Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1946, p. 8

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PA(:u UTflWI' T~IE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO THU2RSDAY, JAN. 24th, 1946 mu..... umuucmmu uuummmUU umuum- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Neiwcastle Independent Phone: Clarke 3314 h,. . .. . tU U U U Mz C.G.I.T. group enjoyed an ev- in town on Saturday. ening of fun Tuesday when they His many friends will be very went toboggani.ng. They returned glad to hear that Mr. John Brad- to the home of Mrs. Deline for ley who has been il in Toronto refreshments. hospital with a attack of pneu- United Church choir held elec- monia is now convalescent. tion of officers after the regular .Nt the annual meeting of St. practice. These officers were el- George's Women's Auxiliary the ected: Hon. president, W. J. S. following officers were appointed Rickard; president, Wilbur Bas- for 1946: President, Mrs. W. H. kerville; vice-president, Mrs. Jim Gibson; lst vice, Mrs. Douglas Brown; secretary, Rae Venner; Dewdney; 2nd vice, Mrs. Frank treasurer, 'Èvelyn Allin; social Branton; secretary, Miss Cora committee, Mrs. Wilbur Basker- Butler; treasurer, Mrs. Scott How- ville, Mrs. Archie Glenney, Mrs. ard; literature secretary, Miss B. Margaret Hockin; talent scouts, Mclntosh; extra cent-a-day and Mrs. Howard Allin, Mrs. Percy social service secretary, Mrs. P. Brown, Ross Allin; librarian, LeGresley; Little Helpers, Miss A. Glenn Allin; superintendent of Horrocks; Living Message, Mrs. gowns, Mrs. Truman Clarke. Af- John Garrod; parochial commit- ter the election a social evening of tee convener, Mrs. D. Dewdney; crokinole was enjoyed followed Dorcas committee, Mrs. J. Gar- by refreshments. rod, Mrs. George Gaines, Mrs. M. Two more Newcastle boys re- Brown, Mrs. Alf Garrod, Mrs. F, turned from overseas on the Branton. Queen Elizabeth docking at New Mrs. Norman Allun and Miss York last week: Sgln. Keith Rowe, Marion Allin attended the funeral son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowe, of Mrs. Charles Langmaid in En- who has been overseas four years niskillen on Saturday. and saw action with the 5th Can- Mrs. Stella Anderson is visiting adian Armoured Division in Hol- in Toronto. land, Italy and France, and LAC. Mrs. Norman Allin and Miss Thomas Woodlock, who has serv- Marion Allin were guests o! Mr. ed overseps with the R.C.A.F. and- Mrs. Clare Allun, Bowman- On.behaîf of their many friends ville. we say "welcome home and thank Mrs. Glen Brooks entertained you!" to these two very popular her bridge club one evening last young men. week. Mr. Harold Allin, Toronto, was Newcastle is becoming very hockey conscious, four hockey teams having been formed in the village. -Employees o! the two factories have formed teams, viz. J. Anderson Smith employees and Carl Weyrich employees. The tic,%High School pupils have a team and the fourth teamn is called the ~ "Town Team" consisting of some J J of the male residents of the vill- age. On Saturday afternoon two games were played. Town teamn played the Hîgh School. score 8-3 favor of Town teamn. Goalies were: Town, Bob Stephenson; High School, Gord Gibson. The Smith Box Factory played Carl I t's out of date now Weyrich factory, score 8-7infv or of Weyrich team. Goalies: Smith factory, Bob Stephenson; Weyrich factory, Jimmy Gardner. PERSONS WHO buy in- Mrs. D. B. Simpson has been surance on the old " hit or visiting in Toronto where she has miss pla usuîîy ver- been the guest of her daughter miss" pan sualy oer- and son-in-law who have recently look some source of possible moved to the city from Ottawa. Mr. E. Turner, Elmhurst Hotelh loss. Buy your insurance spent the weekend in Oshawa. on a planned program and NEWCASTLE COUNCIL know your insurance really The inaugurai meeting of the blocks every chance of ser- Newcastle municipal council for ious loss. Ask us about this 1l946 was held Jan. l14th, at 8 p. m. The Town Clerk administer- up-to-date method of bUy- ed the declaration of off ice to the iginsurance. following candidates: Reeve, ingGeorge Anson Walton, and Coun- cillors Hugh Tracy Manes, Harold Stanley Graham, John Franklin Rickard, Archie William Glenny. Rev. Wm. Patterson conducted the devotional services. On for- mai motion he was extended a Stuart R. James vote of thanks. Reeve Walton addressed the new INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE council and requested co-opera- Sucessr t J.J. aso & on tion in securing better street Succssorto . J.Masn & on ighting, police protection and im- Phone 681 proved conditions to keep the King St. Bowmanville children off the streets. The Reeve appointed the fol- lowing standing committees: Fin- ance, Graham, Rickard Glenny; January Clearance * of Ladies' Hats' and Winter Coats The latest styles in ladies' Winter Coats are being offered at greatly reduced prices. In blues, browns, greens, blacks, in a wide variety of sizes. Clearance MgENS WINTER OVERCOATS Havmng reoeived a quantity of Men's Overcoats late in the sea- son w. have a large quantity to choose from. AU sizes, variety of colours in latest styles. Couch', Johoston & Cryderman PHONE 836. BOWMANVILLE roa'ds and bridges, Rickard and Graham; .property, Manes and Glenny; sidewalks, Glenny; Cham- ber of Commerce, Glenny. E. W. Fisher, collector o! taxes, 1945, gave his report showing the amount o! taxes coUletted, $1 1,- 693.81; arrears $381.90. A vote o! thanks was extended Mr. Fisher for his efforts in collecting 1945 taxes. Approved was $5.00 as member- ship fee to be sent Ontario Mun- icipal Association; $5 membership !ee Ontario Good Roads Associa- tion; $10 donation to Salvation Army. Canadian Institute for the Blind were given permission to hold tag day, May Uth. Following appointments were made: Miss Hattie Mason, mem- ber o! Memorial Library Board for 1946-47-48; Cecil R. Carveth, member o! Memarial Library Board for the late Mr. Scott Mont- gomery's unfinished termi 1946-47; Emmerson W. Fisher, member o! the Board o! Education for 1946- 48, and Lewis Clark recommend- ed as member to be appoînted by United Counties. Feb. 6th was date set for public meet g to ap- point two members o!fheC Board o! Management Community Hall for two years, 1946-47. Fred Graham, Ernest Rin.ch and Loftus Bellamy were appainted fence viewers. Reeve Walton and Councillor Rickard were appoint- ed Indigent Medical Officers. The Skating Rink Association were granted one mili for skating rink building. H. C. Bonathan was reappoint- ed Clerk and Treasurer at a sal- ary o! $250.00 per annum. Geo. Gray reappointed assessor, etc., at a salary o! $65, plus 25c per dog tax collected; Emmerson W. Fish- er reappointed collector o! taxes at a salary o! $65. The council was unanimous in accepting the application o! Eric Wicks as caretaker o! Community Hall at a salary of $900 per an- num. It was decided to instaîl 100 watt bulbs in all street lights throughout the village. George Meadows addressed the council regarding several matters in the village. First reading was given by-law to borrow certain sums o! money. Council adjourned until Monday, Jan. 28. Personals Mrs. G. Ash and Helen, Rouge Hill, were home for weekend. Mr. George Bonathan, Toronto, spet the weekend at home. Newcastle United Church con- gregational meeting was held on Jan. l8th. A full account of which will appear in next week's issue. CHANGE IN MANAGEMENT NEWCASTLE CEMETERIES As superintendent o! the two cemeteries for the past ten years, I would like to in!ormn the public that owing to increased years I have been obliged to relinquish oversight o! the cemeteries and that the Rev. D. R. Dewdney bas kindly consented to asm h managemet until another super- intendent can be secured (no sal- ary attached) therefore anyone re- quiring information re cemetery matters please consult the rector o! St. George's Church. Wbile I have this opportunity I would like to caîl the attention o! the village council to the neces- sity a! their noore generous sup- port o! the Bond Head cemetery, outside o! a grant o! $25 in 1943 and $20 in 1945 no financial help bas been given by the council to this cemetery. I would like to suggest that a grant o! $100 in 1946 would not be excessive con- sîdering that the Bond Head ceme- tery is practically a municipal burying ground. The trustees re- ceive no profit from it whatsoev- er. Last summer the finances were much curtailed so much so that but for the kindness o! Mr. Jaseph E. Atkinson, Toronto, in managed ta extricate bimself. This is hazardous work, and then the grass cutters Walter Crowth- er, Ai! Garrod and Ross Cobble- dick in spite of heavy rains and rank growth o! the grass were able ta do a good job. Last but not least thanks are due ta the Horticultural Society for landscaping the grounds near the entrance gate. I am sure that the people o! aur village wish ta keep the Bond Head cemetery in the best condi- tion. The place where the aId pianeers lie at rest. Let us en- deavar ta do aur best. Yours sin- cerely, C. S. Horrocks. Additional Newcastle news will be found on another page. A man was arrested as he was sitting in a train about to leave a London station. A regular pas- senger, however, camplains that the chances o! getting a seat by this method are infinitesimal.- Punch. Three bundred quiz programs are now regularly broadcast, and on nat one o! them have I beard an answer ta the simple question. 'where do we go from here?"- Detroit News. HÂPPY BIRTHDAY Rfm. Merle Hubbard Son o! Mr. and Mrs. B. Hub- bard of Burketon who is today celebrating his 2lst birthday in Germany. He is with the Queen's Own Rifles o! Toronto. Orono News Orono Police Trustees held their first meeting o! 1946 with the fol- lowing members: C. T. Miller, W. J. Riddell, R. E. Logan. C. T. Miller was appointed chairman, J. J. Mellor, secretary, and W. J. Riddell, caretaker of fire hall and fire engine. Mrs. Geo. Baîl has been with her daughter, Mrs. Pearce, Bow- manville, since leaving the hos- pîtal. Kirby Y.P.U. visited Orono Y. P.U. last week, but the Oshawa Young People were unable to come because o! the storm. Pte. Chas. Smith was in Otta- wa getthng his discharge from the Army. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong are visitinfi relatives in Morris- burg and Ottawa. Mrs. H. Lycett has been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gamey. Mr. Milton Green is at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tamblyn's. Mr. O. W. Rolph is holidaying with friends in Ottawa. Mr. Geo. Mitchell now has his final discharge from the Army. Mr. Gordon Bruton and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Bruton, Toronto, have been with their mother, who has been ill. Thieves made an unsuccessful attempt to rob the Bank of Com- merce on Saturday night. A weld- îng machine stolen from the New- tonville garage was le!t behind. Mr. Fred Sissons has returned home from several weeks spent in hospital in Toronto. Miss Lorraine MacDonald, Kir- by, spent the weekend with Miss Wilda Hooey. Mrs. Elva Best has returned 'fromn visiting her sister in Osha- wa. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Powers vie- ited relatives in Toronto. Mrs. Howard Walsh entertaîned the W.C.T.U. at her home on Jan. l5th. Mrs. S.- Littlewood con- ducted the worship service. It was'announced that Denny Lynch had won first prize in answering OSHAWA Free Parking Phone 1011 THURS. - FRI. - SAT. January 24 - 25 - 26 "Rhapsody iD Blue" (The Story of George Gershwin) Starring Robert Aida, Joan Leslie, Alexis Smith, Charles Coburn, AI Johnson, Oscar Levant, Paul Whiteman and Ail Star Cast MONDAY - TUESDAY January 28 - 29 The Greatest Laugh-Getter of the Year "B8rewster's Millions" Starring Dennis O'Keefe, Helen Waiker June Havoc, Eddie "kochester" Anderson, Gail Patrie Added Featurette, Ba~rber Shop Baiiads FOUR DAYS WEDNES. TO SATURDAY January 30 - February 2 Paramount's Musical Hit Treat rheentaic pai by keeping your kidneys in good condimtsGan use Dodd'i' Kidney MILa.Dodds belp yo.W kidneys gt rid of troule-making poimoqa and exces acid&-help you fee beatu. Su vbatDoid'acan de.fer yu. 137 the temperance questions through the Sunday School. Plans were made for a poster contest in the schools. Reeve E. R. Woodyard attend- ed County Council in Cobourg last week. Several business men went down on Tuesday evening when the warden was elected. Roy Forrester is home after re- ceiving his discharge fromn the Navy. Orono Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting Jan. l4th, with ten members present. Trea- surer C. H. Froste reported a bal- ance of $223.11. These following off icers were elected: President, E. R. Woodyard; vice-president, Stan Payne; secretary, Ed. Neil- son; treasurer,- C. H. Froste: dir- ectors, J. E. Armstrong, J. C. Tam- blyn, R. E. Logan, Lyall Lowery, C. T. Miller and R. A. Forrester. The subject o! reforestation was discussed thoroughly and plans made for the annual sports day and dance on July lst. Norman Shields, Toronto, has taken over Harold Hooey's cream and egg service for farmers, and with his family is occupying A. J. Bigelow's house at Kirby. Workers from Park St. Sunday School attended the convention at Hampton on Thursday afternoon and evening and report a very profitable meeting. Mr. M. H. Staples was elected vice-president of the new organization includ- ing Bowmanville, Darlington twp., Newcastle and Clark twp. schools. Women's Institute held a social evening in the Orange hall on Friday evening. A splendid pro- gram, cards and a lovely lunch provided a very fine evening. Cadmus Sympathy is extended ta Rev. R. B. Harrison on the death of his father at Lakefield. On account o! unfavorable wea- ther and the small attendance at Farm Forum Monday evening at Marvin Nesbitt's, the meeting will be held there again this week. We are very pleased ta welcome home Jack Hanna and Wesley Sweet !ram overseas. Bath seemn in the best o! health and bappy ta be in Canada again. A community meeting was held at Devitt's Hall ta welcome home 11 o! the overseas boys and men. There was a large crowd and a good social time is reported. Lowell Fallis and his mother have le!t ta spend the winter in Florida. All wish them a pleasant trip and holiday. On Friday afternoon Mr. Chas. Venning o! Blackstock and Mr. W. Ferguson a! Nestîcton made a so- cial cail at Mr. A. Hanna's ta give a cbeery welcome ta Jack. A pleasant a!ternoon was enjoyed. Visitors-Miss Leah McQuade with Mr. and Mrs. O. McQuade -----Miss Evelyn Philp with Mr. F. Philp ---- Miss Muriel McKee with Mr. and Mrs. S. McKee ---- Misses Thelma and June Sweet with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sweet --- Miss Margaret Thompson with Mr. and Mrs. M. Tbompson ---- Mrs. Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. M. McKee with Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johnstan --- Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc- Kee with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mc- Kee ---Mr. and Mrs. H. Pbilp with Mr. and Mrs. Grant Tbomp- son ---- Miss Audrey Hanna with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hanna ----- Mrs. Thompsan and Mr. and Mrs. Mar- wood McKee with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawson, Yelverton. Ebenezer Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis with Mr. and Mrs. C. Allin, Pravidence. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Down enter- tained a !ew yaung !riends Satur- day evening. A number o! members a! the Su*lday School attended the Sun- day Schaal convention at Hamp- ton. Pte. Gardon Brown, Kingston, with Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. Miss Mary Wilkins, R.N., Tor- onta, with Mrs. Harry Gay. Miss Ruth Penfound, Oshawa Hospital, with ber parents, Sun- day. W.M.S. Meeting W.M.S. met in the Sunday Scbool roamn Jan. lSth wîth Miss Louise Osborne, president, pre- siding. Rev. H. Linstead took charge o! the installation o! affi- cers. A review a! the year's work was gîven by secretary, Mrs. R. R. Gay. Mrs. R. C. Pearce gave some thoughts on Temper- ance. The study "Educatian is for Living" was presented by Mrs. Linstead. Mrs. K. E. Courtice and Mrs. R. C. Pearce !avored with a vocal duet. Mrs. Eltan Werry gave the treasurer's repart, alsa the repart a! the Red Cross work. Letters o! appreciatian were read !rom a !amily in the Guernsey Islands, where aur la- cal Red Cross ladies had sent par- cels of nilLch-needed clothîng and other artfles. Mrs. Glenn, Pick- ell was in charge of the worship service the theme of which was "Light on the Peth." Assisting were Mrs. Elton Werry and Mrs. G. F. Arnnis. Mrs. R. E. Osborne offered prayer in closing. No. 4 Mission Band met Jan. 15. Worship period opened with quiet music with Gwen Osborne at the piano. Short story was told by Mrs. G. Coverley. Prayer by Ir- ma Wade. Business items includ- ed the election of officers w hich, resulted in the following being elected: President, Raymond Os- borne; secretary, Ivy Sanders; treasurer, Lloyd Coverley; peace and temperance secretary, Andy Senko. Program was then given as follows: Reading by Lloyd Cov- erley; temperance story, Annie Senko. New Year's story, Irma Wade; study book story, Gwen Osborne. Congregational meeting held Jan. 12 had an attendance of about 80. After a sumptuous din- ner had been enjoyed, reports were given from the various groups, and two quartet numbers were given by Murray and George Osborne, Bill Rundle and Elmer Down, and Jack and Ronald Bickle and Wesley and Bruce Down. Miss Louise Pearce con- tributed a vocal solo. House hock- ey and other games were indulg- ed in, after which all returnýed home for evening ch ores having had a pleasant time. Obituary F. N. FARRELL Many old friends will be sad- dened ta learn o! the recent death o! Mr. F. N. Farrell, after a leng- thy illness in the City Hospital at Saskatoon, Sask. Funeral service was held in the chapel o! the Park Funeral Home, Saskatoon, on Friday, Jan. «llth. Rev. A. E. Elliott and Rev. G. S. Packham officiated. There was a large at- tendance and many beautiful floral tributes, testifying to the high esteem in which the deceas- ed was held. Paîl bearers were Messrs. D. H. Badger, S. Batten, J. Blair, W. H. Burbidge, L. E. Phare and J. Mc- Lean. Burial was made in Woodlawn cemetery. Surviving are his widow, o! 315 25th St., East, Saskatoon, one daughter, Mrs. A. C. Hayden, Su- therland, Sask., and three sons, Gordon, o! New Toronto, Cyrus, o! Toronto, and Capt. Leonard o! Saskatoon, recently returned from overseas, one sister, Mrs. W. Hoo- ey o! Tyrone, Ont., and two bro- thers, Col. William, New Toronto, and Byron o! Tyrone, also nine grandchildren. The late Mr. Farrell was born in 1870 at Tyrone, Ont. In 1898 he married Harriett Ann Brima- combe and resided in Hamilton and Tyrone where he conducted a general store. In 1914,, the fam- ily moved west and homesteaded in the Glidden district where Mr. Farrell was the fIrst postmaster. loyal and active member o! the Mr. and Mrs. Farrell retired in United Church and took a keen 1943 to live in Sutherland and 'interest in commuhity affairs, and lately settled in Saskatoon. Wher- held many offices through which ever he resided, Mr. Farrell was a he acquired a host of friends. FOR REMAKING YOUR WORLD Scientific proof that as a man "thinketh ... so is he," that each one's experience iniproves as bis thinking improves, and that thinking of the most desirable charac- ter s practical for everyone, is found in Christian Science. A Christian Science Sundary Service wiiI b. Brocodca§kover u Station CFRB at y Y a.m., Sunday, January 2th,T946. c Givos Mothors 4!%Wa y T9 Relieve MisewiesfBoronchitis (olds Acs roptyto lelp RelieeCoghing Sp ss Congestion and Irritation In Bronchial Tubes t. cold-congestd bronchial tubes wlth Its speclal medicinal vapors Because its penetrating-stimulatini action (as illustrated) brings such grand relief, mosc young mothers tub VapoRub on the throat, chest and back at bedtime. It starts towork at once and keeps on working for hours ta bring relief. Invites restful sleep. Ofren by niorning most of the nmdserv of the cold is gone! 01J Now don't take -chances wiffi chs edWal un tried remedies-get grand ches andbackrelief tonight with this time-tested, surfaces like a double-action home remedy for re- V warmlng, com- in rn forting poultice chitis mis- --CK ere, r iv A jRl a Please Note For LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANINO Service on and after December lst, 1945 PHONE 13000 This will connect you direct with aur office, with no charge ta yau. We call and deliver in Bownianville Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To insure a pick-up on these days please phone the day previous. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning . 1 - Pl -do' 1' - -e .t.b¶. 1~ 's THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO PAGE EMRT TERMDAY, JAN. 24th, 1946 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIIM, ONTARIO

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