%IrURSDAY, APRIL 1 lth, 1948 THE CANADIAN, STATESMAN, BOWMANVILL, ONTARIOPAE0 How Many af These Not So Old Familiar Scholars Can You Name? Wheelers Lose Round' to Toronto l Eliminated in Second ame 53-38' In the second of a homne and score up. Steve Levantis noted home series Bowmanville Wheel- ail-round athlete was the chie! ers were eliminated from the On- point getter for the Toronto team. tario Intermediate Basketball A large number o! Bowman- semi-finals by Moss Park, Toron- ville spectators made the trip to to. The score of the final game the city to witness the game and was 53-38 for Moss Park and the the supporters for the Wheelers score on the round was 94-75. outnumbered those in favor o! Throughout the entire game the Toronto team. Saturday night, at Parkdale Col- Next year the DeGeer coached legiate in Toronto, the Bowman- boys plan on having one of the ville boys showed plenty of en- finest teams in Ontario and with thusiasm but were ]acking in this year's experience they should much-needed experience. It was be well on their way. without doubt one of the rough- Line-ups: est games that the Wheelers have Bowmanville: R. Gilbart 11, D. played and it made quite an im- Mason 8, A. Clemnence 7, E. Mc- pression on the fouls scores. Ilveen 2, R. Mclntyre 2, J. Stutt 1, Ross Gilbart wasthe big scorer A. Wheeler, R. Moffatt 1, 1. Brown for the boys in Blue and Gold 6, R. Rundle. with Mason, Clemence and Brown Moss Park: Levantîs, Acomb, doing their share to keep the Fisher, Carter, Fine, Murphy, mm mmmmmiw.Kilgour, Drago and West. "Scotty" Cameron I I Appointed Coach of 9%1 AL.., . 1 ort Hope Bail Team un to0 Good Stait ..a WITH MILK An adequate breakfast and a pep-filled day go hand in hand. To keep your family in top-notch condition serve a hearty breakfast. Your breakfast should provide at least a quar- Hugh "Scotty" Cameron, veter- an Bowmanville basebali and hockey star, has been appointed manager o! the Port Hope Inter- mediate Basebail team for the 1946 season. "Scotty" who is in charge o! the ter - 25 % of the days health and energy re- quiremelits. Let milk play the most important role, use it in baking, cereals, desserts and have plenty for Hugh (Scotty) Cameron drinkcing purposes. local registry office, expects to take up residence in Port Hope in the very near future. Before he entered the armed forces Scotty For Delivery was playing manager of the Bow- manville Royals and many fans Phone 446 will remember the great brand of bail played by this club. Unfortunately Scotty will be playing against the majority of these lads and it may be a little amaitaillluIr different story. The reorganiza- tion of the Bowmanville team is BOWMA VILLE still going on'and more news of the latest meeting is .contained in DAIRY The- precept,' "Know yourself" was not solely intended to obviate ______________________ t he pride of mankind; but like- wise that we mîght understand Seed Grain BARBOFF BARLEY This is the six-rowed, smooth-awned barley that has given outstanding results in tests throughout the province. High yielder, pluxnp as two-rowed, stif f in straw, it has stood through ail the wind a.nd storm, in the past 4 years. There is more than twice the acreage of Barboff Barley grown in this county than the combined total of ail other varieties. Buitable to niix with early or mediu.m oats. Ajax and Cartier Oats Reg. No. 1 Commercial Reg. No. 1 YOU REAP WHAT YOU B0W - 80 80W THE BEBT Garnet Rlckard Phone 2813 Bowmanville Don Gilhooley Stars WHEELERS COACH In Winning Military Hockey Cliampionship Featured in press reports as the star in hockey playoffs in the.... Military League, Camp Borden area, Don Gilhooley of Bowman - ville, figured in five goas in the final game whc-ndd83 for his team, the Royal Canadian Dragoons. The game was the clincher for the championship '" over the Lord Strathcona Horse. 4 The game was played in Barrie. The sports reporter of the Bar- rie Examiner in covering the game vyhen su.mming up, stated: "Don Gilhooley, who played with the . Barrie Colts during the OHA sea- son was. the spearhead in the at- tack and the best player on the ice. He was tireless in skating, shooting and back-checking." Don is a son of Mrs. Gilhooley, King St., and starred in local hockey and basebaîl circles prior Walter DeGeer th; in H( tei *se e J Came Laws Sdh Dy Game Wari Coun, Millb man latest Gamg War ans Majc acqu; State also Batt area B] ber Claii ver, Rive Falb Mber Clai at he was a sparkpiug in the 1Welr bsebl ta.TeRvi ~tay Jnio Baebal Tam hatWheeiers won the Eastern Ontario Fal] ron the inter-city championship Çhampionship and were put out (b) iits fîrst season, two years ago. of the Ontario Semni-finals by ing le has had offers to join an in- Moss Park in Toronto on Satur- ver, rnationai league in hockey next d"y. Coach DeGeer expec.ts the' 20tt1 eason. teamn to go places next year now Sý that they have a years exper- Raii roronto Basketballers ience under their beits. Fro Iel Whelrs ut World Champ. Runner GrE In a special practice game last Alfred Sbrubb Also C h. hursday night a number o! St. oronto basketball players, mem- A Bowling Champion SOt ers of Simpson's Grad Team, and jave the Rotary Wheelers a good The 80-page, 1945 "Bowler's Nil Arorkout. Aithough there was no Guide," issued under the auspices Oct dmission and the game had not o h aainBwigAsc-No] een publicized a good crowd was o the aainBwin soi h n hand to watch the locaîs get ation, has lately come to the desk anc ýn shape for the Saturday night o! the editor o! The Statesman. ber :ame with Moss Park.- This booklet contains the news o! io'ý The game ended in a 53-42 de- alley bowling throughout Canada, Ba feat for the Wheelers but num- and lists the rules and their chan-Ocý ber o! important points were ges, together with the names o! neý learned. The team was brought champion teams and individual 1 Iown to Bowmanvilie by Coach champions. The book also deals clh W'alter DeGeer. Tom DeGeer and with the history of the develop- gie Fred Cowle were the referees. ment o! five pins from the heav- int ier ten-pin game. It is in th»is i connection that the naie o! Ai! rei Blue Devils - Roamers Shrubb is mentioned. o! Tidfor First Place Champ Runner M TiedIt should not be necessary to sir In Foundry Bowling say that Ai! Shrubb, at the turn o! DE ______the century was the worid's great- Mý The Foundry bowling teams est long distance runner (at least o! supplied pienty o! action and ioads 50 far as local people are concern- M; of fun on Thursday evening. Walt ed) for they know Ai! as identi- sir Poiley's Blue Devils and George fied for many years with Cream AI Brooks' Roamers remained tied o! Barley interests and today as no for first place. The Blue Devils co-own7er o! the miii manufactur- lir defeated Len Knight's Alley Cats ing Cream o! Barley cereal and 7-0. Walt Polley and Everett other miii products. He stili holds Weish led the Blue Devils. Bill world records that no runner le] Poliey and Clarke Wilson were since has matched. But few, if best for the Alley Cals. any, ever heard o! his prowess in se Frank Woolner was in good bowling circles. The Bowling form but his eff orts were in vain Manual tells the story. nm and his Bombers went down to a History. le 7-0 defeat at the hands o! George Tracing the history o! five pin Brooks' Roamers. In the third bowling, the book tells that the- game o! the evening Coulson game originated in 1909 among Woolner's Sky Hawks defeated fans in Toronto. Ten pins were George Lewins' Tail Enders 5-2. lathed down and smnailer balis Coulson Woolner had the high devised to speed up and popular- single with 306. Other high ize a game which, in time, would scores ,went to Clarke Wilson accommodate lady bowlers. It 270, Wa Polley 263 and Normn caught on. Soon leagues were Cowle 252. formed. In early days a player Teýam Standings with an average o! 145 was just Blue Devils ------------------------.14 about tops. The league coasted Roamers ---------------------------- 14 on with some changes in ruies Sky Hawks------------------------ 12 and equipment, right down 10 Tail Enders ------------------------ 2 1918, a period o! nine years, with- Bombers ---------------------------- 0 out spectacular scores. But in Ailey Cats --------- that year a change came. We Averages quote !romn the book: Wait Polley--------------------- 221 Champ Bowler Jack Parkin--------------------- 211 "In 1918 we find recorded the Frank Woolner------------------ 210 first game o! over 400, the trick Bill Polley------------------------ 208 being accomplished by the world Luther Welsh ------------ 193 famous Engiish, long -distance Frank Blunt --------------190 unrAledSub. Th Frank Burns ---------------- 189runr Afed hub" Te George Lewins ------------ 189 sports coiumnist o! The States- Clarke Wilson -------------- 189 man learns that it was in those Coulson Woolner--------------- 18 days that Ai! Shrubb resided in Everett Welsh ------------ 186 Toronto and was a close !riend o! 16the millionaire mayor of the city, Thos. Poster, wha left a fine leg- Solin Fooballacy in his wil for athletics, and Solin Fooballthat his inspiration for that leg- Club Elects New acy came !romn his association Slate of Off Icers with Ai! Shrubb. The Sauina Football Club held It should be told in conclusion, their annual meeting in the schooi that this booklet came to the at- on April 4th, 1946. The follow- tention o! the editor !romn the ing officers were elected: Presi- alert Chairman of Roads and dent, W. Yellowiees; vice-presi- Streets, Town Council, none oth- dent, Harold Baison; sec.-treas., er than Rotarian Tima Garton, pro- Jim Potter; manager, E. Hocka- prietor o! Garton's Bus Lines, day; lunch committee, Pearl Town Councillor, sports fan, ex- Leach, Ada Yeilowlees, Ruth Rey- RCAF pilot World War I, and a nolds, Helen Langmaid; field com- leader in everything designed to mittee, A. J. Balson, R. Davis, C. make Bowmanviile bigger and Langmnaid; finance committee, H. better. Mr. Garton and Mr. Balson, W. Parrinder, Peray Shrubb are two men who will Westlake, Howard Milison; col- figure proinently in the recent ection committee, H. Yellowlees, history rof Bowmanville when Will Baker; representative to lea- some inspired writer chooses to gue meetings, W. YeUlowlees, E. write the story. MeantiTie "Hats 0Hockaday. Practice nights wrnl off to Ai!" for a feat that he, me Monday and Thursday. himself, has forgotten. .ty, Sgt.-Major Deyeli of brook, called at The States- offices, Wednesday, with th< ;t schedule covering Ontario ie Laws. Veteran of World I, and member o! the Veter- Guard, Worid War II, Sgt.- or Deyell, was happy to renev aintance o! members o! The ;sman staff, with whom he Sserved in the lst Midland talion. The 1946 Game LawE as follow: Open Seasons lack Bass: June 29th to Octc. lSth; except (a) River St ir, Lake St. Clair, Detroit R:ý 'Lake Erie and the Niagarx er from Lake Erie to Niagan Is, June 22nd to December 15t1 .askinonge: June 29th to Octo .lst; except (a) River Si Àr, Lake St. Clair, Detroit Ri .Lake Erie and the Niagar rer from Lake Erie to Niagar Ils, June 22nd to December 15tl North and west o! and inld the French and Mattawa Ri rs and Lake Nipissing, Jun ih to October ist. 3peckled Trout, Brown Trou nbow Trout and Aurora Trou om April l9th to Septemb( thi. Lake Trout: No close seasonj -at Lakes, Georgian Bay, Nori iannel, Bay of Quinte and Rivi Lawrence. Inland Waters: (ý ith of and excluding the Fren( id Mattawa Rivers and Lal pissing, !rom November 6th .tober Sth next following. ( rth and west of and includii eFrench and Mattawa Rive id Lake Nipissing, from Nover ýr lst to October 4th next f( wing; except (i) The Distri( :Rainy River, Kenora, Thund ay, Patricia and Cochrane, frc etober 21st to September 24 xt following. Yellow Pickerel and Pîke:1 ,se season in Great Lakes, Ge( [an Bay, North Channel and t1i ierveniflg international conne ig waters and River St. La ance. Inland Waters: (a) Sot Eand including the Frencha lattawa Rivers and Lake Nip ig. Pickerel from May 151h )cember 3lst. Pike May 15th arch 3lst. (b) North and w fand excluding the Frencha lattawa Rivers and Lake Nir ig. Pickerel from May lSth Lpril l4th next following; Pi ,close season if taken by ai -ig. Bag Limits ,Black Bass: 6 per day; minimT ngth 10 inches. Maskinonge: 2 per day, 141 eason; minimum length 30 inc Yeilow Pickerel: 6 perd ninimum length 13 inches. Pike: 6 per day; regardless ength. Perch: 25 per day, (except Iý Toronto, at Rol5t. Killen'S. The W.A. meeting was held ai tedule Posted Solinath Sundayý School Anniversary A aen Dey ll willbe held May 26 and 27. n len DeyellSeveral relatives from here at-in *tended the funeral of the late H. N iMindemoya, 10 per day). F. Werry, Kedron, on Saturday. Le f Lake Trout: 5 per day. M. and Mrs. Hamer, Brooklin, lo - Ranbow Trout, Brown Trouh ve purchased Ralph Davis' Sti e Kaloop Trut ad Auorafarm and moved last week. We sui 0 Trout: 5, per day; minimum length welcome them. d 7 inches. - Speckled Trout: 20 per day or Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Tyrone, -10 pounds in weight; (except Nor- will preach here next Sunday. Sfolk County, 10 per day or 5 lbs. Hampton Y.P.U. visited Solina ýe in weight); minimum length 7 in- Union Monday evening and pre- Le ches. sented an excellent program un- Id Crappies: 20 per day. der leadership o! President Har- 75 old Quarrie, which included: Wor- ship service by Audrey Kersey, Discuss Finances Phyllis Niddery, Orville Hind- At Basebail Club man, Muriel Crawford, Eileen Executive Meeting Madiyn Wilcox, accornpanist; to- *a pic on the 23rd Psalm by Mrs. a The executive o! the Intermed- Harold Salter; humorous readings h. iate Basebali Team met again at by Bertha Armour and Ted Ker- o- the Town Hall, Tuesday evening sey; vocal duet by Yvonne Wil- t. to discuss ways and means o! fur- liams and Annabella Adcock, ac- i- ther per!ecting its organization companied by Ralph Peters; pi- ra for the comîng season. Main in- ano solos by Ralph Peters and vo- ra terest centred in discussion o! the cal solos by Gerald Balson. Bruce th. all-important matter o! finance. Taylor and Harvey Yellowlees 1- This will again engage attention conducted games and lunch was Ui- at an early date. served. ne Other items on the agenda were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe, Mr. the appointment o! three dele- and Mrs. Harold Pascoe at Bryce ut, gates to attend the league meeting Brown's, Oshawa. ut: to be held in Port Hope, Friday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnson, er evening. Meantime, a committee Peterboro, at Jack Baker's. igettng information on the de- Miss Margaret Reid, Peterboro, in sign and prices for the uniforms, with Miss Vera Baker. th the order for which will be plac- A f mzQ1rpthevt liTll hb VP$ady ch ike t tot b)s ngt ,ersr fol-i .ctst der -om1 4th or- oeir ect- )uth and pis- lto h to test and ýpis- ri to like, ng- cum per !hes. day; ýs o! ýake DEUTRUCTION Of your property by windstorm or explosion can be as severe as by fire. Ask this agency to tell you how insurance protection from these perils can be policy. It can be littie cost. added at very Sce us today! Stuart IR. James INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE Successor t. .J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bowmanviile %Ahm nf Mrs. A. T. Stainton. rylor; piano solo by Mrs. Ross .e; talk by Mrs. Chas. Naylor. A )vely lunch was served by Mrs. ainton and her group, Mrs. Ha- ik and Mrs. J. W. McMaster. Plumbing Rot Water Heating Repairs Agent for 01l.OuMagie Oil Burners IiMsalled ini Any Type of Furnace jack Brough Phone 2384 3 King St.W. towrite Stuart James, secretary- R n ik treasurer, Board o! Education, ta Miss Betty Balson, Orangeville, secure authority for the use O! at A. T. Stainton's. Tal<e a Hike the High School diamond for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huiatt and practice games prior ta the lea- Victor, Oshawa, at Russell Perk- 25c Fer Hour gue opening. According ta Bus- mns'. $1.00 Fer Day iness Manager Ticker Crambie,. M.adMs e aeo n 15 e ekn the prospects for a good team and TMr. a anlrs e Caero bn d $.OFe kn a successful league are indeed 0oyc tSalyCvrys bn n etees briht.______________Miss Peggy Killen, Toronto, -at Bicycles _________________Robt. Killen's. Meeting to Form Mr. and Mrs. Grant Jack, St. AlTpso ear Junior Basebali John's, Newfoundland, at Alex AlTpso ear Junor asealiMcMaster's and Chas. Nayor's. Parts and Accessories A speciai meeting of the Lake- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at shore Intermediate Basebali Lea- Arthur Youngman's, Tyrone. gueis ein caledforFriay Mrs. H. Aluin, Bowmanviile, at We will take orders on night ta discuss the formation o! Russell Rabbins' for a few days. future deliveries of bicycles, a Junior Basebali League. The Miss Betty Balson, Orangevilie, tricycles and wagons meeting will be held in the St. spent the weekend at Fred Cam- Lawrence Hotel, Port Hope, at rns. A .SanonadMs eys Duplicated 8:15p.m, o Frday Apil 2th Archer attended the General Mo- The league wiil likely be formed tr hi ocr tSmo t o! teams from Bowmanviile, Whit- Utedchrchont WSieSay by, Oshawa, Orono, Newcastle, Untd hrhMocNdedy d lulty's Port Hope and Cobourg. night. Miss Marguerite Martin, Toron- _________________ta, at Thos. Martin's. Torlinon' Hed Pns r.and Mrs. Percy Davidson, Sport Shop Tomlensn H ad insGeorge and Peggy at Russell Coch- 3 Ring St. E. BowmaneVlO Win Ladies' Bowling rane's, Brady. a eeadRo, '. Last weelt the Ladies' Major _________________________________ Bowling League rolled their play- off s. By de!eating Bern Carter's Lucky Strikes two games straight Vi Coole's second place Coo-Coos against Ada Tomlinson's Head Pins. The first game went to Vi's __ team and the second ta Ada's. It ail depended on the third game ]RADIO SERVICE and when the scores were totalled il was Ada's team that came out on top. ON ALL MARES 0F CAR OR HOME RADIOS The prizes go to Ada Tomlin- son's Head Pins for first place, Vi Coole's Coo-Coos second place.1 - High single for the scheduie, Dor- ÉCRIQ M SPLE is Poliey 348; runner-up Edith RCRIGS AD SPLE Andrew 323. High average for the most number o! games Ada Tomlinson 187; runner-up Edith Andrew 183. Ada has not missed Authorized a game and has led her team from the cellar to victory. There is no CROSLEY DEALER prize for high triple but Doris Polley had that too, 713; runner- up Lola Marjerrison, 693. See you next f ail, girls. ROY W u NEADS Runs for Two Weeks Taie grand windup o! the season in Men's Major League bowling starts Friday o! ýhis week at- which lime ail entries mnust be fil- ed to quali!y for the many events. The contests will continue for two wèeks and many cash prizes wiii be shared by those taking first, second and third places in teams and doubles and a whole string o! awards in the singles. Deadline for entries in singles and doubles is Friday, absolutely. Eighteen teams o! five men each have aiready been entered and the top three winners wiil share the awards according ta position in the finals. There wili be a high single teamn game and also a high singles contests as well as high doubles. In the singles the first five will share in the high aggre- gate. For further particulars cali and see Phil Cancilla at Martyn's Alleys. ONLY SUN-RAY FEEDS CONTAIN GENUINE SEMI-SOLID BUTrERMILK STARTa RIGHT!-R Su nRa AUL MASH CHICK STARTER More growth from the same amou.nt of feed.. at no extra cost. Btart right. Order today from 'i a Il Open Evenings Except Wednesday Phone 580 85 King st. B. Neweutle M. H. PEDWELL Clarke 3823