Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1945, p. 3

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Kirby The men of aur community are stili working at aur church sheds and whiie stili unfinished, have miade a vast improvement ai- ready. Thanks ta them! Keep up the good work. Mi. and Mis. B. White, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam White at John Thompson's. ,Saturday, the Sunday School _held their annual picnic in Orono Park with a good program of sports. After a most bountiful picnic supper a bail game was started. Sunday, Rev. S. Littlewood preached a very interesting and inspiring sermon. A reception service and Communion service followed. We were sonry there were such a few out ta take part in this service. .Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. R. Little, Agincount, and Mr. and Mis. K. Shackleton with their parents, Mr. and Mis. Wm. Allun. Mrs. Shackleton retuîned home with her sister for a visit. .. Miss Dora -q"mans, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. ,Jrzix. Hewitt and littie daughter, 'ýLeorgia, Mrs. Hewitt, Sr., Isling- ton, Mr. Walter Brown, Debert, N.S., Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fitkin, To- ronto, with Mr. and Mrs. You- mans. . . Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gamsby and famiiy, Kingston, with her mother, Mrs. R. Allun. Mis. Gamsby and children re- mained for a longer visit. .. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DeMille and son, Oshawa, -at F Gnaham's. .. Miss Margaret MacKinnon and friend at I. A. MacKinnon's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cooper at Wm. Ruth- erford's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wannan with ber parents, Mr. and Mis. W. I. Patterson, Kendai ..Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bigelow at Chas. Bigelow's, Tyrone. . . Mr. John Stewart and Miss Catherine Stewart, Sixth Line, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lofthouse, Oshawa, with Miss Marion McKelvey. Newtonville Intended for last week) Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E lmer Randali and John, Oshawa, with Mrs. H. Randali. . . Alfred Red- knap, Oshawa, with Mrs. Redknap at his father's, Mr. Arthur Redi- knap's. . . Floyd Milison and Mel- ville Samis and lady friends, at Niagara Falls. . . Mr. and Mrs. Bert Caldwell and daughter, Mrs. Ernest Halse, and grandson, Donnie Caldwell, Toronto, at Lan- son Millson's, George Stapleton's and George Smith's. Dorotby Stapleton and Doreen Milison ne- turned ta Toronto with tbem... Mr. and Mrs. Otto Kleiser, To- ronto, at Reuben Payne's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Lave (Gladys Travis) and famiiy, Hamilton, called on Mrs. J; A. Barrie. . . Mis. J. A. Barrie and Murray with Mis. W. A. Wright, Tyrone, who is im- proving. . . Mr. and Mis. S. A. Gates, Oshawa, at W. Elliott's.. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Eiliott at L. Moore's, Hamilton. .. Sergt. and Mis. J. Pendergest, Mn. and Mis. Noswortby, Oshawa, at Mis. Thos. Jones'. Rev. Smith, oui new United Church minister, was inducted at Kendai, Friday night. Craoked Creek H. & S. Club met Tbuîsday night with Pies. Mis. Westol Stringen in the chair. Armand Holiingsworth was in charge of the progiarn: reading, Helen Deckeît; music, Mis. T. Wilson; reading, Westoi Stningen; music by Andy Bandy, Armand Holiingsworth and Annie Getlick. Lunch was served, foilowed by dancing. Mn. and Mis. Chas. Moase, Lindsay, with Mis. G. W. Jones, wbo retunned with them. F. MeMulien and Bud Jones have started work on the C.P.R. Mn. and Mis. George Kimbal motored ta Brighton, Sinday, ta see F0 Arthur Martin, son a! The Lions Club of St. Thomasr Announces Its Sensational $8000) PRIZE DRAWING HeId ln Connection With The Mamnmoth LIONS CLUB CARNIVAL, ST. THOMAS, JULV 27, 28 $6,000 Home, Cash or Victory Bonds $2,000 ln 17 Other Prize Awards!1 Prizeprawing July 28, 1945 - BUV A BOOK 0F TICKETS - Tikts $1 .00 each BOFK6,for$5.00 PROCEEDS FOR LIONS CLUB CHARITABLE FUND Inspectai and Mrs. A. A. Martin, who is home on furiaugh before gaing ta the Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Whitney at T. Weatherbuîn's, Smithfieid. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore and Howard, Hamilton, with Mrs. Cleland Lane. MacGregor J on es, Mountain View, and Keith Burley, Belle- ville, R.C.AF, were home. Haydon Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. E. Steph- enson and family at Crystai Beech ... Mr. and Mrs. Les Garrod and daughters, Toronto, at Mr. C. Garrard's. . . Mrs. John Trick, C Miss Ethel Trick, Mr. and Mrs. V.1 Trick, Oshawa, at Mrs. R. Cross- 1 man's. .. Rev. W. C. Smith, PortÉ Perry, Mrs. Roy Graham, Ennis- kilien, at Mr. Leslie Graham's... Mr. and Mrs. T. Barr and Douglas, Tyrone, at Mis. E. Hendrick's... Mrs. Herb Scott, Mr. Roy Scott, Orono, Miss Marion Aluin, Gait,j Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. I. Traveli and fam- iiy, Mr. and Mrs. Dobbie, Miss Verna Trewin, Oshawa, Miss J. Crossman, Bowmanvilie, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Williams, Toronto, at Mr. W. Trewin's. .. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mountjoy, Islîngton, Miss Annie Mauntjoy, Mrs. J. E. Elliott, Bowmanville, at Mr. T. Mount- joy's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery, Burketon, Doreen Rahm, Enniskilien, Allin Stainton, at Mr. C. Avery's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Werry, Grant and Bert, Ennis- killen, at Mr. C. Siemon's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Beech and Jan- ice, Mrs. Ross Richards and son, Bowmanviile, CpI. Ross Richards, Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin, Union, *Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Margaret and Kathleen, Enfîeid, Miss Verna Ormiston, To- ronto, Mr. Fred Ellis, Enniskiiien, at Mr. A. Beec's... Mrs. E. Gage, Toronto, at Mr. M. Bertrim's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Aikenbead, Mr. and Mrs. J. O'Neill and Roy, Miss Audrey McLaughlin,' Toronto, Mrs. C. Crossman, Bowmanvilie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Mis. H. J. Werry, Allan and Clark Werry, Keith and Reva McGiil, Enniskillen, at Mr. L. Ashton's... Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn and famiiy, Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Wiibur Blackburn and Wayne, Maple Grave, Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson and daughter, Toronto, at Mrs. T. Cowling's... Mis. Ciem Wooiiings, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Wooliings, Toronto; at Mr. H. Ashton's... Mr. Fred Ashton and Billie, Mr. Syd Towgood, Toron- ta, Mrs. J. Potts and Linda, at Mr. F* Bradley's. . . Pte. Archie Mc- Neil, Orillia, Mrs. A. Abbott, Osb- awa, Mr. S. Hooey, Miss A. Hoaey, Long Sault, at Mr. E. A. McNei's . .. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Bridgett and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson and Garry, Bowman- ville, Mis. Roy Chaters, Toronto, at Mrs. W. Thompsan's. . . Gar- don Siemon, Toronto, at home. CLIP AND SEND IN THIS COUPON Tyrone Women's LIONS CLUB of ST. THOMAS, P. . BOX 5Z Institute Discuss ST. THO MAS, ONT. Hobbies at Meeting I herewlth enclose (cash>, <money order), choque) ln_____ paymnent for - tickets on the Lions Club of St. Thomas "Hobbies" was the subject of! $S,000 prlze drawlng. Please forward recelpt to: Miss Alene Aked of Tyrone, To- iName ...... .................................. .............. îronto and Sanasoto, Florida, guest Street Address .... .......................................... speaker at the Women's Institute. The large attendance was loud in Town ................... Province.......................... accaim of the splendid discourse (Please Prînt or write plainIy) given by Miss Aked. _ --- -------Meeting was in charge o! Presi-1 WCA Permit No. C3191-123 dent Mis. L. Annis. The rail cal was îesponded ta by "My Hobby".1 Mis. Friend is in charge o! flow-1 ens for the church for Juiy. Vol-t N,~ .--~unteers were caleêd for' raking1 grass in the park. Permit fan 4 ~sugar far one case o! jam was ieft1 lis. with samne committee as iast yeaî. k.-t was voted ta invite Dr. Vivian tcame in July and have a tea ta __ 1""aise funds. Each group is ne- sosbefor raising at least $10 duîing the yean. Motion ta have one course lunch at meetings was adopted. Mis. N. Woodiey ne- u~k <S L 0' Mis. T. Scott pîesented this pnogram: devotional by Mis. R. Hadgsan under the theme, "Don't 0 Us. DALY'S dily-if you Chew Youî Pilis", solo by Mis. lk. really good tea. For 3 Eventon White; îeading by Mrs. IEgenerafions Canad' most A. Wood. Miss Aked spoke on particular lea drinkers have the fascinating subject of Hobbies, Inslsted oe this perfect o! which she bas many. Eveîy- blond. Now you can o one should have a hobby, stated 17~5DaIy's from your grocer. the speaker, and they can. A ~'~'Ask hlm for IL. hobby is creating things and takes many forms. Busy people are happy people and we soon de- teriorate if we have nat a bobby. We pour out aur peîsonality in M H AA, reating things which require ille lttie or no money. Miss Aked *ft HAVEspoke mostly o! her own hobbies, ofrug making and knitting. She showed samples o! ber own ef- aorts in rugs made with an aidin- ary mat hook, a Bluenose hooker and others. These wete designed P LA CE spec andesoe ap of the infants' knitted sets and AT A Y ME LAN TIMEle nd bier mother have knit since Y ~.Kellogg's ready-to-eat cereals of many scrapbooks made and more and more every day. sent away. Keliogg's are a satisfylng the speaker told of being in piays Sdlsh anytime-for breakfast, in Sarasato, Fia., where her fam- lunch oddhouîsnaccs. ly have spent 16 winters. The 't chod proceeds ail go ta waî charities. i Ready in 30 seconds. She berseif, being an antist o! for he paysand heips design the costumes. Last year aven $1,200 w as sent. Another hobby wasa large collection of beautiful sea x1hod shplis. Miss Aked bas also been a golf enthusiast, having been a champion in singles and doubles with her mothen. But, she ne- ,~ad~ tOeshe can blister bier hands just as easily boeing. With a sincereof fer ta belp anyone in any of the things she knew how ta do, this talented speaker closed bier ad- Lunch was served foilowed by social bal! .houî. A vote a! thanks BRoysI GIRLS I Th.yre fr» . . . was extended Mis. Skinner for s Coloured Corde in every package. gave '*mi True m-W ber hospitality. Hampton c c a c a I c c I I I c I c c I c i c i I Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W.I Salter, Victoria, B.C., Mr. and C Mrs. Russell Luke, Tyrone, Miss Grace Thain, Oshawa, Mr. and C ilrs. Carl Bradley, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Flayd Beckett and Gerry, Enniskillen, at Earl Luke's ... Mr. C. H. Burrows, Oshawa, .t Mis. M. Goodman's... Mr. anid Mrs. Harmer, Sr., Mr. W. H. J. Harmer, Oshawa, Mrs. Wesley Glaspeil, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Glaspell, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. A. C Balson and Ileen, Sauina, at J. W. Balson's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Geo. )avey, Port Perry, at T. Salter's ..Mr. and Mrs. W. Cunningham, [aughter Hazel, Cameron, Miss Ruby Clatworthy, R.N., Bowman-1 vile, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- E Lay, Mrs. John Munday, Maple 1 Grove, Sgt. Lewis Truli, Toronto, C M'iss Muriel Smith, Oshawa, LAC Harvey Proctor, R.C.A.F., Trent- on, Miss K. Young, R.N., Mr. How- ard Young, Hamilton, Mr. and vIrs. Lloyd Broome and Ronnie, Salina, Mrs. W. McMillan, Peter- 1 aoro, at L. Trull's. . . Mr. andc virs. Geo. Edger, S.B. Garnet I Tubbs and Mrs. Tubbs at H. Wil-C cox's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jef- frey and Doreen, Maple Grave, writh Miss Minnie Horn. . . Mr. and Mrs. Roland Virtue, Miss Darothy Virtue, Oshawa, at Miss M. Katersan . . . Miss Alne SNrthcutt, Bôwmanville, w ith Mliss Madlyn Wilcox. . . Mrs. Philp, Toronto, at W. Craig's... MIr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemens, Mrs. D. Barnes and son, David Howard, Oshawa, at Mrs. E. H. Cole's.. MIr. and Mrs. D. Rackham, Lee and Lynda, Bowmanville, at the parsonage. .. Mr. and Mis. Whit- niey Lang, Toronto, with Mr. Jno. Jacks and Miss Jacks. . . Mr. C. W. Souch with Herb. Rogers, St. Anne's. .. Douglas Caverly with Ellwood Fenneli, Toronto, at Salmon Lake. . . Miss Maîjorie Rundle, Bowmanville, guest of M'iss Gwen Caverly. .. Mrs. Wil- frid Chatterson, Bowmanville,î with Mrs. C. Tomlinsan. . . Mr. Ken Caverly and Miss Gwen Caverly in Toronto. . . Mr. and ýMrs. W. Burnett and Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, at W. Wilbur's ..Mrs. Leta Sharp and fîiend, Toronto, with Miss Wilmia Leach ...Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Doidge, Oshawa, at Mrs. W. G. Doîdge's ..Mr. Ray Wilbur, Toronto, at G. Adcock's. . . Mn. and Mrs. Howard Price and Billy, Willowdale, Mrs. Ida Tennant, Mrs. Raitt, Toronto, Miss Reta Kersiake, Bowman- ville, with relatives. .. Miss Bessie Blackburn, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. Howard Foley, Bowmanville, at M. Blackburn's . . . Sgt. S. B. Smith, Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mis. L. Hutchinson.. Mr. A. H. Bickle, Bowmanville, at K. Cavery's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, June and Junior Wilbur, Reg. Kersey, Toronto, Marion Kersey, B a w manviUle, Harold Ashton, Enniskilien, at S. Kersy's. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitch- ener, Canfieid, Miss Kathenine Young, R.N., Hamilton, Mr. How- ard Young, York, LAC Harvey Proctor, Trenton, at H. A. Bar- ron's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Adams and daughter, Phyllis, Courtice, at Frank Rogers'. .. Mr. and Mrs. A. Stainton, Zion, at A. E. Bil1ett's. .. Miss Nancy Johns, Toronto, with Mrs. Elmina Johns ...Miss Patricia Adams, Guelph, with Mrs. Fred Adams and Mrs. Alf. Randle. . . Mrs. F. Adams, Mrs. Al. Randie, Evelyn and Eunice, attended the Adams-Fer- guson picnic at Mount Forest.. Mrs. Wilbert McMiiian, Peter- bora, who was spending the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Truil, fractured her arm, which necessi- tated care at Bowmanvilie Hos- pital for a few days. The North Sewîng Gnoup met at Mrs. Gea. Gilbert's with a good attendance. The hostess served îefreshments. S u n d a y School Anniversary services were well attended. Corne and See Our Array of FU TOGS!, HEAD FOR THE SUNSHINE OR THE BEACH - A SET 0F TENNIS, A BICYCLE HIKE - OR A PICNIC, IN SPORT CLOTHES FROM BRESLINS! StripedCotton JERSEYS each $169 Smartly striped jerseys in the popular looue fit. Short sleeves and round, crew neck. Ground colours of white, green, brown & blue. Bizes small, nmediiun and large. Each.. $1.69 Short OVERALLS each $3.50 K andy short overails with pleats for leg fullness. Ad- justable over shoulder straps, buttoning on to short bib front. In white, navy, lime, orange, brown ~>and red. Bizes 12 to 20. Each .......... ......$3.50 DRILL SHORTS $2.50 Fine cotton drill shorts, pleated back and front with side opening. In red, navy, green, brown and white. Bises 12 to 20. Bach . ..... ......ýý$2.50 3-piece PLAY SUITS Beautifully tailored in a trîm style of striped cot- ton. Shorts are pleated & button on side. Shirt is tailored and buttons at the front. ï8kirt buttons ful length at front. Ideal for sports wear or street Wear. White background, and red, blue, mauve, yellow or green stripes. Sizes 12 to 18. To correct your awn faults is in- If ailhonest meni wauld show NO man gets world vision till 1 Don't try to get the best of the finitely more useful than ta un their colars, blc akts would he is able ta see past his own point other feflow. Try ta bring out caver the faults of others. I disappear. af view. the best. I - - iii Bowmanville Dealer for B.-A. Gas & Peerless Motor 011 Edward's Garage & Motor Sales Carbureton and Eleetrical Senvce-Repair ail makes of cars South side King St., 2 doors West of Liberty Davey's General Store Buriketon's Dealer for B.-A. Gas and Peerless M.otor OUl Buiketon, Ontario Phone 2586 tçti' ir if.ZTUTI, ' - (0-q ç No. 78j Get the Habit of Shopping at BRESLIN'S Bowmanville -11111 a -q 1 1- - 7--

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