Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1945, p. 10

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THURSDAY, SEPT. 27th, 1945 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE TEN Applications Wanted Applications will be received by the clerk up to noon, 12 o'clock, Oct. 6, 1945, for the position of working road superintendent for the Township of Darlington. Wages: 55 cents per hour. 39-2 Tenders Wanted Tenders wili be received by the undersigned up to 12 o'clock noon, October 6tbi, 1945, for Road Liability Insurance for Township of Dariington. Dated at Hampton, Sept. l9tb, 1945. J. D. HOGARTH, Clerk Twp. of Dariington. 38-2 Notice Dr. Storey's office will be clos- ed October 2 to 8, inclusive. 39-2* Bowmanvilie Electricians, 42 King St. E. Ail kinis of electric wriring done. Motors repaired and installed. Pbî ne 438. 14tf Dr. R. E. Dinniwell, Dental Sur- geon, resumnes practice, Oct. 1, 1945, at his residence, 30 Silver St. Hours: 9:00 to .12:00 arn.; 1:30 to 5:00 p.m., except Wed. and Sunday. 39-2* HeIp Wanted GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Mrs. Austin Wood. Phone 2388. 39-1' DINING ROOM GIRL. Wanted at once. Apply Queens Hotel, Port Hope. 39-2 DAIRYMAN, good milker and feeder, married, position open Nov. lst. Apply Milton Tamb- lyn, Orono. 39-2 MARRIED MAN for farm work. Separate house. Usual privi- leges. Apply W. G. Bowles, Nestleton, phone Port Perry 192rll. 39-1* LaOSHAWA FePaking Phone 1011 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sept. 27-28-29 Randolph Scott, Gypsy Rose Lee, Dinah Shore, Bob Burns in "BELLE 0F THE YUKON" A 'Technicolor Musical with Charles Winninger, William Marshall - Music, romance, fun and dance - Everything you want is in The Belle p~f Yukon Monday, Tuesday Oct. 1-2 The boldest love story ever told "1GUEST IN THE HOUSE" Starring Anne Baxter, Ralph Bellamy, A i i n e MacMahon, Ruth Warrick FOUR DAYS Wednesday to Saturday Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hep- burn in ITHOUT LOVE" with Lucille B a il, Wynn -Courtship kisses. . Wedding Woo . . . Honcyrnoon Honey. Keenan i without witbout without Scarlet Fever Immunizatioli Toxin for immunization against Scanlet Fever will be given at South Ward School at 9 amn. on the following dates: Oct. 4, il, 18, 25 and Nov. 1. At Centrai School on Oct. 12, 19, 26. Nov. 2 and 9. Parents whio wisli to have their pre-school children immunized may bring them to ither schooi on the above dates. W. H. BIRKS, Acting M.O.H . for Bowmanville 39-31 Room and Board ROOM AND B0ARD accommoda- tion for two men. Write Box 557, Statesman Office, Bowman- ville. 39-1 Roofing WiE SPECIALIZE IN BUILT- up roofing. Have the job donc now before winter sets in. J. R. Pigden, phone 4050, Oshawa. 39-f Real Estate For Sale LAKESHORE FARM, 100 acres, Lot 21, B.F., Darlington, near new highway, hydro. Apply Wilson Abennethy, R.R. 2, Bow- manville. 39-i FARM, ABOUT 40 ACRES, new buildings, including 2 bouses, barn and stable. Close to high- way and school. Apply Nick Bonk, Lot 22, B.F., Darlington, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. 38-2* COMING EVENTS The Newcastle Rink Association arc having Harry Kumiin and bis lO-piece dance orchestra at the Community Hall on Fniday_ eve- ning, Sept. 28. Admission 5Oc. Corne to the Firemen's Dance in the Armory, Sat., Sept. 29th. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12 p.m. Russ Creighton's orchestra. Proceeds in aid of the new skating rink. Ad- mission 50e per person. 39-1 Goodyear Recreation Club euchre, Fni., Sept. 28, at 8 p.m., in Goodyear Recreation Hall; 8 prizes and 2 grand total prizes at end of the season. Everyone welcome. 39-1 Plan to attend the annuai Fail Fair in Trinity Sunday School room on Oct. 9. There wiil be miscellaneous apron and home cooking booths, also afternoon tea served from 3 to 6. Remember date-Oct. 9. 39-2 Livestock For Sale 30 GOOD EWES. Apply Evereti. Cain, Orono, phone 56r19. 39-1* 22 YORKSHIRE PIGS, 7 vek old. Apply Reford Cameron, phone 2537. 39-1 ROASTING CHICKENS. Phone 2590. C. W. Downey, Bowman-l ville. 3- NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, 41/2 months old. Free range. Richardson Fanms, Pontypool. 38-3 HOLSTEIN -BULL, 2 years old, Pietji B. strain, herd accredited and listed. Fred R. Stevens, R.R. 3. Phone 2234. 39* DURHAM COW, due Dec. 30; Ayrshire heifer due Jan. 26; Holstein cow, 6 yrs. old, due Feb. 22; Holstein cow, fresh. Apply Nick Hasiuk, Lot 20, Con. 2, Darlington (R.R. 3, Bow- manville). 39-1* 12 EXCELLENT QUALITY Grade Leicester ewe lambs. These are practically pure bred as pure bred rams have been used for several generations. Apply Henry Blakely, Ponty- pool, R.R. i. Phone Millbrook Exch.382 p~ Like your doctor, your Rexail pharmacist keeps fully abreast of ail scientific developments in the art of pre- venting iilness and restoring health. When you bring your prescription to bum you are certain that it is in competent professional bands. VITAMI N CAPSULES Alphamettes $1.00, $1.85, $3.50 Neo-Chemical $1.25, $2.25, 35.00 Vi-Mi-Caps. . -31.85, 33.25 "Calcium A" ---31.10, $2.00 Alphamin - ------33.75 Puretest Plenamins $1.75 Puretest Multpile Vitamins -----31.10, $1,85 Puretest Halibut Liver 011 Capsules --- -90c, $1,50 Puretest lVheat Germ Oil Capsules ---- 3 1.00 Puretest Vitamin A, B, D & Gý Capsules 75e Puretest Perco-cod Capsules --75e Mead's Oleum Percomor- phurn Capsules 75c, $2.50 IlAvicap" Capsules -. 3 1.25, $3.25 LIQUID VITAMINS Ayerst Cod Liver Oul------- 55c, 89e, $1.29 Ayerst 10-D Cod Liver Oil ----- -------- 67e, $1.69 Neo-Chemical Food Tonie $1.15, $2.45, $4.45 Squibb Cod Liver 011-------- 55c, $1.10, $2.39 Squibb Cod Liver Oul with Viostemol 10-D -- 67c, $1.75 Puretest Cod Liver Oil, plain or mint flavored -- -- 75c, $1.25 Puretest Cod Liver Oil, Fortified - ---- --$1,00 Puretest Vitamin Tonie . --------- $1.00 Puretest Extract of Malt with Cod Liver 011 - - -65c, 31.00 Rexall Tasteless Extract of Cod Liver Compound ---------$1.00 Rexail Cod Liver Compound with Creosote - ----$1.00 Jury C& Lovel THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes Ut Is Dons Properly PHONE 778 - C.N.R. Ti CKETS 1 ,' BIRTIl FORAN-Mr. and Mrs. E. J. For-' an are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, at Bow- manville Hospital, on Sept. 14. 39-1 * DEATIIS FOSTER-In Bowmanville Hos- piLai, on Sept. 23, 1945, Maria Davis, widow of John Foster, agcd 95 years. MARRIAGE MULHOLLAND - KELLY - At Trinity Parsonage, on Saturday, September 22nd, 1945, by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Peggy Kelly, daughter of Mr. F. W. Kelly and the late Mrs. Kelly, Toronto, and Pte. Norman R. Mulholland, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Mulhol- land, Bowmanville. 39-1* ROENIGK - MAYBERRY - On Tuesday, September 11, 1945, at il o'clock. at St. Paul's Angli- can Church, Bloor St. E., To- ronto, Canon F. H. Wilkinson united in marriage Mrs. J. S. Mayberry, daughter of Mrs. Andrew Patterson and the late Mr. Andrew Patterson of Strat- ford, and Mr. M. L. Roenigk of Winnipeg. Mr. Roenigk is a nephew of Mrs. T. H. Knight, Bowmanville. 39-1 IN MEMORIAM George White Who passed away two ycans ago at the family home, Solina. -Ever rememnbered by wif e and farniiy. 39-i COWLING-In loving mnemory of a dean husband, Capt. G. O. Cowiing, killed in action, Sept. 29, 1944. Some sweet day we'li meet again Beyond the toil and stirife, And clasp eacb other's hand once more In Heaven, that happy life. -Lovingly remembered by bis wife, dad and boys. 39-1* WORDEN-In loving memory of W. T. Worden Who passed away suddenly, Oct. ist, 1943, at Ty- rone. My lips cannot tell bow I miss bim. My heart cannot tell wbat to Say, God alone knows how we miss bim In a home that is lonesome today. -Wife and Family. 39-i COWLING-In proud and loving memnory of a dean friend, Capt. Gordon Cowling, Who was kill. cd in action at Antwenp, Bel. gium, Sept. 29, 1944. Somnewhere in Belgium, in a sol- dier's grave Lies a dear friend, among the brave. He neyer shunned bis country'., cal He sacnificed bis life, bis ail; He died the belpiess to defend A faithful soldier's noble end. - Ever remnembered by Clan- ence, Gladys, Edith, Joyce anc Jimmy Woodley. 39-i MUTTON-In proud and lovini memory of our dean son anc brother, B-17943 L-Cpl. Frede nick Charles Mutton, Who die( of wounds neceived in Holiand Sept. 3Otb, 1944, with the Roya Regiment of Canada. Somewbene in Hoiland, in a soldier's grave, Lies our dean son, among th, brave. He neyer sbunned bis country' cail, He sacrificed bis life, bis ail; He died the beipless to defend A faithful soldier to the end. -Sadly missed by Dad, Muir Sisters, Ruth, Bernice, Manior Brotber-in-law D o u g., an! Nephew Johnny. 39-1 COWLING-In loving memnory c oun dean nephew and cousir Capt. G. O. Cowling, died in ac tion at Antwcrp, Sept. 29, 194, Those happy hours we once er joyed Are memonies sweet, and we cherish themn dean, And now before the Thronec God, A brave, beroic soldier stand: A soldier Who was rcady to g To fight for bis King and Country. Loved by ail the relatives an frîends and all Who came i toucb with you, a wondenfi nepbew and cousin, Gordon, an always remembered by Unc and Aunt Annie, Cousins Jaci. Hamry, Frank, Clarence Hathe: ly. 39ý Cards of Thanks Mrs. Thomas Richards and fam- ily wisb to thank their friends and neigbbors, Dr. Ferguson and Dr. Austin and nurses of Bowman- ville Hospital for their kindness at the time of their recent bereava- ment. 39-1 The family of the late George Hibernian Richards wish to ex- press their grateful appreciation to friends, neighbors, Dr. Rundie, Rev. C. R. Spencer, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. and Sons of Eng- land for kindnesses shown during his long illness. 39-1* Legal From September 1, 1945, James R. MacBrien, Barrister and Solic- itor, will be available in law offices situate at No. 6 Simcoe St. North, Oshawa, Ontario. 36-4 1 Wanted to Rent 1 apartment or rooms, by couple with High School boy. Write Box 554, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 39-l* HOUSE in Bowmanville, with prospect of buying for cash, ap- proximately 6 rooms. No child- ren. G. E. Dopking, C.P.R. agent, Whitby, phone 424. 39-l* Work Wanted PAINTING, GRAINING and stip- pling. Apply Eddie King, 76 Duke St., Bowmanville. 36-9* I WILL CUT YOUR CORN. Everett Cain, Orono, phr-ne 56r19. 39-2'ý ELECTRIC WIRING and appli- ance repgirs of ahl kinds. Dun- can Smith, Lover's Lane, Bow- manville. 39-1 TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK - Ail kinds of tractor work: ploughing, cultivating cômbin- ing, etc., done. F. S. Allen, phone 594, Bowmanville. 24-tf-4* HARDWOOD FLOORS L A ID, sanded and finished, old floors resurfaced. C. H. Levy, 25 years' experience. Ph on e 908-J-12 O sh a wa. Residence Courtice. 36-12* AUCTION SALES I have been authorized to seli by public auction for Jack Wil- kins, Lots 30 and 31, Con. 3, Dar- lington, on Fri., Oct. 5, ail his farm stock, implements, pigs, har- ness and poultry. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p .m. J. D. Hogrt, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-2 I have been authorized to sel by public auctIon for George Hicks, S. hall Lot 19, Con. 3, Manvers (3 miles E. of Ponty- pool) on Tues., Oct. 9, all bis farm stock, implements, grain, lumber, etc. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Theron Mountjoy, clerk; Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-2 I have been authorized to sel by public auçtion for D. Rae, Lot 29, Con. 4, Darlington (2 miles N. of' Courtice) on Thurs., Oct. 11, his farm stock, implements, pigs, hay and a quantity of houshoid furni- ture. Sale at i p.m. Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk, Elmer Wil- bur, auctioneer. 39-2 Friday, October 5th - The un- dersigned will seil by public auc- tion for Milton Robinson, Lot 8, Con. 8, Clarke, (1 concession sNorth of Kendal) al bis farm stock, implements and some fur- -niture, including bis entire herc -of Durham cattle. Terms cash. A. E. Morton, clerk; Jack Reid, -auctioneer. 39-2* I have been autborized to sel] by Public Auction for Thoaj sBaker, Lot 26, Con. 6, Darlington, 12 head Reg. Scotch Shorthorns -12 grade Shorthorns, 22 Reg Shropshire sheep, pigs, harness horses and implements, on Wed. -Oct. lth, at 1 p.m. See bills ci Terms cash. J. D. Hogarth, clerk 1Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. 39-1 g Wednesday, October 3, the un. ci dersigned will sell by public auc. -tion for Anton Hickey, Manver d (2% miles south-west of Ponty. ipool) the follôwing: 8 cows, . d yearlings, 4 calves, 1 purebrec Hereford bull, 9 hogs, farm im plements and 21 cords dry pint cordwood. Sale at 1:30 o'cloclk ýe Terms cash. Theron Mountjoy Clerk; Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 'S 38-1 The undersigncd wili seil by public auction for Henry Rusk, Lots 18, 19, Concession 2, Hope Township (l 1-2 miles wcst of Welcome, 1 mile south) on Wed- nesday, Octoben lOth, al bis farrr stock, impiements, hay, grain, furniture, including M.H. 101 super tractor in excellent condi- tion; Goodison thresbing mil] 36-54, witb bigb e1e,,ator; and fullilune of M.H. tractor machin- ery. This being a large sale il will commence 'ai 12:30 sharp. Terms cash. W. Lord, clerk; Jack Reid, auctioneer. 39-2* The undersigned bas receivec instructions from Mn. Brown, 34 George St. (head of Carlyle Ave.: to seli by public auction, at, hiE residence bis entire bousebolc' furniture, including: chesterfieli set; radio; dining table, chairs and china cabinet clectric range; cooi stove and Quebec heater, botbh i good condition; electric refnigera. ton; sewing machine, music cabý mnet, bedroom suites, odd couches tables and chairs, floor lamps dishes, bedding, table linen an! rugs. Sale at 1 p.m., Sat., Sept 29. Terms cash. Wm. J. Chailis auctioneer. -39-1 The undersigned bas receive< instructions frorn Mrs. W. E. Top. iiff, King Street, Newcastle, tc seli by Public Auction on Thurs. day, Sept. 27th, 1945, the follow. ing: bedroom suites, spring f il]ec mattress and springs, dining roonr suite, table, chairs, buffet anc china cabinet, chesterfield suite studio couch, bookcase, 3 section full of books, writing dcsk, rock. ers, smail tables, McClary cool stove (good as new), wood tut wninger, kitchen chairs and table dishes, rugs, curtains, pictures some antiques, bedding and liner etc. Many other articles too nuni erous to mention. Sale at 1:3( p.m. Tcnms cash. Thenon Mount jay, cierk; Clifford Pethick, auc tioneel. - 37-' REte u sofa ATMe DFuir Rent CATTLE WANTED TO WINTER. Have ample stabling and abund- ant feed for wintering 25 to 30 head cattie. Write Box 559, Statesman Office, Bowmanville. 39-1 Lost LOST - AT ORONO FAIR, lady's white gold wrist watch, with gold bracelet attached. Kindly leave at Statesman Office and receive reward. 39-1 LOST - BOY'S PLASTIC RIM- med spectacles in soft leather case. Lpst Monday between Bowmanville High School and Martyn's Bowling Alley. Finder please leave at Statesman Of- fice and receive reward. 391* Wanted To Bity 25 PULLETS - either Barred Rocks of White Leghorns. Phone 2282, F. W. Rundie. 39-1 SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. _2 wegks' -supply --$1; _12 weeks' $5, 'at Alex McGregor*s Drug Store. 32-48 Notice to Creditors Ail persons having c 1 a i m s against the estate of SAMUEL WARREN, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the County of Durham, Retired Teamster, who died on or about the 26th day of Augu9t, 1945, are required to send to the undersigned at Bowman- ville, Ontario, full particulars of the same on or before the 25th day of October, 1945, after which date the assets of the deceased will be distributed having regard only to the dlaims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED this 27th day of Sep- tember, 1945. Matilda Elizabeth Goodman, Executrix, by Apha I. Hodgins, ber Solicitor herein. 39-1 I cel rc inE ai fut tal 3-E 2 Pr Pr er Cc ca tic for car, any make about 1938, m 39 or 40. Phone 2655. 39-1 Articles For Sale st TOP PRICES PAID FOR NEW ENGLISH PRAM, in good condi- 2t and used feathers, feather ticks, tion. Phone 612. 39-1* 1 pillows, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* TRACTOR TANDEM DISC IN fwj ________________________ good condition. Phone 594. gi OLD HORSES WANTED. Apply 39-1* ct Margwill Fur Farm, R.R. 1, w Tyrone. Cail evenings, BOw- PANDORA RANGE, small sîze, in er manville, 2679. 37-tf A-i condition, for coal or wood. si PIANO)S-SMALL AND medium Phone 370. 39-1* ar sized pianos desired. Write or TUX SUIT, size 38. Trouser leg telephone F. J. Mitchell, 204 3"ol on3tms hn Churcb St.39-4* 350'nl wrn3 im. Pe USED SILO, please state size, con- GSRNE ht nml ig dition and price. Write Box GSRNE ht nml ig 560, Statesman Offic, Bowvman- er sewing machine. Phone 733, ville. 39-1* af ter 4 p.m. 39-1 JUICE APPLES for processîng, DEERING CORN BINDER FOR $2.10 per hundred at Bowman- quick sale. J. H. Davey, phone ville, Canadian Canners, Bow- 54r5, Orono. 37-3 manville. Phone 782. 3- 9-PC. DINING ROOM SUITE, FARM - 50 to 100 acres, good also 1 or 2 rooms for rent at bouse and buildings, creek pre- Newcastle. M. Demachuk, New- ferred. Write, stating price and castle. 37-3* particulars to Box 555, States- man Office, Bowmanville. 39-1 McCORMICK DE E R ING W6 tractor, new. Apply Hilliard SINGER DROP HEAD SEWING Simpson, Orono, phone Clarke machines. Will pay cash, caîl 1640. 3- or write, Singer Sewing Ma- chine Co., Oshawa, 16 Ontario QUANTITY TABLE and canning Street, phone 696. 14-tf corn. Will sell at 20c dozen. Apply Carl Weiss, R.R. 3, Bow- FOR CASH, TWO BUILDING, manville. 39-1* lots, preferably in South Ward. OLIVER 3-FURROW TRACTOR State price and location. Write plow. Also M.H. seed drill. Box 550, Statesman Office. Charles Frank, R.R. 5, Bow- 3941* manville. Phone 2403 . 39-1* OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before AUTO TRACTOR, in good work- 1900, preferably on envelopes ing condition. Apply Mrs. or original paper. Fair piices George Wight, .R.R. 4, Bowman- a pald. Write Box 414, Statesman ville. 39-1* Office, Bow m anville. 24 tf -l1 93*O T A E A , S r a WILL PAY CASH FOR USED 143631, price $125. H. McLean, car in good condition. AMnY Pidduck Road N., Courtice. model and year acceptable. Phone 908w1, Oshawa. 39-1 Write Box 558, Statesman Of- fice, or phone 2630, Bowman- WOOD SILO; M.H. riding piow, a ville. 39-1* single furrow; grey mare, 6 1, -OSWNE Pr-rdo years old. Milton Stainton, En- grade Holstein, Ayrshire or nikle, pon 34 91 Durhami springers for export. DRUMS, TANKS, STEEL Plates, Write A. A. Gibson, Newcastle, silo, rods and lugs, steel cable, R.R. 2. Phone Clarke 3904. angle iron, beams, water piping 39-1 and fittings. H. Glober, Port .2 T.V P C)TTT TR ad eahes. Hope. Telephone 160. 35-4* 5. Le Y, .2 1, Betbany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carnied on by Mr. Fiatt personally, no agents employ- ed.) l9tf-12* ANTIQUES 0F EVERY descrip- tioni, coiored glassware, old lamps, oid buttons, furnîture, dlocks, c h ina figures, bric-a- brac, jewcllery, silver. Amnen- can buyer. Write Box 536, Statesmnan Office, Bowmanvile. 35-tf-6* BUy, ANTI-FREEZE NOW Pre-War PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE No Restrictions It is impossible to buy enough for our requirements. BUY UT NOW! AT REDUCED PRICES $3.45 per gallon TIRE & BATTERY SHOF Phones 467, 376 King & Silver Sts. - Do It Rlght With "Sealtite" ýd Sealtite Rockwool b HOME INSULATION S, (Blowlng Method) 1- F. A. BRUCE 1047 Queew St. Ea-st t-Bowmanvllle Phone 494 34-tf ace, suitable for iarge bouse. Reason for sellng, uii.alling bot water system. 8 Beech Ave., phone 700. 391* 1934 FORD COUPE, 4 new tires and spare, radio. Serial No. C18P1528. W. G. Bowles, Nestîcton, phone Port Perry 192rll. 39-1* nue green, size 3 to 4 years; also band knit girl's pullovcr, coral, size 4 years. Ail in good condition. Phone 576. 39 1* GARAGE DOORS - One pair,. 7'6" wide, 7' bigh, 1 3-8" thick, pine, miorticed and tennoned, part glass and hardware com- plete, a bargain at $12. Phone 2523. 39-1 ELECTRIC WASHING Machines, stoves, rangettes, plates, radios, vacuum cicaners, furniture of ail kinds; ice boxes, wardrobe- trunks, lawn mowers, etc. H. Glober, Port Hope. Telephone 160. 35-.4* 4 CYCLE JOHNSTON I R ON Horse gas engine; Wettlaufer 2 h.p. gas engine, Bosch magneto; Souvenir 6-lid coal or wood range witb reservoir, open for water front. Apply Bowman- ville Electnicians, 42 King St. E. Phone 438. 38-tf VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums for Good Housekeeping." AlIs o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- ication, replacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Service Brancb, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWAS NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything in moder. cbesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Qualty merchandise at com* petitive prices. Before buying visit Bradley's New FurniturE Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. 46-tf PLANET JR. GARDEN Tractor with 3.1 H.P. engine. Equip- ment includes plough with 12" swivel disc coulter, cultivator gang witb complete set of at- tachments for cultivating and weeding. This outfit bas only been used for a couple of sea- sons and is in good Operattng condition. Warren R. Cordl Leskard. 91 r.li he Uderigned Has Recelved Instructions Fromn J. E. O'BOYLE To Sel by Publlc Auction at 1:00 p.m., sharp, at Church St. S., Orono -on- SAT., SEPT. 29 the following household effets, etc.: i oak diningroom suite, in ex- elent condition; 1 breakfast- oom suite; i typewiter, Remn- ngton, and table; 2 chesterfields ýd chair; 3 occasonal chairs; 1 ll-length mirror; 2 dressers; 3 abis; 1 marbe-top table; 1 section book case; 5 floor lamps; ttable lamps; 2 electric irons; 3remier Jr. vacuumr cleaner, new; :remier Spic-Span vacuum dlean- w wth attachuents, new; i olonial electric radio, mnante tpe, neany neýw; 1 gramophone; ýolder-air ice box, 150 lbs. ice ýapacity, with Spun Glass insula- on, new; 2 rugs, 6½/x9, in excel- ent condition; i linoeum rug, i Morris chair; i Quebec style cook 3ove; 1 Quebec heater, large sze; 2metal beds, i single and i three- quarter size; 2 eectric bot plates; 1red cedar chest; i English pram with leathen uphostering; 2 scuf- lers; i lawn mower; quantity gaden tools; 1 band washing ma- bhine, Easy; 1 tub stand witli wringer; wash tub; 1 hand spray- er; cream separator, Vega, smai] size, nearly new; numerous other articles. Ternis Cash JACK REID , Auctioneer. 39-1 in your own homne, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Co., Osh- awa. Phone 696. 14-tf GUARANTEED Radio Servicà Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 85 King St. E. Phone 580 26tf RORSES WANTED FOR FOX MEAJ PHONE ORONO 42-R-2 r ~ OR ORONO 77-R-4 1 37tf AUCTION SALE ERNEST WERRY, ENNISKILLEN WILL SELL ON THURS., OCT. 4, at 1:30 p.m. 200 head of cattle, al beef breeeds, calves, yearlings, 2-yr.-ods; 75 sheep and lambs, a number of hogg and some mahinry. toELMER WILBUR, Auctioneer WANTED AT ONCE for, Northumuberland and Durham Counties Health Unit A NUMBER 0F NURSES Ail nurses must have a certilicate in Public Helith nursing and qualifications must meet with the approvai of the Ontario Department of Heaith. Nurses must supply their own car. A Secretary, (experienced) 2 Stenographers ALL APPLICATIONS SHOULI) BE SENT TO TUE SECRETARY9 COUNTIES' HEALTH UNIT, Cobourg, Ontario. 39-2 Farmers. Get a littie pleasure out of farmlng by uslng the equlpment of thse followlng companles: Case tractors, tillage and ihar- vestlng machines; DeLaval milliers, coolers and separators; Beatty Bras. stable equlpment, water bowls, washing ma- chines. Try our electrlc fencers and wfre fence. Good supply of repairs on hand. Prompt and Courteous Service at Ail Times W. H. Brown SERVICE FOR ALL to any class in the om mnunity. We ofe 14 eeh n dise ini a ivide range of pnice, to suit every taste and. purse. Whatever the price, the quality is high, representing the most for the inoney. Eveny funeral that we conduet, neg-ardless of the cost of the mercliandise used, neceives the sanie cai-eful, conseientious attention. Complete digîiified funci-als conducted froin the hoine, clîurclî or chapel as low as $70.00. F. F. MORRIS CO. 480 Orono 27-1 -- 1 . mýý =2=!=CMM22!C= MMMÙ"IW =2mmý , Ili 1 1 - 1 39-2 1 King St. W., Dowmanville Phones 491 and 26

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