Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 8

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__________________________________________________ B.UWMN PVILLE, ONTAIRIO UR A PAGE'EIGHT THURSY, JN2th 94 Haydon Pte. James Graham, Simcoe, at Mr. L. Graham's. .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dean, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton and family, Mrs. John Ross of Toronto,- at Mr. E. Bradley's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Ashton and Mary Lou, Mrs. B. Westbury and Katharine, To- ronto, at Mr. A. Read's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Niddery and Connie, Bowmanville, Mrs. S. D. Niddery, Miss Mary Niddery, Phyllis Nid- dery, Hampton, at Mr. C. Avery's ..Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Francis Werry to a sale at O.A.C., Guelph, then visited at Mr. N. VanCamp's, Listowel, and friends at London and St. Thomas... Mr. GUARANTEED Radio Service Tubes, Batteries, etc. Roy W. Neads 8King St. E. Phone 580 26tf Now available in the 1945 Edition ai the Elizabeth Arden TREASURE CHEST This attractive miniature Beauty Box of fabrikoid contains: *Ardenas Cleansing Cream *Ardena Velva Cream *Ardena Skin Tanjc *Ardena Hond-O-Tonilc " Featlsef-Light Foundation Cream " Miniature Poudre d'Illusion 10 Miniature Lipsticl< ID Miniature Blýue Grass Flower Mist $3.95 Jury & Lovel THE REXALL STORE When W. Test Eyes It Us Done Properly PHONE 778 -- C.N.R. TICKETS and Mrs. Don Cameron, Bowman- ville, at Mr. T. Mountjoy's. Don has just returned from four years service averseas. . . Rev. Harold Stainton and Beveriy, Miss Louisa Stainton, Mimico, Cpi. and Mrs. Sulas Trewin, Simcoe, at Mr. W. Trewin's. Cpi. Trewin is on fur- lough. . . Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Myles and Joan. Coîborne, at Mr. W. Martin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmer and family, South Monaghan, Mrs. Ross Richards and sons, Bowmanville, at Mr. A. Beech's... Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Carolyn, Mr. A. Beech at Mr. Walter Carr's, Codrington. .. Mn. and Mrs. T. Mountjoy *at Don Cameron's, Bowmanville. Rev. E. H. Unstead gave an ex- cellent sermon on "What Will You Do Witis Jesus?" The Lord's Supper was observed. Haydon Sunday School Anni- versary services wiil be on July 1 and 2. See particulars else- where. RECIPE FOR SUCCESS Keep your head cool-your feet warm - your eyeý open - your mind busy. Don't worry over trifies; plan your work ahead, then stick to it-rain or shine. Don't waste sympathy on your- self. If you are a gem, someone will discover you. Don't whine- nor tell people you are a failure for they will believe you. Talk and act like a winner, and in time you will become one. . 1 EDGER - In loving memory of aur father, William Edger, whc passed away June 27th, 1928. The world may change from year to year, And friends from day to day, But neyer wiil the one I love, From memory pass away. -. Ever remembered by the Family. 26-1 WATCHORN-In loving memory of Rosanna Watchorn who pass- ed away June 27, 1941. "Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what ta say; God alone knows how we miss her In a home that is lonesome to- day." Ever remembered by husband, Wesley, and son, Henry. 26-1' Shortage ai early-hatched chîcks *extra-heavy demand for eggs expor t markets . .. a sharply ira- creased pnice for fail fresh eggs for shipment overseas . . . it ail "adds up" ta unusual apportunity. Wiil you be cashing in, or just wishing you were, this coming fail and winter? It's still not too late, if you act promptly-start good fast-growing, eanly maturing chicks, and raise themn right. The Bray Chicks ai this year ai pouitry opportunity are living and growing "'like sixty." That means high vitality and vigr-just what you want in yaur chicks. Day-oid chicks In many breeds and hybrids ... started Leghsorn pui- lets for Prompt shipment... started heavy puilets for a littie iater if you book them now. Act right away! Fred W. Bray LIMI[TED 120 John St. N. - Hamilton, ont. JACK HUDSON, ORONO WILFRED RICHARDSON PONTYFOOL F. L. BYAMt TYRONE Mr. Farmer Mlilk is in demand - it 's bath patriatic and profit- able ta get every possible pou.nd af milk from your cows. Cows mxust be fed an pasture or they lose flesh and you lose ik; 18 Guernsey cows fed on pasture at the Purina Experimental Farin produced 1750 pounds more milk per cow during their lacta- tion as compared ta 18 caws flot fed on pasture. THINK WHAT IIIM EANS TO YOUR COWS. HERE'S THE FEED FOR EXTRA MILK YOUR MILKING COWS . -. MARLOW'S 16 PER CENT PURINA CHOWMIX YOUR CALVES .. Save labour, save miIk, save money and rais e better calves. Every bag af Calf Startena replaces 350Opounds of milk,ý and na milk is f ed after your caîf 1s one month* old. TO DO A BETTER JOB FEED MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA PIG STARTER....$2.60 cwt. MARLOW'S CHOWMIX PURINA LAYING MASH .. $2.85 cwt. ORDER YOUR SUPPLY TODAY WHILE WE HAVE A GOOD STOCK ON RAND M4arlow Transport TELEPHONE - PORT PERRY 106 - R - 2 BLAK«OC, ONTARIO ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. M. A. James, Oak Park, Illinois, announce the mar- niage of her daughter, Constance Laureen Brown, to Staff-Ser- geant James Baker Lyford, Fin- ancial Division of the Army of the United States, an Monday, the 25th of June, at the Chicago Temple, First Methodist Church, by Rev. C. R. Goff, D.D. Mrs. Lyford is grand-daughter of Mrs. John Foster, Horsey St., Bowman- ville. Cards of Thanka Mr. James H. DeMille and fam- iiy wish to thank relatives and friends, also Dr. Siemon and nurses of Bowmanville Hospital for kindness shown during the il1- ness and passing of a beloved wife and mother. 26-1 On behaîf of the Red Cross wç wish to thank Rev. C. R. Spencer for the use of the Parish HaE, "The Executive" and ail those whose donations helped to make the Garden Party a success. Ethel M. Wylie, Convener, Ways and Means Com. 26-1* IN MEMORIAM D ?ance in Kendai L.O.L. Hall, Frn.,juy6 . AI Fletcher's or- chestra. Admission 35c. 26-2* Haydon Sunday School Anni- versary, July 1 and 2. See dis- play advertisement for full par- ticulars. 26-1 Dance-Modern and Old Tyme -ta Radio's favorite entertainers, Charlie Hannigan's Mountaineers, Fni., June 29, at Oshawa Arena. Prizes, novelty dances, fun galore. 25-2 The Werry Picnic wiii be held in Hampton Park, Saturday, July 2lst, 1945, afternoon and evening. Came early for program af sparts at 3 o'clock. 26, 28 By popular request a second barna dance wili be heid at Mrs. R. Stevens' Farm, Manvers Rd.î 13/4 miles north of White Rose Service Station an Saturday, June 3th. Ragnar Steen's, "The biggest little band in Eastern Ontario", wil andold-time dancèing from 9 t( 12 p.m. Proceeds in aid of Bow. Imanville Hospital Building Fund, 1 26-1 Auction Sales s The undensigned wîll sell by 1public auction for. Thomas Bur- -keil, Lot 14, Con. 2, Clarke (op- sposite Lancaster's Garage), ona 1Tuesday, July 3rd, 30 acres af ,mixed hay. Sale at 7 p.m. sharp. tTerms cash. Jack Reid, auc- 1tioneer. 26-1' 1 E. A. Werry, Enniskillen, wîll sell by public auction on Mon., July 2, the fallowing items: 40 suckling pigs, 6 weeks ald; num- ber af brood sows, due time of sale; 10 Durham springers; num- ber of stocker cattie, beef-ringers, etc.; also same machinery. Ted Jackson ,auctioneer. 24-3 The undersigned has received instructions from George Rurak, Lot 25, Con. 4, Clarke, (% mile E. af Dean's Corner) ta srell by public auction -on Saturday, June 3Oth, all his farin stock, imple- ments, wood and same furniture. At the same time his 30 acre farm will be offered for sale subject ta a reserve bid. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. Terms cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-1' I have received instructions ta sell by public auction for Ed. Doidge, South Haif, Lot 14, Con. 4, Darliragton, on Saturday, July 7, his farm implements, and house- hoid effects. See itemized list next week. Terms cash. Sale a olaat yohn Wtl,-o,.'s 1n 1p.m. Elmer Wilbur, auctioneer. Stomnach Powder. Also in tab- fl26-1 let form. 50c and $1 at Mc- yGregor's Drug Store. 26-1 0 AUCTION SALE STUDEBAKER SEAN eill be 0 The Undersigned Will SeIl by the CriPpped Children'san fl Pbli AucionforWeifare Club at Bowmanvîlle ~ FRE V. W RREN Rotary Club Fair on Wednes- Il E 'V W R E ay, Aug. 8, ta persan holding Lot , Co. 5the lucky number. Tickets 5 for LotSy on.59Clarke $1.00. Mail ta Secretary, Ro- 0 (V2mile N. of shiioh Churcis) tary Club, Bowmanvilie. 26-tf 0n $1.00 BUYS A SHARE IN THE O Kinsmen Model Home, near MONl JULY 2nd Lake Erie Beach, Leamington, thIlloig Ont. Beaulifui $8,000 home sold fl tse fiiowng:ta the winner for $1. Send re- 1I ai Percheron hanses, 1500 mittance ta Robt. Reid, *Dept. pair;4yon oswihcle 54, Kinsmen Fund, Leamington, 0 at foot; 2 Durham year aids; fulli Otr. R 26ssetbr-5 0 lne gaod farm machinery; Seed- _____________26-5____ 0 6 acres mixed grain, 20 acres BROADLOOM RUGS TO beauti- Dmixed hay to be sold ira field; at fy your hame. Latest solid the saine time his 50-acre farm shades aisa tweeds. Sizes yau wili be offered fan sale subject ta cannot obtain elsewhere, made reserve bid. Reason for seling- seamless in the following pon heaith. For further particu- widths: 27", 30"1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, lana see bills. Sale at 1 o'clock. 11, 12, 13 feet by practically any 0 Terms cash, pasitively no reServe. length. (Yaur aId carpets and 0l Jack Reid, auctioneer. 26-1 clothing accepted.) Write Acme 0 ______________ Rug Ca., 188 King St. W., Ham- THE AWATHASARE ilton, Ont. Delivery 6 weeks. CALLING25* her fthe Kawartha Lakes. lagainst the estate of JA ME S 0 lucky ticket ira the Rotary Draw Town ai BowmanviIle, Ira the onar July 21. Only 30 ieet fram the County af Durham, Miller, wha water's edge at popular Thurs- died ara or about the 22nd day ai tania Park, Honeysuckie Ladge May, 1945, are required ta serad to bas 4 lange bedrooma, lange living the undersigned at Bowmanviiie, room, maid's quartera, kitchen, Ontario, full particulars af the large scneened anad glassed ver- same on or before the lst day ai Sandah overlooking S t u r g e o n August, 1945, aiter which date the ULake; garage. Furnished com- assets af the deceased will be dis- i 0 plete except for bedding. Oniy 89 tributed, having regard arly ta miles from Toronto. Don't misa the dlaims of which the Execu- this one. Tickets 50c or 3 for $1. tors shahl then have notice. Proceeda for Rotary Crippied DATED this 28th day of June, Children anad Cammuraity Fund. 1945. 'Serad postai note today ta Rotary VERNON HARCOURT STOREY Cottage Draw, P.O. Box 8, Lind- and BERYL PERCY, Executars, say, O. Tickets fonwarded by by Apha I. Hadgins, rtr.25-4 their Solicitor hereira. 26-3 BIRTI-IS LANE-Mr. and Mrs. Roms Lane announce the birth of their son at Bowmanville Hospital, June 23, 1945. 26-1* PICKELL - Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pickell (formerly Ada L. An- nis) are happy to announce the birth of their son at Bowman- ville Hospital on Wednesday, June 2Oth, 1945. 26-1* YEO-Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Yeo, Enniskiilen, are happy to an- nounce the arrival of a daugh- ter, (Mary Evelyn) in Bowman- ville Hospital, June 21. A baby sister for Linda and Teddy. 26-1* M arriages SKINNER-GROOMS - On Sat- urday, June 23rd, 1945, in Si. Clair United Church, Toronto, by 11ev. Amos J. Thomas, Mary Florence Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Grooms, (nee Effie Brooks), of Toronto, to George Victor, R.C.N.V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner of Toronto. COMING EVENTS SALMON TROUT LAKE, North Hastings, B an c ro ft district, comfortable furnished 5-room- ed cottages, screened porch, ice, boat, goad fishing. C. A. Bart- lett, Bowmanville. 26-2 CABIN TRAILER, furnished, ac- commodations for 3 adults and and child. C ob ou rg Lake Shore Park. Fîrst 3 weeks ai J ulIy not reserved. Hamry Bartlett, Westmount, Bowman- ville. 26-1I Work Wanted.- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants Part time w o r k durîng summer halidays. Phone 2844, Bow- manville. 26-11 Notice Dr. Starey's office wiil be c ed from June 27 ta Aug. 15. 23- Dr. Ferguson's office will closed from June 29 ta July l inclusive. 24- Dr. C. J. Austin's office, Enni kilien, wili be ciosed fromý July ta July 8th, inclusive. 26-. Bowmanvilie Electricians, King St. E. Ail kinds of electr wiring done. Motors repaired ai instaiied. Phone 438. . 1 TRACTOR CUSTOM WORK Ail kinds of tractor wor ploughing, cultivating, eti done. F. S. Allen, phone 59 Bowmanviile. 24-tf- Notice is hereby given tht after June 2lst, 1945, I1xviii ni bc responsible for debts contrac ed by my wife, Sara Hope Browi Dated at Bowmanville, June 21, 1945. A. C. Brown. 25- Real Estate For Sale 400-ACRE SHEEP RANCH wit lot of timber on it, includin pine, in Cartwright Townshi] barn and house on propert: Apply ta owner, Charles Deai Bunketon. 26-3 ýFARM,- 100 ACRES, with steE barn 36x88, and gaod bric: house, new machine shec Water in house and barna. Hydri available this faîl. Phoan 213r13, Millbroak. 25-3 8 ROOMED BRICK VENEEREI duplex house, closed in glasj and screen porch, large attii with one room finished, twc complete bathrooms, hot ait heating, furnace n e a rly new garage and hen house, about 3/4 acre of land, small fruit trees strawbernies and raspberries near Centrai School. Apply owner, P.O. Box 437, Bawman- ville. 25-I For Rent -ROOMED FURNISHED COT- tage, East side af Bowmanvilie Beach. Phone 2433. 26-1 1ROOMS, furnished if desired. Ail conveniences. Central lo- cation. Write P.O. Box 317, Bowmanviile. 26-1' qEW SINGER SEWING Machine in your own home, $3.00 per month. Elec. port. $5.00. Sing- er Sewing Machine Ca., Osh- LOST - LARGE DOG, Labrador IRetriever, black cuniy flair, Iwhite chest. An s we rs to I"Barney". Phone 853, E. L. IOliver, Bowmanviiie. Reward. personal 261 SLENDOR TABLETS are effec- tive. 2 weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at Alex McGregor's Drug Store. 9-26 ENJOY LIFE! Get fast relief from indigestion, heantburn, saur stomach, dyspepsia with 1 Articles For sale [os- 8' bE 28, -4' lis- y1 -2' 42 ie id 4tf rk: te., 4, .1* lat lot ct- 7. Ih ng i1, Iy. e le '0 12 ACRES STANDING MI2X hay. Apply B rron's, Hampt phone 2420. 126 35 FORD V8 COUPE, 5 goad tii also heater. Serial No. C18! Phone 2326. 2 ED ýton, ires, ý34. 23 FEET 0F 30" STEEL WELL S, cribbing, new. Phone Clarke S; 1620. 26-19 GOOD FLORFNCE automatic 3- burner coal ail stove, $7. J. L Metcalf, 106 Concession - St., Bowmanville. 26-1 RUBBER TIRED farm wagon, e 30x5 tires, has two new tubes, 1 complete; also Melotte creain separator, large size., Stanley Taylor, Burketon. 26-1' USED 3-FURROW tractor plow; M.H. t e a m corn cultîvator; trailer; 7' M.H. binder. W. H. Brown, Case Dealer, Phone 2610 or 497. 26-1 EIGHT - PIECE DINING ROOM suite, aak; three-burner coal ail stove; strawberries, prices reasonabie. Mrs. R. B. Clark, Box 369, or 41 Liberty Street North, Bowmanville. 26-1' 1933 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, 5 tires and heater. Serial No. 9320842. Also 1932 Chev. coupe, 5 tires and. heater. Serial No. 79640. Appiy Frank Webber, Scugog St., Bowmanvlle. 26-1' VERANDAH CHAIRS, walnut dining raom table, beds, rocking chairs, wardrobe, sofa, sewing machine and Cosy Home range with water front. Phone 2287. 26-1 8,000 USED BRICKS (cleaned); M.H. No. 21 walking piow; M.H. horse rake; Cockshutt fanning mill; new general farm tractor. J. H. Hancock, Massey-Harris Agent, phone 781, Bowmanville. 26-1' LINOLEUM AND CONGOLEUM Rugs. Selea' yours from over 300 patterns actually in stock. You are lnvited ta view these al, BRAD)LEY'S New P'urniture Store, 15.6 Simcoe South, Osh- awa. 46-t1 VACUUMS FOR SALE, vacuums repaired. "Good Vacuums for- Good Housekeeping." AlIs o guaranteed expert repairs, lub- rication, replacements, etc. Caîl C.U.C. Service Branch, Mc- Gregor's Hardware Store, Bow- manville, 774. 19-tf OSHAWA'S NEW FURNITURE Store - Everything ini modern. chesterfield, bedroom, dining suites, and studios. Bedding and floor coverings a specialty. Quality merchandise at com- petitive prices. Bei are buying visit Bradley's New Furniture Store, 156 Simcoe St. S., Osh- FAIRBANKS - MORSE Typhoon pump, campleteiy overhauled, 600 gallon per hour capacity, with new Z type, 2 h.p. gasoline engine. Priced very reasan- ably. Would egchange for good type beed cattle. S. A. Rowe Newcastle, R.R. 3. Phone Clarke CHICK BARGAINS for this week and next. Non-sexed: Barred Rocks, New Hampahires, New Hamapshire X Barred Rocks $9.95, pullets $15.95, cockereis $10.95. Assorted Heavies: non- sexed $8.95, ýulets $13.95, cock- erels $9.95. 2 week old add 6c. Shipped C.O.D. This advertise- ment must accompany your or- der. Top Natch Chickenies, Agents Wanted PATENTED GAS SAVER, super- changer, cnankcase ventilator. Convents waste into power. Ina- creases mileage amazingiy. Fits any moton, easily, quickly. Harmless. Praven. Guaranteed. Attractive s a i e s proposition. Victory Mani g. Company, Cara- Tenders Wanted FOR DECORATING CRAFT room, boys' basement and one class room at Bowmanvilie Public School. Specifications at Secretary-Treasurer's office. Tenders to be in by June 3Oth. Bowmanville Board af Educa- tion, Stuart' R. James, Sec'y- Treas., 24 King St. E., Bow- manville. 24-3 3 COLLIE PUPS. W. Blackburn, Bowmanville. Phone 2885. 26-1 PURE BRED YORKSHIRE SOW, due in July. Cranston Scott, 20 ACRES 0F STANDING mixed hay. Phone 2514. 26-1 McCORMICK MOWER, in work- ing condition. Price $20. Phone Onono 63r12. 26-1 M.H. MOWER IN A-1 condition, 51/2 foot cut. Harold A. Pagcoe, Hampton, phone 2187. 26-1 VERY OLD WALNUT ORGAN, not in playing condition. Phone 2839. 26-if BUCKWHEAT. Apply E. G. Power, R.R. 2, Orono, phone Orona 56r10. 26-1 WHITE PRAM in good condition. Phone 2602 or 79, Ontario St., Bawmanvilie. 26-1 40 ACRES STANDING Alalfa, claver and timothy hay. M. L. Ciemens, phone 2436. 26-1 STANDING MIXED HAY. Wil- frid Carruthers. Phone 2625. 26-1 HAY RAKE. Appiy Nelson Rab- bins, Hampton. Phane 2349. 26-1 SEED BUCKWHEAT. Apply M. J. Pereman, R. R. 2, Oshawa, phone Brooklin 3r31. 26-1' McCORMICK DEERING NO. 6 mower. Apply Thomas Chmara, PAIR PERCHERONS, heavf YOUNG WOMAN OR GIRL TO draught show type, 2 *and 3 heip at summer cottage, full or years aid. Wiii sacrifice if sold part time, live in or out. Reply before July 10. Phone 2208, giving ahl particulars; ta Mrs. Bowmanville, between 6 and 9 E. Walton-Ball, 88 Whitehail p.m. 26-1 Rd., Toronto. 26-1 di BE INDEPENDENT. OWN A Wanted To Buy spare time business. Can supply 200 guaranteed products ta be SILO IN GOOD CONDITION. sold from door ta door at very Phone Bowmanville 2192. 26-1 low pices. Unic offers help keep the trade. Apply for ter- CREAM SEPARATOR. Cranston ritory. Familex, 1600 Delori- Scott, phone 2527. 26-1 mier, Montrea. 26-1 fr f c ONE OR TWO YOUNG SOWS, coming in nat later than end of August. O. Friend, Tyrone. PSNE DRO23 EAD 26-1 SINGie . DRO lPaHEaDshWING or mach ines gWerpa sh, cga- chine Ca., Oshawa, 16 Ontario Street, phone 696. 14-tf OLD POSTAGE STAMPS, before 1900, preferably on envelopes or original paper. Fair prices paid. Write Box 414, Statesman Office, Bowmanvilie. 24-tf-1' FEATIIERS AND Feather Beds a f a il descriptions. Highest. - prices paid. Write particulars ta Queen City Feather Co., 23 Wanted to ftent [OUSE OR ROOMS, 3 aduits. P.O. Box 392, Bowmanville. 26-tf OR 4 ROOMS or apartment, un- furnished, for 2 people, in Bow- manville. Phone 23n1, Orono. [OUSE OR APARTMENT IN OR near Bowmanvîlie. Possession as soan as possible. Apply James Adams, Pontypool, or phoBowmanvileB665a2-2 ROOM DBAD aBord- donM foNDw BAD accommo -I dag tion fo wo.Appily 74.c- gag St., Bowmanville. 26-1' s B ~1 d d DRAIN & SEEDS -ehave a limited quan- tity of the different va«. rieties of Millett Seed for sale. This is a good substitute for hay. Also RAPE SEED HYBRID SEED CORN SEED BUCKWHEAT Etc. A. W, Glenney Phone Clarke 33-12 W-ANTED BOARD and ROOM or ROOMS GNLY For new employees cbiefiy from Oshawa, Whitby & Pickering 1 PHONE 343 I for Live Poultry Until further notice. we are paying the foi- owing prices for LIVE POULTRYy delivered to our plant in WHITBY: Top Grade Fowl - ail welghts ----------- -------5--- lb. Top Grade Broilers - 2 ta 3 lbs ------------------28e lb. Roastlng & Frylng Chickens-over 3 lbs.-------------- 30 7-8c lb. PICKERING PAR MS, LTD. ATilphone - WhlUDy 336I 't ~ i Auction Sale Menday, July 2u4 AT 1.30 p.m. E. A* WERRY Lot 17, Concession 9, Darlington LIVESTOCK Holstein heifer, caif at aide; 2 Durhamn cows, calves at aide; 2 Hereford caws, due time of sale; Durhamh heifen, due tîme of sale; number ai stocker cattie, beef breeda; 35 pigs, 6.week8 old; number ai sows, bned; saddie hanse (good ira harness aiso). j'- Walking Scuffier, 2 walking piows, hay tedder, seed drl, rake and mawer, ira good condition; hay rack, set ai harrows, mnanure apreaden. NO SALE BILLS - PLEASE TAKE NOTICE OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT TED) JACKSON, Auctioneer 26-1 PURINA cow ciiOW L5pYORKHIRmpn. 26-1'k 5ld YORsHIRanEdPIS, wu-uek aid. A rse.wan e tbuGqiet whn o 2rk0hr. Ge. i-brt phone 2801. 26-1AT one miking, one about ta fresh- en, alsa six kids, bth sexes. Bowmanviile 2237. 26-2 LIVE POULTRY and feathers. Good prices paid. M. Fiatt, R.R. 1, Bethany. Phone 7r13. (Busi- ness carried an by Mr. Flatt personally, no agents employ- Lost nu "q - "I -- 1 e 1- 1- ONE l2527. HO, 2- ONEarsoRK.ChsR deHamp-i tn. Phone 2246. 26-1 JERSEY COW, 6 yrs. ad, fresh two months, bred. Apply John - 1 -1 HC 3 c f 1 * L BOYS WANTED. Apbly Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries, Duke St., Bowmanviile. 24-3 GIRL OR YOUNG WOMAN TO assist with general housewark in smail family. Phone 2578 26-1 CAPABLE WOMAN, who loves cnildren, to care for 2)h year oid child, few nights a week ini own home. Write P.O. Box 77, Bowmanville. 26-1* SECRETARY-TREASURER FOR the Newcastle Board of Educa- tion. Duties to commence Sept. 1, 1945. State salary. Appiy D. W. Jose, Newcastle. 25-1 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN good home, congenial couple and four-year-old boy. Per- manent position. Write Mrs. Carlisle, 411 Gienayr Road, To- 1 - THE CAMAnTAM q'rAMr-QMAW 7 Ul 1 to - Livestock For Sale 1 Righer Prices for Live Poultry MACHINERY

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