P'AGE SIX Tk[LJ'.~iLJ4Â .. - SmaII but MegktyStatesmnan CIassiFied AvertismnsBan eu ts BIRTH-S, JAMVES-Mr. and Mrs. Glen James, Oshawa, are happy toa n- naunce the birth af their daugh- ter at Oshawa General Hospital, Manday, March 4, 1946. 11-1 KITCHEN-Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Kitchen are happy ta an- nounce the birtb of a son, a littie brother for Wayne, at Oshawa Hospital, March 12, 1946. 11-1* DEATIl COBBLEDICK-At Toronto East Generai Hospital, March 8th, 1946, Nelson B. Cobbledick, beloved husband of the late Irene Jewell, dear father of (Marjary) IQrs. W. W. Smith, Toronto; (Helen) Mrs. J. F. Brock, Oshawa; (June) Mrs. Robert Bailey, Toronto. HOBBS-In Bowmanviiie Hospi- tai on Thursday, March 7th, 1946, Frederick Thomas Hobbs, in bis 6th year. PARKER-in Clarke, on Monday, Marcb llth, 1946, Annie Mary Parker, wife of the late Frederick Parker,-aged 77 years. RICHARDS-In Bowmanville, an Sunday, March lth, 1946, Eliza- beth B. Richards, widow of Ro- bert Richards, aged 98 years. TRIM-At Starkville'on Wednes- day, Marcb l3th, 1946 Robert Dauglas Gardon Trim, kniy son of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Trim, aged 17 manths. Service at the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bawman- ville an Saturday, March i6th, at 2 p.m. Interment Fine His cemetery, Scarbora. CARDS 0F THANKS The family of the late Luther Mountjoy wish ta thank their friends, relatives and neighboms for the many kind deeds and flor- al tributes at the tîme of their bereavement. 11-1 Mrs. Gea. Pritchard wishes ta thank al ber friends and neîgh- bars, Trinity W.A. and Dr. Birks for cards, flowers and fruit and other kindness during ber stay at Toronto General Hospital, and since ber return borne. il-if I wisb ta tbank the members of Bowmanvilie Fire Department for turning out 50 proinptiy eariy Sunday mamning and for the splendid job they did in extingui- sbing the fire and staying around ta make sure it didn't start again. J. Howard Hancock, Massey- Harris Dealer. 11-1 * Work Wanted HOUSEWO RK by7 day at 35e an boum. Phone 289-r-3, Oshawa. Mrs. P. Marciniw, Courtice. 1l-1* BLACKSMITHING - Get ready for spring. Bring your harrows. Guaranteed satisfaction. J. En- nis, Blacksmith, Hampton 10-3* Lost HOUND, blue - tick. Reward. Phone 808. 11-2* G eneral Contractor AND Carpenter We are prepared to do your smallest alteratians or bulld you a new hame. Agent for PEDLAR PRODUCTS Have you a building prablem Consuit Chas. L. Warren phone 577 IN MEMORIAM ROGERS-In loving memory of George Rogers who passed away suddenly in Toronto, March l2th, 1939, beloved husband of Annie Spurr, i his 74th year. We walked together, you and I, In sorrow and in jay, We shared our pains and happi- ness, With love without alloy, And death shahl neyer end aur love, For through the mist I see, Our glad reunion in the skies For ail eternity. His thoughts were ail so full of us He neyer could forget, And sa we think that where he is He must be watching yet. As angeis keep their watch up there, Please God, just let himn know, That we down here do not forget, We love and miss him sa. -Remembered by his wife Annie, Courtice, Ont. 11-1* WOOD-In loving memary of aur dear mother, Georgetta Emma Tucker, who passed away, March l6th, 1936. Those whom we love go out of sight But neyer out of mind They are cherished in the hearts 0f those they leave behind. -Always remembered by Dave and Eleanor. 11-1 YEO-In proud and loving mem- ory of our dear brother, PO. Lorne Edgar Yeo, R.C.A.F., missing af- ter flight operations, now pre- sumed dead. We shahl remember him as he was, For the years had made him wise, We shahl recail in our memories, Our brother, with the laughîrîg eyes. -Lovingiy remembered, Eva and Gardon. 11-1 YEO-In loving memary af PO. Lamne Edgar Yeo, R.C.A.F., miss- ing with entire crew over Ger- many, March l6th, 1944. Missing is what the message read Ail aur hopes now, toa are dead We know not where his body lies But his soul is with Gad in the skies. The garment of his soul has pass- ed away, The shining spirit and the love- iight stay, The echo of his voîce, his eyes, bis smiie, Just as they were, are with us ail the whiie. -Sadiy remembered by Mom and Dad, brothers and sisters. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Syd Kersey wish ta announce the engagement of thear eldest daughter, Gladys Pearl, ta Harold Eiias, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elias Ashton, Enilîski- len. The wedding wîll take place quietiy early in April. 1l-lA The engagement is announced of Imogene Margaret Lehigh, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. M. S. Lehigh, Milford, Ont., ta Capt. William R. Humby, recentiy re- turned from overseas, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Humby. The mar- niage wiil take place March 2th at Pictan United Church. Capt. Humby is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Humby (formeriy Reta Roenigk of Bowmanviie). 11-1* FEEDS MIRACLE SUN - RAY QUAKER Mill Feeds and Chop - Free Delivery - Help Wanted CAPABLE single man for mo- dern dairy farm. Apply H. J. Brooks, phone 2636. R.R. 3, Bow- manville. 11-1 FARM help, single, fully exper- ienced man for farm with electrie- ity, modemn equipment, good wages. Phone 2471. 11-1* YOUNG man for clerking in gro- cery store, full or part time. Write Box 648 Statesman Office. 11-1 AN opportunity-Establisbed rur- al Watkins district available. If you. are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55-have or can secure travel outfit, this is your apportunity to get estab- lished in a profitable business of your awn. For full particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-B-9, 2177 Mas- son St.. Montreal, Que. 10-4 Wanted to Trade LARGE gray gander for a goose or wiil buy same. Phone Clarke 3823. 11-1* Wanted To Buy FOUR wheels with rubber tires suitable for child's wagon. Phone 833. il-lA' GIRL'S bicycle in good condition. Apply 119 Liberty St. S., Bow- GENERAL store on road kept open in winter. Appiy 192 North Liberty St., Bowmanvîlle, phone 2475. 11-1 CHILD'S crib and hieh chair. Cali 2484, Bowmanviile. 1l-lA COLONY house for chickens, at least 12x10, must be in good con- dition. Alex Hendry, phone TEN ta 50 acres vicinity of Bow- manville, handy to schools, town, preferably on highway, Good house essential. To be purchased under V.L.A. Write Box 647, Statesman Office. 11-2* HORSES suitable for fox meat. Phone or write F. C. Boultbee, Orono. 77-r-4. 52-tf FARM-100 acres, suitabie for dairying, must be on good road with hydro. Chris. Barchard, Newcastle. 10-2 ONE acre of ]and, with or with- out house on the highway, Hamp- ton vicinity. Appiy Pete Stack- aruk. Phone 2668. 10-1* WE are buyers of timothy and ciovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest off er. Stew- art's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bowmanville. 41-tf SINGER Drop Head Sewing Ma- chines. Wiil pay cash, caîl or write, Singer Sewing Machine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario St. Phone 696. 14-tf OLD horses wanted for mink and fox food from $5 to $10 accord- ing to weigbt. Margwiil Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone. Phone Bowmanviile 2679. 52-tf LIVE pouitry and feathers. Gaod prices paid. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Be- thany. Phone 7-r-13. (Business camried on by Mm. Flatt persan- aily, no agents employed.) 3-l1* Wanted to Buy or Re nt~ THREE or four raams, in Bow- manville or between Burketon and Bowmanville an highway. Or wii buy small bouse in same vicinity. Phone 2442. 11-1 Wanted We are now contmacting an acre- age of cucumbers in Bawmanville. Will interested gmowers write ta Canadian Canners Ltd., Bawman- ville 782. 11-1 Notice TO NEXT 0F KIN AND OTHERS In the Estate of Henry Thomas James Cox, deceased. The late Henry Thomas James Cox was bomn in London, Eng- land, a son of George Cox and El- len Ann Cox, formeriy Stilwei]. Octaber l3th, 1877. He camne ta Canada in or about the year 1893 and iived in the Township of Dariingtan in the County of Dur- ham for some years and was cm- ployed as a Farm Labourer. In 1908 he married Mary Alicia Tun- stead, daughter of the late Joseph and Mary Tunstead of the Town- ship of King in t4e County ai York. His wife died January l2th, 1929, and in or about the year 1931 he remarried hem sis- ter, Ida Theresa. From Darlingtan be moved ta Bawmanville where be was em- piayed by the Hydro Eiectric Power Commission of Ontario and from Bowmanviiie be moved ta Part Hope, where be died on February 7th, 1946. Any person having any know- iedge of a wili made by the late Henry Thomas James Cox or any person baving any knowledge of the whereabouts of Ida Theresa Cox or of ber death and any per- san baving any knowledge of the names and addresses of any ather next-of-kin of the late Henry Thomas James Cox is requested ta communicate with the undersign- ed. Dated at Port Hope the l8th day of February, 1946. H. R. S. RYAN, 18 Queen Street, Port Hope, Ont., Solicitor. 8-4 Shoe Repairs N. Lew announces the opening1 of Sboe Repair and Harness Shop i Victor Manor building, King St. 10-6* Foir Rent HOUSE-5-roamed bouse, avail- able April lst. Write Box 650 Statesman Office. 11-1 SINGER portable electrie in your own home. $5 per montb. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., 16 On- tario St., Oshawa, phone 696. 10-tf Real Estate For Sale SMALL business for sale. Rea- sonable. Write Box 649 States- man Office. 11-2* LOT-50x100 ft., on Brown street near King. Apply T. J. Webb, 25 Brown St. 11-1* FARM-100 acres, timber and buildings. 1 mile east of Newton- ville and 1 mile north. Robert FARMS-106 acres, 4 miles from Bowmanviile; 100 acres, Picton. Bath farms double width, weli watered and waod lots. Apply Percy Clark, Bawmanville, R.R. Na. 2. 10-4* HOUSE-6-raamed brick cottage, new fumnace, newly decorated 3- piece bath, hardwoad floors, situ- ated corner of Duke and Argyie. Cash. Possession first of May. Appiy Box 644, Statesman. 10-2* FIVE-raom frame bouse, about 8 acres of land, drivîng shed, barn with good stable, and chicken pen. Property is situated in the village of Seagrave. Buyer can obtain immediate possession. Price $2,- 500, $1,500 cash. For particuiars appiy ta A. J. Carnegie, Port Fer- ry. Phone 61. 10-2* FARM-Narth haif of lot 35, con. 5, 144 acres, 135 workabie, bal- ance pasture and wood. Neyer failing spring, good buildings, stone bouse with furnace, hydro. On county road, electric grînder. School on one corner of farm 21/2 miles from Orono. Heber J. Souch. 1- Personal WHY suffer the agony of rheu- matic pain, sciatica, lumbago, when Rumacaps will give you quick, welcome relief. McGreg- or's Drug Store. 11-1 HYGIENIC Supplies (rubbem goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list. 6 sampies 25c; 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-38, Nov-Rub- ber Ca., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 10-8 SLENDOR Tabiets are effective. Two weeks' suppiy $1; 12 weeks $5, at al druggists. 10-35 EAT what you like! Wiider's Stomach Powder brings quick, comforting relief from indiges- tion, heartburn, saur stomach, 50c and $1 at ail druggists. 10-4 Roofing DO not replace that roof until you have enquired about Battie- ship Asbestos, asphait roof coat- ing, 7-year guarantee. Phone 2475, Bowmanviile. 11-3 Livestock for Sale TWO female pigs, 8 months aid. Phone 2406. Graham Standisif 11-1 PURE bred Holstein bull, 14 mon- ths aid. Garnet Symons, phone 2459. 11-2* TEAM of grey percherons weigh- ing between 1500 and 1600 each. C. A. Wight, phone 2222. 11-1 HOLSTEIN caîf for veaiing; aiso mow of hay. Phone Clarke 3904. 11-1 DURHAM caw, 4 years aid, fmesh, Appiy John Liptay, Hampton. 11-1* QUEBEC heater in good condi- tion; also 4 pool tables. Apply W. Wilcox, Queen St. 11-1* TOY fox terrier pup, 4 months aid, immunized against distem- per. Dr. W. Tennant, 116 Queen St. 11-1"' REGISTERED Holstein caw, 5 years aid, due this week. Pmi- vateiy biood tested. Apply Aiian Dawn, R.R.2, Bowmanville. Phone 2498. 10-i' TEAM of Percherons, weight about 2900 ibs. Guaranteed sounid and good workers. Aiso collie pup ready for training. Phone Bowmanville 2208. 11-2 TWO Jerseys, 1 Guernsey, grade caws, springing, 3, 5, and 6 years aid. Reason for sale: I have reg- îstered cows ta take their place, herd accredîted. R. Stenger, En- niskilien. Phone 2824. 11-1 TWO registered Holstein bulîs, Rag Apple blaod lines, 9 and 10 manths aid, from R.O.P. dams, av- erage test 3.8 per cent and 4.2 per cent. James T. Brown, New- castle. 10-1* *XPON'T let your dog die from dis- temper, or let him suffer from coughs, colds, intestinal flu. A few doses of ZEV, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture gives quick relief. 50c and $1.00 a bottie at P. R. Cowiing's. il-i RIGHT now Bray Hatchery bas some started puliets, immediate delivery, as weil as chicks, var- iaus breeds, crosses, iike N.H.xW. L., N.H.xB.R., etc. Order for de- iivery Marcb- April or May. Don't let your markets down. Agent F. L. Byam, Tyrone. 11-1 Seed For Sale REGISTERED No. 1 Ajax oats, price $1.35 per bu., also Com~mer- cial No. 1 Erban oats, price $1.00 bu. Apply Ciare Allin, phone 2487. 11-1 Auction Sale Auction sale, Thursday, March 28th, at 1:30 p.m. sharp at im- plement shop opposite. Garton's Bus Station, Bowmanville, Ont., the following implements and tools, property of L. R. Wood, for- mer Mcçormick-Deering agent, will be auctioned for cash: 3 tons Mcçormick binder twine; one 2- horse electrie motor; 1 compressor tank; one 11-disc Deering drill (good); 1 Massey l1-hoe drill; 2 Massey gang plows; 1 Massey mower; 1 harrow cart; 1 set of socket wrenches, 7-16 to 11/4 in., 16 wrenches; 33 pieces ail told; 1 Universal electric drill, model 1739, with 10 ft. cable; 200 ft. of 1 inch rope and block and tackle; 200 ft. rope wire stretchers; 1 chain block and tackle, lift 11/2 ton; 1 ten-horse engine; 1 black- smîth vise (good); 2 bench vises; 1 i/2-horse electric motor on bench with emery wheel; 5 sec. smooth- ing harrow, 15 teeth to sec., drive- in style (new); 2 4-sec draw bars for smaothing harrows (new); a quantity of horse rake shafts; se- veral cultivatcor tangues; 1 Mc- Çormick-Deering electrie cream separator, 3S (new) 700 capacity; 1 Mcçormick-Deering 700 lb. cream separator; 1 writing desk, rail top (good); 1 3-horse eveners (new); quantity steel whiffie- trees; serrated sections Deering binder; serrated sections McCor- mick binder; serrated sec. right- hand McCormick binder; guard plates for McCormick and Deer- ing mowers; ail sizes pipe wren- ches, chisel wrenches, spanners, S-wrenches, screw drivers (al new); steel wheels for fertilizer drill; standard for 241 gang piow; 1 spray gun for painting machin- ery, 8 ft. of 2-inch hose; 2 walk- ing plows, 407, (new) extra point; severai oul cans, pump pressure; also grease guns; pinch bars; Deering corn binder boards; 4 window sash with glass; 2 log- ging chains; several crow bars; stable broomn; Massey cuttîng box, with carrier; 2 fog iights; Inter- national Harvester cream paint. Sale under cover, rain or shine. Terms cash. L. R. Wood, propri- etor; Elmer Wîlbur, auctioneer; James Hogarth, clerk. 11-2 Articles For Sale THREE stacks of mixed hay. Phone 2388. Austin Wood. 11-1 QUEBEC heater, medium size, very littie used. Phone 702. 11-1* TWO 2-wheel trailers. Appiy 90 Elgin St., Bowmanviiie. i-U OATS - Pre-cieaned Vanguard. Appiy Tyrone Milîs. L. J. Good- man. Phone 2035. 11-2 TWO rubber-tired farm wagons with new racks. Peter Murdoch. Phone 2653. 11-l* TOP Buggy, almost new, single harness. Joseph Tebble, New- castle P.O. l2 MODERN kitchen cabinet bas white porcelain top. Price $35. Mrs. E. Barchard, phone 4413 Clarke. 11-1 VICTOR eiectric radio, cabinet model, and Victor omthophonic Victrola with records, bath in AI condition. Phone 2384. 11-l* NU-TYPE Madel B Aladdin table model iamp, practically new. Nom- ma Hooey, phone Part Ferry 78r3. 11-1* TWO coats. Navy blue spring, size 12, gray tweed in-between, size 14. Phone 748, Mrs. V. Jeiff- ery, Duke St. 11-PeA OATS-500 bushels Ajax oats, ane dollar a bushel. W. A. Ad- ams, Newcastle R.R. 3. Phone "COSY Home" Happy Thought range No. 9, with warming closet and reservoir, also kitchen cab- inet. Sold cheap for quick sale. Phone 2548. 11-1 CORDWOOD for sale or re-saw- ed. Ahl hardwood or mîxed dry slabs. Wood delivered, Neil Cur- tis, Pantypool. Phone Orona 81- r-10. 11-4* HARDIE Orchard Sprayer an truck. Ideai engine, 3-cylinder pump, 160 gai. tank with tank filier and spray guns. Appiy L. Cann, box 177, Prt Hope:. 102* NEW Singer Sewing Machines are now available, electries and trea- dies! For further information write or phone Singer Sewing Ma- chine Company, 16 Ontario St., Oshawa. Phone 696. 4-tf SECOND grade hardwood con- sistirig of oak, hickory, sof t maple, hard mapie, beecb, iranwood, elm and birch. $12 per cord deliver- ed, 2 or 3 cords per load. Apply H. Robitaille, R.R. 3, Pontypool, Ont. 11-4* IMPLEMENTS-Massey - Harris 15-disc seed drill witb Preston fertiiizer attacbed. In gaad con- dition. Phone Bowmanivilie 2231 or 2544. A. L. Blanchard, Hamp- ton. 11-1w* HARDY orchard sprayer, 120 gai. tank, 2-cylinder pump, new rub- ber hase last yeam. Aiso Beatty stock pump for stable or weil. W. G. Werry, phone 2253. il-i QUAKER Oul Heaters--Shipment of Quaker ail heaters bas just ar- rived. Came in and see, themn in action and on dispiay at W. H. Brawn's Impiement Dealer, King St., west. 11-1 Everything in modemn. Chester- field, bedroam and dining room suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quai- ity merchandise at competitive prices. Before buying visit Brad- iey's New Fumniture Store, 156 Simncoe St. S., Oshawa. 46-tf Auction Sales Auction sale on Wednesday, March 2th,' of Registered pure- bred Jersey cattle, horses, good- condition implements, hay, grain, harness, the property of Andrew R. Moorhead, three miles west of Whitby on No. 2 Highway. See bis. No reserve as farm has been rented. Sale at 12:30 p.m. Wm. Maw, auctioneer. 11-1* I have ben authorized to seli by public auctian for Arthur Miil- son, lots 28-29, con. 7, Darling- tan, on Friday, March 22nd, al bis farm implements, including trac- tor equipment and some house- hold furniture. Sale at 1 p.m. See bis. Terms cash. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 11-2 I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Harold Ev- ans, Lot 23½, Con. 3, Darlington, 11/à miles east of Courtice, 1 mile north of highway on Monday, March lBth, al bis dairy cattie, pigs, hay and grain, harness, milk- ing machine, neariy new, 1. horse, and other articles. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. HOGARTH, Cierk. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 10-2 I have been favored with in- structions from, Mr. William Lew- ko, lot 9, con. 6, Clarke township, 1 concession south of Kendai, to seil by public auction, Friday, March 22nd, sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp, the foilowing: A matched team of Percheron mares, seven and eight years old, 1,400 lbs. ea.; 20 head of choice Durham cattie, a fullllune of good farm machin- ery, 200 iaying hens, 7 turkeys, a full line of household furniture, ail purchased new within the last two years. For further particu- lars see bandbilis. Farm sold, terms cash. A. E. Morton, Clerk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 11-2 FARM SOLD I have received instruction from George Allun LOT 6, B.F., DARLINGTON (Turu right first raad east of the Bowmanville cemetery) to seli by public auction on Wednesday, March 20 the foilowing livestock, impie- ments, grain, etc.: HORSES 1 brown horse, 1 bay mare il yrs., 1 bay horse 13 yms., 1 brown mare aged. CATTLE 1 Durham cow 7 years aid due ta freshen Juiy llh, 1 Durham heif- er 3 years oid duc April Sth, 2- yeam-oid heifer due July 26th, i, red heifer caming 2 years aid, 2 calves Il and 9 months aid. POULTRY 65 Barred Rock puliets. IMPLEMENTS 1 M.-H. bînder, 1 McCormick mower, 1 horse rake, 1 M.-H. ted- der, 2 wagons, 1 road wagon, 1 cutter, 1 top buggy, 1 hay rack, 1 Chatham fanning miii, set of scaies 2000 ibs., 1 chaif cutter, 1 set of bob sieighs, 1 set of harrows, 2 single plows, 1 gang plow, 1 disc harrow, whcel barrow, 1 roi- 1cr, i set of slings, 2 logging chains, 20 cotton bags, cream se- pamator-M.-.H., gravel box, 1 tur- nip drill, 2 sets of whifflctrecs, 1 M.-H. cuitivator, 1 scuffler, 1 bag truck, bacs, chains and forks. GRAIN 200 bushels of mixcd grain, 75 bu. oats. 200 bu. of turnips. HARNESS 3 sets double harness, 1 set of single harness. FURNITURE inciuding Findlay Oval cook stove and a heater. SALE 1 P.M. TERMS CASH Elmer Wilbur, Auctianeer Jim Hogarth, Clerk. AUCTION SALEI I have been authorized ta sell 1 public auction for LOT 22, CON. 2, CLARKE on highway 1 mile east of Newcastle, an Thursday, March 21 the following: HORSES Percheron mare rising 4 years. CATTLE Jersey caw, 7 years old, fresh; Holstein cow, 8 years aid, fresh time of sale; Holstein cow, 12 years aid, due July; mcd caw, 9 years aid, due May; mcd cow, 4 years aid, fresh (caîf at side); Holstein cow, 7 years aid, just me- ncwed. HARNESS Set of teamn brass mounted, goad; collars; new set of team lunes; set of back-band harness. IMPLEMENTS Farm wagon, good; sieighs, good; bayfark rope, 150 ft., new; whif- fletrees; neck-yakes; garden tools af ail kinds; electric separatar, M.-H., .medium size. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Oak heater; centre table; 2 card tables; kitchen table; rockers; wardrobe; beds; dressers; wash- stands; floor coverings; 6 kitchen chairs; odd chairs; dlock; sealers; cracks; medicine cabinet; flour chest; hanging lamp; 4 lanterns; centre table; many other articles. SALE 1 P.M. TERMS CASH Gordon Martin, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 11-1 Announcement "Streamiiners Dance Band" are now booking engagements. Phone Oshawa, 2436J or 449J. 11-4* of Gdd, is everywhere.-Quarles. Nations which have forgatten God will soan be forgatten them- selves. When you have read the Bible, you will knaw it is the word of Gad, because you will bave found it the key to your own heart, yaur awn happiness, and your awn duty.-Woodrow Wilson. Trust Truth, not error; and Truth wiii give you ail that be- longs ta the rigbts of frcedam.- Mary Baker Eddy. Complte wth Caryin Cas Clix De Luxe Camera ..$4.95 100 Pmnex Robinsofl's Kleenex A.S.A. tabs. for coughs Barley Tissues 19C 32c 33C 2 for 25C Charm Curi CoId Wave Outf it------------ $1.35 Bathroom lScales Adjustable--------------- $6.95 REVLON 00.IttS ~ 2 New Shades Tortoise Shel Hildegarde Rose 3-piece Set--------------- $125 HUTAX SPECIAL OFFER Brush- regular 50e Faste- regular 29e Both for ------------------ 69C CREOPHOS Stops Bronchial Coughs ----------- bottie $1.00 Larvex Spray kilîs maths ---- 83c-1.29-1.98 Dichioricide--------- b. 53c Math Blocks--------- lO0c--25c Larvex Sprayer --------- 75e Fruitatives -------22c-39c Anacin Tabs. -- 22c-43c-98c Bayer Aspirm --- 18c-29c-79c Nyal A.S.A ---------- 25c-49c Feenamint ----- 19c-33c-69c Ex-Lax--------------- 15c-33c Bile Beans-----------------47c The New Reynolds" Wrîtes for 2 years without 1 O E b BEI Pen .......... $14.54 refilling - guaranteed N Sun-Ray Feeds 'for QUALITY and ECONOMY 100-1b. CRICK STARTER ................ $3.17 18% EGG MA.SH .................... 2.77 GRAIN iSCRATCH ............. 2.02 HOG GROW ER ..................... 2.22 DAIRY RATION .................. 2.32 1 Ton $58.90- 54.90 39.90 43.40 44.90 Newcastle Barred Rock Chlcks from our straln whlch won second place at the sat Harrow Egg Laying Contest. (The Highýest Grade of Chlck - Obtalnabld in Commercial Quantities) Write for Circular and Prices on Mlxed and Pullets Day-old and Started A Real Breedlng Farm Phone: Clarke 3811 - Not Just a Hatchery Bowmanville, Ontario .9. COLIN.GS DRUG STORETrse Aioihest Quality Government Tested and AU Rio- Graded Seed YOU BUY WITH CONYMEDNCE WHEN Y01& BUY STEWART ,S SEEDS Bowmanviile, Ont. 1 Auction Sales Farder Brothers Registered Stock Sale, Thursday, March 28, at Blackstock at 1 p.m. sharp. Selling: 30 head of registered Shorthorn cattie, also a number of grades and stockers; 60 pigs, 7 to il weeks aid; registered York- shire sows due at time of sale; 5 registered Leicester ewes and lambs from show stock; 2 horses, one black 4 years old, 1 brown 8 yr. old mare, both wagon horses; implements, engine and pump- jack. Forder Bros. 11-2 Auction sale of high grade dairy cattie (24), fulll une of (mostly new) farm implements including tractor, electric milker, miik- cooler, about 25 tons of hay, grain, brooder houses, chicken equip- ment. The property of V. Szold on his farm 3/ mile north of Hampton on Tuesday, March 26th. See itemized list in next week's paper. The farm is for sale. El- mer Wilbur, auctioneer; J. D. Hogarth, C lerk. 11-1 United Couwies of Northumber- land and Durham TENDERS FOR TRUCK Tenders will be received by the undersigned up ta 12 o'cloclç noon of Friday, March 22nd, for thçý supply of one-half ton or three- quarter ton light delivery truck equipped with heavy duty 6591x6 tires. r* Tenders to state price and date, of delivery. Tenders to be sealed and plain- - ly marked on the outside as to U contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. M. JORDAN, Counties' Engineer and Road Supt., Cobourg, Ontario. 11-1 Wanted to Rent FARM-Fifty to one hundred acres. Apply Clarence English, Box 507 Cobourg. 11-1* PASTURE-Would like to rent one or two hundred acre farm, more or less, suitable mostly for pasture. Anyone desiring to stili live in their home, I would rent the rest. Please get in touch with Ernest Werry, Enniskillen. Phone 2570. 11-1 PASTURE for 50 cattie, good fences, and running water. Al- bert Zilversmit, R.R. 1, Enniskil- len. Phone 2291. 10-2* FARM in the vicinity of Maple Grove, one hundred acres or more. Write Box 645, Statesman Off ice. 10-2* --i THUIRSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1946r nnZV- r-,&MAnlrArJ qTATESMAN- RnwMANVnýLE. ONTAMO In A,04- -- 1 1 by 1 Tenders Wanted