Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1946, p. 11

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v e ' thenedin the Sunda chay benoul Thursdiayjevenîng, St. Valentines Dato ion in the celebration. A!ten -thssisra qustion ech of u shoat terson was presented with a adyttease snthr of beautîful purse and mnoney and Teei atta o a lyi wshes for many more years o!fo orgethrtg ffrs e IIICH HECKED lyn hspr st aeacm Fr qulck relief f rom ftchin caused by eema. conditions us ire coolint medlcated. liqufd *.0.D.Greaseleuu and tainles. Soothes. comforis and qulckly calmeTo as t y u, ar ngs iv e yo inten e Itchin . Don t suffer. A k vour be om a me be o T e a DLO E C aaed upon a picture o osrainadtewy nw EJ~~~~~K ~~~W ~~pain ted for Carin'& byyocahlp*rtenwfrm be one 0f a sonb.. of aubjeote 4 ~ ~~~~~~on the conservation ofLiteWero ntr. with m dlsd' the gmru bbnh .Canad'a'» natural aue. t t The ost efficient light source yet developed, OE'I lU"ud Un *AfScaor.pdcio. a n Ert ectic Fluorescent L1mhm »ostOUIlY. M 4' wqj<ut adver » '/ r inize glare, soften shadows, inake seeing i ihIBel@od1III~~eMttuing and .uitczble for for dandniff Md alfrai "' mlng wM lb. saut ta .ach conditions casier. By increasing working .aoIsyodrue'mmbroThcrlg comfort, they help speed producin n todaay iyC 0 ozmratncu promnote efficiency in factonies and offices. D 'S "'IILtaDmL D1),Th L£ ik SIfN1IMIEN1 enig ws Sendinplaingeu-pa ly onday evening. happy l11e. Mrs. Patterson very NewtonvletenCad.Py BroWf's che. Mr. Marinan Mr. About 18 active Young men and charmingly and thoughtfully re- MsteydBrneyCanada. lepayn n agre vn.Te rth n ifune ______ Earle Booth had high score and boys rented Blackstock rink Mon- Plied. Mrs. Loyd Burly and lMtre aaour s oeonCiznsl"adpitcadlw.Yon Home and School Association M.indMr.R.GrocnhakeW.dy evenigfrthuh no e Qitl e acrowdgatherd a on Cong .gratl ton o r.aneDane rviitng hersiste , egethrtg hc a n le nsaiegi met aH.theihomeafth e pl rîsdn eys owmanv Sehonson av pn- Home and àchool Club met Fn- combe's) Sunday to enjoy a plea- Sanis) on their marriage.-gfthnedonousItadJmGlrld nteg attehmeooh peiet Maiss ey Stp ho a ie adthockeye ganie istig WOEN USO met&h.hiis nea K nda ( rim-art. O.J.Bdg rto Mnee Heenyrs Eal ayA.d inLorntP o rs. Th Bile wasth gratst hruohft re dig a d Archie Brown and Sidney Brown icillin treatments for ear trou- day night Wit .L ascoe pre- bsan ienoon o! skhnagand f rience Gn ig r is isitnWMNSOITYOA were a committee appointed to ble. siding-.Dr. G. W. Mille, Bow- Agaig hs il r rn red nNaaaFas _______________________ buy a gilt for the boys of this Sevral from here attended the manville, was guest speaker and for sports but not - 0 good for Mrs. Cecil Walkey is home from StCIeb1th nSn comuxy etnin fo oer Msoi ldisengh n nia his enlighteniflg address on "Na- nuxnerous motorists, who a!ten Bow.fanvile. W.M.S. met e.lt nSn seas. The remainder of the ev- evenng. tional Health" is reported in an- several attempts to Sc aeo e Mrs. uto, othe oMr.ay Sechoo a lith resienti ___omm~ Vits-Mrs. J usni othen colunin. A very excellent heights, declded the long wyGogMculuhpaedaatecai.Tesenrorted- U E Em mm u Gananoque - M. andrs. Hi prograrn was prepared by Mr. and around is the quickest. More at the home of her son-i-Iaw on $12.55 received in Januany. The ~* Ganaoqu __Mr.and rs.H. rs.Walter Parrinder, and Mr. attention to this hill by the road Thursday. She was buried in bale was discussed at length. We Bellan'y, Leskard, at Mr. H.n Mrs. Isaac Hardy and in- men would be much appreciated- Millbrook.. Sympathy is extend- are asked especially for gifts for L RVU N IK lI Reichrath's* Mr. and Mrs. A: ctuded recitation by B. G. Stev- Women's Instltute ed to Mr. and Mrs. McCullough childnen in North Frontenac. Vennor in Toronto. ens, vocal solo, Mrs. James w.I. meeting was held i the and granddaughter Laureen. Mrs. Pearce and Mrs. Lancaster Smales, accompaniedt by, Sgt. Hel- library, Feb. 13, with Mrs. W. *Attendance at Sunday 1cop will purchase doUzs and approach 31 LIeS L.L~LLAAen Baker, piano sdip by Isabel Mercer presidig. Roll caîl, MTY was 42 with all teachers and off- Girls' Sewing Class re dressigNE R B F RE KWN W H oaBAW eteoutn-Cruickshank an d violin and gui- favorite pastime, brought outnu ens present. o! sanie. Members of society will Free Pnkbîg ~ Ii<~. un tan music by Francis Wotten and merous ideas, reading, f ancy work The pastor gave another fine donate pnint pieces. It was de- A I-U NN IA E H A E FNancy with herhparents, Mr. and Sevenal ladiesuassisted . and knitting being in the lead. sermon Sunday evenig based on cided to make a layette and ap- Mr.an SJack Rynadis ta qithig aS. tf was decided to finish the 1.0. the neunion of Joseph with his peal to our older Young women Fi ST. MrN anc olm mer rsn. a eed Jac RynlS.à aq-ltn- Dt .E. patches into quits. Mrs. N. brethren. Two thoughts are wor- to help. Mrs. S. Lancaster kind- FebUaRy - 22I - 23 n.n Mrs. GlmEergeson an eSg. HlnBkr taa pn Patton, Mrs. R. Mercer, Mrs. C. thy to be passed along to oun ly donated cloth top for quilt. Feb uay 1Bi22 -ly ratd M . L. o rgeon' s an t.hele endBak Ot tahome. ntV. Cooper, Mns. Jas. Hoy and Mrs. shut-ins who would ike to wor- Membens or anyone who so de- iss atMr .Joni McClthenOr- Inst hme.~ Reg Elliott wene named as corn- ship with us. First, the boys ne- aires may bring in print blocks «Stae Fir"Mis Marori Melarn, r- istiute>IeUngmittee to arrange for a St. Pat- turning home are either embit- 18x18 for another quilt. We are £ tae ar"ono, with Miss Hilda Johns. Women's Institute met Feb. 11. rick's social in the Sunday School tered with the shortcomnings of but a small society (10 paid memn- in TechniMosorIsaacanHardySpanesidentcolm- room. Mrs. Roy Mercer gave an the Church and ignoring it en- bers) but we are rich in interested Mrs.TeaahuHadoorrsMn. andp fMrs. Stanley Malcoo monm Starnng Dna Anrews Jeane wih fninds n Tornto.ened the meeting and conducted interesting topic on electric light- tirely, on they are coming homefred.Alordnermny CriDc ams iin Miss Norma Malcolm, Black- the business peniod. Letters o! ing in the home and with picue wt fne ni nGo hn dnted ibyOthaeafniesbaredly Crain DickHa.yes. Vvian stock, with the Bowers sisters. appreciation for fruit, etc., from illustrated some o! the unhandy ever, firmly believing that a ne re itdnOhwaPeyera Biaine. Miss Jean Werry, Enniskillefl, W.I. members who have been ili, and incorrect ways and showed consecrated Chunch is the only as associate members. It was A score of wonderful new sonts with Maian Thompson.weerabysrtayMs.Jho tee could be improved. vehicle within which peace can unanirnously agreed to give a _______________________ Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wheeler Reynolds, whQ also presented the Next meeting, in charge of Mrs. corne. Secondly, he puntrd earcitfoblneofoe MONDAY - TUESDAY and Glen with her brother, Mn. treasurer's report. Next meeting Hilditch and Mrs. Kenny, is on the idea that it is God's will that held as part of bequest o! some Ferar 5 6Ivan Hoskin, Blackstock. in March will take the formi of a child welfare, the advantages and suffering and trouble corne to years ago. This was the result Feray2 6Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Samelîs, qitn rane yMs oyruieo ay nursenies s pr-rankind. Rather it is the evil of a gnowing public opinion with- s'tS Melville and Anna, with her mo- Langmnaid and her group. The ated by the government, and how spirit working in heants o! men in the society that rnoney receiv- Dac to Bataan" ther, Mrs. Smith, Lindsay. program was presented by Mrs. we can mnake use o! these ideas in that plays havoc with the lives ed through imposing hardship on Miss Hilda Johins and Miss Mar- J. Yelowlees' group and oçened our homes. This is o! special in- o! their fellows. God however, another hindered, rather than Starrig John Wayne, Anthony jonie McClaren with Miss Connie with a piano duet by Mrs. Wes. terest to mothers with pre-school can take the sin and cruelty o! helped the incoming o! His King- Quinn, Beulah Bondi, Fely Wheeler. eloeean Gads elo- children and we cordially invite men and make it work out His dom. The president gave the Franquelli Mn. and Mrs. Henry Sheffield Yllees rsnRss iGlbs ertgaea hm oou eeting. Everyone is purpose on earth. The choir nen- highlights o! executive meeting and Chistopher wjth her brother hus.mr.useing. raedid weîcoe.r dered a fine anthem. in Oshawa. Mrs. Smith gave a FOUR DAYS Mnhilod akonoshw.on "ÇtienshiA p"wsey Mrs. Smith who has been visit- thought!ul talk on the outlook Mr ifodJckoOhaa apro "iiesMo asv nday tbo vt her broSmtheri le arerfvision o! the oa l gigadTeQae uni etr o 96wt y Feb. 27th to March 2nd capably given by Mrs. E. R. Tay- ina o i her brotherin Smithvieitnfor the comaglyarugnd Frn iarKthrn Grataining tp ito resigfa er .. o , lrepress ,onward with !aith andmtiMehnclDatnngalteadnt Frank Snatra, y ray- 1.fltnapopulation, indu s- pS.Sr son, Gene Kelly In ypth sexedd pteraeyer.ucto. r. .Cy- OrHo1Cu Murochfaily LcomeAlt.,derman contributed a fine piano urHme and School CluNIO AnhrsA e h" on the death u! their father Mn. solo and two vocal solos of Carrie served the banquet for the Ma-YUG EP "A c o ' w i h f Murdoch and !amily J o sBivedII ov ou Tr-ini ldisthis sevng e HAYoung People's group met Feb. with cm niysvrlersind hes ly" and "Just A'wearyin' for guests. ilhaot1, Fl egtad 1. In the absence o! president, e pc etr ri ee' oe unc Jose Iturbi, "Rage" Ragland was a sver ine citiden. You."1 Roll caîl was answered Mn. and Mrs. Win. G. Barch- ukomsthangid' OveBwtebsnsspr wa eyfn iie.with "A Canadian Cabinet Min- ard arrived home !rom their OieBon h uiespr otadpromneada 5 oe pr W a e !s n a g t r a i The M en's Brotherhood w ill it r a d t e w r f h s D p r - h n y o n o rd y ng t iod was capably conducted by Fae Ra e o o m - anc e r nd hold a second meeting at Hamp- itr ndte woko hs D pat oey, on o nFid ay ightte. ,ectrnée Jones. Program was in chargecot ha an rd ar sp e h aer to, anh5,whn .J.Meloconducted by *Gladys Yellowlees sbn were home for thblee weekend.nit M. G. M.'s Great Musical Orono, will be guest speaker. _pvenen.h l nh hch wa hrBible irstred t e neag y niuta SnainA. L. Pascoe attended Presby- musical exams irt Oshawa on Sa- #vos* Nicholîs; poem by Eda enut I p t srecedinygrte unc hihwa1hreo.orgiletidthi A poem written in the beginning FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR en a shawa, last Thursday. sevdbgop turday, Madeleine Osborne, Hel- &A Mn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert en Turner and Wanda Malley. o! wan for the steadying o! oun Ke d lning li!ted Russell Osborne's new Mary Bunley, and the topic wasW * HD RW ____implement shed and set it down aebyMsBul.Thtem Visitos-Mn. Alec Little, Ton- intact some distance away leav- oftake by Mnsule.Th theme EnERiFO onto, with his mother, Mrs. Neya ing the machinery uncovened. It surance against losing !aith in Lite-----Mn. and Mrs. Wil!red also took a barn roof off at Chas. God . - Firestone iw mn i A V A l _ _nd_ __snsOs a w ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _N__ _AR It BA th AC 'iý e strain o ! p resen t d ay liv in g ,B e t y B o . S a l E u i en VtO A L TR AT ith James Swarbrick---- Rev. N ATR R1ý ems rwu omly or onithndMr.anid wtM. nd MGr-. mov a o emC" square, not content with the phys- 9 igS.W dnafmith, Mn M. and Mrs. SpneGr Mvaple Gryeassrs o incexperience a we almuty ow pnormaOuyour- Bo mnil hn 8 r.Cri ----.and ______ behind Belcone, thie elecuOflic ha2rin must be actively engaged in lear -___________________________ _____llnnd___ly Oona id of wasch.like precision and higiest ning more about oun job, people _____________________________ M.adMns. Bob Martinell and Mn. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Cour- wiîî, far greatef weafiflI comfort. '(Ou Also develop within us the littie Thurs.- Fri OnlySaturay, Fb. 23 erboro withMr. ad Mrs Jos. Miss arionFcord!witF II eapuecrand crd!.Fo!y us.anLastlyfus.thinkyo!in oufrselvese Matiel -----Mn. and Mrs. cousin, Mrs. E. Gilbank, hws as citizens o! a world not of any February 21 - 22 A DOUBLE BILL SHOW Howard Quantrill, Gloria and Miss Muriel Hall, London, Miss atulr ac. Rv Smh John, Mrs. Neya Little and Alec, Audrey Hall, Toronto, with Mn. The Beltone Mono pac has particulith rae. Re. Smithon*V W ' Fred McMurray, Joan Leslie to satisfy the iost critical Ms et aesadMs m and Mrs. H. R. Foley. be y te coe ihpae.Rceto iecncolorgLauhRos i A ercen at Mrs. Mary Luxon's Mn. and Mns. Albert Brown, son acpe hour was spentontesaig5g Tehiaolor ag o nsas City Ritty m Mr. Cecil Glass has been vis- Billie, Hamilton, Miss Marion Dept. of Physical TheraPY nink. Do e - AN - tin Ry a S. Ane' SowdnToronto, with their of the Americafl Medical We were very proud o! our o PrairieWe- NDMiitrpeopial fer rmanl.paensMr acarmetndon Fieb18nth ad enneyr A Uap'lteashom e ! nthurThop- Misse Bettyough test o t ontu-o! older officers the younger ones 00Fom iee " ,Cyclone Pale at Apt antevho eningArtwas sopnt is den. nodensed nad peora cntccmetngon eFieb18n th ab ene son, Monday, when the Farm her winten holidays at Tally-Ho, ety a oe rsddoe n.11Forum convened and discussed Huntsville. etpFa oes rided ovenJi with Added Shorts for your Rangez oui' gnading system and how it Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright in The Beltone Monopae le the lateSt the 'business peiodbi rth Jim Pleasure ~~~~could be made better. St. Cathaines, with his sisten, and bet for ciaritY and smoothness Gîlmer filling h s e rothr, upiigl at fwdos PlaueCartoon, Super Rabbit Wyr 0a1owlcm t. isMrgeieWngt !tone, wth special fMatures Raymond's place, as sceay atonlu ahnsrlhl Victo re Wl o hoelcfr ove. sMarg H u ndit Wit. M (patents applied for). Cali or wiite Margaret Ovens was pianist, oe h aa asgsilk HeiandrMrs. Wilson and E. W. Foley, town. r for.priuas pinchhittîng for Mrs. Ron Bun- betigese-hi orha son arived Mn. StanStyparticulARs estiohargnjof the grand reliefaisence Friday. ly dischanged froxu the rcn- PTE APOEc.anydaDnuttoisUpwt tfytasetcn HUTN RUODCROAMrs. Percy Burley who has guest at Mr. and Mrs. F. Swal- 229 YONBE ST.e , ONO o o Burley. She presented BETTY HTTORONRODEODOAt h o!Ron theprognam: in bserns atonlie uc e bencnie ohrhm smc o'.Phone EL. 6505 reading by hersel!; reading, "A lk t olwdrcin nfle.V "1 V IN THE TECHNICOLOR HIT 0F THE VEAR betten. We also hope that Mrs. etress ofdeneVdrsoonsoftre i ou'Sa Marcus Soper who is suffering A man can make money but Entablished over a quarter of a c iarita Versin ! h od Sa-d !nom a throat ailment vrill soon money can't make the man.b nt ihls n be well again. À'À'NCEN IARY BLON E'l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gordon to Prt opeAosTalin Port.. age ilth, :in lete for l to ling hum eeds hich rhip eres 'l.'.à in 3tudying. ames. E icro- ages oime. rano- com- ting rires houe 497 MLt

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