Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1945, p. 7

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THURSDAY, MAY 1th, 1945 THE CAADIANSTATEMAN, BWAANELLE, NTART Luica i* Clip out the new time table for the Garton Coach Lines.on page 5 and save it for reference. <Miss Jean Pattinson, Toronto, spent the week-end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattin- son. Mrs. W. J. Cully has returned from a week's visit with her dataghter, Mrs. William Watson, Hamilton. Miss Ida Peebles, Colborne; Miss Dorothy Smnale, Hamilton; Mr. Archie Smale, Toronto, were week-end gucsts of Mrs. C. J. Smale. Miss Margaret Storcy, Nurse- in- Training, Toronto General St. Paul's UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY Anniversary Services SUN. MAY 13,1945 SPEAKER: Rev. E. R. McLean General Secretary Ontario Rcligious Education Council j Special music and singing by thxe Seholars for Mothcr's Day Service I A NNO UNCEMEN T Raby's Beauty Salon LIBERTY STREET WiIl Open Friday, Mfay llth Up-to-date equipment for machine and maehineless permanents IAIR STYLING . . . FACIALS AL For appointment phone 2694 To the Electors of Durkam At a meeting of the Durham Liberal Association held in Orono recently for the purpose of selecting a standard bearer in the Provincial contest, Mr. George Annis, of Darlington Township, and I, were proposed. Mr. Annis asked that he be allowed to withdraw, which left me alone in the field. I stated then that I accepted reluctantly the responsibility of becoming your candidate. Since thA time, Mr. Annis has reconsidered his decision and with the consent of my friends I have stepped aside in his favour, pledging him my whole hearted support. In this spirit, I trust that al Liberal minded electors in Durham riding will show their confidence ini Mr. Annis. 1May 8, 1945 (Signed> CECIL G. MERCER To the Electors of the County of Durham Mr. C. G. Mercer hairing resigned as Liberal Candi- date for the County of Du.rham, I have consented to accept the nomination as Liberal Candidate for the Riding in the forth-coning Provincial Election. Having had considerable experience as Reeve in Township and County Council work, particularly pertaining to Agriculture, and having served on the executive of the Ontario Agricultural Council for the past twelve years, I submit my name to the electors of this County to be your representative at Queen's Park. If you honour me with youir confidence, I will do my very best to represent you in a way that will 1'do honour to this historic old County of Durham. Respectfully yours, GEORGE F. ANNIS May 9, 1945 R.R. 2, Bowmanville 9 Hospital, is spcnding a couple weeks with ber parents, Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey. Mrs. Ward R. Hoffman, wbo, rsince ber marriage, bas been at eSt. John, N.B., wberc ber busband Lieut. Hoffnian has been station- cd, is spending a few days witb her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Members of Jerusalem Lodge, A. F. & A. M., Bowmanvilîe, gathered in the Lodge Room, Wednesday evening for a service of Thanksgiving and Victory in Europe as sponsored by the Grand Lodge of Canada. W.M. -Ross Stevens presided and was assisted in the impressive services by Canon, Major C. R. Spencer, V.D., and Rev. Dr. W. P. Fletcher. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! A robin, banded in June, 1943, was reported killed near Athens, ITennessee, by the Department of Fîsb and Wild Life Service of Washington, to Forrest A. Dilling, who is an ardent bird bander. He bas banded ncarly 1,000 migra- tory birds. B3Y strange coincidence this bird found dead was rcported by a namesake, Forrest Wilson, R o u t e 5, Athens, Tennessee, wbich is approximately 600 miles as the robin flics, from Bowman- ville Beach where it was binded. Also reported, at th]s particular time, from Washington, was the capture of a female redwing blackbird, on March 3, 1945, near Dunn, North Carolina, by Mrs. I. S. Williams. This bird was band- cd at Bowmanville Beach on May 21, 1944. Previously, a white throated sparrow was reported killed in Montmorency County, Alabama, about 950 miles fromn the point of banding. This bird was banded in 1942 and succumnbed in 1944. Lucky is the man whose hat is s0 ancient bis wifc wouldn't thînk of adding it to the old clothes col- lection-Boston Globe. PTE. FRED VAN LUVEN SUIFFERS SLIGHT WOUND IN' BELGIUM Pte. Fred VanLuven bas becr sligbtly wounded in action in Be:. gium, according to word receiveé by bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P VanLuven, 168 Nassau Street Oshawa. The telegram was ad- dressed to bis wife, the formei Arvilla McQuarrie of Bowmar. ville. Pte. VanLuven cnlistcd in thE Lorne Scots Regiment on January 13 1943, at Toronto. He receiv- cd bis education in Peterboro, Tc- ronto and Camp Borden and was then, posted overseas, arriving in February of last year. He later transferrcd to tbe Algonquin Regiment, with wbîcb. he was scrving at the time he was wounded. This is the second time Pte. VanLuven bas been wound- cd, having received a bip wound while serving in France on Au- gust 17. 1 A former employee of the Tube and Rod Dept. at General Motors, he was born in Kingston on Sep- tember 29 1923, and received his education a t Napance Publie Scbools. He is a former member of the Canadian Order of Forest- ers. He bas tbree sisters, aIl living at home and an infant son, Fred. erick Francis 'VanLuven, with his mother in Bowmanville Bîood Donors Wed., April 25: J. T. Brown, Newcastle, lltb donation. Mar- garet Alldread, Newcastle; Mrs. R. D. Preston, Bowmanville, 9th donation. Mrs. Jean Kennedy, Bowmanville, 8tb donation. Mrs. Elizabeth Bothwell, Bowmanville; Harvey Yellowlces, Frank T. Smith, Enniskillcn, 6tb donation. Mrs. Clara Ncedbam, Russell Gimblett, Bowmanvillc, Sth dona- tion. Mrs. May Cowlc, Mrs. Ella Mary Wright, Bowmanville, 3rd donation. J. Smith, Alfred Gar- rod, Gordon Laking, Newcastle; Ross Cryderman, Enniskillen, 2nd donation. Chas. Gadsdon, Court- ice; Harold Harris, Newcastle, lst donation. At D.I.L., Ajax - Flor- ence Disley, Bowmanvillc, 6th, donation. Fni., April 27: Ross Stevens, Bawmanvillc, l6tb donation, W L. Paterson, Bowmanville, l4th donation. Donald S. Lewis, En- niskillen, l2tb donation. Walter Goode, Bo\emanville, 9th dona- tion. S. H. Cove±-ly, Bowman- ville, 8tb donation. Jos. Schwarz, Bowmanville, 3rd donation. Cecil Goodwin, Courtice, 2nd donation. Mon., April 30: George Vine, Bowmanvîllc, l4tb donation. A. Mairs, Nestîcton, 9th donation. Cecil B. Joncs, Orono, 8tb dona- tion. W. Lloyd Snowden, Bow- manville, 5th donation. Arthur C. Brown, Jack Dunn, Bowman- ville, 3rd donation. Earl Tbomp- son, Bowmanville, 2nd donation. CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL Cartwright Councîl met May 7, witb members ail present and Reeve N. Green presiding. Wm. Harding requested culverttin street at Caesarea. Referred ta Road Supt. On m o t i o n Township em- ployees are ta be insured in Compensation Board. D. Dorrell ard S. ýaylor made application for usual grant ta Agricultural Society. Granted. Alex Gilbert and L. Mountjoy appeared re Victory Bonds. No action. Orders were signed as follows: A. Gilbert, bulbs, $2.10; Agricul- tural Society, grant, $200.00; A. Leighton, 1 lamb killed, $5.00; H. Thompson. overseas b o x es, $115.69; Wm. Fitze, relief, $4.33; iF. A. Hyland, assessor, $125.00; *H. Thompson, Sec'y-Treas. S.S. 1 No. 5, $200.00; W. Bradburn, sbeep valuator, $200. By-Law *as given first read- ing, placing ail sehool sections in rSchool Area, except 3 and 8, *Scbool Sections 3 and 8 having a chance to unite at June meeting, if thcy wish. THE COMMON ROAD By Sulas H. Pcrkins I want to travel the common road 1With the great crowd surging by, Where there's many a laugb and many a load, And many a smile and sigh. I want to be on the common way Witb its eiýdless tramping feet, In the summer brigbt and winter gray, In the noonday sun and heat. In the, cool of evening with sbadows nigh, At dawn, when the sun breaks clear, I want the great crowd passing by, To ken what they see and hear. I want to be one of the common herd, Not live in a shcîtered way, Want to be tbrilled, want to be stirred By the great crowd day by day; To glimpse the restful valleys deep, To toil up the rugged hili, To sce the brooks which shyly creep, To have the torrents tbrill. I want to laugb with the common man Wbcrever he chance to be, I want to aid him when I can Whenever there's need of me. KNOW, DONT GUESS DO you know that ail your property is adequately in- sured against every hazard which can bring you a total or crippling loss? If you are flot sure, let this agency help you with friendly counsel. Stuart IR. James Insu.rance and Real .Estate Suecessor To J. J. Mason & Son Phone 681 Ring st. Bowmanville IN MEMORIAM ARMISTEAD-In loving memory of a dear brother, Thomas Henry Armistead who passed away May 9, 1936. 'The sweetest of memories are ail that is left 0f anc of the dearest and one of the best; We do not forget him, we neyer intcnd, WC think of him always and will to the end." -Ever remembered by Maud, Annie, Will and Jack. 19-1* ARMISTEAD-In loving memory of our beloved mother, Eliza- beth Emma Armistead, who passed away May 20, 1937. 'Away in the beautiful bîlîs of God, In the valey of rest so fair, Sometime, some day, we know flot when, We will meet our Mother there." - Lovingly remembered by Maud, Annie, Will and Jack. 19-1* Cards of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Richard McNeil wish ta thank their friends of Haydon community for remem- bering them s0 kindly before leaving the ncighborhood and ex- tend to themn a bearty invitation to visit themn in their new home at Enniskiilen. 19e1s The family of the late Mrs. A. E. Reader wish to thank their SPECIAL MUSICAL friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness and beau- Citizens, regardless of tiful flowers tendered themn on hear the issues of the the death of their dear mother. 19-1* Public Cordial The family of the late Mrs. Thomnas Coathamn wish to express Durham Count' tersincere appreciation and thanks to the many friends and IRWIN COLVILLE, PresidE neighbors for their kind ex -_______________ pressions of sympatby, cards and beautiful floral tributes, and to Rev. S. Lîttlewood for bis kind- nesto their mother during ber Change of Date illness and for the sympathetic and understanding message at the Revision of Voters' List time of their bereavement. 19-1 The Township of Darlington Court of Revision of Voters' Lists I want to lcnd a bclping hand for the Provincial Election, will Over rougb and steep To a child too young to under- be held in the stand- To comfort those who wecp. TOWNSHIP HALL I want ta live and work and plan HAMPTON, With the great crowd surging by, - on - To mingle witb the common man, No better or worse than I. FRIDAY, MAY 1 lth fromn 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Instead of on Tuesday, May 8th, The disappearance, in great as prcviously advcrtised. numnbers,of hub caps fromn motor (Signed) J. C. M. GERMAN, cars is mystifying, as there is not Chairman Election Board, much you can do witb these ex- Northumberland and cepf'ýpass tbemn as 50-cent pieces Durham. GRAND OPENING MEETING! In Provincial Election Campaign IN THeINTEREST 0F THE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CAN- DIDAE FOR DURHAM COUNTY. WILL BE HVLD I lOpera House, Dowmanville TUESDAY, MAY 15 At 8.15 p.m. Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian Minister of Health and Public Welfare AND OTHER PROMINENT SPEAKERS 1h. Lucky New Way Io .. . A :beaner Ieeth. Brighter SmiIes4.9Us £'OIOTH LEENEX PROGRAM- dtheir political leanings, are invited to this meeting t0 ecampaign discussed. lly Invited - - Especially the Ladies 1 :y Progressive Conservative Assoc. ent R. R. WADDELL, 'Secretary British - Israel -World Federation Three Prophetic Lecture Ï COUNCIL CHAMBER Bowmanville, 8 p.m. - -'f7 SPEAKER - R.E. WEMP, Field Secretary WED. MAY 16- "Palestine - thxe World's Powder Keg" THUIISDAY. MAY 17 - "imminent Things" FRIDAY, MAY 18 - "More Imminent Thingsl' World-Shaking Events Which Must Shortly Corne To Pass Ail Wclcome - Offering LISTEN TO C.F.R.B. SUNDAYS 1.15 pm -"LO CSMEROU TME.EPURP :9at 14 CREM29 C SFACE POWDER 6 FlefI.rlng Shaodes 29e 4 LovolyDoaring fnts30OC ' ROUGE 3ThriUine Teo&..30Uc OAl #v494 aiam mIl buI I ---,, z *Iz Basic Soap Bath S;ts50 t $.5 super fatt.d coes= .oap- hm .from - ELdultermt-will mot injure Most MOTHER S DAY tender akin. AD1 per cake 25e 5c, 1cARD25Sce pyurlvr 10e, 15e, 2 e Wak. upyour Iler> BARGINS. .. TIED EET feel flghtlng fit by 50e Pmcex ---------32e T R D F E 1 l CJ ytm $1.25 Pinkham's 6tkn Comp. -----87e$ 7c Lux soap ----2-llic y, v E N O S $2.25 Lactogen $1.59 a A T 60e Robinsons "R I AT Barley --33e %SL 35e Corega ------- 24e X 25e A.S.A. Tablets 19e 25e A.B.S. & C. Tablets ------- 19e 7c Lifebuoy Soap 2 -île 69e Oxydol 62C PRESCRIPTIONS àA SPECIALTY ALEX McOREOOR LAURA SECORD CANDIES DRUGS PHONE 792. - WE DELIVER Jane Seymour Geam Gift Sets ---------------- $1.25 up Bathettes -------------50c - $1.00 Dusting Powders------------- 69c up Cutex Sets -------------- 50e up Wood's Bath Ou --------60e, $1.00 Wood's Milk Foam -------- 55c, $1 Jane ScYmour Face Powder, famnily box -----------$1.25 Yardley's Lavender Perfume 95c, $1,25 Special Gift Soaps REMEMBER MOTHER'S DAYý SUNDAY, MAY l3th .Your remembrance to your Mother nced flot bc an elaborate present. Just a single, inexpensive gift will convey your sentiments perfectiy, and she will appreciate your thougbt on ber special day. We list many practical suggestions beiow. Phone 792 and place your order NOW. Laura Secord Candies, 1 lb ......... 70c Colognes, Lentheric, Three Fîowers < etc. .. ... ... ... ... ... -.....GO6C up Stationery, boxed ......... 40c, $2.50 Perfumes........0c, 65e and up Max Factor Pan-Cake Make-Up .$ 1.75 Page & Shaw Chocolates 70c, 1.15, 1.40 Victory Loan Drive Needs Spurt to Reach Objective Witb Hope Township air eady away over the top the general County objective in the 8th Victory Loan has cntered the final quarter of complete success. Witb a brief pause to observe V-E Day, canvassers are again driving onward with full hopes of meeting or passing the County allotment. The campaîgn closes Saturday night, so buy that extra bond before then. Figures relcased as we go to press are: Objective Sales to Date Percent Hope -------------------------- $ 130,000 $ 178,400 137 Port Hope------------------------------- 480,000 330,600 69 Bowmanville--------------------------- 350,000 253,300 72 Darlington -------------------------------200,000 139,900 70 Manvers----------------------------------- 85,000 61,600 72 Clarke -------------------------- -------215,000 156,000 73 Cavan ----------------------------------- -125,000 90,350 72 Cartwright -------------------------------65,000 26,200 40 rotals ------------------------------------ $1,650,000 $1,236,350 75 a 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Hon. Dr. R. P. Vivian D SPEAKERS- s ine meeting

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