Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1945, p. 5

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THURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1945 TMILAINSAEMA.BW AVLE NTROtAl T~ ELECTED PRESIDENT NINE WOMEN'S INSTITUTES RED CROSS SOCIETY gowns (medium)'. Pu li eh o M g zi eWeddings IN WEST DURHAM GIVES "EPIDEMIC UNIT" Ail other articles in the epi-À REPORT MUCH WAR WORK TO BOWMANVIILLE HOSPITAL demie units have been sent to the P ub ic Sc éo M ga ine______REMA Ontario Division Warehouse for Eight of thefn oe' n In 1942, the andan Red Cross ueeswee A m rt P blc ti nm~adMrneHarry ugt o stitutes in West Durham reported Scto ssmleal across the MS Bowmanville, became the bride of April, 1945, as follows:dei nt o be used in te MSCLDRCO The Trumpeter which is pro- home front effort and a dedication Ernest L a wre n ce Gilbank, Donations duced annually by pupils of Bow- to'service of ail pupils in the years Shaw's, son of the late Mr. and $130,e--------------6.68orev ent ofay ainal eergsency manville Public School is always ta corne. A concise and thought- Mrs. W. E. Giîbank, at an earîy Nvueau-------6.6orwdspedonneiosei magazine of meit. The 1945 fui editorial. evening wedding at Courtice ParRsinRle 80.00 demic. Twenty-five of these units I eotn ucsficn issue is just off the press and the There are seven main depart- sonage, on July 7th. Rev. H. C 1. O. D. E - --------------- 5.00 were assembled and packed and cert at Rouyn, the Noranda Press Tamblyn's Service Unit ---- 10.00 stored, at considerable cost in makes these comments: sue dr kowledgs witplea- mtents oi h e aazinetheflcon ised efre tecr-Cheer for Br. Children --- 3.00 money and a great expenditure of The musical director was Miss sur a d p oft is am li entry te ts f hi h ae il too brefy m ny.~Gum and Cigarette Fund --- 25.00 tim e and effort, by m em bers of Lilianne Naylor. The concert capy. This year's production is reviewed hereunder. Page 4 is a Given in marriage by h e r i Fed. Woe' ntOt .0BwavleBac fteCn- was put On by members of the Hi- one of th best wehaveehad he Salut totthe-a-len.0Fomermfathrltherbrde worethbecomia oneasrof eiewin.Isa-ppl h have pa h au h aid te.supremeretlegthe r ok eo uqiniseCentral Fund............------15.00 dian Red Cross Society. For- Teen Canteen, a group of young tractive cover and its 32 pages of sacrifice are, A 1 a n Camnpbell, blue crepe, white hat with tur- $343t64 atoely thas nforthbe e ps- eopite whin cvrtDamaield ofsac- mimeographed text, illustrated Edward Flaxman, Ronald Haop- quoise veil and white accessoriès $33.6 osry to usethem fr e purpse tiviein Arnt, Draati cs, Mic with lime drawings, can scarcelY er, William Jollow, George Ken- Her corsage was of white carma- WrSvig riiates1332tinsforswicthapey rs ielyprp ared Swnghoniting and Cook in be excelled by any other similar medy, Arthur Living, John Poul- tions. Marlon Foley was the 133 ------------------ 8 tins itheer unisw l e iy nedow thcalth Twosilo ort ays wegien. producion inthe prvince ton, ack Roch, Ra RiBhrdod bDonors ly atendadisasterosereliefDnthe 3OntartroreDivi-hePianoi DsoloPibyopupils pupfl MissisNay- The cover which was designed Dan Sheehan, Charles Somer- a street-length rose crepe frock Knjtting ----------- sien Executive has lef t it to the lor's piano class. The Glee Club by D. Skelly is done in six colors. scales. Died, Tom Bird, Bradley with matchimg hat amd veil, and Socks.................--------- -119 pr. discretion of the officers of the trained and conducted by Miss The illustration, appropriateîy, is Honeyman. Missimg in action, Sid- corsage of white carnations and Heimets --------------------- 40 local branches to make the con- Naylor, sang four aid favorites a white dove in flight, bearing a ney Rundie, Eric Swindells, blue delphinium. Harry Cryder- Scarves --------------------- 4 tents of these units available for unaccompanied, a nd received green twig against a background Lorne Yeo. man was best man. Airmens Beits.............---------25 local use if there is need for them, great applause and encourage- g& blue sky, a symbol of peace Two pages of war news, writ- Follawing the ceremony a re- Toecaps...............------------- 15 or ta semd them ta the provincial ment for their work. The tlass world. The artist has limmed the cantributed by Editor Disley. tives of the bride and groom, was John D. Buchanan, F.A.S., F.A.I.A. Swoes -------46------------1 red Crs wre.eeeouiefortuewitltbeinlagainoi the foncertte spiit'f te tme. Nmesof heSchool News, edited by Eleanor held at the home of the bride's Who was- elected president of Govs -----------------------------17 pr. eoclsewhre.he ex ecie of the Ate c loe of the cos ncertith editonial board appear on page Crowe is a sparkling 5-page sum- parents. The rooms were beauti- the Camadian Life Insurance 0f- Pyjamas -------------------- 24 ta Bowmanville Hospital such Naylor were each presented with one, Russell Alldread, Chanlie mary of the activities carried on fuiiy decorated with pink and ficers Association at the annual Ditty Bags - .....--------------80 articles from the units as could bc a lovely bouquet of red roses in Disley, Jane Marjerrison, Eleamor in the various class rooms and a white and an abundance of vani- meeting in Toronto, June 12. Mr. Soldiers' Boxes ----------------40 used ta advantage there. miss recognition of their work in pre- Crowe, Frank Mohun. financial statement. Funds were colored flowers. For hier daugh- Buchanan is assistant general Soldiers' Boxes, valued --- $189.50 Lumby, Superintendent of the paring such a fine entertainment. Th oeodi esg rmcontributed to Red Cross, Navy ter's wedding Mrs. Freeman chose manager and chief actuary of the Blankets and Quilts ---------- 67 haspital, checked the supplies, and The concert was put on in the Theforwor isa mssae fom eague, Poppy Fund, Sick Child- a blue sheer crepe dress with London Life Insurance Company. Cigarettes ta Soldiers -------- 6600 these articles have been donated Noranda High School for two eve- P r i n c i p a l A . M . T h o m p s o n t a t h e r e ' H o p t l o a l n $ 2 8 0 ,S - i g s n d m e n t p r e d f graduating class, who refers toans Hsial, oaling $23808.te matching hat and corsage of white Articles Clothing Made -------- 540 by Bowmanville Red Cross S-nnsadmd e rceso the years ahead with their re- ad WrSvns etfctscarnations. A buffet luncheon Lyte -- ------------------ it oteBwavleHs vr$0.0 sposibliiesforeah gadutebought amiounted ta $2,939. was served by Susie Laird, Maple and ushers, Waterman's fountain Late s -------------- - - 36 ciet t heBowmanvilleiHos- ver $2placed san sibilt i es for e i r au aes No less than 15 pages w ere G rave, and M rs. A lbert Brow n, pens. M s L. D m , Co v n r f r 1 0 he t ; 5 b d pa ; 1 0 M s R w a R bi o , mu c His thanks are expressed for the devoted ta the Literature section, Toronto, friends of the bride. ' For the wedding trip ta Parry Wr-M frs.. WumstCoverh fo-rg100 shes; 50 bd as; 150 Mtecrs. Roe Roinon, music splendid war endeavors of the the editar, Jane Marjerrison. It For the wedding trip the bride Soujnd and Muskoka district the WrWr orWs uha -srit ga toes; 50 aesh cothteher, h o l i etrndataron puisan i oiswt te nfeatured essays, staries and a real chamged ta brown angel suede bride donned a pink sheer suit __________ derdawn); 150 gauze handker- On a prevîous occasion Miss Nay- tribute ta former pupils who have wealth of original poetry, the dress with matching accessories with white accessories. chief s; 75 face masks; 50 hot water lon gave a piano recital over fallen in battie; that neyer should ~hearalftueotemg- and tapcoat. The happy couple -BNSSETO AH bag covers; 50 bed pan covers; 25 CR fBc n hpnnm be forgotten aur debt to them for zîne and some 50 pupils were will reside on the groom's farm BAIRD-BURGESS FAMILY ALLOWANCE T. binders; 25 pkgs. perineal bers. the privilege we enjoy. represented as contributors. The at Shaw's.. CHEQUES THIS MONTH pads; 75 piîlow cases; 50 Turkish Miss Naylor was Organist and Editor-in-Chief Chanlie Disley concluditig passages were a tri- Previous ta hier marriage the The marriage took place in St. tawels; 25 kidney basins; 25 Choir Leader of Ail Saints Angli- writes a page of thoughtful re- bute ta the late President Roose- bride was guest of honor at a Paul's Presbytenian Chu rch,, Toronto, July 11: "Starting thermometers; 15 tooth brushes; can Church, Whitby for two years, view of the war years, the endur- velt and a prayer for world peace. miscellaneous s h a w e r, w h e n Peterboro, June 30, of Gwendalyn sometime this month the banks, 25 soap; 25 hot water bags; 8 pails; duning which time she studied ane fau olirsinEroe te Sports editor Frank Mohun friends and neighbors gathered at Viola, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. through their branches aIl over 25 quilts; 25 blankets; 50 bed choir training under Dr. Healey askea u dir in Eupacfi, the compiled three pages teflimg o h oeo n n r.Lsi A. C. Burgess, Liberty St., Bow-Cadarcaeduo tapr-________________________________ ______________________hockey, basebaîl and the field day, Collacutt, Maple Grave. The manville, ta James Armstrong form stili anather service ta the with lists of winners in ethletic bride was the recipient of many Baird, son of Mrs. Pearl Baird and public. They must and will be contests, with due credit ta aill beautiful and useful gifts. the late James Baird, Peterboro, ready ta negotiate the new gov- who acted on cammittees and ____ Rev. Samuel Johnston officiating. ernment cheques issued under the taok charge of boaths. It was FITZGERALD-MURRAY The church was decorated with Family Allowances legislation," first class reporting. ____ pink and white peonies, canter- said S. M. Wedd, President of The The Honor Roll was a page de- St. Andrew's Church, New bury belîs, iris and ferns. The Canadian Bankers' Association, in voted ta pnize awards in academic Westminster, B.C., was the setting wedding - music was played by a statement issued here.J O B O R____ who won promotion ta High bel Galbraith Murray, daughter fore the ceremony Miss Helen 000 individual cheques will be is- 0' Schoal on the basis of termi work. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Parkinson sang "Through The sued by the government each S j Men's Canadian Club pnizes went Galbraith of Bowmanville and Years" and during the signing of month," hie continued. "Most of ta Fnancis Mohun and Eleanon Toronto, ta PO Ronald Daniel the register "Because". these cheques will be presented F O R N Y O ME IN taruseiAra and E n lbpeor itzgerald, R.C.N.V.R., of Halifax The bride, given in marniage by at the branch banks for encash- CowRsellBoty Hoer wndEanotheand Toronto. Rev. Thomas her father, looked charming in ment or deposit. horo r being eiter woater Murphy afficiated. The bride a gown of white sheer, with lace "Ail government cheques are 0ognzdLbrCapOSRgto oe oWr hono fo beng eiter aienrw are a navy blue suit, white ac- insertions, Queen Anne callar and cashed by the banks without absent duning thit entire termi. cessories, and corsage of rases and Bishop sleeves. The veil of sheer charge,. raie LbrCapon ih0fWoe oWr The cancluding two pages were white sweet peas. She was at- white net, embroidered at the "The banks willingly accept O seil lled , sitlatingufinaene by Miss Viola Spencer of> edges, swept from an arched this added opportunity for serving Women workers who manned aur industries in the war canti sel Aldrad a citilatng inleWainwnight, Sask., wearing a crown of simailar net and she car- Canadians many of whom, per- I ta a really remankable school fuchsia suit and corsage of carma- ried a shawer bouquet of red haps, for the first time, wiîî came Now that the war is aven there is a move on foot ta retire ther journal. There is the best of rea- tions and carnflowers. Mn. Peter nases, bauvardia, baby's breath into contact with the banks and I son for voicing the opinion, that Cleiand was graamsman. After and fern. with the useful services they per- Canadian unions always have champianed the rights ofm many of these yaung peopetewdigdne h ople She was attended by Miss Nellie form. owmn einedhr odies raiedlbrsve would make a success of journal- tet forictori nd ettcle n E. Butt of Toronto as bridesmaid, "Wie shahl welcomne ahl of these inae.W itn eet dsusoMîizdlbrsv ismn as a life work. wlle o i rianw Wetmtler wearing a gown of pale yellow people and aim ta cash Family Ai- matter. while the bridegroom is an leave. dotted Swiss, with Sweetheart lowance cheques with speed and POO COPPREICEDneckiine, and three - quarter efficiency. At the samne time it There are now about one million womeîi gaînfuily emplaý IN FCR RUT &EGCETALE KEWEN-TREWIN length sleeves, with a tarso waist- is my duty ta stress the need of smr hnaqatro h okn oc rams INRUIS_____ BLE lne. Her beaddress conisisted of the banks for ca-operation on the resentsmrthnaq rerftewrigfrc oraos Thereprt ecntl isuedby Peonies Lnd ferms decorated a crowa adorned with pale yellow part of ail who receive theseU working now as iin 1939. The rot epatent of Agri-b Blackstock United Church fon the flowers with a shaulder-length cheques. 0 cture predicts a pon crop in weddtng; July 7, of Lorria îuI veilof pale green niet. She car- "Recipients of Family Allow- 0j Slightly less than haîf of the married wau¶en now wonli ~UEIufl frit ad egeabes Aple wîîTrwn daughter of Mn. and Mrs.ri ned a bouquet of pale pink roses ance cheques can help themselves fruits1 a0 pnd ceet o ae bpewl E.ast Trewin of Blackstock, and and baby's breath. Miss Judith and the banks by rememberingO housekeeping. And only 5 per cent of the unmarried women ye5 earcPeachesmare bow y on len ewn sno M.Anme Perks, gawned in floor- four simple requirements: f per cent, pears 87 per cent, pîums and Mrs. J. Kewen of Toronto.leghpn agade mdea heedfnpreriet- aarngaonsrvy ,~ 0 er en, see chrres 0 erRev. R. B. Harrison performed charmaing little flowen girl carry- fication at the bank. 80p cent, s t cherries 7 per n the ceremony for which Mrs. J. ing a ring bouquet of blue farget- 2. The need ta make sure that Whether a woman chooses ta remain at a job in the ne: celMI nd, rpberries 87iperyiendtb Wright played the music and Miss me-mots, pink rases and fern. cheque is correctly endarsed. . home may flot be entinely lier awn choice. It will depend an th am asr1944.lyildabu Vivian Sadien of Toronto was Pilot Offîcer James Withers, 3. The need ta guard against 0 0 As ci former, you need tires wit h 0f 43 vaieties of fruits and vocaîist. RCAFwsbs a n h losing cheque after endorsn n wid, dep reas taf iteUnI vgetble litedin he epot, e- The bride was given in mar- ushers were George Baird, bro- before cashing it. nsgad j a. the roud-forward and bockward. creases range from 10 per cent ta niage by lier fatheradwreateoftegom and LAwe- .Teimotne fgig aM rieao e cet nrae nfutgown of ivary satin, a fingertip neth Rose, R.C.A.F. the bank in the morning houns if a re W o n rires sotscond pull youoitnog 96prctn a res n fruiYtolemgth veil and carnied bauquet of After the weddîng a reception possible. Erthinpoots won d e pec u n vaprieutisaestwnis3 ernlyt, red Better Time rases and baby was held in the Green Room of "First of ail, of course, is identi-Th man ctrvsy o Evryhigyo wud xpc I vretes trwbrie 3pr enbreath. Miss Helen Sanderson of the Y.W.C.A., where the bride's fication - a bank must be suneTh man ctrvsy n a ire, you gel in D om inion Royal. and grapes 12 per cent. Toh r r c i e , w a i g a g w t a h e s n p e e t n h k t h n r c r e s f r w n e We'lI b glad f help ~D ecreases in the w ho e range of T ronto w as bridesm aid and w ore m t e e e v d e r n o n t a h e s n p e e t n h i c e s o a c r o o e yor ir prmt.veetbls un' ro 6pe53nttoblue moire with matching Dutch accessories and a corsage of ned fore, if the holden of a Family A-5 e et n AI- srnebne. h are oqe rss h ro' ohewolwneceu i o nw n9 Mn aejrignw ay froi per cent ta 5 per cent and a Neevd oeagwnO h oa ak i o.sesol sw av en paetywn these caver only asparagus, 2 per bf pink briarcliffe roses and baby lowreceikedwrea gohwhiofte klioal bank eonwhe rsolesnehv eeapretywn G.F.JA IE ON cetcanospe cnt lttce eath. Mn. Kenneth Taylor of faerdslkjrsy itghietkoitatebonwhnpesn-working. Will they be F. JAMIESON a~ cent, ros per cent, etueToronto was groomsman and the accessanies and a corsage of pink ing it somebody wha is known in ableds of ihu nrn go the King & Silver, Bowmanviiie os3 per cent, a n spicntc, po ushers were Ronald Trewin of rases. the bnanch. This will help ta bet, ihu Cf.gnga h Phone: 467- Res 376 e c ent rLscenafd sahort-ushaaadLm cui f Later the bride and groom left obviate delay and misunderstand- D ta goon hemein and single girls? COMLEE TRESEVIC ae.Toronto. for a trip ta, Wasaga, the bride ing. COMLEE TRESEVIC ae.The reception was held in the travelling in a gown of pawder 'Next, is the endorsement on a 0 In short, whether wamen are chunch parlons. Mrs. Trewin blue silk jersey with white acces- cheque - it must be endonsed fl able ta choose bet-ween kitchens wore a gown of aid rase faconne sanies and a corsage of pink rases. exactly as it is made out to the or caneens will depend on whe- - crepe with white accessonies. Mrs. On their return, they will reside payee; after it is endorsed the Kewen chose a black and white at 493 George Street, South, payee should take no chances of then we have fulli employment in flowered silk £rock with matching Peterbaro. iasing it or having it stolen before the years following the wan, and K ee ' m H al h yaccessories. it is cashed. fion the efficient ways in which we Mn. and Mrs. Kewen left on a MUST REGISTER CHILDREN "'Recipients can help very great- arganize aur homes and ou.r cam- -K eep 'e B ealthwedding tnip through eastern On- TO GET BABY BONUS ly also by using the banks during mnt evcs tanioanad Quebec and on their ne- the easier haurs of the day rather O0 uiysevcs turn will reside in Toronto. For Dominion gavernment cheques than during their busiest hours. ' h data oe' ae travelling the bride ware a white in payment of the Baby Bonus "No doubt many cheques wil h da htwme' ae -. eyelet frock trimmed with blue, have commenced ta flood the reach the banks through mer-N shudbloetan e'sis white accessaries and a corsage of mails July 1. At the samne time, chants who cash them for their f also had ta be nevised. A poli sweetheart roses. Ottawa warms, "registen the new a wn kmown custamers. Me-I taken in 1942 showed 79 per centaf Canadians as favorîng e babies now" and keep the anigin- chants and storekeepers would be f MURRAY-TAYLOR ai forms filled out up ta date. weli advisçd ta make sure of the I ______With no retroactive payments identification of any persan of fer-U Biackstack United Church was passible, delay in registering will ing a cheque and ta make sure O0q a a the setting for a pretty wedding, mean maney lost. also that the cheque is endorsed ' tne nome of thie brîdels parents. unapleasnt odor, drios qulckly. Urne h i nsteèad - of--65.I The fait-est attit udc ail Caiiadliaiîs eati take is ta support THE:The bride's mothen received in a for dandirif mad kLn disorderu, too. This information is p a s s e d i work if thev so lesire on if tlîey fiîîd it iicccssary. L £fuchsia printed jersey with a cor- o.et a bottie ai your druggli'a l% along ta the buying public at the CA T I sage of yeilow carnations. The today. Keep ht handy on your moment, with the funther pros- Oý bridegraom's mother chose a navy bathroom sheif. 15 pect that the Prices Board will (~ uA M.1 IW Flwi M1blue sheer ensemble and, ware a continue ta operate, direct and 0O SHAW A and UIDIST ICTL A LI __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __I_ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ corsage of white carnations. contrai for at least the next three 1 W The groom's gift ta the bride years, although they don't say s0 A f ~ .. --*was a three strand peari neck- *. WS at present. Bakeshop praducts, pLLaoâlace and ta the bridesmaid and i will be noted, are cut mare Clait o Mrs. Dabson single strands of U M EN rsial than amy other limes. silver bracelet; ta the groomsman__g This is subscription time! Willan and piano under ?Jiu Agnes Butcher, both of the To- ronto Conservatory of Music. YOUR CAR will corne ont "second besi" if it tangles with a telephone pole. You will find the repair bils are "plenty." ADD collision damage (to your Comprehensive Au- tomobile, policy) which pays sucli losses. Consuit this agency NýOW about complete protection for your car. Stuart R. James Insurance and Real .Sstate Suceessor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 Ring st. Bowmftnville CHEN in Post-War Yemr ributed mucli ta victory. em ta the kitchen. women, particularly work- ýws an this very important cycd in Canada. This rep- twice as many wamen king expeet ta go baek tc m look forward ta quitting, ext few yeans or stay at athe number of jobs ta be equalpay for equal work. )y the trade union mave- sneyer befone. They are rs, ta have the pninciple )t agree about the general a scale of earnings lower first trne. Relatively ýtensive plans for social as we have promised aur- is withaut diffieulty. 5s for menii ncrely shifts -ided question ta lie s't- en - in orî mot of the tthe right of wvounciî ta RCOUNCIL ffiliate IIIgr'(ss o f Ltbar i g .0 o -g IDo g ] g I o g, n o g n o i i i g I o i Il v THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE FIV 0

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