ttdainr "Durham County's Great Family Journal" ~I~* T DC~1XTTIffA MTTT, F. ÛONT..THITRSDAY, MARCH 21, 1946 Rod and Gun Club Hold PAGES 9 to 16. NU1VIIiRLt12 VOLUME 92 SECOUND bUAJIUIN iJu ljtl4VIUÀYJ1-e-- eIrish pie on the 1miles away, uy sIIuwuluule. i ivarrs jweier.. U -t,1V ll- - - ,qow nmore than everbhefore- duuondtreaul years, because no one,, not even Goodyear, has been able to deveîop a better, i. saifer design.I Tlirough slippery sîush and rain this AII-Weather diamond treaid checks spinning and skidding ... gives you an EXTRA MARGIN 0F SAFETY for quick, sure stops. àà1,0,%1bz% new tires, or order your new car. GOOD 9VEAR' MORE PEOPLE RIDE ON GOODYEAk TIRES THAN ON ANY -OTHER KIND of hîs own pocket, the Bowman- ville Intermediate "B" Hockey Team, wound up the current sea- son by entertaining the players and fans at a chicken dinner held in the Queen's Hotel, Newcastle, Saturday evenîng. It was a very fitting gesture for the boys, many of whom were returned soidiers, who won top honors in the dis- trict league but iost to Trenton Flyers in the piaydowns. The banquet was featured by the boys joining in a testimonial to Mr. Ott when they presented him with a handsome, embossed, silver tray. Another highlight was the general review of team play and strategy introduced by Coach Jim,.(Ticker) Crombie. The gen- eral discussion was spirited with the entire 30 present taking part. The meeting conciuded wîth plans mapped out for getting in early for faîl practice to be ready for the 1946-47 season. The very excellent dinner, which inciuded tasty hors d'ouvres, was aiso embeliished with a two-foot square cake pre- pared and donated by hockey-fan Don Poole, proprietor of Poole's Bakery. Iced in three colors, it was inscribed in club colors, "Good Luck, Pepsi Cola Hockey Club." The beverages served included the famous Cold Springs Bever- ages, Pepsi Cola, Ginger Aie and Evervess Table Water, ail of which were accompaniments of the toasts that followed. Ticker Crombie proposed the toast to Mr. Ott whom he lauded as a first class sport who spared no expense in giving the teamn the best in equipment and support. Fans who drove cars to outside points were aiso thanked. Res- ponding to the applause and the fine present, Mr. Ott said it was an honor to be privileged to asso- ciate with such a splendid aggre- gation who had brought honor to Bowmanville. He was pleased that the boys held to strict train- ing and warned that arriving home in the small hours in a mythical taxi would be a relax- ation denied when fali practice commenced. Coach Crombie read the roster of players and fans as follows: Goalies, Mutton, Hooper, Hayes; defence, McCulloch, Raby, Hately, Ott; forwards, Piper, Bird, Yourth, Cowan, Haliman, Wiseman, and Cowle. Fans and car drivers: Everett Jones, Lorne Haynes, Jack Hately, Maxie Yourth, Art Edger, Don Poole, and many oth- ers were named who were not preserit. Three rousing cheers for Pres- ident Ott and Coach Crombie, concluded the memorable first anniversary of the Bowmanville Pepsi Cola Hockey Team. It is the very essence of love, or nobleness. of greatness, to be willing to suffer for the good of others.-Spencer. Is Another Rabbi t Drive Rening of School Buildings - Discussed at Darlington Board The regular March meeting of the Board of South Darlington Garage owners School Area was heid in the Discuss Servicing Township hall at Hampton on rourust Traffic Tuesday, March l2th at 7:30 p.m.T A very large agenda of business was considered. The chairman, The United Counties Branch of Mr. Garnet Riekard presided and the Garage Owners' Association ter the reading of the minutes,meinteSOEhalTusa Sconsiderable time was spent in evening for its first by-monthly hearing various delegations and session of March. The business representatives of companies. session was preceded by a dinner These representatives were asked served by the Carter Family for to. defer further representation te 24 members present. until such time as the board has t completed its survey of schools, With President Jack McKeever which wiil be in April. The mem- in the chair and Secpetary Sid bers then wiil be in a position to Lancaster, Newtonvili , record- know the more pressing needs, ing the proceedings, the general and wili be able to decide what discussion embraced ways and expenses can be undertaken with- means of continued uniform prac- in their budget. tices for garages and service sta- The secretary presented a sum-' tions to accommodate the-general '~mary report on the insurance of public. Regular meetings are held fits Vi Jefer, Mc Moreand irloer igh: LncePlan, eaebuildings and contents, and it was the 2nd Tuesday in each month. fits Vi Jefer, Mc Moreand owe Riht anc PlinDea decided to deal with this more The speaker of the evening was Charlie Vanstone. Goddard 9ýnd,George Dilling pre- fully when the board is more con- Fred Bail, Oshawa, who gave a Uppe Rîht fte th hut asen Bi .Be' n,rith a Club as versant with canditions at various very comprehensive address on supuosfes wsprvde n h frt ut hfl<îl ridan aftermath of -e b episode on sohools. approved methods of merchandis- sthe u Receast abyPrciedCor-tbeaft ackto det - rid o There was considerabie discus- ing and service in the handling of theReceaionHal b Pece or bet ajak t dethwitlVt21_is.gun sion on the use of school build- gasolene, oul and other service bett, Cafeteria Manager, and six stock. The iegend on the clu~.b ings. The members were anxious station commodities. Service was very pretty volunteer waitresses says Billif you cant shoot m oc-oeaewt hevrossresdi iwofteepce fro th fator an ofice clb 'm t deth1< organizations and to encour- rush of tourists during the comn- age -él much as possible the com- ing summer. Irish Program New Ration Book Due muni ty use of schooi buildings. The Garage Owners' Associa- It has bé J'. found, however, that tion is a province-wide organiza- At Trinity W.A. li the Early Autumn sme rga7Ztions do not assume tion composed of units in the var- ________ resonsibility 1or ieaving build- ious counties, theobetfwhc At our regular March meeting, The Prices Board announces a 'ings as they finci them, and some is to promote the best public ser- Mrs. (Rev.) H. W. Foley and hýr new ration book-the sixth sînce schooi materiai ha? 'q been destroy- vice possible and to discourage circle conducted the worship ser- stuifsdurîegn toigo od-e n rpr dari-1d This, wiidcat rates. Two new members vice. Mrs. Foiey opened the ser- tfsdrn the war-is being of course, cannot be tIierated by became affiliated at the meeting, vice with hymn and Lord's Pray- prepared and wiii be distributed the board. It was decidC'd *to have A. J. Frank, Bowmanviiie and W. er i unson.Mrs Coler eadto consumers "some time in the a survey of all organizat ons us- R. Greenway, Hampton. ter Sin u lson Mrs. Co r . early fal." ing school buildings, the>'espon- Mrs. Clayton led in prayer. Mrs. 0.W.Rdoa, dinsraorsbl easofogan .' *+he an der contract on the basis of twelve Stuart James and Mrs. Richmond of rationing for the Prices Boardtehus n iettwihe mnh,5 htpolm fsm gave a weli rendered duet. Mrs. said that, on the basis of present building would be required È41 mer cleaning and care of build- Foley gave an interesting talk on ration coupons for meat and su- each. It was also considered that yngs and grounds might be more "St. Patrick" after which Mrs. gar, the current book wiii be ex- each organization shouîd be res- ekectively handled. Stuart James led in singi ng a num- hausted eariy in the fall making a ponsible for reasonabie remuner-e ber of Irish songÉ such as "My new book necessary. He added: ation of the caretaker, and also Teii'ýtî,ve agreement was reach- Wild Irish Rose," "Irish Eyes Are 'Earîy announcement of the that these caretakers shouîd be ed in r t~'~o tenn o upl rom Smiling," "Believe Me if ail Those new ration book is beîng made to informed as to what organizations for transpoî t.' Endearing Young Charms," Iis eep before the public the conti- were to be admitted. Al requests S.S. No0. 2 to Ët,,cmanville Public Luliaby," and "Corne Back to Er- ung critical world food shortage for the use of any school buildings Schooî and considY a teach-a in" in which the audience joined and the great part Canada must are to be sent in writing to the en to the appointmen,,, '*. in ~n hermy lyinlhling tbo fed. the starv- office of the secretary. er for one of the sho1." The usual business period fo-înmilosard" It was decided to continue to On Thursday of this we ý the~ : loedpresdedove by he res Full details of distribution will provide cass supplies for pupils board wil begin the survey o. lodedt, prsi .deoer by The pest- be given later but it is planned in those schools where this has schools at Courtice in company ideint, Ms d. ildead.Thend met to use the same system of distri- been practised. The inspector was with the Inspector and Public iga cosedwit a hn nd te bution as in the past. Ration books asked to make a survey of the Health Authorities. Mi50pah enedcintTeewr wili be handed out at distribution kind and amount of supplies re- 50 resnt.centres staffed by thousands of quired with a view to establishing volunteers and organized by the the policy of providing such sup- Silver Tray Presented .ville. 627 local ration boards across plies throughout the area in Sep- T oc le t . A very tasty lunch consisting Canada. tember, 1946. *T oc le t rof sandwiches, cakes and coffee The question of janitor's duties At Hockey Banquet 7was served by the girls during A bad man with a bad plan wýas also discussed, and it was de- - the intermission. beats a good man with no plan. c ided to place each caretaker un- President Elmer Ott of the bo- e2l Pensi Cola Dlnt, or more pro- ýls 1 wori t I.euuè;IIILU talcili £Il t- - 1 1 Mnrr'q Jfwpllerv store. bowman