PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1945 Auction Sales I have been authorized te seli by public auctien for W. R. Pick- eil, north haif Lot 32, Broken Front, Darlington, on Tuesday. Nov. 6, ail his farm stack, impie- ments, harness, etc. See bills. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer. 43-2 I have been authorized te seli by public auction for Harry T. James Lot 10, Cen. 5, Whitby, on Sat- urday, Nov. 3, ail his farma stock, implements, grain, harness, peul- tmy and some housebeld furniture. Itemized ist next week. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Temms cash. Lamne McCoy, Ciemk. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 43-1 Wood Sale. I have been auth- erized te, seli by public auction for Mr. Donald Gibson, Lot 34, Cen. 3, Clarke Twp. (% mile E. of fruit house, 1/2 mile N.) on Sat- umday, Nov. 3, 250 apple trees, more or less, of different varie- ties. Ail trees living. Sale at 1:30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctieneer. 43-2* I have been autflorized ta sel by public auctien for Wilbur Blackburn, Lot 18, Con. 1, Dam- l ingtan (1 ¼ miles seuth of Maple Grave) on Wednesday, October 3lst, the foilowing: herses, cattie, harness, implements, grain and *hay. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. Theren Mountjoy, Cierk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 42-2 I have received instructions te seil by public auction for William McHolm, Lot 28, Cen. 3, Hope Twp. (at Roseberry Hill an High- way No. 2) an Wednesday, Nov. 7, al bis famm stock, implements, hay, grain, oots and wood and a full line of household furniture. For further particulars see bills. Fumniture sale will commence at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Harold Caswell, dierk. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 43-2* I have received instructions te seIl by public auctien for Gardon Trim, Lot 7, Con. 5, Clarke Twp. (3 miles N. of Newtonviile, 1/2 mile E.) on Friday, Nov. 2, his entire herd of purebred Shorthorn cattie, 4 Percheron herses, 12 Lei- cester ewes, full line of good farm machinery (a lot of this ma- chinery is neariy new). This sale will aise include a lot of poultry equipment. For further particulars see bills. Sale at 12:30 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Positively ne reserve. A. E. Mer- ten, clerk. Jack Reid, auctian- eer. 43-2* The undemsigned bas received instructions from the executrix of the estate of the late Mm. Sam Warren, Hunt St., Bowmanviile, ta seil by public auctien at his late residence bis househoid ef- fects including cook steve (good), 2 Quebec heaters, coal ail heater, ceai oul stave, kitchen furnitume, dining chairs and sideboard, 2 Morris chairs, edd tables, bed- roemn fumniture, sewîng machine, couch, 2 trunks, chest of drawers, dishes and glasswame, cooking utensils, lawn mowem, step laddem and garden tools. Sale at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 3. Terms: cash. Wm. J. Challs, auction- eer. 43-2 The undersigned wiii seil by public auctian on Sat., Oct. 27, the entire household effects of Mr. Ross Weese, Emily St., New- castle. Sale will include 3 piece chestemfieid suite; 9 piece dining room suite, 6 piece dinette suite, Quebêc heater (new), caek steve (nearly new), several cengoleum rugs, neamly new, 3 bedreom suites, chaice dressers and chif- fonier, coffee table, i good inner spring mattress, radio, lamps, kitchen cabinet, spinning wheei, 98 piece dinner set, odd dishes, bedding, blinds, curtains, mimmors, garden tools, vegetables and nu- mereus other articles. Sale 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. Wm. J. Challis, auctioneer. T. S. Mountjoy, clemk. 42-2 -»DO WMAN VILLE «- Workers Helped Create THE SNOWMODILE... See it in action vAT TE ROYAL THEATRE OCTOBER 29j, 30,,31 Goodyearites who kept the snowmo- bile one of Can- ada 's miitary secrets while they helped te create it, can now see this wartime mar'vel in action. It is the star performer in the Wartime Information Board's short, "Ordeal by Ice". 0e lu 0 Appearig with "SALTY O'ROURKE" Starring ALAN LADD AND GAIL RUSSELL BUGS DUNNY CARTOON "AINT THAT DUCKY"Y THE GREATEST NAME IN RUBBER Furniture Sale. I have been authorized to seli by public auc- tion for Mrs. Bessie Robbins in village of Hampton on Saturday, Oct. 27th, the following valuable househoid effects: 3 bedroom suites, dining room table, 6 dining room chairs (good), 5 cane chairs (good), parlour suite, organ, 2 couches, 6 tables, centre table, arm chair, 8 kitchen chairs, 6 mats (assorted), 2 beddrng boxes, hammock, bedroom rugs, 4 stands 3 lamps, 3 toilet sets, 2 chests of drawers, 6 mats (hooked), 4 rock- ers, carpets, electric radio (Spar- ton), eiectric iron, cushions, 2 dlocks, Raymond sewing ma- chine, crokinole board, set scaies, cooking utensils, floor coverings, quantity of everyday dishes, wa- ter pitchers, tumblers, pictumes, cake plates, giassware, carving set, siiverware, linens, glass cup- board, bedding of ail kinds, gar- den tools, lawn mower, sealers, wash tubs, Cosy Home Quebec cook steve (good cooker), Jewell 6-iid cook stove, coal oil stove, wheelbarrow and many ether ar- ticles tee numerous to mention. Sale i p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 43-i Complet. Dispersai Registemed and Grade Guern- seys and Haîsteins. Fully accmed- ited, fedemaiiy listed. Selling at the farm, Lot 28, Cen. 4, Darling- ton Township, three miles noth of COMMTIE Tuesday, Oct. 3Oth at 1:30 p.m. Twenty-four Guernseys Twelve Hoisteins quite a number ta freshen about time of sale. No reserve. Giving up dairying A. T. Stainton, owner Hampton, Ont. ELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer 43-i For Rent NEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your ewn home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00, Sing- er Sewing Machine Ce., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf B1RTH RUDELL-Captain and Mrs. Wil- liam Rudeli, nee Helen Scott, are happy te anneunce the birth of their son, William Scott Rudeli at the Bowmanviile Gen- eral Hospital on Monday, Oc- tober 22nd. 43-1* MIARRIAGES COOPER-BUDD-At the parsen- age. Tyrone, on October 10, 1945, by Rev. A. E. Cressweli, Ruby, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Budd, and John Cooper, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cooper, al of Bewman- ville. 43-1 SANDERSON-JONES-On Sat- urday, Sept. 29, 1945, at Trinity United Church, Torento- by Rev. Arthur Organ, Marjomy Aileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jones, Bowmanviile, te Richard Mills Sanderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence San- derson, Brantford. 43-i SUMERSFORD - STE VENS - On Saturday, Oct. 2th, 1945, at the home of the bride's mether, Mapie Grove, by Rev. H. C. Linstead, Helen Jean, daughtem of Mrs. Stevens and the late John D. Stevens te Kenneth Sumersferd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sumersford, Bewman- DEATHIS KEELEY-Suddenly at her home 8124 Ridge Blvd., Brooklyn, N. Y., Annie M. Glover, widew of the late J. Harry Keeley, ferm- erly of Bowmanville. Sister of Mrs. George Souch, Bowman- ville. BELL, CYNTHIA MAUDE-At Kendal on Sunday, Oct. 21st, 1945, Cynthia Maude Weather- lIt, beleved wif e of Lawrence David Bell, in ber 6th year. The funeral service was held at her late residence, Kendal, on Wednesday, Oct. 24th, at 2 p.m. Interment at Orone Cemetery. Articles For Sale CHILD'S COT WITH MATTRESS Apply Mrs. Brooks, 29 Silver St. 43-if PIANO FOR SALE OR STOR- age. Instrument lii excellent condition. Phone 2683. 43-i* POPCORN FOR HALLOWE'EN. Stewart's Seed Store. Phone 577, Bewmanville. 43-1 MISSES BOX COAT., Size 18, British tan. Chamois lined, like new. Phone 2564. 43-i* STEWART CLIPP1NG machine, nearly new, also manure sprea- der. Austin Wood, phone 2388, Bowmanville. 43-1* ONE '33 STUDEBAKER-ROCK- ne coupe with rumble seat, in good condition. Phone 2863. 43-i USED CASE SILO-FILLER, 2 gas engines, 8" grain grinder. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer. Phone 497 or 2610. 43-1 LADY'S POLO CLOTH WIN- ter coat, size 19, practically new. A bargain today. Apply 156 Wellington St., after 6 p.m. 43-if DRUMS, TANKS, S T E E L plates, silo rods and lugs, steel cable, angle iren, beams, water piping and fittings. H. Gleber, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 HOUSE TRAILER, fully equip- ped, suitable for year round ac- commodation. Appiy K. W. Colbary, Black Cnt Inn, 2 miles west of Bowmanville. 43-i* BLUE AND WHITE FIGURED Evening Dress with separate jacket, size 12-14. Write Box 567 Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 42-i f LATE MODEL "B" ALLIS Chai- mers tracter, on rubber, equîp- ped wîth power take-off, ahl in A-i1 condition. Apply Ivan Mountjoy, R.R. 3, Burketen. Phone Port Perry 78-r-13. 43-i* 2 GOOD WHITE WINDOW Blinds, 42 inches wide. A pair of flowered drapes, lined, win- dows and sterm windows and 2 deors. T. J. Webb 25 Brown St. 43-i* NURSERY SPECIALS - BATH- mnettes at $7.90, Crib Outfits $19.75, Strollers $14.95, High Chairs $4.45, Play Pens, etc., at F. F. Metris Ce. Special Oc- teber Values? 43-i VIOLIN BOW (BAUSCH) in good playing condition $10; rhythm band drum, large, $5; violin, econditioned $15; metal even for use with ail steve 13x 20x18, $8. Write Box 569 Statesman Office. 43-i 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I RON Herse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magnete; Souvenir 6-lid ceai or woed range with reservoir, open for water front. Apply Bowman- ville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Geod Vacuums for Good Heusekeeping." Alis e guaranteed expert repairs, lub- ricatien, replacements, etc. Cal C.U.C. Service Branch, Me- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bew- manville, 774.- 19-tf OSHAWA"S NEW FURNITURI Store - Everything imodern. Chesterfield, bedroom, dinîng suites, and studios. Bedding and floor ceverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com. petitive prices. Bef are buying visit Bradiey's New Furniture Store, 156 Simncoe St. S., Osh- a wa. 46-tl ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES - Orders accepted for 1946 Mo- dels new in production. Be the first te have the new improved Kelvinator Refrigerators - Brantford Washers - RCA Vid- tor Radies and Record Players -Eureka Vacuum Cleaners. F. F. Morris Ce., distributors of the best lines! 43-1 WE ARE AGAIN ABLE TO 0F- fer te the public the famous Swedish Viking ceam separa- tors. The sepamater that brings bigger cream cheques. A size te fit every need, either hand or power driven. For further informatien apply te, Ethen E. Jones, Clarke P.O. Phone Clarke 7r21. 43-2* AT THE 7uU DRUG STORE Lost REWARD FOR RETURN 0F Billy Osborne's tricycle to 33 O'Deii St. 43-1 Notice Dr. R. E. Dinniweii has resum- ed practice at his residence, 30 Silver St. 42-2* Bowmanville Electricians, 42 King St. E. Ail kinds of eiectric wiring done. Motors repaired and instailed. Phone 438. 14-tf I wish to announce that I havé4 purchased the Supertest Gas Sta- tion and garage business formerly operated by Spencer Burley, at Newtonville, and arn prepared to do general repair and body and fender work. Fred Saunders, Newtonville. 41-4* For Sale ELEcdrRIC WASH-ING M A - chines, radios, rangettes, plates, vacuum cleaners, modemn and antique furniture of ail kinds, Quebic heaters, cook stoves, box stoves, restaurant gril] steve. Aise ehl burners, etc. W. Giober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 Wanted RESPONSIBLE PARTY WOULD like te rent farm with option of buying, around $4,000. Write te 23 Athel St., W. Oshawa. 43-i wanted immediately by pro- fessional man. Wihl pay well for comfertable home with geed family. No objection te one other boarder. Box 572, Statesman. 43-1* Real Estate For Sale 6-ROOMED FRAME BUNGA- low on Queen St., Bowmanville. Phone Clarke 3320. 43-2 50 ACRES PASTURE LAND, weii-fenced with good creek and bush, %/ mile east ef Hamp- ton creamery cerner. Apply Victor Szold, R.R. 1, Bewman- ville. 43-i FARM FOR SALE 102 ACRES, being south haîf ef Lot 32, Con. 8, Darlingten; fourteen acres of bush, rest womkable land; brick heuse and bank barn. Hydre availabie. Pescett Bros., En- niskillen, phone 2151 Bowman- Personal SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 32-48 SPENCER SUPPORTS, INDIV- idually desîgned for health and comfomt. Mrs. E. Page, Ennis- killen, Registered Spencer Cer- setiere. 41-4* WILDER'S STOMACH POWDER -quick relief from digestive ailments, acid stomach, beamt- burn. Pleasant, ecenemical. 50c and $1 at McGregor's Dmug Store. LAST CHANCE ON CARNIVAL prize of 1946 Ford Deluxe Se- dan. Dmaw New Yeam's Eve, se don't delay. Pmoceeds for Wel- fame werk. Tickets, 3 fer dol- lar or get 3 free for selling book. Write, Wemen's Institute, Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. 41-4* Notice To Creditors IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F SARAH RUTH TOOLEY, LATE 0F THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON, IN THE COUNTY 0F DURHAM, WIDOW, DECEASED Ail persons having dlaimns against the estate of the above named deceased who died on or about the 17th day of December, 1942, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the l5th day of Novem- ber, A.D., 1945, after which date the administratrix shahl proceed to distribute the estate having regard only to the dlaims of which she shahl have then had notice, and to the exclusion of al others. DATED at Oshawa, this 15th day of October, A.D., 1945. Joseph P. Mangan, KOC., 141/2 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, Solicitor for Olive Amelia Tooley, Admin- istratrix with Will annexed. 42-3 Wanted To Buy SINGLE BED IN GOOD CON- dition. Phone 2834. 43-1 WILL PAY CASH -FOR CRin good condition. F.. E. Lycett, Orono. 18r1. 42-21 WILL PAY HIGHEST MARKET prices for Buckwheat. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Gienney, Newcastle. 41-4 TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW and used feathers, feather ticks, pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope, phone 160. 42-6 WE ARE BUYERS 0F TIMOTHY and Ciovers. Mail or bring in your samples for highest offer. Stewart's Seed Store. Phene 577, Bewmanville. 41-tf SINGER DROP. HEAD SEWING machines. Wiil pay cash, cail or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Ce., Oshawa, 16 Ontarie Street, phone 696. 14-tf I AM PREPARED TO BUY USED cars or trucks for wrecking pur- poses. Herbert Knapp. Auto Wrecker, Liberty St., Bowman- ville. Phone 418. 41-4* SIX OR SEVEN ROOM BRICK bouse, with modemn conven- iences, central location. Will pay cash. Appiy George Allin, Bowmanviile. 43-1* OLD HORSES WANTED for Mink and Fox Food fmom $5.00 te $10.00, accerding te weight. Aise beef tripe. Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, Tyrone, Ont. Phone Bowmanville 2679. 43-tf LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Fiatt, R. R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried on by Mr. Fiatt persenally, ne agents employ- WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ahl vamieties ef Clover and Tim- ethy seed. Bring or mail sarn- ples. Phone Clarke 33-12. A. W. Glenney, Newcastle. 41-8 A PERSON INTERESTED IN Canadian 'Local Histories,' de- sires a copy of a smali six page pamphlet-"Hstomy of Elliitt's Milîs - 1840-1936" (Hampton, Ont.)-will anlyane having a spare copy of this pamphlet te dispose of kindly se advise A. V. White, 2 Earl St., Toronto. 43-1* BLUE RIDDON SHORTHORN SA LE The Third Annual Blue Ribbon Shorthorn Sale will take place at DLACKSTOCK conunencing at 1:30 p.m. Off ering 45 head of selected cows with calves at foot; bred cows and heifers and herd-heading young buls. Ail pedigreed'and accredited from herds of leading breeders. Lunch served. Write or phone manager for catalogue. Manager: Jack Baker, Hampton, Ontario Auctioneers: Duncan Brown - Elmer Wilbur Note the new changes of coilection and delivery ln your district. This ln made necessary by wsw oemmt reguistions whlch permit un to caver aay ane distric Three Days A Week We wUl, therefore, b. ln Bowmanvile & jPhone 778:: C.N.R. Tickets1 I-lp Wanted' WANTED IMMEDIATELY, girl or woman for general house- work on farm. Weekends free if desired. Write, stating wages required to Box 566, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 43-i* Work Wanted HORSESHOEING AND GENER- ai blacksmith repairing. J. En- nis, Hampton. 43-i* PART TIME HANDY MAN, used to care of buildings and fur- naces. Write Box 568 States- man Office, Bowmanville. 43-i* TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK- AIl kinds of tracter work, ploughing, cultivating combin- ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID, sanded and finished, eld floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' experience. P hon e 908-J-12 Oshawa. Residence Courtice. 36-12* RETURNED MARRIED VETER- an with capital, desires immed- iateiy, yearly employment with view te purchasing farma withîn vicinity Cobourg, Port Hope, Bowmanville. Write G. Good- man dlo Veteran's Land Act, Campbellford. 41-3 Livestock For Sale TWO COWS, one Durham and one Jersey. P. Kuzma, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 43-1* 21 WEANED YORKSHIRE PIGS. Apply Forder Bros., Blackstock. 43-1 il PIGS, 6 weeks old. Grant Campbell, Nestieton, phone Port Perry, 253-r-2. 43-1 16 SUCKLING PIGS, 6 WEEKS old. Yorkshire breed. Phone 2227. 43-i* 3 GEESE AND i GANDER. Tou- louse strain. Jack W. Purdy, 51 Jackman's Road, Bowman- YORKSHIRE WEANERS, thrifty and good eaters. 25 fromn which to choose. Phone 2839. 43-if 12 PIGS, 6 WEEKS OLD; 2 York- shire sows; M.-H. 2-horse culti- vator. Charles Rundie, Hamp- ton, phone 2246. 43-1 SEVrERAL GOOD COWS, herses, pîgs, ail priced te seli. Aise goed colony house. C. J. Mit- chell, Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1914. 43-i HEAVY WORK MARE, 8 years old, aise Jersey cow, quiet, 7 years old, due te freshen in February. Apply Harold Wil- liams, Newtenville. 43-i* 2 YOUNG SHROPSHIRE RAMS; young Percheron mare; for sale or will exchange for cattle. G. Kayacs, R.R. 1, Tyrone, phone Orono 62-r-10. 43-i REGISTERED SHROPS H IR E shearling ram; 18 mentbs eld, registered Yorkshire boar and 2 sews due te farrow in Nevem- ber. Bll Rowland, Newcastle, phone Clarke 1902. 43-i JERSEY 00W, DUE TO renew in April. AIse baif Jersey haîf Holstein heifer, due te freshen in March. L. Barrabail, Cur tice. Phone 3512W2, Oshawa 43-1* CATTLE AND HENS-Hoîstein Heifer bred in April; 2 Here- ford heifers due shortly; 3 Durham heifers rising 2 years aid; 12 leghorn hens and 1 reester. Ail priced te seli. Phone 389 Bowmanville. 43-i GRADE DURHAM 00W DUE Nov. 12; grade Durham heifer due Nov. 14; black Percheron geiding rising 3 years. Aise quantity dry pine woodi 12" long. A. E. Billett, Hampton, phone 2557. 43-i Wanted to Rent TWO OR THREE ROOMS, unfur- nished, wanted by ex-service man and wif e, ne chîldmen. Write Box 571, Statesman Off - ice, Bowmanviile. 43-i' WANTED AT ONCE, ROQMS, Furnished or unfurnished, fer woman with one child. Absent 1duming day and weekerids. Phone Clarke 2531 after 6:00 p.m. or write Box 570, States- man Office. 43-1*- Tonight? Maybel TOIGHT ... after you have turned off the radio and put out the cat .. . can you go te bed with the comfortable feeling that your property is pro- tected by Burglary Insur- ance? Stuart R. James Insurance and Real Istate Successor To 3. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 King St. Bowmanvile GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries-, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone 580 26-tf[ RORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAT PHONE ORONO 42-R-2 OR ORONO 77-R-4 37-tf WANTED FOR HIGHEST PRICES Ail kinds of Grade and Registered Oows and Heifers L ~ - 1Do It Rlght Wlth "Sealtite"p HOME INSULATION (Blowlng Method> Until Iurther notice we are Paylng the followlng prices for LIVE POULTRY dellvered to our plant i Whltby: Top Grade Heavy Fowl ---------.---- . -ý----«23o lb. Top Grade Llght Fowl, 4 te, 5 lb,. ----- -----....210 lb4 Top Grade Llght Fowl, under 4 lbs. ------------- ...... 19o lb. Top Grade Brollers, 2 te 3 lb,.---------------__..... 28c lb Top Grade Roasthxg Chlckena, over 4%~ lb,. 28o lb Top Grade Roastlng Ohiekens, under 4% lb,.ý----- 26o lb Top Grade Heavy Capons, over 5 lb, ----- - ---30o lb PICKERING FARMS, LT». Telephone - Whltby 336 TA O Id 1 1 - ýi mmaw PAGE TWELVE THURSDAY, OCT. 25th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1.