 's o M& * e-c l Ki A i MCLEAN STOMACU POWIEIR 59rc 9gu 15c Boraciec------- lice $2.25 Lactogen -- $1.59 35e Wormn Syrup 27e 35c Corega-------- 24e 39c A.S.A. Tablets 19e $1.25 Plnkham's Camp-----------------7 DENTAL LIQUID 2 or 3 drops pei Iresh, brecth swe*t. LARGE 3:3Ç MEDIUM19 SIZE SZl on the air-" Shore the Wealtb" every Saturday Night. Lots of big cash Puises. 31Canadien stiations-C.B.Ç. Ses yen: radio lisisng for "dui stâtraou. fabrics and f urs far 5 years with BERLOU -- $1.31-$2.57 LEG PAINTS Dubarry ------------------------ $11 Duratian ---------------- - 49 No-Haz ---------------------- 6 c PRESCRPTIONS A SPECIAL X hMcOREOOR DISDRUOmS PONE 792 - WB DELIVR nl=TTýIDCTA'%Y ILXA" OA&U InAg 1*7 ýý"rD rrDAAC p MW m 1 % PAGE SEVEN )me home of Mayor C. G. Mor- One of his daughters is Mrs. L. C. buried in Orono cemetery on Mon- ýwho then off iciated in the to- Mason, Bowmanvllle. He wasI day. en presentations. The ceremon- ýclosed with the National An- em and the Benediction. The rogrammes available to every- Le present, contained the list of ose who volunteered and who 7ere the honored guests of the 'y. Speaking with deep feeling the T h n s . . layor spoke directly to the young 'terans facing him centrally be- oee pforhfl. fHe etredto Bowmnanvîfle Citizens rthe patform.tHakofe eiree acrifice so willingly accepted, so aithfully carried out by the mem- )rs of each branch of the ser- ice. Their task was accomplish- The War and Civie Committee of the I .with honor to their native town Corporation of Bowmanville extend to the Lid with greater honor to them- elves. Together now ail would thousands of citizens who came out to honor oin in maintaining the peace sothho coigftervaansodrsf learly won. A period of silenceth oeoigftervaansldr f dlowd ot o resectforthethe late war, the heartfelt thanks of those allen and the Last Post was soun- le by Bugler James Nokes. charged with organizing Soldiers' Day, May Token Gixts 24th. Thanks to one and ail for a successful, The token presentation înclud- ýd the gift of rings to the Silver notable and patriotic occasion. Star Mothers and the Token Force Jrawn Up on the parade ground. MIrs. Alex Colville who lstail W R AD CVC O jIT three sons was first to be honored W RAD CVCCM ITZ and the token was accompanied by the gift of a cluster of red car- s ITE nations. Followng the other mo- I LTLE thers came the Token Force and Chairmail. as each crossed the platform they were greeted with a handclasp by he Mayor. As the small band filed past there came a swelling, pontaneous round of applause _________________________________ across the whole field. It was the voice of Bowmanville welcomrng home its heroes. Obituary tC> ei<22nd Annual Oshawa LIONEL A. DENT The leading daily papers of On- tario gave prominence, Tuesday f to the passing of Lionel A. Dent, who died, May 27, at Lady Minto Hospital, Cochrane, at the age ofR OAYFI «He was a veteran of the North- west Rebellion in 1885, and at its ~~ conclusion came back to Toronýo, Thursday m EKluay - Saturday where for many years he wasa sergeant on the Toronto Police JN Foc.Following is retirement J N hie farmed for somne years at Or-3 NU H S F F N ono and later joined his son at3 11G N HT 0F FU Cochrane who holds the post of Game Overseer in that district. Children's Matinee - Saturday 2.30 p.m. Born at Cowansville, Que., in early age the ninth man to vol- Alxandra Park, Oshawa unteer in the first all-Canadian SEIL ATATO regular army. In the Royal Can- SEILATATO ainRegiment lie was among the C E O E O E 1first 100 troops t leave Toronto C E O E O E to quell the uprising in the West. For a short period hie became an- 24 Thrilling Acts - infantry instructor and one of his raw recruits at that time was the BANDS3 MIDWAY- PARADE late General Sir Sam Hughes. Bring the Family to Oshawa's Annual Frolic 1 Mr. Dent was a member of the ,United Church and a leader in PROCEEDS FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WORK -Sunday School work. He is sur- AND ROTARY ACTIVITIES vived by six sons and three daugh- ters and a brother in Vancouver. VITE 5c-25C 1 k £.ÉM INDIGESTION ANL) M m Fý: m 1

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