medical examination. In.1934 it 6"The British FIag on North America" which act as hosts for the disease. BG SUAC GINtnwth haweP -. d r u"n L f ss ca i n was the first lUfe company in Can- eren othha cardoutncalsomee- Lf nuac oeams 0og.ZI1fmn ad oofrgophsiaiainenminsetidcie but is to n afrm$. bli t pro-dxs,14,-codn aConfedetatiandLif eoAssoonetfithe .ith."D.D.T.." from 7~h A n v ra y few companies that provides aa netcdbtisato . complete group insuranée service. against the destructive saw-fiy imatl 1 ilos eot h o ttsis a l6 ________ O ~ ~~~~~~The company's first actuary was -a-o-enptt hets.H-FnnilPot hs tsaeor8prcn esta Confederation Life Association, eey wrigdytecopn rfso . .Cérmn dro was able to procure an im- inictshatritssiltehgho194 forholdest and one of the larg- pays policy owners and benefi- afterwards became Canada's first eitalomnfrtheeg-u etCanadian life insurance insti ciaries an average of $45,000. Dominion Superintendent of In- dnandssipe oMak e tutions, iof Crown lands for Fild Nea E gena velte two-room office in Toronto, the Sir Francis Hincks, who had beenFilNerEgna eetd Haiescoitsntino-temn.Teomr is elbrtigpispulaa- tieniocomenedopraioaniasrace Th frs pesien wsA fefdnerlheEugni rse- sssngmuhbutinbengcon 5e n creisdicsti niversary this month, having beenpouain fCnda as ny Prime Minister of Canada in founded April 14, 187 1. In all 3,689,267, fwo 05prcn 1851, and became finance minis-vorwseecdasabefr Canadaatht time there was lived in rural areas and less than terintefrtdmnnpaiaheeictr. ntepsegr OnY $42,000,000 of life insurance 3 per cent west of theGatLks ment after Confederation. He ccptwsa3-alndu o for e Bycoparso an i- ws uceeded as president by Sir.the.insecticide. This tank emp- --icatinthe growth in public ap- V.R mtpeietsneWlimParce Howland, one oftidnoahrznalpeabv ,. ,'peeiatthe under-carriage known as a ýprcla.V of the benefitofie 1944, joined Confederation Lif e the fathers of Canadian Confed- . C f t i n s a n a c u a y in 1 9 0 8 . W r e ra tio n a n d a lie u te n a n t - g o v emrn o rm i sua Ce, oneerato Life Dra fOtrO boom. From thisbo th mi AHOAL e iltisya rite approx- prof todaimhimos.aflowed through the countless holes j ateydul htaon.FrCut o.Fo i ope Confederation LiA Association resulting in a somewhat atomized hensive actuarial backgroundfrmn easbe eow-efe we h lp-tembe more than 50 years the company has intite many moe yoet adia rn hs oria ncl advrtsig nd reit aHeis ls wllknoef frfisr s cpies f hich miay _____cal-__________ over the leading edge of the pipe. has been a consistent user of news- cies nd fe imanc oerpacAMR.. shae n is moth o he nfu-seen in schools, public buildings metered the flow of the fiuid and officesn insinsured instantioperation.when e n c e o f p e s p b i i y I t a n - t iv e p a r t ic ip a t io n in p u b l i c a ff a ir s . n--ay-ou t r e s versary advertising pays tribute .D eln h ndte com- Duri ng the anniversary year the antihoeaada itrcl olcino plane was over the designat- to the gowth of the nation, its pany as a part-time epresentatieogna paintings Seatrneadn on exii eit on Ca pe Brets on Cnfdea toifeA soctiono ed area for spraying. resources, industmy and business. i 1910, snwgerlm ae. tion across Canada. These paintaningso ar rto ofeeaio ie Abeiexibn. The pine tree section of the is- an international business. havîng was one of the first life insumancesaninueof19I sne ited acmoss Canada as the comn- l a oee.Ltr pae 64 branches in 20 counties-36 in companies to provide policy own- of the 18 original caleidam paint- pany celebrates its 75th Annver- and unsprayed samples were Canada and 28 abroad. Office ers with total disability monthly C d u ings vaJ .Kly rmtente ay ettio. te brcolat on obith staffs number 732 and branch income beniefits, and is one of the vation. by J.. KellylmotB U L C > V A managers and field representa- f ew companiesstil1 oerg tee There was a fine attendance a nevatin M t s leaieve tt ithe s-iy-infece tives 1,218. At the end of 1945 benefits. In 1921 it pioneered thie CchsechaonoSunday mOmning. that the abee nfpra ed wre ass ts ere $18 ,1 0,5 7 a d b s- ow w idely-accepted p i cMa o h r v n SNesbit isonin the sick ________d ee sp ay d e anssts were $1 ,50,97 and ous- ie now rinc ipleof Obituary tisonth sckUsing Famous D.D.T. sve but the real results will not mes i frc $2195,27,an ofernghfe nsracewîhot ist. MRS. CHARLES VIRTUE Studied by Hydro Com. be known until the general con- Mr. Lowell Fallis and his mo i-__ofth______nbeobere ther returned home from the Suddenly on March 24th, Mrs. ti umr south on Sunday. Christina V irtue, w ife of the late M or_______________ofpa a-____sum er Syrnpathy of the entire com- Charles Virtue, entered the larger stontofnteipratwr See the New ~munity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. life at hier home, Enniskillen. Mrs. o forest conservation May be Darlngo uni ee the NewProsser and farnily in the loss of Virtue was borf in Cartwright evolved from experiments nowiltf oni ther om byfieTueda mr- owshp, anar 23 Ame l and g carried out by The Hydro- Monthly Meeting Electri daughter of the late AmlaadEectrie Power Commission of On- ____ jV nee a le ti Francis Sanderson. tario, with the assistance of the Clarence Penfound addressed Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinson She spent her childhood years provincial government. the council re municipal drain- 6' A Uwith Mm. and Mrs. E. Gibson. in Cartwright and later moved to Some months ago spraying with age as set out by the Tile Drain- S AD Mm. and Mrs. Bill Hanna with Enniskillen, wheme she lived sev- the powerful insecticide known age Act. Clemk to write and find R A D IO S Mr. and Mms. A. Hanna. emal yeams with hiem mother then as "D.D.T." was conducted in out particulars regarding drain- Miss Zetta McKee with Mm. and moved to Toronto whiere she was certain saw-fly infested areas of age plan. at Mrs. Sam McKee. united in marriage to the late the Commission's properties, and Ray Dilling presented his audi- Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson Of Charles Virtue on Sept. 23, 1912. this summer a careful check-up tor's report for 1945, which show- Yelverton with Mr. and Mrs. M. They then moved to Kedron where will be made to determine the ed receipts for of $85,350,- NARNL RI GO LE TR CMcKee and Mrs. Thompson. they started farming and later degree of control established. At 000, against expenditures of $85,- BICOO14____________ moved to Enniskillen where Mrs. present the saw-fiy is said to be 497.89, showing a deficit of $147.- HAPNESVirtue has resided for the past 25 concentrating on pine-although 29 on the year's operatins. HAPINSSyears. She was an active mem- there is no assurance that it will Mr. George F. Annis was ap- G.E. Battery Radios ............ $31.50 Hpy~ ewomke tr ber at the time of hier death of the not spread its depredations else- pointed as township member to Hapy i le ýhomaks strt United Church. where. Trees are killed or re- the Bowmanville Hospital Board. G.E. M$a4singingt She was a great lover of home duced ta grîm skeletons by the Council decided ta buy ten tons G.E.Manie R dio.... ... ... $495 Who keeps from deep dejection and family and always had a hehp- larvae which feed upon their of calcium Hapo free, .ing hand for those in sickness lpaîned out, is ers i te mst Woen's nti rmte visiteoth SEE THE NEW FIXTURES And says: "The best is yet ta be., or pain. usineulof ur C adanteesbth counsI nsuge sited thedb For him the dreary m amning's fine, The funeral service on M arch ustanding uran a sal e e s tiber. dredge d a eteis c ot, swim Corne in our store and have a look at the new electrical And every rain-cloud is divine. 27th was held in the United Is petan inisas senabltteminegpoola tnnelcrhightsb fixure. W hve ustwht yu wnt orevey romChurch, Enniskillen, with a briefati ponaleconamy. placed o he in othn ee arCansrbe fitrs ehv utwa o atfreeyron Happy is he who goes ta work service at home. The service was ntoa cnm.pae ntepr.Cnieal in the house. Prepared no honest task ta shirk, conducted by Rev. J. A. Plant who P'reserve Beauty: rvn Erosion thseusustion s withpl he resitg Whose skillful hand and wiling gave a very comforting address Throughout the province, Hy- thates Parkesomsionthe reuta heart ta the bereaved, and Rev. M. R. dro has purchased or leased acre- bring nh ecParkCmmendstons and t HOU E A D ARM WIR NGTagether play their steady part. Sanderson, Toronto, nephew of ages for the devehopment of iiow- prices asnfrcas paieonthe HOUSE AND FARM WIRING ~~For hie, in unpretentiaus ways, the deceased, assisted in the ser- er sites which, in general, are ps a. a osil o h O R S E ILYFinds themes for jocund sngs of vice. The many beautiful floral sub-marginal, or unsuited for ag- Thne.floigbhswr ad pas.tributes expressed better than riculture. The Commission is par- Toronto Stamp and Stencil 401 I Le sko bu ou SjobIadTY praise. y words the higli esteem in which ticuharhy anxious to maintain Works, dag tags, $22.83; F. L. By- a free estimate. Happy is hie who finds his best the departed was held by hiem these lands in a welh-wooded am, relief $14 .69; Bell Telephane Saul-satisfying place of rest, many friends, neighbars and rel- state not onhy ta preserve natur- Ca., service charges, $4.15; Coun- When evening cames and work is atives. Interment was made in ah scenic beauty, but also ta pre- ties' Treas., hospitahizatian, $102.- dýqne, Bethesda cemetery. vent erasian. Hydro's forestry de- 01; G. F. Annis, sheep inspection If you need paint remember we carry a full line And slippered ease is dearly won; Palîbearers were Harvey Mc- partment has roviniaand $ 2.40; Sidney Worden, sheep da- Where wife and children make Gili, Walter Oke, Bert Fergusan, hand with bath the magsv18iN.J.Wolleasee oth aoshim feeh aol ilîs. Francis Werry and Dominion governments an these ectin, $18NJ.Woly he of the o ov ae adsofaaolmou barr conservation schemes. inspecin,$; Leslie Cockrane, The bonds af lovenare bands afArthur Brunt. Flowerbaessheep damages, $35; J. D. Hogarth CIL.ePantseandVarnishs of the deceased. Seventy-Five Acre Island March salary, $125; J. D. Hogarth, Left ta mourn the passing of a At Eugenia Falls, where an ar- excise, postage and express, $12.- Last year Canada exported 1 ,_hoving mother are hiem three child- tîhcial lake was farmed by flood- 50; Mrs. Kate Cowling, relief, $8; J uM..FI' 844 good work horses to the Ne- ren, Rahph at home, Ruby of Mon- ing same 2,500 acres ta pravide a Sheppard and Gihl, fueh for office, iggon Elec rietherlands, 654 ta France. In 1946 treal, Evelyn of Bowmanville. One reservair for the power plant, a $16; Cawker's Gracery, relief, teNethemlands will take over daughter, Naami, predeceased hiem 75-acre island of no arable value $8.13; raads and bridges, main-BWMN LE the ndFacepoaby2, eleven years aga and one son Roy became Hydro property. Since tenance and repair, $2,928.41. P NE4842 KING ST., E. 000, with 750 already shîpped in was killed during the battle of 1931-32, trees of variaus types DUL Jaur Caen, France, a year and eight have been planted on the island A seies of posters illustrating 65 r îJauay.months aga. Hem husband pre- and around the power plant, with the chief Canadian occupations deceased hiem ten years aga. a distribution of about 1,000 seed-hsbenppadbyteNiol ________ _______________lins t th aceand theme is now Film Board f or use in vocatianal promise of a fine stand of timber. ....................... . .... - Ntice Br~vnPathes guidance work. Thomas D. Berry, supervisar b'mm MRMOBUBU of the Eugenia district, where hie* _____ _______ ___ASHTONKERSEY has seen almast thirty years' ser- A very pretty wedding wvas sol- vice with Hydma, has taken a I i emnized at Hampton parsanage keen intemest in these trees frmm* on Saturday, April 6. Rev. W. the day they were planted. One M Rackham affîicîating when Gladys day, same manths aga, lhe naticed ~. -Pearl, eldest daughter f Mm. and brown patches amang the green * ý .. j"" Mrs. S. Kersey of Hampton be- fahiage. A trip ta the island con- f neighborhood Glidden dealer's. Endurance prepared paint _On thei rtanthey will esoieinste otm.A alt h cornes in white and 18 rich, long-lasting colors. It's onni'erirn atd-otm.Acl h service-tested to stand ~~~ Enniskillen. Commission in Toronto for advice M ipraî acnie VR ATo ua nerlfco 9aoaoy&se o ult prompted an immediate confer-a logr ne Cndin_____partment of Lands and Fomests apeebat ... Time-Tested by three generations of St. Paul's C.G.I.T. group met in weme consulted. Spray the trees?a mastr pintrs.the Primary room on April 3rd -Certainly. But considering the a with a small attendance, and Pres- then-existent labor situation and You'11 want a NWPR AETt tr oi ident Joan Rice in the chair. The the time ehement involved in* îighadou girls discussed going bowling af- was nothing exactly new in that,* ter the meeting on April 10. The but little had been done in Can- M Juniors are ta be in charge of ada tawards actual saw-fiy pre-* kepadnipoih eydtyorotuecls vla the progmam for April 10. Miss vention by this method outside a * 41r'Y' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Creaser and Miss MeAllister had few trial flights made by the De- saket orEse uft n u o itela tteE charge of the worship service partment of Lands and Forests which was very much enjoyed. while pursuing the spruce bud-* ...... ... Mrs. W. P. Fletcher gave a talk worm. Arrangements weme made on what happened at the Oshawa ta try aerial spraying and a heli- AL TY E 0F PR A NT W VN Presbyteriah meeting. This was capter was suggested. This type *L very much enjoyed and the meet- of aircraft was chosen because of * ing chosed with Taps. it manoeuvrabihity and the fact*________________________________ ________________ that it does not requime an actual MPoe43 frY u etA pitel Canadan trops rachin Hon landing strip in its operation. hn Jp-A L~ CCandia trops eacingHan Experimental Work with D.D.T. JA PKong numbered 1,985. 0f these, 1,689 w'ere taken prisaner after i One of the latest developments a SEEYOU NEGHB RHO D GIDEN EALR 442 erereortd klle inac-inthe treatment of inseet plagues a Manicu.riflg tion. Rescued from Jap camps h. b" E se uetelleD.T" Tis were only 1,144. The difference is an abbreviation for the jaw- a Eye-brow Arching W ]E E Lrepresents the starved and mur- breaking chemical "dichloradiph- Facials ~CAI?. O dee.enytrichhoroethane?" The chem- Dn~ E I > I~ A~~L deiged0. ist would describe it as a stable, * )ndd The weed killer lately discov- colorless, cryÉtalline solid. Orig- a Treatmeflts M.adMs .Boi ered, which kilîs weeds without inally discovered in 1874, it was S3pecial GEO. là. BA RON & soifharming grass and crops is calied not untjl quite. recently that tTemns 2-4 - Dichlorophenoxyacetie Acid, came into promînence through it : TemnS O MsLEB or 2-4-D for short. It means death use by armies operating in Euro- Hampton to poison ivy, dandelions, plantain pean war zones as a curb for bydtrin th fls, m UMM M U MEM M oe IiiRTEEN farm pro- to Domiri- 54 million, the record Ontario free grants eran's set- charge of Lued. OESS TIME ESI IME f0 M M M M M t nîght . M re. MM M M M M Èld zest and * M M ster Parade. * M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M J~ WAVES M M M A M ECIALTY MM M M M *MMMMMMMMMMMU