Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1945, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIOTH SDYJUE2t,14 w-ar, country after country raised trade bar- A HEALTHY MINU HELPS MAKE A HEALTHY BODY were properly organized. President ArthurHad spkthRCNVRLeu..Micl, riers and dried up the commerce of the President Mre asoeo-srnl nbhl world. witMorleyuVanstone ob- sspicions andbehaifd ofathehcausedintroda sed-byhhishfathertLin gestion that Rotary Club donate thanks to Dr. Rundeadr us f ereCweas Eatabilshed 1854 a vast depression. Now the President gives $1000 from current funds and $500 Strike.yonBarHlitodedb AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER the lead for a new world order of mutual more from receîpts from the Car- Alte fapeito rmhsgadahr r i eit With whlch isMopoae confidence. nvlto beheîd August 8. Since MsA.te J. Fak, isrcCo- ivmebsrsetrcie The Bowmanvtfle News, The Newcastle lus recommendation to Congress asked no further suggestions wereforth- isoeGds Ilndependent, and The Orono News. authority to lower present tariffs up to 50% comingd itwsdcddtRics îs onerGidand rwis lwr a itdy rmm 91 Year'u Continuons Service To The Town ~the matter further in a meeting to trophies andtrnptainVsoeRsSrkBeti- 9 Y-r CnnuuSevc oTeTwtre.bitgainn accepedt w-ith ot heri coa be held Monday night. Past for the outîng they noe tgnadD.H ude rsdn of BowmanvMfe and Durham CouLny. tre7 .twa cetdwtotcagn '- _________ ___ - -- Orono over the week-n.Vntn eiddmmesta word. At the samne time approval was givenViirsfrteunho -he oudtnovrheaelo Member to extend the reciprocal trade agreements cluded S. R. James,LinClbthnwPrsdtD.CySeo *AudCitrcuan law for three more years. The measure wvas head table guest, twmebrofathnxtmtigfteCl. etCaiatna U I. carried by almost two-thirds majority and Weekl Newsapersthe voting eut across party lines wvith iead- Associatin i ngerbicn iis hi support. An aendment to exemp agricultural produets O MATR F MASS PRODUC- SUBSCRIPT014 RATES w-as defeated almost tw-o to one which will TION" by Christy Borth (McCleI- $2.00 a Year, strietiy In advance. be of interest to Canadian farmers particu- land and Stewart) is a book which ...~ S2.5 a esrID tse nitd Sttes laly.is more than the personal stonies bazk GE.o. W JA ES int eitdSre. Th ffe f h ecso i ogi- o h of the men who have bujit great ta- GEO.W. AME, Eit0r Th efectof te dcison s togiv tothedustries, it is a book which reveais President, acting on advice of six executive .. the debt owed by people of our time THE STATESMAN HONOR ROLL departmnents, authority to eut tariffs against . tthAmrcngnufomasp. -On Active Service -foreign goods if the importîng countries ivili e.< dtio anrowtissnoscmet .' :~ k th ece of the world when it had Major Wm. G. James eut theirs against United States export pro- been ail but conquered by a madman. ducts. This appears to be a fair approacli Occupational Therapy is an im- the 200 patients on the waiting A book about the men whose bui- Capt. John M. James tomtlidaigbt-e ain n ad portant part of the daily program list, or that one third of the pa- ness it has been to make things and 40 W.O. Donald Cameron do m-îa it i g t a mos crtiatimes ind lorid at the Hoptlfr Sick Children tients are fromn outside Toronto. to make them for the masses by the CSM. George Graham ona ti tamsnciia iei ol in Toronto. Anja forgets hier Nor does she ko hta i-msemr fiinl hnte Cpi. A. Living (KUlled in Action Ini !tai) readjustment, there is every hope that other troubles while she paints a pic- Ontario appeal has been sounded have been made before. nations w-ill embrace the proposai in the ture of the Three Wise Men of for $6,000,000 for a new hospital. * * * spirit in w-hieh it is made. Jmmediately fol- Gotham who went to sea in a Donations may be left at local PRJDE'S WAY by Robert Malloy. Countv I-ealth Unit lowing came the signing of the World Sec- bowl. Anja does flot know about banks or at The Statesman office. $3.00. is the entertaining and adroit- ADDove bvCoutv ounil uritv Charter at San Prancisco. These en- ly satirical story 01 fàmily pride lightened fulfilments have gone far to re- -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - --- - - - 'n the OId South as depictcd in With only one dissenting voice the Couin- move the gloom that had gathered in recent Meo wys iar bu wod ladi,', INe TUE'ei ofM Norhuberan DIS AN Duram mon spoken to each other in, si Il7hic WLiii B voted on Wednesday to set up a Public IN1, THUflANUDS ANIP S -for Mhat was PRIDE'S WA Y. Health Unit for the Counties as outlined inl Rationind Must Continue YF'rom The rnatsman Files oritcshe ccason nos deigtf &lYuronhoe r gow h a' teprogramme for Ontario by Hon. Dr. R. Iniae nW rdPcuenovels.- It was the Literary Guid nyu l g P.the a- Minister of______nd__lfre selection for May and is a novel for Reeve R.R. Stevens, Darlington; and Rueeve Frmastaino lte tcyrs TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIIFTY YEARS AGO everyone who reads for [un. (Mac- Teesn ustt o iaca ne Norm. Green, Cartwright, wcre strongiy for eariy ini the year to pî'esent shortages iny1 90Jn 6,19 ia. pendenceatny read hees o tiatinograthe. plan a W. led iSicusio our domestie meat supply is the picture giving Raymond O. McMann, 10 year Miss Minnie Spry is home fromn TAKE DU BARRY' S PE C IA L substitute frLf nuac samast th trgam.Ree5.A mtMr great concerni to both producers and con- oid son cf Mrs. Florence McMann Ottawa Normal. CENIGLTO.rbi nisr hsidpnec nodaeo rayTonshpiiidisenin, sidhisTon- stuners in Canada todax-. At the same time and the late Francis MeMann LMMrr i oefe the palm of the hand tili it forms a ship Board of Health and the M.O.H. were pttearinsotupydetousal was drowned whiîe swimmmng in A. L. moothtr pastmeeo for yourfailunlthyboese- Vanstone' pond Mate Asbert Montreal havun completedhis fine smohpse appiy, let it opposed. In the absence of Dr. Vivian, a heanexrttTesthnus lu thed row-e fle t ttel Main omp e hit and rub off . .. simple, b;ut ver leupotr sketch of the plan w-as outlined by Dr. R. G. hev xot.Tee thn pu h grw Anderson was sent for and was first year at McGi Unversity. fective for a new lease on beauty.spori. Toronto. in- know-Iedge of the food'situation abroad successful ini bringing upth MisCreMry wetoTislioisepcayprardoMnadwo nwllaaspefro Struthers of the Dept. of Heaith, are tedin g toprud h epeo ii oyO h iaiea tere B. s R Chester N.Y., n then NoTh bisg eto the eway-soitsed trovMen foand onadthi The work was described as preventive, country that rationing must be continued McCready, Field Secretary of King"~ which bides behind the tiny particies reeet witha v.a wcf risigohaltrstadars-idefiitey- ndshatndatradsniSociiaSciaSSericecha, ben unble Wes Duham oysarefoun ofdea ski whch s cnstnriytc.futre. hisdetrmea-iofuobernee ineiitl n htma ainn ilte locate the lad. We* uhmbysaexudng thrown off. Splendid, also, foris Ltnof -' fCa- among sehool and pre-sehool chiIdren, witii have to be restored at an early date. Many Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker passed everywhere almost: R. White, ed- adolescents with "muddy' complex- pendent wyissuau plans for extension of public heaitlî geiler- feel that action in this regard w-as îlot taken hier senior Sight Singing exams itor of the Milton Reformer, men- iosand also, to rub on elbows and dians ownCneeamnLf nuac ally throughout the Counties. There would due to the genieral election. Meantîme thev with honours and Miss Marlon M. tiofs meeting Rev. J. H. Collins, heels to renlove calleuses. adpninbns be a senior medical officer of health at await the decision of the Government anl VanNest passed bier Intermediate of Waterdown, after a lapse cfan es Vocal exams with honours. 28 years. They were both born* * * $5500 per year with an assistant at $4500, we believe the înajority are quite prepared WelyJ. Lagm passed his at Solina. THESE DAMP EARLY SUM- Pl&ans may nltemnhyicm oa and if nec'essarv a further assistant at $3000. again to accept meat rauioning. MEWesleyfesatmefr iabl 2nd year exams at Dental Coi- Tyrone: Officers cf the Junior MRDY r isatrefrdsblt eeis On the staff would be 14 public lîealth The facts are that the U.S.A. has eurtailed lege. League are: Emma M. Wery the rheumatism bogey, which likes nurses. the supervisor paid $2100, and the shpntt fma vresai r otn- The Werry picnie was heid on Edith Skinner, Norman Dcidge, ta strike alter a victim has beerî BEPOEYUISUECNUT others ~ ~ ~ ~ n. $1500 perer rie aîa~ f . ationîng. At the samne time, Brit- haf JonWry ehsa h l rFoec rsr ardunguardedly remained ina spertors would also be employed. î rif rJ,on Werthesa the round es Frn e rash r.n Liflieerwo* 1 ain bas again eut lier domestic consumption William Werry bomestead. Blackstock: Rebert Jackson drf atrwokn o eaxn n jU TPhe total cost w-as estimated at $60,000, to Sbp cresdaonst trigE- MpeGoe eaPwr iie ihgnadrtre the sun. S!oan' Liiment immedi- rPoevstdMcia an eundately gaes ta work where the vise- scain haif of which. would bc paid by the Province. ropeans. And with ail this, Canadia hp Connie Seward and Arthur with Miss Alice Jobb as his bride like pain strikes. stimulating cir- MEAD OFFICETONO Medicai officers of health and Boards of ments of beef aînd pork produets have fallen Lm er are writing Entrance ...Rev. R. L. Edwards gave hiscuatn. othn te rnes Flealth n ow existing would be discontinued off in recent nîontlîs. The plain fact is that Enikle:D.H egsn aeelsro.. ihr u-Sloan's is an mast bathraom cabi- J.COTGNAtn Maar Ennikilln: D. H.Fergsongitt's house and barn were burn- net shelves. because it's been tried16Ch and a general board set up, three of its the entire situation is critical. wili probably who has bought Dr. C. W. Siem- ed. Miss Switzer, teacher, lost and faund the quicker-warking 19CalteSrePTROOG members appointed by the Counties Council become more critical and it must be met. cn's beautiful residence and prac- ail hier clothing and cash and more efficient liniment. te act as a central body. As soon as the Prompt decisions must be taken and no tice, is here practising with Dr. Thos. Richardson, hired man, ls Depatmet a Quen'sPar, itis xpetedfitting himself for the Presby- Port Granby: Miss Minnie Deprtmntat uen'sPar, t i epeced the matter close attention, but no announce- terian ministry. Eiliott has gained great success as the necessary action wiIl be taken to put ment bas been made at the moment. The Hampton: Miss Mildred F. Cole an eiocutionist with one cf the it into effeet. Wardeni C. R. Carveth, Reeve usual deiav at Ottawa is causing, much bas been re-engaged as teacher cf Royal Templar Revival Bands. of Neweastle, presided and bis signature anxiety. teJno om oia .W aceatne gave effeet to the Health Unit Plan. The belief is growing that a general as- Salem: Miss Ruth Squair en- the closing exercises at Pickering ________LI__ tertained in honour cf Miss F. Coliege. . . R. Scctt and famniiy sessment of the Enropean situation. cover- Winn and Miss Leta Cernish who and W. Baker's have moved intc Bell Teleohone ComDanv ing at least a f ive x-ear terni is urgently re- are leaving the cemmunity. their new bouse. Tells Its Wartime Story quired. Without something of this kind there can be no intelligent poliev formulated Pro.babiy no industry or public utility on for Canadian ag-riculture. the Deputy Rotary Club spiints whicb save many lives and the continent bas been more faithful, dur'g Mnse fAgiutr r G. S. Bartonpeetddfriis the war years, in keeping the public inform- bas shown in 'recent addresses. that hie at (Ccntinued fromn page one) Burns used to snuff off 18 cf ~~~~everv -0 hlrnbttda u a tl.Oe ed of its activities, its services and its re- least is alive to the situation. He maintains times it outgrew its surrcundings. 100r chtrebt oa u strictions, than tbe Bell Telephone Company that more livestock and dairv produets and In 1889 the present brick build- toreerch0.An the ortl ifsur nlys ot of Canada. Since its inception 65 years ago, lesweti h edo aîda grcl n a pnd0 olg ern 100. Anrd ther in] def suruhe eaO o ea its basic concerni bas been to renlder -ser- Noftbsbcm vrrw eg e bas arked lu woners i dle- a eehu - ture. Had this policy been pressed, today 's and inadequate and a new buiid- fectes heare-ig clubg feet, f ta h sag due~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~n inlredge oisplc f ulcî aepol utbefdadCndasa' v. jt sout ercthe Gnieri thergty vice" and its remarkable grow-th bas been situation would have been less acute. At anx' igitobercdcnUvrsthae, are-lipa handicaps f <» tha 1jetea e mAyejs now t stdet ahe Taronte ona o paatltoUkxetee and in________ berg obsolet it caf pointy Ail mediae hadiap sufete peoeple mus take W' n aain aeb hl Huosepni ryc ta tisic cove t ihen hlde' medcin anddin araher tpo~e birk 'Oe ake series of advertisements in tbe publie press, Again it is strietly up to the newly elected to a proud record, and Dr. Rundie University receive their instruc-1 er tenOu including The Statesman. Recently we have groverniment to act without delav. i- tini13eUn' eiiead uolohTes eehle reeeived a booklet issued by the Company, Wiotb 95 prr cetof the bedis cf tbrer Domtiio hae ben t5rain s 1naeuy' -a titled '"Our Wartime Story" illustrated lih9 e eto hebd nhlen e are with advertisements adnews items tellin- Labor Making Wise Use of public wards, the patients are peOPe Asho o usngi nteil i edre there Ay acea ofa nufn of 88 Thas 'why B ice today. how it bas kept communications open both Public Relations Plan cae o yasafc 8dcosaiso maintained and every nureTa' ______wbo give their services free andr eeh eBr for war and domestic purposes. îîy ain rm eogie It isa nprn trywihi umror the past two years wve have insisted to a fine staff cf nurses speciall inWrmarcgie aiting forelpoi r ized in four Pages of text at the back of the taIdstybsatr ttelpricar3 ren. Every year it cares for more cie pca riigteea 27 ag voum. Te orear exlans since it bas been under the attack of so- sick bcys and girls than any hos- weii as from many other bospitals that tbe story is told largely for the 200 cialist planners, a story which would set pital of its kind on the North ~Otro forth how it bas he]ped to create -the best American continent. It is open to DrRudetltatiws Bell employees who have served in Canada's chiidren cf ail races and creeds found impossible ta reconstruct armed forces, prinuarily to help themn when ivn tnad ntefaeo h lb n eg;ardless of financial circum- or enlarge the present premises the reurnhom. Te otstndig temeis as contributed immeasurablv to the mardi stncs i A 194,9730chde and the new building is pianned ~* tîme~tor" ota geat anacan nstîutto wbch *~"~"~~ cahidren was te be named the itc- f= tie toy"ofa ret andin nsittin hihformerlyha-ve nilot bee-nunderstood bY bealth. And cf the 16 million Red tary Ward and te, be provided nsel jobs flot ol i u rsn m wbich for initiative and enterprise bas few the public at large are d-efined. Terms sucb Cross parcels sent from Cand wiheupetfromRay ply sbth thme nd vrea btfr peers anywbere. as, collective bargaining, union security, the threugh the Red Cross for Cana- funds. And Rotary wculd con- chk-fmmesimaneacuin dian prisoners cf war the food if tinue its work in providing free additioiial workes Givn t W rldr~eekof, smbesip aitennc, umo each was ail planned at the Hos- treatment for chiidren. The Lead Gie oW rdshop, elosed shop, svniority rides. etc. We pital for Sick Children. Preston Club bas already piedged For Freer Trade have learned that readers' have been much Dr. Rundie told aise about the $5,000 te the fund. iiiterested in these frank explanations and outbreak cf infantile paralysis in Mr. Strike told cf rising con- S O President Trmuman was supported by the the idea bias created the inmpression tlîat Ontario in 1937. The only iron struction costa, with materials up FakWlim Congress of the United States whi lie inov- unions bave nothitig to bide and seek only lung in the province was if use at 100 per cent and laber cesta up 60FrkWiims, cd reenly o lw-e tu baries t trde, for ettr udertaidin. 'bisis îseuse the bospital. 0f the 405 cases per cent and there was every rea- ~~c ad thisenligtenedwe ation eosingr to tae, fo pblic reinsanidtue hi Oshaw s oue examined, and others coming in, son to believe the original esti- and tis enigliened ctio, comng o the f puone rlasioGorndohe Jacksonueilgieena mates Jakoundivbemafeund wanting.d antMan Maager eve of the sigflitlg of the Saut Francisco in takiiig this for-ward step) is servîuig Most only an heur te live. The Super- He suggested that plans shculd Charter, lias done more than any other con- intelligentlyv the inteu-ests of Unions as well intendent cf the bospital and the be laid te eversubseribe the temporary înea.sure to restore hîope to a war as the general publ?e. Chief Engineer built a wooden ameunt asked and concluded witb toui world. One of the basic causes of war lung and the young lad's life was tentative proposaIs for the local Ir saved. Today he is il and as drive. The allotment fer Bow- was the spirit of isolationism and self suf- It may be laid as an universal mule that active as any boy on the street. manville bas been set at $3,500 ficiency that swept across the continental a government which attempts more than it The staff wcrking day and night and the speaker felt that this or countries particularly. Following the last ought will perform less.-T. B. Macaulay. produced 32 iran lungs and 3000 more could be raised if the driveIl1Ma

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