Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jan 1946, p. 9

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-- w' BOWMANvILI THE CPAg~ADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO fl1YTTlaTQA 17 T A %T I 7f4i19I4ftA~LIA1ZA ItL,~ Mldgets Tie; Juveniles Lose Games at Orono There was blood on the ice in both hockey games in Orono arena Monday night whpn Bres- lin's Red Raiders, Midgets and uý!venileqàmet Cobourg teams in league bTiRles. In a last minute rabfotCattn broe aay abfor Mdgets, folowing a 7evened the score 4-4, with e minute to go. The final tie was earned largely through the magnificent goal tending of young Donald Stutt, 12, who, playing his first league game, performed like a veteran. Cobourg boys display- ed better teamwork ail through, but Bowmanville, less practiced, held a punch in more ways than one. The inter-town feud was more pronounced in the Juvenile con- test, when after a battie royal at one stage and minor scraps, Co- bourg broke a 3-3 tie with a min- ute to go, to win 4-3. Cobourg again showed more finished form and won on menit of better pass- ing attack. At one time, penal- ties reduced players to four a side. Thanks to ciever stick handling of Rundie who netted two and Stevens one, inside a few minutes of play, to lead 3-0, Bow- rnanville escaped a worse defeat. In the Midget contest, the scor- ing went: Medhurst, Cobourg, 10t minutes; Lunney, Bowmanville,1 15; A. Caine, Cobourg, 16; Cat- tran, Bowmanville, 19; Wilcox, Cobourg, 26; Levitt, Bowmanville,E 40; Wilcox, Cobourg, 45; Cattran, Bowmanviile, 58, ail clocked from face-off time at 7:55. Juvenile scoring from face-off at 9:25 went: Stevens, BoIWman- ville, 5 minutes; Rundie, Bow- manville, 7 and 22; with Cobourg tallies following: Hogan 31, Jame- son 45, Hogan 50, Rawlings 59. The foregoing gives an indication of the demoralized defence of the home team in the later periods. Teams: Bowmanville Midgets: Stutt, Bird, Lunney, Hamilton, Hooper, Sturrock, Cattran, Lobb, Breslin, Levitt, Gallagher, DeGeer. Cobourg: G. Caine, Wilcox, A. Caine, Goodie, Fox, Campbell, Hesson, Jameson, Medhurst, Bak- er, Bevan. Bowmanville Juveniles: Rowe, Tighe, Strike, Pollard, Hooper, Stewart, Rundle, Cowle, Dadson, Stevens. Cobourg: Hoselton, Jameson, MeMullen, H. Caine, Goodie, Ho- gan, Smith, Wîlcox, Black, Jones, Rollins. interme diate Basketb'il Team Lose First League fn a-eror SPORT NEWS Finals in the Senior Bowling League, first series, were rolied Jan. 9, with Bagneli's Wildcats edging out the league leading Hams, captained by Ken Luxton. The three game record was, best two of three: ist game, Wildcats 1166; Hams 1120; second spasm, Hams 1169, Wildcats 1030; final, Wildcats 1064, Hams 1030, which copped the championship and first prize money. T,-.theo cani-finals, the Hams RLEGTZD TO BOARDW The locals managed to outscore the Petes in the last frame 30-23 but lost the game 54-36. The game was well attended by local fans who broke into a mad uproar when the locals cut loose in the last frame. Another outstanding player for the Marines was Bill Edger, a for- mer Bowmanville boy, recently1 released from the Navy and nowi gaing to Technical school in Pet- erboro. Lineups: Peterboro: Smith 7, Kidd 3, MacPherson 2, Gillespie, Thor- burn 26, Nicholîs 12, Burns, Asum- rik 4, Edger. Fouis: Smith, Thor- burn 3, Gillespie 4, MacPherson 2, Burns and Edger. Bowmanville: D. Mason 2, A. Clemence 3, I. Brown 3, J. Stutt, R. Moffatt 2, D. Mcllveen 6, D. Cordelle 2, R. Rundle 1, R. Mc- Intyre, D. Jackman 7, A. Wheeler, R. Gilbert 8, E. McIlveen 2. Fouis: Mason 2, Stutt 2, D. MeIlveen 1, A. Wheeler 2. Referee: R. J. Latremouille, Bowmanville. Bagnell's Wildeats Win Bowling Honors Bc ga by B( _______took twa games f rom Dark Harses, A last haîf spurt was not en- cinchn tppace for the finals. ough to pull the Rotarian Wheel- Hams rolled highest team score of ers through when they were de- the seasan with 3600. gi A feated 54-36 in an exciting game Wildcats also took Headpins 2-1, fiý % 1 igainst Peterboro Outboard Mar- ta earn finals position. Star P. sl el imes at B.H.S. gym Thursday ev- Cancilla, in the final frame, had b, endem ening. The game, the first in the to come through with a strike and gý league scheduie, shows promise of spare ta win. s( * ~,xueplenty of excitement for fans in The twa lasers in the semi-fin- th gmemtucme ls roihed off for consolation. Dark "ILLIARDS h au The lacals were literally swept Harses beat Headpins twa straight. E iSearned thia sob- off their feet by the terrifie bar- The only 300 score in playoff s ti riqetbeaua i ~rage of baskets that Thorburn of went ta Jaek Cale with 305. c hiue ecalsthy.*s the Marines dropped in the first High averages for playoff s: t clean, haty x haîf. Thraughout the game hie Bill Hearl, 6 games------------ 240 g h il a rat in g and managed ta score 13 field goals Ross McKnight, 6 games ... 236 splray a gae.~b from every conceivable position Jack Coole, 6 games --------- 232 Ply ard wit ourl on the floor ta make hini the un- H. Carpenter, 6 games-------- 217 tý lirds wont hmoe disputed star of the game. Ken Luxton, 6 games-------- 215 i runawion modern The Wheelers were good on Carl Bickle, 6 games --------- 215 e ment in the com- their floor work during the en- o ye ae----- 1 fort of our Billiard tire game but until the last per-t Hall, and you easily iod were unable ta even comparec comprehend t h i a with the shooting af the Liftiock INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL statement. team. One field goal by Don Ma- SCHEDULE son and foui shats by Brown, R. Gilbart, and A. Clemence made The new Lakeshore Basketball O SBO NEIS up the scoring for the locals in League sehedule was brought out *uqlAD V~ the first haîf. The period ended early this week. Towns partici- W W *U UW with the tally sheet standing 31-6 pating in tiie league include Co- for the Marines, bourg, Port Hope, Oshawa, Peter- *During haîf-time Coach Walter bora and Bowmianville. Ail Osh- Ring Street West DeGeer must have really given awa home games wiil be played on the Rotarians a pep talk . From the visiting team's gym. Local the apening whistle on they were games wili be played at B.H.S. away trying ta mnake up for the gym starting at 8:30. poor showing in the previous per- January iod. Doug Jackman and Dougan 8-Cobourg at Port Hope shee qute ftenbuttheteam 1 7-Oshawa at C~obourg forth fisttie cicedtogether. 16-Port Hope at Peterboro 24-Bawmanviiie at Oshawa Port Hope at Cobourg 3i-Cobaurg at Bawmanville 30-Peterboro at Oshawa February ~ ~ 5-Oshawa at Part Hope a- le se No e6-Bawmanville at erbo 14-Port Hope at Bowmanville Peterboro at Cobourg 18-Part Hope at Oshawa 20-Cobourg at Peterbara For LAUNDRY and DRY CLEANINO 271BowhaWailatPe Cborg March 5-Bowmanville at Port Hope Service on and after December lst, 1945 7-Cabourg at Oshawa 12-Peterboro at Part Hope uiko 12fflfl14-Oshawa at Bowmanville This will conneot you direct with ou.r office, with no charge to you. We call and deliver in Bowmanville Monday, Wednesday and Friday. To insure a pick-up on these days please phone the day previous. Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Longer Lif e for Your Cai DEPENDS ON THE KIND 0F SE.RVICE IT GETS Avoid trouble by bringig your car hlere for the right Icind of mid-,winter check-up. Drive in to-day. A delay will shorten the life of your car. We are car conservation specialists, equipped to tune up and tighten up your car for smooth winter driving. PHRONE 2M6 -1 Goodyear Gun Club Stages Rabbit and Fox Hunt The Goodyear Rod and Gun Club, formed hast summer for sport and recreatian, held its first rabbit drive, Jan. 5. Forty-three mernbers and townspeople were driven by trucks to Providence,é where, spaced 50 yards apart, theyt swept south ta the lake. Whent gathered ta examine results, the bag showed 9 rabbits killed, 150 nearly killed according ta reports, and three fine foxes bagged. Shortage of shelîs was claimed as preventing a greater slaugh- ter. As no one persan had two ta his credit, the two prizes were drawn for, Jim Chilcott winning lst, Hi Ormiston 2nd. Officers of the club are: Hon. President, Charles Cattran; presi- dent Deac Goddard; vice-presi- dent, George Heath; secretary- treasurer, 'George Dilling; Chair- man gun com., Lance Plain; chair- man rod cam., Gea. Young. Members held three very suc- cessful flshing trips hast sumnmer ta the Haiiburton district and at present are planning another monster rabbît drive. Registered with the Dominion Marksmen, the club awaits materials for indoor small arms rifle range and wiih compete in competitions arranged by that association. ITCM CPH CID *fl~N 0or oney Back fo uc ief rm'thngcansed by eczema. S. D D.dIRd>CIPTO~tGreaéeleu. and stainleu.. Sooth. cmodaat qulckly calme Intenseitchins:. ot suifer. Aa,,k urdrugWat todai for D.D.D. ig RITIN BACKACHE May beWarninq Badkache mamy e a signalYomrhdn are faiinteto Wexceasaid m omg vastes fiee ti.yth e i Kidny pinsla lp relieveta conditon. ofteà iL cause of backache. he*adche rhme atic or dhturbed rutL Doddas contais use"tialeilaand ,nedkhali dimts w"bic ad ectly on thi de=Y& and help te eanomalai diii. Gog Dsd K=ne ilte-da. 138 The dead-on shot record at owmanville - Cobourg hoc] rames in Orono, Monday nij as: Midget, 30 hurled at Si )y Cobourg players, 22 by 1 .aiders. Juveniles, Cobourg Bowmanville -21. Stutt wa! ;ar. Again it was demonstrated1 .oals cannot be scored by ainr Ists at opponent's sky-pieces. ;ows the game, fills the pený Dox. It's not the way to play game and customers generally sent it. Fans liked the way Catt. Rundle, Strike keep their eye. the puck and watch for opern )thers could be mentioned, hese boys particuharly play game right. Bowmanville's weakness1 icularly was hit and miss P ng and failure to use short, curate passing to get by opi ent's defence. Too often as% the defence are away up pasi centre lune. The referee was often la, cailing rule infractions. Whe was struck deliberately by a bourg phayer he should haver him off for the game and prob banished him for the season. earn respect of players and the off iciai must be tough fair. Midgets and Juveniles pla: ono at Orono, both Friday Monday nights. Fans will fast action and it is hoped, games.1 Intermediates Get Bye in Hockey League The Bowmanville Intermediate hockey team have received a bye in the eastern section of Ontario Hockey Association. The Pepsi Cola team wili not meet any op- position other than in exhibition games until samewhere around the first of February when the other sections declare a winner. It is expected that the team wl play off against the winners in the Peterboro, Lindsay, Haiburton section. Until that timne the boys are carrying on with practice games in Whitby and Orano. Reports coni- ing into this off ice sound as if the teani wilh be in fine shape when they are called on ta play in the finals. ORONO HOCKEY TEAMS DRAW WITH PORT HOPE Phaying in Port Hope on Mon- day night Orono Midgets hockey team lost ta Part Hope 4-2 and the Orono Juveniles won 12-6. The Midget game was tied two ahl an entering the third period but Jeff ries and Dotzko of Port Hope placed another two in the net ta win the game. The first twa periods of the Ju- venile game were very close but the hast period the Orona boys went hog wihd and nothing could stop them. The Orono team scor- ed 10 goals in the hast frame. Friday evening Bowmanvilie and Orono meet in Orona and from ahi reports bath teams should be in top shape. Old, weird Father Time Has brought in the New Year, With pages ahi shining And lovehy and clear; On which we must write Ahi the deeds that we do, And may they be layai And honest and true. Sa let us endeavour To keep aur page dlean, Withaut ugiy blotehes And acts that are mean. There will be nothing fiekie, When, again Father Time Cames around with his siekie. -By Mrs. W.D.J., Newtonville It takes rtiore than sweeping statements ta dlean up the mess we're in. Sufferers of bleedlng PILEstrudnt piles should know Bunkers Herbai PlUs treat lte cause a t ore Money back If te irst bottle dees not satlsfy. At your local Drut Store. -17kluktblj,&X, JA£4. 1-IT'n, lvo - the views and policies of f arm I PAGE NINE We need not power or splendor organizations arxd present it to the I Wide hall or lordly dome; government, and also to other groups of organized industry. Through this parent organization they must represent agriculture on boards, committees and aIl na- tional and international confer- ences. Next meeting at Mrs. Ir- win Bragg's. The good, the true, the tender, These form the wealth of home. -Sarah J. Hale tions; they lead to higher joys; obey the Golden Rule for humaIt life, and it will spare you much bitterness.-Mary Baker Eddy. - ILIM& s.....A SPECIA&L WELCOME TO ENIOY. .'.*....... OMINION @UALITY -DOMINION CLE*NLINESS <~DOMINION C@URTESY- DOMINION LOW PRiICgs* WELCOME! We extend a cordial invitation to Our customers and friends to visit Dominion Stores . .. Corne and make a personal inspection of Dominion QUALITY Foods, at money saving LOW PRICES .. . Corne and enjoy DOMINION CLEA.NLINESS and COURTESY. v 'f GREEN or WAXrads2 tinsoz. BEANS Several rnstsZç SEVERAL BRANDS2 20 oz. TOMATO JUICE *tins 7 CAMPBELL'S 10toz. SOUP Vegetable tis 21Ç CLARK'S Cream of 1 z. SOUP . Mushroa 2tn 5 AYLMER 10oz SOUP TOMATO 2 tins15 SILVER RIBBON 2 z PUMPKIN . . 2 tn23Ç AYLMER DICED 20 oz. lit! BEETS or CARROTS ti c. & B. BRANSTON 9oz PICKLE . -. -jar24 MONABCH 1 l BABY CHEESE ro*lb. 37Ç DOMINION (Fresh ' ae BREAD . Daiy) 2lu aves . GRC R CMLOFehyl COFFEE. . Ground -35 DOMINO 8 oz. 5Ç1IL 69Ç TEA . pkg. 35Çpg HEINZ INFANT FOOUS ..3 'ios 23Ç DOMINO 16oz BAKING POWDER tin 1 5Ç QUICK QUAKER 481o19 OATS . . .*..pkg. VITA-B 1lb.1Ç 3I25 CEREAL Pkg iOp : 25 NEILSON'S 8 oz. 19Ç! 16oz COCOA *tin Jtin. 9 FIVE ROSES 7 lb. 'IÇ 24lb FLOUR **bag &J bag 7 AUNT JEMIMA 20oz PANCAKE FLOUR . * - 13Ç SOLEX 25, 40, each C LAMPS* 60 Watt - IW ýE Size 288's Oranges -doze 29e Size 96's Grapefruit - for 25c Size 48's California Lettuce --2 for 29e California CeUeryo - - bunh 17 Callfognla. Tomatoes - - lb.' 25c Radishes 2 bunches 15C Washed Carrots - 3 lb. for 14c Washed Çabbage - - b. 3c VALUES 3 FEOIE 19c L CLOSINO TIME SATURDAT AUl merchandise sold at your Domlin. ton Store la uncondtOflaflY Suar. anteedti t give 100% satisf action i b R. A. Parham Ear1e Spafford, President, I: perial Tobacco Company Canada Limited, announces tl R. A. Parham has been electec the Board of Directors of1 Company. BIRICKS & BOUQUE1 4 I 2 A GARTON'S GARAGE with Dean's Bakery for a nm Oron I N ws ber of years is now assisting asc operator with Orono Telephonee Orono Midget and Juvenile Co. hockey teams divided honors with Mrs. C. Lowden has returned Port Hope teams on Friday ev- from two weeks' visit with her ening, Jan. 4th at the local rink. daughters in Toronto. The Midgets scored 6-3 over Port The death occurred in Orono on Hope, and Port Hope Juveniles Jan. Sth of Mr. Rubin Hooper in won 5-3 over Orono Juveniles. his 65th yeai'. Funeral services The hockey games were Well at- were conducted at Armstrong's tended by local fans who are Funeral Parlors by Rev. S. Lit- standing loyally behind the boys. tlewood and interment in Oshawa Last Friday was to have seen more Union cemetery. Mr. Hooper liv- games between Cobourg and Or- ed with his mother and a brother, ono, but spring-like weather was Aionzo. too much for the ice. Mr. Vic Phasey who spent the S Red Cross rooms opened Thurs- holiday season in Orono has gone day afternoon after the holiday to Sudbury. recess. There is stili great need Visitors-Miss Myrtle Smith, for quilts and clothing and ladies Toronto, with Miss Myrtie Tam- are asked to assist in. this good blyn ------- Miss Phyllis Lowden, work. Toronto, with her mnother, Mrs. C. Mr. Owen Fagan has returned Lowden----- Mr. and Mrs. Mac from overseas and is with his Smith, Toronto, with relatives---- wife at Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Coop- Reeve and Mrs. E. R. Woodyard er'. with relatives in Orangeville.---- Women's Association of Park St. Mr. Gordon Leamen, Toronto, Church held its first meeting of with his family. the New Year on Jan. ath. Mrs. _________ M. J. Tamblyn, president, con- [m- ducted the business meeting which of consisted of the annual reports of Obituary that the many different departments, 1 to showing a year of splendid work. RUBIN HOOPER the Donations were made to various charitable organizations; cards and The death occurred at the fam- -flowers sent to the shut-ins, sick ily residence, Orono, on Jan. 5th, and bereaved. Money was raised of Rubin Hooper in his 64th year. irs by catering to two banquets, also The deceased had been in poor a canvass of the congregation health for the past two years. trie which takes the place of a fowl Born in St. Thomas on Feb. 19, ýkey supper held in pre-war days. Plans 1881, Mr. Hooper had resided in ýght, were discussed for social evenings Orono for the past ten years, hav- ýtutt which will be held this winter. ing resided for eight years priai Red Those present greatly enjoyed a to that in Oshawa. 26, piano solo by Mrs. E. G. Hay and Predeceased by his father, Tho- Ls a a reading by Mrs. Howard Walsh. mas Hooper, on June 18, 1934, Mr. Rev. S. Littlewood brought a mes- Hooper is survived by his mother, sage of appreciation and encour- Mrs. Mary Hooper of Orono anc that agement to the W.A. and installed a brother, Lorenzo, of Oshawa. ning these officers for 1945: President, The funeral held from the Arm- . tMrs. M. J. Tamblyn; lst vice, strong Funeral Home, Tues, fol- Laty Mrs. S. Littlewood; 2nd vice, Mrs. lowed by interment in the Oshawa the W. Stutt; 3rd vice, Mrs. M. H. Union cemetery. Rev. S. Little- re- Staples; recording secretary, Mrs. wood, pastor of Oono Uied~ retary, Mrs. N. F. Porter; treasur- -__________ er, Miss M. Davy; pianist, Mrs. W. tran, Hoar. Conveners of committees: PROVI1PENCE FARM FORUM ýs on visiting, Mrs. F. Kelly and Mrs. F. .ngs. Tamblyn; devotional, Mrs. C. Our group met at H. Earle Os- but Wood; pantry, Mrs. M. Smith; borne's with 19 present. The the property, Mrs. I. Winter; parson- question for discussion was "Are age, Mrs. C. Wood; floral, Good- National Farm Organizations Ef- will Bible Class; press, Mrs. R. E. fective?"' We feel that national par- Logan. farm organizations are very effec- ass- Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Staples at- tive in advancing the farmer's ,ac- tended the convention of the Nor- viewpoint. They have also been ýpon- thumberland and Durham Apple instrumental in raising the stan- well, Growers' Association in Cobourg dard of living, socially and finan- tthe and visited friends at Baltimore. cially. Ail questions dealing with Mr. Dan Chmara who has been agricultural advancement should employed in Tyrrell's Drug Store, be taken through the Federatior ýx in left this week to take a course at of Agriculture to our governinî n he the new University of Toronto bodies and not by individual ac iCo- centre at Ajax. Miss Jean Dun- tion. A greater effort should b( ruled can is now clerking in the drug made to expand the membershil ably store. of the federation. Which mus .To Mrs. Dora Hooey who has been expand its efforts to co-ordinali fans- 1and .. * dan~ Quality Guaranteed a TEA ~iiqNouNCINO OUR SPIECIAL Inaugural meeting was held on January l4th, members present subscribing to the necessary de- As there is one councillor short ER A the clerk was instructed to take necessary proceedings to eaUl an- other nomination on Jan. 25th, E E T I and election on Feb. lst, if de- manded. ANP Communication from Institute of the Blind to hold tag day on May 1 lth, was granted.- J. J. Mellor, secretary-treasur- er of Federation of Agriculture asked that two members be ap- pointed. Reeve Norman Green and Councillor Laverne Devitt were appointed. Tender for wood was awarded to Perey VanCamp at 3 cords, $51.00. Tenders for bridge tim- ber was awarded Russell Kerr at $45.00 per M. By-law was passed estimating ' road expenditure for 1946 at $20,- 000.00. John Wilson was appoin- ted patrol man as R. Spinks wish- 1ed to be relieved. Richard Wall was appointed stock valuator and rOsmond Wright, street commis- sioner. Orders were signed as f follows: *Good Roads Association ---- -$ 5.00 C. Dean, 1 lamb killed -----10.00 Municipal World, supplies --- 7.49 T. Mountjoy, insurance ----52.20 0 . Hyland, sec.-treas. S.S. 3--300.00 -Booth No. 1, election exp.-- 12.00 Booth No. 2, election exp.--- 10.00 -Booth No. 3, election exp.--- 12.00 cl Booth No. 4, election exp.--- 12.00 CAN DIA Booth No. 5, election eýxp.---- 12.00 Clerk Reg. D.,B. and M------- 5.00 MUýE !FRA1M5ECTIC Council adjourned to meet on Feb. 4th at 2 p.m. Wmhed Parenips

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