PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 Thurs. - Fri - Sat. April 25 - 26 "Abbott & Costello in Hollywood" At Thefr Funniest! A Riot of Laughter! Plus HA! HA! 20 Minute Interesting Report On Italy Cartoon "People on Paper"' Snapshots JACK CARSON Cartoon: "Nasty Quacks" Saturday OnIy April 27 "Saps at Sea" See Dead Pan Stan and Roly-Poly Oliver Laugh! Forget Your Cares! AND THE "Singing Sheriff" Starring Bob Crosby Plenty of Action and Songs of the West at T. Taylor's.-A. E. Niddery, Mrs. F. Westlake, Solina, Miss Toronto, W. Alexander, North Bessie Stevenson, Mr. and Mrs. OhwMrq. E. Ormiston, How G. Mutton, Mrs. G. Marlow, aOawa , MpeGoe t George and Lillian, Bowmanville, ad Oe-rmistn Merove,. 'at W. at F. R. Cook's.-Mrs. H. Weir Taorea J t's.-Mr. an .F alr and Beverley,'Mr. and~ Mrs. J. Tornto atJ. tar~s.Mr.andAshworth, London, T. R. Bowman, Sault Ste. Marie, at the Bowman homes.-Miss, Vera Stinson, Tor- Ionto, at N. Sýinson's.-Miss Ver- Ina Ormiston, Toronto, at H. ISmith's.-Mr. and Mrs. F. Aber- Inethy and family, Peterboro, with Bowmanville - Phone 589 TOPS IN ENTERTAINMENT 0 0 0 0 1 OSHAWA0 O 0 oFree Parklnz Phone _1011 0 0 1 0 0 0 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. 0 0 0 April 25 - 26 - 27 0 0 0 Those Lovely . . . Glamorou 0 ..Scandalous0 0 0 "oThe Dolly Sisters"0 0 Starring 0 0 0 Betty Grable, John Payne, o 0 0 June Haver 1 0The Greatest Musical Ever in 0 0 Glorious Technicolor 00 0 0 0 MONDAY - TUESDAY 0 0 April 29 - 30 Michael Sadleir's Great Novel :"fanny By Gaslight"o 0 01 0 Starring 0 0James Mason, Phyllis Calvert, 0 0 Stewart Granger 1 0 0 0 0 0FOUR DAYS1 oWEDNES. TO SATURDAY# oMayl- 0 1 0 Betty Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald 0 0 in0 0 0 0"The Stork Club" 0 01 00 Hear Betty's Six Wonderful 0 0 Songs 0 0 0 ZACHARY SCOTT Fox Late News I P b DO WMAN VILLE Parcel Delivery The J.&S. Parcel Delivery is at your service For a long time, owing to wartime restrictions, the merchants of Bowmanville and elsewhere have been unable to deliver goods needed to your home. The J.&S. Parcel Delivery is here in Bowmanville to relieve this situation. We are ready to serve you at ail tumes, and will appreciatè a caîl from. you. Phone 664 and have our truck pick up your order at any store or place and deliver it. Please note that we are making two deliveries in the morning; order must be placed before 10 a.m. Two deliveries i the afternoon; order must be placed by 3 p.m. We deliver for Harry Allin 's, McGregor 's Hardware, Stewart 's Seeds and Roy Neads Radio - Effective April 29th. J . & S. Parcel Delivery F. STANNARD PHONE 664 EJnU'%-field Easter Visitors: Miss Jean Taylor, Gordon and1 Jack, Brent Bradburn, Toronto, who were married on April 2th by Dr. R. P. Bowles. Mr. Conlin, Toronto, preached in the Presbyterian Church, Sun- day afternoon. Mr. Conlin will have charge of the services for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lunch and Loraine, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Trick, Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Trick, Burketon, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- ers.-Mrs. Harold Wheeler and Dianne visited Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hoskin, Janetville.-Mr. Ar- thur Jackman visited Mr. Percy Williamson.-Mrs. Cecil Wilson visited her 'sister, Mrs.. Clifford Hetz, Fairview, Pa.-Miss Mar- garet Steele, nurse-in-training, London, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steele.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henry and daugh- ters, Enfield, Mr. and Mrs. Tal- mage Henry, Rae and Ivan, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Henry and daugh- ter, Janetville, with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Henry.-Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolmn, Yelverton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Victor Malcolm.-Miss Jean Malcolm visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor, Blackstok.-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hockey, Bowman- ville, Mrs. McCoy, Bowmanville, Mrs. Philp and son, Essex,, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walker, Mr. and OYAL1 A larger congregation than us- ual attended the Easter service, Sunday. Rev. J. A. Plant gave a fine Easter message and the jun- ior choir sang several Easter numbers. The church was beau- tifully decorated and the weather enjoyable which altogether made an ideal Easter Sunday. Cadlmus The Easter service Sunday mor- ning was well attended, conducted by Rev. R. B. Harrison. The Jun- ior choir added much to the in- terest of the occasion. Marvin Nesbitt is still on the sick list. Ail hope hie will soon be feeling better. Glad to see Frank Melton at church again after long weeks of confinement with a broken leg: Eddie Philp, Toronto, is visit- ing hîs grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Philp.-Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanna visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Midgeley, London.-Mrs. W. Pres- ton, Sterling, visited hier daugh- ter, Mrs. H. Philp.-Mr. and Mrs. Win. Robinson, Toronto, and Mr. Glen Gibson, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson.-Mr. and Mrs. W. El- liott, Sterling, with Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp.-Miss June Sweet and Miss Thelma Sweet, Toronto, wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Sweet.- Mr. and Mrs. M. Oke and Wayne, with Mr. and Mrs. 0. McQuade.- Mr. M. Henry, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKee.-Mr. and Mrs. Marwood McKee with friends in Bowmanville.-Miss Ev- elyn Philp with Mr. Fred Philp. -Mr. and Mrs. Ted Rainey, Otta- wa, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. John- tton. It is not easy to say how far an affable and courteous manner in conversation may go toward win- ning the affections.-Cîcero. Kirby W.M.S. held an Easter service of worship in the Sunday School room on Good Friday evening. We were glad to welcome guests from Orono and Kendal to wor- ship with us. A special Easter program entitled "A New and Liv- ing Way" was given and included Easter hymns, prayers, scripture and a meditation period. Mrs. Wm. Wannan gave a readîng "Easter Çarol" and Mrs. Lowery gave one on Christian steward- ship. Mrs. Cecil jones and Mrs. Wm. Cobbledick, Orono, favored with a beautiful vocal duet. Mrs. S. Littlewood gave a very inspir- ing Easter message based on the challenge of the Cross. Miss Stel- la Best rendered a lovely Easter solo. Mrs. Youmans closed the meeting with prayer. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cowan and Donna to our neigh- borhood. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bradshaw, Les- kard, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson.-Mr. and Mrs. R. Pat- terson, Forest Hill, with his sis- ter, Mrs. Wm. Wannan.-Miss Marion McKelvey, with friends in the neighborhood.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan wîth Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cowan.' Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. John Irwins, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bryan and Ruth, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, John Oke, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Dean, Oshawa; Miss Flor- ence Rundle, Hampton, at Wal- ter Oke's. Rev. J. A. Plant conducted a very impressive Easter service on Sunday evening. The church was decorated with Easter Miies, daffodils, snap dragons and pot- ted plants. The choir reridered two beautiful anthems. Miss Dorothy Nichols, soloist from Bowmanville, sang two numbers "Open the Gates of the Temple" and "The Holy City," accompan- ied by Mrs. Albert Cole, Bow- manville. Mrs. A. Cole also play- ed the piano in unison with Mrs. H. McGill at the organ for the singing of the hymns. Rev. Plant took as his text "Why seek ye the living among the dead?" At the close of the service he received 13 new communicants into church membership, and four more were received by letter of transfer. Communion was observed at the close of the service, over 120 at- tended the service. The Mission Band held an Eas- ter concert in the church with songs, recitations, piano solos, etc., under the leadership of Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, superintendent of Mission Band. Ice cream was served to all. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Napier, Tor- onto, at Mr. O. C. Ashton's. Mrs. Ken Caverly, Hampton, with Miss Eva Souch. Miss Shirley Cluteman, Mr. Geo. Reid, Mr. A. Leadbeater, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. A. Lead- beater. Mr. and Mrs. G. Whittaker and Eva Ann, Hamilton, with Mrs. M. Griffin and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill and Donald, Toronto, at Mrs. John McGill's. Mr. and Mrs. I. Travell and children, Oshawa, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. Miss Isabell Rahm, Hamilton, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm. Dr. and Mrs. C. Dorland and family spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John Dorland. Mr. Floyd Pethick, Mrs. Verna Wood, Toronto, at S. R. Pethick's. Miss Nancy Wood with her mo- ther in Toronto. ONTA RIO, a thousand miles this way and a îhousand miles that, is the playground of Canadians and Americans alike. With its divers ity of climate, life and interest, the province has everything the tourist wants and he cornes in his millions ta partake of it. Figuratively, the reception, accommodation and entertainment of these visiting millions set up waves of opportu- nity.filled activities that affect every phase of the business life of Ontario. The impact of the vis itor-industry is seen on every hand ... it is the wealth of all of us ... we are a permanent host to millions. Equality is the Mie of conver- another, as he who considers him- sation; and he is as m~uch out who self below the rest of the society. assumes to himself any par~t above -Richard Steelé. Mrs. Attwood and daughter, Tor- onto, Mr. and Mrs. Talmage Hen- ry, Janetville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Samells. Speaking at an open meeting of the W.I. at North Nestieton on Wednesday evening last, Dr. G. W. Miller gave some idea of the problems which beset those now engaged in health and welfare work in Canada. He said that peace had not brought an end to delinquency, domestic discord, il- ligitimacy, child neglect or the problems of sickness and old age. Rather it has focused attention even more sharply on these pro- blems and on some newer ques- tions such as housing, rehabilita- tion, community recreational needs and unemployment. Peace brings with it too, a 'consideration of new social security measures such as health insurance, a form of medîcine now being tried out in Saskatchewan. Dr. Miller gave an interesting outline of the early history of the Health Unit in the United Counties, cîting the first resolution of a nearby Home and School Club as an example of pub- lic opinion which eventually suc- ceèded in establishing the first rural Health Unit in Ontario. Dr. Miller spoke briefly on the work of the Canadian Society for the Control of Cancer and also gave some information on the mass chest X-ray campaign which has now got under way in this county. C. W. Souch and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caverly.-Mrs. J. Chatterton, Glenna, Loraine and George with friends in Toionto.-Geo. Chat- terton with his sister, Mrs.,Ray- mond Northey, Oshawa.-Miss Gwen Caverly, Toronto, at home. Sorry to lose -Mr. and Mrs. George Burtt from our village, they having been good citizens. On Tuesday evening membefs of the Centre Sewing Group of which Mrs. Burtt was a valuable mem- ber, and close neighbors, gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Balson for a social evening in their hon'rr. Mrs. Balson welcom- ed the friends, about 30 in ail, after which Mrs. W. W. Horn read a. few appropriate lines to the honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. Burtt, and Mrs. E. Wilbur pre- sented them with a lovely table lamp and bouquet of fiowers. Mr. and Mrs. Burtt expressed their thanks and appreciation of the kindness manifested toward them after which the evening was spent in cards, and refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Burtt will reside at Whitevale. Women's Institute which met April 4th was conducted by Pres- ident Mrs. E. H.. Cole. Report of executive meeting was given and business discussed. Mrs. Cole, Miss L. Reynolds, Mrs. K. Caver- ly, Mrs. Niddery and Mrs. J. R. Reynolds were appointed a com- mittee to meet the Park Commis- sion regarding various suggestions for park iniprovements. Refer- ence was made to the District An- nual at Solina on June l3th. also THFARE ARE NO LONG TUBES - BiIER WASHING1 'rhe SURGE does automatically what other machirs have to be helped to do. 60% of ail nijikers in the U.S.A. are SURGE, 16 other makes compete for the remaining 40% UX-SPRING FARMS Your Surge Service Dealer Uxbridge, Ontario Phone 103r2 Ira M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M TAKE NOTICE Citizens of Newcastle The Municipal Council of the Village of Newcastle request the citizens of Newcastle to adopt Daylight Saving Time as of midnight, April 27th, 1946, iintil September 29, 1946. The Municipal Council of the Village of Newcastle hereby notify the citizens of New- castle that it is necessary to obtain a permit from the Council before conunencing any new buildings or re-modelling of old. Yours truly, H. C. Bonathan Clerk & Treasurer i M M M M m M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M A CORNER ON TOURISTS . Annually, by train, boat, bus and private :car, more touriste enter Ontario than al : the other provinces of Canada combined.: :In 1945, although gasoline rationing was : fot lifted until August, 2,070,000 Ameri- : :can motor cars came in for less-than-forty-: eigbt.bour stays and 554,000 for longer: periods. Competent author- ' ities estimate Ontario's: ~THI yearly share of tounist reve- THE Canada's total. The pro. vince expecte at least: SREWI10,000,000 American visi- BREWItors in 1946. 4> Ye Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) SURGE Hampton The Fastest MiIker Ever Built OLEANER MILK Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - April 29 -30 & May 1 WINNER 0F THE ACADEMY AWARD AS BEST ACTRESS 0F THE YEAR! JOAN CRAWFORD AS J"MIildred Pierce" WARNER BROS. SENSATION FOR YOUR DRINKING PLEASURE -and good health be sure to get your daily quota of our pure, creamy-rich milk. Have a glass at mealtime-another with your in-between meal snack. Once you form the habit, you'll neyer give it up. Glen Riae Dairy lhone 444 . Bowmanville TUE PROVINCE 0F PROMISE . 0 Miss Madeleine Trull, Toronto, W L1me pak>e Live; anaa ariv for clothing in June. Donations at home.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bul- of food for Britain are to be in be- lett, Douglas and Jimmie, Scar- fore April 26th. Containers for boro Bluffs, at A. E. Billett's.- same to be placed in each store Miss Doreen Balson and Mr. Gor- with a list of articles desired. Mrs. don Kidd, Caledon East, at J. W. A. Barron and Mrs. J. R. Rey- Balson's.-Mr. and Mrs. Reg. nolds were named a committee Rackham and baby Nancy, Bow- in charge of this. $5.00 was voted manville, with Rev. and Mrs. W. toward the Institute ward of Rackham.-Miss Elsie MacMillan, Bowmanville Hospital. $10 was Alexander, and Miss Marion voted for war charities and $1.00 Johnston, Toronto, at Mrs. E. H. to the Cancer Fund. Nominating Cole's.-Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Wray, committee was appointed: Mrs. F. Miss Jean Rundie, Oshawa, Mrs. Honey, Mrs. W. 'W. Horn and S. Rundle, Miss Marjory Rundle, Mrs. K. Caverly. Mrs. G. Ad- Bowmanville, at T. Wray's.-Miss cock presided for the program in Nancy Johns, Toronto, at home- charge of the Centre Group. Mrs. Clarence Tomlinson and son, Selections from the song book and Miss Helen Rogers, with Mrs. were used; reading on historical Fred Muir, and Mrs. Gordon Hilîs, research by Mrs. Honey; Spring Hamilton.-Mr. Russell Reynolds housecleaning by Mrs. J. R. Rey- and Alan, Toronto, with Miss Lu- nolds, and a poem by Mrs. Nid- lu Reynolds.-Mr. and Mrs. C. dery. Mrs. K. Caverly favored Smith, Jack and Anna, with Mr. with a pleasing vocal solo. Light and Mrs. Lewis Trull.-Mr. and refreshments were served. Mrs. Geo. Edger, Mr. and Mrs.' G. Tubbs and baby, Courtice, with Most of us agree something Mr. and Mrs. H. Wilcox.-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and Mrs. W. should be done about the mess Thompson, Bowmanville, at W. the world is in-then go about Greenaway's.-Mr. and Mrs. Har- our own business, hoping some- vey Balson and Glen, Taunton, one else will do it. at J. W. Balson's.-Mr. Morley Hastings, Toronto, at G. A4cock's. Real joy comes not from ease -Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray and Miss or riches or from the praise of Eileen Wray, with Mr. and Mrs. men, but from doixig something Jackson Wray, Oshawa.-Mrs. Al- worth while.-Sir Wilfred Gren- bert Cole, Bowmanville, with Mr. 1 fell. . 1 mai THURSDAY, APRIL 25th, 1946 PAGE 19IGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, ONTARIO ý 1