Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1946, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAR[O THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1946 BIRTHS - COL',At Bowmanville Hospital on Good Friday, April 19, 1946, ta Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas Cale, Bethesda, the gift of a daughter, Winnifred Jean. 18-1 FALLS-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Falls, are happy ta announce the birth of a son, a little brother for Roy and Marlene, at Bawman- ville Hospital on Saturday, April 27, 1946. 18-1 Piano Tuning Ragnar Steen, piano tuner. Leave order at Marr's Jewelery Store. -18-2* Registered Optometrist 3-day service Special Arrangement By appointment: 9.30 to 12 and 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. DISNEY BLDG., OFF. F.. OFFICE 1516 - RES. 2526 OSHAWA, ONT. Installed ini Any Type of Furnace Government Licensed Radio Sales and Service Your Radio Called for and Delivered Prompt Service assured with work guaranteed You are charged for essentiai work on your set only. Your radio can be repaired Have it donc now. If you need tires for your car aur advice is to get them now. COMPLETE TRACTOR TIRE REPAIR SERVICE Complete Truck and Passenger Car Tire Repairs. Willard Batteries Phone 467 King St. Bowmanville ASHTON-Suddenly at Enniskil- len, on Saturday, April 27, -1946, Ellas Charles Ashton, beloved hus- band of Ethel Maud Stainton, ag- ed 69 years. TRENOUTH-Suddenly in Nap- anee, on April 29, 1946, William J. Trenouth, 67 years, beloved husband of Ida Gilbert, and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trenouth, Bowmanville. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Shackleton- wish ta announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Edna, to Phillip Lattimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Lattimer. Wedding to take place the first day of June. 18-1 Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Thampsan, Tyrone, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Florence Marie, to Horace R. Moses, son of Mrs. Moses and the late Harold Moses. The wedding will take place May 24th, 2:30 p.m., at Tyr- one United Church, Tyrone. 18-1* IN MEMORIAM MARLOW-In 'loving memory of a dear Husband and Father, George M. Marlow, who passed away, May 2, 1943. Three years have passed since that sad day When one we iaved was cailed away; God took him hame-it was His wiil, Within aur hearts he liveth stili. -Fondly remembered by Wife and Family. 18-1* COATHAM-In ioving memory of our dear Mother, Sarah Jane Ard, whom God took home to resuê April 30, 1945. "In our hearts your memary lingers,1 Always tender, fond and true; There's not a day, dear Mather, We do nat think of yau." -Lovingly remembered by Daughter, Sons and Grandchild- ren. 18-1* READER-In ioving memory o! a dear Mother who le!t us one year ago. "Peacefuily sleeping, resting at iast, The world's weary troubles and trials are past, In silence she suffered, in pa- tience she bore, Till God called her home ta suffer no mare." -Lovingly remembered by Daughter Rose and Famîly. MOLLON-In ioving memory o! aur dear Mother, Maud M. L. Mollon, who passed away May 2, 1945. "We are thinking o! you, dear Mother, In your Heavenly home so fair, And we pray that, with God's mercy, Some day we'll greet you there." -Sadly missed by Sons and Daughters. 18-1 READER-I n loving remembrance of my Mother, Esther Elizabeth Reader, who passed away a year aga, May 2. "Upright and just in ail her ways, Faith!ul and true ta the end o! . her days. In silence she suffered, in pa- tience she bore, Till God called her home ta suffer no more." -Ever remembered by Ernie and June. 18-1* CARDS 0F TlIANKS Mr. Wm. Found wishes ta thank ail the kind neighbors and !riends for their kindness during his îll- ness and the kind attention o! the nurse, Mrs. Wilkins, and also Dr. Fergusan. 18-1* Mrs. S. J. Jackman and family wish ta thank their many friends, relatives and neighbors for their kind expression a! sympathy and for their beautiful floral affer- ings in their recent bere"vement. 18-1 We wish ta send aur sincere thanks ta aur many friends in Hampton for such a lovely fare- weil party gîven us before leav- ing for aur new home in White- vale, and for the lovely gift and flawers. We also wish ta give special thanks ta Mrs. Balsan, Mrs. Wilbur and Mrs. Horn. -Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Burtt 18-if Dr. E. W. Sisson who has been associated with Dr. J. C. Devitt for the past 20 years is apening hils own dental office on May 1. It will be located in his residence on 100 Liberty Street, second house north of Lover's Lane. For Lappaintment, phone 604. 18-l* Work Wanted ROOF coatings, appliance repairs A E S, George C. Allchin, 192 Li- berty St. N., Bowmanville. Phone 2475. 18-4* vi , I have been authorized ta sel] by public auctian on Thursday, May 9, for Carl Wright, Fair View Farm, 1/4 mile west o! Blackstock, his accredited herd o! 38 cattle; 9 registered cows with caives; 8 heifers consisting a! Augustus, Helen o! Tarty, and Duchess o! Gloster; 2 fresh miik cows; 2 steers; 6 fed calves; 1 horse; 5 sows with pigs; 4 sows, due in May. For other articles see bis. Terms cash. Creighton Devitt, Cierk; Ted Jackson, auctianeer. 18-1 The undersigned has received instructions from Mr. Dwight Bunner, 38 Wellington St., Bow- manville, ta sell by public auc- tian at his residence, his house- hoid furniture, including: Dining table, chairs and buffet; living room furniture, centre tables, or- gan, hall-rack, bookease, sewing machine, beds, springs and mat- tresses, dressers, wardrobe, coal ail stove, coal ail heater, add tables and chairs, lamps, pillows, mir- rars, vacuum cleaner; ail paint- ings, good antique dishes, bed- ding and linen, kitchen utensils, lawn mower, and numerous other articles. Sale at 1:30 p.m., D.S.T., Saturday, May" 4th. Terms cash. W. J. Challis, auctioneer; T. S. Mountjoy, cierk. 17-2' Radio Service RADIO Service-If your radio is not giving the trouble-f ree tane and volume which you expect o! it, cail F. Crowe, 102 Elgin St., or phone 2174. . 16-3* Help Wanted' GIRL clerk, steady employment, gaad working çonditîons. Apply Poole's Bakery, or phone 654. SALE BY TENDER REAL ESTATE The premises in the Township of Darlington listed below are affered for sale by tender ta the highest bidder best subject ta re- serve bid. North ha1f of lot 3, Concession 9, 100 acres; Lot 3, Concession 10, 100 acres; South haîf o! North Half Lot 4, Concession 9, 50 acres. Tenders will be received for ail the above premises as a whole or separately and must be sent post prepaid or delivered ta the office o! the undersigned on or before May l8th, 1946, in a sealed envelope plainly marked as fol- lows: "Tender for Wm. Reynolds Estate." The tenders will be op- ened at 3 p.m., May l8th, 1946, at the office o! the undersigned and those submitting tenders may be present. Terms: Marked cheque for 10 per cent o! tender price ta be en- clased with the tender, balance in cash on June lst, 1946. The Vendor reserves the right ta reject any tender. W. R. Strike, K.C., King Street, Bowrnanville, Ontario. Executor Wm. Reynolds' Estate. 18-3 ORDERS taken for sewing, knit- ting, crocheting or other hand work. Apply Mrs. Charles Viv- ian, Hampton. 17-2* TRACTOR custom work, plough- ing, cultivating, discing. I also have John Deere tractor repair parts. F. S. Allen, phone 594. 17-tf-4* PAINTING, furniture refinished, cars sprayed, upholstering and car trim. Top deck, slip covers made ta measure. Bowmanville Re-hab. Fred Lake, 35 Temper- ance St. 16-3* CAPABLE girl just finishing cam- plete coùrse in office practîce, bookkeeping, etc., woud like pos- ition as stenographer or with some stenography work included. Phone 2405. 18-1* Wanted To Buy TWO outside doors, 2'6"x6'6". Apply Tom Depew, 17 Division St., Bowmanville. 18-1* CAR-1935-36-38, in gaad condi- tion. Wili pay cash. Box 672, Statesman Office. 18-1* POSTAGE stamps, befare 1900, on envelapes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Box 414 Statesman Office. 13-8a PIANOS-Will pay cash for ap- proved instruments. Write or tel- ephone F. J. Mitchell, Bowman- FEATHERS and feather beds of ail descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write particulars ta Queen City Feather Ca., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. 12-tf SINGER Drap Head Sewing Ma- chines. Will pay cash, caîl or write, -Singer Sewing Machine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 ta $10 accord- ing ta weight. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 52-tf Auction Sale-s I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for Mrs. Avery and W. W. Horn, at Hampton, their household effects on Saturday, May 11, 1946, at 1 o'clock (D.S.T.) Terms cash. See itemized iist. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 18-1 I have been authorized ta sel by public auction for J. Gay at Courtîce, on No. 2 Highway, an Saturday, May 4, ail his farm stock, horse-drawn impiements, and other articles toa numerous ta mention. See bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 17-2* NEW Hoover vacuum, has not been used. Phone 811. 18-1* OAK Extension dining table. Phone 2310. 18-1* BLUE suit, almast new, size 14. Gardon Gibson, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 3813. 18-î* PIANO, Gourlay make and bench in Ai condition. Apply T. Lymer, 69 Queen St. Phone 379. 17-2* CAR radio R.C.A. Wm. Mahaffy, Enniskillen. Phone 2570, Bow- manville. 17-2* COMPLETE set of 12 volumes of Books of Knawledge, in first class condition. Phone 2697. 18-1 * MIXED hardwood $14 per cord delivered. Apply Lea Szigeti, Tyrone. 17-4* SMALL piano. This is a desir- able instrument. Telephone 492 Bowmanville. 17-2* WOOD-Mixed hardwood and slabs. Will take orders naw and deliver. J. A. Carscadden, Orona. Phone 25-r-9. 16-3* TYRONE Greenhouses best val- ues in flower and garden plants. Open evenings until 9 o'clock. T. H. Tabb, proprietar. 17-4'e THRESHING Machine, 3345 Wa- terloo on rubber tires. M.-H. ham- mermill Na. 21A. Apply Thos. Westlake, R.R. 1, Hampton. Phone 2353, Bowmanville. 17-2* TRACTOR, home-made, rubber tires. Also 2-furrow Cackshutt tractar plow and Frost & Wood cultivator. Apply Frank Krolew- ski, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 18-1* CERTIFIED Katahdin potataes, field inspected, bin run $2.75 per 75 lbs., or foundation grade; quan- tity alsike seed. Newton Taylor & Sans, Burketon. Phane Part Perry 193-r-5. 18-1* VEGETABLE and flower plants. Apply Graham's Greenhouses, Enniskillen. (2nd house sauth af Schaal). Open day and night. 18-4* HAWAIIAN guitar, $10, aimost new. Appiy Mrs. Marchant, at Hamptan. 18-2* NEW 1946 Dor-meyer electric food mixers, $31.95 camplete, The Radia Shop, phone 573. 18-1 COCKSHUTT tamato planter in good condition. Bill Stackaruk, phone 2668. 18-1 CHILD'S large play pen, suitable for twins, 7'x3', excellent condi- tion. Phone Clarke 3804. 18-l* HOUSEHOLD furniture. Phane 2385. 18-1 BLUE pram, in flrst class condi- tion. Apply 66 Wellington St., Bowmanville. 18-1* BRAND new Viking Cream Sep- aratar, 350 ibs. capacity. Phone 811. 18-1* COOKSTOVE - Supreme, splen- did baker; Coleman lamp, used one year; 2 hanging iamps; Vega cream separator. Colin Smith, phone 56-r-6, Orono. 18-1* COAL brooder stave and canopy, in good condition; reasonabie. John Jacks, Hampton. 18-1* SHELTER with metal roaf, colany hauses, Jamesway 6 gai. water fountain, chick fountain wîth fee- ders. A. H. Ciemens. Phone 2443. 18-tf ONE pair men's riding breeches, size 16, almost new. John Stutt. Phone 408. 18-1 BABY buggy, high chair, crib, al in gaad condition. Apply Mrs. H. Tabb, 6 Brown St. 18-1* ONE set of two-sectian spring- FRUIT trees-5,000 apple and pear trees, two, three and four- years old. Place order early and avoid disappaintment. Special prices in quantities. Oshawa Nurseries, 159 Verdun Rd., phone 3235. 13-6 Monuments DO you want to save money? Use Watkins A.A. Fîy Spray, 100 per cent active ingredients. Eight reasons why Watkins Fly Spray is superiar: 1, Kills horn and flues, mosquitaes, moths, ants, roaches, bedbugs, spiders, fleas, mites and other crawling insects; 2, Repels; 3, Quick knockdown; 4, Will not taint milfi; 5, Leaves stock dlean; 6, Full milk flow; 7, You use less; 8, Costs less. John Stackaruk, Watkins Dealer, Hampton. For delivery phone 2148. 18-2* % Notice The annual meeting of Lake- view cemetery, Community hall and Park cammittee will be held in Newtonville Community hall, Manday, May 6, at 8 p.m. 18-1 Livestock For Sale ONE caîf. Apply Austin Wood, Bowmanville. Phone 2388. 18-1* THREE brood saws, second lit- ter. Phone Clarke 1914. 18-1* TWO young saws, bred in March. Austin Smith, Burketan. Phone 2154. 18-1 GO OD Jersey cow 7 years old, due ta freshen in a week. T. Wesley Cawker. 18-1 TEAM o! harses; evenings or weekends. - R. Roberts, R.R. 3, Burketan. 18-1* SEVEN cows, some just freshen- ed with caîf, athers due, also 14 very goad type stockers. Sid Bernstein, Pantypoal, Ont. 18-1 YOUNG mare, quiet and harness- broken. Any reasonable offer not refused. A. Neilson, R.R. 2, Les- kard. Phone 1-r-2, Orono. 18-2* WE can still fil arders for Barred Rock chicks for May and June de- livery. Place your orde:r now for Government Approved Chicks with the "Lakefield Chick Hatch- ery." 18-4 BRAY Chicks are available far May-June delivery, if ordered now. Don't think you'll miss al the gaad markets with these later birds. If they're Bray, they're goad. Wide chaice pure breeds and crossbreds. Agent F. L. By- am, Tyrane. 18-1 18 young pigs, 8 weeks ald; bull, suitable ta put on ranch; spring- er, due immediately. Also brood- er hause, fully equipped. Apply E. S. Cobbledick, Newcastle. 18-1 ONE pair twin Holstein calves; one big Holstein caîf; all one day old. Apply Joe Crawford, Ennis- kîllen. Phone 2552. 18-1 TEAM af part Percheron mares, sound and gaad ta work. $150 for team. C. J. Mitchell, Port Hope, R.R. 1, phone Clarke 31-22. 18-1 PERCHERON mare, 6 years aid, sound and good warker. Weight 1,400 lbs. or aver. Also Kidd- Kangaraa gang piow, almast new. Apply J. H. Mallett, Bowmanville R.R. 4. Phone 2616. 18-1 BABY chicks. Only a few hun- dred Barred Rock baby pullets left. Cockerels sold out for sea- son. Apply Donald E. Gibson, Bowmanville. Phone Clarke 3811. 18-2 BABY chicks-It's not tao late ta arder Gainforth chicks for May or June delivery. Phone 2420 for prices and information. Barron's, Hampton. 16-3* BABY chicks-If you are think- ing o! Gibson Barred Rock Chicks, it's time yôu gat in touch. with Don Gibson, Bowmanville. We are practically sald out until May l7th. It will pay you ta raise al the chicks yau can this year. Phone Clarke 3811, or, better still, drap in and order your supply DURHAM COUNTY John Stackaruk, Hampton, Ont., has madè a contract with the J. R. Watkins Ca. ta distribute the well- known Watkins' Uine of spices, extracts, food products, medicines and stock remedies in this com- munity. It pays to wait for (Wat- kin's) doesn't it? Phone 2148. 17-2* Contracting -Safe and sootl *for infants youn child *Contains n turb the ston Pleasan Two Sizes Wampoie's Extract $1.00 lin g -I.I and cMI ren. opi- nach t to take 25C - 50Cj Scott's Emulsion 59C - 98C Enlargement Special, size 4"x 6"......... Phone li L ,,5 CO WLIIIG'SD0 Byes Examined à Now Avallable Remington Electrie Razor Dual Head ------------ $19.95 Triple Head --------- $23.95* LOW PRICES Palmolive Soap -- 2 for lic* Lactogen---------- 69c-$1.59 100 Bland Pulls-------- -25e Pinkham's Comp-------- 87cB Pinex ----------------------- 32ce Curi Combs -------------10e Lux Soap ------ 2 for lic* Long Bar Castile Soap 15eM Ilron & Yeast Tabs.------69e 100 A.S.A. tabs ---------- 19c* Creophos Chase's stops coughs Nýerve Food $1.00 60e - $1.50 . .....2 for 29e RUG STORE We Fit_ Glasses Fitted Optical Repairs PHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT - PHONE 695 Tenders Wanted TENDERS are invited by the Trustees o! Shiloh Church (New- tanvilie Circuit) for the purchase of the ciased shed, up ta May 15, 1946. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Fred Tadd, Secretary o! the Board R.R. 1, Newtonville, Ont. 18-2* Real Estate For Sale TWO lots. Phone 670. lStf 15 ACRES-10 sandy ioam, work- ed; 5 bush; large spring creek; 10 miles from Oshawa, an highway. Apply Box 7, Hampton, Ont. 18-1*~ BUILDING lot on Bowmanville Beach East, 27 feet by 120 feet, deed. Write Box 671, Statesman Office. 17-1* FARM-50 acres, near Newcastle, between highway and lake. Se- yen roam hause, bank barn, $3,- 900. Write owner, Box 673, States- man Office. 18-1* FARM-225 acres, 160 acres work- able, 60 acre pianted in spring crap; 12 acres hardwaod; 50 acres pasture; hard and soft water in hause, runnîng spring water piped into yard; 9-roomed house, in ex- cellent condition; goad stables and barns; 2 miles frorn paved high- way on main gravel road. Earl Prescatt, Tyrone. Phone 2554. FARM-105 acres, 31/ miles east o! Newcastle, Lot 16, Con. 1, Clarke township. Good soul, well drained-37 acres in hay; 35 acres plowed; balance in pasture and wood lot; good weii, near ta school and church. Hydro and telephone available. Price $4,000. Appiy ta owner, A. A. Martin, Brighton. 1 8-2'* Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE of Mary Ann Aluin, late of the Town o! Bow- manville, County o! Durham. ALL persons' having cèlaims against the Estate o! Mary Ann Allin, deceased, who died an or about the 13,h day o! April, 1946, at the Town of Bowmanville, On- tario, must be flled with, the un- dersigned Executrix on or before May lOth, 1946, after which date distribution will take place and dlaims not flled wifl be barred. Dated at Bowmanviile, Ontario, April 23rd, 1946. Nina E. Neads, Executrix 9V/2 King St., Bawmanville, Ont. 17-3 Wantcd to Rent YOUNG married couple urgently require house or part a! house in Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanviile or nearby vicinity. Write Box 674, The Statesman Office. 18-1 For Rent VACUUM cleaner. Phone 811. 18-1* FOUR-roomed apartment. Write Box 271 or phone 538, Bowman- ville. 18-1 SINGER. portable electric in yaur own home. $5 per month. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf F. A. BRUCE 47 Queen St. East Bowmanville Phone 494 34-tf and We aim ta give3 Highest Quality( the lowest price. yaur order now. 114 you the Corn at Place Each year mare farmers are changing ta Hy-brid Cor.n for many gaod rea- sans. It stands up well through storms making it easy ta harvest. One bushel should 50W 6-8 acres which means a littie goes a long, long way, resulting in lower corn costs ta yau. It pro- vides the rich protein and minerai value that live- stock thrive an. 1 NYÀ& [Do It Right With "Sealtite" - 1 1 1 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1 . THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1946 PAGE SIX b, 14

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