Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1945, p. 5

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THRDY ET 7h 95THE cANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOPAEFE Goodyear Co. Agreement Wl After a deliberation of practi- cally six mnonths, negotiations have been completed between the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd., Bowmanville, and Local 189, United Rubber Work- ers of America, for a new agree- ment involving nearly 500 work- ers in the plant. The agreement is a decided improvement over the previous contract which expired on March 31, 1944. The highlights of the contract include an im- Provement in the checkoff system whereby the Company agrees to collect from an employee's pay hiis or her initiation fee, also on the first pay of each and every month, his or her monthly union dues for a period of twelve months Âfrom November 1, 1945, to Octo- V-ber, 31, 1946. In respect to the negotiating of grievances, a procedure has been set up whereby, in the event of the union and the company failing to settle the disputg, a board of ar- bitration may be appointed con- sisting of one member from the Company and one member from the union. Should the board fail to settle the grievance within a PROTECT 'Y w'l HOSPITA] We are now enrolling rf and distri FAMILY GROUP1 Liberal Allowances for Anag Operating Room, Drugs ai '/ ( SALI CDLLI The next salvage col In Bov FRIDAI Waste Paper of ai are ai that arev The public are asked ta i at durbs for the pickup W and continue u.ntil the wh( Il àave sarne, bundled, and placed Anne's. fever, diphthen an whooping Mn. and Mrs. Thomas had six oua londeat man many unneres- which will commence at 6 p.rn., chiidren, one dying in infancy. m isar d aha nd ma if n childrn oie town is cavered. ~~~~Survivîng him are, Mrs. Ch ar esaaedfrlf y neesr ol oni oee.Lander (Florence), Oshawa, Wil- . ' DIAN disease. fnidof inniegMrs.Her Rog * 1 National Immunizafion Week is amLDIITTLE, Chairnian enfior iniegMs. nerbRg ENERAL, TR1CC an effort f0 calattention f0 the Cere oVicOoi Mlia)MS. Ernest __________ need for prof ecting children by i Nornish (olive), Tarantoa. Thereuiiznahpbciymhosi with a minimum of $20001 per MARRIED OVERSEAS ment took place in the Union _____________________________________________ week for maies and $15.00 per Cemetery, Bowmanville. The pal Signs NewAT week for females while on vaca- bearers were neighbors, Messrs. tion. Holiday pay for ail legal Milton Elliott, H. Johnson, Ross I holidays, New Year's Daý,, Vic- Grant, Ira Pierce, Henry Pierce toria Day, Dominion Day, Civic and F. W. Bower.0 ith Local 189 Holiday, Labor Day, Thanksgîving 'sCo t eQo stated time, a thîrd persan may be Empioyees returning f1rom mili- Germians In Defeat 0 carry the dispute further, the with the company before enlist- (Continued from page one) a i.. Mnister of Labor for the Domin- ment, wil be granted seniority i ion of Canada, shall be asked ta rights, and receive vacation with which has later been removed0 appoint a member of the judiciary pay after they have worked 30 from censorship and now saine- mmw of the Province of Ontario to act days after reinstatement. Other thing of the story can be toid. The o0E0 as Chaîrman of the Board. The prîvileges granted to employees mission explored centres from w decîsion of the Board wiil be final include smoking perîods on Hanover, through Munich and and bindîng to both parties, and each haîf of his shift for five min- along ta the AlpsWan hi oberv- I no decîsion shall be inconsistent utes, also fifteen minute lunch tons were preserved in a day-by- iI wîth the terrms of the agreement. period. a diary compiled as he went I Upon the approval of the Re- Employees cailed in an emer- a lng I ' and seeth sar-s rngUo gional a aoBor l iegnyt okoetm i b The generai picture was one of î 0e e ane~ hour rotating shifts will be reduc- paid time and one haîf and in ad-pepe'.- coats Walkers bas yet shown. There ed to eîght hours with average diinwl ealoe n afrowded country, getting back to 0 are fur trims and tailored styles, loose o equal pay, aiso maintenance em- hour travelling time. homes after ailied troops hadfladitesye-Alre aefoth pioeeswh wokedte hors Empioyees working overfime, swepf across in conquering stride. will now work nine hours with or called in without notice, will be The country was one of rural l utmost in srnartness and have "up-to- average weekly earnings equal f0 supplied with lunch by the com- Picfured above are lgtSr. beauty with good rainfail and of th-iut tyig previous shift. pany in the canteen. All overtime J. A. Honeyman anFlbigh egf.h pthe-civnute" stylInicon to al mlye with one year's and one haîf.EnanoJue .Jck h bombed into obliteration. A re- Pie oSi orFl lte empin oy eie bfr ets lieving feature was the Hiftler Budget- Sizes 12 to 44. continuous service before Sept. 1 Local 189 has been organized worked in the Machine Shop at ihvygemnanrde-o of the current year. Two weeks since November, 1942, and is a the Goodyear plant, prior f0 join- ihasglrngadree-00 vacation with pay for ail employ- very progressive union. Under the ing up in August, 1939, has been îng works that shone out in an ex- f ~ ees with ten yearg service before leadership of the president, Nor- home on a month's leave. He ex- cednl0akpitr. Te Dec. 24, 1945. ~man Allison, and his efficient staff pects to return f0 Engiand short-deaato wsonofapoe$ZO Effective 1946 (wifh the appro- of officers,, Local 189 has endea- ly. His bride, the former Joan fin ailyto ose andh. tdmoe Board) two weeks vacation for strong, healfhy union, and its ly enough, was a friend of the The pastoral scene was picfured1 employees with 5 years service mnembers have always done ahl in groom's fafher's people and Jack by the speaker as one resembling 0 their power f0 conformn with the met her while visiting relatives the Millet painting, "The Glean-0 requests of the War Department, in England. The groom is son ers" in which people with comn- o 0 in the producfion of the necessary of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Honeymn mon tools strove to get back to the f equipment to bring World War II Bowmanville. Wedding report ap- limifed agricultural production 0 to a victorious conclusion. They peared in The Statesman issue of possible under the circumsfances; Uuhave endeavoured to negotiafe Augusf 30. to get food and restore shelter. greacstatestsfcino Women wifh small car s hauled C I D E I OS$ 1 9 r o I I V F m i l y a lg r i e v n c e s r e sa t e t a c i o n o f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _* t he__ _ _ _ _ _o ft h on in the future, in the samne man- are il grandchildren and 9 great- Rhine as fuel for a winfer that0 ner. The members are proud of grandchildren. would be the most severe in gen- We are showing for the 8 to 14 year-0 th their union, and are 10011/o organ- Sule Thomas was a man of erations. Cold and exhausted they 0odms iewo u-rme ot ataltms eforts possible i hewkeo wr ardmiss a ine woand frtrlined oat, Or t i ie.Liberal, but in al his views mrhe r htin aswo te wkeofwar Local 189, U.R.W.A., is an affil- maintained a keen sense of humo o hti a of hswsacoxnfort. -She will like this coat. Corne ate of the Oshawa and Distric, and had a great store of jokes that sideiighf on the peasant s' reac- LI A I NLabor Counicil and the C.C.L. leavened his controversies on po tion. in and see thern. litical issues. He was a lifelong In fhe cifies, with masses of esidents of Bowmanville Mason and a sterling citizen. Born rubble and roofless homes, crowds0 riet i h before the American Civil War, of 100 ta 500 could be seen pushing RAG MATS KIMONA EIDERDOWN0 H S IA PL NObituaries he. had many recollections of that and sfruggling to pick scraps 0o13 5 yd. 0 HOSPITAL PLANtime and of the lafer Riel Rebel- fromn g a r b a g e like chickens f 13 5 aethtiLaortoy XRaMR. . .BAEMN lion 'as well as bofh of our World scurrying and scrafching in fields o Nicely made in good colors, these 36" wide with a soft luxurlous nap I nd Mediciies, Ambulance. Rce a rdn eoe a few weeks. tation by bombing was almost in- are a good mat, size 24x44. -good color range. Racel ae radn, eloed Wifh family and friends widely describable, scenes thaf could be wife of J. Hamilfon Bateman, gathered f0 pay their last respects scarcely pictured by Canadians . passed away at the family resi- the funeral was held, Monday, and only by people who have seen LIG RE0R P dence, Wellington St., Bowman- Sept. 24, fromth Luke-Mclntosh the resuifs of a hurricane. Hif- LN E I R P E ' PYJAMAS ville, on September 8fh. She had Funeral Parlors for interment in ler's Munich was a complefe $169C been in ill healfh for the past 2½/ the Union Cemefery, Oshawa. wreck and fhe speaker described69 years, the last six months being a0 Made of sturdy striped flanlette ini f - ~~visif f0 suburban family ofo Fine rayon orepe lingerie crepe, sze a i u o 4 ...... confined fa bcd. GEORGE H. RICHARDS Cafholics cherishing whaf posses- Deceased was born in Victoria sions still remained f0 fhem. colors, white and peach, 36" wide. Ile oft pt 4 County near Lindsay, daughter of Funeral services were conduet- General reacf ion f0 quesfioning -- the late Mr. and Mrs. James ed from fhe family residence, was thaf fhese people, Bavarians, Braden. She was united in mar- Bradshaw Street in Bowmanville were nof really Germans, and not 0j niage wifh J. Hamilton Batemnan. on Sept. 17, 1945, for the laf e of the Hitler tribe thaf forced war a1f They moved f0 Bowmanville from George Hibernian Richards~, uo fe.Suiheryofe Bethany in Juy, 1920, when Mr. gardener, who de on Saturday, were caught inthe Nazi educa Batmanbecmea CP.R opr-Sept. 15, 1945, af his home. He tional sysfemn in 1933 and swept 0 afor. The late Mrs. Bateman was was a member of the Sons of into the sfream of war and con- ~Po a faithful member and active England for 47 years. Pheere 45 1 THE MODERN STORE Bowmanville 7 Te lte r. ichrdswasin azi swptvictoriously o v e r f Assoiaton ad te Wman' afer alenthyillness. He was enfs likewise moved t0 acciaim. Missionary Society. She was also born Sept. 13, on the fafcNfe ee AtatcNwte ee coming back,__________________________________________________ a memben of the Women's Cana- Ocean aboard f h e sfeamnship chastened, disillusioned and re- dian Club and the Hospital Aux- Hibernian, en route f0 Canada, pentent behind the vague film of a co-ordinated a n d intensive sicians and nurses throughout the Books should f0 one of these ilaywihhe was named atr His icamn responsibilify. fashion which would be impos- Dominion. This parfîcular effort four ends conduce, For wisdom, Lf amunth sn fary whch nd affr er. disclaiminglgtorus.-oh Dn Leoedf muntepssn famte and father were thelat The picture drawn by the sible ta maint ain throughout the is a means of vigorous reminderey, dhgt o s.JonDn eoedwfead ohe reh r M. Robert Richards and Mrs. ham. husband and daughfer, Gladys Richards who resides in Bowman- speakrwsoetauogfno er hsde eanth ta fets-________ofanim 7<Mrs. M. S. Dale); also surviving ville. ta inspire sympathy so much as forts f0 get children immunized f aet seihy fa m is brthr, obet raden of Suvvntaehswfe ar.f show the destruction and should cease at the close of Na- portant obligation which, assumed There is a choice in books as in Toronto, and seven sisters, Mrs. Carnie Richards, and t wo sisters, devastation wr o ug ht by war tional Immunization Week. This generaliy, would rsave many lives friends and the mnid siks or Fred Riches, Mrs. B. Sanderson, Ln e fBwavle arnong a people in an abundant is an all-year job and an every now sacrificed because of apafh riscs fa the level of ifs hlabitual VacueMr.W.Gaam r.Llia ilo ureoadland who were led fa destruction day duty for health officers, phy- and indifference. society.-Lowell. Mrs. George Curtis, Lindsay, Mrs. four brothers, John, Herbent, by a madman bent on worid con -_________ losptalBui inAny George Sonley, Mrs. A. Johnston, hmsadWlim omn quesf. Nof having visifed coun- Sunderland, and Mrs. Thos. Black- ville, and one son who has beentreovrubyheNzster or Te U ite Sttes well, Agincount. A brother, Wil- evn vresfrte.affv was no aftcml2t fa picture their ®rT eU iedSae iam Braden of Toronto, prede- years. Mn. Albert F. Cox and plight save af the conclusion f0ta A~~ ess Eat Up Your Bank Savlngs casdhr Mrs. Emma Hambîy, brother and rfn nelf hfhpee Lr Bonds. Funeral service was held Sep- sister of the deceased's wife, were at Dacheau, the prison camp of.4,-. . fember lOfh fromn the residence, wf r.Rcad ic i Hitler of which prescrnt revela- ACT TO DAY !with Rev. J. E. Griffith conducf-defhtions now shock the civilizcd ~.- ing. Floral offerings were many Tenmru n beaufiful world. >u eedit os-bakedbyand beautiful and bore silent tes-flrloeinstsied 0te Jack Griffith expressed thanks asualty Company. timony f h semi hc e high esteemn and respect in which of tb-e club for an address that ceased was held. -Bearers were ah elaf n ihrswshi ypicfured in a resfrained f orm the ~~ E LIMITS nephews: James Graham, William his many friends. present plighf of a defeated na- i Graham, Frank Sonley, Lloyd Mn. Richards is going t0 be tion. It was first-hand informa- ha Sonley, Gordon Bullock and Wil- greatly missed by many families fion which if widely known would - HOSPITAL PLANBowmanilCeery livered vegetables for well on ings of those charged wifh peace bel atemand Ifrent s inin wmn vil fahm ed- om c tio ave hnd erltak- Relaivcsand niens frm ahaîf a century. He was of a quiet and reconstrucinadrvath mnan, Bowmanville distance aftending the funeral nature, was courfeous and accom- sense of mission now imminent. Special Representative were Mn. and Mrs. Norman Bafe- mociafing and you could always Visitons infroduced as guesfs of man, Hamilton; Mrs. Thos. Black- eeduo i eealsbigtedy included, Wilberf Charl- ation about your new plan. well, Agincount; Hon. Leslie the besf quality and full f0 over- ton and George Hart, Oshawa Ro- Blackwell, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley flowing measure. tary, Ivan Law, Whitby Rotary, ------------- ------------ -- ---- Bateman, Mn. and Mrs. W. Bafe- Thsyphyothcmuny Wally Denny, New Toronto Ro- man, Mns. Geo. Smifhson, Mrs. i xeddf h eevdwf tary, Sgm. Jim Sisson, R.C.N.V.R., -Oswald Hobbs, Miss Laura Hutch- and famiiy. and Capt. John M. James, home Family ------------------------- inson, Mr. Gordon Bullock, Toron- Funcral services were conduct- fnom overseas to resume attend- to; Mns. William Graham and son cd by Canon C. R. Spencer of St. ancc af Rotary after more than William, Lindsay; Mn. and Mrs. John's Anglican Church. Inter- five years active service. Geo. Sonley, Mn. and Mrs. Dean Graham, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Gra- ham, Sunderland; Mn. and Mrs. NATIONAL IMUNIZATION Arnold Hîckson, Janefvillc; W and Mrs. Wellington Bateman WE Let Us Pay Your H H-ospital in Canadai Don't Let Accidents or Sickne or War DONIT DELAY1 Here's real help when yo Continental Caç NO AGI FAMILY GROUP Box 556, Statesn R. J. FAULKNER, l Please'send me informi Name -------------------- -- ---- Address -------------- ----- Age - -- -----Number Ilu C-25X wever, :hed as ify of n ions rIgsf 01, and as these i. 'q P.I' - ý . , -

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