Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 May 1946, p. 9

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-- --------~---. - a- - - - . i...? ~IYIV*AU~?VWT~ THE CANADIAN ~TATI~bMftÂN, D'~> WmLLILN V JJ.A1J~i, '.JL~ THURSDAY, MAY 2nd, 1946 When You See. That Best Dressed Best Pressed Man You'11 generally fimd tha.t ho leaves it to Bowmanville Cleaners to see thqt lis clothes always hlave that good-as-new appearance. Our Dry leanimg Specialits know how to make your clothes really clean and also to restore that ridliness of fabric that was in the cloth when you originally purchased it. PHONE 520 For Pick-up & Delivery LBcwmanviI le Cledners and Lvyers Phone 520 King St., W. p-Mm Our friends from the States have always enjoyed fishing the waters of Ontaro .. . 73,000 angling permits were bought by them i one year. When they return, let's give them a great welcome! WHAT CAN 1 DO? The answer is plenty! Here are some of the things anyone can do. The suggestions cornefrom a well-known Ontario hotelman: Orono News Orono went on Daylight Saving Time on Sunday morning. The family of Mrs. S. Penfound gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples on April 19th to celebrate with Iber, her 83rd birtliday, and also to celebrate the Silven Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Penfound of Toronto. Friends who enjoyed these happy events includèd: Mn. and Mrs. Roy Penfound, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Penfound and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Penfound and family, Miss Car- ol Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. McKenzie and daughter, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKenzie and family, and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Kenzie and family, Columbus; Mr. and Mns. Clarence Penfound and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Found and Miss Mantha Shipman, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rundie and family, Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Squair, Mn. Cyril Rundie, Miss Greta Oke, Miss Penfound and Mr. Bob Evans, Bowmanville, and Bill Clark, Ot- tawa. A very pleasant social evening was enjoyed at the town hall on Wednesday of last week when members of the I.O.O.F. ententain- ed their friends from Bowman-' ville, Port Hope, Pontypool, Ca- bourg and Orono. A splendid program, refreshments and danc- ing were al much appreciated. Mrs. Harry Clarke and family stopped off for a day with Mr. and SMrs. C. S. McLaren on their way -home ta Prescott, after spending the hoiidays at Massey, Ont. Mr. Eb. Gilbank has been a pa- tient in Bowmanville Hospital. F.O. Robt. Keane returned home from- England last week on the Slie de France. A 3-act comedy "Urtcle Jas] Perkins" put on by a cast fron STyrone, in the tawn hall, Frida: evening, was very well done and much enjoyed by the spiendid audience. It was under the aus- pices of Clarke Union Homne and Schoal Club. Several music loyers enjayed2 Ssplendid concert in Newcastl( community hall, Wednesday, giver by the Symphony Band of Barri( IC allegiate; who were also assisi. *ing in the O.E.A. convention pro. g ram at Massey Hall, Toronto. The funeral of the late Mrs Fred Wood, Oshawa, and former ly of Orano, was held in Park SI. United Church on Saturday a: ternoan with Rev. S. Littlewoo( taking the service. Burial.was ii 1. Know the places of interest and beauty spots in your district and tell people about them. 2. When you write your friends - in the States tell thern about sorne of the places they would enjoy visitrng. 3. Try to make any visitor glad he came. 4. Take time to give requested i- formation fuliy and graciously. 5. In business dealings, remember our reputation for courtesy and fairness depends on you. 6. To surn it up, follow the "Golden Rule." IT'S IVIRYBODYS BUSINSS...%41e*- Worth his weight in goldl Actually, This diagram, based on figures sup- the Province of Ontario, in pre.war plied by -the Hotel Association, years, profited ta alinoat the same shows howî everyone benefits from extent from tourist business as it the Ontario tourist incarne. Every did from the much publicized gohd tourist dollar is shared this way ... niining industry. It is up ta each 1. Hotels; 2. Retail stores; 3. Res- of us individually to see that this taurants; 4. Taxes, etc; 5. Amus- business goes on growing. mnents; 6. Garages. "Letys make thern yoenÎt tocorne backl" PLANNING A HOLIDAY? Tune ln "Ontario Holiday" CMIS, 10.30 p.m., Thursdoy, Frldey end Saturday IN THE PUBLIC INTERES? BY JOHN LABATT UIMITED 1 Oronc ocemetery. Il ORONO POLICE TRUSTEE5 1 Toronta. At the close of the ser- 1. Le te ;h m ly id id s- id rs if Mr. Neil Hamnm, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hamm, reiturned last week from overseas to his home in Peterborough. A very serious fire occurred Fni- day forenoon when ahl Mr. Robert Moff att's barns burned to the ground. Orono Fire Department did a splendid job in saving the house as a very strong wind was blowing in its direction. A large number of cattle and horses were burned as the fire seemed to burst out so suddenly that there was no chance to get them out to safety. Miss Ruth Goode held a kitchen shower for Mrs. Leslie A. Darch, formerly Gwen Tennant. Mr. R. E. Logan is moving to his new store in Mrs. S. Smith's block in the apartment formerly occu- pied by Mrs. Mary Phasey. Several carloads of members of the I.O.O.F. attended divine ser- vice in Bowmanville, Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Jimn Wood and family are moving ta a small farmn on the 6th line. Mr. Russell Osborne and Mr. J. J. Mellor representiflg the Town- ship School Area Board attended 'the O.E.A. convention in Toronto. 1Holiday Visitors: 1 Rev. and Mrs. S. Littlewoad ai -their cottage on Lake of Bays. Miss Madeline French, Dresden, with Mrs. Jas. Dicksan. 1 Donald Staples and Jack Pen- found, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples. Ï Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Rasborough iand Marilyn, Niagara Falls, with yMr. and Mrs. A. A. Drummond. 9 Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKenzie, Oshawa, with Dia. and Mrs. Mc- -Kenzie. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McLaren and e famiiy in Toronto,. e Mrs. C. L. Pawers, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Powers, Toronto, with Mr. h and Mrs. Roy Powers, Kingstonl. Il Mr. Dick Gibb, Dunbartofl wtt y his aunt, Mrs. Ed. Graham. d Mr. Mac Smith, Toronto, witt d his mother, Mrs. E. Smith. 3- Mrs. E. Peel, Peterborough, witt ,d Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Miss Jeanne Forrester, Ingerx a sali, at her home. le Mrs. F. Tamblyn with Mr. anc ýn Mrs. Russell Vanhorne, Whitby. .e Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Acton, Tor t- onta, with Mr. and Mrs. J.E D- Armstrong. Mr. Gien Tamblyn, Taranto 'S- with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn r- Mrs. Leslie Darch and Mis t-, Ruth Goode in Toronto. ,- Mr. Vance Cooper, Petawawo d at lis home. in Misses Laura and Isabel Alir -Oshawa, called an friends ci Friday. Gea. Collins, Toronto, and Pau Rutherford, Kirby, with Mr. arý Mrs. J. J. Meilor. Mrs. Hateiy, Bowmanville, wit« Mr. and Mrs. Carl Tennant. Douglas, Merle, Anna and San dra Carleton with their grandpai ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carletoi 1 Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Simpson wit Mr. and Mrs. Howard Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hamm, Petei borough, with Mr. and Mrs.1 Hamm and Mr. and Mrs. Donal Hamm. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Kean, Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. A.1 Keane.1 Mr. J. F. Larriman with ne] tives in Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, Va ieyfield, Que., with Mr. and Mi J. E. Smith. Mrs. G. H. E. Smith and so Harnepayne, with her pareri Mr. and Mrs. D. Myles. THE ANAIANSTATSMA, iuwmAvuàý,p tion when 28 laymen visited a lim- ited number of lhe homes of the congregation. fl is hoped that later in the year the visit will be extended ta reach others, with similar resuits. vice 1 ed. Tih in thE and si The e Churc Rev.]1 under struct Viviai tor's1 livere enjoy (I C.c with garet the b led Pauli jeet( Reý chosE the s awa Unio Simc awa. 1 Holy Communion was serv- Lere was a service with slides eafternoon for the children ;rvice again in the evening. vening service at the United eh was well carried out by R. B. Harrison and the choir rMrs. Sadler's capable in- tion and assisted by Miss Ln Sadler, Toronto. The pas- Easter message was well de- ed and the music was much red. Ex-Defence Minister Says Danger Lies -in Early Evacuation tended divine warship in New-r castle churches on Sunday, obser-a ving the first peace time Easter Sunday in six years. , Services were held in St. George's. chutch at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. with a great number o! cammunicants at each service. The church loaked very loveiy with clusters o! carnations, snapdragans, rases and daffodîls adorning the altar and Easter plants on the chancel steps. At the 11 o'clock services the nectar, Rev. Douglas Dewdney, preached a special Easter sermon an the theme a! the resurrection of Christ. A full attendance o! schol- ans also their mothers were pre- sent at the Sunday schoal exer- cises in the afternaan when the members af the Sunday School brought in and presented their Lenten boxes. Mill St. United Church was the scene of a very inspining service at the regular marning hour of jworship. The largest cangregatian to be present for divine worship in many years was in attendance ta witness the reception into mem- bership a! the church o! 48 new members. Of this number 20 jained by certificate !rom other schurches, and 28 made public pro- fession of their faith in Jesus Christ and were canfirmed. Also during the service five recently elected eiders were set apart for their office. The minister took as his text, Romans 6:5. For if we have been planted together in the iikeness a! his death, we shaîl be also in the likeness a! His resur- rection. In his message he point- ed out that ail the joy and peace and victory o! the Easter Faîth is for those who have in faith and repentance identified themselves hwith the crass and death o! Jesus. The entire congregation was chah- ienged ta a rededication a! them- selves to Christ and His Church. dTogether bath new and older xmebers sealed their loyalty around the Cammunion table. The ingathering o! new members was THe c o i!e s Oundbut once, And no man has the power To telJust when the hand wilh stop, At late or early hour. Now is the oniy time you own; Live, love, toil with a wiih, Plan no faith in the morrow, fan The dlock may then be sti. Wear ta-day a cheen!uh face In everything yau do, The sunshine that you radiate Will shine right back at you. Speak to-day a word o! hope To someone in distress; When you lift anothen's load You make your burdens less. Do to-day a gracious deed, And do it with a smile; It's littie daily acts like these That-make your life worthwhile. Dus ight ulSavingT Forigh Sumr Mngths Theorincpalmotchscm panies serving Eastern Canada, Gray Coach Lines Limited, Colla- cutt Coach Lines, Garton Coach Lines, Colonial Coach Lines Ltd., Canada Coach Lines Limited, the Provincial Transport Company, have announced their intention this season o! showing ail sche- duhes in Daylight Saving Time, during the whole period that this summer time is in force in the langer centres o! Ontario and Quebec, Apnil 28th ta Septemben 29th. This is a change fromn pre-war practice, Mn. R. G. Perry, Generai Passenger Traf!ic Manager a! Col- onial Coach Lines Limited, point- ed out. It Was decided upon aften chose consideration, as it is be- lieved ta, be more convenient and hess confusing for the mai ority o! passengers, who are accustomed to travel ta and fnomn the harger municipahîties and ta observe Day- light Saving hours in their wonk and home lives. Before the wan, Mn. Penny ex- plained, when Daylight Saving Time was effective onhy in the sununer months in those munici- Se I itE it vi a th hE w of 6ý di fi1 tc i ýh ýh Ld 'S. th th ýr )r E. toE 7n lai- 0 rs. 0 LtS, 0 n ts 0 0 e 22nd with ail members present. Several matters o! sidewalk were discussed but no decisian was reached because plans were not campieted. It was decided ta stant Day- iight Saving at midnight, Apnil 27th, and continue it ta midnight, September l4th, in Orono. Secretary was asked ta get in touchi with those responsible re- questing that a bad piece o! high- way be repaireý Blackstock O 00 0 0 0 00 1O 0 0 01 (Intended for Last Week) Dr. G. W. Miller was guest 0o0 speaker at Victoria Women's Oý Institute heid at the home o!fMrs. 0. Eanl Dorreli on Apnil l7th. Dr. 0. Miller gave a detaiied account of!01 the work o! the Heaith Unit per- o sonnel in the schoois, laying stress0 on the great need for correct 1 health habits during the impres-0 sionablê age o! youth. In speak- 0 ing o! immunization, he hopedo that in the very nean future, child-0 ren couid gain protection againsto tetanus (hock jaw) alang with the 1 diphtheria and whoaping cough0 injection. Dr. Miller aiso stated# that Durham had been particuhar-0 ly free from scarlet fever and in-o dicated that protective doses o! 0 scaniet fever antitoxin would be0 given ta schoh chihdren onhy on0 the advent o! an epidemic in the community. Dr. Miller answered general questions o! a public health nature after the meeting. Readings were given by Mrs. Nor-o man Mountjay and Mrs. Fred Trewin. A solo "An Easter Hymn" was given by Mrs. Sadien. It was decided ta have a euchre party a! ter the next Federation o! Agriculture pictures with collec- tion for~ Ontario Cancer Fouýda- tian. Lunch was served. Easten services were wehh at- tended at aur local churches. At .St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday monning, Rev. John Mc- Kibbon preached a splendid £as- ter sermon and the choir sang an Easter hymn. A very fitting ded- ication o! a cross on the Commun- ion table was made ta the glory o! God and in loving memory o! Fhying Off icer Roy Edwand Car- ter. The cross was pnesented by the A.Y.P.A. o! which Roy was a former president. There were beautiful fiowers on the comn- munion table in memory o! Rev. E. P. Wood, given by Mrs. Wood, O O O O O Just a Little rvmo 1 iired l Try this next tirne you feel o :just a little bit tiredfromo1 your work. 0 Drink a f ull glass of Bow--o manville Dairy Mil< slowlY., It will miake you feel better; it will satisfy your hunger 0and it will give you plenty 0of calories which you musto ohave every day. 10 - i Phone 446 for o0 Delivery To-day oBD WMAN VILLE 0 DAIRY o King Street, East 10 4u~'e ~ej~w4e.< Ify.u don'tslo.p w.11 ai nigli amarinter- ney.lf your kidn amrm of .1order v failig t. o sas.th aC i a-You reg i s Iiklay stour too. tho s tiir» tou» eDeM'. Di» pis.Doua help pourkitiepaget ro oWmaking pohsonsand sd- hdprum m e mr onai action.Sem how u boite pourosiai nigh-Imw Muchbeuheryen feliL. unoning. Goi ad um Dm $ Klmhq P&Us idsp 145 O O O O O O O O 0 O O O O O O t e O O O O O O O O O Iodgson's White Rose Service Station [nrs. Norman Rickard presiding.a >cripture was read by Mrs. Hoar. Irs. Beman summarized several ems in the Listening Post. One tem was well worth a second iought, headed "Not Bad Ad- iice." "If you are a married man ffho absolutely must drink, start isaloon in your own home. Be ne only customer, and you won't ave ta buy a license. Gîve your wife two dollars to buy a gallon f whiskey. Remnember there are 9 glasses in a gallon. Buy your rinks from youn wif e. When the irst gallan is gone, she will have $8 ta deposit in the bank and $2 to start business again. If yau should live, 10 years, continue ta buy baoze from her, and then die with snakes in your shaes, she will have enaugh money to bury you respectably, bring up your children, buy a hause and lot, marry a decent man and forget aii about you!" The clip_ sheet discussion was on "The Pnoblem aof Race," and was respanded ta by Mrs. Bask- ervîhle, Mrs. McCullach, Mrs. Awde, Mrs. Thackray, Miss War- ren, Mrs. H. Hancack, and Mrs. Carveth. "We have in Canada at least 50 nationalities. Many have passed through ôur high schools and universities and have taken praminent places in aur natianal life. Canada has been en- riched by the caming o! people from other countries. Let us sym- pathize with themn and strive ta make aur country ane o! high moral standards. Newcastle ntended for Last Week) ;.I.T. group met Apnil 16th Vice-President Mary Mar- tBonathan in charge. After business period Vivian Megit the worship peniod. Miss Ine DeLine started a new pro- on first aid. v. W. W. Patterson has been en as the theme speaker for spring convention o! the Osh- Presbytery Young Peoples' )n, meeting this weekend in coe St. United Church, Osh- a] tz si t( Sf 0! fi De NO Pro: olu El si a ti q prot chil extr able part the on shil emn Do and It col Po wi 1 L. MceQuarrie W IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR SERVICED FOR SUMMER Here are some services that mnust be done for trouble-f ree driving Complete Chassis Lubricatiosi )nt wheel béarings reni'oved, cleaned and repacked with wheel, bearing grease. adiators Draened, Flushed and Rust Retarder Added Notor Oil Dnained, XMotor Flushed and Refilled with the Proper Grade of Motor Oil Cars Washed r Specialized Lubrication and Washing Departments are in the capable hands of Mr. Garf Barrett and Mr. Alex Anonidhuk. oody ar t Tirs inldingTues Saturdays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. v Vi'afe hiould !inswe rues tions:,,Îý bout ylu, couldyour husband Pvide the RIGLIT care for the ;dren?ý Probably not without Ia money ta make some suit- -e arrangement . . . which is od reason why you, as his rtner in the business of running chome, should carry insurance your own life. In any partner- ip, protection against sudden ergencies is important. oes it matter WH1CH life insur- ce companyjyou choose? does matter! Life insurance )mpanies are much alike as ta olicies and rates, but actual )ng-termn resuits vary widely. 7e invite you to compare The illE Mutual Life of Canada's record with that of any other comnpany. Evidence of the satisfaction of Mutual Life policyholders is furnished by the fact that whole familles and succeeding genera- tions have entrusted their life insurance programs exclusively ta The Mutual Life, and each year approximately 35% of its new business cornes from policy- holders. Ask your Mutual Life representative ta explain the special features of this Company. Life Insurance Since 1869 - - 435 George St. - m Ontario k Mlen Wanted IN A COPPER -ZINC DU"l Good Wages, Steady Ail Year Roiûid Work Write for Information to Eàmployment Manager Waite Amulet Mines Limîited Proprietors log CANADA ÏKEEF 0 0 NORANDA, QUEBEC - - PAGE NMi i Lined Standard Timne in their printed schedules and timetables, 3hifting service where necessary ao accommnodate commnuting pas- sengers and others who had to bserve Daylight Saving hours; for regular travel. During the war, however, when )aylight Savlng Time was in force throughout Canada ail year around, the necessity for trans- portation schedules being revised, when a return was made to the old system of seasonal Daylight Saving Time. The motorcoach companies care- fully examined their previous ex- perience, and it indicated clearly that, for most motorcoach passen- gers, it would be a greater con- veniences to, have schedules shown in DaylightSaving Time during the period of its existence ini the major cities. W.C.T.U. METpINGt wt il, Defence, Mn. J. L. Raistan, in a recent talk decnied the fact that Canada's meagre occupational army in N.W. Germany is being withdrawn sa soon. after hostilities have ended. He points ta what happened a!ter the First Great War when Aliied Armies on the Rhine sickened of the task and f inally withdrew leaving the en- forcement o! the terms o! the peace ta the League o! Nations. There is a good deal in what Col. Raiston says, and ta enfonce any treaty which has been imposed on a war-loving people like the Ger- mans, requires troaps and tnoop commanders who are not afraid ta make the Huns live up ta the letter of the law. Already we see signs, even more signifeant than they were in 1920 and 1923, that the German, has even now with his cities fiattened, not learned the lesson that he cannot rule the worid by force. To pull the occu- pational armies out o! the Reich will only con!irm the fact that the Western Democracies have no stomach ta en!a&ce the terms o! any tneaty their governments may impose. Our traops sent into Hunland may loudiy wail and agi- tate ta came home, but others should take their places, and those others should,,nat be strip- ling soidiers who know nothing o! the tragedies o! the battlefield, but aider men who have gone through more than one campaign. Such a farce couhd be recruited if the trouble were taken. Canada's iead in withdrawing troaps wil sureiy be foilowed by other 1nations and first thing we know 0the Huns wîhl be free ta chant 0.Ianathen course o! aggression. lerborough AD OFFICE a WATERLOO, ONTARIO v .Hodgson Phone 662 g & Liberty Streets HOURS: 8 Good Chances for Advancement

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