Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1945, p. 6

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---- -- ~~J WMALtN-V-IL.LE', UNTA.tUUTHURSDAY A Ut,14 S.S. No. 9, Clarke Mayor Stephenson No. ceebraed urrederand (Continued from page one) No. 9celebratedSurnder andthewas the only figure mn the Empire Share a Little cV-iEnsDofNewcastle in Ne to hold office, undefeatedduring A munity Hall in the afternoon andi capacity, ablity to get to the root in the evening many again joi- of things as hie has been doing by S U 't L I H Ted in the Township srvice ir visiting ail parts of Canada. He (Orono Town Hall. Our child was the one man who gave great- reSUretrnpoteGtH Tw est impetus to Dominion-Provin- t i Me w rs. H. sp on to e-cial relations and his greatest Auti Trnr.sregt rstdon the fact that J WIT TH SE usin urnr.hehas shownhle can co-operate WT r SEThe people of No. 9 geGthered at with ail pro*inces. Mr. Harold Pedwell's on May 2nd Tefnlwr a htwr to honor Kenneth and his bride.muTe fnl do quicklyorie W ho Livie In the Shadoiv Teyul n d coupe rc eivd any contact the doubtful, the inde- evening was spent by ail. cisive, create an organization giv- Our Hm and School Club ing fullest expression to team- CIVE GENEROUSLY ! visited Browfls Club on Tuesday. work. anucdta ____Our______________ folks supplied the The chairman anuedta musical numbers while Syd. Lan- Dr. Vivian, who sent regrets he caster put on a Victory Film and could not be present, would open wwWarden Carveth and Dr. Devitt bis campaign on May 15 at Bw TAG DA4Y FOIRR E L I1D showed moving pictures both of manville. local scenes and of Dr. Devitt's When officially named as can- BOOKS- ' fishing haunts at Algonquin Park. didate, Mr. Stephenson again ad- GLASS -C dressed the gathering and intro- duced Mrs. Stephenson who join- TURES Sà4 UIDAY N Y 1 thed him on the platform. He feit BIBLES - SAT RDA , AY ZthOn Tyrone humble and was impressed with the great responsibility vested in BOOKS - Bi __________________________On_ Friday evening, Tyrone hlm and closed with a fighting WALL BRAC Junior Young People held a social mood that met the mood of the VING TRAY The minmum objctie o Te RyalCanclin Nvy owevening in Bethesda school. The entire delegation. Te mnmm ojcieo Te .,lCnda aynwcommittee in charge was Helen REFLECTOR Caaas8hVictory Loan, open- has seven Navy hospitals with a Miller, Edith and Joyce Woodley E RAINO TIES. ing April 23, has been set at capacity of 1,750 beds where none and Gregor Friend. The program $1,350,000,000, an ali-time high. ise atteotra ofwrwsopnd ih cmuit AGRICULTURE PICNIC The minimum from individuals istda h ubeko a.wsginled by Joycodleniy. E O UY1 $675,000,000, 50 per cent of the Personnel of the medical branch Gsin nd b ces oled CET AR L 1 which were conducted by other Durham County Federation Fryu w members of the committee. A continued in its successful execu- Frou w refreshing lunch of bot dogs and tive meeting when 16 members wife, or soi cake completed an enjoyable eve- attended at the home of Mr. and mother. Don ning. For the next meeting, at Mrs. Walter Reynolds, Welcome. send a greetin Bethesda school on May 18, the Every meeting this year has been ELJunior Young People will enter- well attended and it looks as if VISIT 01 tain the Senior Young People of the County Federation is at lastDEA Tyrone. coming into its own. DPR The annual picnic was set for July l9th in Orono Memorial SoJina ParkEditor Porter of the Farm- er'sAdvoatebas been secured as the speaker. Preliminary com- je W .i l Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Charles mittees were set up for this im- ic ~Smith, Oshawa, with Mrs. J. J. portant event. "I Smith. . . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Secretary was asked to secure PHON Tbompson, Taunton, with Mr. 150 copies of "The Farmers Meet Thos. Baker and Vera. .. Mrs. E. the Cabinet," for distribution. FOOD STORES1 PRICES SUBJECT TO MARK(ET CHANGES Davis, Mrs. John Nesbitt, Kedron, This is a very fine booklet which________ Wl RISERVI 1THE RIGHI TO LIMIT OUANTITIES at Ralph Davis'. .. Mr. and Mrs. shows clearly just what the Pied- SILVERBROOK Frst Grade lb. Ray Cameron, Iniez, Beverley and eration is doing in the interest of Ta ssbca 37% Janeen, observed the 15th anni- the farmers. Ti ssbci ~L C E OUR W lb 559 versary of their wedding at the Schedule for showing the Na- PRINCESS FLAKES LAG-Pg 24e Many persons from here at- public during May was drawn up. OXYDOL Small Pkg. 9 0 Large Pkg. 229 tended the meeting at Hampton, The Federation believes this is a F ly COC A clb. 1 Friday evening, when Hon. Dr. R. very worthwhile movement along FR S OM 39 .Vivian, Minister of Health, the lines of education and is will- NEW CHE SE MILD I L.25 gave an enlightening address on ing to co-operate to make this NEW HEES 259 thepreventive and curative bene- movement a Success. ------ ---- =î------- ------- fits obtained by the establish- A report is expected on the re- a INVEST IN THE BEST ment of a County Health Unit newal of the Health Survey. Sec- and clearly explained the admin- retary has been in touch with JAYLA ' istration of such a unit. - those concerned and a promise lOUSEOLD About 70 friends assembled at was given that the work would be A IVIIUUIftflu the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert resumed immediately and a ful NEED VICTOIRY Balson, Thursday evening, to, report given. BU.' I honour'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bal- The full success of the Feder- _______ 4_____BONDSUIU son. Tom Baker expressed the ation depends on the individual -------------- -- ids regards of ail in an apt ad- farmers themselves and not on desand Charles Langmaid pre- the directorate. We need more ODEX OAP 2Cakes lile sented Hy and Helen with an oc- members and stili more members. sJ. ODEX S AP 2 asional chair on behaif of the There are so many things which CASHMERE TOILET Cakes community. The remarks of the can be done for the farmer but uOAri2 lie capable chairman, Mr. B. G. these will have to remain as they t IIC R NI Spagetti, Vermicelli or 1-lb.9e tevens, were supplemented by are until such time as the farm- M C R I Ready Cuts-Cateili Pkg. tose of Jack Reynolds and Mr. ers themselves make it possible NEATSPR ADS YORK BRAND 3 3o.2< A. L. Pcalîsforth the do hmby membership anld HAW S L NON OIL 6-oz. 15o 1-.2 faithful and thankful attendance membership drive it is the plan . HA E E O I t.-oz 5e of aIl its members a 2 p.m.on of the Federation to have mem- NAR AL DE A. & P. ORANGE 24-oz. Jar25 Sunday to, a service of combined bership cards at ail the Film 14ARM LAD I 25 sgnificance- Thanksgivingfo Board meetings and t make an OLD CHEESElb 29e V-E-Mother's Day - Sacrament extra effort to have ail join. CAMPBL3 S O25T of Baptism. Here are some things you ought SOUP3 T's 25 toknow: In spite of what you IASP. JAN WITH PECTIN 24-oz. Jar 29# Mai. Mowat Says hear this is flota a political or- ______anization. tia movement for ------- ---------- .----------- Cniudfo paen) farmers and their interests and Bu utmGround * Cotiue frmAagEoe) it is run by farmers. Buy CustomANN PAGE ' n, grownups and the boys com- I tde every movement as A. p ~EVIEN FRESH ing home giving an impetus to flya osbeadue t n à G FENL read, to open their minds by turn- fluence to see that the farmer VIGOROUS & WINEV M LK BREA» t ing to good books. The recent gets as square a deal as possible. * ~~~vwu lb. ~~~ WHITE ~opening of a memorial shelf at Isitessarmny Hath DUIA3 d 5 WHOLE WHEAT the local library was a fine ges- chiîd welfare, prices, soul conser-'Q MILO& M CRCKE tue and Mr. Mowat wcnt on to vation, crop improvement, farm-I.: MILD& MLLb. 2RACED HEA describe what is being done in crs social activities, farm andT 8 O O LOCK 3 j 2 Loave 150 another Ontarici town. town relationships, good govern- C2 ---__-_-----------------_ He said the peoplere have metdean lvn and a multi- I~ Plans laid to build a municipal tude of other things. The strcngth -Y Memorial Park, attractively land- and interest of aIl concerncd, will , 1 j ~ /scaped, with a wading pool for make possible the most good to ____________ children, but the central feature be accomplished. was a new modemn building to _________ Boneless, Round steak and Roast, lb. 39c beusedd as ahFree Public Library.tocrythrppes Plne ihcare, it would be Hclping tocry -. pol' departmentalized, with rooms for burdens somehow seems to light- Porterhouse, Wing and Sirloin Steak arts and crafts, drama etc., and en our own. and oas, lb..............41c furnisbed with the ultimate in books and periodicals, a real com- What a man knows should find mnunity centre conceivcd . with. its expression in what he does. ......................b. 25c greatest benefit to aIl and par- The value of superior knowlcdge 1 ticularly for returncd'men. is chiefly in that it leads to a per- Short Rib Roast................ lb. 27c Such a cultural centre could be forming manbood.-Bovee. Boneessvea *rlie front) would be self supporting, with- one es veu ) . .lb. 25C the usual tax appropriations and TEXAS CARROTS This is subscrpîo îm'ARLIEST HARBOR OPENING: CaptainAn lbs. 19c tim-! Ad ..W. Keay, .1E., a six-yrar vtran of tuie wartime OOfi< 3 Ibs. 19c INavy from Canadian 1acific Stearnslips and ývon rior of two sinkings, here recives tie s ick lie ivon by Park- im ning the Gatineau Park into Moîtral on April 9, a ptel T E X A S T O M A T O ESM Raw INso j W, E S T ar.y mka l ayearlierthiannavigation for ov an ves.sels ever ad Capt up and ship )J osehold Funiture. Con. I'crguson, port manager, National l1irbors Bonard, make the b solidated Pool (.ara to Manitoba, Saskatch. the presentation is ('aitain Edmnund Ailimaîî, assistant to encrn l b. ...19C ewan, Aberta, British Columbia and to u lara fCP .. n iaî orc inro n MIF C~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aiI(ornia. Write, wftreorphoneforârd h himucfedSS, n inef omrNine fi"p freight rates.Etbihd18 the stick. To Captain Rcay's left is ('lief Engiracer T. M. and1 610 Yonge St., Toronto. Kingadale 5125 Atkinson, 1. 'E., of thic Gatiiaeau P>ark, another of the rier,j MOVIIES, P*CKIIG SHOPPUime &0 STORAGE . more than 6,000 Canadian Pacifie sailors now serving the she w TATIONERY- CHINA - PIC- MOTTOES - -PRAYER BOOK ENDS - CKETS - SER- YS- TABLE S and NOVEL- RDS ,n mother, your >rne one elses m't neglet to ng ... 5c to 25e )UR GIFT TMMENT EWELL i 20" ER 55t ition time! IL Capt. Rawson 1. (Continued from page one) prehension on another powder keg. And the preliminary uncer- tainties at San Francisco were cause for concern. Probably the most emphatic declaration of Capt. Rawson wvas the warning: "Don 't anyone dare to turn sob- sisters with false mercy for the merciless, now that the Germans are beaten to their knees, crying for forgivencss. Let us finish the job! to steel our minds and hearts to wipe out forever the last shrcds of Naziism and Fascism from the face f the carth." We have be- fore us the evidence of. the most inhuman atrocities in German prison camps as well as their wanton destruction of the lives of innocent civilians. Another war, if it comcs, said thc speaker, would find whole populations destroyed in their beds by instruments we can neither hear nor see. Such was t h e dreadful development of science in war weapons during the past five years. But these emphatic and realistic assertions, received wîth sober concern by the audience, were relieved by the speaker's lighter interludes. Uc told of bis trp overseas by air and believed he bad created a record in crossing tbc Atlantic twice without even seeing it. Uc spotted Ireland because it was green and knew he was over Scotland when ail the boîts and nuts on the plane tightened up. With him on the trip was Car- dinal Villeneuve. Flying at 9,000 feet, if was very cold. They had but four blankets each and when the n.C. air commodore tucked bsonblankets around the Car- dinal, Rev. Rawson was persuad- cd h, himself had taken up min- istry. i the wrong church. But bis discomforts were aIl forgotten when he mingled with the peo- pIes and the soldiers whosc dis- comforts had been cndurcd with amazing fortitude for more than five years. His visits among themn were described with the vividness of one who kncw what it was aIl about. Fcw remaincd dry-eyed when he told of the gallant airmen, ly- ing in hospital, burned, blacken- cd, disfigured, that liberty might- be preservcd to us. Hc told of 2being shown the amazing opera- tions pcrformed, bis guide none to other than Air Commodore Dr. Ross Tilly of Bowmanville. He to described bis meeting with bis- airman son, now decoratcd and holding an important command. boy now grown to manhood in the fires of war, that drove home most forcefully the realization of a new world era. For parents, Capt. Rawson bad a word of caution: "ýDon't expect your same son back. Give him time in bis own way to return to normal if e again. He is changed in a way that intrusion and unin- formed advice may be harmful. It may take months, years, but bear with him as man to man. Let bim find bis own feet for he bas been through experiences that fcw at home can comprehend." In conclusion, the speaker told of witnessing something of the spced that bas shrunken and changed the world. Hc saw planes speeding at 450 miles per bour, overtaken by others that passed them like a streak of ligbt. In the post-war world we shahl circle the globe ira a matter of hours. a new world opening be- fore us with all its implications. In a moving peroration, Capt. Rawson referred with praise to Canada's war effort, but went on to tell of the even more decisive intervention of the Russians, of the great man in a great dcmoc- racy, which, not at war, had ac- cepted Lend-Lease and turned the tide to victory. But of ahl the Allies, none deserved the final praise that wîhl be accorded by history to the people of Britain. No people have suffered so mucb, so long, or produced so much as the British. The vote of thanks to Capt.- Rawson was proposed by Geo. W. James, whose tribute was endors- ed by spontaneous applause. H. W. Jeffery, Se'y-Treas. of the Canadian Club, expresscd hearty appreciation to the ladies wbo provided the excellent dinner, whicb was graciously acknow- .dged by Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn. This is subseniption time! miralty in the Batte of Supply. The decoraf ions of cr and Member in the Order of tlhe Britisha Empi re a )y the captain and chief caîgincer of tlec Gatiia,'-a -arc among 71 sch awards and ma'tion)s in des- cs oan tle C.P.S.8. imoier roll for gallantry nt. sa. taina ],eay was srving ina tlh 42,000-toaa Empress of tan ar d the Duclacss f York wMien tlaey w-ere sent to bottor', as twýo of 12 ('aiadian Paific vessels ]est by my acton. On D-Day the wiinar of Montrcal's "first- prize fiis ye'ar was a barthing offieer at Southampton prior Io tis lhe had brouglit the invasion troop car-~ Empire Lance, from tlae American west oast, where was bîilt, ta ler station for the asault on Normandy. M EYES TESTED - GLASSES FITTED - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED - Rubber Bottie Caps, 2-25e Brush and Comb Rubber Gioves -------- 45e Sets Hospital Sheeting -- $1 yd. For Men and Ladies Hot Water Botties - --- $1.19 $3.98 FIGHT MOTUS .. . Larvex Spray 83c, $1.29 Moth Balis - 1--- 9e lb. Fly Tox ---- 24c, 43c, 79c Moth Bags ---39e, 55e,85e SPRING TONICS . . . E Burdock Blood Bitters 98ees Nyal Biood Purifier $1.00O v Feilow's Syrup 89c, $1.39 Nyal Hypophosphites 1I ý DEODORANTS ...I Arrid ---------- 15c, 39e Mum ------ - --- 39e, 59e Odorono Cream ------39e C U I Y U Odorono Liquid ------39c D. T. Health Saits Pond's Make Up Fat ---------69c English style 1 lb. 59e LIPSTICKS ... Revion (new shades> 65e Pond's..........-----19è, 55e Cashmere Bouquet - 29e SPrincess Fat ---------29c Tril Tone -- -----------25C LEIO' . Nyalon--- No-Hoz -- Duraion -49-------- e18 NESTLE'S COLORINSE - 14 shades -------------15c, 35e Phone ~ We Fit 695 CUWLII1I'S DU iSTORETrse .-----------ý75e .------------59C N. y> The answcr to inefficiency isn't It takes less effort to shake fire a man from bis job but hands than to shake our fists. And 'Victory Is Ours!1 I G I Famr Troday the nation rejoices in the unconditional surrender of Germany. Let us not forget that, ai- though the war in Europe is ended, there stili remains ano- ther enemy ... the Japs. Let us therefore work with renewed vigor until this sec- ond enemy has also surrender- ed unconditionally. Alex. Gilbert eneral Merchant Blackstock, Ont. Let us help you wlth your Springtime needs of grease, il, eiee- re fenee controllers; also woven wire fenee, DeLaval mllk oolers, separators and eleetro-pals available at once. A Good Supply f Repairs for DeLaval Produets On Hand CASE OWNERS - We have a supply of repairs on hand now, ome in and diseuss youi, problems with us. 011 filter replace- ment cartridges for most tractors. - Prompt and Courteous Service at AUl Times - DeLaval, Warco Grease & 011 - Fram Oul Filters W. H. Drown-- Case Dealer Canadian Steel Fence Phones: 497 & 2610 M warnung [Notice librook, Ont. t 19-2 Ail long corn stubble or other corn remnants no unatter .rere they may be, must either be ploughed under coni. pietely or gathered and burned BEFORE MAY 2Otîî. FAILURE to do so leaves the offender liable to prosecu- tion, or paying the cot f men to clean up, or cost of both prosecution and clean up. Kindly co-operate and If you know of anyone that has flot cleaned up their corn refuse by May 20, just Write or wire the Inspector. it, is your duty to co-operate. Check the Corn Borer. P. 1. BENTLEY, Inspector àenerai Merchant Blackstock, Ont. r 7ize 1 1 m m 1 1 m 1 9 THE CANADIAN STATESMAu nnumff A%"nT T 10 r%'K-rrAnirý This is subscription time! Phone 45

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