PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDA'Y, APRIL llth, 194e Mrs. Mary McEvoy is in Ham- Mlon visiting her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Selby Spencer and her new grand- daughter (Mary Barbara). Mr. Harold DeLine, Toronto, spent tne weekend at home. The C.G.I.T. met April 2nd with president Christine Alldread ini charge. Mary Hagerman led in the worship period and work was done on the scrap book of Africa. Rev. C. G. Park, Whitby, con- ducted the morning service of Mill St. United Church. He preached about "Evangelism" Rev. E. E. Patterson took the mor- ning service at United Church, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ingram, of Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Ingram, Jr., and daughter visited friends in Newcastle. We welcome home Rflmn Syd- ney H. Ferguson only son of our two popular residents of New- castle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Fergu- son, who arrived home Monday evening after serving two years in Bermuda with the Brockville Ri- fles. Congratulations to Judith'Eliz- abeth Brown who celebrates her first birthday, April i lth. Judith is the younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brown'and grand- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew Brown. Women's Christian Temperance Union met in the board room of the United Church with Mrs. Norman Riekard, president, in charge. Mrs. Carveth acted as secretary pro tem. Scripture was read by Miss O. Warren followed by a vocal solo, "Enough to Know," delightfully sung by Mrs. James Brown. The travelling sec- retary of W.C.T.U. was guest speaker and based ber remarks- on "Il is done," from Revelation, al- s0 from Zachariah 4:10, "Who hath despised the day of small things." Mrs. McKay quoted Mrs. Roose- velt, "But for -the women, any good cause would perish." And wenî on to review the influence of such women as Madam Curie "radium;" Florence Nightingale, "ýnursing," etc. A commiîtee of women called upon the Toronto mayor, and broughî to bis atten- tion six magazine publications whicb were a bad moral influence -those magazines* are now ban- ned. May women continue to use their influence for the good of aur youth and our land. A vote of Ihanks was tendered Mrs. McKay for ber inspiring address. W.M.S. THANKOFFERING Easter Thankoffering of United Church W.M.S. was held in the Sunday School hall, April 4 with Mrs. W. W. Patterson presiding, when guesîs from Orono and New- lonville W.M.S. also Newcastle Evening Auxiliary were enter- Iained. In a few words of wel- come Mrs. Patîerson spoke of friendship with neigbboring aux- iliaries and our common interest in the Crusade for Christ. A well rendered instrumental duet was given by Mrs. R. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples, Orono. A letter was read by Miss E. M. Blackburn from Mrs. N. Allin re- gretting ber absence tbrough ill- ness. Scripture passage, "The Easter Sîory" from St. Luke's gospel was read by Mrs. G. Allun. Mrs. Waite contributed a beauti- ful solo. The guest speaker, Mrs. Mc- Kinney of Brooklin, was introduc- ed by Mrs. George Honey. Mrs. McKinney gave a very inspiring talk on "Woman's Part in Visita- tion Evangelism." She spoke of the Lenten season-Woman last at the Cross first at the tomb, they found Christ not dead but alive. We women bave a torch 10 hold bigh especially in missions, aI home and abroad. Jesus expecîs us ta share in bis work and we need fellowship with one anoth- er. The world needs the work of Christian women in our church organization we bave the oppor- tunity 10 carry on the work of those who planted the Churcb in our midst. Mrs. McKinney told a story of a C.G.I.T. camp and what training and leadership can do for young people. If we encourage our young people bo form unions, like the oak these young people would find shade in the Cburch that their Christian faitb may be firm- ly rooted there. There is no lim- it ta the love of God. He is more willing to help us than we are ta serve him. Mrs. N. Rickard and Mrs. E. Hoar offered prayers. Mrs. C. Allin*moved a vote of thanks bo Mrs. McKinney for the inspiring message. Tea was served and a social hour was enjoyed. Evening %Branch of the W.A. of St. George's' was held aI Hazel Crowthers' on April 3rd with'10 members present. After the op- ening and prayers the girls work- The Newcagt1e Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 ---C - -------------- Haydon ed on the quilt and baby clothes. 'Next meeting will be held at the Irectory on May 1lt 1 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Gaines vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines, Sr. Mrs. L. Gaines and girls were at Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gaines' for Sunday dinners. Mrs. L. Gaines -and girls and Mr. Reg. Meadows, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woodward, Bowmanville. Mrs. Harold Couch entertained their "500" group on Thursday when the girls surprised her with a birthday party. Many happy returns. Mrs. Harold Couch and Mrs. L. Gaines spent Thursday afternoon in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. K. Aiken and family visited in Toronto. Salem The Women's Association met at the Cann home on Thursday, March 2lst with a good attend- ance. The president opened the meeting and conducted the bus- iness.period. Mrs. H. Barrie and her group had charge of the pro- gram which consisted of a vocal duet by Reta Cann 'and Doris But- tery; a talk by Rev. Crestwell; reading by Mrs. L. Welsh, and a piano solo by Mrs. S. Buttery. The group in charge served lunch. Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton and Lois were guests at the wedding din- ner at the Commercial Hotel in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton (nee Gladys Kersey). Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, at Mr. Clifford Pethick's. Sympathy goes out to Mrs. Roy Fowler and relatives on the sud- den passing of her husband, Roy Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. F. Cowling and son, Blackstock, visited at Mr. R. McNeil's. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton who were married Saturday, April 6. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pethick, Mrs. E. Strutt at Mr. Jack Potts', Haydon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Ro- nald, Clem and Doreen visited friends at Weston and Toronto. Mrs. S. Rodman, Port Perry, Mrs. S. May and Billie, Toronto, Mr. W. J. Bragg, Providence, Miss June Ashton, Bowmanville, at Mr. E. C. Ashton's. Sympathy 10 Mr. J. A. Werry on the death of his brother, Mr. H. Fletcher Werry, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griff in and Jean, Mr. T. Stinson called to see Mrs. M. Griffin. Several have had bad colds in the community and are confined bo their beds. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Mrs. Orval Ashton attended a shower given Miss Gladys Kersey at Mrs. I. Travell's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Werry attended the funeral of his broth- er, H. Fletcher Werry of Kedron. Also attending were the members of their family together with cou- sins and other friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Siemon recently visited friends at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ashton and Larry, Cartwright; Miss Florence Rundle, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke, Oshawa, at Walter Oke's. Mrs. Walter Oke has been un- der the doctor's care but is im- proving. Nesîleton W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Grant Thompson, April 41h with 17 ladies present. Rol caîl was answered with "A Cana- dian beauty spot." Program: Reading, Mrs. Harry McLaugh- lin, "Farm Clubs and Canadian Unity;" reading, Mrs. Grant Thompson, "How Paddy Stole the Rope;" piano music by Eleanor Thompson; ýcontest by Mrs. Cecil Wilson. We were pleased bo have Mrs. Agnes Shepard who bas just celebrated ber 89th birthday and had not been with us since De- cember. Mrs. Thompson and ber belpers served a dainty lunch and cup of tea. A hearty vote of thanks xvas given all who helped ta make a pleasant afternoon. May meeting at Mrs. George Bow- ers'. Dr. Miller is bo speak bo us on April 17tb. Mrs. R. W. Marlow visited Mrs. Jas. Samelîs and Mrs. Chas. Em- merton. Mrs.. L. Joblin visited Mrs. K. Burton. Mr. John Wilson, Purple Hill, and Mr. Melville Henry, Oshawa, visited Mr. Harold Wheeler. Mr. Ray Dilling, Bowmanville, has been auditing Mr. Hen.ry Thompson's township books. Frank Osmond cut his thuimb very badly at work which necessi- tated having several stitches. Jack PolIs has purchased the piece of orchard land adjoining his property from Russell Aun- ger. W.A. is postponed until next week. The "welcome home" for the Haydon boys was held on Satur- day, April 6 aI 6 p.m., the boys and their wives, if any; were fet- ed to a chicken pie supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack PolIs. The tables were prettily decorat- ed in red, white and blue. At 8 p.m. the community and friends gathered aI Enniskillen hall. Mr. Earl Stephenson acted as chair- man. O Canada was sung and the chairman spoke briefly. Mr. Denby gave a violin selection. Rev. A. E. Creswell gave a short talk. Miss Marie Ashton render- ed a solo. There were several of the boys unable 10 attend, but those present were called bo the front. As Mr. Stephenson called their name, Mrs. Jack Potts and Mrs. E. Stephenson presented each boy with a lovely leather zippered bill fold and with an en- closed bill. Mr. C. Avery was called on bo speak and Mr. Denby gave another violin selection. The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time and lunch was served. Much credit is due our "welcome home" committee, Mr. C. Avery, Mr. E. Stephenson, Mrs. C. Garrard and Mrs. J. Potts. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron 10 our community hav- ing bought and moved onto the former Sam Woodley farm. Don was one of our soldier boys and bas served several years overseas. Mr. Jim McLaughlin, Enfield, at Mr. A. Beech's. Mrs. Henry Ashton at Mr. Stan Woollings, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stainton, Hampton, Mrs. Lindsay Scott and Breen, Timmins, Cpi. and Mrs. Douglas Fontaine, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grant, Toronto, Miss Marie Mulbolland, Mr. Jim Smith, Bow- manville, at Mr. E. A. McNeil's. Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Mr. Jim Martyn, Miss Clare Trewin, Miss Aura Prout, Bowmanville, LAC. Clifford Trewin, Aylmer, Miss Verna Trewin, Osbawa, Rev. A. E. Cresswell, Tyrone, aI Mr. W. Trewin 's. Mr. John Grabam, Mr. Kenneth Graham, Enniskillen, at Mrs. R. Crossman 's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Osmond and Connie, Mrs. W. Thompson at Mr. Roy Thompson's, Leskard. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton and family at Mr. Russell Ormiston's, Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Challis, Miss Phyllis Challis, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pethick, Mrs. E. Strutt, Enniskillen, at Mr. J. SPotts'. Mr. and Mrs. A. Beecb, Miss June Anderson, at Mr. Don Carr's, Enniskillen. Mrs. E. Brookingr, Mrs. C. Bran- nigan, Bowmanville, Allin Stain- ton, at Mr. C. Slemon's. Mr. and Mrs. L. Graham, Mr. Jim Graham, at Mr. C. Ashton's, Burketon. Bradley's Bradley Community Club met April 5th witb President Mrs. A. Prescott and Secretary Mrs. E. Cryderman in charge. With Miss Betty Smales at the piano, the meeting opened by sînging O Canada. Treasurer Ewart Leask read bis report showig a substan- tial balance on band. Il was de- cided to send $8 to the Tamblyn Stores for care of a European war orphan. Trustees were authoriz- ed to buy an e]ectric dlock for the school. It was decîded 10 have tbe picnic aI Geneva Park on June 22nd. The program was varied and excellent. Mrs. W. Leask gave a fine reading "Cuddle -Doon" and Orono News A wedding of local interest took place in Toronto reeently when Miss Nancy Armstrong Jamieson, daughter of Mr. W. S. Jamieson and the late Mrs. Jam- ieson wM married to Mr. Earl Alexander Acton, son of Mrs. Acton and the late E. A. Acton, Owen Sound. Rev. A. H. Ferry, Owen Sound, officiated at the ceremony at the bride's home on Douglas Drive. Miss Marjorie Johnston was bridesmaid. Mr. Melville Ward acted as gr oms- man, and Miss Jean Keys ýayed the wedding music. The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Bruce Goode left on the first of the month to take over a creamery business in Whitby. Mrs. Goode and children will move 10 Whitby in the near fu- ture. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bail are at their home after spending sev- eral weeks in Bowmanville. Miss Patricia Yeo, nurse-in- training at Oshawa General Hos- pital, is on three weeks' vacation. Several ladies of the W.M.S. of Park St. Church, visited New- castle Auxiliary Thursday after- noon for their Easter meeting. Mrs. R. H. Brown and Mrs. M. H. Staples entertained with a lovely piano duet. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bowen cele- brated their golden wedding an- niversary on March 31st. Mrs. Hesper Dean entertained mem- bers of the family on the Satur- day evening to a delightful dinner party. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gilbert are living in the Cowan'house on the Forestry bill. Mr. Gilbert is rep- resentative of the Campbell Soup Co., New Toronto. Armstrong's Store has a new refrigerated show case in the meat and grocery department, where meat can be displayed. Orono Continuation School stu- dents journeyed to Blackstock on Friday evening when they pre- sented the play which they pre- pared for the commencement. Se- veral gymnastic exhibitions were put on between acts. Mrs. Fowler who visited her sister, Mrs. Jas. Alldread, Tyrone, has returned 10 the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herb Murray. Mrs. A. H. Keane and Sam were in Toronto on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Keane returned with them for the weekend. Mrs. J. J. Mellor addressed the Men's Club of Queen St. United Church, Lindsay at their annual banquet. A new fire alarm siren has been purchased by the Police Trustees for the village. Vance Cooper lef t Monday for Petawawa after three weeks' leave at home. Mrs. L. Baldwin bas returned 10 ber home after spending the winter in Oshawa. Visitors: Mr. J. E. Richards has resigned from the Rural Hydro collecting, because of 111 health. Mr. W. Eck of the Juvenile Court, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Powers vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers, Kingston. Mr. Glen Tamblyn, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn ----- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood, Toronto, at Mr. C. Wood's---- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lycett and family witb Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Mimico ---- Mr. Le- roy Bown, Uxbridge, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brown ---- Miss Pauline Robbins, Leskard, with Miss Helen Wood ---- Miss Gwen Tennant with friends in Bowman- ville ---- Mrs. J. J. Cornisb and Joanne with relatives in Toronto and Mimico ---- Mr. Franklin Tamblyn, Toronto, with Mr. A. J. Tamblyn ----- Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reid a -Ind Patsy, withM". nd Mrs. N j' Obituaries. MRS. FRED E. HUGHES Leah Elizabeth Hughes, 58, died March 4, at her home, 735 Sev- enth Ave. W., Eugene, Oregon. She was born Feb. 15, 1888 in Dodge City, Kans., and married Fred E. Hughes of El Paso, Texas, April 26, 1914. A resident o! Eu- gene for 17 years, she was a mem- ber of the Baptist Church and was affiliated with the Spanish- American Veterans Auxiliary and the Parent-Teachers Association. She is survived by her husband; four daughters, Mrs. Howard C. Ragan, Portland; Mrs. Kenneth T. Smith, Seattle; Sgt. Mary E. Hughes, WAC., stationed in Bal- timore, Md.; Beatrice E. Hughes, Eugene; three sons, Capt. Sam E. Hughes, Brigham City, Utah; Fred E. Hughes, Eugene; Pfc. James L. Hughes, New Orleans; three sis- ters, Mrs. W. E. Smith, Carlsbad, N.M.; Mrs. AIf Buertig, Santa Monica, Calif.; Mrs. W. E. Butler, Glendale, Ore., and four grand- children. Mr. Hughes is a native of Tyr- one district in Durham County, Ont., and attended Bowmanville High School. HENRY FLETCHER WERRY After being confined 10 bis room for the past two months, Henry Fletcher Werry passed quietly to rest aI bis home near Kedron, East Wbitby township, April 4. The laIe Mr. Werry was second son of the laIe William and Eliz- abeth Bray Werry and was born aI Roselandvale Farmn, near So- lina, Sept. 29tb, 1866. In 1892 he moved to the farm purchased from the late Lewis Luke, north of Kedron, on whicb he spent the remainder of his life. On October 2, 1895, he was united in marriage with Mary Rosetta Grace Batty, elder daughter of the late William G. and Elizabeth Tremeer Batty. On October 2, 1945, the family circle and other relatives, hon- ored Mr. and Mrs. Werry on the occasion of their golden wedding. Messages and 'gifts from many friends were much appreciated by the bride and groom of fifty years. The late Mr. Werry early gave bis heart 10 God and his life of faith, service and consecration are worthy of emulation. As long as health permitted he was ac- tive in aIl branches of cburch and Sunday scbool work. In his chosen vocation of farm- ing be exercised keen judgment and strength, rewarded with suc- cess in the lines of his choice. Faith in God and perseverance in the pursuit of duty are attributes of Mr. Werry which stand out as a monument bo his memory. Besides his sorrowing wife there remain to mourn his pass- ing two sons, Clarence F., who lives on the Batty homestead east of Kedron; Harold A., on the homestead and txvo daughters, Mrs. Howard M. Brown (Grace Bernice), Oshawa, and Miss Wil- ma E. Werry, Reg.N., also six grandchildren, William A., Robert B., and Muriel A. Werry, Ronald J., and R. Jeanine Werry and Eric J. Brown. The funeral service was held at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, at 2 p.m., Saturday, Ap- ril 6th. Rev. G. W. Gardner, Columbus pastor, had charge and spoke words of comfort and in- spiration. Rev. E. W. Rowland, Mark St. United Church, Peter- boro; eulogized the laIe Mr. Wer- ry as be knew and worked witb him when he was pastor of the Brooklin-Kedron circuit 23 years ago. In II Timothy 1:12 he voic- ed the clear, sound tesîimony of the deceased, " . .. I know whom I have believed . . . " Romans 8:28 enabled bim 10 meet, four- square, all. the difficult situations common bo men: "And we know ahl things work together for good Also in the words of Paul he could say "For we know that if Pur-earthly bouse ofIis ta- 1000 Canadians die of cancer every month. Cancer specialists are convinced that the majority of these lives could be saved if proper treatînent were given i the early stages of the disease. That is the ajîn of the campaign against cancer n0w being organized in Ontaro-to cut down this costly Ioss of life now being exacted by cance. Ih is proposed ta establish cancer clinics*at suitable centres throughout the province w'here ail w-ho suspect they may have cancer may be examined, and receive the proper treatment if necessary. Plans are also under way ta pay a portion of the cost of rreatment of cancer, as weIl as travelling expenses, for those needing financial help. The third objective of the campaign is an made with hands, eternal in the heavens." II Cor. 5:1. Pall bearers were nephews Mes- srs. John Batty, Robert Batty, Brooklin, Francis Werry, Ennis- killen, A. R. J. Luke, Toronto, Meredith Moffatt and Dr. George Werry, Oshawa. A large gathering of relatives and friends assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to the de- ceased. Interment took place in the family plot, Union cemetery. Many beautiful florâl gifts brought their messages o! love and sympathy and incl uded sprays and basket from The Oshawa Fruit Growerii, The Vocal Quar- tétte, The Ideal Dairy and Kcd- ron Church. Flower bearers were rnbers o! the session, near n'.-jiitborn and relatives. Man's lack of understanding rnillinery is not cleared up vhen ý h<e sees woman fending off the IMORTEIMER ANDIUN wtrrt the elements can offer with Mortimer Aridi-m i,y, or mJry a cotton handkerchief on the head. years a pih)opr.-ilikwr on <hrrarci _Boston Globe. RtOYAL THEATRE Bowmanville - Phone 589 A Week of Super Entertainment Mon. - Tues. - Wed. April 15 - 17 Cartoon - Fox Late News Trhurs. -Fri. April il1-12 'The Southerner' Starring Zachary Scott, Betty Field A Picture that Grips Your Heart Added Attractions: Short "Beware of Redheads" Cartoon "Book Revue" Saturday Only April l3th BIG DOUBLE SHOW 'Littie Miss Molly' Starring Maureen O'Hara, Binkie Stewart - AND - "'àFirebrands of Arizona" Starring Smiley Burnette Fastest, Funniest Western Exploding with Excitement energetic program of cancer research in Ontario with the aim of discovering a specific cure for cancer, or for some means of preventing the disease. Cancer research carried on to date has been entirely inadequate. It is estimated that less than $100,000 is being spent in the whole of Canada on cancer and related subjects. organize sufficient farces against the scourge of cancer, the solution wilI sooner or later b found. Your contribution is needed-to cut dlown the death rate froîn cancer n0w-to carry on the search for a method of ridding the world of this dread disease. This appeol is for an objective of $2,000,000 ta provide for a three-year program of cancer research, treatînent and province-wide service. à, Please Leave Your Contribution at Your Local Bank St. E., Toronto, died April 8 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A, Dufty, Queensvifle, where he had resided for the last 12 years. Mr. Andrus was born in Orono, his parents being early settlers. He moved to Lindsay, where he- first established a photography business and later went to Toron- to. He was a member of the Un- ited Church, and attended Simp- son Avenue Church, Toronto. Mr. Andrus had been retired for 20 years. Surviving are his daughter,. Mrs. Dufty; a son, Wilfred, Long, Branch; two grandchildren, nine great grandchildren an%- oneý great-great grandchild. OSHAWA Phone 1011 Free Parking TIIURS.- FR1. - SAT. April 10 11i - 12 - 13 "Love Letters" Starring Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten with Ann Richards, Cecil KeIIaway, Gladys Cooper Added: Tops ini Big Top Popeye Cartoon Latest Paramount News MONDAY - TUESDAY April 15 - 16 "Back to Bataan"y Starring John Wayne, Anthony Quinn, Beulah Bondi WEDNES. - FRIDAY April 17 -18 -19 Eddie Bracken, Veronica Lake in "Hold That Blonde" with Albert Dekker, Willie Best Hold on to your seats - it's EXTRA! Plan to See Our Big Midnight Show Easter Sunday ln the majorîty of cases CAN BE CURED May the joys and happiness of the Easter season be with you as you join men the world over in solemn wor- ship of the glorious resur- rection of our Lord Jesus Christ. May his blessings and guidance be bestowed upon you. The Radi'oo Shop 38 KIng St. E. *B4wmille - The newvest rerision tube x-ray machine for treat- ing cancer coits $100, 000. GIVE MT CONQUER CANCER ON TA R 1O0C A NC ER FO0U ND A TIO0N This organized drive against cancer is a joint effort of The Ontario Cancer Treulment and Research Foundotion and The Canadian Cancer Society. THURSDA'Y, APRIL llth, 1946; THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE TWELVE 1