Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1946, p. 11

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THE CANA.DIAN STATESMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THIUBSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1946 Haydon . on Monday. i xeddt h the brick house in aur village. 98th birthday on April 26. ta be transplanted just as soon asM Ia d nSympathy i xeddt h Mr. George Cowling has pur- Congratulations to Mr. and weather is suitable. a f amily of the late Elias Ashton in chased the Wright property on Mrs. Thos. Cale (Genevieve Bea- Service Club met at Mrs. A. ki Mr. George Cowhing and Mrs. the sudden passing of a beloved the back street. cack) on their marriage. Leadbeater's on April l6th. The ar R. Crossman attended the funeral husband and father. A temperance program will be 'Sympathy of the tcomxunity us evening was spent on the quilt, ti, fMr.Laura Trick, at Oshawa Mr. Jim Hannah has purchased given at the Sunday School ses- extended ta Mr. and Mrs. Bruce and hospital work. Lunch was El sion this week. Last week there Ashton on the death of his father, served. .a was a slight mix-up in the time. Ellas Ashton, Enniskillen. About 125 friends end relativesr Sunday Sehool will be held at 2 These nice days are putting ev- gathered at the hall in honor of B mum mm u:p.m. and church service at 3 p.m. eryone in the mood for cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Walter OrmistonE p an ,, Daligh Savng Tme.up their property to help make (nee Ella Hoskin> and reet F Elec rie en ceRonald Ashton was operated on aur village a tidy little spot to them with a miscellaneous show- for appendicitis at Bowmanville live in. Wouldn't it be swell if er on April 23rd. Program con- Hospital. the Conimunity hall had a nice sisted of a huinorous reading by Save Timie and Money white coat of paint and toilet fa- Mrs. Fred Trewin, Blackstock- N .cilities to be all spruced up for trio by Anna Marie, Gardon and tg USEA .S.No 9,Clrk'e our big day in July? Kenneth Hoskin, Oshawa; piano s US Ih.Àk _______ solo by Ruth Bragg, Bowman- t ville; reading by Mrs. T. Baker, t.Sparton-aide Electrie Fence Controller Plan ta be in Orono on FridayNe tn il Solina; solo by Mr. Otto Bragg,E Two popular priced models to choose from night ta join with the rest of the N w o le Bowmanville. The rest of thea township in honoring aur boys evening was spent in dancing, a1 and girls of the service personnel. Visitors: Cpl. MacGregor Jones, bountiful lunch was served. r Equipment includes: barbed wire, 13 gauge, sof t galvanized We extend our sympathy ta our R.C.A.F., Toronto, with his mo- The funeral of the late E. C.( wlre, Insulators, clips. neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ther.-Mr. Ed. Symnons a nd Ashton was held, April 29. Rev.( Moff att in the loss of their barn daughter, Inez, Morrish, with Mr. J. A. Plant conducted the service Eveready Batteries for use with Fence Contoller and stock by fire, Friday morn- and Mrs. J. T. Pearce-Donny assisted by Rev. J. M. Whyte, To- ing. and Joyce Adams, Toronto, with ronto, a former pastor. The room Rita Gibson spent her Easter their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. was banked with flowers from hisr Also Available vacation at her brother, Reg'e at Reichrath.-Mr. and Mrs. Jack many friends. The funeral wasj FROST FARM GATES and EIGHT-FOOT STEEL POSTS Kitchener. Her sister, Muriel, Nalîs, Tor-onto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. very largely attended being one( spent hers with her sister Gwen Wm. Stapleton.-Mr. W. W. Hen- Of the largest held here for1 in Oshawa. derson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell, some time. Interment was at - See Them Now at - Mr. John Umphrey, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- Bethesda cemetery. visited his sister, Mrs. Clarence cil Williams and June, of Port Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Harrison,i Gibson. Hope, Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, Mr. J. A. Stainton, Mr. W. C. Starkville, at George Stapleton's. Stainton, Rev. J. M. Whyte, Tor- BRA R[ R O N ' S -Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Burley, onto, visited Mr. and Mrs. H. HAMPON HONE242 CadnusMr. and Mrs. Sid Burley, Toronto, Stevens. HAMTONPHOE 220 adnusMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Burley and Misses Laverne and Elva Orch- _______Dianne, Wesleyville, with Mr. and ard, Bowmanville, with Mr. Mil- _________________________________________________ Marvin Nesbitt is stili on the Mrs. Spencer Burley.-Freddy ton Stainton's. - -- - *We are glad ta welcomne back Brown.-Keith Burley, Toronto, awa, at Mr. F. Beckett's. Mrs. Chas. Fallis ta her home in Florence Burley and friend, Pet- Mr. A. Stainton, Mr. Wallace Cadmnus after spending the win- erborough, at home.-Fae Jones Stainton, Toronto, Mr. W. Stain- ter with her daughters in Toron- with friends in Warkworth.-Ira ton, Orono, Mr. Herb Stainton, ta and Oshawa. Thompson, Toronto, with his aunt, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. S. Arnott.-Mrs. Roy Burley Smith, Oshawa, called ta see Philp and famnily, Toronto, with and Mrs. Leland Payne visited Claude Smith. Mrq.- Wu . G. ( Philn.-Mr. their mother. Mrs. Layton who is __________ Coro has captured unusual grace and beauty In these whirnsical littie animal miniatures. Available in git and non-tarnishable metal finish To match your mnood or tempt your fancy. A set of jungle Twins cosWs $195 BE THEM IN OUR WINOW MARR'S JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanvillt and Mrs. Bill Hanna, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hanna.- Mr. Sam Crawford, Parry Sound, visiting friends here.-Mr. Jim Philp, Detroit, with relatives here.-Miss Marie Hanna with friends in Oshawa.-Ralph Robin- son, Janetville, with his grand- mother, Mrs. Chas. Fallis.-Miss Jessie VanCamp, Blackstack, and teacher in training at Toronto Normal School, is teaching at Ma- hood's School this week under the supervision of Mrs. H. Stin- son.- Blackstock Miss Lucille Farder with Mr and Mrs. N. S. McNally, Col borne.-Rev. and Mrs. Fred R¶'d ing and Barbara, Montreal, witi Mrs. W. A. Vançamp.-Mrs. ThoL Venning is recovering from he illness.-Mr. Dougal McDaugal Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Darcy.-Mrs. Richard Hoaper ani Ronald with Mrs. Laverne Chap man, Pontypoal.-Miss Gwenyti Marlow, Toronto, with her par ents.-Glad ta have Mr. San Jeffrey back after spending th~ winter at Nestleton.-Miss Jess: VanCamp, Toronto Normal Schoc is a student teacher at Mahood' School, with Mrs. Stinsan, thi week.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylc were in Toronto on Saturday a, tending the White-McBrien wec ding .-Mr. and Mrs. John Argu, Bowmanville, with Mrs. John M( Kee and Mr. and Mrs. Lesl' Mountjoy. A special meeting of the A.7. P.A. was held in the Communii hall, April 24th, it being the occý sian of the Local Council. Vis tors were present fromn Cobour After the meeting refreshmer and games were enjoyed. Congratulations ta Mrs. Johi stan. Millbrook, mother of Mr., J. Johnston, an celebrating h, 4 4 4 4 ................... Your MARTIN-SENOUR dealer will be pleased ta help yau with your painting. He is a trained, experienced man who bas full knowledge of the paint business. Tbat's why he recommends high-quality MARTIN-SENOUR paints, varnishes and enamels. MARTIN-SENOUR paints are made of rugged materials, and their protective qualities enable them ta stand up and take a lot of punishment. They last longer, too, and are very economical ta use. Whether you plan ta paint the outside of your home, redecorate the living raom, or brighten up a few kitchen chairs - your MARTIN-SENOUR dealer bas a paint ta give you lasting satisfaction for your money. Before you paint, consuit your MARTIN-SENOUR dealer. YOU'LL BE SATISFIED IF YOU USE- 4"4 *confined ta bed the past week. Bur eo -The Film Board pictures were 1shown in the community hall, - ___ sWednesday evening ta a fair. at- On Monday night a presenta- itendance owing ta school holidays. tion and social evening was held * Forty-seven attended Sunday ta say farewell ta Mr. and Mrs. -School and a fair congregation Wesley Hoskin who are moving sgreeted aur pastor at the evening ta Hampton. Rev. J. Plant was 1 service. At the close f the ser- chairman for this program: Song Dvice it was decided ta remain on by the choir; violin solo by Roy - Standard Time at present. Ashton; readings by Alden Hub- r Lawrence Milîson has been tea- bard. Mr. Plant gave a story -ching in Brown's School for a about pioneers attending churclr week as a student teacher. a hundred years ago when the The Women's Association met service lasted for three hours. A on Thursday evening at Mrs. Ron. reading by Joan Aldred, and com- Burleý's. Plans were laid for munity singing was enjoyed led the annual anniversary in May. by Mr. Noble Stevenson, alsoa Mrs. Sid Lancaster read the chorus by the school children. rscripture. Mrs. C. Burley spoke The presentation was made by 1on "Happiness" and the reasons Mrs. Davey and Mrs. Rabbin ofa 1-why sa many failed in their search beautiful table lamp and serving ;h for it. Mrs. F. Gilmer had tray. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin . charge of the contest. Lunch was thanked all and expressed regretE r served by Mrs. F. Gilmer, Mrs. at having ta leave aur midst , John Lancaster and Mrs. Ron. Lunch was served and Mrs. Hop. . Burley. ley sang a solo "God Will Tak( id The trustee board had new Care of You.'1) - flush tanks installed in the school A shower and presentation waý th during the holiday week. given in honar of Mr. and Mrs - Mr. Carleton inspected the Walter Ormiston (nee Ella lÉos ,n school on Tuesday. He showed a km) in Enniskillen Hall, Apri te great deal of interest in the or- 23rd when many lovely and use le chestra, which we understand is fui gifts were received. )l, the only one in his inspectorate. Visitors: Miss Marjory Viviar 's We have also the largest one- Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Dav is room school with 47 on the roll. Gatchell.-Mrs. John Carter ari r George Stapleton purchased a Freddie in Toronto.-Mr. ari t- purebred Hereford bull from Col. d1- Birdsall of Birdsall. e, Mrs. Dave Denault and Edna Ic- visited her sister in the city. Mr. I ie and Mrs. Ron Burley accompan- ied them. f Yr. Mr. Dave Denault motored ta HoUMRSHO ty- urign.THE rORONTO CONSERVA ____________________*,TTTr Tt,,3rc4 to 31s rg. -its A. er Enniskillen Sympathy of the community goes out ta the Ashton family on the sudden passing of Elias Chas. Ashton. Sunday School officers have de- cided ta have aur anniversary supper on May 25th, instead f the 24th owîng ta the celebration which Bowmanville is having for the soldiers on the 24th. Don't forget Church service will be 7:30 Daylight Saving Time. "You many enter at the time of the benediction if you do." John Graham has, purchased the old school lot from S. Peth- ick. Jean Crossman and Ronald Ashton are doing nicely after an operation for appendicitis. Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Plant and David are at their new home in Brighton for a few days. Kenneth Graham is really a busy man these days, making use of every possible hour of day- lîght and then into the late hours of the evening. His greenhouse is overflowing with plants ready UW~DBUM [o: ~Ywo ~gnLudioae" noted for Bread 'A. Ist. I Baked Goods OF TJIE HIGHEST QUALITY FRESH FROM THE OVEN TO YOU -AVOM WAiSTE - I Irs. Jim Adams, Mr. Art Wotten nd Mr. Nelson Hudson, Ennis- Killen, with Mrs. C. Adams.-Mr. nd Mrs. Henry Trick with rela- ives in Toronto.-Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Adams and Mary in Osh- awa.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol- royd with Mr. A. Tompkins.-Mr. R. J. Handthorn with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Handthorn.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kersey, Omemee, Mr. Orval Greer with Mr. and Mrs. George Carter.-Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 3piley with Mr. W. McLaughlifl. Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ashton and family in the sudden passing of Charles Ash- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ormiston, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Heard and family with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoskin.-MrS. D. Brbck and Ver- na, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rowsome, Colborne, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Gi. Motorists arriving home from Toronto early Sunday morning were astonished ta see a bewilder- ed kitten cross King St. at Silver, to gaze into store windows. A dloser view revealed that kitty was in fact a skunk attired in a natty spring suit, apparetitly searchiflg for an Enster bonnet. jTactfully, the motorists declined dloser acquaintance. seriaus students and teachers of music. \Vhile no set standards are required for admissionl greater benefits are for entrants with' a comprehiersiVe knov%- ledge of music. Purpse:tot refresh teachers with latest teaching methods, encourage and improve future efforts. Open tq men and wme, this ear s course wll be led by well-kriawn musicians, Boris Berlin and Lubka Kolesa, piano; George Lambert. snq- ing; Eric Rollinson, choir training and ear courses; Harry Adaskin, violin; F. . Horwood, teaching in theov; Sterndale Bennett, acting. Social activ- ities will be directed by Persis Hebden, also free instructive lectures and pri- vate lessons in major subjects bv arrangement. Limited accommodation at Women's Residence. application4 received up to June 14th. Special travel rates. 'Write 135 College Street, Toronto, for booklet- THE GIFT Oii DISCERP- MENT for Mother's Day, . - ive her a set of Violet Sec Fragrances by Richard I-udnut and surrouna her with the freshlq haunting fra g- rance of soft-petalled violets. to let her know she's a very beaii- tifulii ersori indeed. .-.*.There is no mother in thre worid u'ho wouid not thrifl f sucir a gif t f rom a son or dauqirter. because mothers appre-. diate suich expressions of affection jar more than young peo pie realize Remembcr . . . it's not often that Mother Fînds time ta shop for such charminq littie iuxijries herself. so sire appreciates them ail the more Violet Sec is an endearii-:g. endur- inq. important way f0 -say it wtth lowers.' news, but when a Maine farmer tran%- forms a city-bred Boston girl into 3n enthusiast for turnip crops and tells how he did it in bucolic but somehow classic writing. besprinkled wth such anecdotes as when Oscar the bull gor into a long-distance telephone conver- sation with Aunt Hulda in Cleveland. the result la as pleasing as good country strawberry shortcake. You just have to have a second helping. THE FARMER TAKES A WIFE. by John Gould. author of the previaus best-seller, "Pre-Natal Care for Fathers' (McClelland and Stewart).- +-1. - + BEAUTY1INSURANCE in gour handbag . .. the DuBarry Beautq Cake in its sophisticated plastic case cati be quickly applied. gives a smooth lasting foundation surface which is flattering ta make-up and an important beauty item in its own right. For a make-up which does a thorough lob it is thre choice of smart women as a make-up essential be- cause it can be carried wit ho ut dif- ficulty. gives a satislactory couer- ail beauty build-up in a few seconds. is unspilable, deliciously fragent and qulck ta apply- DurtmPAGEStorage Restrictions Lii ted The govern.ment restrictions have naw been, lifted on the delivery of coal. We are proud ta be able ta supplY YOU with the Famous Lehigh Valley Anthracite Orders now being accepted for winter delivery New Ship ment of Cernent We have just received a large shipment of cernent. Consult us first before you buy building materials. John A. Holgate & Son Authority On Deafmess -Here with RvoIutioftary -Tom TNUMB", B Bott" (9 More powerl Less weight! Less buiki Tiny battery generates, hearng power that wilI amnaze you! BONE IRECEIVERS, as welI as magnetic air receivers! receivers so wonder- fully accurate, they are actuallY "Hearing Lenses"! ACOUSTUCON 330 Bay St., Toronto Home of the Famous S-POINT ACOIJSTICON HEARINO SYSTEM Write for VoIuabIe Free Book 1 4 e w atthe GEM EBAL MOTOIS DEALERS CLA4UP .pAsitT UP KpANT UP s.dBSy - 0 W. (;. C. LANE & SON, Newtonville r- Pr w p -:3 ý 1 Co-operative Applies For Provincial Loan According ta information re- ceived from the office of the Minister of Agriculture for On- tario, there is great activity shown in the field of co-operative mar- keting which has been aided by the plan set upta provide boans under the Co-operative Marketing Loans Act. Such organizatian can now-secure finance for erect- ing buildings they require by sim- ply making application and filiiog their plans of procedure. Since the first of the year there have been applications received for loans from 12 Ontario local co-operatives. These include cheese factories, cold storage for apples and others, located at wide- ly separate points. Several are in 'eastern Ontario. Amiong the list in the application of the Durham Co-operative Storage, Newcastle. The amounts of the lbans asked for are not stated but the report points out that most of thesg ap- rplications will receive favorable iconsideration and will be given 7the assistance they require ta es- ;tablish much needed co-opera- 1tive marketing and storage facil- ities. y. O. BROOKHURST wvill demonstrate the amazing aiew Acoustican l"Super-Power" U1NIPAC at C owling's Drug Store, Bow- manville, on Tuesday, May 7, from 2 ta 8 p.m. Division Street Phone 428 noted for and

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