Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Jan 1946, p. 6

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- - É A ' T A % A K . C 2 n A M Q " A W fn1 R L V T T , f M ' ' t f CHAMPION SHOE OSHAWA Bring your shoes and boots to us for speedy and expert repair. Leave with C. PURDY (Successor to C. Coyle) King St., Bowmanville For Pick-up and Deliv'ery E0=03 kirt ,wmanvf o i i g Oo g I g n i0~00~ Mid- Winter SALE. 1/ 3 to l/ 2 OFF Blouses- Dresses -'Si and Jackets The Town Shop King st., W. Bov EATS on EDMONDSTONE'S MARKE1 The whole family needs tasty meals with lots of nutritic value when the mercury starts going down. We have all ingredients to make your meals better. Remember good f pays large dividends in health and well-being. FOR VALUE WITH QUALITY Shop at Edmiondstone's IMaikel PHONE 375 KING EnSkillen' In spite of cold weather Sunday evening about 40 attended chuich. Rev. J. A. Plant gave a very in- teresting sermon. Miss Marie and Mi. Ross Ashton sang a duet "lSweet Hernr of Prayer."' Sewing Circle gathered at the home of Mis. W. Rahrn on Jan. l5th. The afternoon was spent in sewing skirts and shorts. Lunch was served by Mis. Rahm and ber group Mis. S. Pethick, Mis. J. A. Werry and Mis. T. Slemon. Eight ladies were present, collection $1.75. Next meeting at Mis. E. C. Ashton, Jan. 29th. Sympathy is extended to Mis. Roy McGill on the death of ber mother, at the home o! ber son- in-law, Roy McGill. The conimunity was saddened to hear of the tragic death o! lit- tle Marilyn Dewell, Hampton. Sincere sympathy goes to her par- ents, Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewel] fîom oui community. Mi. and Mis. Albert Harris, Mi. and Mis. Cliff Cowan and Donna, Orono, visited at Mi. W. E. Sanderson's. Mi. and Mis. Walter Rabin and Doreen at Mi. L. Giiffin's, Puiple Hill. __ Brown's Home and Sebool Association met witb Crooked Creek Home and School Association as guests. Mis. H. Reichratb and Mis. E. Booth were appointed to purchase a radio for the scbool. Associa- tion decided to invite Lockhait's Home and School Association to oui next meeting. Oswald Wragg had charge o! tbe program. Read- ings by Miss Scott and Oswald Wîagg. Musical numbers by Chas. Cowan, Armand Hollings- woîth and Norman Andrews. Mis. H. Reichrath led in two contests. Faim Forum met at Clarence Tuiner's; next meeting at How- aid Allin's. Sam Turner beld a skating par- ty on Friday evcning. His cou- sin, George Osborne, Ebenezer, stayed over the weekend. S.S. No. 9. Clarke Seveîal o! oui fruit men are at- tending tbe fruit convetion in To- ronto. Mi. F. W. Bowen attendcd a meetig o! the Ganaraska Commit- tee in Toronto on Monday. Mi. and Mis. Lou Buclkley wbo bave been guests o! Mi. and Mis. Chas. Glenney have received dis- appointing news that their son Bill will not be home as soon as they bad hoped. Bill Gibson bas gone to Ham- ilton to report to bis regiment. Elroy Gibson was home f rom Hamilton. Newtonville Fîiends o! Mis. Herb Gilmer, .1Bowmanville, are sorry to hear o! Il er painful accident. Mi. and MrMs. Clarence Gilmer and Mi. 0 and Mis. Bert Stapleton visited 0 ber in bospital, Thursday cvcning. 0 Mi. and Mis. Pete Kesler, mo- toîed to New York to visit friends. ille Mi. Daniel Whitney passed Iaway on Jan. l8tb, and was bur- =1 ied in Bowmanville. We extend syinpatby to bis son, Bruce, and bis wif e o! Port Granby, also to the gîanddaugbtei, Mis. Roy Nes- bitt o! Port Brittain and Gladys o! OsbaWa. For the second time in six weeks the garage o! C. Beverley and Sons was entered on Saturday night. Some tools and welding machine were taken. Later the welding machine was found in the Orono bank wbere it bad been used to force the. safe. Foîtun- ately tbey did not finish the job. Deputy Reeve Melville Joncs and Willis Joncs attended Coun- ty Council. Mi. and Mis. Sidney Lancaster motored to Niagara Falls, N.Y., to visit bis sister, Mis. Willard r Lockbart. Mis. John Lancaster who bas been witb ber daugbtei., returned home witb them. lonal Mis. Jack Calter, Port Hope, witb Mis. Sam. Smith. 1the Many in this district are suiffci- ing from colds. Laureen McCul- food lougb bas not been able to attend scbool since the bolidays. This is espccially bard foi Laureen is fond o! ber studies. The teacher, Mi. Duncan Sey- mour is unselfishly giving o! bis own tîme in starting bis pupils on vaîious instruments. His main trouble is, not lack o! cager stu- dents, but lack o! instruments. Anyone who bas an old unused t musical instrument could hclp these youngsteis . by lending it un- t tii vacation time. Thank you Willis Joncs and IST. belpers for voluntarily staying on the job o!fiooding tbe îink. It is a cold all nigbt Vigil getting this n 0~o0 ~00== 0SPEC IALg O .~. ~ Ladies' Dags ~ 0 New shiprnent, latest styles, Jewel lahr ete n lucite, zipper tops or buckle, ail colours. 0 $4n75 $6m75 %lWà $8a75 $1O750 Large varlety to chooseM 0fromg I JEWELLERY O o& GIFT SHOP0 0Phone 747 BowmanvilleD 0 Maple Grove This comxnunity extends heart- iest congratulations to Mi. and Mis. Wrn. Snowden who on Jan. 27th, celebrate their 5th wed- ding anniversary. Miss Edna Swgllow is spending a well-deseîved holiday with friends in Toronto. Courtice circuit bîotherhood held their meeting on Friday ev- ening, with a good attendance.' The !ollowing pîogram was given: Violin duet,, Stan and Bert Snow- den; vocal solos, Wilfred Carruth- ers; readings, Herb Osborne; pi- ano solos, Ray Dudley; guest speaker, Dr. G. W. Miller, Health Officer, Bowmanville, gave an ex- cellent and informative address on the bistory and development o! medicine, report o! whîcb ap- pears in another column. was beld Jan. 9tb. Owing to the weatber only fine were.present but it is surprising wbat nine peo- ple inteîested in the same work can accomplisb. Average attend- ance for past year was 41, a drop o! four from the year before. Deep concein was !elt over the !alling off o! pupils between the senior classes and thg adult Bible Class. Committee was .appointed to ap- proacb young people o! this age re the !orming o! a junior mixed Bible class. The boys' camp under leader- sbip o! Melville Jones and Frank McMullen was consideîed veîy wortbwbile. Other special work was a donation to the Temperance poster, Sick Children's Hospital and sending delegates to Oak Lake Camp for leaders. Mis. W. C. Lane got special appreciation foi bei faitbfulness as pianist for -ipproximately 50 years. Officers elected are: Superinten- dent, Sidney Lancaster; assistant superintendent, Melville Jones; secretary, Mis. Arnold Wade; treasurer, Mi., John Elmer; bon- oîary pianist, Mis. W. C. Lane; pianist, Margaret Ovens; Mis. Lancaster bas charge o! Mission- ary Department; Bible class teach- er, Mis. C. Burley; Si. boys', Clel- and Lane; Junior Boys', Melville Jones; Si. Girls', Mis. N. W. Ste- yens; assistant, Mis. Frank Gil- mer; Jr.' Girls', Mis. Sidney Lan- caster; assistant, Mis. Chas. Mor- ris; Primary, Minnie Randal; as- sistant, Mary Burley. Young Peopie's Union Young People's Union met on Monday. Weatber peîmitting a tobogganing paîty will be held instead o! regulai meeting with lunch served later at home o! Mi. and Mis. Jobnston. After the business period the following pro- gram pîepaîed by Annie Wright, citîzensbip convener, was enjoy- ed. Sciture, Eleanor Jobnston; readings by Jim Gilmer and Eu- gene Norland; piano selection by Shirley Payne. Afteî the meeting was dismissed witb prayer by Rev. Smith about 18 took advan- tage o! the good skating on the rink. Mary Burley invited them into ber home for a bot cup o! tea and lunch before tackling the snowdrifts home. Weekend Visitors - Laurna Peaice, Toronto, at home ---- Keitb Builey, Toronto, Florence Burley, Peterboro, at home ---- Cpl.« McEwen, Peterboro, witb Mi. and Mis. C. Buîley---- M. and Mis. Clinton Burley and Don at Spencer Burley's. Burketon Buiketon United Churcb beld their annual congregational meet- ing, Jan. 10, Rev. J. Plant in charge. Mis. Alberta Wilson was appointed secretary for the meeting. Mi. Nelson Hudson read the secretary-treasuiei's re- ports. These officers werc elect- cd: Sunday School superintend- cnt, Wesley Hoskin; choir leader, Westley Hoskin; organist, Mis. Roblin; assistant organist, Mis. H. Trick; parsonage board, Mis. J. Gill, Mi. and Mis. W. Hoskin, Mi. N. Hudson; M. and M. Fund, Mis. R. Davey; Sunday school organist, Mr. Plant; ushers, Bill Johnson, Mi. Roblin, Leslie Taylor, J. Car- ter, H. Laîmer; Bible Class tea- cher, Rev. J. Plant; Int. class tea- chers, Noble Stevenson, Bill Johnson; Primary class, Mis. T. Bailey, Mis. W. Hoskin; secretary and to distribute Sunday Scbool papers, Alden Hubbard. A new hymnary will be bought and le!! ini the church. Merle Thompson, Oshawa, will be guest speaker at oui anniversary service in May, if possible. Lunch was served and satisfactoîy reports given. With the temperature 24 below zero Sunday, Jan. 2tb, Rev. J. Plant drove four miles as usual for the Sunday scbool and moîn- ing service. Churcb service was well attended. Visitors-Mis. Fred Holroyd, Pontypool, Miss Kay Maddin, Toi- onto, Mi. George Tompkins, Toi- onto, witb Mr. A. Tompkins ---- Misses Donna and Marion Haines held a birthday party, Jan. 20 Mi. and Mrs. Howard Abbott and !amnily, Haydon, witb Mr. and Mis. -James Gatchell -- Ross Hubbard, Oshawa, Mi. and Mis. H. Stîutt and Phyllis, Oshawa, Mn. and Mis. W. Slingenland, and Lin- da, Bowmanville, witb Mi. and Mis. B. Hubbard. Hal: "Do you think the Senator puts enough fine in bis speech?" Cal: "My opinion is he didn't put enougb o! bis speech into the fic." We Take Pleasure in Announcing That We Have Been Appointed AGENT FOR A. A. Agricultural Chemical Fertilizer Place Orders Early As Supply is Limlted J.H..Hancock MASSEY HARRIS AGENT Phone 781 King St., W. Bowma.nvllle buiespPAdGloeE i.J i. .C mls n edn byX national Comnilttee preslded. Ther, n'£A 1 . p tertained at Buckinlghaml Palace by His Majesty the King. 1 ý rink in shape for the youngfry to enjoy this outside sport. Give' them a hand young people! Wornen's Misslonary Society Owing to circumstances beyond) anyone's control, the reports of J: the various annuel meetings are behind. The following officers were elected in the December meeting of the Women's Mission- ary Society: President, Mrs. C. Beverley; vice, Mis. Sidney Lan- caster; secretary, Mrs. Cecil Rob- inson; treasurer, Mrs. Sidney Lan- caster; pianist, Mrs. W. C. Lane; Baby Band secrétary, Mis. Chas.. Morris; friendship secretary, Mis. John Barrie; Christian steward- ship secretaîy, Mis. C. Beverley; temperance secretaîy and press secîetary, Mis. J. T. Pearce. Women's Association Women's Association met at Mis. John Lancaster's. Two com- bination doors were to be purch- ased for the paîsonage. Rev. Smith kindly paid balance on ex- tra box sent oveiseas. The fol- lowing off icers weîe elected: Pies- ident, Mis. J. T. 'Pearce; vice- president, Mis. Jim Stark; secre- tary, Mrs. Ronald Beverley; trea- surer, Mis. Arthur Redknap; dec- orating committee, Mis. Pearce, Mis. Morris, Mis. S. Smith and Mis. Lancaster, Mis. Rev. Smith; visiting committe, Mis. T. Lang- staff, Mis. Deynaîd. Sunday School Annual Hampton B Visitors: Miss Gwen Caverly, [oronto, at home------ Mis. C. Ferguson, Oshawa, with her sis- ter, Mis. Jack Macnab ----Miss Arline Northcutt, Bowmanville, guest o! Miss Madlyn Wilcox ---- M1r. and Mis. Bruce Yeo and Car- l, Bowmanville, at Mis. C. Col- will's Mi. and Mis. R. Buins and Barbara, Mi. and Mis. W. Mc- EKinstry, Oshawa, at S. Keisey's -----Mi. and Mis. Joe Crawford and family attended a welcome hiome party at his home Brooklin, for his brother Pte. Elmer Craw- ford, Royal Cqnadian Corps o! Signais, who bas returned from four years' service overseas and rias spent five Christmases away from home. We welcome Lt. Reg. Kersey who aîîived home from overseas on Wednesday last. Gnr. Gerald M~'. Balson is expected to arrive this week accoîding to word re- ceived by Mis. Balson. The weather was extremely cold and stoîmy over the weekend. The Sunday School convention o! the Darlington Townsbip and Town o! Bowmanville, held here on Thuisday last, was faiîly well attended and proved both' inter- esting and profitable. The addres- ses given and discussion on var- ious phases of Sunday school woîk, and music îendered, was inspiring and helpful. The Hamp- ton ladies seîved supper, which was supervised by the Adult Bible class. In spité of bad weather the Sun- day services were faiîly well at- tended. Oui pastor gave a belp- ful message at the Sunday even- ing service, with the "Parable of the Rich Young Ruler" as a foun- dation theme. The fiowers which adorned the altar were placed there by Mi. C. W. Souch and family in loving memory of Mis. Souch. .The heaîtfelt sympatby o! the entire community goes out to Mi. and Mis. Percy Dewell in their very sad bereavement. A very deep gloom was cast over the vil- lage and surîounding community wben it was learned on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 15, of the terrible tragedy that had befallen little Marilyn, who was a very bîigbt and lovable child. Her funeral fîom hier home on Friday alter- noon was one of the largest seen here in many yeaîs, and was con- ducted by Rev. W. Rackham. Bur- ial was in the North cemeteiy. We extend sympathy also ta Mis. Roy McGill, Enniskillen, and Mi. Roy Langmaid, Solina, in the loss of their mother, Mis. Chas. Langmaid, a foîmeîly bigbly res- pected resident of Hampton, and a faithful member of the Hamp- ton United Cliurcb and other or. ganizations. Mis. Joe Crawford visited bei father, Mi. Thomas Philip at St Michael's Hospital, Toronto, wheie hie has been under medical car( since December. Mi. and Mis. Ernie Foley, Bow. manville, Mi. and Mis. Ted Foley Maple Grove, visited Mi. and Mis Mark Blackburn, last week. Mi. and Mis. Farewell Black. burn, and family, Salem, visitec bis parents, Mi. and Mis. M Blackburn on Sunday. The January meeting of tbf Women's Institute was beld in thi basement of the cbuîcb on Thurs day afteînoon, Jan. 3îd. The pie sident, Mis. E. H. Cole was in thg chair. A number o! selection fîom the song book were sung and the opening Ode precedec the Loid's Prayer. The presiden pîesented some tboughts for th, New Year. In response to the roll cal] many suggestions weîe given oi how. to spent oui W.I. money .which weîe woîthy of considera tion. .Letters o! appreciation fo .Christmas parcels and cards sen to overseas boys, and also to ou e ToothBruses-----1c-25 Hair Brushes 98c-$1.75-$2.50 Powder 'Puffs ------- lOec-iSe Bobby Pins------------------ 5c Nail Files ---- lOc-15c-20c-50e Nail Clippers ------------ 35e Billfolds 1.15-1.98-2.75-5.00 Gillette Razor & Blades 49e Ayerst Alphamettes -- 1.00-1.85-3.50 Neo Chemical Food Capsules ------- 1.25-2.25-5.00 Liquid --------- 1.15-2.45-4.45 R. Reynolds presented the treasuwr- er's report which was grati!ying with over $208.00 on hand. Reference was made to thë training school for leaders in Bowmanville, Jan. 2lst and 22nd in charge o! Miss Beth Oliver and Miss Scott; the executive are res- ponsible for secuîing girls to at- tend. A letter from Miss Anna Lewis regarding the "Princess Alice" Youth Leader fund, was read. Mis. F. Honey presided for the program in charge o! the East group, and introduced Dr. G. W. Miller, the newly appointed direc- toi o! healtb for -the United Coun- ties o! Durham and Northumber- land, who was present and gave a very enlightening address on the Health Unit, speaking under thîee beadings, curative methods, research and preventive mea- sures. He said people were be- coming more health conscious. He made references to the magnifi- cent way the local practitioneis bad carried on duîing war years, Canada was without an epidemic. More time is lost from work througb common colds than any other disease. We must raise the standard o! public living; these were a few o! the thougbts presented. Mis. Cole favoîed witb piano music. A vote of appreciation for the splendid addîess was tendered Dr. Miller. Miss Thelma Robbins contîibuted a reading, "Thougbts Are What We Say to Ourselves," and can make us pleasant or un- pleasant. The things we say to ourselves, eitber hold us down or raise us up. At the close o! the meeting the gîoup in charge serv- ed re!ieshmentz including a cup of tea and a social bal! bour was enjoyed. 25C lnbo Itallan Balm--------- 35c-98c Hlnd's Honey and Almond Cream 25c-47c-85c .ergen's Lotion 25c-47c-98e Ultra Lotion - ------49c Pond's'Lotion 19c-34c Cashmere Bouquet Lotion-------- 25c-45c Trushay Cream Balm ---49c Pacquln's -Hand Cream - ----- - ------29c-57c Kodak Films In Good Suppiy Now We do Free Developing ÇASHMERE ComP-lcty wrapped Soft Pure White 700 SEETS %to the roll 3for25(l CREOPHOS AN IDEAL TONIC WHICH STOPS COUGHS Bottie ----------------------------------------------------------- - $1.00 Phone W i 6,5 COUILIIGS DRUG STORETrse HEADQUARTERS FOR, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Before you buy your new Electrical Equiprnent consuit us. We are planning to have a compete stock of everything you wili need in the very near future. Corne i and look around. Irons .. $3.9S Toasters .. $6.7S See Our Stock of Bedroom Lamps H -ot Plates Electrical Fixtures Radio Batteries 1-4 to 1-3 H-.P. Motors Electrical Repairs We specialize i ail sorts of electrical repairs. If your electrical appliances ar-en't in working order bring them to us for a guaranteed repair job. Specialists in house and farm wlrîng. See us for com- plete jobs of installation, fixtures and repairs. HIGGON ELECTRIC ft . 110 Ce CaFi Speaker: Meeting 4 Friday, January 25th 8:30 p.m. Town Hall, Dowmanville- Harvey were enjoyed alter whieh Murray led in a contest followed by games and delicious refresh- ments, supervised and served by Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert. Mrs. Cecil Pascoe is ill with pleurisy. Sympathy is extended to Mi. Roy Langmaid and family on the death of his mother, Mis. Chailes Langmaid. Many attended the lunerals of wee Marilyn Dewell and Mrs., Langmaid last week. Mi. and Mis. Roy Anderson and Margaret have moved to Osh- awa. Mis. Jack Reynolds with her unicle in Toronto who continues seriously il. INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE MEETS j' p 4 Public Topic:- "Provincial and Dominion Relations" TRSDAY, JAN. 2 4th, 1946 1 . YEARS SERVICE OSHAWA 1 Chas. L. Warren Hampton* will resume bis former business o f carpentering APTER 5 % IN The first meeting of the Inter - national Bureau of the Boy Scouts commeflcifg April lst. was held in London recently, when H.R.H. Prince Gustaf of Sweden, Honoary resdentof he Iter Starkville Owing to the severe weatber and bad roads, the congregational meeting o! Sbiloh, was postponed. Mi. D. Parker bas returned to Mi. A. Dobson's after visiting in Lindsay. Miss Nellie Sbutka, Oshawa, at Mi. M. Shutka's. Misses Norma and Beulab Hal- lowell, Toronto, at Mi. Llcw Hal- lowell's. Mi. Reg Boulton recently re- turned fîom overseas, at Mi. Geo. Smith's. Mis. Frank Howse witb ber mo- ther, Mis. Jacob Hallowell, wbo is indisposed. Mi. and Mis. S. Brownlee, Toi- onto, at Mr. M. Sbutka's. Miss C. Minto, R.N., Oshawa, with ber father, Mi. A. Minto. Miss Lorraine Farrow, New- castle, was home. Mi. Gordon Trimm, Toronto, was home. Mi. and Mis. Charles Yule, Osh- awa, at Mi. Wm. Saveîy's. Mi. and Mis. Gus Smith bad tea with Mi. and Mis. Milton Ro- binson, Kendal, Saturday. Mi. and Mis. Charles Waltcrs spent Saturday witb Mi. and Mis. Smith. Nestieton W.A. and W.M.S. met at the home o! Mis. Stanley Malcolm, Jan. 17, witb President Mis. John Grieves in the chair. Scripture reading by Mis. K. Samelîs. There were 11 ladies present. The hea- vy quilt wbicb was completed was given to the Red Cross. Election o! off icers took place. Mis. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock, looked alter the ballots. Off iccîs for 1946 are: President, Mis. K. Samelîs; lst vice, Mis. S. Malcolmn; 2nd vice, Mis. R. W. Marlow; secretary, Mis. W. Jackson; assistant secre- taîy, Mis. L. Joblin; treasurer, Mis. N. Marlow; fruit and flower committce, Mis. C. H. Porteous and Mis. L. Joblin; group leaders, .1, Mis. W. Steele; 2, Mis. J. Grieves; 3, Mis. R. W. Marlow; 4, Mis. A. Suggitt; 5 Mis. W. Bowles. A dainty lunch was served and Mis. Malcolm and all ber belpers were given a hearty vote o! thanks. Mis. Wm. Steele invited the ladies to ber home for the Febîuary meeting. There was no service in the United Church owing to the cold weatbeî. Misses Gladys and Irene Emer- son witb Mis. J. Williams. Mi. Ralph Malcolm, Yelverton, is elping is brother, Victor, to cut wood. Mi. and Mis. Harold Wheeler with Mi. and Mis. L. Joblin. Mi. and Mis. Smith, Lindsay, visited Mi. and Mis. K. Samelîs. Haydon The congregational meeting on Tuesday a!ternoon was very suc- cess!ul and well attended. Sev- eral excellent reports were given and much business transacted. It was decided to bave the hydro installed. Supper was served byI the ladies. Cburch and Sunday School werc withdrawn Sunday on account o! very cold weatber. Cpl. and Mis. Bert Ashton and Mi. and Mis. A. Read were guests at a social evening at Mi. Gordon Beech's, Saturday evening. Pte. James Grabam, London, with bis parents. Mi. C. Rankine, in Toronto. Mi. and Mis. John Ross, Toi- onto, at Mi. E. Bradley's. Solina Mi. and Mis. Russell Gilbert entertained the Y.P.U. at their home Monday nigbt. A regular meeting was conducted by Myrtle Hall, citizenship convener, observ- ing "National Night." For the worship service Myntle was as- sisted by Gladys Yellowlees and Eunice Leask. Mis. E. R. Taylor clearly defined the individual gioups and organizations wbicb culminate in tbe National Young People's Council, and was as- sisted by Mis. Wes. Yellowlees, Murray Vice, Bruce Taylor, Har- vey Yellowlees and Ileen Balson in the discussion. Vocal solo by Dettol --------------------- 49c Adhesive Tape lOc-15c-20c Bandages ----- lOc-15c-25c Combination Fittings ---- 59e Hot Water Botties------------ 69c-89c-98c Bed Pans ----------- $2.75 Invalid Rings ----------$2.75 Clinical Thermometers 85c-1.00-1.50 Camphorated Oil ------- 25e Boracic Acid --- lOc-15c-25e Antaeid Powd. -- 50c-$1.00 Tr lodine ------ - 20c-25c Carbolie Salve --------- 25e Lysol ------- 35c-65c-$l.25 Soft as a fleecy cloud! 42 King St. B. Phone 438 E. B. JOLLIFFE

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