Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO 'rHITTtRDAY. JUNE 28th, 1945~ Strong* Appeal for Women1 To Continue Red Cross Workl Mrs. W. S. Staples, chairman of Women's War Work Committee of Bowmanville Branch Red Cross Saciety, recently received a letter from the chairman of the Ontario Division of the Women's War Work Committee wbich reads in part: "'At a meeting of the Women's War Work Committee, regional chairmen suggested that the workrooms tbroughiout the pro- vince be given a real holiday this summer. We realize the tremend- ous strain under wbicb all women have done their job since the be- ginning of the war. Now witb the home-coming of the men released fromn prison camps, the return of our armies and the end of the conflict in Europe, there will be readjustments to be made ini every home. No words can ex- press the gratitude of this office for the constant service that has been rendered, and for your loy- alty and co-operation at all times. "Unfinished work sbould be completed before the workrooms are losed, and we would hope that you would be able to give out wool for knitting, particularly for service socks, and articles for sewing, that the women might work on at their leisure. "It had been hoped that by this time we mîgbt have been able to commence the making of layettes which are so desperately needed in Europe, and for whicb pitiful appeals have come in. Un- fortunately we have not been able to secure materials. As and wben these materials are avail- R2OYAU. THEATRE Bowanill -Telephone 589 Thursday and Friday, June 28-29 KISMET Wlth Ronald Colman, Marlene Dietrich, Edward Arnold, Hugh Herbert, James Craig. A fantasy li Technicolor that is out of this world. ADDED SHORTS, CARTOON, TRAVELOGUE Saturday OnIy, June 30 MILLION DOLLAR KID Wlth those uxipredîctable rascals THE EAST SIDE KiDS ADDED WESTERN GENE AUTRY Un Tuanbling Tumbleweeds SPECUAL SUNDAY MUDNIGHT SHOW PROGRAM DANGEROUS BLONDES Starring Evelyn Keyes, Edmund Lowe ADDED - Billy Gilbert Comedy & Screen Snapshots Starting Monday Matine., JuUy 2, at 2 p.m., and continuing Mon., Tues., Wed. Eve. SPECUAL DOUBLE BILL PROGRAM LAUREL - HARDY In THE BIG NOISE - AND - Abroad With Two Yanks With William Bendix, Dennis 0'Keefe A eomedy of wit when two yanks in Australia compete for one Aussie Beauty. G, F. JAMIESON King & Silver Sts. Bowmanvllle, Ont. PHONES: 467 - RES. 376 COMPLETE TIRE SERVICE able, even thougb it is during the summer months, we will ask you to try to get started on this work. Samples will be furnisbed you, and the small articles could he made by the women at home. "In announcing this holiday, it must be remembered that we are still at war and in a state of emer- gency, and it should be clearly understood that we might have to caîl on the branches at any time, if the need should arise. There is still a big job to be done by the Women's War Work Committee. We will have to do our part in furnishing supplies for the war in the East. Looking after our re- turned men will be another big consideration, and there is a tre- mendous program for the faîl, of sewîng and knitting for the people of the liberated countries." In compliance with this recom- mendation the work rooms in Bowmanville will be closed dur- ing July and August, unless it becomes necessary, as suggested above, to re-open tbemn. There is however a good deal of material on the shelves which is cut and ready for distribution and it is sincerely and confidently hoped that the women of the community, bath groups and individuals, will take home some of this sewing, or wool for knitting, to work on as they have time during the sum- mer, so that we shall be able to commence work on new quotas in September. Those who wish to band in com- pleted work, or to get additional wool or other material, during July and August, are requested to telephone Mrs. D. F. Henry at number 303. Orono News Mr. W. J. Riddell attendec Grand Lodge of the I.O.O.F. ir Toronto. Lieut. John Coryell is spending bis leave with his wife and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe. Reeve T. A. Reid and Deputy Reeve E. R. Woodyard were ai Counties Council in Cobourg last week. W.C.T.U. met at the home of President Mrs. Howard Walsh. Devotional was conducted by Mrs. Delve. Reports on the medal con- test were given and plans made for the 60th anniversary celebra- tion. Miss Margaret Flintoff bas been appointed to the Public Schooh teacbing staff in Oshawa. The Farm Forum Executive of Durham County met in the Town Hall, Thursday evening, to dis- cuss plans for next winter's work. Wesley Neelands, Provincial Sec- retary of Farm Forums, gave in- formation and led in discussions. Mrs. Russell Ransbeyry and family, Montreal, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Duncan. Mrs. C. E. McLaren entertained Grade VIII of Antioch School, at the Royal Theatre, Bowmanvilhe. Miss Margaret Roy, Kempville, is home for summer vacation. Mission Band of Park St. Churcb held a delightful tea in the school room, Friday after- noon. Several members of the W.M.S. supervised proceedings and the girls of the Mission Blind served supper at small tables. The room was tastefully decorated with wood ferns and garden flowers. F0 Gerald Cornish who has been overseas four years, visiting the United Kingdom, the Medi- terranean area, North Africa, Egypt, India and Burma, was wel- comed home by his many Orono friends. Gerald's former home was on the 6th ine, where bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cor- nish, lived for many years. Ger- ald's wif*e, whom be married in England, was unable to come witb him as she is still connected with the Wrens. Mr. J. E. Richards bas severed bis connection with Orono Hydro Commission after 35 years' service in reading meters and other local work. Miss M. French and Miss G. Beck have resined from Orono Miss Mildred Richards and Mr. Andrew Flynn, Toronto, were married in Orono, June 23rd, by Thursday, Friday, Sat., June 27 - 28 Margaret O'Brien In a grand new triumph music FOR MULLIONS With Jose Iturbi, Jimnmy Durante, June Allyson, Marsha Hunt, Hugh Herbert. The picture of a million heart-throbs. It's a love story that smiles through tears. ItIl make music in your heart:' HOLIDAY ATTRACTION SUNDAY MIDNITE After 12.05 Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., July 2, 3, 4, 5 Alan Ladd, Loretta Young In ANDNOW TOMORROW With Susan Hayward, Barry Sullivan Imagine how Ladd handles women when he shares their secrets as a woman's doctor. Rev. S. Littlewood. Mildred's many friends in Orono presented her with a tri-lite floor lamp, a walnut occasional chair and a mirror. Mrs.. Wilson, Ottawa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Armstrong. Decoration Day services were held at the Orono Cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Mr. A. A. Drummond has re- turned after spending two weeks with relatives in Toronto. Week-end Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. John Keane with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keane. . . Miss Viola Gilfillan, Toronto, at borne... Miss Shirley Porter, Nurse-m- Training, Oshawa General Hos- pital, at home. . . Mr. and Mrs. Allison Cowan and family with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cowan Clarke Township Rehabilitation Committee Clarke Township Committee met June 20th to further its plans for future work in connection with the return of our men and women from overseas. There was a good attendance and real interest shown. The committee is anxious to get the Honor Rol completed and this can only be done by everybody taking an in.- terest and reporting names and changes to the Secretary, J. J. Mellor. A Committee was formed to get the organization of Finance and Program work further on the way. It is hoped in the near future to be able to announce just what is contemplated as future work. Several matters such as settle- ment of soldiers on land, helping find suitable employment, and in- dividual reception of those re- turning were discussed and the committee is very anxious ta be of assistance in every way possible ta aIl who return. The work of this committee can only be done properly wîth the co-operation of aIl, if you can be of any help please offer your ser- vices. Zion Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mof- fat and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henning and Noel, Mrs. L. Mc- Kenna, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Westlake and family, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Howarc Abbott and family, Haydon, ai Percy Davidson's. . . Sergt. Air Gunner N. H. Hircock arrived home from overseas on June 22 ..Mrs. W. Gallop, Niagara-on- the-Lake, at John Nemis'. .. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger and family at A. Eyman's, Whitby. ý . Mrs. Mel Morgan visited ber father, Mr. J. T. Stewart, who is very fil at Toronto. . . Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach at John Kivell's, Solina. .. Mrs. F. B. Glas- pel, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McMaster at William's Point... Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Glaspel and Alan at Whit- .. ... Henry DeMille at Burketon ..Orville Stinson at Blackstock Pte. Ray Gifford, Newmarket, Mris. F. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Johns and Peter, Oshawa, at Har- old Gifford's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Robbins and Ruth at C. D. Pascoe's, Solina. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayes, Columbus, at Fred Robbins'.. . Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stainton and Grace, Mrs. J. Stain- ton at Ed. Millson's, Solina. .. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hircock, Douglas, Lloyd and Robert, Tbornton's Corners, at N. Hircock's. .. Miss Helen Cameron at Roy Lang- maid's, Solina. . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cameron at Hilliard Simp- son's, Orono. .. Mrs. Harvey Bal- son and Glenn, Oshawa, at Robt. Kilen's. . . Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stainton, Toronto, at A. T. Stain- ton's. Ebenezer Visitors: Miss Hazel Rundle, Oshawa, witb ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. F. W. Rundle. .. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Down, Miss Ella Down, Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Worden, Ajax, Elmer Down, at Fenelon Falls . . . Misses Corinne Lynn, Margaret Sommerville, M a r y Wilkins, Oshawa Hospital, visited Mrs. Wilfred Brown. . . Pte. Gor- don Brown, Kingston, witb Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown. Nestieton Nestleton W.A. met at Mrs. Wesley Campbell's, June 2lst. Prayer was giveti by Rev. R. B. Harrison. Roll caîl, verse of Scripture. Several letters of tbanks were read. Program in charge of Mrs. Campbell's group. Readings by Mrs. Allan Suggitt, Mrs. Wm. Steele and Mrs. John Williams. Dainty lunch was serv- ed. There were 14 present. Congratulatigns to Mr. Merlin Suggitt and Miss Dora Mountjoy on their marriage on June lSth. Mrs. Chas. Naylor, Aurora, with Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMul- len, Marian and Beth, Lotus, Misses Beryl Larmer and Lucille >TOPàk1TCH)Yz;Iga; Quickl Stop f tching of inaect bitca, heat rash, cc2emna, bives, pimples. scales. scabies, athiete a foot and other externally caused skin troubles. Use euick-acting, soothing, antiaeptic D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Greaselesa, stainleus. Itch atops or yourmn eybaîk. our druggist stocks D. O. OPRESCRIPTON. Forder, Blackstock, Miss Jean attended. Next Sunday service Campbell, Toronto, Miss Evelyn will be at 11:15 a.m., for the sum- Campbell, nurse - in - training* mer months. Lindsay, Mr. Keith Hall, Little Brîtain, witb Mrs. Wesley Camp- F10 ROY EDWARD CARTER bell. NOW PRESUMED DEAD Misses Dorotby, Helen and Jean Bowers attended the Beacock- Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, Burke- Adams wedding in Bowmanville ton, have been officially notified on Saturday. that their son, F10 Roy Edward Cade Frak Emrson Barie-Carter, 23, reported missing in air fiethbsran Emren rie operations, June 17, 1945, is now fiel, wih hi parnts.presumed dead. The notification Mrs. George Johns witb Mrs. contaîns no furtber word. Reginald Nesbitt. FI0 Carter was born and edu- Mr. and Mrs. Dan Black, Jean cated in Cartwright and after at- and Dora with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. tending Normal School, Toronto, Dickey. taught at Myrtie, Ont., prior to Congratulations ta Mr. Allan enlisting. His father was wound- Beacock and Miss Marguarette ed on the Somme in World War I. Adams, Bowmanville, who were Two brothers also served in the married on June 23rd. present war, LIC George Carter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Joblin at Mr. R.C.O.C. and Tpr. Robert Carter, George Johns'.takcrs Misses Joan, Elizabeth andtakcrs Mary Mollard, Toronto, witb Mrs. Stanley Malcolm. If materialisin is our God it is Communion service was well useless to pray for peace. I5,g'rTer -RffTff N 0,7 7.. UT ALL ADDS UPU Supplies cost just as much as ever. Factory hands must stili be paid a fair wage. And any producer must meet these ex- penses and stili shlow for a margin, of profit. Ail these factors are taken inoa con- sideration and prices are set with fairness toalal cou- cerned. Tbat's sometbing ta remember, when conditions seem a 'ittle rough. JOHN LADATI LUMITED Leoden 'Cane"d. THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK CHILDREINI] $ 6,000,0-00 Buildinq Fund THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1945

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