Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, NOV. 8th, 1945 TECNDA TTSAvUU, M"YVrlMAýT Wemele nstiuteSWLNE CLUB CHAM4PIONS H@lds Bazaar and Tea Beautiful Otober sunshine and an enthusiastjc turnout of ladies contributed towards the very suc- cessful annual bazaar and tea sponsored by Bowmanville Wo- men's Institute in St. John's Par- e ish Hall on Thursday, Oct. 26. The hall was attractive with the Institute yeliow and blue colors interspersed with season orange and black. Twelve years ago, in the midst of the depression Bowmanvilie Women's Institute originated the idea of a tea and bazaar to be heid annuaily in October. From a smail beginning this event is in- creasing yearly in attendance and also financially. This year's splen- did returns exempiify the fine spirit of co-operation which ex- ists among the membership. Mrs. Fred Baker and Mrs. R. Candier, conveners of home cook- ing, had a delicious iooking dis- play of bread, buns, cakes, etc., which, in these days of short supply in sugar and shortening were soon purchased by eager buyers. Mrs. C. Robinson and her group had a varied assortment of handi- crafts, including needlework, knitted articles and children's 'Shown left to right above are Neil Moffatt, Orono. Mr. Sum- a score of91 they topped 20 wear. Many a gift was purchas- Clarence Hodge, editor, Farmer's mers is accepting the cup for his teams from various parts of On- ed from this table and. laid awayMazieE.ASu ercch two Junior Farmers who won tario. Durham now becomes per- unalesîlnmneededptn,.ndhe Swine Club Championship in manent owner of the trophy hav~- Mrs. L. S. Dumas and her CalsLnmiHmtn n judging at Guelph, Oct. 26. With ing won it three times. group were kept busy demnon- strating and seiling aprons 0fu teten n many colors and styles. o Dr. John E. Hendry beyond the variosramn n The Salvation Army Mrs. L. Snowden and assistants Presides at Unique tients division. In the large-ani- Home Front Appeal conducted a very successful coun- Halifax HoSpital mal unit there is a fuil-time black- try store where a great variety of ____ smith or a foot expert. These tw0 pt h rsettm hr garden produce, flowers, etc., A three-column feature story doctors and two employees have U otepeettm hr were soon disposed of.afultmjo.hsbe aediBwanle Thetearomin hare o Mr. 'n arecnt ssu oftheHalfax Equipment includes an X-ray and the surrounding districts the Walter Davis and Mrs. Geo. Alil- Daily Star, tells of a unique Hali- department and operationis are sum of $1,860.51 which is a very chmn with several younger mem- fax hospital and of the two doc- undertaken with aIl the làtest in- good' contribution toward the bers as assistants, was well pa- tors who have created it and pre- srmns h s fpncli work of the Salvation Army in tronized. srmns h s fpncli our country at thîs present time. At five o'clock, Mrs. A. L. Ni- side over its destinies. The in- and suifa drugs and modemn an- You will find underlined a lîst chois, the oldest member in the stitution is called the "Halifax aesthesia form part of the whole of the monies that have been do- local Institute, drew the iucky Veterinary Hospital" and its ca- picture. Dr. Hendry, who con- nated from the various parts of ticket for the quilt which was pacity is taxed to the limit. Alil ducted the reporter over the pre- town and also the outside villages. held by Bert Quinney, Bethesda. kinds of creatures save the hu- mises, showed the result§ of one 4.1Mo Polysyliabje is the Word A âmall shoe-shine shop in San Francisco, conducted by a group of young colored boys, displays the following sign, ta the delight of the customers: "Pedal Habili- ments Artistically Lubricated and Illuminated with Ambidextmous Facility for the Infinitesimal Re- muneration of 20 Cents." Counsel Not Retalned A tbp-notch attorney was not- ed for the enormous fees he charged. One day a client, ta whom he had just sent a typical bill, met him on the street, and geeted him with, "Hello! Nice day, isn't it?" Then he added hastily. "Mind you, I'm flot ask- ing you-I'm telling you!" whetr s are t freatdhere, or is recentsoPerations. A val- Nestleton ---- ---------- 7.56 whterwarn fr fahesoruble do, tone blind for 4 years, Caurtice ---------------------- 65.25 scales. The enterprise has met had its sight restored by remov- Whiz Factory ---------- ----- 8.00 with great success. In appoint- ing cataracts. Horses, dags, cats Foundmy Company --------- 65.00 ments it is furnished as well as are the chief patients. But w ith Goodyear - ------------------ 397.60 almost any modern haspitai. sailors and soldiers returning Orano------------------------- 244.05t The story 15 of interest locaîîy from abroad, they bing all kinds Front Street --------- ---138.00 for Dr. John ]ýrskine Hendry, son of creatures for treatment, such House ta house ------------- 570.78 of Mm. and Mrs. John Hendry, as monkeys, parrats and what Tag Day --------------------- 138.74c was born at Southampton Farm, not. Owners of fur farms which Hampton -------- -------- -------50.15 Newcastle, and graduate in Veter- are numeraus in the maritimes, ____ mnary Science, Ontario Veterin- bring their ailing charges for at-- $1860.51 amy College of the University of tention. These young doctors aVe We feel grateful and wish to Toronto, joined with Dr. Lloyd P. pioneering a great service \vhich thank you very much for youm Rutherford of Peterboro ta estab- is meeting with public acclaim. donation no matter how small it lish this interesting 'institution. might have been. As very young men they have Ayn hthsntytcn been greatly successful. A few Parliamentary Law tAnyoe that has nobtiet on-ý brief quotes fmom the press e- It takes a two-thirds vote two thousand dollars please sendn port will give the highlights. To suspend most any ule youm donations ta Capt. J. E. Win-k The hospital is departmentaliz- Except when you have a member ters, Box 135 Salvatian Army, ' ed ta include a front office in Who's stubborn as a mule. Bowmanville, and we shahl ben charge of a nurse-receptianist and -James A. Sanaker pleasd tomai n u rran ~A.J ~VL1'4 V LJ.~PAGEUNTAIII POTÂTO CLUB CHAMPIONS Competing against 20 pîcked teams from the Province of On- taria in the Junior Farmer Po- tata Club contests held at Guelph, Army Canvass The Salvation Ammy wish ta thank you at this time for aIl the efforts and time--that you have so generausly contributed ta this cause. We owe a good deal of thanks ta Mrs. Dr. Slemon and aso al of hem wrkers. The suc- cess of the campaign is due ta the untiring efforts of ail who have taken part in it. At this time I want ta thank Dr. Slemon president of the Town Rotary Club who 50 genemously catemed ta the wamen canvassers on a special occasion when they had as their speaker for the af- temnoan Colonel and Mms. Archie Layman. This was a very appra- priate occasion and I am sure that we ail enjoyed the message that the Colonel had for al of us con- cerning the Salvation Ammy and aiso for the haspitality of the club. Youms for semvice, J. E. Winters (Capt.) Salvation Army, Bowmanville Bing Crasby was once mequest- ed ta sing one of his favorite dit- ties in the presence of* a famous movie director. When Bing fin- ished, the dimector remamked, tu ina-ii *ou a re ei~pt. got appeal.1 Rotary Luncheon (Continued from pake one) ary heIp available. At the sanie time fammers shared in the na- tional income on the basis of one- eighth, more or less. The thing was an impossible setup and ail the more unreasonable in view of widespread industrial stikes. The speaker told 0f the thous- ands 0f women on the farms of Canada who slaved countlesa hours at no pay while others gar- nered pay-checks from war plants. Just another reason for equalization in the matter of sac- rifices. Then again it should be remembered tha t farmer's buying power was a huge factor in ab- sorbing the products 0f factories and in supporting the income of industriai laborers. The sugges- tion was made that organized la- bor might weil study the entire picture and learn more about the Town and Country Mr. Heyland gave attention ta the local scene and observed that aIl roads lead to town. The town could be likened to a rural-umban service station where fammems bath sold and bought as a matter 1Oct. 26, Miss Jean Werry, Ennis- above, ieft to right are, John Mc- of community loyalty and pride. killen, and Ross Ashton, Bow- Leod, secretary, Ontario Crop Many joint' endeavors, hie suggest- manviile, won the championship Imp rovement Association; E. A. ed, could profitably be undertak- Summers, coach; Miss Werry and en if approached in the right way. with a score 0f 1013. Shown IMr. Ashton. For instance, a libramy, a hospital, a rink, parks and playgrounds, a CO-OPRATIN OFLegion hall and municipal per- Weddng COPEATIO 0Fsonal accommodation, t. joint _______ PRESS SECRETARIES funds, not charitable upkeep, should provide these services. COCHRANE-MOORE Most of our local press secre- And the essential reason for A quiet but pretty wedding was taries of church societies, Wo- them was their healthful uplift solenize at ort errymen's Institutes and other organ- for the youth of the community, slemnizeda Po rt Per United izations realize that the publish- the greatest asset we have. Oct. 27, when Ruby Elizabeth, ing of The Statesman is for us Cocuig the speaker stress- eldet dughtr o Mr.andMrs.an ll-wek ob. ne eek' is edhis central thouht, thata eFdast daughT e er fM.andMrse n l-eetobhnewe's rural-urban community, womking Frank ooreyronbcm h sue is no sooner in the mails than together iji harmony and sharing bride 0f Russel Staney Cochrane. e Rev. W. C. Smith officiated. aur linotypes are busy setting up costs in the services indicate, the next issue. This means that would lay the groundwork for the The bride looked lovely in a the week's news is handled from greatest possible dividends, a Street-length gawn of powder day to day as the week moves square deal for chiidren, who in blue with brown accessories. She aiong. Items about news events turn as they grew uo, would car- was attended by her sister, Mrs. should be put into type as soon ry on the legacy for future gen- W. G. Sthens, eas aron o as possible after the happening. erations. The speaker was thank- houitwh mawore gaccbron wol The high peak of incoming mat- ed by Dr. William Tennant, who sui .îthmachng ccssries. ter is reached on Wednesday. warmly endorsed the sentiments Mr. George Adams, friend of the Full attention must be given then s0 very ably presented by Mr. groom, was best man. to hot news. Reports of meetings Heyland. They will reside on the groam's from three days to a week oid Visitors included Rotamians Bob farmi at Brady. mnust necessarily take second Gray and Dave Tod, Oshawa, place and are frequentiy crowded CpI. Clarence Oke, CAO, M. Mc- Impesonl Anwer out. Most of our cantributors un- Kim, ROAF, Winnipeg and Ver- Imeronl nser derstand the situation. It is for non Knowles,. Toronto. Fred Pompous in manner and diffi- the sake of a few who are being Hoar received pink "mumis" for cuIt to please, the customer had disappointed from week ta week lhis birthday. given the waitress a lot of need- when their items do fot appear Sparkling entertainment was less trouble. At last, however, he that we again repeat the above furnished by young Ross Metcalf, finished his meal and beckaned expianation which has appeared Maple Grove, B.H.S. student, her to the table. in these columns before. with a song-dance - pantomime "Howmuchdo Iowe? lieand lively numbers on the mouth "Ho m ch do a e? h organ. W . E. C. W orkman was snppd.God gives manhood but one the accompanist. "I'mi sure I don't know," she dlue to success, utter and exact Lu Dippell expressed thanks retarted coldly. "But your bill justice; that, hie guarantees, shall af the club f or the very excellent here, is one and ninepence."-Ex- be always expediency.-Wendell dinner provided by the Women'y change. Phillips. Association. - -. - -. ~.,-., ~ -,~ ,,.-.."~.,'-'. -~ J30WMANVELLE, ONTARIO ý A ý " "-ý E

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