Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1945, p. 3

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1945 )45. tates- lwaysl hink., what It. A dare - 'at ()f )w to lition Sin- ýN. ~. 4~ I J THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1945 JjuwâqAeVIPAGE ONTARI know how the other fellow has at*L LETTER FROM FRANCE TO tacked a similar problem. 111FO ED. WITHERIDGE ]B a d o r d e oFind out exactly what the In-_______Euc bo dustrial Development Bank can A letter from France has re- do in helping to finance new yen- .And cently corne to F0 Clarence H. tures. Know your National Hous- qug. Ed ite&deÎsn.fM..n _____Twn _______ le Distinctly Taio d S mal Tow _Pro periyte ing Act and what it can provide.- iICOC Mrs. Ec Witheridge, Sugog St., Havethelatst iforatin o theBy ho as sot ownandgiven In the repeated efforts of The with an appraisal of resources, building permit situation from refge w Fenc patriots whîle Statesman to stimulate interest in both material and human, listth Construction Control. C.I. MaCIine and succeeded in the revival of a local Board of vacant dwellings, roons, and coin- Local Services Optemetrist escaping to England. Extracts Trade, what we have tried to mercial accommodation. Explore O IIIo hs ete r pbihe e point out is most strikingly told in the possible makt n e Ordo hefrt hns rs-OE an article by H. G. Cochrane ail the possible opportunities. Find phcave i uinratwion wanotDinyBd toe -tt is written by an 18- which appeared in a late issue of out what those who lef t the old yuhaeifuli nfourmand waot DiBley Rd. he ldencri bhfo Canadian Business, official organ home town have been doing since your chmunresores tanodea -~pOyaroFrnhgilinbhafo ...... .. . . her neighbors who risked their of the Canadian Chamber of Coin- they went away, what skills they yorecommunfaity des torenoie shw lives in helping F0 Witheridge. nierce. The article enumerates have acquired and whether theyworkter sptaciitiesfor entjoa Phone 1516 The story is one that tells in=m xnany instances of how Boards of would corne back. What are the cmîng t eirspre, tue.Cretew 3 aipe 1m tehro f oa Trade have brought prosperity local servicemen planning after commnty cere, ifhavyour t Al ostda adthewns -Fr5sie tpe ans thheîs m oal and expanded populations of their return? W hat training have w l e a d a i g c r s w l s y u y s c n g v . N r e r o s dos otaleay av oe.It Ai jbstoaydean te bestalit andHfthe n.ihuman Overcoats that are ma 0 f srnall towns sirnply by enthusi- they had? Would they ike to amade or apinfroneg ra da oeta asti co-ipertio of egrowth.tar Useusitssfor tefrequentrothinsethefo past.ntiA necessary eyesay ey con- FrFro ie. Dnme.HeDeotise Henriottick lrichx and industrialists anirnated with Preliminary Steps meetings, bring speakers from all dition is one way of dealing withBianorFnctDerE for perfect fit, a luxurious il-olfbi a live and aggressive comrnunity Teeaemn ore fue the above-mentioned sources of and is sometimes found treiveWihrde Thewrte gesino onidr-fui information and help. The assistance. Set a target for growth the nerve condition. You will be surprised to get this that will pro-vide the maximum wrt abelerl n dvs ing ofmethdsr raiîway system serving your ter- and neyer allow interest to lag for Usuai standards are no doubt letter from France. But my farn to b embacedin ceatig orre-ritory wîll be only too glad to a moment until that target is raised even though there isaiyisfenofMdm Mdeaprecondrgthcod ethr Brd, &~ ivnga Bar o TadeorChm-have its Industrial Commissioner rahd great need for more help, but the at le Brisson in Normandie wher roycetadsoudr lo reo r br f Cmmrc. Wthcreittoassist in preparing a brochure Pednthteweniisp- raising of the visual standard you passed some tume there. We the author we reprint some of setting forth the advantages ac- sbet nuea nu ttO means a greater care and atten- saw Madame and Monsieur Made- fmvmn.Sye r the highlights of his observation cruing to industries which locate locate in your town , there may be tion to ail eyes and the person laine yesterday and they wanted bese rbto l rnssial o fo oa nomto.Fri-in your town. It means more many potential service jobs to hiniseif benefits. to get news from you. She told ratdobuonfy rni stance: freight for theni. The local fill. There will be repairs and re- (To be continued> me you were a very funny and yugo le e.I rw stance: power company or provincial newais of long-neglected dwell- __________ good boy and as I ar fnn too If we seek to find the reasons Hydro can help too. More in- ings and buildin.gs, streets and we should write together, what Pn ie rm3 o4.Oos or o behind instances of srnali town dustries in your town means a utilities. Many wartime workers do you tIhink? (Funny is inter- grwt, nth mjoiy f assbigger power load . -Contact the will retire and be replaced. Coin- VAL.A5 preted-as cheerful and happy.) at- we can trace it back to a strong Department of Trade and Com- mercial establishmnents will take Did you know that the Made- community spirit, to an aggres- merce. They can heip you in- on more help or re-open. Dairy FOLEY-MacM]ILLAN laines were arrested and tortured sive Board of Trade or Chambervetgefoeg maes. he industries, greenhouses and otherfo the wek atErux of Commerce, perhaps to some may also know of foreigners with local processing plants based on Stewarton United Churci, Ot- Madame especiaily was crueiiy one or more outstanding person- special skills or capital or both agriculturai products such as can- tawa, was beautifully decorated tortured; they burnt her breast alities with a pride in their com- who are seeking a place in Can- neries, dehydrating and quick with gladioli for the marriage Of and put hier in ice baths and then munity and a vision of the future. ada to set up a new industry. Pro- freeze plants and cold storage Annabelle Margaret, daughter of sent themn to German concentra- In this lies the first answer to vincial authorities too shouid be locker plants, or on the processing Mrs. MacMillan and the late Mr. tion camp. She was at Raven- the question of how to go about consulted, încluding reconstruc- of some light, easily-shipped raw A. MacMillan, to Mr. David Wil- bruick where women had to work making the town grow. Cail a tion officiais. Rehabilitation of- material like plastics, as weli as liam Fly o fMs Foley, snnd hardFle and adadwas rescued just a day ____________________________________________ meeting of ail the leading citizens, licers from ail three services any smaii industry based on local the late Mr. Fred R. Foley, St. before to be sent to the gas room. and if a strong local trade or- should be told of opportunities handicrafts, may be started any Catharines, which took place on She came back in April but us ganization does not already exist, your town has to offer. time. the afternoon of September 15th. iii as s0 many coming back. re-organize it or form a new one. The Canadian Chamber of Com- And why should big-city bread The iovely bride, wearing a Her husband lost 120 lbs. What Find a lîve-wire chairman or sec- merce can be most helpfui in put- and rnilk concerns deliver bread gown of white brocaded satin with a shame for a nation to treat M retary. Pay hini if necessary. Get ting you in touch with other and milk daily at small-town long veil and carrying a bouquet prisoners like this! They are in everybody interested. Eniist each towns where success has been doors from a city plant a hundred of red roses and gladioli, was giv- hospital at Savoie. Their nephew Bw m person for voluntary services in achîeved in the past in attracting miles away? Al of these shouid en in marriage by hier brother, had been killed during the ar -___ lime with his or hier abilities. Start industries. It's always a heip to be supplied within your own Mr. Douglas MacMillan. Her at- restation at le Brisson with an- rsi i ________________________bailiwick. tendants were Mrs. Donald Mac- other boy. In that night, 26 Juin, It shouid neyer be forgotten little Anne MacMiUan. Mrs. Mac- who parachuted. At 3 o'clock in that for at least ninety per cent Milan wore turquoise jersey and the morning Boches came. Boches of. the srnail towns it us the farm- carried punk gladuoli. Miss Ber- took Madame and hier niece and er who is the most important cus- gey was in pink taffeta and car- shot the boys in bed. They arrest- country work? Madame Made- sometirne in Toronto, not very far next tume bcueppri i DONT LET tomer of al. If he can procure ried an old fashioned bouquet and ed Monsieur at Deauville and be- laine got news of you in an Eng- froni French Canada, I mean Que- ing. I hop oharfo o the services and essentiais he the little flower girl was charm- rated and tortured them and they lish office who needs them as bec, Montreai, and son on. I neariy. Yussneey nesin his own home town with- ing in blue dotted net and carried would say no word as you wouldDNSE DIRTY out having to make a longer trip pink rosebuds. F0 F. Eugene know. te aentiglf o.Ti age eriyaot"o o ifto the city, he will do most of his Smith was groonisman and the Your friend's boys Claude and office gave thern ciothes and doo de bon doo doo". It was cer- shopping near home. Be sure he ushers were Mr. Herbert Craig Jack are quite weli; they were money. English office is very tainiy very funny to hear you. The NatinlCohgCmmt can onder his frnplements and get and Mr. Oliver Aikens. away that night, 26 Juin. Jack is kind to thern, happily! as they had But I forgot to give some words tee in chargi fcletigsrie Sparkplugis them serviced and repaired in The cererny was performied married now. Claude is a fine oniy the concentration camp about myseif. My narne is Denise; able usedcotigfrspin towi. Arrange for hirn to con- by the Rev. F. F. Milliken, and soldier in French army and did a clothes. Boches took ahl their I arn 18 years oid. I have two overseas ta uoeadCiao tactth city buyers of his produce Mrs. Britton, accornpanied by the wonderfui job in FFI. My par- money in bank and in house and sisters, one brother, two nieces behaif 0fUNR arsh iga BE A Sth COLUMN in town. Study his tastes in organist, sang during the signing ents have a country home at le the Krauts burnt it with petr9l. and a nephew. I go to schooi and specially-maefl Finsh clothing and tools and farm equip- of the register. Sacq nean Deauville. Do you re- I heard you learned French arn preparing for October, the Need" procebyteNioa ment and then cater to them. Foilowing the ceremony a re- memben how lazy you were about. very easily. Maybe you speak it Baccalaureat. That I wiil explain Film Board. Learn what his farnily likes in the ception was held at Maple Hill, Are you losing out on better enine prforn ceii way of entertainment and see that the home of Mr. and Mrs. James thsis available too. Make your Aikens, where Mrs. MacMillan carbon? Are you burning more gas than you tire farm territony surrounding bridai party. For travelling the N , l shul? fyo aei ' tm yu idsmehigit. bride wore a brown tailoned suit, W e b id ï br shoud? f yo ar, i's tme ou id smetinga brown hat and accessories. abou it Thebes wa te etor aoundtrobleFoilowing a trip to Ste. Jovite, abot i. Te bst ay o dtou arundtrobleLAUNDRY SOAP SHORTAGE Que., and Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. like this is te let our expert mechanics take over SOON JUST A MEMORY Foley will take up resîdence at the job. It's thorough - it's mnexpenuive. era milo puns oe 123 Lake Street, St. Catharines. soap will, soon be available to GRAY-PRESCOTT Canadian housewives, who rnay___________ have experienced regional short- With Rev. Walter Rackham of- ages of laundry soap, according ta ficiating, a pretty wedding took TaeBoard announcement. A on September 8th, when Stella redistribution of soap fat will be Irene, daughter of Mrs. Prescott Phone 2666, Bowmanville the basis of the increased suPPly. and the late Charles Prescott, The shortage of laundry soap Hampton, becarne the bride of foÀ 0utfeu, was due somewhat ta a recent Lawrence Ivan Gray, son of Mn. ____________________________________________________scarcity Of one of the particulan and Mrs. Alex Gray, Claremont. ingredients of this kind f soap The bride wore a gown of pale but perhaps even more to panic blue sheer wuth matching head- WiNDN RC buying and hoarding, Board of- dress and carried a bouquet of ficials state. gladioli. She was attended by hier WY4 T#fs:.;::.;- sister, Audrey, who chose a pink PRICE CONTROL AND THE sheer frock and carried a bouquet CH ILD R EN mont, wasE best man for lis bro- 94ci CaainFederation of Agricul- Fther. t ecerernonya GOING TO SCHOOL NEED ENERGY- uercnl over the fact that dainty supper was served at the ------ --- --------- - the Wartirne Prices Board, in con- home of the bride's mother. The GIVING CARTER'S nection with the cancellation of happy couple left on a wedding j ~ f Ih Ie ' L . l __the federal governmnent's sales tax trip ta Niagara Falls, and on their 1 UV1rst Inl atii on IU1 M e îffw a on lumber, has made no provision retunn they wiil reside near Ciare- c it i cs mufor a corresponding reduction in mont, la la E A lmthe present ceiling price on lum- Previous ta hier marriage the ber. bride's sister, Mrs. J. H4. Maiette, 1 1V IDthe Real Ures inirILi e.. BRED l reognzedbythemedcalproessonDealing with these complaints, Salern, ententained when the bride 1 BRFLD i reognied y te mdica prfesionprices board officials point ta the and groom received many useful as an inexpensive source of energy. A well statement issued some months ago gifts. by Donald Gordon, chairman ofI known food expert says, "Bread digests with a the board, ciarifying the board's JEWS 0F EUROPE .-: position in the matter of cancelia- ALMOST DECJMIATED steady release of muscle fuel, and the child who tion or reduction of sales tax on ____ eats bread for breakfast is xnaking sustenance sorne commodities. The sales tax, The tragic story of the piight 1 'n it was pointed out was initiated of the Jewish people of Europe thnrughout the inorning adequate and sure." pxior to price control, and became under the heel of Hitler is just I u ' An eebrORE' bedrnsfrt*incorporated in the established acominogOtoTheight. 0f the many I ric And rmembe CARTRS brad raks fist inprices for the commodities con- w h o escaped, large numbersw iutucidio .-É 1)fer0P taste and health qualities. Get some today. cerned, before price control fixed found thein way into the fighting I TH -- -- L&- --- - s p Ax T RnULWVff.T.111 I ZI 1.8, an uncrease of 26 per et î Until industry gets back to normal production, price ceilings, rotioning and somo. contraisara erAc Augst,191.t,1.I1 nocessary safeguard for evoryone of us. Prices Board officials state theyI,' -4 believe that when matenials be- Keep them working. cme more plentiful the price WITH- situation will take cane of itseif, I' O R JB A D Y U A IG H T A E A TK 50 fan as eductions are concern- a This adverisemnnt Isane af a sari.. beins lssued by the Goverum.nî af Canada Books are the true leveliers. t a.. a amphiasiz. the Importance of preventing a further incoet They give to ail, who wili faith'- P66KIN 6F RIN in the cost of living now and deflation and fully use them, the society, the unempîmyment Inte... spiritual presence, of the best and S greatest of aur race-W. E. Chan- II ning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

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